(jt nkjiettl)ent And His .JAN. 8, 180. O'er Of UiKe To RESOLUTION Of ENDORSEMENT W SEEK AS, THE DOUGLAS INDEPENDENT a newapaper published in Koeeburg, has been published in this county tor the period of three years ; and Whkreas, said newspaper is now wel established, and during a three rears' trial it has faithfully served the interests of lite producer and tax-payer; therefore be it Hrinjived, We, the members of the I' rap ?ua Grange No. 23, do give Tas Douglas k dependent our unqualified etidocemtDt. and would recommend it as a newspaper worthy the patronage of every farmer and tax payer in Southern Oregon. i f Geo. W. Jones, Master, j J. P. Dcncah, Besretary. TO ADVERTISERS. The DOUGLAS IN DEPENDENT has the largest circulation of any paper published In Rostburg In the counties of Douglas, Jackson and Coos, and will furnish the proof of our asser tion when demanded by responsible ad vertisers. KELLY & WELLS, THE NEW YEAR. This time the Independent is pub lished on the eve of the birth of an other and new year. There is much in the fact, and a great deal . in the thought ; that twelve months in the existence of every one living on earth have passed away. To some the old year has parsed and at its end there is nothing but sorrow and tears. To others it has been a year of prosperity. and generously baa the contents of the horn of Plenty been poured into the laps of the favored. There is sweet consolation in the griefs of the afflicted in the memories of Jthe- dear, Bweet days of the happy gone by ; there is to all such, . a melancholy sweetness that exists in the throne of reason as - joys not forgotten, and there remains like the essence of a beautiful flower when- the flower itself baa departed. With those who have , lost nothing, because they have staked nothing those who have enjoyed the sunlight when others have vainly attempted to penetrate the darkness ; those wbo from the time of their birth have cra dled in the lap of Plenty with those there is a carelessness of life, a thought lessness of others, and a self-satisfuo-tlon Let us thn take the side of the sorrdwjjttteketr; and pray for their re leasaTrom their sufferings ; let us hogft for them the reward that is ven the saints a home in heaven, and a rest and happiness forever If it is willed by Him above that such hap- iiness .cannot be their lot on earth ; let us yet, even, follow the dictates of a silent and sympathetic heart, and cry out: earnestly, we wish you a change, land pray for you that the next will be a happy New Year! To the benefit of those who think them selves blest, and whohave every reason for believing so, we cannot say much. Happy are we when we note their prosperity their smiling countenan cestheir rich mantles and bright robes: but sorrowful are we when we ' remember that it has been said that riches do not bring happiness, and we . believe that the haughty and the purse-proud have as great and as in comprehensible troubles as have the poor. It is thus thus that the whole world is upon a common level; and as that greatest of American editors, George D. Prentice expresed it, to all this is the eve of a New Year ' fis midnight's holy hour and silence now Is brooding like a gentle spirit o'er The still and pulseless world. Hark! on the winds The bell's deep tones are swelling 'tis the tnell 0 the departing year. No funeral train la sweeping past ; yet on the aiream and - wood, With melancholy light the moonbeams rest Like a pale, spotless abroad; the air is . stirred As by a mourner's sigh ; and on yon cloud That floats so still and placidly through the he,aven, The spirits oi the seasons seem to stand, Young Spring, bright Bummer, Autumn's solemn form, And' Winter with his aged locks, and i breathe ! In mournful cadences that come abroad Like the far wind-harp's wild and touch- .- ing wail, ' A melancholy dirge over the dead year. Gone from the earth forever. Tie a Urns for tears. Within For memory and the deep, Still chambers of the heart, a specter dim. Whose toces are like the wizard voice of Time, Heard from.ihe tomb of agw, points its cold And solemn finger to the beautiful AnJ 'loly vislous that have passed away. And lett no shadow of their loveliness On the lead' waste of life That specter ' lifts The coffin-lid of hope, and joy, and love. And, bending mournfully above the pale, Sweet forms that slumber there, scatters dead flowers O'er what has passed to nothingness. The year with it maoy a Has gone, ana glorious throng Of happy dreams, Its mark is on each brow, :. Its shadow in each heart. In its swift ', . . course It waved its scepter o'er the beautiful. And they are not. It laid its palid hand Upon the strong man and the haughty form Is iait-n. and i lie flashing eye is dim. It trod the halls ot r-vilry, where thronged The bright and joyous and the tearful .wail Of stricken ones, is heard where erst the . ug " And reckiess shout resounded. ' j It passed o'er The battle plain, where the sword. the S ear and the shield. Flashed in he ligtt of mid-day, and the a. rnirtb. Of hosts is suivered, and the grasr, Green from the soil of carnage, waves above " . The crushed and mouldering skeleton. It came, . ' . And faded like a wreath of mist at eve; Yet ere it melted iu the viewless air, It In-raided ft millions to their home In the dim laud of dreams. , 4. Remorseless Time! Fierce spiri of the glass and scythe! What v power Cio stay h.m in his sjlent cours. or melt His awn heart to pitv ? On, still on He presws, and forever, The proud bird, Ttiecomtor of the Andes, that can aor Through heaven's unfathomable depths or brave . . The fury of. northern Urricany And bathe b Pl'jits in the thander's home, his vtj0i t mSt Jfatls his w JT Tl at nlirh afall. and "cragbttt Time Know not the weight of sleep! or weari-UemsBd of every man to protect hla Bew, ; f ' (own night's deep darkness has no claim to Th bind rubbing pinions. with the : Revolutions sweep earth like troubled visicna o'er the . breast .- I . dreaming sorrow; cities rise! and sink bubbles on the water; fiery isles spring blazing from the ocean and go pack their mysterious caverns a mountains - rear.--- i ... - To heaven their bald and blackened cliftV and bow - I Their tall heads to the plain ; sew empires rise, j : Gathering the strength of hoary centuries. Ana rusu oown use tue Alpine avalancne, Startling the na'.lons ; and vhe very stars ion ongnt and burning blazonry or Uod, GUtter awhile In their eternal depths. And, like the Pleiad, loveliest of the train bhoet from the glorious sphere, and pass . away ., j -.- To darkle in the trackless 7uid;yet Time. lime, tue toutbabuilder, bolus hie tierce ' career, I Dark, stern, all pittilesa, and pause not Amid the mighty wrecks that srew his path, l To sit and muse, like other conquerors, Upon the fearful ruin he has wrought. A CORRUPT ADMINISTRATION. It must be a very corrupt adminis tration of State affairs when the head of that administration in Jthe person of the Governor, is compelled td de fend himself through the newspapers, and in doing so, employs as instru ments a clrcuitr judge to write, and a crippled sou to father that judge's as sertions. Thb law protects the Judge, and during his term of office be holds within his hand the power to fine and imprison any who may not recognize the dignity belonging to him as an honorable dispenser of justice. Com mon manhood and the respect all the world entertains for the deformed and miserable, protects the cripple. A coward is he who strikes a cripple, though very often there is perhaps justification in the fact that many crip ples presume upon the respect given them by the world, through sympathy, and assail those whom they know to be possessed of the honor; which does not permit the return or a blow re ceived from one who is unable to do anything in his own defense. We, therefore, can say but little of the assumed author of the letter tigbed 'Anxiety," published in Tues day's standard : he is the Governor's son, and, commiserating with him in bis misfortune, we have not the hard ness of heart to speak of him or that which is a reason for bis own unhap- piness and the pity felt by those who, look upon him. We would rather speak of the man who sends his de formed offspring to father that whicl he knows he himself is guilty of and the other man who hides bis own cowardice behind one whom no one will injure, in order to serve the Gov ernor who gave him position, to which high and honorable place the peoplej would never have elevated him. The entire discussion has grown out of the public criticisms of the su preme court decisions by "'Junius Bru tus," the members of which supreme court were appointed to; office by the present Governor of Oregon, W. W. Thayer the man who wrote a letter, a tissue of falsehoods, to elect his law partner, Hon. R. Williams, to Congress- and then sent : a friend (not one, but several) to the; office of the Douglas Independent,! begging that we would not publish his treason to the ; Democratic party j in Douglas county. This request was made when Thayer was a candidate1 for the office he now holds. "Junius Brutus'' at tacked no one personally. A wrong had been done by the supreme tribu nalof the Hate. He argued the law so completely, and so fully diJ be prove his case, that for months no one dared enter the list against him. Fi nally poor Claude Thayer was picked up as stool pigeon, Bellinger was se cured as writer, and the Governor of Oregon furnished not argument to meet argument, law to combat law, or justification of the acts of his tools but personal invective and London billingsgate in answer to the oue who had entered the lists, as was the cus tom of chivalrous knights of olden time, threw down the gauntlet of di flance after, submitting; the point of argument, and by manhood and strength of mind has dared success fully to maintain his position. On Sidney Dell's side there was the con duct becoming : a gentleman and a a scholar the bearing: of a hero fighting in the cause of the right the force of a revolutionist rp posing a secret council or a private conclave of conspirators working for the ruin of many that the pockets of few might be filled. Look at Bell inger's letter in the Standard of Tues day. It is a sample of the same which have preceded it. And in an swer to the "champion of a cause to oppose which he has begged opposi tion, there is notblug offered beyond what might be properly compared to (he contents of a Chinese stink-pot. Dell declared his clients ' were robbed In the Walker-Teal case, and he offers the law to prove his assertion; he says there was favortism shown against the right in the Canyon road case, and the facts are well known. If he is hot correct he has money to pay for bis slanders, and if he is right who would abuse him but a party in the wrongs perpetrated bythe cou rt? J . But of Governor Thayer. Is he uot the man who was j not long ago connected with an infamous social outrage ? Is he not the man who once sold his party! to help a partner, and since' his election to the office of Governer, given that party away to Asahel Bush? Is he cot the man who scandalized the en tire State by appearing in a court of his own creatiou as an attorney, and gained clients because it was said he "run the court." Is he well what is be not? i And Bellinger! A pretty Democrat! A nice man to talk of recreancy in parly faith! The man who betrayed his party to Ben Holladay for a price, and gave to that man, bis honor, his body and his soul! j And Tony Noltner the dishonest carrier of the San Francisco Call, when that paper was in its infancy, and when upon its exlsteuce hung the livelihood of a few poor printers and their families!. We cannot pursue the subject fur ther. .They (the three named) would blackguard and iie about us. They are too small in themselves ; to merit notice' from an honest f man. It is theli position that give them worth. Naturally they aie as badly deformed mentally as the poor boy; who fathers their slanders is pbysicidly. No one can argue with tbfem, or demonstrate in fair, honorarie discussion a truth. Their weapons are those of the mid. night scavenger. To touch one Is to smear oneig fingers. At sea vena-em they mnjCt be treated. The public ; reputation even againsx sucn. best wav then lg to flcht such men their own weapoua, and show character of the attacting party even though the weap ons used be ; the fire of the devil or the filth of the scavenger. We have used. the Btocking, appreciating the fact that our assailants are used to battle so waged. We feel like apol ogising to our readers. An apology a men is necessary, for In the remarks above made we have attempted to call things by their right names, and handle a dirty subject without gloves. Faugh ! YOUUCOMPANY. The Oregon City Enterprise has the following iu its number of lust week : The Independent in its last issue elves us the uu kindest cut of all iu calling us a lawyer. No brother, the Lord be praised, we nave not yet come to that in depravity. In our remarks about "Junius Brutus" we have never questioned bis law or his racts, but we do most solemnly protest against his manner aua means ot bringing sucn matters before the public. In county, State! and national matters we shall condemn the wrong and defend the right as we understand it, irrespective of party. It has been too much the fashion in Oregon in journalism to cast jlnvectives and charges of lying, perjury aud theft indiscriminately on even' man that is opposed to oue in politics, but we are not of that ilk. California Journals have copied and made comments on the letters of "Ju nius Brutus'' merely for the purpose ot using it as a lever in their Interests to nrevent can tat ana euiiKrawou troni coming to uregon, out anna in to perceive that this is the effect of his articles. The other allusions are si in-! - 1 . . .... r 1 . r i ' 1 ply puerile ; they savor of J. B. him- ; self and are unworthy the columns of the INDEPENDENT." It was not our intention to be un ust to the Enterprise, and especially one who nas given us tne mie ' "brother." But our newly found brother is "unkind'' In the last part of of the paragraph we have quoted. In the first place we knew that "Junius Brutus' " statement of facts and argu ments of law were unanswerable ; we, therefore, thought that the Enterprise did not do what was altogether right when it descended from the honorable position accorded generally to that pa per and loaned itself in aid of Joe Teil's orcaus by telliug the writer against the powers in judiciary, su preme for the time, "to hire a hall," etc. Such remarks are proper in the Portland Standard, whose editor glories in claiming of Senator Slater, I packed the mud that made him;" they are well enough for Tom Merry, known in Coos county as the black eyed son-of-a-gun: they will do well enough for the Coos Bay News and newspapers in this city who know not of what they are talking and fall down In worship of Thayer, Bush A ( o., the new departure democratic party the Salem firm that proposes to run the State elections next year; but they do not suit the Enter prise's columns nor do they reflect cn-dit upon the paper made up from the fertile brain of such an accom plished gentleman as Is its editor. And we refer our "brother"' to a late number of the Bee, wherein "Ju nius Brutus" clearly, positively and without favor or fear, tells of the ring that was born in t-orruptlon, has steeped itself in crime, and now finds defenders in persons who do not deny the truths told of the supreme court and Thayer Co., because they can not be denied, and who are so low and mean as to resort to personal abuse of one they are not otherwise capable of answering. Does the editor of the Enterprise wish to put himself upon jan equality with Tony, the former un trustworthy carrier for the San Fran ' Cisco Call ? Does he want the reputa tion of the Inland Empire man? Does he desire to class himself with the man who sold out his county to a railroad corporation, thereby com mitting what was to all intents and purposes kuowing perjury? Such are the people who have been as the tools of the ring; they are the men who have been hired to attack Hon. Sidney Dell, and destroy the reputation of a man too honest for the ring, and in whose honesty of character and whose repugnance to fraud the ring finds cause only for its bitter an d uncalled for attempts to pull him down ? We hardly believe the Enterprise man is otherwise than a gentleman, and our questions are directed mainly that he may learn in what bad com pany be is training when he attacks a writer the justice of whose cause he admits. Dr. Fischer, who holds a position in Germany which we understand to be about the same of authority as the postmaster general of the United States, has just published an Interest ing pamphlet on the postage and tele grapic statistics of the world. Owing to the difficulty to obtain correct re turns from all parts of the globe the doctor did not succeed in giving full statistics later than 1873 up to which year he considers his work complete and we find that the number of letters passing through the mails for that year amounted in round numbers to 3,300,000,000 or about 9,250,000 per day, since which year the numbers have been increasing. . The London Truth says that when England's politics of to-day have be come history the Beaconsfield cabi net will be set dowa as having been a long series of blunders, each of which they have tried to bury in pa triot vaporing about an imperial policy, aud the papers seem to be terribly shocked at the idiocy of the people wbo applaud such leaders who have not known their own minds for two consecutive mouths, and who, when officially judging which of two courses to pursue invariably takes that which leads into greater difficulty. In Kansas the people are somewhat averse to hone thieves and having determined to get rid of them, held several meetings at which resolutions were passed under strict parliamenta ry rules, and all horse thieves in that section must leave. And we under stand they did ; but as the resolu tionists forgot to inserf'and go afoot," they are now angry at themselves for voting at all, for with the horse thieves went their best horses. A little investigation has convinced us that the men who desire to do away entirely with God, Christ, heaven and hell, are principally those who are afraid of meeting the first, to whom the life of the second is a constant re proach, the existence of the third the fox's sour gmpes, and who shiver as the DOtB-ibnity of the fourth crosses their minds. A number of sheep are running wild between Middle and North Yuba rivers, Nevada county. Their wool is froui'12 to 18 inches in lengthy AN UNWARRANTED ATTACK. The last number of the Western Star, by intimation, contains anun war ranted attack upon Mr. Sol. Abraham, a private citizen of Roseborg. Mr. Abraham is a private citizen, a candi date for no public office whatever, and interferring with no political party beyond what every private citizen has right to Interfere In the selection ofjf be for office in whom he has confix dence as honorable men. We bave too much . respect for Mr. Chaa.-L. Mosher, the editor of the Star, to be lieve that he had anything to do with the writing of the article in question; we have never known him to be guilty of anything of the kind, or anything smacking of such meanness. We are forced to the conclusion, that only one man wrote the lines in question, and that man is James. F. Guzz'.er, the hero of a certain immoral chapter in the history of the town of CanyonvilleM When Guzzler (Jas. F.) undertakes to attack the character of any one, the oue so attacked should feel himself complimented, since it is proof posi tive that one is not a friend of and is not an associate of the Guzzler. Were we in the place of Mr. Abraham we should be pleased to kuow that we were not held in esteem by the robber of a dissolu te squaw and the jumping jack of all political parties. TI1E BIO CANYON TOLL ROAD. Ed. Independent: With your per mission through the columns of your paper, I will offer a few thoughts on this case recently passed upon by his accidency, "I fully indorse this," with no view, however, of trying to con vince the judge of an error or iuduce him to modify his opinion, for that is suppose a case of resjudicata, but with the view of informing that as tute expouuder of the law how his partial decisions are viewed by others. The public acts of public men are considered public property. Tne share I hold in the judge's public opinion feel at liberty to dispose of as I choose to keep it or give it to the public; choose the latter. I am not disposed to ridicule this decision but in sober earnest to show its absurdity and injustice. The judge says- "section 26 of the gen eral laws of Oregon does not provide that any part of a put lie road may be appropriated or used and occupied by only one corporation, nor that the first one which so uses and occupies it or which first surveys it shall have exclusive privileges over any other corporation which may besuqsequent- ly organized." Hence one would infer by the an tithesis of the expression, "not only one corporation may appropriate and use it," that two or more may. Then, judge, wny do you give the road to one only ? You say also that "the statute does not provide that the first corporation which surveys it shall have exclusive privileges over any other corporation which subsequently may be organ ized," and cite the case of the Charles River bride vs. the War ren Bridge Co., as authority for your opinion. A person not con versant with this case would be in clined to think that the judge had authority for his opinion. Herein the judge deceives the nub- lie not acquainted with the case cited. There is uo parallel between the two cases whatever, which every lawyer knows to be the fact. The court in that case decided that the Warreu Bridge Co. had a right to build a bridge near to, not on top of the Cha rles Biver Co. All bad interfered with and lessened the profits of the Charles River Bridge Company. To make the c. ses parallel so thp . the opinion of that celebrated case could apply in the Galesville a Can yonville vs. Douglas county Road case, the latter should have, like the Warren Bridge Company built atoll road alongside of the G. & C. R. Co., then if the latter had enjoined the former, the Douglas County Road Company, from the exercise of their franchise or road, and the case should come before Judge Kelly, he could have decided in favor of the Douglas County Road, and cite this case in justification and public opinion would have sustained him, whereas be is con demned by every intelligent person not interested in this decision or biased in his opinion. Again the judge snys: "we think it unwise and impolitic to construe the statute so as to confer "exclusive pri vileges" upon "one" corporation and exclude all others from the right to compete for public travel oa the pub lie highway. Unwise, indeed ! Then why did you exclude one and give it to another ? Why not let them ooth compete f r public travel, and no one having any exclusive privileges, as you say ? The fallacy and absurdity of the judge's opinion may be best understood by an illustration, as follows: Company A. having money to in vest, they locate a toll road as pro vided by the statutes and after spend ing say $5,000 building five miles of road ready for travel, but having no exclusive privileges over a subse quently organized company to keep and use a road it's money had built, Company B. organizes and pounces upon the road built by company A. Company A. appeals to the court to be protected in its rights. Company B. sets up the plea before Kelly, (J. J., that they will reduce the toll on one half, if allowed to keep its road. The judge whose heart overflows with sympatny lor tne dear people, de cides against company A. on the ground that public interest is para mount to " corporate gain." But where will it end 1 Company B. hav ing no "exclusive privilege over a cor poration subsequently organized," ac cording to Kelly, C. J., company C. or ganizes and robs the robber company B. Company B. appeals to Judge Kelly for protection but the judge de cides in favor of the subsequently or ganized company C. (unless perhaps be Is Interested in company B.) and triumphantly cites his own opinion in the Canyon Toll Road case, backed up perhaps by erroneously citing the Charit-s River Bridge case, on the ground he gravely informs the liti gants that public benefit is para mount to "corjwrate gain,'' according to Judtre Kelly. Oh temmra. oh. more! how they change! The judge has discovered tne third cycle in juris- pruiienee called ''lump over" by that unique critio "Junius Brutus'' i. e. the judge jumps over the facts in the case lie cites as authority, and gives the case to his friends. But what could we expect better from one who did all lie could to buy an electoral vote by indorsing a fraud to cheat the people of the State that Ua-.i honored him so highly ? And this same man Kelly wlio owes his present position to accident, nt by the choice of the people, is an aspiraut to the office he has disgraced by his partial rulinsrs. no doubt to gain the political support of mose in wnose iavor Be nas decided. This opinion is entertained by many who believe the judge is too intelli gent to be ignorant of the injustice of uis aecisions, mat is to say, De is more knave than fool and wno for political or pecuniary gain or perhaps uom, nas stuiuneti nimseil belore an intelligent community. Commoneb. The wages of laborers at St. John, N. B., have been advanced to $1 50 a day. Former wages were from 60 cents to ? k a day. J J The MAINE TROUBLE. The 'trouble that resulted in Main? from jthe frauds practiced by demo crats jia counting out, republicans elected to office, has become a matter of uotious importance. Both democrats aad republicans have armed for tho 5&b.udJ&e. dispatches would make ;ne believe that the difficulty will not settled without bloodshed. Every patr.ot in the land hopes peace will prevail; but every honest citizen in the land who has read the history of the Maine fraud, most now conclude that it is time that democrats stop the shouting of fraud in elections, so far as republicans are concerned. Ad mitting everything democrats have said to be true of republican work in the last presidential campaign, the fact is now established, and the proof furnished in the fc tate named, that democrats have done as much aud more. By the action of Garcelon e acts told of the republican returning boards of Louisiana are justified, and it stands clearly established that for party successes aud party supremacy 'emocrats will do as much dirty work as republicans. It is alleged that the votes of men who were not legal voters and who were legal voters were thrown aside by tho Louisiana return ing board. It is admitted by demo crats in Maine that the voles of legal ! voters were there thrown out and the people robbed of - their Choices for office. In the hereafter, now that the Muint) disclosures have been mai'e democrats should bo counted as no more honestly Inclined than repub licans. It is, perhaps,.' a case of six of one and a half dozen of the other, with the doubt in favor of the repub- licsns. A little girl at Danaville, while eating chestnuts, met with a singular acci dent. The nut bulged in her wind pipe. The doctors cut it open and re moved the obstruction, when it wes found that the child had ceased to breathe. Its life was saved by artifl- vlai resolution, alter a severe ana la orous trial. Edison has at last succeeded in ma king the electric light a practical suc cess, as the dispabes announce. A lamp which can be made at a cost of 2- cents will produce a beautiful and steady light at less expense than the cheapest oil. King of the Blood Cure all ftcrofulcnu affections and disorders rnlt hut from ImDurttr of the blood. It is needless to specify oil, as the sufferer can usually perceire their cause; du. aou jtntmm, rumpus, v ictrg, jtmort, Goitn, SwtUinffi, Ac, are the most common, as well as many affections of the Heart, Utmd, Liver SCROFULA. Wonderful Cora of Blindness. D. Baksoh, Sox k Co. I Fur the benefit of all troubled with Scrofula or Impure Blood in their ? 'stems, X hereby recommend Kmg of the Blood, have been troubled with Scrofula for the peat tea pletelr blind for six months. I waa recommended 1 Tears, wnicn eo afrecun m, eves met A wascom- blesMoe; to me, aa it has completely cured roe, and I cheerfully recommend it to 11 troubled aa I oar mu, loon truly, Ku. 8. WSATaafuw, Sardinia, N. T, will be paid to any Public Hospital to be mutu ally agreed npon, for every cert i Oca te of this medi cine published by us which ia not genuine. Its Ingredients. To show our faith in the safety and excellence of the K. B., upon proper personal application, when satisfied that no imposition is intended, we will c i give the names uf all its ingredients, by amdarit. . The a bote offers were never made before I y the pro prietor of any other Family Medicine in the world. Many testimonials. further information, and fuU directiona for usine; will be fonnd in the pam phlet "Treatise on Diseaaee f the Blood," ia whicheachbortleieencloaed. Price $1 per bottle con. taining 11 ounces, or 40 to JO doses. Soldbydrui. (ista. I). aMom.Som A Co., Prsp rs, Buffalo, N.T. Tttg Whera to go to Buy Chrifirea:is K eta iid Vft s ! s s mm H. O. STANTON Wishes to announce to the t ublic that Fanta Claus bas maie his hi-ailoiiirters in liosebury, at the ptistollic'1, and that he has tor sale at tliouaD! articles ; Arid any Number of For Old atd Y ut r, XTovsltiss ia, Ciinavare, Vases aid cups. And other articles th numerous that to mention them wuld7require a ereaV deal of time. If-yo'i"a5ttoee them all call at the PttUi-lii cn . a g tf-.g," o 3 s f; Vs m w". 35 - u j- ... -"t o t H 5 13 g I a i A i s u 1 s 1 1 ji Qj tJ GO v-5 H s if IHI en 1 3 O O f 2 ft I si 33 tJ ill I nt vilt find not nly fine arsT l Sheridan Bros., They would announce that they have just i-iarnest- stocii Ever brought to Donalas conn if. and when added to their !?K)VtS OF ALL PAT. TERNS and KE MADE TINWARE, they are prepared to declare they have the bes. sui Dlv in their iinerof any establishment in Southern Oregon.hich they propose Man i,ll.KatiU wlAWllKrft. e-- - . . : : ... , ., In the shape oi DUiiaing materials in tne superior inducements to purcuasers. -try us. L t I Jt I wlire Buck's. Bonanza, Farmer, Utility. Dexter, Pacific, Wide West, Clai.-ndon, riun liu.i. Kimr Kmnin tlitv. and other atovvg and ranees. vvafnn irtva vn i in rtrn iih in Liia hi hiwiiie Tim hwit of workmen are constantly employed and buyers should learn our prices. We have also baragins to offer in guns, -1 ...In Ulint... nrg ti4 Piatila We are also Agents for thn White, Peerless we sell at lowest rates and warrant as complete We can also supply Avcrill The best In the market, at l' Give as a call, inspect onr any one can. and Rubbtr Paints, Liock, inquire as LIMBER ! MOENT SCOTT M1LI.IKG COMPANY J. M. ROMLEY, WOULD ANNOUXCEI TO THE CITI siens of Douglal county! and vicinity iliut he has puicbastsd an interest la Tra& iSawmill, On t'ua NORTH UMPQXJA ! And bas taken FULL CONTOL OF THE SA81K. He bas had 20 years experience in tli business of lumber-making, and guaran tees to all customers perfect satisfaction. He will deliver all kinds or DRESSED AND PLAIN LUMBER At Kosobnro- or elsewhere clif-aper than can be purchased from any other mill, and, all ordtrs will be promptly nuea. wa tractors and builders will find t to their advantage to inquire for terms and prices tie is also a pr-ic'ica' architect ana Duiiu er. and all having sncb work will be bene fitted by calling upon aim be'nre going einwhere. J. M. KOWI.Ki. MCGREGOR'S BUTCHER SHOP! Ravinjr purchased the bucher-sliop of S Oraiuer, I a in now prepared to lurnish cus- wiiu the bresi of BeeftFork,Mutton At lowest rates. I would call attention of consumer to the fact that 1 have one the best cutters, and am prepared to fur bish meau as desired. Always fat cattle on hand. Give me a trial and if I do not suit you ns to quantity, quality and prices, then shall not complain it you go elsewhere. L. McQREUOK. Roiubure, On-Kon. COME AND SEE THE HAFFENDE BROTH EH Have just opened a First-ClassPROVXSXOXT -AND- TiOIS . L. .Clarsks & Co's. Old Stand, Their stock consists of STAPLE Al M GROCERIES Of the choicest quality, including Counry Frodttce Tbey ara prepared to s and by their M0T10 : Pull WEIGHT Choice STOCK -AND- Low PRICES -FOR CASH!. FARMERS AND ALL OTHERS. WILL FIND A READY MARKET HERE FOR ALL ClAjICE PRODUCE. i LUMBER ! mum Roseburg, Or; received and aow have on hand one of the 01 araware t , ,.i. v...- way oi iwm, uu civ, -. i ' , , V u Af stonoa tint Ain I Iniv uibuud ot."'o, wn i w . in the manufacture of our Tinware, , , . .a such as Winchester, Sharp and other Kifles, and New Home Sewing Machines.which in every respect. to our pricf, und w promise to nU all if BLACK S.mTIfilNG, Dearling Gibson, VL and, ogn. Wuold announce to the public that they are prepared witli the best of materiv . : . 1 i ' .n j . i At...:- i;-. 1 Ai to supply ail uvlliaupB IU u.ru uuc. Ha vi n tr eiiioyud over twenty years' expe- riencs in their trade, all work pt-rformen by them ia uuf.rnnteed to be nrgt-ciabs, and strictly according to order. ..... . Gibson's Celebrated Har rows, FOU SALE BY J. W. STRANGE, ROSE- BUKO. Pronounced by all who have used tiiem to be the best ever inventeo, alwaji on Und and f r sale cheap. farm machinery re PAIR KD, Give Them a CalL COOpuIIuD aa m Tbe Promoter anA Perfeetor of As- stBillatlon. Tbe Kefermcr aad Vltallaer of tbe Bload. The Producer ant InrlgTatar mt Herve anal Muscle. Tbe BullOr an Supporter of Brain Power. Fellows Compound byrup u com posed ot Ingredients identical with those which constitute Healthy Blood, Muscle and Nerve arid Brain Substance. while Life itself is directly dependent upon some ot them. By Its union with the blood and Its effect upon the muscles, reestablishing the one and toning the other, it is ca pable of effecting the following results : It will displace or wash out tubercu lous matter, and thus cure Consumption By Increasing Nervous and Muscular Vicor. it will cure Dyspepsia, feebla or Interrupted action of the Heart and Palpitation, Weakness of Intellect caused bv Brief, worrv, overtax, or irregular habits. Bronchitis Acute o Chronic, Congestion of the Lungs, even In the most alarming stages. It cures Asthma, Loss of Voice, Neuralgia, St. Titus Dance, Eplleptlo Fits, Whooping Cough, Nervousness, and is a most wonderful adjunct to other remedies In sustaining life during the process of Diphtheria. Do not be deceived by remedies bear ing a similar name : no other prepara tion is a substitute for thU under any circumstances. Look out for the name and addraa J. I. FELLOWS', St. John, N.B.. on the vellow wrapper in watermark, which ia seen by holding the paper before th light. Price, $1.60 per Bottle, 6 for I7.1A Bold by all Druggists. PROPOSAL FOR BIDS TO Keep the County Paupers. CSEALFD PROPOSALS WILL BE BE- CMivmi at the ffice of the C IVrk .'or ihe care, maintaiiirnce. c'othiug and medical trtalment of tin- County feu tiers for thi term of t-o vear frfiin Febru ary 16t'i, 18t!0. the Cnnimifeioiiers re- stTving thermht to aid destitute persons trirtwrHnly, wbeu tiny think necessary The perxou or persons whose bid may be accepted, will be required to jive bond to the v'ounty Court fur the faithful perform alien of their rtstHK-'tivn duties in such sum as may be determined on by said court. Kacli bid to designate the amount per week, for each pauper. The riylit to r ject any or all bids is reserved. Paid bids will ha received up to 10 o'clock, A. at,, of the 6th day oi January, l&iO. By order ol the Court. T. li. SHERIDAN. nor8td County Clerk. tiiii mmm mills -OF- 2Iarkv Sideman & Co., CAN YON V1LLE, OREGON. T'lE FLOURINQ MILI! OFMESSBS, Marks, SidemHn ti Co., at Canyun viUs. Oregon, are offered for rent, to any responsible party. The mills are dning a profitable and tine business; they have all the conveniences in the way of a hog pen, atnokevhoiige, texlinr trnughn, scalding ap para.ua. belonging to hrxt-ciass mi!!; and the reason 1 lmve for renting is that 1 am rouiwiled to soon take uiy departure for tJenuany. For tur:her particulars, inquire at the millo, CanyonviMe.of A. F. SCUULZE. 1ST O T I OB MR. JOHN C. AIKEN T.S HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO ACT as my ayent and to transact all buxii ncss for me aud in my nnme in Douglar county, and to collect all bills, rents and accountadue me and receipt lor the came. 30if. JnljfclPll C. AIKE.N. P. C Snyder, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE AND WAGON r i is is n . Has opened a sin p. in Roaeburg, neit door to Welkins' Brot hunt, and he is prepared to do all work in his line at low prices and on short notice. A specialty made of UNDERTAKING, " In which he is prepared to give salialao tion and lowest rates.. J.F. EA HUT, li.,, Eoaeopatliic Physician, B08EBURO, OREGON, TJfTILL ATTEND TO ALL CASES WW intrusted to bis care. Office at 3,91 '- hi residence. WW af p ? $ " otbsw m . - . - ... . . sew mm i 1 MARKS ::arCJ. Woud Inform their patrons that . brick store, and are LARGEST GENERAL MERCHANDISE EVER BROUGHT Tb.it Stock ni .elected by one of - 8s Jrttocisco market, sod .LATEST PATTEKNS Itf LADIES' FAifCY and PLAIN DRESS GOODS, LA UXa, EMBROIDER! ES, With os thare ia also to be fouud a fall assortment of Ladiei' XJITDERWARE I In the lio et Ladies', Misses and Cbildrcus I Shoes and Gaiters, Oar stock it complete that lo one eaa fail to be suited. Wc bave with the above Stock ot CmLDRENS' FURMMG 1,111)0 Which w offer at the lowest rates, aad Wiiich will be fouud ati5ctorj to all who examine it. ALSO A FULL AND Groceries, Crockery. Glassware AND OF Grain, "Wool and Produca of Every Description Bought and Highest Cash Price Paid for Them Patrons will take notice that aa our stocK was purchased after the decline in prices in San Francisco, we are prepared to sell goods cheaper than any other IIoseebuhg, Oregon. b. AlAKivb & (JO. ; ANOTHER TRIUMPH FOR THE WEBB-OT STATE Wo MIOItE Kin KEY TROUBLE3 NO MORE LACE ACHES! Orepon baa long been noted for the wonderful variety of her natnral resources. Her hills and vallies are stored with the clio cest of Nature's lavish gifts. Otie-by ona tliesa eletaentf of her ureatuess are being sought out, understood and adapted to tbe use of her people. The latest of these discoveries is THE OREGON KIDNEY TEA, A plant which grows in tbe mountaio taaineasea "which are seldom trodden by the foot of man. This remedy presents the leaf in i.s natural state, and is not one of those Daaseou liquids, put to sell, and which too oiten cover uoxioiig and deleterious drufrs, but is kind uature's an remedy, her "last, best gift to man." The 'ra mads by stepping this 1-af is a CERTAIN AND SPEEDY CCRE FOR ALL DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS AND CKINAKi OHOANs. Tne leaf is put up in air-tigbt tin caddies which preserve intact its peculiar media , cal properties and the decoction it made by the person using it, thus securing its ab solute parity. There aie thousands afflicted with diseases of the kidneys or arlnary organs who suffer ia silence rather than make known their troubles. O hers seek leiief by thw use of varioat patent medicines, which, if they do not aggravate the disease, at leeat do not leeaeB iv. Even those who secure the advice of puysiciana often fail to get re lief. owiniM the vprv complicated and delicate nature of the organs affected The OREGON KIDNEY TEA ! "rictly vegetable production and will : not mjare the suiai eel chihi, nor tue niont delicate woman, but'wilt cure Pain in the back and Kidneys, Non-retention of Urine, Leacorrhoea, Diabetes, Inflammation of the Bladder or Kidneys, Brick Dust Deposit ia Urine, Painful f,r Suiipresned Mena ttrai- tion, and all complaints arising from a diceaeed or debilitated state of the kid neysor arinary organs oi either ara. Many mistake the pains aris'njr from detective aotion of the Kidneys for RHEU MAT1SM, ana in attempting to cure the latter by outward apvdication's, fail entirely to reach the seat of the disease. We do not ofier the OREGUN KID.N EY TEA as ' a '' apeeific for Rheumatism, but are satisfied that maoy cases ot so-called KUKCMA TM would yield to its remedial virtues. Foil directions in English and German Accompany Each Package. Hundreds of Testimonials received from soms of our most respected citis zens. ' Sold hj all Druggists and General Dealers, PRICE, OISI IED . DOLLAR. KQ&Ct?, BAiYtS & Ga.,Prop?., Popttantf, Qg. ole Agents for the Pioneer Woolen Woolen aula foi North Pacific Coast. jr. J3. SCBARPF, RSPKESKKT1NO PROS. Manufactures of the . STANDARD UIRTS AKD GENTS fUKXISHING GOODS. 07 aad 66. F it St. Pjr;land, MEDLEY S- - Ogn An entire new discovery. The best pre paration lor tbe hair that has ever Iweu presented to tbe public. It will immed-. ately free the head from all dandruff' and scurf, and produce r new growth where it has (alien off. It will atop the tailing oot of the hair in few days, if faithfully a plied. and it will turn gray hair to its original color. This vegetable remedy is recommended by a large number of physicians, and by every one who has used it. It is old at a very low pries in order to lnttoduce it to the Douglas county market None genuine unless signed by the pro orietor. Address,. JOHN MEDLt-. Y. Oakland, Oregon. Notice to Stockholders, NOTICE IS HEEEBY GIVEN THAT there will be a meeting of the stock holders o! tbe New Idrian Cinnabar Mining Cf.sar.any at Oakland, t.'regon, on Tuesday December 9th, 1879, 9 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of electing directors. There will be also a meeting of the board of di rectors of said company at said time to revise and rearrange tbe by-laws aad transact other business. . A. L. TODD, President Ackecs Todd, Soc'y. q ' 1 - I- H? . ... , . . . I - , um piots they4ave moved to their new in receipt w-we STOCK OF TO ROSEBURG. the member ot the firm ia tlie It - I 3 emoraces an biviea bdu SCARFS, COLLARS, LINEN SUi fss, NECKTIES, i'ARASOLS, KID ULOVi GENTLEMENS Under this headms; thera is eve ry thing to please the tastes ot all. Every Latest Style In troduced And all Goods ot the best mate rial and improved finish, EMBRACING Gentlemens' Underwear! EVEKY STYLE YOCTHS' CLOTH I AG,, DRESS & BUSINESS SUIT8 HATS, CAPS, ETO COMPLETE STOCK OF LIQUORS, bouse in the city. GO TO S. HAMILTON'S NEW DRUGSTORE FOR " - .. Drugs, Paints, Oils. Varnish, Window tad Picture Glass, Stationery, Perfumery, if yoa wish to purchase them cheaper than at any place sou'b. ot PORTLAND. And keeps full lines of EDWARD TODD & CO'S.GOLJD PENS, PENCILS, ETC.J SCHOOL BOOK3, NOVELS, LEUAL BLANKS. Gtolha Katt Matt & Teutb Brashes, Paint, Vhit-. wash, Yarn Ufi Arttat's. Brushes, Windsor, and Newtons tube colors. VTla dow and Picture Glass, every size, at Lowest Price, by box or pane. Blank aiki, Writing Paper. envelopes, pens. All new Patent Medicine m stock as oemand will warrant. GL4SS CUT TO OKDER. free of charge. Agc-nt for XSbxe mixed paints Preoptions filled with dicpatch, at the "jT rates. Store is accessible at right window on back street at all hoor of tbe night. Remember the place. Brick build ng oppot ite Metropolitan Hotel, Koseourg, Oregon.' ,".iebn,te1 "d thoronolily tented PA. piy&5VB,iER PAINT, The IM .'l'?AlW.K PAINT, and The fcNAAIEL PAINT. Agent for M. ray. Music Denier, Kan Francisco. I r Ok r