X n J P v ot i the 4- ifce the KtSOLLllON Of tXDOUSKSlENT HESEA8, THB 10U6LAS iMDKPKAbENT ft oewnpopfr published In RoseburiT. fau ' been published in this county for tbe period of three years ; and . ,? - Whereas, said newspaper is now wl establlflwd, nnd during s, three years' trial It has faithfully served tbe interests of the producer' and tax-payer ; therefore be it jtutMiea, e, me members ot the t.'inp. juOrHOK So. 29, do give Tmt Douglas j Isdbpekdknt our unqualified endoeemeot. ad w,iuld recommend it as ft newspaper I orthy the patronage of every farmer and ax payer in boutnern Oregon, Uko. W. Jokes, Master. : J. P )csC4H. fe-jretary SATURDAY. ... .... AUGUST 7, 1880. There is a desire on the part ot jot some to aivide tne county of Wanco. i'oo often connties are I divided that office-6eeker may have opportunity to seenre office, j Dd the end aimed at is not that the people's interest may in the msjority be i'lrthered, but that the chances for political success on tnev pari ot schemers may be doubled. When the Dohticians find followers in such matters, it is generally that the first are I those who grumble and complain because the wants ot the majority and economy in trade will not permit the opening of a general thoroughfare cast their front doors. There are cases, it is true, J where a county is tco large, and should be divided; but those cases are rare in Oregon and the peos I nle who succeed in creatine divi- m f 0 . sion of the county in the end must find that they have gained nothing more than two sets of county officials instead of one,and double taxes to pay in order that the two sets . ol officers may be supported. The way that politicians argue it now, in order to make vote tor their respective candidates, is that Garfiell at one time earned a whole barrel of fiour from the railroad cars, a distance Of two feet, to the depot 'platform, and that Ilancock't mothers wife's sis- tera eightynintb cousin was a handsome' woman. There ia a lot of "principle" in all of this: First, that Garfield can carry a bar- rel of flour: second, thai Han cock had a good-looking relative. Now, GarSeld's barrel of flour as- pher, could not feed a nation if placed at that nation disposal when starvation stared it to the face, and Hancock's wife's eighu tysnmth .cousin could not possi- bly hare much effect upon the shadow of a man who became to her, her ninety-ninth cousin by mignty imngs; dui now can ani ... . l it IT AT; V H "7 of a candidate for the presidency? ... , , , - Wm. II. Watkinds' case was dismissed by Judge Stott of the district. As we stated lass week, is now evident beyond doubt the charge of illegal vot ins was made against Mr, FTat - kinds through pit e. We are on- .ly sorry that Mr. Watkinds was not permitted by the conrt to ahow iiis teeth. We believe it . but just that every man shall not only be heard in his own defense, tin 4linf ItA ahalf Kova on nnnnr. tanity to prove the character and purpose of his accusers. Though !.. t----. mi(w w. wff kinds, he has been cleared ot the XL charge brought against him. We"; 'a,L?c: iUA tn M. .Vw,atr. IUOI lUbUUBU V V1VI v a . .... ; irtHrtn nf Rwot Wil. i:.-- o f,0 liam's success, and rejoice at the ' poor success ot his enemies. mu uiMKi. nt n,.it ...L...;un.nn.it( the ScienUfi American, by preJ' ' V P . . '. . , paring a couple ot glass luoes oi 1. t. t . liny filled with pure oxygen, and containing a few particles of carbon; tree from appreciable amount of ash; that prepared from line leai sugar gtves very good results. The , tubes are of precisely equal weight, and bermetioally sealed, Bv heating one' of them the char- coal is caused to burn, and ulti- mately to disappear; the tube and ;nfa fcn7flrr. ra of course . -aa . X - J.L. Alk f - toundstui to oaiance to tu otu tabe (waicn naa not oeeu uetu, hfiinsr nreeiselv the same weight or - it was at nm. Baron Grant', profits out of the Emma mine have been estimated at 8500,000, and that sum, theo- retically, will be turned over to the swindled shareholders. Prac- tically, they will get precious lit- tie, as between a bankrupt estate e nd an army ot hungry attorneys the chances of any money getting out of the Court is as hopeless as dividends on the Comstock. The man who hopes ever, has i,a attraction in the inture that jkss tiia work a lifetime. KEEP ON THE FAEJL In these dull times, when scores young men are out ot employ ment and others are crowding in trora other places seeking for bo cury: called genteet situations, it is were well to give wide publicity to Bach tacts as are set forth in the follow- ng extract from; the New York Journal ot Commerce. One ol great problems ot our day,too Uttle discussed by those who have ear of the public through the says press or at the lorani, is to tarnish young men of this generation with remunerative: employment, late lne proiessions are all over crowded. The shopkeepers are by tar too numerous. Agencies ot all kinds are so multiplied that the occupants tread on each oth era, toes and are a bore and nui- gance to tbe general public. -1 : . ' 1 ' ' a .' clerks out of employment The employment are willing to serve tor a pittance are to be leckoned by their tens of thousands. Bookkeepers .with hungry eye are reaamg me aa- vertUement lists in the vain hope an opening for tiieir npphca uons. uoueciors, messengers, doorkeeper, watchmen, conducr tors, and the great variety of otb ere already expert, seeking em- ployment in kindred callings, are anxiously waiting- lor .toina one to engage them. livery possible form of service that can be reck joned in the list of genteel oceu- nations is eagerly sought after by the multitudes who have no other provisions for their daily needs, The men who have been tryiug to live by their-wits, must go to the Ibench or in thej field aud work; jof these the boiIi oflere the mo8t accessible and at first the most remunerative employment. Th mass ot the unemployed must seek sustenance i from the bosom of the mother j earth. Land is cheap, and there w a wide area , that awaits the tiller. The back J may ache and the skin blister in the sun, but the bread can be made without fear of failure if the laborer will be tanhiul to his calling. It needs less wisdom and forethought that patient in dustry, and the man with a com mon mind may eat his harvest in peace. ; - i England is said to be a beef eating nation; perhaps a mutton eating wou'a joe the more ac- curate teim. The French, while they eat but half as much meat, use a larger proportion of beef, 55 per cent, and only 13 per cent of mutton. They are, like the Americans, pork-eaters, using 80 per cent, of swine's flesh. In the United States pork is the pnnci pal meat, beef next: in order, as large a proportion a in France, As to quantity, the American uses fully as much as an Eng- man and Frenchman together, the latter requiring average per capita abjut fifty pounds per annum, or half as much as tbe average '.Englishman, I . I hAre la u nmaA PAntoar ho, I fw0An flhl Qn1 Tllini fti A t - ' . - vj . aiiiuvio IVI bu , . r Ql . In 1870, Ohio had 2,665,260. and Tll. ... - an. ' ' i Illinois i,,ooif,oii. ine ainerence 123,897 was not a large one to overcome, and Illinois was confidently expected to take third place. The j census shows the population so close that the offi Iciat figures will be required to fix their relative j places. The popu- lation in either will not vary much from from 3,100,000. The first and second places are held, of conr?e, by New York and Pennsylvania. 1 . " " , , . plated census returns of ciN e8 g'vee the largest per cent of increase to Denver, Colorado. f1. 614-f 0i;"me0aP1" come9 w " vulJ H BW XOrK DUt 24 s - . . ... m m BUU ipnia z. Among the shiest is New Orleans, which is only 8. lne; Boston Herild tells the "u wuiuusmsiic veteran pers entit ner him - - to ?i,ouu ar- I f .v..444H.S as he left the City Hall: By George, if I could meet the dastardly rebel that shot me, I wouid treat him. Aoenuman ear is sensitive to vibrations reaching to 38,000 in a second. Other portions of the body, especially in yonth are equally sensitive to the vibrations of the Blipper, though we believe that a high rate of speed has UCer Mee attained I " f Tne Gerraan Goverament hag expelled Mor:Jlon migsionarie9 i ..-. .. vuuuu;, a .18 id a wise movement, and England, f" should follow XTLiZry' Mount Washington has a pleas ant climatefor the polai bear or Charles Francis Adams. Winter euded on that genial summit about the 4th of July, and now it has begun snowing. An earthquake occurred at Itfanilla, the chief city of the Philliphme Islands, lat week.and nearly all the houses ot the city are In rams. Some S50 lives were lost. ' FLAGRANT INJUSTICE. We heartily endorse the following which we take from the "Sunday Mer ' "Those wno are opposed to me present Supreme Court re-hearing ar guments In cases where tbe decisions so offensive to the people genera ally, cite "rule" of law practice that one court cannot open a case decided At by the previous Judges of the same court; but .they forget another "rule" will ith of practice which was most outrage ously, and, it would seem, most ma liciously and corruptly violated by the Judges of the Supreme Court The law a party to a suit shall have two days after a decision is rendered in which to move for a new trial; but the Judges of tbe Supreme Court cir cumvented anything of the kind, fot they very cunntogly held back a num ber of decisions till the very last day of the last session of their court, so that there would be no chance for mo tions for a re-hearing. '. Aud strange and convincing of fraud a9 it may seem, somi o the most offensive decis ions given by the late Supreme Court were among those given on the last j joe day that Prim and Kelly sat together as supreme Judges. .Does not bucu conduct give -good cause to believe those who cry 'bribery and corrup tion" and point the fing.-r of shame at the condemned Judges? Certainly it does, and people are not slow in think ing so. Hence the reputations of the late Judges, the rights of law and the respect of the people of thia. whole State demand that an opportunity should be given for Kelly and Prim to show the authority for their decisions or say naught against the restitution of property which bus been wrongful It taken from innocent and ruined people." ) Borne newspaper fiend gets oS it. f il ... I tne suiiowiiik ''"'"- wuivu without- credit or endorse- copy meut, because we don't kuow who wrote it. The author should have said sometimes about bad copy, as compositors sometimes find the ptactice convenient when tbey can't decipher the editor's hiaroglyphics. Tforo ia thn mnna counsel ot our author, word for word: Young man, don't swear. There is no occasion for swearing ontside ot a : newspaper office, where it is useful in proof read ing, aud indispensably necessary in getting forms to press. It has been known alno, materially to assist an editor in looking oyer a paper after it is printed. But otherwise it is a very foolish habit. - John Hatch, a watchmaker and jeweler, who settled in Sacra tnento in 1849 and has resided there aim03t continuously ever since, died in that city last week at the age of 77 years, lie was a native ot Graft n, N. II., and and first came to this coast iu 1834, in the employ of the Ameri can Fur Company. King of the Blood Cam all Scrofaloiu ffoction and dinrden rwnlt nc from Impurity of the blood. It ia mwdlaM to apaoity all, u the nfferr an uoaUj pcrcure tkair eauae; tmt Salt Mieum, iimpi, Ultsrrt, Twmmt, Ooitrt, SttlUnffM, gco.t an tlx moat aonunoo, aa oll aa uu7 agartiona ot th Heart, titod, J,ttir and Sitmtack. , SCROFULA. WontUrfol Cor ef Bllndaeii. P. SAiraow, So Co.: Tot the bcacflt of aB toonblod with Berofula or Impur Blood in thair mUms, I bonbr noommend King of th Blaoa, I hT been troubled with Berofula for tho put ton yean, which ao affected mr eyn that I waaeom. plotoly blind for at months. I was nowuiundod is try King ot the Blood, which hat profnt blaating to ma, as it has eompletcly eursd me, and I obesrf ally noommend it to all tioablda I hsrs saaa. Toun trulr. Has. 8. WsUthulow, bsrdiitU, N. T. sjf&- Si j r wiU ba paid to any Public HoipHal to ba ant. ally agTMd opon, for crvry ortineAt of thismsdi aiaa pabliabsd by ns which is not ittins. Its Ingredients. ' To show our faith ia th safety and exeaUanec ef th X. II., upon proper personal application, whoa satisfied that no imposition is intended, we will its tbe names of all its nurndients,bT affidaTH. The above ollttn wen merer made before y the pro. prietor of any other Family Medicine in the world. Many teatlmoaxtals.f arther tnformstioB. and Many testimonials, f arther informstioa, and full directions for asing will be found in the past phlet " Treatise on Diseases of tbe Blood," ia which each botUe is enclosed. Price tl per bottle eon tain ing 12 ounces, or 40 to M dossal 6old br drua. V. lUxaoM.Soa A Co..ProoT.Bir2alo.if.T. 4N tk Appetite, refreshing sleep, the ac ulsiti iod of flesh and co!or.are blessings atendrtut upon the reparative process se which this priceless invigoraut speedily initiates and carries to a suc cessful conclnsion. Digestion is re stored and sustenance alibrdexl to each life-sustaining organ by the Bitters, which ia inoffensive even to the fem inine palate, vegetable in composition and thorougly safe. For sale by all druggists and dealers. ROSEBfJRG. OGN AG EXT Tea. WlLMEJiDING CO, Importers and Wholesale Dealers Id FuiEviiiE&Lianons. 914 and 213 Front Street, San PrancisoOs .... 115 - f y Rtftt STOMACH f& , Wishes tbe public to understand that be - ; ' has established a. fti. ESTABLISHMENT Oakland,-and on the 'shortest notice supply tlie trade ana private -partie m number of brooms, ot all style and sizes, cheaper, than, they esn be pur chased elsewhere. He has had long expe rience in the business, ana guarantees sat isfaction. Orders lrom aoroaa promptly filled. Give him a trial. "Vojcxxxoxxt ilorso, Joe Vermont was sir.'d by Carton's Wor- ..... v. dam's, aide. L,umix ana uiii. i is a full developed four year old beau j tiful buy. He will mute twe presenv w- son, commenr.inR bi j i Saturday (Cth and lOtn), na at noiue Terms can be bad tf appiyin? - rv- prietor. uLA".ti SHEEP 'WANTED T-wo to five Tnousana E"we3. from 1 to 2 Years Old, CLEAN AND "WELL-BRED. Give price aud full particulars. Address I B. O. FAKRAB. 522 Pine street, St. Louis, Mo. Af(n Sifeita' V 3E&VJet, Oakland, Oregon. B. F. ELLSWORTH, PROPRIETOR, The nronrietor would announce that f has once more assumed control ot thia oop K.mM rut.lv uuder the manR2iinet of Mrs. Oibson) and that he will attend to J the wants of natrons in a nrbiwias" u-e;,- Tk tnl.l will be iUDOlied with befl' I . i - a- 1 .V,. U...U ill. tinnan I tne liliiritei aiiorus. umu re well furnished neat and clean, ana pains will be spared to render (jnoRtscoir - tunable. i.uj;omui" For Sale Tor Sals ii. sans Caain. GEORGE W. GEH.GERi Announces that be will S.-U hi tmv Urui, ..... i aituated on the south fork of IVer creek, 1 ,n the conntv road, seven miles east of Hoseburg, lhser creet muning turougu me entire i.'sce. IiEdCRIFTIOS Or FAUM : Wll imoroved. eood orchard, two story dwelling house, a convenient barn. There are 200 acres ofUrmin'e land, and 100 in prain. Will sell all or port. For narticnlara mauire ot r urn wr nv:(iJ?T RoseburiZ. Oregon, May 22. Nfi BAKERY" J. N 1 E D E R S T A D J , (La of San Francisco) Would anannnce to tbe public that he ha purchased the interest of H. FiSHEH in ROSEBURG BAKERY, And that he has bad fiheen years ezpe- riencean Srat-cla-a bakeries in the city of San Francisco as a baker. lie, thcreiore. is nreoared to conduct tbe bakery in a j first-class manner, and will warrant all his work as firel-clas. The Bsst Of Bread, Either wheaten. oaten or rye, always on hand. Cakes, pies and crackers of the fin- est quality for sale; and wut-ther lor bans, parties or private families, all orders will be promptly filled at the lowest rates. Id connection with the Bakery I will keep friuts and vegetables, candies, nuts and notions, and with this regard 1 will not be undersold by any one. (Jive me a trial, Then if I cannot suit you as to quantity and quality and pt ices no one cn. J. IN IfcJJh-HSTAU r. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the county court of the Stale of Ore gon, for the connty of Douglas. In the matter oi the estate of Charles Vail, deceasced; . A. C. Xounfr, administrator of the above estate having tins 31st day of May, 1880, filed his final accounts for settlement, and also praying that day be Bet apart for tbe hearing of the same, tl erefore Dmice is hereby given that tbe final account will be heard and determined in said court ou Tnesday July Gilt, 1880, at which time all persons having ny ob jections to said final account and settles ment must and there make the same. Published in the Douglas INDEPEND ENT for four couseculive weeks, by older oi lion. J. UttrtdiB, conntv judge. T. B. SHERIDAN. Clerk By W. T. WRIGHT, deputy ItOBBUUlw, Alay OiSt, A. D. 1SSU. FLI7MMEH TO ALL'rFARHIJKi, Preserve Your Fruit and Pay Off Your Mortgages. Bead the following testimonials from some of the best citizens of Doug, county who speak from experience omy: , . .. . Deep Creek, May 7, 18R0. This ia to certify that we' have a PI qui mer fruit Dryer. -During last 6?xeon we dried nearly all kinds of fruit It will do all that is recommended and more. Our apples brought nine cents per pound early in the Season and are worth thirteen cents at thiii date. We do not believe it can be excelled by acy other drver in the State. WHS. is. ADAilS. Wilbur, May 4, 1888. I used a Plummer Fruit Dryar bouirht of Grubbe & Co. last year and dried nearly 1U.UUU pounds of apple, tor winch 1 real izd tea cents per pcuod. It did better work than was promised and I made more money than 1 could lrom any otbsr Lusi Dess. I only run the machine two months, ,1. FUAZER. Harvy Jones savs : I have a Plummer Frutt Dryer, and it has done ail recom mended it would do : and turns out the handsomest fruit I ever saw. I shali rnn It this year to its full extent. - -Win. Boon, of Calapooia says : I hired a machine for f 100 and dried on shares and made more than I could tanning. Mr. Tipton, of Mt. Scott, says the Plum mer machine is the best I ever saw and it is all that is recommended, aud more. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES' THAT the undersigned executors ot the es tate of 8. D. Willis, deceased, have filed a final account (herein ; and that the 5th day of July, A. D., 1880. fcaa been appointed, for the hearing of objections to such acx count and the settlement thereof, in the conntv court for Douglas county, Oregen. WM. R. WILLIS, , O. L. WILLIE, Executors. Pffftft APEO "n may be found on 1 LiiU file at tiEO. F koWKU. A Co l Kewspapnr AdvctrtlslnaT Burean tiO Spmea) Btreeti.wbereaitver. esf ; tistnir (xmtractB may -it J Vtit I be untie tot it iaii4W IWsmU 'W.: i&. W O O f f A E D . Would announce that he has just received one of the most comrlete stocks of LEATHERS, SADDLBWAHE, TRIMMINGS, Etc. mm. ?rorroi0 Rt-metnber this muoh : I propose to Bin Francisco, and no one can undersell me. from S. Mara s Wa. brick, store. This space is reserved for o n o D. B. BICE, J?I. rhjsician and Surgeon, Office first donr south of Dr. Hamilton's drug store, Ou Main atreet. SPANISH MERINO FOR SALE 1 BOCKS THOROUGHBREDS TO OFFER I wi'l sell 40 Spanish Merino bucks which have been reared on my place. They are Buoerior buocks and will suit the ideas of every sheep' raiser. They will be sold very cheap for cash, and I invite the sheep raisers of Dunulas county to inspect them. Tbey will be found at my farm, six miles southeast of Rneburg, on the Coles valley road. (Jj3m2) - H. CONN, t?R. Notice- I" WISU TO ANNOUNCE TO THE publie that I wilt pay no bills of Mrs. Kitchell hereafter. C. L. KJTCHELL. Koeebnrg, June 15, 1880. 4w. AT FAIR OAKS, OREGON Sampson Sutherliii, Prop. MT NEW STORE AT FAIR OAEES 13 now completed and Blled with a fine stock of goods, embracing everything foun I in a first-class country store. I am pre pared to to supply farmers with all kinds ol goods, at lower prices than they can be secured elsewhere. Horses, cattle, sheep and hoirs and all kinds of country pro uce taken and highest market price paid for the same. Give me a cal! aud satisfy yourself, EAMPSON SUTHEKL1N. CANTONVUjLF., OREGON, BLACKSM1T1IING & WAGON REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. Horse-shoeing a specialty, and satisfac tion guaianteed. Terms low for cash or approved 'credit, and work done when wanted. Those indebted to me are hereby notified that all outstanding debts must be paid by January 1st, 1880 ; by so deinst all old patrons will do me a favor, and find me able to put in a first-class stock in the, coining Spring. The stock will be there ; but I wish a settlement with old friends, and with lull stock be able to sell thetu work cheaper than ever. JOHN L. AKZNEB. IRON FOUftDE ROSEBUBG, OGN. ZIMMERMAN & FRAZER, PROS. 1 ' ' - Castings of. any size and - IRON ; WORK Of every dusuiDtion nnatly and promptly executed. Grist, -Quartz and SawMiUs , Made to order. Portable and Stationary ENGINES Hade to order and WARRANTED. ' ra FOUNDRY : One block snath JJ8 of the Depot. , The CHICAGO LEDGER, a literary am family paper, can bo hart by sending t Chicago, Illinois. Price, S3 00 per year. The Ledger is publlsbad weekly and ba eight pages, and tbe tone of its stories and other matter is pure and moral, sad well calculated lor toe tamlly. i Ever brought to Rosebur, and that lie is now better prepared to off. superior lu dacements id his lioe to purcliamr than ever belore. In - He has the larptsr, best and cheapest etrx-k ever ff red rale in Sontliern Orviron. Ilit Siid'Mlles and harness are reudy wade, and thoiw In wkut nf liarneas need not sutler drlay, since ho has all sizes and feiyieg, und on live miuuie,' notice can fit any una out with from 1 to 20 Setts of Harness or 20 Fine Common Saddles. None but the best of workmen employed and patrons will find In my store 11 Styes inTJliips, Buggy Trimmings, oTses, Taney and Common Bridles, And in fact everything else kept in a Srst-claxs eaddlerv and hnrueas store. teU cheaply as do dealers in the city of Portland, KepaitlDg done with oeatness and djsi'o!i. I " W. Cr. TCI HAVE THE Grocery i -STORE OF SOUTHERN OREGON . THE LARGEST AND E SOUTHEEON ON. Choice Goods LOWEST IAI S Hi Foreign and Domestic Fruit in Their Store, Huts. CANDIES AND CALIFORNIA CRACKERS. EverytLing in tho shape ot WililM, PECK & COJeh . . AND WHOLESALE GROCERS AND DEALERS IJf KEY WEST if EW YORK CIGARS Kos. 126, 128 & 132 Market Street, AND Kos. 23 & 24 California Street, SAXFRANCISCO, CALIF0RXIA COMMENCING APRILloT, 1830, The Celebrated Stallions P m Will stand for the ensuing season as fol. lows: Roseburg on Fridays and Satur days; other times at home, six miles norh west oi the Cole's valley rond. If change is made in these arrangements, due notice will be given. H. CONN, Sr., Rates of Wervioe: To insure, $10. Proprietor. Ali communications by mril must be ad dressed to the proprietor, Koseburg, Ores gon. SAN FRANCISCO BULLETIN. THE Leading Evening Newspaper West of the Rocky Mountains. It is recognised authority in commercial and financial circles as the best family journal on the Paoific coast. Served by carrier in Ban Francisco and the towns f the interior. ...25c per week. By mail, postage paid 13 per year. The Weekly Bullet in 1 a mammoth twelve-page ' ournal. aud in proportion to its size the cheap est journal in tbe country. STJliSCSRIPTION KATES. . The Weekly and the Friday Bulletin, forming together the most complete semi Weekly published on the Pacific coast, will be sent to any address, postage paid, on the lollowing terms: The Weekly and Friday Bulletin. One year ......3 00 Hix montlis i 1 50 Weekly Bulletin Alone. One year L $3 25 Six mon-.hs, j 1 CO - - - I Remittances by draft, Poatofilce order, Wells. Fargo Go's express, registered letter at our risk. j FREE SEED DISTRIBUTION. Each subscriber will be presented with several varieties of rare and valuable tree, vegetable and flower seeds, equal in value to the subscription price of the paper. Send for sample copy, sriviufr lull car ftlenlars. Address, 8. F. BULLETIN CO., ' 8an Francisco Cal. BUY'S t5&OSSC. JACKSOX STBEET, BOSEBUKO. : . The proprietor of. this well-known and popular report woul & thank bis friends for ' their liberal patronage in the past and ask ror a continuance ottne same in the future. The public is informed that I keep none but the best brands of wines, liquors andxtfjs.ru, and that 1 sell over the bar the celebrated JESSE MOORE tt CO.'S - KENTUCKY WHISKIES Agooa ouuara uoie will oe lount in the aloon; also tbe leading paper, of tbe A good billiard table will be found in of tbe world. I import my materials direct from Store and ehnp on ihp (vrnr west WOODVARD. LEADING Provision FINEST DISPLAY Low Prices PRICES. IO H IL Y Groceries to be touml at their store 0Q H 1 a o Fl o S.S6 he 1 o ft n 03 W t o 01 "A o M O -aa VI o o It a 2 cJ O ha o a t 3jS H 03 ' w M O 5S aa C O 4.TJ E S 1 m tr, s6 -3 W P a S tax. c. 3 M a . a c s Z V 1864. 1880. Insurance Company OF CALIFORNIA. FIRE ONLY. Income 12 Months, $238,563 73. Premiums Since Organisation, $3,171,423 19. Losses Pnid Si nee Organization, $1,521,402 15. .Losses Paid In Oregon in 7 Years, $182,363 19. The HOME MUTUAL has bad for r over Seven Years, . $50,000 Deposited with the State Treasurer of Oregon for the protection of Policy-holders. GEO. L. STORY, Portland, Manager Oregon, Washington a Idaho scFESvrsoRS : ' C H. Lewis, of Allen k. Lewis: P. ' W awesjKi), of WtrWrtaan a Cq,; J. , McCraken, f J. Sken A Co. The onderBigned takes pleasars In announcing to the citizens of Rose uurg anu vicinity uiat oe nas received the amnT rrf thiium loHlr i 2 . iMS panyor the Pacifio Coas k 6, hursh, Agent, F a f ? h T11XT SIX U' DAW TLX, OFFER. Special Inducements j To Purchasers, consisting of Their Entire Stock of G-ooc3js I Embracing a Full and Complete Line of CO 11 OS CO 0 0 Si -) o as n S m e u (S 0 i u 0 -3C M n o 3 69 5 H x UJ OS 3 1 8 i s m CO I C4 ....AND.... WATERPnOOFD , . .AKD. . . OREGON AND CALIFORNIA FLAN NELS AND CA8S1MEKES. OUR STOCK OF. Style and Quality is not Equalled in this Market. It consists of , MEN, BOYS' & YOUTHS' Breso Suite, SUBSTAUTIAL WINTER GOODS, UNDERWEAR HOSIERY, GLOVES, TIES, M. We have on hand a Fall Etock oi Groceries. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Paints Gils & Glass. Remember our motto " Low Prices and Square Dealing." Agent KNAPP, BOKRELL Cov XXOED tfcCO., Koseburg. Oregon. T3S.STAa SAL002T Jackson Street, Koseburg, vm. iLErmoiii prop I berebya announce to the pobllc tLat Jl art af AMwtanH r .L.TJLV.-'"' lerTOEC&l 1 sawssBsssswsssssBssasssassssmsss ClbtmnU- - ---;'U4WOU1oth-baif of section 8. in township 87 A l It keep oa band fine 'sm. ' , 7iS53, Liquet & Girzss ... -superlative . : : CAKIO POWDER Bet ia tlie Worlll, AB30LTTTEI.Y PUR. The Superlative Baking Powder is the tandurd urticle of the United States for . I trenglli and purity The beet article ito i general bsking purjiocw ev.r introduced. It Is the cooks favoritn. , Warrau'.ed per- I fectly pure and supericr to anuhing of the I kind now in the market, for healthful nees I and strength jsroducing at all rimes. The I mint delicious ciolting. ur Sale by i grocers, or seut direct by mail en receipt . of sirty (Ol)) centu for one pound can. 80 in cans only. Full weight guaranteed. A4- . dress, SupeilaUve l.ak.ng rowuer t, Ill CUambsniii., Newrirk SHOW THIS TO TODR GRHeKK. R. BRECHENRIDGE I PKOrBIETOB Opiosit T. T. Sliendan'8 Bardwar Store, - - ROSKBUKCr, OREGON. ' Slantle pieces made from Iuliaa and tmnrini. marble monuments, and tonju 1 stones, made to order, and first-class work rarrsntmi in this ' me. Anytmng in tn way 1 of stone-cutting qromptly performed. . I all orders promptly filled. Always foil I stck of marble and othr stons on hand and in case) of any repair m ttus une in tn- l shape oi billiard tables, etc, satisfaction will be guaran eea. R. BHECKENRIDQK. ED. TOLLESi House, Sign and Carriage S ri TEE, draining, Marbling, Kalsomining and HARDWOOD FlNISHjER. Paperhanging and wall-tinting prompt 1 attended to at low fates. Orders to bo be left at Or. 6. Hamilton's drags tore. : Farqnar's Eestaurant ON JACKSON STKEET, R06EBUKG.. jonn Farciuar- Announces to the public that he has reopened the restaurant opposite Haffendea Bros., and will i WITH NTS IT MEALS AT 25 CTS. ALd that he will supply his tables I with tbe beet ia the market JVo Chinese Cook Employed- E. M. DAVIS, IL D, PHTSICAIN AND SORCEON. OFFICE UPSTAIRS IN S, MaRK8 4 Co's brick building, Eoeeborg. Ore gon. rnvat siens. . 1 coasoltattOB rooat Jor pa- J. Fa W. S4.IIBSa.Ta Q B Hcaeopatliio I P3.ciazt ROSEBUP.G ORK ,ON. " w ILL ATTEST) TO ALL CASES intrusted to bis care. Office a KKf hit residanes A Fine Stock and Fanning Ranch. Term reasonable, and desire for sair Ir occasioned throagh a wish to migrate to AStern uregon. . For price of land and references Inqtrlrw of John W. Kelly, at the IsdepebtdexI" ornae, or the propnotor on tbe preuaisea. Land for sale 800 a ore of timber and. grazing and farming land combined ; about 75,000 of farming land and the re mainder pasture and timber land. The above contains a fine orchard sad about I acres of garden land subject to Irrigation. There also is a fine lot -of young trees la the above named orchard, embracing all kinds peaches, cherries and apples and 1 vines of all kinds. There is a good water wheel on the stream on the premises thai affords about a tw el re-horse power, and runs the sLingie mill of K. B. Martindale it Son. B. L. STEPHENS. Coles Vxixrr. Oregon. There is a chance fot a good bargains who applv early Dearling Gibson, OiJKliAND, OGJN. Wuuld annonnos to the nnhlin tna they are prepared with tbe best of materia al to supply all demanoa ia thl tin. : Haring enjoyed over twenty Team' mttm. rience in their trade, all work performed by them Is guaranteed to bfirflUcita, and strictly socording to order. . . Qitsoa's Oeletotcd Has- FORHALB BT J. W. STBANQE. ROPB. BCRO. ........ Pronounced by all who have used them te be the best ever Invented, always oa hand and for sale cheap. " - " FARM . 3IACUINEHY RE PAIRKD, . Give Them a Call. The finest aud best saloon in Rosebarg JOE AtKES, PROPniETOR. The best of liquors, the finest of cigars, and a quiet retreat. Gentlemen are invited to give me a sail. JOE' AIKEN. Caaerca's. Rtrtraat! Corner jacks in Washington ltoseburg, Oregen, Keats at All! ICoera. FRESH OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE . The only Erst-clas eating boose ia the city. Tables supplied with i he best, and eveiyy attention paid to guests. ROBERT CAMERON. 1 M"OTIOJ3.' , U, 8. Lmd Office. Rosebnrg, Oregon, May 10th, 1880. Notice is hereby given in pttrsuane of an act ot Congress, of June Sd, 1878. for the sale of Timber Lands in tbe States of . California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing-, ton Territory, that Geo. W, Jones and Wsx O. B. Dixon has filed their ar plica a ron to purcfa uon to purchase the nortn-bair or tne son! h. of r ifeS west. Any snd II persons eUlmleg adveiwly the above escribed lsuid, must file tb r claim in lb Kegister;s o2i jb vjtiin sixty days fro ia bis date. W. F. EENJAM1N liylO- "