The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, August 07, 1880, Image 1

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JOHN W. KELLY, Pi; Mirier.
Aod other ri-
Large and He 2,7 f. . .
Neatly aod expeciiUo, jt
rtmm Tear
"Independent in all Things ; Neutral in Nothing.'
... M
... I
1'krM Msinihs
TbM ere the terms for those Ins ' )
vane. Tbe Ihd&pkbusht oflWk tins i'i tuoe
inents tu idmttMn. Term retainable.
VOL, 5.
NO. 17.
- I
Batardsy Mornl nj
Watchmaker and Jswelur,
Offiee in Ir. Page's Drug Store.
Can y ii v i lie 1 1 ot el,
D. A. UBY1-V
p: opri.stoh
Havixu :.Kv;:.iXY pdr iia8e; the
-Canvmtri I- i'.vtel, 1 aui t,-.w prewired to
urnish tnivn ui '.ihebeeAofHtvommndations.
Feed and st.'.i.iii; ur at., i 1. A. LEV 1X8.
is. E. ANDiUtSON
Ashland Woolen Manufacturing
JJnutiiir.T and Dealers in .
White 2 "Colored Blankets
Plain mil F:iir ('hmim, DonUnt,
flannels, Kie. also,
, ,M-k to Order.
W. II. iTKINSON, Kipoy
ASHI. N'D. Jackson bounty, Oreem.
Dealer in ,
Staple Dry Goods I
Keeps eonaUntly on hand a general assort
; ment of
. ' i
Crockery and Cordage
A full stock of
' Such at required by the Public County Schools
All kinds of STATIOSEHY. TOYS and
To suit both Young and Old.
- furnishes Chock on Portland, and procures
Drafts on Ban Francisco.
Xeanvt tn the Railroad Deput, Oakland
' Jaw tiv.oney, Prop'r.
The ftaaat of wines, liquors and cigars in Dove;
its county, aaa in dsn
. lav the State kept la proper repair:
partus traveling on the railroad win find thai
place very naaay to -rmiauncr m. swp
piB of tbe train at the Oak
land, Depot Gire me a call.
JaB. iiAnuSY.
Upholstery, Spring Mattrasses, Etc.
Constantly on hand.
FIIBMITIIDtr I nave the beat stock of
mn II 1 1 Unb lurnlluresoulbof Portland
And all of my own manufacture.
No two Prices jto Customers
KetdJenU of Douglas county arc requested to
give roe a call before purcnasing eisewnere.
Bichard Thomas. Prop'r.
for a Dambar ot years, and has bwn.ine very
popajarwita los tmveiin( public, riiwuu
AbA the table supplied with the Ixwt tlio market
affords. HoUl at the depot nf th Kj.lmsd.
Furniture Store!
ture Establishment of John Lelinlieir, is
now prrpared to do any work in the
He is also prepared to furnish
In all styles, of tlx best manufacture.aud cheaper
tnaa Uis cueaneei. ins
Are of superior make, and for low ctst cannot be
squalled in tbe State. Tbe
Finest of Spring Beds
And the
Most Complete
'...,... . ( .....
Alwava on band. Everything in tne line fur
: n'ished.ofthebestauality.ontheshortest
notice and at the lowest raU-s.
And orders filled cheaper and better than ean
any other establishment.
- Desiring- a share of public patronsee, tbe un
dersigned promises to offer extra inducements to
alt patrons, uire n e a rtai.
r ffKUEt:
J T V':r i .?
1 Ul n.'HiT-ii.
ewr.l-4 i..- '
(..inly l'-a
li--i-i i :
I ,1 !
!... HV
-., ! III.
ktt4 ferns pr-it
i . ir
u It
aul MUllwr utVf VHlli 'r aim I
nt it
Sa'ow ol Um itatii-i )-i-m!i. w no are
jetWisra' aud will t-r th.r fwentiiij
ark aAiHnin: Button A I'urkiti. Kiwfi-'irtn L.
L. SelW-M. Oakland; iilrs. Bmwn,. b""knig
Glee. Dr. WuwlrutT it aiiUwritrd to f:irnib
WW! aid to all peiwwS in need uf lh win
w fcew & declared paupers nf lrc!a
Promptly attended to and Goods shipped
wiua out
Haeheaey Beno,
Bouse Plants.
The Question so of tan 'ih.i'ka.1 m tn
whether it is healthy to keep plants in
our living rooms and sleeping rooms is
answered by Dr. J. M. Anders in a re
cent number of the Philadelphia Medical
Time. Experiments made by him show
the value of plants as natural and per-
fat "aiiinu'wM " Tl. . t
" wieo. AllO IVCntKD 1KH) 1)1
transpiration for plants having thin.
soft leaves like geraniums and lantanas
is found to be an ounce and a half ef
watery vapor per sauare foot of leaf sur
face for twelve diurnal hours of clear
weather. At this rate, a great tree like
the Washington elm at Cambridge, which
has been estimated to have 200.000
sqaare feet of surface, would exhale
seven and three-quarter tons of water in
twelve hours. The rate of transpira
tion for a house plant is at least 50 per
cent, more rapid than for one in the open
air; and it is evident that a number of
such plants must have a material in
fluence on the humidity of the air in
which they are kept. Experiments made
by means of the hygrometer show con
clusively that house plants may properly
be classed as therapeutic agents. As to
their unwholesomeness, because of giv
ing on carbonic acid gas at night, it has
been shown by experiment that it would
require twenty thrifty plants to produce
ui amuuui 0i gas equivalent louui ex
haled by one baby sleeper. A practical
application of the data gained by ex
periment is given m the carefully pre
pared formula. Given a room twenty
feet long, twelve feet high, wanned by
dry air, a dozen thrifty plants, with soft.
thin leaves, and a leaf surface of six
feet square each, would, if well watered
and so situated as to receive the direct
rays of the sun (preferably the morning
sun) for at least several hours, raise the
proportion of aqueous vapor to about
the health standard.
It is evident, then, that every house
mother can keep the air of winter rooms
moist by having thrifty plants in them,
and there is every reason to believe that
the lives of many persons who die from
pulmonary complaints - might be pre
served by this agency, at once so agreea
ble and salutary. In many instances
consumptive tendencies have apparently
been counteracted by working among
Drinking at Meals.
Drinking at meals or immediately alter
eating, is an injurious practice, no mat
ter what the character of the drink; but
drinking cold water at such times is par
ticularly so. The cold water theories of
thirty years ago have proved themselves
fallacious in many respects, and this is
one of the cases, though we admit not
the worst. How many persona, while
escaping from the evils of tea and coffee
drinks, fell into this, an equal, if not
worse error, we never can know, but
that they are to be counted by thou
sands, is undoubted rand hygienic living
and treatment is to-day Buffering because
of a prejudice justly established against
cold water, which is still, unjustly, how
ever, considered properly hygienic.
The drinking of cold water, and espe
cially ice water at, or soon after meals,
is greatly promotive of dyspepsia. It
lowers the temperature of the stomach,
arrests digestion and often produces
positive irritation, if not inflamation of
this organ not only out oi the nerve cen
ters that control the general vital opera
tions, in which case it produces a more
decided irritation and injury than either
tea or coffee. Tea and coffee, as well as
other drinks, are undesirable at meals,
because they are used to wash down
half-masticated food, and dilute the gas
trie juice; when warm thevdo not imme
diately interfere with digestion, but
when cold they do. Even hot thinks are
not as bad as cold drinks on a full
stomach. But the chief objection to tea
and coffee is because of their secondary
influence upon the nervous system,
which they excite to abnormal activity,
thereby inducing undue expenditure of
power; while cold water may cause not
only this injury, but directly arrest
digestion, and during the hot months
mav rjrostrate the vital organism
To supply fluid to carry on the vital
operations drink sufficiently of water on
risinor in the morning, an hour before
breakfast, an hour before dinner, and be
fore retiring at night, but resist all de
sire to- do so immediately after a meal.
Those who live healthfully will have lit
tle thirst. It is tbe use of salt, spices,
sugar, etc.. all of which should be avoid
ed, or an inflamed condition of the
mncous surfaces, caused by such bad
habits, that induces this condition
Fruits, crains and vegetables, properly
cooked, will supply about all the fluid
necessary; and hence drinking is, in gen
eral terms, a doubtful expediency
Self-Helping Young Women. -Mas-snchusctts
shows a larger number than
any other State of these self-helping
young women and what a splendid class
of girls they are! : Quiet, modest, self
ooised, their one aim in life is to take ad
vantage ol the opportunities for education
ami out them to good use. Their pur-
nose is as ni Dare nt in tlieir simple refined
dress, stripped of every superfluity, as if
written upon each one or their garments.
Dark, short dress, jacket and walking-hat.
This is their dress, irrespective of fash
ion, yet they look sufficiently fashion
able. Their steadfastness, their goodness,
ifivea one a sort of heart-ache, knowing
how little the world cares for such, how
hard a world it is, aud how cruelly the
manv have, in so many ways, to bear the
sins of the few.
I- -
R, G.. SCROGGS. A. M.. m, U.
Physician and Rurneoa.
Speciui attention paid to
Operative Surgery and Treatment of Chronic
Office In rear of drug store nearly oppo
site the poKtothce.
OftJoc bourn Irons I te S emesi neraooa,
Kssekarf, Oregon. (Opposite postofflce.)
Watches, Clocks & Jewelry. Spectacles
v.iaI,m Clocks and Jewelry carefully
repaired. All work warranted, uenume
Brasilian Pebble spectacles and eyeglasses
a specialty.
owgon Calir rnla
Day n T-M P. K '
sae-U-Jek6W-Mtio at Reading with the
mail the fi.JrO.K.1.
For full portion lam and passage apply to
M. x. lHl.Ltili-, Ag
The Wreck Discovered.
Detroit, July 27. The exact locality of
the wreck of the yacht Mamie, has been
discovered. Three bodies have been
found and the rest will soon be taken
from the water.
Yetlew Fever at Mobile.
Mobile, July 27. The English bark K.
W. Wood arrived at quarantine with yel
low fever. The second mate is very ill,
and everybody on board has been down
except three tneu. Two have died.
Mobile, July 27 The two men who
died on the infected vessel were buried at
sea. The captain and two sailors are now
convalescing. The Wood has been quar
antined about a mile from any vessel in
the lower quarantine station ami is on the
extreme point of Mobile bay, 36 miles
from the city. '
Belt Lion Captured.
New Brunswick, N. J., July 27. A sea
lion was caught here Saturduy night by
Richard Welch, harbor master. It is
eight feet long. It is supposed to have
escape from Coney Island Saturday.
Madden Death.
Nbw York. July 27.- Chas. Barlow of
R. G. Dun & Go's mercantile agency, died
suddenly at his summer residence in Long
Branch to-day. tie was apparently in
perfect health yesterday. .
Dr. Tanner's, Thirtieth Da jr.
Dr. Tanner is in improved spirits to
day and none of yesterday's unfavorable
symptoms were manifested. From mid
night until noon tie drauic only a nan a
pintol water, lie enters conuuenuy upon
the thirtieth day of his fast.
.ejrre Campmeetlng In Ohio Broken up
of Masai,
CincInxati. July 27. A colored Baptist
campmeeting at Danville, ten miles south
of Uilisboro, Ohio, was the scene on Dri
day ni'lit and on Sunday afternoon of
bloodv tighta. Ou Friday night a party
of drunken roughs went to the camp ut
about 10 o'clock and began an attack with
pistols, clubs and stones. Xhey were re
pulsed and William Dickmau, of their
numlier, shot through the abdomen.
Sunday afternoon, a party said to num
ber 200, again attacked the camp, ana a
most desperate fialit followed and euded
in breaking up the meeting. It is thought
that some of the colored people were
killed, but thev diapered so rapidly that
the facts could not be gathered. No ar
rests have been made. -
Nkw York, July 27. Total gold en
route from Europe $1,000 000. Offers for
bonds for the sinking fund will be re
ceived Jo-morrow. -
Edison ftlvee np the Light and triea an-
other Project.
Edison has triven up his efforts to devise
an electric light and is now working on a
iioislesa, smokeless and dustiess electric
Site for the Obelisk Selected.
A site has been selected in Central park
for the obelisk.
Fatal Accident.
A two-year-old child was burned to a
cusp and a young lauy, named Annie
Palmer, probably fata Iv I mil red here to
day by the explosion of an oilcan, with
which she was lighting a ore.
Dkapwood. July 27. Capt, I. M. Wast,
ex-superintendent and contractor of the
mack Mills fiacer Mining t-O., cliargeu
with embezzling 6o00 shares of the Com
pany's stock, valued at s3,ooo, irem
Josi'ah Hale, whs discharged alter prelim
inary examination to-day. It is rumored
that money was used to influence the
decision. West has left the country.
Prospects ot the Cotton Crop.
Mobile. July 27. Prof. Riley, chief en
tomological commissioner of the United
States, addressed members of the Cotton
Exchange to-day, and reports lot worm
in most fields throughout a large extent
of territory visited by turn, tie says that
if planters pursue the worm and the
weather is good, mere may tie a very gooa
vomoinauon tiro en.
Pmilaoelpuia, July 27. Runiors were
in circulation lo-oay mat ine various
parties to the coal combination were at
logi-erheads, and that the Philadelphia
and Keading company win uereaner pro
duce coal in quantities to suit its own
tuterests and without any regard to the
agreement upon which tbe coal rombina
tion is rounded. .x-l"residont uowan
says all the parties will keep on with the
present plan ot stopping tnree uays in
each week. There was no fight and no
hitch or break or anything of that sort.
Vletlma at the Collision.
Detroit, July 27. The bodies of all
but four of the victims of the collision
have been recovered. An official investi
gation has been begun. The funeral ser
vices to-day were largely attended ana oi
unusual solemity.
Bnrned to Death.
A small grocerv store was burned early
this morning and a single man named
Charles Peterson, who lived over the
store, was burned to death. He came
here from California three years ago, and
was a carpenter by trade.
Extenalve Fire.
The Ives saw-mill and five million
shingles burned; loss, $75,000; half in
sured. Factory Bnrned.
St. Louis. Julv 27. Verubrachl's furni
ture factory was burned ; loss, $25,000.,
Fire at 0,ttinejr, Illinois.
Quiscy, July 28.A fire broke out at
noon in js. o. ironcnniitt s pianiug mm,
corner of Ohio and Fifth streets, in the
mannfuctoring district, at 1:1-5. The mill
is bnrned and uardners governor worsis,
Ronnet & Duffy's old foundry. Harris fe
Beebe's tobacco wotks and other smaller
concerns are burning. Pfoncumitt's loss
is $20,000 and is without insurance, l ne
total loss will not be less than $100,000
and perhaps more.
Dr. Tanner Still Lives.
New York, July 27. Dr. Tanner's con
dition remains unchanged.' He took his
usual drive at b and rdturning at 8, hav
ing filled a demijohn at a well, retired at
10:45. His pulse is 84; temperature, 98 80
respiration, 14; weight, 130 pounds.
; This is Dr. Tanner's 31st fast day. He
is bright and in g'od spirits, and walked
a half mile to day with firm Btep and
elastic gait.
Karrairanaelt Investigation.
Mew London, July 29. In tbe Xarra
gansett investigation, one passenger tes
tified to-day to seeing an old grey headed
woman clinging to a boat which was
1 1 . 1 .I.l. .,,n Ax4 ..-n n V, .nil ttlAV
lUSUOU w ill, iucii uu nuuicu, uu ."J
refused to take her aboard, lie believed
she was drowned.
The Seaw anhaka.
New York, July 29. In the Sea wan-;
baka investigation, tbe evidence t bowed
to-day that there were no life preservers
in the saloon aft of the ladies' cabin on
tbe lower deck,
; Reiterate his former Statement.
Boston, July 20. The captain of the
schooner Eunice Newcomb, reiterates
the statement made when he was in
Hosion on bis last trip, concerning me
sel. and is positive lhat when the affair
"""s .K ... r: T ZrClZT. .
nappe lieu ue vh tcu imtca
Cuban shore.
The TBte Commission.
Los Pisos, Col., via Lake City, CoL,
July 2. The commissioners held a
mnmiil veaterdav. The Indians still
decline to sign the treaty in its presen.
form. Objections were raised at the last
meeti ng to their removal to the junction
of the Uunnison and Grande rivers on
account of the poof soil. An opportunity
was uti'ered for the chiefs and headmen
to come forward and sign tbe treaty, but
not a single Indian accepted the invita
tion. The commission will brook no
further delay and have given the V tee
until to-moriow to aecme wust tvutw
they will pursue.
t.: j. . Me Fir.
BcrraLO, July 20. A terrible fire to
raging in the southern part of the city,
on iTlackweil's island. Three planing
SJtUU making it tbe nst populous
mills, a floating elevator and several
lumber yardu, together with two ship
yards, are already on tire. It originated
by an explosion in one of the planing
mills, and the estimated loss is $300,000.
. Forger Arrested.
New York, July 29.-8. M. Branscom,
of Jacksonville, Fla., was to-day com
mitted to the Tombs on a charge of for
gery. His.intention was to put up bogus
documents as collaterals for borrowing
money, with which to move the orange
crop, lib had made partial arrangements
to this effect. About $25,000 of these
bonds are in the hands of merchants in
nocently betrayed into aiding the scheme.
A Missouri Plcnle.
Mohkuly, July 29. An armed mob of
100 men from the adjoining counties
came into town this morning, and as
sheriff Mattock was taking J. C. Carlow
into the court bouse to be tried for com
mitting a rape on the person of Mrs.
Crump last March, the mob opened fire
on him. Carlow ran into tbe courtroom,
followed by three men and was shot again.
He then escaped to tbe street and fell,
but quickly regai tied h is feet and recei ved
another shot. He theu ran. through a
drygoods store, closely followedjby his
slayers out into an alley and again into
the street. He theu made his way up
stairs over the saloon with his pursuers
at his heels. Here he found himself cor
nered. The husband of the outraged
woman, who did most of the shooting,
then fired five more shots into the body
of the wretch and one into his forehead.
Carlow died in ten minutes. Intense ex
citement prevailed while these violent
proceedings were going on.
Talmage Visits Dives.
Leapville, July 29. Rev. Tulmage
visited the dance house and gambling
dens last night after his lecture. A dance
house gM asked him to lead a fet, but he
Alarming Symptoms In Dr. Tanner' Fast.
New ' York, July 28. At 10:30 to-nighl
Dr. Tanner was suddenly taken sick, fie
complained of pain in his stomach and
nausea and threw up some mucus fluid.
Much alarm was felt nt first for fear the
sickness would prove fatal to the doctor
in his feeble condition. An alcoholic
vapor bath was ordered by physicians to
quckeu the circulation and secure if pos
sible fiee perspiration. A.ler taking the
bath the doctor laid down and fell asleep.
At midnight he was once more resting
quietly, being very closely watched. At
halt past one o'clock this morning Dr.
Tanner was sleeping quietly. His condi
tion lemains unchanged. Temperature
98 25. pulse 74, respiration 16. At 8:30 P.
M. Dr. Tanner drank eight ounces of
mineral water much against the advice
of Dr. Miller, under whose care he was at
the time.
Searched on the High &raa-
Baltimoise, July 30. Captain M. Par
sons, of the schooner George Washington,
which arrived at this port from Jamaica
last Tuesday, reports that on July 5th,
while off Cape Mayzi, at the eastern point
of Cuba, his schooner , was boarded and
searched by officers of a steamer bearing
the Spanish flag, and after he had run up
thelAmerican colors the Spaniards came
on uoard with oincersand 10 armed men,
and the searched continued even after
the senior boarding otlicer had seen the
schooner's papers.
Searching for the Bodies.
New York, July 30. The excavation at
tbe Hudson river tunnel, Jersey City, is
now eighteen feet deep, leaving equal dis
tance to be dug before the bodies can be
reached, which will, It is thought, be ef
fected by Sunday. Col. Haskins has
called for more men who will go digging
to-day in the cotierdam.
News Confirmed
Sax Antonio, July 29. Grierson tele-
graph80rd confirming tbe battle between
Col. Valle and Victorio. Ord says the
present policy forces the Mexicans to
whip out the Indians or submit to the
American troops invading Mexico to pun
ish the marauders.
Hteamcr Bank.
Memphis, July 30. 1 he steamer City of
ickbbury, from M. Louis to YickBiHirg,
sank at Isport landing, Tennessee, this
afternoon, having struck a sunken stump
which crushed her hull, blio was valued
at ?50,000; uninsured.
An Knterprlalng Cashier
Lkapville, July 31. The Bunk of Col
orado was attached this morning on
check of $290, which they were unable to
pay on account of E. T. Lane, cashier,
having absconded with the funds of the
bank. Tbe amount of the loss to depos
itors is not stated.
Ii ew Paper.
St. Lolis, July 31. A new 2 cent paper,
the Evening Chronicle, alter the style of
the Detroit Newt, started here to-day. It
is independent in politics.
Prise Drawn.
Louisville, July 31. Ticket No. 35,924
drew the capital "prize of $30,000 in the
common-wealth distribution drawing to
day: No. 85,740 tbe second prize, $10,000.
Fair Horsewomen
Minneapolis, Miss.. July 31. Miss Belle
Clarke, of California, and Miss Emma
Jewett, of Litchfield, Minnn who Bre
to ride a 20 mile equestrian race at Min
neapolis on the 7th of September, have
both accepted the proposition of Miss
Minne Ainneo, of Greeley, Col., to ride
the winner a 20 mile race for $2000 a side.
The race to be made on the same track
on the 10th or 11th of September.
Laborers Wanted.
Chicaoo, July 31. Iu view of the fact
that In spite of brick layers' wagns being
$3 and laborers' $1 75, many building en
terprises in the city are suspended because
builders cannot get hands. The Master
Mosons and Builders Association to-night
resolved to invite laborers from other
cities to come to Chicago, and the mem
bers rdedcre themselves to furnish stianjr-
ers with work through the secretary of
the association. There is work for at
least 250 men on buildings at once.
, ntewart's Money. '.'. "'
New York, July 3t.-Judge HiltonVand
Mrs. A.T. Stewart, have really been en
gaged in perfecting agreement for the en
dowmentof the largest and most complete
collega in America, with a fund between
$3,000,000 and $4,000,000. The college is
to be located at oarden c-lty, where me
remains of the late millionaire were to
have reposed. '
Trying to Pass on One Track.
New York, July 31. By a collision this
evening of two trains on the Long Branch
railroad John Walcott, engineer ot one
train, was killed. His brother was en
gineer on the 1 opposite train. Several
persons were severely injured, but none
Sleeping Qntetl-r.
New York, July 31. Dr. Tanner, at a
late hour to-nigbt, was sleeping quietly.
Took her Children.
Buffalo, July 31. Mr. M. J. 0hill,
wife of the editor of the Chicago I'ilai,
called at Holy Angels Academy to-night,
took possession of her four children and
carried them away, urging her claim at
the point of a revolver.
Dee Moines Papulation.
Des Moines, July 31 The census
about concluded gives the city a popula
tion of 22.090. an increase of 10.501 since
I Ritv in the state, bentinir Dubtione
Davenport 800, and Burlington 3o00.
.. ' Papulation of Kanaraa.
AtchiSOs, July 31. The census shows
the total population of Kansas to be 1,900,'
000. -; - . .
,'' e;rienltnrmi Statistics
Tbe report cf the Btale board of agricul
ture iuet issued, shows an area in wheat
this year of 2,210,361 acres, au increase of
589,708 ever that of 189: area in corn, d,
548,474 acres, sp increase of 551,404 acres
over 1879. The crops or small grain, ex
cept in li.e extreme western part of the
state, nave been eenerauy goou, aqu torn
promist a very Heavy yield.
The favorite uosra.
: Saratoga, Julv 31.In the mile dash-
Girorle, first; Pan Sparkling, second, time,
1;44. In the fire furlong dashCotime
Lizzie, first; Zunjara, second; time, 1.03,
In the summer handicap Luke Black
burn, first; Juan its, second; time, 249.
Tn the mile and Quarter dash Tittnrv.
selling second in the pools, won; Charley
Gorham, the big favorite, second; time.
2:14. -
Spanish Sports In New York.
New Yobk. Aug. 1. Tbe bull fights
yesterday were no success, There were
great crowds and great disappointment.
The only success of the bull fighters was
their alacrity in getting over the fence.
, -
The Kansaa Muderers In Cnstodv.
fardel Ca-u4on--aeeoa;nlseil by
an Mid Kanaae Kelghbor
Am ailing n Requisi
tion, ete
-PltClHL TO TBB obeoonuh
OXiin. Nsn Jmr 31 Tbe tx-ouie at. Fremm!.
Keiira-t4. qutM t-o Tilly IwKum tne Mi Drlm
er, an old m ul au uld wnmitn. who were sr
reved a tee daft aito by sberln Urexg. are
oiheis inau Joan (lender aud wile the itMoriitua
murderers of K.ausi. At leut it lonki very muon
as It Ibft mn was old Bender. Tbry were navel-
lug mi toot, and ma-te Inquiries aa t wbeiber an y
ihiug bd been discovered about the wbareabouia
or tbe Bender fam lj of Ksums. This exnlted tut
ptcioc ami oner i u ureKH. who was noulied, cap
lured them thirty miles from Fremont. Wbe:i
Gk-kk ride up tu them be satd, ' Hello, Kate! '
and iti-) woman repheJ. "1 aiu't Kale B3udar."
Since ttiey liuve been In Jail they have mJa
state soi-tin which would seem to lead ibe to be
here mat the mau la Sender, lie claim, that be
only lived with tbe Bauder family and knew
aooui me mumers. i no woman stye mat abe is
not Mrs. Beuder. but that the mau in Bender. Tj
day a oispateU wm received trout Fremont statiug
taut doubt as touie man's Identity baa ta-eu re-
mosed. Mr. Uoofliiid, a resident of Fremont, aud
aba was a ueli ttb-ir ol tbe Bead r lam ir In Kau
nas aud fcuova all about Hie old premises aud
the arrangemeuu ana ibeir mnrdera. interviewed
the prisoue's aad them bull a Benders.
He brat caUiai uu tttiid -r In bis oe.l aud Bender
toicoowledged be fcimw him tteu'ltr said bis
name was aeudor, and Hootiaud said hi called
litiaaelf Bender lu Kan-ac at any rate. HocSand
clowly que uoiie.l htm aa to irerloi statements
pu sinned psnicuiaiiy with relereoce to two mur
dered children, ul wnen be saw that be bad
caugbl bimseif in a lie be finally said be belned to
put two children under ground aud Uieu burat out
crying aud exclaimed, "1 dou't rare a Ood damn,
let 'esu bang me aaa be damned." IS heo toid Ibat
be must go lu Kansas be said be would kill himself
rainer tuao gj inero itaiutua sa el mm the of bouse aud turtouuuiiiga aud be sat a it was
Mr. Uoonand next called ou tbe woman, wbo
asld be kuew bim. "1 never ex ptc:ed to tee you
auy mora, don't want to talk with yua liere. We
are captured at laH and they will baug ua. You
kaow Mint to at la joha Bender and there la no ue
deuyibg taat auy lunger. 1 am going to te 1 Uie
uulli. u uisi aou i save me ironi banging I'll have
lo hang u-u I ought lo have tout truib imin the
start. 1 fc.irf tliem re would be caught if we cama
back tbu way ou the mam road. We Ware g.nug
back east. j Oil a bud time am rag tun In
dians, aud hardly ever saw a winto i.:u."
was ad where toe otoer child was burieti. k
ouly one fta-i oe-u i-uuJ, auJ s'.e .iid, alter ak-
aiug hoouauu .wnere one c-unu wax uiMXjvureo,
(bat tbe other was oaried in the mints! corner
of tbe garden. Bh aaid tbey bad luteudrd t cress
over tbe Missouri river aud go bacl east. Voting
Kate aud joung Jona Bsntler were with tbe team
taking euolber road. Ihjy werj to meet iu lo.
and lutu some one of tlie.r party was to go to Kan
sas aud dig up tbe STuu buries ou the old Bender
place. The woman claim that tbe Is not Header's
wife, but says Ueuder'a wife was left in the Chock -taw
nauou. uusule to proofed further, aud
Uial.he died iu 176 Ujilliala descripdou of
tbe Bend-. r piaoe agrees with that ofoloet persoos
woo nave oeeu mere, ine omoers are endeavor
lug to get ou tbe track cf tbe real of tbe party. The
matter will be ibotoigiily investigated, sud the
parties be taken to kauras lor further tdeuiliica
Uoo. Tbe attair Is creating luteute excitement
In 1STS etate senator York, of Kansas, brother of
Dr. Yoik. myxieriouily disappeared, aod upou in-veattgs-.iug
the mystery bm dead body waadia
covered, with ten or twelve others, ou Beuder's
place, tbe Binder family, opu learning that
vigorous search wan being made lor senator York,
Bed before the terrible diacorery was made, and
baveevtrsiuceeiudej pursuit.
C-sKa, 4tu. 1 Ine Bender mystery is Dually
ReUitd iKjoud queation by tbe partial cobles
slou of the woman arret:-u with tbe man wbo
was yesterday Hem 11. d aa old John Bonder oy
hoo aud, au Old auaas neighbor The woman
ssjs Mrs. Beuder died in Choctaw NaUou in 1HT6.
That the mau arreated la old JjhQ and loat slate
aud Jba tteoder Jr are goiog t y wagou east.
'1 be par y were lo meet lu Iowa when out of Iheui
was to go to Kansas farm aud dnj up seven hun
dred dollars buned mere. She wid mate lull
confession to save uer own life It will be re-
membeied Ibat tbe Mender famtiy u-d tbe coun
try during search lor state a'uato.- Yrk of Kanas
lu IK3 at. which ume luori2 bodies were louud
OU tbe farm owned by old John lleoder.
Sberlfl Greeir. ol Ixv ae couuiy. who arrested old
Bender sod wile, wbo are uow m the Fr-mont
jail, was lu Omaha to day huutlog up the unit of
young oeuuer sua woe, wuo were sreu wttu a
team aud waaou iu evmpauy with old header and
wife, who weteos lo-it near Stouiltr, and they
parted near there, ehoruy before Pan el Uaodau
tuformed Gregg of tbe r suspicions inquiri. s
about the Bender faml.y of Kansas Gregg has
since learmd that tbe young couple crusted the
river at Omaha with a wag-u aud team and w ut
into lowa. uo uoum en ruute to a place ol meeting
agreed upon betweeu luein aud the old folsa
The) bad a team of oae gray aud oue bey horra,
ant a covered wsgou. i he old peopie in Jil have
beeu beatd talking of tbe young ouup e. yiw said,
riowtlojoti know the others win becaugbt?'
"No: Ibey Ui tool them. They are gone south:
they wui go on tbe wrong Usck " was the reply It
i uuderatoisl that Csndau is f allowing ou their
bberllTOregg uys that when he arrested the old
couple he rtde up to them sud r-aid. "liello,
Kate." aud 'he woman rept eJ. I aiu't Kate
Bender." Urtgg believes he has got a jure thing
on met Id mau. but thinks tne woman Is Bender's
rata tress his theory being that she started on with
the Bender butdt wheu they Bed. and lhat to- old
mttt Snl. a ura. Ueuoer, ana mat ibis womsu nas
been witb him through ail tbe Indian country.
ana gives gooa oes riniions oi tne uaoits ana nic
of var.uUH Indian tribes
Tbe efflcer has eimln?d ine prl oners sepa
rately, aud finds lhat tbe whole or their s-.orirs are
somewbatadke. They da not agree iuanumtM-r
ol imporiant panicuiars. 1 he old man claims that
ha was at Beuder's ahile he was laid up sick tor
six or seven weeks, lie savs bis wife was nut
there, and that be tent fr ber aud lhat she w w
there with bun during he time the - urdtrs wi re
Cjinumtcd sua ma: he anew an annul i nem. me
woman claims tbat ne went to Bend t' wilh h.m,
ana that both were in bd for vvei weeks
aud a bail Tbeonmual Lid Beudr it a Oermsn
aud has a biz soar iu tne & nter or bis b ai. fee
prisnuer at Fremont swears be does not know a
word ol (ierman: out wnen suerman was put in
bis cell aud cursed himlu tbeoermao laoguate,
according to instraouons, tbe prisoner forgot him
sell and swore territicadv in German at tbe mau
Toe prisoner also has a scar ou his bead, and in
several other noinis he snsw-rs the aescrlption,
He accoiiuis f..r tbe star by saying he wa kicked
by a horse He is 72 years old. At times he is per
fei-tiT fiantio and feiia so Ibat be can be heard
two ot three blouts away. Mr Gregg has been
sl- Diris- In tbe cell with the old man. in tbe hopes
of hearing s dne h!nit fr.m blm. aud be ba- uot
been dttappoinied 'i'be prisoner wants lo commit
mlc.d . ud te asked Sheriff Oregg for a rsior
wliU wLI.-h to .have hlmsoil. Mr. tiresg would
n-t arrant bis rfoaest. but tai I lie would have a
barber come a: d ahave bm. "I don t waut any
J d barber lo shaoe me." wid the prisoner. He
.aid that be doesu'i wa t to be taken to Kaosse,
b it will go any wlo-re else to le pied, and wears
h-will n.ver g t' Karaaa alive. 'I be woman is
a"K)ut 40 yei.n -l tge. w. ars number e.evcu
abnes. has hand, as big as the olu man's,
aud is a large, masculine looking creature,
t-bo says there were ten persous killed by old
Bender. Two t.f the bodies have never beea
founo. Mr. Hooflaotl, who Interviewed the prison
ers, as stated in yesterday's disp-tches. Is clerk In
Mr Shed's store at Frernvnt, and Mr Shed induced
tbe sheriff lo allow him to visit tbe captives. Tbe
moment he saw the old man he said : ' That's
Bender." lhe prisonor drooped bis bead as If he
had been shot. Uooflaod claims taat he was well
acquainted with blm. lie says tbe prisoner has
changed his style of shaving, but tbat his features
are unchanged, and that the scar on bis forehead
la positive proof that be la the man wbo must
go to Kansas fur tbe m order of Dr. Y.k and num
erons ot'ter victim It Is uodertoo ' lhat (26,000
is offered for (he whole gang, and of this amount
there is ill.OVO for old Bender,
American furners at Vrankftorl,
Frankfort, July 24. The German
American gymnasts arrived to-day to
participate iu the festival given to-mor
row, lliey were eninusiasucany greeieu.
lieplviuato an address of welcome from
the festival committee, Gustave Utetzka,
of San Franoisct), expressed tlie warmest
love for the German fatherland.
Montenesjrin Vlctnrr.
Ragusa, July 24. Montenegrins have
attacked the Albanians near Cernanls.
They killed 32 persons and carried off a
quantity of cattle to (Jetlitige. Prince
Nikita ordered restitution of the cattle.
The Prince has also ordered a levy of men
between ttie ages oi io ana ou.
Kogllsh Wheat Crop.
Thn Pail Mall Qaxetle this evenim? aavs ;
In K-ex. Keat and sCiacent counties border
ing tbe Thames, the prospect of the wheat
crop has been dashed by heavy storms dur
ing tbe past 24 hours.
- ; Heavy Kalna.
Lospo-r. July 30. rieavy rains fell in vari
otw parts of the provinces agaia yesteiday
and the crops are mucu damaged
Civil War Probable.
A difpaloU from Shanghai says that Geres
intrigues ars prevailing at fscia and civil
w .r is probsble.
Emprcae Kagenle in rraati. '
Paris, July 31. The empress' arrival was
se'icd a o as an occasion for a demoostra
tii-n by tbe B-tpspartistetyrupaiirX n. Their
axs bore no proportion the effjrts maoe
to artue a fl if-g ng tehtiinent. The empress
was received by a small Dumber of personal
adterert's. but the oublic held aloof. General
Evelyn Wood's new and highly colored a
cout.t of the trrmimstancea of the prince im
oenal's deaf, fell ruber flat. There Is Bo
Bonepariut party worth counting now except
ia but load. -
- Sirs, PV' at mare's Snielite.
Ps. Jttly 81, Scclety has not recovered
from the (( m motion Mrs. Weunore's death
rw-rutir.nfd. t but: ah meant have been success-
tativ taken to hash up the scandal. The
maiqnis of Anglrsy, who behaved cruelly to
the lad v. baa tbe field to hlmeelC Us is
wea thy, unscrupulous, noble and ignoble,
and hit agents do not shrink from dishonor
ing Mm. Wetmore's memory. They gave ont
tbat she diel from a drunken bout The Vol
taire, which first gave tbe tad news, has prob
ably been "rqnared" and is ailent. It dares
not either confirm or deny tbe original state
ment, French Aa-rlcnltnre. '
Partis, Jul; 31 Cote Europeannc. apea'sing
of the agricultural snow, says it has hoped
for a belter harvest The present crisis is
partly due to the lack of facilities of cem
munication with Amerio, and tbat journal
advocates ibn rerui-a.on of taxation, impro
vise means of transportation and revision of
the laud tax.
Pasta. July St. Leon Say, president of the
Fren -b ar-natc in an address at the agricultu
ral show at Kurnu nes, expressed hepe for a
better harvest, and aUrlaated the present
crisis partly to the lack of faniii'ies of roii
muuiciition with America. Headvocated re
vision of the land tax. remission ot taxation,
ant I at proved transp-iriation.
A Russian xtxpeoitlow.
-St. PtTERsecsa, July 31. Gen. Skobclefif
telegraphs that he started on the 13th Inst, on
a recon iiriiasancw from Bamt against the
Tekle Turcomiu.s witb a light coin qui of
three cotiiptnies, three sotiuai of Co-Masks.
tnree luhiaml two m mntetn guns, four mi
trailleuses and one rocket battery, Ue says
they surceeded io de-troying much grain and
provision storts Detsreeu liami and ueak
I eire. Aflerwveral bsvonet enconr tint Gen.
8kobeUil oa tne 17'.h, occupied ;I-gs:i and
t he lcussians have ettsblisheu a point at
Dappui, anil Ueuerul SaobeleB marcbet on
the ISth, with the greater portion of his col
umn, lo rronuotire Uerzil Tepe and Gect
fepe. Lauu ihbsms of the eneoius horsemen
were entoantered. The Bussintis advanced
fighting to within a thousand paces of the
out rot lis, ivneai.ii tbe shelter of which thev
reconnoitred. Too Kustians retired at 1 in
the luorning, and detpite tbe frequent and
determined onslaughts, regained l'gan and
Uaryrtsia tbe saute eveing almost without
iofu. Tuey entered Barm on the 22d. Rus
sian casualties for nine dave, three piivs'ea
killed aud eigut wounded. Tekkes at Ueot
Tes number 10.000.
Ill-rated Atalanta.
8r JoHs'tN P:,Iuly3l. The British bark.
emine Oirlof Vcvm, trrived here this morning
from Plymouth., England, after a passage ot
'u days, cue nrouubt in with ber a large
white painted nure beta which tbe captain
Htfirma to he unmistakeablv the head of the
ill-starred training ship Atalanta. One notice-
Bile ieaMire ub tut tne figure head. is the evi
dence oi grett violence eitnr oy collision
w in io- or wi'.ti n Mlina wre-.'kage. the large
metal hoiu tnL tasteti4 1 it to the cutwater
are rudely b. t t ai d broken, indicating tbe
apnliu'itt', ! ol a tremendous shock t, lhe
bows of the snip nnd (be lower part of tbe
figure is broken and rplmtered which teutU
to strer.gtbeu th e theory uf Collision.
fcew DilBeultlea.
Lonnori, July 31. A Berlin dispatch to the
Tinus, sas it appt-ar that France ia resolved
to withdraw her iron clads if the naval de
monstration should develope into real action.
Until now it bat been hoped the cool u-ider-
s'andiDg bet veea the powers during tbe
drawing op ot tbe collective note, would con
tinue, but the atti ude of France during the
last few days, makes it likely tbat rainy dif
ficulties mav arise
Streiia'h of the Turkish Troops.
Lokd ). July 31 A military paper savt
the number of Tuikish troops sla'ioued on
tbe Greek frontier is z-i.oov toot. 1W horse.
and 2H caun n, ready tor active service.
Threatening the Press.
CoKTASTiKort.B July 31. A dispatch an
nouns th t ulhcial notice has been given to
tbe ciiv nrees threairinDg suspeusion or
suppression if they reproduce articles of Eu
ropean -jamais hostile t' tbe lurks, ins
Greek pres is particularly re I erred to.
Hand Shaktnsr.
Vienna. July 30 It is odiciallv announced
that the emperors of Germany and Austria
will ii eel at Lchel on tne loth of August.
The pri -ce uf Servia will probably arrive at
Ischel about '.be sdoie date.
Coalrsuls for Cartridges.
BucB&aasT, July 30 RoonianU - contract
ing for 2o.uou,uoo cartridges for the 100,1X0
men she can put in the firt line ia case of
Oaarastaa Protection.
t'o-iBTAKTisorL-i, July 30. E.igland and
Austria have ioiorme-1 ihe pone that they
wiil guarantee the aevumv of all rfatsalmang
in the districts fede 1 V Greeie. The arubas
sadots nave pro.nt'el to su,prt Ue Noni
kotf 's lieiiiai J 'or the exec iiion of the aasas
sin of Col. Coin-ueroir. The p rt expreased
a willingness to surrender tin prisoner for
execution to tne Russian government, bat
tbe propossl was declined.
Sot Dead.
Love and enthusiasm know no such
thing as situations without an issue.
They laugh at the impossible, and rather
than abandon hone, will do vinlanna to
reality. Many well-remembered words of
the Master, especially those in which be
had foretold his future event, could be
interpreted in the sense of a resurrection
from the tomb. Such a belief was, be
sides, so natural that the mere faith of
the disciples might have sufficed for its
production. The great prophets Enoch
and Elijah had not tasted death. The
belief was even beginning to obtain that
the patriarchs and chief men of the elder
dispensation were not really dead, and
that their bodies lay in their sepulchres,
at Hebron, still inhabited by life and by
the soul. It was certain to happen in the
case of Jesus' as it happened in the case
of all men who have arrested the atten
tion of their fellows. The world, accus
tomed to attribute them to superhuman
virtnes, cannot admit that they under
went the unjust and revolting law of
death. At the moment when Mohammed
expired, Omar quitted the teat, sword
in hand, and threatened to strike the
head off any one who dared to affirm
that the prophet ceased to live. Death
is so unreasonable a thing that when it
falls upon men of great heart or great
genius, the people refuse to believe
such an error of nature possible
Heroes do not die. For is not that true
existence which is prolonged in the
memory of those who love us. The
adored Master had for years filled the
little world of his companions with joy
and hope. Gould they consent to leave
him to moulder in the tomb? No. He
had lived too long and too intimately in
the hearts of . his followers for it not to
be affirmed after his death that he was
alive forever. Earnest. Itcnan.
Old Men's Energy.
Their energy, Bays the London Sjecla
tor, is at least aa great as that of the
young. Not to go further back than the
memory of this generation, we have seen
Radetsky at 83 conquer Piedmont, and
Palmerstou at 81 dictator of England,
and Earl Kussel at 59 expel Palmers ton,
and Lyndhurst at 88 discomfit opponents
by his oratory (on paper duty), and
King William of Prussia at 73 invade and
conquer France, and Pio Nino at 78 call
a council oi Uhnstcmiom to change the
Catholic Church from a co-operative ar
istocracv into a mouarchv. and Thiers at
74 stand forward the one man with en
ergy sufficient to control the parties and
revive the parties, and revive the energy
of a defeated i ranee. Lord tseaconsneld
began to diatnrb the world at 70, and at
70 his opponent, bv feats of popular or -
aiorv -a-ithont narallol in TRnrrliah htHtnrv.
seeks to call public opinion to arms
acainst the disturber, t At 70 Mr. Glad-
stone pronounces the speeches wbioh
mtoht. Is-lva ruv-an wnjit hv m. whniA Aflttn.
0 . --a-. j w .
net. and the first obiection raised aflramst
each of them is, that it ia too vehement,
too enertretio. marks a disnosition too
widely from the accustomed groove.
One day, when Father Noah was called
upon for a speech, after eating rather
heartily of pickled salmon, sardines.
canned lobsters and other luxuries from
the cabin stores, he began with the witty
remark, "I am too full for utterance. It
was a good thing so good, in fact, that
it has lived through all the succeeding
aires, and up to the present day no after-
dinner eloquenoe has bean considered
complete without it. ' Oar friend Smith,
who has attended 3461 dinner parties
during hi life, says he has heard it just
that number of times. He look upon it
with love and veneration. It is such an
old friend,
A Pensioned Dog.
In the territory of New Mexico the
Legislature, by joint action, recently
pensioned a dog for noble services. In
that country there are many sheep farms,
and shepherd dogs are so well trained in
caring for the flocks of their masters
that it is their daily practice to take out
the flocks in the morning to pasture,
guard them all day, and at night return
them to the fold or corral. This work of
tbe Mexican dogs is bo common, and so
faithfully performed that it is looked up
on as a matter of course, and nothing
more than should be expected from a well
trained dog.
This being the case, it would appear
that the dog worthy of a pension in that
territory mnst have performed some
very marvelous feat indeed, and some
thing out of the common line of canine
achievement, and he died. He did not
save his mistress' life from the murder
ous fury of the savage, nor her child 1
from being choked by a huge black
snake, for- his master was not married,
and had no wife or babe, but led a soli
tary life in his solitary ranch in a very
solitary part of New Mexico. - i
It chanced that the dog in question,
on returning of an evening with his:
sheep to the fold, discovered that his ;
master was not stirring about but re- j
mained inside the shanty and kept very
quiet. The next evening it was the
same. The dog, when he penned up the
sheep, repaired to the shanty, smelled i
through a crack in the door his master's
presence, but the man was still quiet,
and did not breathe. The dog scratched,
barked, and even howled, but no re
sponse came from within. The door re
mained closed; no smoke rose from the
chimney to greet the early morn. But
the dog, true to his appointed duty, went
out with the sheep on the third day, and
cared for them while they cropped the
herbage on tbe hillside. But he was get
ting hungry, and that night, when he
drove the nock into their pen, the last
one to attempt to get in became the vic
tim of his appetite. This method of pro
viding for his own wants became a por
tion of the faithful dog's daily duty.
Every evening the last to try to enter the
fold was seized by him and served for
supier and breakfast, and for dinner the
following day. As stated before, the
ranch to which the dog belonged was in
a solitary part of the territory, and out
of the track of travel and social inter
course of visitation.
For two years from the time of the
master's death as ascertained by data
left by the latter the faithful dog
tended the flock committed to his charge,
and had fresh mutton for his supper
every night. The flock was not deci
mated by this Bteady dram upon its re
sources. On tbe contrary it increased in
numbers, and when, at the end of two
years from the time of the death of tbe
proprietor tbe ranch was visited and the
remains of the poor fellow found, the
dog was still at his post of duty, jealous
ly guarding his flock and driving them
to the best pasture everv dav and to the
fold at niirht. before which he slept, to
keep the wild sheep eaters of the plains at
a civil distance. . Such fidelity excited
admiration wherever the story was told,
and the Arcadian legislators of tbe terri
tory, in a fit of generosity and enthnsi
asm, at their session two years ago (they
nave biennial sessions in that happy
country) , granted a pension for life to
tbat dog, to be paid from - the state
Treaury, as a reward for his fidelity, and
no doubt as an encouragement to all
other shepherd dogs in that territory to
be good dogs and laitbiui.
Welting Lead Pencils.
The act of putting a lead pencil to the
tongue, to wet it, just before writing.
which we notice in so many people, is
one oi tbe oddities for which it is hard to
give any reason unless it began in the
days when lead pencils were poorer than
now, and was continued by example into
the next generation.
A lead pencil should never be wet. It
hardens the lead and rnins the pencil.
This fact is known to 'newspaper men
and stenographers. But nearly every
one else does wet a pencil before using
it. This fact was definitely settled by a
newspaper clerk away down East.
. .Being oi a mathematical turn oi mind.
he ascertained by actual count that of 50
persons who came into his office to write
an advertisement or church notice, 49
wet a pencil in their mouths before
using it. Now this clerk always nses
the best pencils, cherishing a good one
with something of the pride a soldier
feels in his gun or sword, and it hurts
his feelings to have his pencil spoiled.
But politeness and business considera
tions require him to loan his penoil
scores of times every dav. And often
after it had been wet until it was hard
and brittle and refused to mark, his feel
ings would overpower him.
Finally he got some cheap pencils and
sharpened them, and kept them to lend,
The first person who took np the stock
pencil was a dravman, whoso breath
smelt of onions and whiskey. He held
the point in his. mouth and soaked it for
several minutes, while he was torturing
himself in the effort to write an adver
tisement for a missing bulldog.
Then a sweet-looking young lady came
into the office, with kid gloves that but
toned half the length of her arm. She
picked up the same old pencil and press
ed it to her dainty lips preparatory to
writing an advertisement for a lost brace
let. The clerk would have stayed her
hand, even at the risk of a box of the
best pencils Faber catered, but he was
too late. -. v
. And thus that pencil passed from
mouth to mouth tor a week, it was
sucked by people of all ranks and sta
tions, and all degrees of cleanliness and
unoleanliness. But .we forbear. Surely
no one who reads this will ever again wet
a lead pencil. Minnenpolut jTibune.
Thk Curse at Woek. A sinarular
fact is noted in connection with the
sarcophagus of Asbmenezer, King of
bidon, now deposited at the Louvre, the
inscription of which has just been de
ciphered. It is in effect like that of
sbakspeare s tomb, uttering a curse
upon whomsoever should rtmove the
monarch's bones. : It farther declares
that " such robbers shall leave no de-
acendents, but shall be driven from their
their country. . The Duke de Luynes
bought the sarcophagus; he and his own
son were killed in the Papai war of 1859.
Again Napoleon III. brought it to Parts
and deposited it in the laouvre; he died.
was buried in a foreign land, and his
on It ion -ftitftril &t thft hfLttAn at uvacas
aa sfMnmi Avt-infv TV. .- im aa Jam
scendent left of Napoleon III. or of the
1 Duke de Luynes,
I ' ' ' '
DMranscTAirrs. As the warm weather
appears disinfectants will be needed.
Lime, plaster, charcoal, dry earth, and
I 1a 1 . avu :.3:a x.:t. i
t "uwu twin fwuir, -uuiciit v
WJ " fuviua. w.u wiuuu uiby
j correct olor. rreah-filaked lime should
f seatwrea in au piaoea oi iota odor,
over heaps emitting foul odors. Calx
vi vuMwoa wa t.ia7a war udwmwsimi
, ... . .
powder la made bv pound ina- one bushel
of dry fresh charcoal and two bushels
stone lime and mixing them, and is
Brreat practical nse. All these substances
absorb foul iraeea and drv no moisture.
and so help to retard decomposition
else absorb its results. Where lump
IfttaiUVIH Saw lali-s-C-U,a a WAaVsat JU JTCUIvWTtA iUl
nse bv reheating it. Quicklime and
ground plaster should not be used where
they may bo washed Into pipes and form
lime-soap or obstruct by hardening.
They say that trout bite sharply at a
piece of onion. We now understand
phase "bated breath.
: Choosing a Wife. ,
There are many men who fall in love
with women at public places of amuse
ment, parties, balls, and large social
gatherings, and who fondly imagine,
because they shine as society queens,
they can but prove delightful aa fireside
companions. - But, how different the
artificial atmosphere of a crowded assem
bly, whero you are surrounded by all
that is gay and glittering, and, under the
stimulus of a false excitement, and the
?uiet of plain, practical, every day hfe !
a the first, they can assume a character.
In the latter place you can find out
whether their charming qualities are sec
ond nature, or put on as nature demands.
A true woman is seen to best advantage
among those she loves and cares for, ia
family circle and sweet privacy of home
life. What wonder their can impress you
agreeably when all their personal charms
are heightened byfthe aid of art, and they
have every advantage in their favor a
faultless costume that invariably gives a
woman a delightful sense of inward tran
quility, the homage and admiration of
the opposite sex, the envy often of their
own, which spurs them on to make
greater efforts to please ; the dainty speech
becomes a necessary adjunct to the be
coming toilet, and they easily fall into
charming and beguiling ways that dazzle j
and attract- So fair to look upon, so
agreeable to meet, now can they be oth
erwise than what they seem in these so
cial assemblies; lovely in all womanly
attributes, guardian angels that scatter
blessings at whatsoever hearthstone they
drop down. Alas, what a wrong place to
choose a wife, for too often t'tese be-
wlriiinff narfnarfl nf an frttA hnnr t.tiAoat I
witching partners of an idle hour, these
brilliant butterflies of society, make the
most insipid of home companions, and
you find too late that the witching grace
of voice, the beguiling manner, the daz
zling : play of wit, and the faultless
toilets were all to win public admira
tion. The feminine charms 4hat draw
you a willing captive at her feet, are im
pressed you so delightfully, and takes
off and put on at the fancy of the wearer,
the tamo as her ravishing evening
dresses and she readily takes on other
moods and manners not quite so sweet
and seductive. Having only a husband
to entertain, it is entirely unnecessary to
put forth any unusual efforts, and, as
you have taken her for better or worse,
you must make the most of your doubt
ful bargain. When your fancy is dazzled
by these pretty and showy women you
meet at such places, follow them to their
homes, seek to discover by simple means
what sort of a daughter or sister they
make, and whether their winsome ways
are part of ' themselves, and stay with
them amid more practical scenes, iearn
if they have the power to comfort and
make those net and dear happy, as well
as the gift to Bhine in brilliant society.
Note the respect they show to the wishes
and suggestions of those older and wiser;
their deference to age; their influence
over younger members of the family cir
cle. Chance in at unexpected hours, and
see if you find them, in tasteful morning
dresses, easy and graceful, as sweet and
agreeable in their quiet borne suits.
Here yon can easily discover if they have
a heart worth the effort of capturing, and
are as ready to appreciate the simple en
joyments as more brilliant pleasures
Then von ean better judge whether they
will prove household treasures and true
helpmeets, and grace equally well the
borne of splendor or, u need be, the
simple and unpretending cottage of the
poor man. Woman's sweetest mission is
to carry comfort and blessing to other
hearts. A faithful, affectionate and con
siderate dauehter makes a good wife and
devoted mother.
Broken Oaths.
A curious fact in psychology is the fa
cility with which men take oaths that
they have not the remotest intention, of
keeping, and which nobody dreams of
expecting them to observe, riot long
ago Oxford students at their matricula
tion had to swear to conform to the stat
utes of the university. Among them was
one which absolutely prohibited "the
nse ol tbe herb niootiana, or tobacco;
while another enjoined on nnder-gradu-atea
that they should always be appar
eled in garments of a dark, or "sub-fuse'
hue. in the solemn oath which is ad
ministered to the Knights of the Garter,
they are reminded that "this garter is
"never to bo forgotten or laid aside.
Even the original Knights, to whom tbe
institution was something more than we
regard it nowaday a, must each and all of
them nave repeatedly broken the vow.
There are, however, some remarkable in
cidenta of sensitiveness on the subject ot
obligations which the generality of hon
orable men regard as of no force what
ever. All Souls College, at Oxford,
was founded by Archbishop Chichele
that the Fellows of the same might pray
for the repose of the souls of those wbo
fell at Aginconrt; and not long since
there was a fellow who regularly paid
for certain masses at the little Catholic
chapels ' A Protestant himself, ha could
not comply with tbe letter of the obliga
tions imposed upon bim; but he fulfilled
its spirit. James II. by the way, when
passing through Oxford, reproached the
Jrellows for their neglect of this duty,
now much significance do statesmen ot
tbe school of "blood and iron attach to
the first sentence of every treaty between
Christian Princes "In the name of the
Most Holy and Indivisible Trinity?" It
is to be feared that treaties are not the
less denounced for these words. ' Louis
XIV, in renouncing the crown of Spain
for the .issue of his daughter-in-law.
swore "by the canons of the mass, by the
Holy Gospels, and by the Cross of
Christ " This oath he did not scruple to
break a few years later, and yet he was a
devout man according to his rights.
Jove was said to laugh at the perjuries of
lovers; bat these are trifling compared
to these of diplomatists.
The Duration of Christ's Ufe.
This is now generally confined to 32 or ,
33 years. The difference of one or two
vnara arisM from the different views On
the length 01 nis public ministry, -jui w
1io1 anrl roan eimin earlv in the VIKOT Of
narlv manhrwvl ami an rtnntinUea to live
in the memorv of the church. The de
cline and weakness of old age is incon
sistent with His position as the innova
tor and Savior ot mankind. irenw.i,
niThnraeioA I aa a jliamnlfl of PolvCrP. WDO
disciple OI I3t. rfOOn- vuo uu-;
rn4-ort-k-rt.Y witoMUl of fttrOfltoltO irftOl-
4I-.A ffLthnrn. held the OD toll-
in I aVil nnt'ninn ilita.t f'hrir-t attained to the
- I -J at A A MM TJ .mm Mil taftncht
f rvsaiss -sauna Ml ass as I uu v 'a
j over ten years (beginning with the thu
leenthl and that he thus passed through
all the stages of human life, to save and
a.-..-! nU.I-aitn anrl .tftfl sftTlll vonthsJ He
appeals for this view of tradition dating
r 1 frrxm Mt JfMin. moil iU-Wf m aw j
I , 9 it. Iaasu A.m.
i warranted inference iroin wb
jectore of the Jew vben. wn6?
it ihB claim of Jesu to have exisui urn
i a k.ham eu nnm. iul-v -
Knm thtv asked
I - . , a 1
i Tk art ni -t 50 Tears old. and bast i
I a iK,k.mM A similar iiusr-
of j ence from another passage where the
of t .!. awak of the "48 years" since ihe
1 . i- iarJl Wnn to be reo n-
I -,t,,i rheitt snoks
or I a i 'j.;. wwi- (John ii. : 20) is.
t conjee.' still less conclusive.-The Pies-
byterian lteriew.
Tlie Detroit Free Prex says: Tlie 1 13
waukee house of correction is now na
on the moral suasion plan, and it ii
that the worst old toper look ans t u
happy as angels when they get two cl a.
mark for leing good all day.
Aa ElgaCjcs-L,!-! I
A recent arrival at 'tie
ciety's garden at Kepr-t ; .
special notice, apart frora t i ,
is the first of its r-pecu si.
been brought to Lnf-.aiiii. A -. . c
called the ecAis sarinat y, t . h
and a half long, and of a a
Yet, althongh ia ap;wa-j-', i
teresting nor formidable, s1 i .
liest of created tlunss. a 0
little worm, which, iool, ' m ; , ,
spectator might make bo to ; ,
could immitate vervpAssauIv isc...
putty, is, nevertheless, one "cf tl Y
cles and masterpieces of nature, far it
death itself, and carries in s j t.-y 5:
the secret of destroyirj L.a vr.' L. ;
sudden rapidity of an', a r
eentrated agony of ail tm -as.
echis comes to as from to.;., wL a
ia tolerably Vcommoa, be. -j toal :
nearly every part of tlie ps ..)-", f
feared wherever found aa the itj---.v
of instant and terrible .
Fortunately, however, for msu, is u r
like the cobra and the koraxt, it L---frequnting
snake, for its t.ry n ?
givo u a MsmiJia aavans&ra cv-i i -being
who live crowded to ' , i
natives of India do, in tn.ulL ' . . -
rooms, wane its agressiva w
make it infinitely more fstal tj 1 'a t.s,i
its dreaded relatives. . For tLis i . r cf
.1 A,. , ... ,
tuo taps, uui Bioaera casiiiKir., is "
only venomous beyond on. p
but is actively cffeaslvti. Tr
turn to escape from man, as tbe .
will, or cash into concealment, L ,
koratt, bat conscious, perLsrs of ia
deadliness, deliberately keeps t! s - !t
acra!nt s tinman aAOA;lat A . . .
against us naman aasauact, and
its own eighteen inches of isrnj e -
its bulk, challenges and prov'. -, t 9
conflict. ' A stroke cf a wL.p c.t
in two, or a clod of earth dieatla i:; I t
such is its malignity that it wl ut.
attack by every device at iu eon.--
staking its own life on tae cere c - -e
of its adversary coming within tlie ' a
circle of its power. At most the ra. as
of this circle is twelve inches, but w.. i
it, at any point, and eg the bare hope of
hand or foot trespasaisg Willi m its r. -ach,
the echis throws its bodv is. to a ??rf
ight coil, and attract--; afat.a ty
ru bbing its loops together, wL:ch. Lli
the roughness of tha Si'&ies (bescs t.e
epithet carinata) makes arnei.r',
ing sound, erects its head sal a s at
tack. No on having ones eacr.uu: I
this terrible worm can ever foi?'t :-.
truculent aspect when thus arcssoj, i s
eagerly aggressive air, its ra-. .&s c
which, in constant motion, cue ore' ,
other, and ' rustling osninonsly a 1 i
while, stealthily but surely bnr
nearer and nearer to the t: ,o. i . .
fury; the eye laalignant evea I- -those
of other vipers, and tLen
conceivable rapidity of lis strcse,
the echis does not wait to strike t
is within striking distance, but r
malioa in repeatedly daring at i ,
hoping, perhaps, to aggravate i's
nist into coming into closer qsar, t,
more probably, as a mere tsym. .
its own uncontrollable viotoc s.
London Telegraph, v
Bits of Informat'oa.
To prevent lamp chimnf va fro-i r- -
ing: Put tbe chimney into a a- "
cold water , snd gradually best un .1 u
boils, and then let Has gradua:t? cool.
To get clear of flesh orms. ?.vb vor
face in warm water and tneit-ruh v:'!-
coarse towb This will dcsir--y C
worms, which are no tiling ra;0 -a'
gealed fat. --.-..,
The earliest method ef'vtiT's r: - ; e A
upon wood which was known to te
Chinese before the Chris.. n e-s. i .t t i
not known in Europe utr.l t - t . - et'
ages, when it was introii ice i t y t . j -habitants
of, tbe Celestial em- .
graving upon metallic snir i i
practiced in Europe uutii t.. ; t - re
the fifteenth century, sUhot'.. inu; -able
that the art iu this w v t . ,
known to the Chinese io.ij It. r?.
Coffee Is a native of Aral. . e - I
by some to have been tna cl. ef i i.
lent or tlie old Lacedemonuu r- ' .. ; . ;
use of this berry was cot kwin!
land until the year 1057, at it - a
merchant of Tarkey, on ll-i r n i o
Smyrna to London, brof .t . il . a
Greek of Eacusa, who a-ti i" '
every morning to prepare t -1 -
his master, who never w&nv J a . , -
Tbe merchant in order t 't r.jif
visitants, ordered his r? sue- i a
coffee bouse in Cornhi'L :.i m ;
first coffee house opened in L- a '.
The term Gotham often a -; t
derision to New York, was t -1 - i
as a nickname by Wtsl- K n re.
The name is not au lave i j,i i
thought ; it is an actual jri .i t f
ham, England, whose inha! . ti t
proverbiallv rustic and st , 3 ' ;
gained the ironical title of t,e .'. a
of Gotham. - Many stories cf I . r
ness have been toid epou t' - ' -ites,
ob of which is ti.nt t ,? , i
hands 'on a certain otcae.on t . - ' s.
thorn-bush to prevent tl.e e-c -j t i a
cuckoo. Iaorder to confiru ii e t - ,i.
bush tbe identical bush s sxewn
tourists in that neighbon-ot-l. ils.-s ;
that King John, of Manila CS n"-t r. ? '
ory, intended once upon a t;ic tn s"
through the parish fur the r s t f
buying a eastle and group is 1.4 u
smites, knowing ' that tua n-vtU vis r.
would entail considers!;. a espen ct
them, pretended, when t mossr n s
messengers appeared, 10 b occ1 1 .
some,ridiculous paru tuui f t, s
disgust of the emissaries. 'I iit-e - "ri-i
to John woas tney oaa seen, iiut
elared that be would eot havs ic- e iu
a neighborhood , wbara s Up
tons lived. Thereupon the pa- .ice
shrewdly remarked, :ot9 ix , s
pass thmtiita Gotham ihn ie- 1 1 1 1:
t M
In the waters of BrLthh C t
Oregon there is a fish n c
surprising in its way as C. s
and inuuiidy mors uatJiiii. as
cics of smelt, and may I
scribed as an acquatis f -.w-w
are told it may be liw - r r,
same way as a caudle, I y t,r
a light to the tail, wL-i ts ,
a flame as steady as t t ? 1
1 wnicn our gtusi,r .r-. K
I put BP wit before r"'
I u a small. Bitvery i-iii. a
fourteen inches ioc, n
sod affords an esc"..- s s
which is so inf.ajT.n.r.' .
carcaas will serve as a i r. ..
natives the fih is ine ; r
and by them, as t-7 '
tasted it, is eonsi .f if"
delicious prodnrU tf t.3 ,
mors delicate in Cv 1 1 1
The fish are ess,: A .t ?
and are smoked un
tare wlU alicw. "1 .
nothing mora tn n
10W nature u t
through it and 1. 1, et
1 rv vi mm
M Tea axq I ts:--
MoW! t-; s
i .r, a j4. r. i.
4 1
don jct.
"meat 4.-,"
at any t
nutr'- ( t ir
parU I'll .
incl.n . -
r-"--s:v 1
i.i tsi
a-;;i c.- '
1 --
is; ,
of I
i. . i
Portland, Oregon, J