V DEC.O, 1879 Society Meetings. wUMPQUA !c:i?TEH NO. 11, R, 0V Al M. 1i11 regular communica- tfcftfet tlons every Brst ami thud 1 uesday of each month 'sA.ll members in good standing will take due unit timely notice a id govern themselvs acuordiugly. Visit- lng companions are mvitea to uu-vt wim the Chapter when convenient. i a IIERMAN3, It T. W. t Fbiedlandeh, Sec'y. LAUREL LODflE A. F. an.) A. M holds regular meetings on Wednrs da on or before each full moon. ' J. C. FULLKBTON, W. M. NEWCOMB, Secy. . B. PHILETAIilAN i5Sii23Lodee, No. 3. 1 O. O. F. wet-tg ion Saturday even'.og, of each week at 7j o'clock, in their ball at Roce burg. Members oftheorder in good stand ng are i anted to attend. By order of the N USIOX 'BCXAMP.MENT.Xo. 9, I. o. o F., nicew at Odd Fellows Hall on the 1st and 3d Friiays ot every month. Visiting .brethren invited to attend j John nicules, c p. E. G. n'unsH, Scribe. UMPQUA GRANGE. NO. 28. P. of H., will in tut hereafter on the 4th Satui- ot each iu nth, at Orange Mall, in Koae bur jr. AM leatnhers in good standing are cordially i.jvited to tend! OKO. JONES, M. J. P. DMCAS. Secretary. AGENTS OR THE INDEPENDENT. Wheeler Br. Oakland. D. J. Lyonsj J SoutUhnrg and Eiktnn. J. B. Fllison loneHa. W. K. WV.)s Ten Mile. . M. Gabbert . . . Myrtle Creek. Geo. H. Shambrook Umpqua Ferry. Win. Cochran j Looking Glass. A. L. Iiender Myrtle Point. Abe. Menno.... Jj Jacksonville. Jeptha Thornton.! Oak t reek. Joe Shingle'p. . ! Marshfield I?!UEF MENTION Uncle Sam Marks is in town. Remember the Philallathean enter tainment to-night Caro Bros, now occupy their new and elegant quarters. i Judge Willis and Sol Abr aham have returned from Portland. The Roseburg social club will give a grand ball Christmas Eve. Art adjourned term, of the cireuit court will be convened on the 15th in stant. ''-.... There will be a dance given at Orange ball, Myrtie creek, Christmas. Tickets only f2 j .. Caro Brothers are moving to their new brick Btore. Next week we will give full particulars. Dr. R. Mi Davie, we are pleased to etate, is rapidly growing in popularity as a fine physician and surgeon. If you want to purchase late novels go to the drugstore of Dr. 8. Hamil ton. Walter will supply you. R. Cameron will commence work next week fixing up falls restaurant In the store lately occupied by Caro Bros. j : "We learn from reliable sources that J. M. Crow formerly of this city, has enlisted in the regular army at Van couver. S. II. Hazard and wife left yesterday for Coos Bay. Mr. Hazard will return to this city ! to attend the adjourned term of the Circut Court. L. Belfllsj the pioneer jeweler, has a fine stock of jewelry, iucluding every thing found in a first-class estab lishment of the kind. The county clerk recorded 40 deeds, 17 mortgages, six chattel mortgages and 17 marriage licenses during the last mouth. If you want to purchsse a fine holi day present,ifor your wife, sweetheart, or anybody btse, remember L. Belfils, the pioneer jeweler. The property and stock of H. V. Green, a merchant of Canyonville, have been attached by Portland credi tors, for the ium of $2,113. There will be a grand Christmas ball given tit Umpqua Ferry. The matter is in competent hands and un doubtedly will be a grand affair. Ed. Haywnrd has one of the mst pleasant resorts In the city of Marsh field, and then the proprietor is a ge: -lal gentleman, an J kuows how to treat his guests agreeably. The other morning deputy marshal Cox and J..D. Van Buren gave chase to a suspicious character upon the streets, but the s. p. was too fleet of foot and escaped capture. Geo. W. Stephens, E. H. Otey and Commissioner Applegate were in the city during the week, and all remem bered to call upon the Independent. Call again, gentlemen. J. Jaskulek, our efficient jeweler, finds himself so busi'y employed as to have no time for rest, but he is equal to the emergency and welcomes all sew customers with pleasure. Tho committee of arrangement for the Pnllallitheans desires us to state that It was thrbagh misunderstanding that the title of the song to be sung by Mr. Thos. Lynch was incorrectly an nounced. j j Dr. Higley has moved Into his new ntiarters. The rooms formerly a:cu died by E. M. Moore, have been thor oughly renovated, and now the Dr. has now one of the finest drugstores in Southern Oregon. Mr. Neiderstiidt has purchased the City Bakery of H. Fisher. Thi gen tleman has had many years expe rience In th.i bakery business and is prepared to furnish everything re quired of a first-class baker. We understand that Mr. F. ST. Jack son, of CreHswell, came near getting one of his horse's legs broke last week. As he wan coming up a steep bank with a load of wood, one of the horses choked down and. falling, the other home fell on him cume hear ending Berioun. i Fenuer'8 Red Front, the leading to bacco and cigar hou.se of Roseburg, opened tins week a choice line of ci gars, tobacco and confectionery. Man is said to want but little here below, and if it is in the eig.r,tobacoo, or con fectionery line, be it little or much, he could find it ll at Fennel's Red Front. Haffenden Bros, will furnish strong cider, wine vinegars, smoked halibut salmon, codfish. TWton mackeral in bits and retail, whittflsh, salmon bel lies, tongues, essence of auchoola, anchovy pahte, shrimp paste, cauned shrimps, canned fiunaw-haddocks,cod-flsta balls, and iu fact flan of all sorts and in any shape. An Inspection of the stock of fall and winter goods now offered for sale by the firm of S. Marks Co. will please all purchasers. There Is no SATURDAY flnet display of ladles' dress and fan cy goods shown in any Btore in the city, and we doubt that.there Is a bet ter one In the Ute. As to gentle men's dress goer's, we knew the firm named has the finest stock. Go and try th firm's prices ; they are low enough to suit any one. It is said that some of the alkaloids which enter into the combination of Fellows' Hypuphopphltes, are ex tracted from trees which attain to a great age, and that this fact suggested to Mr. Fellows' the Idea of their employment Whether the success of the preparation is due to this, we are not prepared to say, but the idea is a good one. Mr. J. S. Purdom, late of Oregon City and Gervais haj relieved Mr. Lewis indefinitely, at the railroad de pot Mr. Lewis took his departure for California, or New Orleans on ac count of ill health. Mr. Purdom, who succeeds Mr. I-ewi?, Is a thorough gentleman and a fine telegraph opera tor. The railroad company has con sulted their own interests in placing Mr. Purdom In this position. There has been a new graveyard located in the Civil Bend district, and nearly all the bodies in the old place of btirial Lave been removed to the new. The causes of the change were ti e finding of a better location, and that tha old burial ground was continually being disturbed . by the raidings of cattle and horses. We will next I week publish the names of those who still remain in the old graveyard Da- cared for m order that their relatives and friends may remove them. That "The pen is mightier than the sword," is an old axiom. Those who doubt its truthfulness need go nofurth- than Dr. S- Hamilton's drugstore, where the graceful strokes of Edward fodd & Co's. gold pens, as made by a hundred different writers are to be seen. In fact these pens are an exem plification of the good sense of the writer who said"a thing of beauty is a joy forever." Dr. Hamilton's supply of pens embraces all styles and pal terns suit the hand of the nervous and the strong. Then they last for a century, and are the cheapest and the best In the work. Think of it a war ranted gold pen costing only 85 centsl ; There are others more costly in the col lection, but only for the reason they are larger and contain more of the precious metal. See the display, and if you can find a neater, nicer or more useful Christmas present for a friend, then we do not know the reason. Advertised Letters. Geo W Anderson, Wm M Bland, I R Baldwin, Geo W Bsgot, Miss Fanny Britt, Mrs Martha Baldwin, Miss 8 F Barton, Mr Fred Burger. James Bennett, Wm W Cuber, Mr Herchel Clay, W R Carson, Davidson Bros., John M Davis, C M Davis, Arthur J Eylester, Miss Josie Elem, Miss H Freebora, Richard Freeborn, Wm Feaver, Mrs Addie C Gabbey, Wm Hicock, Willie Hefeman, W Hull, B Hefner, David Holland, Mrs Knutt, Thomas Levor, Lehman, Dennis Loye Edward McKee, John M Payne, Wm H Parker, Flek Quant, Dr J W Rob inson, CieotaW Rose, Wm E Rose, H Schaiz, R B Steadman, Miss Jl Stevenson, W P Skelley, Mrs Flor ence Smith, L L Stewart, Jos P Tay lor, J T Victor, Mark Van Winkle, Owen Wilsep, Tree Agent Walker. Mrs M A White, Wm W Whitcomb. Hen. James Chenowetli. We are informed that our friend, Hon. James W. Chenoweth contem plates taking a trip " back to the (States. ' Mr. C. Is a young man who was raited in this county. At the last election he was elected to the legisla ture of Oregon, for Douglas. He is a young man of energy and the strictest integrity, enjoys an enviable reputation. He has had good success. If be is going east on business, we can assure the people "In the States" that the utmost confidence and reliance can be placed in Mr. Chenoweth. Returned. Hon. J. H. Mitchell has returned to Oregon from an extended visit to the east. He will remain but a short time in Oregon, as business of import ance requires his presence in iNew York again soon. Mr. Mitchell in formed the Astorian that he met Capt. James B. Eads, who has succeeded in deepening the mouth of the Mississ ippi river, and Mr. Eads promised that he would come to Oregon at no dis tant day, and take a look at the Co lombia river bar. The Cause of Intemperance. Many cases of confirmed drunken ness can be traced directly to the use of alcohol or spirits in physicians' prescription?, or in patent medicines. The Oregon Kidney Tea is free from any such fault, being a vegetable rem edy in Its natural state, and a sure cure for backache and all diseases of tbe Kidneys and Urinary organs. Do not fail to try it if you are safiering from any of these complaints. Good Templar Benefit. Friday night the Good Templars of Drain received a benefit from the am ateur dramatfo talent among tbe members. Those taking part In the performance were Messrs. Kuyken dall, Rosses, Leonard Perkins, Mrs. McKinnon, Mrs. Kuykendall and other ladies. The perfraance is said to have been entertaining aud the pre- ceeds satisfactory. Good Work, Creed Conn and bis brother James did some good shooting during the week. For some time past two bears have been troubling the flocks of Mr. Henry Conn, br., and the boys determined to put an end to the nui sance. In the, hunt they not only killed tbe bears, but caught a wild cat, Roseburg Land Office Monthly Exhibit. Following are the transactions in the Roseburg land offli"e for Novem-r;-r : 831 acre sold for cash; ifl borne btead entries embracing 2,250 acre ; 4 final homestead entries embracing 537 acres ; 23 preemption filings ; 8 dona tion certificates Issued ; 3 timber en tries. ' Fine Fruit. -Mr Harvey Jones this week left at this- office some dried plums, apples and pears.' The fruit was excellent and retained its natural flavor surpass ingly. If there were many such fruit dryers in the county like Mr. Jones, our dried fruit would shortly be In general demand abroad as well as at borne. Very 11L We regret to learn o"f the dangerous illness of Dr. John E. Paytoa, at the Snowden Springs. He is suflering from typoid pneumonia. We hope to hear of his recovery. THE FLOOD. ThGreatest Overflow for Many Years. YFot pretty near a week a rain storm has held over the entire State, and the general public baa anticipated a gen eral flooding of the country. The general public- has not in the least been disaptxdnted. The flood has come, and nearly equuU the one which preceded the bad winter of 1802. The rise iu the Umpqua river yet lacked ten feet of the high water maik In the year named, and the river is at a standstill. It will be remembered by old residents that the first rise In 1S62 did not reach the point that has been attained by the present flood, and that it was the second flood that did the damage to property to far men along the river banks, , swept away a sawmill on the North Umpqua, and did other damage to the ruination of many business men in this valleyv The floed has done material injury to our farmers realding on the river. At the present writ ng the stage has just. arrived from the south and reports since Thursday moroing it has been engaged in making the trip from Can yonville to this place. Mr. Robtr s, the driver, gives itashisopionion that Yokum's bridge has been swept away. The mail train did not arrive 'lhurs- day evening from the north until 8:35 o'clock, and then ' dn acoouut of the breaking away of bridges on Cabin creek passengers and mail were trrns- ferrod to fiat cars, and upon tbe same made their appearance at tbe depot. All communication with Coos Bay Is at end until tbe waters subside. On Th ursday ,after 8 w i m in ing sloughs and risking his life a dozen tim s, Mr. Jos. Clough reached the city. On Wednesday, by the breaking away of the blocks on the cable of the ferry on the t-'outh Umpqua the ferry boat was carried down stream. On the boat was the Coos Bay stage. Mr. Owens lid everything to prevent the boat from going down stream, and would have succeeded had the passengers on board rendered timely assistance. They failed in so doing and the boat was swept away with the current With good ense, tha driver of the stage, Eugene Jones, upon the break ing of the blocks tied np tbe lines of tbe horses attached to the stage, and fastened their traces. Tbe horses lumped into the river. One of them had no difficulty in reaching the shore; tbe other, after much labor was guided to terra firma in safety. The boat was finally towed to its proper landing, and without Injury to any one. Since then the news has come from Brewester valley that all the bridges have been swept away and that the valley is entirely submerged. We might learn more particulars, but the telegraph lines are down both north and south. From the North Umpqua we learn that the cable to the ferry has parted, and that the b- at has been so seriously jammed that weeks will be required in making ne cessary repairs. Reports are to the effect that Garden Bottom is complete ly flooded, but it is impossible to esti mate the damage done. In and about Roseburg so far there are serious losses to report outside of fences and woodpiles swept away. By the break ing of the boom and the carrying away of saw logs and other damage done to dam and piers on the river. Dr. W. M. Sawbert sustains a loss of about $8,000, and Mr. Thos. Farquar s garden spot, which has supplied Port land and Salem with early vegetables, is for the time being entirely ruined. Mr. Farquar had many vegetables planted, all of which at this time are two or three feet under water. The present outlook would indicate that weeks will elapse before stages will go regularly and business take its wonted course. ; . LATER. Later reports a -e to the effect that eight bridges have been swept away on Der Creek, and from every quar ter comes news of fences lost. The rivers and creeks are rapidly falling, however, and it is likely that the worst of the flood is over. One Sensible Thought. The board Of trustees has decided by ordinance to put all impecunious drunks to work on the streets hereaf ter. This is a move in the right direc tion. Hereafter every drunken vaga bond has worked out his sentence qui etly in jail by reading novels and con suming the rich food prepared for their use by the city marshal, and impris onment under such circumstances couid not possibly have terrors for those who have so little respect for themselves as to permit appetite to lead them to such a place. Now toe drunk will have something eL-e to do, and when be finds he has to pay for his work either in the shape of cash or labor, he will not long remain in Roseburg. Careless Shooting. Tbe other day some boys did some very careless shooting with a Henry rifle near the brewery. The firing was in a line with the city, the brewery was struck with a random shot, and a bullet whistled close to tne neaa oi a gentleman. As a number of shots were fired more than likely the bullets struck all over the city endangering life. The offense must not be repeated. If it should occur again rigorous ac tion will be taken, as the Uvea of our citizens can not be endangered by such carelessness with impuuity, Philallathean Programme. Following is the programme of tbe Philallathean Literary Association for this Saturday evening : Music In strumental, M. Levinson ; Solo, Mrs. !. B. Higley : Opening Address Jourualibua, J. W, Kelly ; 8lo, Mr.. Haffendeu; Discussion Resolv'd That radicalism is an evil A. F. Campbell, affirmative. G. O. Holman, negative ; Song Mr. Thomas Lynch, "The Hat My Father Wore," recess for appoint ment committee of arrangement; Solo, Miss Mary Hill; Reading, MissHattie Benjamin; Good night instrument ai, M. Levinson. Burglaries. Last Sunday a tramp, or some other hungry person, entered the resi dence of Mr. John W. Moore and cleaned the place of everything In the way of eatables, taking away pies, cakes, etr. Probably about the same time, and perhaps the same thief, en tered the house of Rev. J. R. N. Bell, knocked in the head of a syrup keg and took from the keg a part of its contents. If the thefts were commit ted bv one Derson. that person cer tainly has " sweet tooth In his head.1 Last week, while Henry Kelly's children, of Albany, were playing one of the little ones struck another by accident, from tbe effect of which he died a few days afterward. OAKLAND ITEMS The mercury Is rising. Winter fights are above par. Miss Fitzpatrlck, of Portland, Is also visiting friends. Nimrods from town are bringing in venison almost every time they go an a hunt Both schools are again flourishing, the patrons having got over the dip therfa scare. The firm of Taylor a Hall as well as Caro Bros. 4 Co., lately opened in this place, are doing a good business. Isaac Driver, formerly of this place but now of eastern Oregon, Is visiting friends here. He looks well and car ries tbe same pleasing smile as of yore. - The workingmen of New York are holding mass meetings in denuuoiatiou of convict labor, which is proving se riously Injurious to their Interests. - It it not half so much to be dreaded, how ever, as the employment of Chinese. Mr. G. V. Dolberg while leading a horse to water, got the rope wound around his thumb, and, the horse get ting scared ran off, breaking the thumb and tearing it entirely offjust above the first joint. Drs. Venable and Tage dressed the wound,, and at last accouut he was doing wt-H. Rumor says our enterprising land lord of the Depot Hotel, coul emulates giving a ball on Chrh-tmas eve, and engages Bray's music baud from Port laud. Dick always makes a success ofeverything he undertakes and the young folks may expect a good time. The masquerade ball was a perfect success and varions parts were well acted. .." Sadie Donelley," by G. A. Taylor was well carried out, causing most of the boys to lose their hearts and for the time being brought sad des truction to many fond hopes wuou the masks were lifted. . G. White took the part of "Darwin's ancient re lation," which he acted to perfection. Supper was served in the hall after which tbe dancing was resumed and "waxed warm'' until the " we ems' hours." 1 he attendance was large, and taken altogether it was the most enjoyable affair Oakland has witnessed for a long time. ! CALAPOOIA. Farmers jubilant .... ! Pay your wash bill?. Copious showers of rain. A. E. klaGee entitled to the real belt fanning visited his old dona week. izzie D. has returned home leasant visit it Roseburg. Mires, who has been quite sick with typhoid fever, we are glad to announce, is rapidly recovering. Mr. Ottlnger, who has been ailing with consumption, is reported to be sinking very rapidly. A Christmas tree is talked of. Talk la cheap and consequently the people ofCalapooia don't want a Christmas tree. Miss Fanny Hill, of Wilbur, will commence a six month's school at the lower Calapooia school house, Janua ry 1st, 1SS0. Eider S. S. Martin will proclaim the gospel in his usual and eloquent man ner at the school house, December 6lh. Services will commence at 11 o'clock A. M. Miss Sarah Davis and Lillie Bar nard, couple of Calapooia's handsome and winning little maids, paid their numerous friends a flying visit re cently in the great city of Oakland- Those individuals, whose names we rtfraln from mentioning, that make a business of circulating falsehoods con cerning different parties can console themselves that such venomous re ports always fall harmless to our feet. Mrs. Chas. C line and wife, formerly residents of this place but later of Eastern Ogn., have returned; to reside permanently on bis farm located in the Davis gulch, fully satisfied that Umpqua valley is the place where man ran with a little energy procure plenty of good things. Calapooia Geo. UMPQUA FERRY. We have more rain at present than we know what to do with. G. W. Stephens, of (alapooia, was n this section recently on business. Come again, old boy. One, hundred and two dollars and fifty cents were sunk here on oysters the other evening. Wm. Kramp has been laid up for a few days with a sore foot, which put a quietus to his grangerizing for the time being. James A. Woodruff and wife arrived on tbe 29th from Lebanon, where they have been living for two years past. They will permanently settle here. A surprise party was given at the residence of Mr. Nifonglast Friday evening. Dancing was continued un til a late hour, and ail who attended report having a good time. Dr. G. B. Davidson, a former resl dent of this place, who has been on a visit to tbe scenes of his childhood, (Michigan) returned the other day, He also brought with him a shingle machine which he will put into oper ationon Hubbard creek soon. A slight co amotion occurred down the river some time since, among the half-breeds, in which one came very near being killed by the enraged par ent wbo made an assault with a six shooter, which luckily snapped each time. Umpqua George. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Following deeds were recorded in ' tbe Clerk's office during the past week: J. C. Floed and George Hayaes to to James Thrasher ; portion of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 In block No. 82, this city. Consideration, $150. James Thrasher to S. Marks A Co.; same property. Consideration, $1,000. Lewis Chapman to F. O. Worley; parcel of land in Canyonville pre clnct. Consideration, $3,000. State to heirs of G. Moor; correc tion of deed. 8. J. Thompson to B. C. Agee; parcel of land In Happy valley. Consider ation, $3,100 Samuel M. Driver to lea F. Rice. Several lots In the town of Oakland. Consideration $230. W. T. Kurly to James Chenoweth; 903 acres in Calapooia precinct. Con sideration,! 12,000. Before getting married, yonng man call on Jaskulek, and get one of those beautiful wedding rings he haa. He ke?ps a full stock of such goods. A.J. & tion last Mies L from an Adda ' L. L. Williams at Home. Ex-county clerk Williams has re turned home from the Yellowstone country.' Jt was his intention to re main in the Park until April at least, but the slander reported by Daniels aud which found place in the columns of the Albany Democrat, called him back soouer. Our conversation with Mr. Williams would lead us to belive that be is anxious for a vindicaion and an opportunity to prove that the slanderous story is false Trom beginning to the end; then tbe lady, whose rep utation is in question,Mr. Williams has known from childhood, he being con fined to his bed by a dangerous wound in her father's home at the time of her birth and long afterward. He cer tainly could not do otherwise than re turn for her protection under circum stances. The debt of gratitude he owes her father would compel him to do ao when all other considerations were as nothing. The entire circumstances will- soon be made public through the testf-il monyj taken In a court of justice, and Mr. Williams expects nothing more than vindication; of Mrs. Daniels as a virtue us lady, and the conviction of Danii Is, as he has commenced a suit not jt stifled by. truth or honesty. At Mr. V iU'ams' request, we say nothing fu th; i upou the subject Mrs. Daniels do es not desire the case to be prejudiced by any newspaper comments, being sa Isiied that the testimony offered in he r bulia'.f will prove ihat Daniels has shiudtjrered the reputation of his own wife.-1 . 1 Weather Report Following is the weather report for November Highest Barometer. . ....30.518 onl6th Lowest Bar.... , 29.4t4 on 9th Monthly Range Bar 1 CM Higbecl Temperature. ..601eg on 5th Lowest Temperature 24deg on 28th jt re; lest Daily Kauge or i Temperature.... ...24decr5on 18th Least Daily Range of Temperature.: 7Jeg OonHth Mean of Maximum Tern 48 deg .9 Mean of Minimum Tern 36 deg .1 Mean Daily R'tngo Tern 12 deg .8 Direction of Wind.. .Southwest Total rainfall during month 1.15 inch Total Movement or Wind 1821 milts Highest Vel of Wind 14 m per hS. W. Number Clear Days 5 Number Foggy Days 4 Number Fair Days 6 Number Clouoy Days without rain 1 is umber Cloudy Days witn lalnlall ll Numberof rainy Days 16 Mean Bar for Month. ...30.123 inches Mean Relative Humidity., 42.2 Totol Rainfall 5.79 inches Mean Thermometer 42deg.2 R. R. Roi OEBS, Sergeant Signal . orps, U. S. A. Jaskulek, the jeweler, will not palm off" on you bogus jewelry ltr genuine Retnrned Homi Thos. R. Sheridan, our efficient county clerk, has returned from a fly ing trip to San Francisco. He went by wav of Coos Bay and reports hav- ng enjoyed his trip aud improved In health. If yon want a pair of genuine pebble spectacles call and see those of Jasku lek. MARRIED. Saturday last at the residence of the bride's parents, W. R. McKenzie to Miss Alice "Fullerton, by Kev. E. W. Dixon. May the happy couple ever be mind ful of the joys, and forgetful of the sorrows. VIED- On the2tstult., at Snowden Sorine. Anna, wife of Silas W. Montgomery; aged 20 years and five days. The de ceased leaves a husband nnd three children who return their thuks to the many friends who waited upon a loving wife and faithful mother during her late iiluess. ' ; . Go to L. lie 1 Ills, the pioneer jeweler of .Roseburg, for watches, clocks and e weliy. In the Whole History of Medicine No preparation has ever pur for mud such me.rvelous cures, or main ained ao wide a reputation, as AYER'S CHERRY PECTO RAL, which is recognized as the world's remedy for all diseaBcs of the throat and lunjrs. Iia long continued series of won derful cures in all climates lina made ft uiiivereally known as a safe ami reliable agent to employ. AgainHi ordinary co'ds, which are the f.irerunnera ot more seriou diworders, acta apeeoViy tnd surely, ulnars relieving sun-ring aud often saving lite. The prot-ciion it afford", by its timely use in the throat nnd lunar disorder of chil dren, makes it an invaluable remedy to be Kept alwavs on hand in every liuiuii. AO person can a.Tord to be without it, and ihoge who have once ued it never will. From their knowledge of its composition and eiTfits, Physiciang use the CHERRY PECTORAL exteusively in the practice, nod, and Clergymen recommend it. It absolutely certain in its remedial effects, and will always cure where cures' ard poss'ble. Forsnle oy all dealers. Hodjre, Davis & Co., Portland, wholesale seems. NEW TO-DAY. .'XLia.ra.5L iBfotloe U. S. Land Officr. Roseburg, Ogn. ) Deceniler 3. 1879. t TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IN PUB iH sob nee ot the Act of Congress of June 3d, 1873, for the sale of timber lands in the Males oi t alllornia, Uregon, .Nevada and Washington Territory that W. T. Wood son haa made application to purchase lot 2 Direction is, township zj, south range 4 wet. ' . ) Any and all persons complaining ad versely the above described tract of land miiBt file their claim in the Register's of fice within S'zty davs from this date. WM. F. BENJAMIN. Re inter. ROSEBURG, OREGON. A'be BUSINESS IN; MY LINE WILL moderate. Can be found when wanted. Inquire for me at Roseburg hotel. DR. S. K. RAYMOND DENTIST, LATE OF OAKLAND, OQN, Raving permanently located in Rom-torg, is prepared to do all wore in the dentist line in first class order. (J1vj roe a call at the house next door to Oake's picture gal lery. FOR SALE The undersigned has a fine lot of Hran Ish Merino Hams, both thoroughbred and graded for sale cheap for cash or on proved credit. For further particulars in quire of THOMAS SMITH, i Wjtbnr. JPonglM Co., Uregon, Aug. ROSEBURG HILLS. PR08IET0RS. THE BEST LO IN THE A HT The Flour f these - mills has gained in opularity na 11 iv has come to be kaowa by parchateri as the best in tbs market. - r Orders fro: , borne and abroad filled promptly. At dress, ItfiEtJ GATES. Roeebarg. R. G. EBERT, &L D, PHYSICIAN AND SUR&EON, : KOSE&UKtf.OGN, 4 DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY. OFFICE IN MARKS & CO'S. BUILDING (formerly Dr. Cozad's). Consultation and operating room for patients. FOR 0AX.X2. 30 GOOD DAIRY CtWS, 23 YEAB lings and heifers and two full-blood ed ahorthorned Durham bulls. ' This '. a good opportunity for any one wbo wishes to start a dtiry. The cowa are perfectly gentle and good milkers. Apply to APPLEGATE 4 PEA RSE. Youcalla, Oregon. 1TOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN THAT those wishing to settle their accounts with Wheeler Bros, will find them at the lore of E. G. Young A Co , uniil tbe 1st of January, 1880. After that date they will Sud that their accounts hav been placed in the Lands ot a collector for collection. WHEELER BROS. Oakland, Nov, 21st, 1879. NEW COUNTRY STORE I AT FAIR OAKS, OREGON, Sampson Sutherlin, Prop, TUTT NEW STORE AT FAIR OAKES IS Jia. now completed and tilled with a fine stock ot goods, embracing everything found in a nrstlaas country h:ot. I am pre pared to to supply farmers with all kinds ot good, at lower prices than thfy can be secured elaewbere. llorsi a, cattle, sheep and hoes and all kinds of country pron duce taken and highest market price paid for the same. Give me a call and natiafy yourae'f. EAMPSON BUTHEBL1N. NOTICE To Next of Kin of V. D. Willamson, Mi nors and All Persons Interested in the Estate. Guardianship ot V. D. Williamson Petition for Sale of W ard's Land. HOW COMES A. C. YOUNG. GUAR, dian ot the, said war j. ajid filed his petition aettinjr forth: That i lit income and profits of the estate of his ward, V. D. Williamson, is insufficient for the pur pose of comfortable and suitable mainte nance, support and education of ne sam ward ; That the real estate of said ward is so situated that there can be but little income or profit obtained from it ; That it becomes neceoaary lor the support and maintenance of the said ward to sell the following described real estate, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the south line of the Donation land claim of S. Williamson 38.38 chains in a southerly di rection, from tbe southwest corner of said Donation claim, running thence ij a north erly direction at a right angle with said south line 70.03 chains to the north line of said Donation claim ; thence easterly on said north line 7.63 chains ; tl enee in a southerly direction at a right angle with said north line 70.16 chains; thence m a westerly direction in said line 7.63 chains to the place of beginning, situated in Douglas Co., Ogn., containing 53.34 acres. Also the undivided one-seventh interest In the east half of the Donation land claim of 8. D. Williamson and wife, situa ted in Dooglas county, Oregon, Said Guardian askatbat a citation Issue; it is, therefore, ordered that a citation is sue to the nut of kin and all others in terested in tbe estate of said ward, direct ing tbem to appear before this court on Wednesday, the 7th day of January, 1380, to show cause, if an) there be, why an order should not be made as prayed for in said petition. And that this order shall published in He Douqlas Independent, a newpajierof general circulation in said Douglas county, Oregon, for four consec utive weeks. O. G ADDIS. County Judge. Attest T. R. SHERIDAN, CountyCierk ay W. X. WRIGHT, Ueputy. SPECIAL REFEREE S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Douglas, Friday, October 31st, 1879, at the October term, 1S79. in tbe cauee entitled O. C- Pol kins vs. E. C Headrick suit iu equity for dissolution of partnerohip and settlement of accounts, I will s -11 at pub ic auction to the highest bidder for cash in United State gold coin, at the premises nereinalter desTibed in the city of Kose burg, Douglas county. State ot Oregon, on he lull day of December, l9i, at one o'clock ia the afternoon of said day, the following described property, to-wit: The unexpired term of a certain lease made on the 27th day of September in the year 13i 5, and executed by l. V. McCleilan to and in favor of Button & Perkins, for the following described property, to-wit : The house and lot situate on the soiitliwettt comer of W;shiniit-in and Jackson streets and I ho house aud lot on tbe northwest cor net or Main aud Diuglas streets iu the town of liosuburg. and used as a hotel and boarding house and known as the Metro politan Hotel, with appurtenances thereun to belonging, for the term of three years from the 20th day of September, A. D. 1875, at the monthly rentot one hundred dollars parable in gold coin of the United States at the expiration of each and every month; and in consideration ot a certain condition V. C. McClellan did lease the above de scribed property to Button & Perkins for a two years longer period, which lease ex pi res en the 2U,u dav of September, together with the following described property: Office furniture, consisting of one large safe, desk, clock, mirror, hat racks, stove, spittoons, sprinklers, chairs. lamps, etc.; a so parlor furniture, dining- room furniture, kitchen furniture and bed room furniture for thirtyneight roomn, con sisting of beds and bidding, carpets, mir rors, wasustanda, cnairs. tables, wasnoowis, pitchers, towels, chambers, etc., el' also. two horses ana one set ot narnees, oe con cord stage wagon and one cow, also, fifty cords of wood, more or less, with provi sions and supplies on hand at the time of sale- also, good will of the house. I wili also sell on the same day and im mediately after the sale of the hot-l prop eny, the following described property, the same being a part and portion of the et- fects of Peikins St Headrick: A certain lease execated oy E. M. Moore, les. r, of tbe citv of Roseburg. Donglas connty. State ot Oregon, and Perkins & Ueachiek, lessees, of the city of Koseburg, twugias county , etate of Uregon, tbe lease ot all mat lot or pan eel of land with arpurtenances situated on the west side ot Jackson street, south of and adjoining the Metropolitan hotel in the city of Roseburg, upon which is situ ated the buildings known as Eennebic hall and now need as a saloon. Said lease is for the term of two years, commencing on the first day of January. A D, 1879, and ex piring on ihe first day of January, A. D. 1881. Tbe rent is thiity dollars per month paid monthly in United Mates gold coin at the expiration of each and every month during the term of said lease. Also, the stock of merchandM on hand at the time of the sale, consisting ot Ilqoors, cigars. etc.. etc.; also, the furniture iu and noed for saloon purposes, consisting one fine hil hard table, chandeliers, lamps, shelf-goods. oar-nxtures. pictures, chairs, mirrors, etc. P. STRICKLAND. Si-ecial Releree WAG OX MAKER 4 REPAIRER, CANYON VILLE, OREGON. I am prepared to do first-class work, at low rates, anq in a manner to satiety all I who patronize me. Uy work is my re commendation, and if it will hot speak for itseu, i ao not wisa tor patronage, JHy only wish is yon try my work, and learn mf prices, ana it they do not suit you no oaeena. Canyonville, Uregon. JACKSON BTHKET, : BOB KB U HO. TVia Timnrietor of. this well-known anil popular resort woulS thank bis friends for "wit liberal patronage in the past and ask for a contlmuanoa of tbe same in the future. Tbe publle ia informed that 1 keep none bat tbe beet brands of wines, liquors aBieicrk.ra. and that I sell over the bar the celebrated MOOBE A CCS KENTUCKY WHISKIES A g jod Billiard Table will be foaad la th flalooa ; also all tha leading papers of tb Uive a call. - -j. (Ilk M NEXT SIXTY DAI'S T-IJ, OFFER.. Special Inducements To Purchasers, connimine of Their Entire Stock of G-oods Embracing a Fall and Complete Line of CO 2 til a C3 32 r- a O : 25 a S? C9 a at hi 9 o 09 o .AND. WATSRPRO O 3? S .. ..ASD.... OREGON AND CALIr OilXLV FLAN NELS AND CASSlMf<ES. ....OUR STOCK OF. iallHitwrnter 0 7 & 0 :ClotliinGf In Style and Quality is not Equal led in this Market. It consist of MEN, BOYS' & YOUTHS' Drees Suite; SUBSTANTIAL WINTER OOOD3, UNDERWEAR HOSIERY, GLOVES, TIES, c We have on haai a Fall Stock of Groceries. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Faints, Gils & Glass. Remember our motto" Low Prices and Square Dealing." AgenN rt, RCRRELL A Co. FLOED &CO., Roseburg, Oregon. 1 1 m GEAMT AND THE LIQUIDATION SAEL OP TO if IS CONTINUED A FE vr DAYS M08K' STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS Shoes, Ladies and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Glassware and Extensive Stock of Groceries, Hundreds of people have raken advantage of this sale to lay in supplies for the -winter and there are splendid bargains for hundreds more. ' CALICOES, eighteen yards for $1 00; WATERPROOFS 90 cents per yard ; KID GLOVES at 75 cents per pair CORSETS, from 50 cents . upward ; Clothing, Boots, and Shoes at cost; Canton Fla.nneL white and unbleached at in r0nto. Towels, Sheeting, .Muslins, Nppkins, Crahes, at Bedrock Prices! u-roceries at Wholesale Prices. ' Anything and everything in Less. . ZUJ GEEAT ANNOUNCEMENT THIS LARGEST STOCK OF GEHBHAL IIERCHAITOIB LADLES DRESS GOODS OF ALL QUALITIES, INVISIBLE PLAIDS LATEST STYLES. Ladies' Silk Ties, Embracing all -.ti Latest "Novelties Also Everything else appertaining ALL KINDS OF Piques. B rocaded Linen Plain Fancy V a mix USE or Genteman's, Youth's1 & :Boy'o CLOTHIWC,! AI! new paterns, excellently finished, and the cheapest ana ctci vucicu tv tua iwpcuuit uauo. others, I defy competition. These ara only a few itema In the stock There p enough else to engage your attention Hew Store iT... OAKLA3TD, OREGON CARO BROS- CO. TJLD ANNOUNCE TO THE CIT1 feras of Oakland and vicinity that they have established a branch store at tlut place in the building next door to tbe old stand of Wheeler Bros, and having an extra large stock ot Gnsral Merchandise, they are prepared to fnraiah farmers and others with everything they may need and at lower price than ever before offered in Oakland. We have coma to stay, and we can and will make friends of yoa all if yon wilt call, examine oar goods and learn our prices. CARO BROS. WESTIXT is DESirr. General Agents for REIGLE BRO.' COPYING HOUSE, SAN FRAVC1SCO, CALIFORNIA. Photographs enlarged in India Ink, Wa ter colors and crayon, from 8 t J 10 inches to life-size. Office for the Sta e of Oregon at No. 6 Morreoa street (St. claries Hotel building) Portland. Orders .om the inte rior promptly attended to. ddress, WESTLY A DEN&T, P. O. Box 3 Portlad, Oregon. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Office at resider ee, first ton se west o Ju dge Willis,' Boceburg. Oregon. Foun da nip ray t ligijV liug Stcie.ar.d night at his residenco. ROSEBUaU, OBEOO" Forwarding & Commission Agt. All goods consigned to my eare will be promptly forwarded to points of their drs. tination w.lhont fa.!. All basinrss en trusted to my care will be carefully at tdoded to. Qraia or other articles taken on storage . I lowest rates. Sole agent for the celebrated Myrtle creek Flour. Ad dress H. L. MUHTON. Boseburg. Oregon. GOOD BREAD AT LOWEST PRICES Would announce that he always keep on' hand all fresh Fruits, Candies. Nuts, Cakes, Pies and all kiads of canned Fish, Jellies, Fruits, Oysters, Honey, .etc., and ia con uection therewith he has a Bakery and an experienced Baktr from Portland,' audi will furnish the; beet of bread (23 loaes for (1.00) te any oa wishing tbe same at their residence oral i he store, urabam bread supplied whenever desired. Store and Bakery next door to Dr. WoodrufTs drugstore and opposite Sheridan Bros., liosebarg, Uiveaue a call. - mnmi c J3 a " o Q f- e ' rv, a. s s a s OSS s a." n . B 2 a a P'.Cgi. j. -Ja ----o S.S- a- i.S"Bs - 3 ft. - 3 "2 o. t- i m J TS euS g a s -AGENT rcB- WILMERDING CO, Importers and Wholesale Dealers ia FINE 7IIIE & LItXUORS. 214 and 818 Front Street, Saa Tranclsco. DISSOLUTIOX NOTICE. TUB. PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between W. F. Owens and S. Plvmale. in the forwarding business. Rose- bur?, a dissolved on the 2?th oi October, by mutual consent, an ireigm ana commis si jna are payametovv, r.uwena. ; W. F. OWE B. PLYMALE Lumber Lumber J. J. COMSTOUK Is prepared to furnish all kinds oi lumber in Roseborg, dressed or plain, at rates lower than any on else. Having the best machinery In the county, beeaa do better than any one else, and will El orders promptly. ' Any kind cf Somber furnished the day the order is received. Aridre J.J. COJgSTOCK, Latham, Oregon- M b D p w a si Si, wf an - I COMTWfa ! r3 '.; ca T. II -OF- the store will be sold at Cost or"' MULLSM, Receiv rer. in the San Fraucisoo Mart-a to Ladies' Wear. 4u img JlnA na wall as hsve Dnrchawui. riUM.-.i.-ii.. for an entire day. M. JOSEPUSON. 3 BROTHEEST Are about to re move to their new brick store near postoffice, and in order to do so they must reduce their pres ent immense sto'Ix of general mer chandise; in con sequence for tho emit fifteen days they trill sol, cv evythins and any thing at lowest possible This is a pricc3 guarau- teed salc,and pur chasers may .rest assured that the promise of lot? prices Trill faith- fuUy be Irept. OAEO BEOS, R. Brackearide & Robt. Easton, Opposite T. ' P. Sheridan's Hardware Store, v ROSEBURG, OREGON. Mantle pieces made from Italian anil American, marble monuments, and tomb stones, made to order, and firsl-claes work warranted ia this line. Anything in the way of atone-catting promptly performed, and all orders promptly filled. Always a fall stock of marble and other stone on hand and in case of any repair in this line in the shape of billiard tables, etc., satislaettca will be guaranteed. R. BRACKEN B1DQE ROBT EAST03T . HOUSE AND S LOTS FOR SAUL J. & Watkinds offers his Has boos aud two tots for sale at bargain, Tb place is pleasantly sitaatod. nnt in sppae.fa.bea and j oat the place oa would look fo? CARO