..MARCH e, im usSfn. ja-AVlV . KuStL.imOJi UK ENDORSEMENT VV HKIIKAS, TH lllVGI.Ag IxDKFKKUKKT m-wspaiier published id Ko-eburg. ha been uuoiished in tlnscooniy tor tin- erioa of tline year; anil Whkhkab. mi newspaper is now wel cf'aliiiauid, snd during a three years' trial it ban faiilitul y s.-rv.-d the interest nf the cr1'Kvr and ux-imyer; tberefire be it HtxAttd. the ni.-inlwrs of tin- 17 inn. qua liMtige N. 23, .lo giva Tills DoccbAS l.jiMMijiyK!Tour unoaalifh-d ei disM-nient a I w 'u recoinnitd it aa a newspaper worthy Hie pa'nmaga of ev-ry farmer and tax-payer in Southern Oregon. dKO JON KM, Mast, j J P BCKCA!!.e?telBrV TO ADVERTISERS. : The DOUGLAS IN UEPEXDENT baa ; the target fircnhUioa of any paper . jraMLtlted ia Knsebnrg in the co tntiea of Douglas, Jackson and Co. and will furnish the proof of oar assei -thru when demanded by mrponi-tble afl- -riisers. KELLY & WELLS. "THE GRANGE IX POLITICS." One of the !-( articlts we have published for many weeks on I lie sub ject of Independent voting by the !, is to le fotiud in this issue Uii(lr Ike above raplloti to this art h ie. - Ittnibrnreelhehh-tiscoiupletely wl.ici lmve from time lo time i eeli argued by - this paper, and the only question that can piM-lt'ly be rni--l in opponi ion lo tl ssi-ertlotts of Ihe writer i that he . spteds t aud aigues lr than who art- only grangers, instead of embrac ing in bis rrmaika all taxpayers. ''J. l,ln aiiucrr might ivmely the : tirvl l declaring that ail taxpayers hoolil he vr.ugera in the cortnuuii anil titlursl fUcrt that oughi -t lie made tur geiierai and mutual rotec tion from olUce-Kekeis In RrDeral. ' V re he to do w, -trtuiitly tie would reniMlu a hmniioii of. the rijflit of iii'K 1 riil nee In MmivMai;vimtt wl.oaj n- ui Coi.1'1 fuel-en-fully eunteiid. - Matty un'f agalDKt. utide itder ferrtHe in the Una of Ihe iiiiical len.ieia of the two oliiiuul riie Ihe; are turn ply mad uuuri the qui'S tlott of Iarly feattv. Tbey belonir to th-clu- h:i'it a'luiidoua the riiH-ile lii admlriiii; the alum-, n lit an kptly Dlu-lrnird to li(-keort' Tal"of Two Cities,' and it is aith them Ih irHDtfe iv ! wiinl boiUimr ir 21 s im . Kor aiii lualierwituilietiiwuKiilivtwiuitna,- V:pon a hi o (nini'Hx a euiurea rntf, I l)ul'l Uii aome rucii bi(li-.juu'iinu - worl "Kiau." . - Prate u.uch i.f "ilry," Datlj" and Vic fry," ' "Out aal on." "Virtu " 'Uo.i" ami "L'br-- Xl 1. ...... i . t . i. .j UK-ir-UI f VpdiwtehjtVif in not ;tie priu- Ho far an the two patties' leader are oooeeriied the striiKgle to day is made nowhere in the a hide lei.gtii ai.d breadita of this u .ion in fuvor or a ingle national principle. Oi this ' poiut we defy coiiiradiulloii.; It la wilh the leaders of hotb imrties, the tiest way to fllce. The general reader does Out want the proof. It U the men lio d.i but read and learn, who linlen hloue to the Utteraucea of pany l-ahfs and to to tile ol!a to vote witiioutdiM-overillit tlvat purt'Z.m leaders are lurtiziii hatidil, H-ekiog offi- hy twr avuilaiile avenue to public fttvor, and that lein cratic and refu';ii'au ; pilnvlplea in any two Natea of td unhm are iiot.ex plowed 'thke. and wh tt ia democracy i-i oueUU ia rt'pndicia lam n a'lOilu'r. Wh u are" the dem-- ! crats of Pemi-y Iviin k to-liy , hut a-l-vocitea of a liiih ro'e.;tivo t.tn;r? What are the de:no.-r.it oi Or- gon hut tVee-Tr-tdere ? liven in Or-gn the lending reputiliiuiii p,pvr of the Siaie fiivon free trade, and in' IUUO i is joined by the ieadng u.ooriU ic oran. The prfy leadei's in il EUlea are, theiefore vl-ke. :id i!k ir purpoae i pain. 1 heir aim ia hut h" fllliiig of m roiial pi.ci-ei(; ), wt.ile bucuiH ttilig to Jtmr- r the republic nd iiitelligeiil ami hou at rueiulr.i of the tao cr-t itarlie. the fet re mail. ,in eaiil.t tl.ut m lar tlioe W'o-ltad the artiea" are coneernetl, the warts waged In rmuite the lotvt and fli-h- s offered tipou : the fllidie tai'le 'Vimply i tlilat. and tuxhuiK Biore." So (ar a priuedpie ia eiieei u ed there is iioiidnu l stake hetweeu the to had in partita. acU priy ba4 itn r a, a. 1 1 eau'l rin Ins its favorites to work '(it ceitain reMiilt, Tlie reaults Moiuht after hy hotu riiiRs are the same; ; and where one riii it, in the name f a party, cannot tecure wbat It defitva al oifetht-r it di- Vidta )th the other in order to hold j up rty lines auiiaoaa to not inleifere : Whh thii trade that Is ofieu mtde hy j tbee mi'llXii tmlidits to ttoik their Ciids uiwi keep ready tools in olllue. Ve have ti.e pritfr aa we have bet'ore 'bitted. ii the lncoiii.iieneienof i-arties in nalK-md politic, and we had em phatic iduM'ratlou how far k:rty love .Ul..ilu ...I ... I ..a. ill a..l 7, , n I t .i the loaves and fishes In the marriage ' of. republicans and deitio. rats atut tx years ago In thi-t ciuniy to defeat the hope and effort, of taxpayer to elect honest men to oftlce. Then the leaif-rH, ui l lie language of one of them. "VitRik Uan Is over: the bloody Chasm,'" and the Mime leader Using the iatigu ue q-mted he was a demo crat only a snort time before, in leav ' lug the republicans, de-'iared frotu the po'l io-il atump : "Kartell, you . The repub lican lea.lers were willing to forget the in-ultv They did forgive it when bauds wereshdten "over the bloody chasm,' and the Rosehurg ring met With defeat at tha hand of the honest titers of tlds county, w ho knew the leaders and h ui std reatoti to fear the corrupt wot king of the rmg. And tlie lixhoue-ty of leaders has mora to d i with Iudependentim than any other Influence. It is not liec.use lnth leudenta are such that I hey tlls card fortaer party afflliHtioi a, and have partl from pat party precinc thr ingh 'salt Audi ug on their p it. ItHthft thinking pple who have de serted tb partles-aud where do s?e find Ssfti people who think more and act more truthful thati the psodorinjr clawies? They argue and reason from natural cause and effect. They take the trum a they find it, and accept it without excuse, and they do not deny a faot. They have but the products of their labor to deiend upon for uhxitelice. ami they depeiul upon tiiein atone. 'I h y are not drones in the bee-hive J of lite, hoping and scheming for pub lie office that thy may live a life of caw. , l bey wt tin onuy, uo pay exeept what is iiue them for I heir ia hor, and iioproterliou a ve that which will prevent I hi-ir rnbtiery. And Iho laxpajing fdaM-es are the life of the ' nation, Without theui there i-oiilo : not be a uanou oi intviiienee and wealth. Ttiey are also the taw-abid- ; iug oiasiies. They never rebel a dunt : honest Kovernmeiit. their wisll is Ce ami pMerity. So Souk as they U.tVe jusilee, and thought the goveru- nieiit under wnioli Uiey lived migi-t live trnivneKiuuiostof timeoii through ail eterniiy. tin y wouhi never llud fault.1 But they must. h.ve justiue, and ixirly aliuintstered ia tlie kov eruinent lli.tt will out favor thoee wbot-e'er..r s give it life and its icreat est vitality. ro thiuk taxpayers liere and every where in lne-e Uuiled stales. Under tlie Kuverumeni of tlie two par ties the nation eveiy where is ruled Una for the otliee boldeis and th'iSe seeking ofliue, and se.-oinily for the ptople. Hence the numerous inde peoceut taiitiotiM throughout the Unit ed States peeking Ue truth, an. I l euxe tlie important argument made that it is ali owing to tiie faults of the two parties that there are independent, and that ituiepeudeula eouipriSN) tne iMiueat elements uf this govern men tho-e elements who tni.ik ana work aud UeUialid houe-ty tit o.1U-e and eowpeteucy in the ad m mi -..ration ol po lie itTaira. "J. U." houiu, tnere f'te, have written, "Holiest the Pto ple iu Politica."' The people of Portland y the f'hineie must go. Tlie cour t" of Mult tiomah county are helping the popu lar eau)e whenever pw-iihle hy send ing every guilty heatheil: to the gl inaa or the penitt nfiaryv when aueh are tu-oughv before theui. f But there are in Portland n en oo vil-niiii-le,! as to as-eit that the judg a are candid .ten for re-eb-elion and are tnukin j it wriu for the (.'iiiue-e upon nny an: all oc ewto.iiiH in onler to s'eer with the pop u!r euir.'lit of feeling. (J, The way tii ligs are turning we would hot lie anrprifed -hould some on?i detdare the supreme o rt of the H.ate is oti tlie lookout f. r puldio "pinion, for tnat i.u it bus declared tli..t Ah Lee, Hie murderer of his mistress, halt h ng b tile ueck until he Is "dead, de d, lead 1"' Or course, anyone who Wi.ol l iui uu ttie motives of the mi preme -iirt of Oregon, is a " liar, hnrW-ihief, Iihs iteeu Uniglit by British gold, and tin re Is no dejt-udeliee to be placed iu hiiu.' .-ucil : is the laM ruling oftheC 'irt. sei-onded by those astute la wyer, Durham, Iliil.i'h.cyer, ThotupMiu and Willims, aud it must be correcu ' i It has been argue I that the constitu tion lately ad .pied in California would bring hart tiuiea to that rilate. The argutu nt was made probably because poliiivian-i were .not the authors of l-ioi eoiictilutioii, and it was the iude peiuleiit thouirht of the H-ople of Call foraia. Our California exchaugea do not complain of dull times, but Oregon newspapers are tilled with-cnmplaiiits upon this score. Is it : because Ihe pol liclana have argued falsely iu re gard to aliforuia, and the trouble with Oregou Is that tlie people here need a new constitution? : There have bveu unny compiaiuta made against the prrgeiit eotinlitutiou, aud we find it to oe defended only by ihe politic ians ami j .bi.eis whose ends it fairly ervea. Perhaps the people of this ; tate would not have reason to rearet a a milar action to that imposed upon heinselves by the people id California. An office-holder . at Washington once wrote lo Texas that he wat hav ing a grmid time, and was really "a bigger men than old Grant. The letter fell into malicious hands, was given puhii-,iy, aud sealed bi-t p tliit cl dm-in. General Kusa of Indiana wa iute.y so imprudent aa lo write a fi muiar epi-ile. . Having ta-eu turn mooed to VVuahtngton aa a witness iu a Care MiiileWtiul pnisan in cltaracler he wrote to a friend a giowi ig des cription of tlie tasttin itions of tiie great republic's tapit.tl,aud adde.l: "Pit be home iu a da or tw i, but be ore I come bcK I will arrange it so llmt you eau lie s-uium n. d -as a witness. Toeuy.'U ciiu Iiave your lu..." The K'tter wan promptly printed, aud Ueu. liuss is ou the retired list. That senile old iuu iu Gramercy P.i i k is cau-.iii4 Jj -n K-lly au i his hand much dl.-Ue.-B. the list of rtlHliB tiiat I'dd -u has "dxtwl" is very form i lai.le. ile I-. cieiiite.l wilii bagging the lielegHVi'ius from New York, ail New Kt g and eX'-ept Massucbusetls, eiilit Wvsu ru .-Mates tiealdea Califor nia, ami lour soul hern Cjtates. Uis M'iiuoie in reHi-le.l to ne to net a small majority of iu.si rubied delegates, and should toe custom ry rule if d.-ino-cr tlie couvetilioiis to give the tiouiiti tlon to die maj irity candidate be ilis r.girdeti in favor of tiie two-tniids rule, then the Tiideii cohorts will "sit on tins l u.e aud aiolisii tl altogether. The gold value of the merchandise imported into ihe Ui.l e.1 8 ales fur i tiie -eleven mouths ending November ; 3'. 179, aiuouined to $4)3,00 i,0ii2:;tiie ! uii-r.-ii .n ti-? exports of ! the cou.itrv ft'r tiie oe peri... I an). Minted to - , r , i:iiMiils n.iiounted to ; Swi?,3ltMK0. Tid nbowmg Is highly favombie to American industries, hut, coinpire.1 witb the ntatintictofthe whnle of tlie prece ling y-a , a couai'iera de falling off is ito pare ut. It is probable, bow ever, that when the figure- of Decern br, 18-, are included, the ditleieu.-e wtii u i be material. ",' i'f '.'..'"" For some years past the Mormons have been anxious to mure a foi hold iu Mexico, and tliey recently iti.ipa tolied one of hs?ir prominent m-n to oufer wilh Diax on the sul-j -t The reply ontsine l ia honorable to the Mexican government. . Mormon emi grants w.li be protected in their wor ship, but polygamy , will not be to'orated. In a retvnt sermon Hpurgeon de notinl the Kngliah government for "miking bloody warn and oppressing nations." Thecrl ul m is Ju- Eng land's present iwdicy l unnecessarily aggrewslve, but her efforts, . it s no ticeable, are iavanbly directed against weak powers. f?mmmmmmmmtm wwWa bs was An epidemic in Indl is not an affair J.iat lnt(.oi iaiH eiKmgh to warrant tte lihersl abuse of some bourd of health. Neither is it jit ,wr. erougii to make the ikwtjua ionk -tdteerful nud wie. It ereaija ,v;oney in human ninks By " t;it ! v-er that ti read lhriifh the nnrMi western jirovint'es of thnteouiPry, a in...:li.s as. 400, tUM) pei'l'l- a?ri-hed. - Nevertheless llyre ii an vei pi of popu'ation there. . . . '. , The '(tiHi c l.u-tti! of faIifornia" ia jreittnif i,iti di!r jiM.e. " sotliermal 1 imet a v m t Itljj "ui. oi' pbee, and the atii.ini lO't or nu i U 1:1 S.i b'rti- 1-hiii i'il-H.II!( CtltU- clwf i lUy wioi'i nieiit., ..i"iioi!il i ibe unit.tr. Tne f.sit.oii!i-l at St. PsUrhn-i! o'oi I in full Idast f e z r has just ba.l atMiol "blow .1!;'' at the Win'er Paluce. His rtftiv it w-- more di sired than hle mi:tnv. however. Tbe ivutrih tliet.is ot itiiKid are sdd lobe the most a 'fH tfdi-veH in Eur"e. Iu Aiiierii-a, however, they might not nliiounl to muciv. Tliet'ineiiiiinti Ki.qu r.-r refers I the hmalljiox as "ilto u.ni .o.il di-eo-e o China, : King of the Blood Core ft'il Scm'aloa &ff.tioTij mi4 dliordw ruolt taiff from Impurity of the blood. It m hedloM ia treaty tbuifferttnniialr pcmivc tiiotr cauw ; but AoM JiVina, IHmpUt, I'hnr, Turner; Goitre, Stmclitmft, ars I u hum ftfDnwi, as well aa many altoeiloiis of tba Utmrt, Jtoa, Luttr asa SCROFULA. "TToaiwfol Cars of Ellaiaeti. . D. BAinOM. 8oa Co. : fur tba ban-IL nf all Iroubietl wita Scrofula or Impora Bioad m ilMr lyann, I hmctir recommend Kmg of tba Bns 1 bavr bren uoubted vitk Harofula tit the paat tin jaara, wluch ao anVotad mj 7a Out 1 waa rom . plb Ijr bliad for an mwitha. I wmm raaumiacmled lo "rj King of U B out, wlurh baa piuved a mat bhaMina to ana. aa 11 baa vumulataiV eurail im. ami I eueerf ully reoommanU it to ail troubrad as I bava sours truly, 111. B. luauu, bardinia. N. T. 3La. C O 0 will b jnH b aar PnWie Knvpltal to ba matn ally aniaait npon, for trary ecrtuleate of tbia uiedi aiaa publiabaj bj aa wbiob la not aoisa. Its Zngredients. Ts abow our faith ia tha aafriy ana rmwllene of the K. B., up ptopar fieraoaal applioatioo. wbea aatutttM that no mpoaitKm ia m .tnl , wp wi 1 fivathe naaaaaof all itatairmli-Bta,br atftdav?t. he alamiotft wra nartr mde baton. 1 - tij pro. prfof of ana oh-r Family JalieiMin tb world. Mmny taatlmaajla.la.rurB-Tiiiformtioi.,aijd full dim!lMKi fur aaaoa will ba found in tlie pam phlet " rrmitaa an Diamata af tba Wont," ia wbiabaarhbooleiaanrto-rd Prlc $ I par bottle ron trtinmr IS oua-a, or 40 ro M doara, hold br drua wta. l).Baaw.aViaC,Imp'ia,i)aitaJo,li.X, Tbis mare i r-seived for CO G V i naiafu i i m o -4 I Look nut fur t ia new advertisement. NEW BAKBRY yhiirM of Sao Frane'iKC. ) anananco to tlie pabiie tilit he ban pnroliased ue inieresl ol U FllKUin ROSEBURu BAKERY, And tl.st lie lin had fltleen yesrs xpe rii'iiew in Bitc-cImi bakeries ia the iv i f Sau Fraticiac'i as a baker. He, there! jv. is pri-pared la con iuoi the bakery ia a tirtti-clrtiu. iiisnner, aud will warruut ail Ins work as firsi-clas. Tii3 3:st Of Brsad, Either wlieaiep. naiea r rye, aiwsya .-n Inni l. Ctkn. piea aud crackers of lite fin est qitsiity tor sale; a d whrt er fr bmls. mriiesir private f .ni'lios, all ord.-r will Is pro'iiptly filled at iha I iwi-at rnt.-w. Ia ritniieeti'in wi'b the Bakery I will kwn friii 1 1 slid v.-g-.-taliits. caiKhra, nnis ami notion, ami wait th.s regard 1 wni nut ue utidcrs.) l by any one. Give me trial. Tiled if I e .mint smt you as to tantiiy and quality a l nnces a i one can J. X li DiillSTAU l'. Ea M. DAVIS, M. D, OFFICE UPSrilKS IX S, MaUK & C ' brick btnbling. liosebtirg. Ore- von Private consultation rwrn for liens. pa- aiiamiiaii Ws3aK3L3Eaa IkaaaaaaBaaaaawawwaassalfJ NBC.TO HiLFFSMDEH. BROS. I HAVE THE LEADING r Grocery Provision STUKR OF 0rTlEl:T OREGON . TIIE LARGEST AND SOUTHERN "ORG. ayJS-T. VjniCMXT CIV2JT. Choice Goods -Low Prices ! LOWEST aiaii Toreiga and Dcsioitis Fnit ia Thob Stare, 2Tnt3. CANDIES AND CALIFORNIA CRACKERS, Kvei'vlliiiiir in tlw shi'pe t,f GroctMics to be ton ml at Oicir storp JUST IwSCSIVSD ! JUST - I I A PULL JJJtr3& .P3kii uiaceti( INCLUDU- Pepsin aud Its rinidSstrasts, Elisir3, STraps, "S7ia&3. Hlls.Etc. THE SAME WILL BE SOLD AT WAGON SIAEKR at liErA'tlEi.', CANYON V1LLE, OREGON. I am prepared to do firnt chhs work, at low rates, rud ia a manner to suiis.y all who paiM.iiise me. My w.irk ts my r. cominendaiioD. and if it will nut Bak f r iiimiII. I do not wish fur iatront: . My imly wish is ya try my work, and )-:il:i hit prices, aud if iliev un di huh y.m uo one eao. t'n A . Kl 'f M h.L, Csoyiinvide. OnjtoD. l:,JnC:iR!:EHA!iS!iS PRICE CP BEEF. TTTE.THE' UND1-RS10XED H7TC11- V t i.i It eliurir, loriojr to Hie mcreus e l cwt of itrocio'inr tut Iwt f csitie, ar eoiuiH-lbnl tn cliara'8 10a-d 12 cents j-r l.iimid ir b.-ei mild luiti.er bd c. Vuttrinsrs it nur si.nps will tf.iveMi liieiu- sefvi-s HCcordinuy JAt OH l;ii.i-,li, L. MCUHiAJ .1.'. KEY COUNTRY ST3?. ! AT FAIR OAKS, OREGON. Sampson Sutlicrli J., Prop. XTT Nf W STOKK AT P.1R OAKES Is lit now coimiletrd and H .e! witu a tin stuck ol it-Ksla etidirae njr everyiliing foua I in a fimiclsi omn'ry a ore I m pre. Imrcd to to miiply t rmers w-,:h a'i Rum it itihmN. at lower pncj-s tlisn tliey csn is: url elsewhere, ilnrsf, eaule, slieep and Imirs aiU al kinds or country J.-f." dues tuken aud Idiiest uiarkei pr ce jmt.i or the autnit Give me a call and aatisly yourself. SAMPSON SIMM tl.X. IE RKS& CA It L L HAVE FITTED UP THE METllOimiTiSiLOOA In a Metropolitan Style, ' 4PD : THEY Ua VE ON II AND L2QXT0ES ;& CiaAHS I F1XF..-T AND BEST I3M TS'lS LZJxZIuT LAND NOTICE. . LHD ITPICE AT boICBCno. gn., ) Jan. 24, iSSO.S KTOTK E1S HEoKBV f.lVfcN THAT afca ) Tb. t tll'uviinf-a.uirtls ulr h filrd uoiice of hie .dtenriiiii to make final pr..f 111 iatiport of l.ir- e aim, ami Secure final entry ilierwif at the exsratioa of tldrtv days from tlin date at 1 Ins uirt.c-. r,i: Mad is.in M. itines. ll nne-ii-Hil Application N. 2.813 fr t' e west halt t soudiweHt qusrier. s-utliwest q.rier of n..rth- quarter and lots i. 'i and 4 seciti-o 3-1, li.wnaliip 23, sou-h range ' 7 :-west; and n.iiu s tlie f.id.'W.i'tf s ins wiineiwes. vn: W. II. O a k, m Do.ivm count, ami L. T. lh .IU. U ol D Uffliis otmlv. Oregnt. WH, k. BENJAMIN. ilegisier. ' Land for Sale. 1,000 acres at 4 ier ai're. On Deer creek. 3 0 acr-a of farming land. Ora-a not eaten out and lei ratge f.,r stock in the State.; Wood timber of all kinds. 3 m.hn from K.m.turg. IhshI orchard and ratiL'e well water.!. GEO. V. uENGER. - OAY. FINEST DISI'LAT OF 2?J&ZC$. 0 Ui'JSalT L ItV MILTON, LIXK OK.. KV.2 ai. i,3 Ia'cparitiius Combluatians, -73 o -- n o C'i r a O fl O 11 O P fi 03 fi '4 a 1 s . 1 o rl O tH fi v3 U ei O mr- 11 rt CJ i4 . u B I 1 13 1 is C3 s . TO 53 Fcnaer's i'riaatatica. d:ci:ated to' A- W. F K H.RE la. . OF FENCER'S RED -FRONT.' BY Fred Scliwavtz, sq. VV TUK " UFti'lCE." ('me ye ciiiHtts and strsnsrers, .'ilitii-rs. sol .iers, and wrs.ero ranjeer?, Lko-ii u. tlie trmlittil siorv ui Fenut r of tiie "lied Fr.nnoria," He in irurlilul words win t-h y,.u Jast t e (plods lie bs to tt. lt you, Mind e now icr toa'i j"king. If yon are fond of el einif and srniking, Ur if yon are :ivt-n to siiiiiHiir, " Wh t he krt-ps dm nm iieeil piirTing, He b.ts brands will ami you, rea ly, t'oltata .nHttiu.'rs .rize tlu-m ftvarly, Is there none cin suit you beiicr.'. Tli-y will sitii you 10 t leiler. His ciirnr jut liom Havana, Stu kn in tint IU'st loy.-ly uiai.ner. Mi-erslnium pip a ot a.yies nd fsio Jui-t to nun tiie tusie and paiins. And it ia ail ove Itcsebu slated IliS tobieCMi arrf C-bia-'e;. Hi. '1 .sto, s might cut, a'l tlie go, 1,-irilW.I, Wnaiiie, Pc V, !i. Ad tlie bn- cut brands tr Cio-wing, Tiiat your eatli wdt tievef ruin. Pit to suit tli iiivecerable sm-.fcer. srdn t..r inying mne'n ai d Nkr, Cip- s ol brier, and steins of cnerry, P.rreihaa aiy tnaii e-n Carry, li w ml 1 luk-a wer-kv to tell you All lh lliiuog ), hn in sell yon. While in toWa y.m tm,y lie stopping, At tlie 'Kd Fi out "..piease dr-.p ia. FKNNBlt you'll find at 1 hat baratinn, Always rea ty gitre y.n itilortnaiiuo. tlrtos- yo wen jnuvuled, W'.ih whai.w tv a, avcule-., ' ' Tite 4 nose a id newer lilory, fun besl aiu. .-neaiei-l at Le 'R, Fron- ' tollu." ' llo:-. CUHO.OngoB, Feb. 3d, 1880. ZD -T JSi KOSEBLrla, OREQCX. ALL BTJSINE.SS VA SiY LINE WILL lmprouiHiy aiteadeil "toj hod charges tu. drraie. Cau be ini.nd wben wanted, luquirefor me at Uoseburg hotel. FAttCY il 1 1 1 1 uar es- vo -a-ssa" iiwa niB A'KXT lrIVI)AlS VIM, OKPRIt . Special mducsxneiits To Puicliasew. oini s'iHar of I U.-ir I-'u'T -m- ek .f fall anD linttr Emboiciiisr a Full a -id C.Miileie Line nf ..AN).. W PROOFS, . , , . .hhO . ... OIIKGOX ANIM'.YLmitXA FLAN NELS AN!) CASSI MfiltKS. OlTi; M:i K tiK... jaawnr-wataa; 1 rauMeiata, itui . wawwrrsia ClotiiiiiG C;rie ami V'a i y is not l-qanl sJ ia ibis X'liiket. It cous.e: ot MEN,T,OYjt- 1 YOUTHS' ar v 1 . .e ' 4Ta -a 3 a "'v. - " "5 B al M'itjtJ aoaf Visa ViOj SUBS'! AN'Tl.Vh WiXTElt tJOODS, UNDERWEAR HOSIERY, UI.OVI.S, TIE., c. Wa havann linn I a Full J'loci of GrooerisS. CRCOKERY, GLASSWARE, Paints. Oils & Glass. Reiiienilier our mono- liii- Prices aud Square Uealiiiir." Agent KXaPP. CUKKELL Co. ILOED &CO., Koseburg, Oregon. 1 1 nV- isrnc'M I i 11 la a 3 03 si jf 14 Eky ' O . as- . .. . t. ZZ v o c 55 o t 1 0 L r. 2 v.t w - i- pi 0 - r - . 'I U k-; . . w v c - . V fi c 4 " h In I t 7"frrjfti. : C3 Oearling GiVson, . 'bfi i,Ni. 0iN. AV, iit.i.i,f,iT. ir .. tt:t "toMe iha rliei i.- ! 1 b!i ,-t tns'.erl- l ,-. ! :-;-;v .9t c-..sji!.n ui ibeir line I Is VI a' ---5'! ! r:Vr ftiffKlT v.-srs' ejpe. lU.'t,i I., 1 .:".f- y'jt.fxi'- n,,f n , rirraei by .1. 1.- .' - I . ' - r ,.h - m-js. aui Mr'l" "V .-i. f. !;.- 1.1 (.!ti 1 Flit' 1 i- H1 hi LAN i:. L'OSli- Pro..-. ' ;'. ! .Mi i y s i tvJf bavi ,;ss,j tlie.nt 1 -v.r t'tvciitit. nvit'it tw FA:.'-': A-,Mri i;K !' Jl.'r ). Hw- T!i:m a Call. "The Promoter anl rrrfeetaraf A laiJation. TTie Reformer anl vttaltzer of the DloaJ. Tiie Producer and lavlirorater af Nerve and IRaxelc. The Uullier an . I upiarter of Brain Power. Fellows' Compound Syrup J I cora posw 1 ot ingredient) identical with thoe which const! ute Healthy Blood, lluscl.iacd Nerve and Brain Substance, while Ll!olt3elf is directly dependent upon S'ltno ff them. By IU union with the bliod ad Its eifoct opon tho mucla3, rcestabli hlng the one and tonlr.g tlio other, it ii ca pable of eTToctln; the following results : It will displace or -wash out tubercu lous matter, aid thmc-:ro Consumption By increasing Kervoua and Muscular Vigor,' it wil! cure -IV.spepsia, feeble or iatcrrupte.1 ae'don of the Heart and .Palpitation, VToakness of Intellect: caused by grief, Trorry, overtax, or Irreguhvr habit-i. Bronchitis Acute or Chronic, Congestion ot the Lungs, even In the most alarming stages. It cures Asthma, Loss of Voice, Neuralgia, St. Vitus Dance, Epileptic ' Fits, Whooping Cough, Nervousness, and is a moat won ierful adjunct to other remedlua in sustaining life during the process of Diphtheria. Bo not be deceived by remedies bear ing a similar name : no other prepara tion ia a substitute for this under any circumstances. Look out for tha name and address "i. I. FELLOWS', St John, N.B., on the yellow wrapper ia watermark, which Is seen by holding the paper before tha 'light :: .Price, $1.50 per Bottle, 6 tor $7.60. ; Bold by ail Druggists. XIH. JOXIII C. AIKE1J I 11EHKBY AUTUuRlZEi) TO ACT as my ai-ut aud to irniip. ct ai busi nw fur ui and In luy aniim in D.ugls cixituy. anl o eolbci ail btPs, reals aud accouiiiadue man 11. 1 r.-c-ipt tor tli auie. 30 Jk'SKPii O. AltiliN. J At kRIK H J'ktT. : HOSKW31.0. i The proprietor d ibis well-known and pr,iiii- r -it woufil thank lii trieuds tor lieir hla-ral pstr-iiage in the pai au i ask f.ir a com mm:!ic. ottlie s.iuie :n lite luturt Tiie pulii.e is iu!'oru-d thai 1 keep nam liui (lie bt l.rHiid ot sines, liquors and cigar-, .n. I ili.il 1 sell over til.- bxr lue reiebratt tl JKS"ti3 .MiiOl.E & t'tl.'S KiATl l KY W1IISK1LS A if il rt:.l'.. i-l r.ihl.t will iw'.hiii I in lli Sioni.ats! ail-Sin l.-s-li:ig tap ra O! H ro;i . ,ti.. u.e a -ali. V. ilJIiiEii! LiiMBEit! .MOLNT S OTT .MILLING i'OMPANl ItOWLIaY, . f its SVofrt ANNOUNCE TO 'I UK 4 i t I asn. Uun c-dimy antl riciaity lit i ;m hit-. iiti.ctiaAt' i ta tuie-'ttnt lu ; Tras 'Saw mill, On the KORTH UilPQUA ! A nd has : ii ken FI LL COXTOL . OF THE SAAIK. H" bus Im 1 20 years eXeriKnce in ilia t.uaini-sa ot lumlM-r-iiiakiiig. an. I gunran t"es t ail ruaioiu rs isrlect Balisfaciion. lie will deliver all kinds of DRESSED AND PLAIN LUKRER At "dost l.nrjr nr elsewhere cJi-aper than Can b piin-hitm-d from any otlier mill, and, sllir.bi will I promptly tiile-.i. Cmi irartors nud liiiiid. rn will find It to their aOvnii'ag.-. n inipiire lor tenna and prica lie isaiMi a pne h-a1 ar.-liitrt and Imiid er, ami all bavin;, mic'ii worn will Iw ts-ne-fitted l.y calling upon .iim berore gning iswliere. J. M. KOWLtT. GTJ ARDI Airs SALTS. yyjvKitr: h iiKithur oivkx that is tij nr.). t of tin- romiiy a.urtul 1) u.'a l a eotiiiiy, Uegi.n, made titr 24m day ot Jjutry, ii-iO, I will at 3 o'cl.wit' in be atirriKH.ii on t!ie2('ili day of Ware';, 1830, the aiiid ptviuifex, sell av nui l c a ici.m l the iiitbtvi bid.ir. I lie lol low ing di-HTilitil preii.isei., to-wit : Coniirenc ii.g at a . no n ilio n.ut.i line nt liie Do itaiiiHi umMi Oliiai f f U, I) VVil'i iiiiaon and wile iH.oi en ina in a anurlierly uirec lion Ir.itn i soudiw.st cottier f saiil cIjiiii riiunm; ill. nee in a n-Tih-rly oiivc tion. at a r.giit iiu 'l.- wuh said souili line ; 70 03c1jiii ir n,e a- rih line of mid Do- nation t' aim; ihenc- on tlm Rai l iiotth l.ne 7.0J chain-; thence in a somberly di-j r-ct on al a right aimle w.ili s.td norm j in 70 10 riisins to tlie nulli Iiue of said , e'aitu: iii.-n-- in a "eseriv direction on sai l line 7.03 ciiai'.K to tne place of Uegiu UilUf. ooli aonllj 5o St aer. s. Also ihe uiidivi.led ne-s-ventb iniereat in the ensl bail of lbs Donation ha'id Claim id L. IK vVilhamam aud i;.-u ated in Di iiitbis coutiiy, te pMpeny ot V. D. Williams n.a minor. The t nusot said aalnr-io hundred dl arse .sh In Land on eacii pxro-l ot it nd, and the Imla ce payaliie iu n y-ar fntu t b date t aiii.J sale, with b'gal in'ereat tliereon, and with approvr! wc-iniy. A. C. YcUSO. . Guirdianof V. 1. Will amaon. Tlie CHICAGO LEDGER, a literary an ' family paper, caa be liadhyatndingto Chicago, I.io'ii a Price, tl 50 s-ryear The Ledger is published weekly aod lias eight pages, aad tie tone of its siori and other matter Is pore and moral, and wi adapted forth Guailr, Sheridan BrcX They won'd anBomire that tiiey have just Ever brought to U rn .Lis county, and when added to their STOVh,. OF ALb PAT ICliNHaud liB i l)E 1 1N WA KK, they are prepared to declare they have the btsv siiply in their llnerorany eiauusi.nieiit can jiurcnase elewbcr. la the aliape ol hmldioii materials in superior inducements to purchasers. Try We Can ivyou bargains ill tue lonowing orsnus 01 wirra,' ntK t-qaaneu eise-whr-rs Buck 'a. Bonanza. Farmer. Utility. Uextar,: Pacific, Wide West, Clarendon, Occident, Iron King, Kiuptre Ony, and oilier The best or wuritun-n are cnnsiauliy impioyeu in ua tuaouiacture 01 oar 1 m ware, and bnyera sliould learn our prices. . . We have ais i baracins to otTer in guus, sack as Winchester. harpand other Rifles, is we I ia to Shot-guns and Pistols - ....... ... ,., . . ...i-.,. We ate also Agents lor U. W Ulte. Kerltwaana Jew Homo Hewing Msc&iOeS.wulca e sell at low eat rates aud warrant as ntupltite in every respect , : is f ' , j? l " Wa can also supply " AicrUi untl Uubbtr rints, Hie heat iu the nu-rket, at the lowest rates. Hive as a call, inspect tur a-oek, inquire as to our prices, and we promise to anit all any one cau. CLASS 3 ALL CASTERS, KOB i- SsistsadiJ, Bareaas, Par lors, TcUcs, Dininff . r.32ii TaUcs. i-cfas. Etc. tc. ANOPiMl We wi nSd r.-sp-ciluily rati aitetitiun to bene new and la-autitui Furniture t.'aatera, cons aiing nt tine, fmlislied fiiut 'lass bath, li!d in claws ol fine ieil in tal, or nt iuai- .ante iro-., nickie s Isted. B.-sids tbeir, exceeding lieauiy. wb-cii is a rutficim' in. lucemen tor tlit-tr a.l. p'ion, 1 II F ftKHAM IK IDKD ADVANTAGES oVKit THE OLD SI VLB S.WIVEL i'Af- '1 Ki'S. Tbry ar fts; super srdmg the old siyl. a tact that th.y isisess advatna- g.- ot n me in ini-rit, Tuey are i-aaily put a lurunure instead of the dd style. -They ail.l Materially r. the Sweetness & Volume of Tone of Piano & Organs On winch hev are us.il, by inulali. g the tliatrument. Til 8 a em- nt we su s'an. ale by reliule te.-ti mouia Is al band i b s- 'aau-rs hsve aitra-.ted lUo aiteiiiioti of etu- iumt usicianii, who h,.v ill -roughly tt-s-ie.1 their in -riiH. and mliesMa niglr re- omuieiidrd tlieui tor nnproviug tti- qnan- try aud qnaii'y ot loin-. u addition to the valUHtitu t,tiiuouiai ol uiua.cians Kasi in ou. povaeamoii, we Q'toie He following irom tbe geniletueu of rare uiosieal aitaiu iu nfc, wet. known to ibe prof stioo iu wtvgou : , Messrs Aiken it Ai.i.en : AfVr your having plaC'd a si t o. il- Aduale H ass Bill Casiers" on me P:Bn. 1 - must sy I aai llleaia d With 'h -eil.C. 1 find tlie in struuietit w.iaderful.y nup ovd iu voiunt aud tirdiiaiicy of time. 1 r.D a ao certify io their advantag-a ss a ctstor over the Id swive. action. i;y i'lsno ca -i mov ed about over th--earja-trd fl-ar well tuacli greater ease With lln an Caxiers tlmn With tba ju style. Kkhs;i.i-i, T. iJ. Paukott. East Portlaad. J.tn. 11 1880. c'oEKvTour of .t'rsic, I'oarLaNU, or.. Jan. 12ih. 1880 f W taae great plesaure in certltyiag to ihe iaipr v. meni in our Piano since hav ing the "Adgsie Uiass Bill Casters' a' tarued. Tlie volume of t. ne i- gn-alj-r sod tha 'tvble nine i, mora brilliiint, aad our ony iegr-t ia tiiat we d d nor use them batora. W. H. KIXKUSS.- , , FHANCir VINTON. PonTLAKO. Or. .h.n. IS: ll, 1SS0. -Wa have tested ibein-rnaol tln-"Algate ti'ara BaD-Casiei. as used on - Pianos aad we heartily endorse tite opiuioo ol Messrs. Kiaroes aud V ntoo in regard to sanin D. W. PlttS TICK k CO. Cooa's Music Pari, ns, PoKTLAKD. Or.. Jau 10 h, lt. f MicasBS AiatH A llks Qeatlemen : Alter carefully test ng my piano, on which you have placed tba "Adgare Ula-w Ball tJaat.-ra" 1 nabeattaiingly aay that tkey tasess all the merits claimed lor theui. Tkt-i aleatly add to the brilliancy aad volume ot lone of tba ins; ruaient. Tba Ulaaa Kail " Cenr-Bearing" CaSSer I tkink is ot great importune, iieais-ctfulty. E. CMJK. Oa- coeip'ete stock is on ezbibitian at lis&vrcbar L Thomfaioa's lxx.k atore. 105 Kirst a Portlaad. Or. A literal diacouat nil fd to tba trade. Orders by mail promptly tl ed. AIKEN ALLEN. Sole Ageats Far Oregon, Washington aad Idaho Ter ritory. & Agists i.-'r tr.e I'm i ter Woole Wsalea Kills foi North Pacific Coast. JT. S3. SCIXARF7, aantcsEvriKe lias nfact ares of the STANDARD SHIRTS iRXrS FCKXISH1NG GOODS. ? aad (9. F it :. Portland. Ogc CANTOSVILLa'., oitEUoS, nLACKSMlTIIINQ & WAGON UEI'AIRINU NEATLY DONE. Hotve-shoeing a sieiahy, and satisfac tion gasiant. ed. T. nut mw !r cash or approved credit, and w.uk done whea wnat-a. Tbuse indebted lo uie are hereby BotiSed that all outstanding debts must b - paid by Jaauary let, IKS : h so doina ad old patrons wilt do me a far T. and nud m able to put ia a nrsi-clssa stick in becoming Spring Tbe ia-k wni it ttier ; but 1 wish a seiil.-m.-nt with old friends, and with a tull snck lie able to as, I thew work cLeaiier ibaa ever. JOHN U AKZNER. !GIlEOORS . JBUrCHEE SHOO? Having iiurcliasrd tba liucher-shnu of S- t'raiuer, I am now prepared to iuruish cue- wnn tiw nr-es. ot Best Pork, Mutton At lowest rates, : I won id cull at'entloi of coimumer- lo the fact that 1 have one i. tbe Ix-et cutters, aod am prepared to fur nish meats aa desired. Always lat cattle on hand. l ve me a trial and if I do not suit you as t qjaotiiy. quality and prie s, then 1 slial) not complain it you gn elses ii.-rr. L. McfiKEtiOlt. R.s-loirg, Or.gon. f 0SEEITFG LULLS, The Best Four in the Market for Sale The Fionr f these mills has gainf-d lu oi'iar.ty an il it has eouie ba known by pu.cliaeer as tiie Vwi n the maikei. Onlers Iro borne and abroad tilled pmmpny. A dree. ICSES & JATES. Ruevburg. J. F. W. 81 UBIETY Soasopatiiie PJiv'ciaa kOSEBUKG O i,.. ,oN, TTT1LL ATTEND TO ALL CASES w intrusted to bis care, t'fflce at ait residence. wi r Hosoonrr r9tlved and now have 01, hand one ot tha is eoniuern wgoa. w uicu iney propose , the way of lucks, butts, etc,, we can offer us. aiovrw and ranges. rntiiiiiai mans JO TO S. HAMILTON'S U Y7 D R U G S T o n n - V ftlK : lUsr, Psinta, Oils. V'arciah, Window and ' Picture (JiaaH, Stnti mere, Perfumery, if yon wish to purch -su them cliaajier tbaa a', any itiaee sou'lt ot PORTLAND. And keeps full hues nf ED WARD TODD & COS GOLD TENS, 1'ENCILS. ETC, jtirrw Tinnr; . Vf.VR'l.si r LKGAL? BLANKS. Cloth, fofp. Mall d Toot5 Rrttshcn, Paint, Y h it, wash, Ys rn Uh ArtUt't , Brushes, Windsor aniNf-wions tula- cilora, Wla - dnw and Picture tjiass, evry siae, at I .o w.st Priee, by ixtx or pane, blank Bo ks. Writing Pap-r.wivelnj. pens. Ali new Patent : M-dicine in st.s-k as demand will warrant. (ILtS ( UT TO OliDKK. free ot ebarge. Agent lor TH22EI5l5LXd PAIST3 Th-eelhrate ? and tie rougb'v ?eteil PA C1F1C Rl f'UER PAINT". The JM PKRISHAi;LK. PAINT, end The ENAMEL PAINT. Agent ff 5. i ' tiray, Alusic llel.-r. 8ll Francisco. Prescription filled with itpatch, at tbe lowest rates. . Store ia actv-sibf . r right window on back mre-! at al! Iionrsof tba nig lit. Remember tin piace. Kriek build eg oi.i-otile :elr. o l an lb it-l. l.i urg. flawriii. r. i- i 2L S. & J. On (Snccesaors io fb'-. P. S. eridan) UllALKUS t ItAlll'n A fin. H3A ait" , fllUVtt iiuns, Cinb ry and Tn .rs rur- niehiug CJ.af-.-. ; F.!GR TCE, IcCtEUr.C, CC.7. Having secured the above bnainers, wa ire r parv-d keep, jip its former good name tor work and pr era. We h'Ve the beat ot mai.-rial and a' way a a lad st.ick of i i ia iiani. and i- is our aim to fur nish cnstnuiets wilh Grs'.-c'ass articles at let live priow.' .-... A full st(K?k ot Iron and Steel far sale. Orders trum abroad wi l rervive prompt a'teituon. H. S. fc J , C, MiEKlllAN. TliB i;lMG MILLS 2Iar, icasia S; Cd; CANTONVJLLE, OBEUOJi. M1E FLOUBING MILLS OF A!ESSB$, Marks. Sidetnan St Co., at Casyoa vide, Oivgon, are oaVrwd fi.r rot, to any reapooaibie party. Tbe mills ate doing a profitable aud fine busieas; ihey have alt tite enveoieuc. a in tiie wav ot a hoU f0, smoke-house, terding tMtig'ba, scalding ap. para.ua. belonging to faivt-c ass tiij ie: and tba reason 1 hav for tenting, is th. I am rout w. led to aisin take my departure for lienuany. For larther puticulara, inquire a the i'io. snt.mvil e.of A. F. n IHTI.ZE. Ad.uiutM.i-utora Kate. IN PURSUANCE AND BY VIHTC of au omer aade by tbe C.uuiy Court of Douglas county. State ot tirgnn ait. ting n prolate at tbt regalsr January 'term 18b0. tbe tmuersiiri ed admini-ira or .f the esiato of It chard Smith Slid Martha A. Smith, deceased, will aeij at ubiic sale to tbe high-av biddtratlneTe,jj, approved security,. tbe premi,.r.i. calls a b-y,cmMiiy an.i x:a afor. said.on a'aiw day March 6i!i l8.-0.at one o'eWk in tiiaaf. lemo n of said .tsv jill id the following de acriled pro) eny, tn-wit j - . Tbe Dibhiiou land claim nntifiratloa numbered 3403. eonsiai ingot b-ti. N. 3 4 3 and , s.e i 1. 28. T. 23, s R 5 "w.- conw V v . -' . .. e-,auo ,oeA.-. .,, Ml Hull 0f ,Jje quarter, and the f. K qtturer of t. ' Irin.SM. .11 . mil 1 110 . .. - . E. 200 aeresl: IS. half at ..i.i ; .5 W. land. claim is hinging to Ma-tba A. ulllll de. ceas,-o, ami me r-niai-nler k,-i,.i ol the A . quarter .1! seeing 84 (24 arre-X-in a-cttons 29 and 28 con.mencu.g V, t lie fc cra r ol the dona.mn land" claim of Uols-rt and usan Smith, running tbenc. nortb 13 rod. ; therce W 1 n,rH jralle. with the amnh la.unti.rv Una " said d- nation land cla th- i ce iDU, ,a rjrtiB to tne soitrb line ol raid laii -t,-.n. thence. east along said sou h la.n. darv line one mile to th plac- ..t h,ginulaus 8 E. Qiianer of tl.M S W -. " ..,1 .... v iV n-r.er -.,r.,WHm , " iianet A . qutr. I-1 of Sl CI loi. ill il.WM ... 7 . v- v , ." quaner ol 1 , :1 ic'ion 33. the W half t . 1 3.u"n"r" sect on 84. the ot tb of S. f . quarter ol ch.n 83. .23 8. 11 r, "f w'anietie Meridian all 10 Douglas c nv. Or,r..n and J. L. SMi lH, Administrator. For Sale. An r., M" i CI nd war. " J. SJllfU. Administrator s Kaje. TN PURstCANCE AND BY VIUTCE OF 4. an order k. .1... . ov,r. . . -v 'urvnuniri.iiin r Dotig.ksetiutv. Ki.i ... ti. '. 1 JsineslTsn . "L" ' f4"'" iiesaie. . 11 ' :i"rT r" .!--. li Court ton ... .1... r eU' 1 a K W ... ... . . ; wunrr 01 tlie an.rter and ve 1.. E. af a- K E. . n.uo 1 n '' U8 W. cdw - niug 1 0 acre. .., ,n lo u.,Ub1ii. ,.. tfi Oregon J. U syir , U,ln.r NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. f1 IK PAiy NKKsdJIF HEKETUFORB eiisting lisasn San net Marks, B, J-l leman and Il-ytnan W.illenls redoing utininesa at i'mv untie and at alyrtla er.k.l the IVmntv of ltilsa. Srai ,,t v., -a;-.", aimrr ne nun name ami ..I Mark. M.ieman v Co.. baa th.s layii cii.a.-,T.fi l.v m ...u.l .. . ... dy All dels. (In- to sain firm are toKs mid 10 Samuel Mark. n. Hetmn WnlV-n, la-rtf, and ail ilebis owing by said fiiiu ,ill be paid by be MmH. SAMUEL MARKS, . . H J oDavU HKYMAN WOI.LENBFUO. Dated this S h day oi Fib,. 1SS0.