n 4 KATUKDAY.... ....OCT. 4. 1879 RESOLUTION OF ENDORSEMENT. W HEMEA8, TUB DOUGLAS iNDErEXDEXT, a newpower published in Hot-eburg, lias been published In this county lor the period of three years ; anil Wiikkeas, ulii newspaper in now well established, nud during a three years' trial ' it haa full lit ally served the In tenets of the producer and tax-payer; therefore be it lleiAo((l, We, the member of tin- ITmp qua Grange So. 28,' do give Tub Douglas ISDRpENUesTmir onqualith-d endowment. and would recommend it as a newspaper worthy the patronage of every farmer aud tax payer in Southern Oregon. - if Oko V. Jomes, Master. In' J. P PcJiCAN, Secretary. THE WORST YET. Woods' administration of State affairs was considered a disgrace to the party that elected him to office. . Woods, however, is not now regarded as having been worse than is the present executive of Oregon, or was the reputation of his administration more common or disreputable than is that of Gov. Thayer- Woods was charged with being unduly influenced in many of bis pardons to convicts ; It is reported that Thayer has been similarly influenced, and the report liaj perhaps reached the ears of every citizen interested in the government of Oregon. Thayer is also charged by c !mmon report with appointing men . to judicial positions whom be after wards influenced In their decision of )aw,and has appeared before them asa-i attorney in several questionable cases. "Woods never did anything worse than this..- While Woods charged for bucgv hire in visiting the penitentiary, aud was called a thief therefor, Thayer la charged openly with turning con victs ioose upon the people that he may save in expense in the manage ment of the penitentiary and secure cheap credit for economical manage ment of that institution. Tha con victs thus turned loose have in many i stances been returned to the peuiten- Mary for the commission of fresh crimes,' and after heavy costs to tax payers. When the next election comes on, and Thayer's party enters the field, we cannot hut think public oplniou will regard the Governor arid his party f s even wow than was Woods and the Republican party regarded at the close of the latter's administration. Tt will be a matter of general surprise if Thayer and his' party are not de feated by 1,600 to 2,0UU majority in the Biate. The penitentiary must be badly managed, if reports are true. The 8a- Urn Mercury state that for sometime p tst complaints have reached it to the effect . that convicts are permitted to run about the streets of the capital at will in citizen's clothes at night, and saloons, drink whisky and play cards without hinderatne. This i, perhaps, some of the results of that policy of Bush and Thayer which fol lowed out, has sent newly pardoned C" ivicts. out of the peniteutiary to again rob the public, and to again, by the costs of a second con viction, add to the taxes of the peo ple of various counties in the State. T save the expenses of keeping men they have been pardoned from the penitentiary, and the changes are, to make a little or something ou the board of other-), they have been turned loose to the annoyance of Sa 'em people. Such government is o.ay child's play ; and yet is more than th t ince it is criminal. The Cooi County Argus calls us a " Democratic paper," and says we "claim a clear Democratic majority of 20,000 in the State.'? TheArg ials not truthful in either of these state - in 'IltS. T.ie Ixdepexde.vt is ml a Democratic paper, " nor has it ever appearl in these columns that the Democratic party had 20,000 or any other majority in Oregon, or that any other party "had a majority in the Slate. We cannot furnish ideas and bnins f r you, Mr. Argus, just now; but we may' some day visit Kmpire, ' and then, with your consent, we will do something for, you, and improve your brain. To begin an argument you should first be truthful in your statement of facts' Among Southern Oregon candidates fortupreme Judge, we bear mentioned the name of Hon. L. F. Lane. Mr. Lane is a fine lawyer, a student, honor able in his ideas of the law, and the best candidate we have . heard named by the Democrats. If it comes to De mocracy and this shall be the cause . for election, then the election of Mr. 'Lane should satisfy the Democracy, . since he is the offspring of 0113 of the . greatest war-horses of the Democratic party. The locomotive, with all Its bar monious adjustments of parts, still lacks a few weeks of being fifty years . ohl. On the 27th of October, 1829, the . eminent English engineer announced ' Ids discovery to an assemblage of - iTritiah machinists and mechanical ex . pert, and it was not till the 17th of . September, 1830, that the first railroad In the world was opened for passengers " ana their luggage. The New York Commercial thinks that no man should despair in getting a wife, since.Walter Stewart, of Bos ton, possessing neither bauds or legs, has married a young lady of 22 years of age. But, perhaps, the young lady was not after hands or legs, and knew what she wanted. The Perkiiia murderers escaped from the jail at Yakima on the 21st ult., but were recaptured after a fight in which Sa'luskin was killed and another Indiatrwounded. The wretches should he hanged at once, and all further trouble prevented. - ....... , Hie hop crop of Puyallup valley . W. T , this year is valued at $150,000. Hops grow well In Douglas county.--Why do not some of our farmers turn attention to this production ? Trolling for salmon is being exten sively carried on in Seattle. The In dians catch as high as 300 to (he canoe, and sell them for $5 a hundred. CHANGE YOUR SEED, ' ' aw iiwjm ' .v We have two specimeaji of wheat at this office, of the Mediterranean va riety, which will be difficult to im prove upon by any farmer in the State. They were grown on ths farms of H. Conn, Sr., and of Mr. Clayton, Calapooia precinct. This seed was new to the county when planted, and the result is plump grain; and when bavest time came there was no rust or shriveled wheat. Mr. Conn ana Mr. Shambrook, to whom we are indebted for the samples have always held; that a change of seed In wheat was necessary ever few yours, and the samples we have are pr.wf, not only of the excellence of the wheat but the soundness of their idea. Following their thought we would argue that as the fields of the two sensible farmers named were not injured ly rust or other perplexity and detrimental difficulty, it would be wise if our formers would generally regard a change of seed as advisable. Seed wears out as do breeds of cattle and horses. There must be a change in the breeding of stock or stock will de teriorate in value, size and health. This same principle will apply to the growing of cereals. For a number of years wheat will produce well upon a certain class of soil, and afterwards be amicteu with either weavtl, rust or some other complaint, following which there is a failure of crops. Yet new wheat, grown upon another class of soil and transplanted, by the sower of grain, will yield thirty, or forty, or fifty bushels to the acre even iu those years which a plague seems to visit the crops of all fields surrounding the weti-growi., or more property speaa inz the well-producing farm which escapes injury. Such Is the history o this new wheal the White Mediter ranean. The fields surrounding the spots in wuicn it uas oeen planted have failed to produce an average crop because of rust, blight, etc ; and yet the new seed has not failed. Is not and the connection between cerea!s soil the same as the breeding in cattle horses, pics,. or anything else? Is not there needed a change in soil or seed, and does it not follow, a close eon nection of cereals and soil, in the eourse of time will depreciate j the value of both ? OUR DISPATCHES. The Oregonian grumbled and at last published a false dispatch in re gard to the wrecking of the Alex Duncan to show that this paper does not publish later coast dispatches than any other journal in the State, Our cotemporaries, in a fit of jealousy took their cue from the Oregonian and repeated the Oregonian's false news. If they will take the trouble to inquire they will learn that the Alex Duncan yet lies high and dry at the mouth of Rogue river ; that her pro peller has been sent to San Francisco for repairs; that it is not likely the steamship will ever be taken off the sands, and that if she is, she cannot each Portland fr several weeks at least. This paper publishes no news but that which is reliable, and it pays for such news ; and if our cotempo raries cannot afiord to do the same, they should be manly enough not to speak otherwise than truthfully of our enterprise in .making this a newspa per. As proof of the reliability of our dispatches from Coos Bay, we append the following from the Coast Mail of last week The Roseburg Independent pub lishes later news from the coast than any other paper of the interior The publisher of that paper possesses the elements of success. The people bt Coos Bay have always shown a warm feeling of frie0.d4h.ip for the Independent, and in that county to-day it has the Urgest subscription list of any paper ouUide of those pub lished there. This would argue we should return the compliment, and our dispatches are in part secured to attract attention of those seeking Homes to the many inducementeheld out io settlers in the natural resources o" Coos county. Then we have always o itemled that the day was not far diitant when Coos Bay would become Douglas county's outlet to the sea; aud we think there should be a common interest now between the two counties which would teach the people in ad v.nee of th approachiug friendship which will exist an 1 prove everlasting. PROMINENT DEMOCRAT WRITES. Sentiments of an Old Democratic Leader. Myrtle Creek, Sept. 20, 1879 Eoitok Independe.vt: I have no ticed your artiele of wuek before last in regard to the strength of the Thayer Bush wing of the Democratic party in this State, and the comments upon the same made by the Salem Mercury; and as far as my knowledge extends I endorse your article and the commeuts of the Mercury fully. Since '51 I have resided near this place and voted at every general elec tion, including 1S59 ; and do not for get how earnestly the Bush ring la bored to defeat Lansing Stout for Congress, and how very near they came doing it. Nor have I lost sight of the action of the ring up to the time that they took control of Gov. Thayer and shaped his administration to suit their selfish purposes. The Democrats in this precinct voted for and did all they could to elect Thayer ; but had they known that bis election would have resulted to the advancement of Bus!) aud his cor rupt ring, ari l place in their hands the control of his administration, he would not, could not have secured a half dozen votes in the township. And outside of Roseburg, in all Doug las county, there are not in my opin ion, one dozen Thayer-Bush Demo crats, and shall the thing ever be tested, you will find that 1 am right, aud no one will ever be elected to office in this county who will declare iu favor of either of them. 1857. Ou the the return of Senator Slater and Mr. Toney Noltuer from Coos county, a discussion occurred between the latter and Mr. Sol. Abraham, and the editor of the Standard was "bluf fed" in the matter of a brt of $50 10 $5 on a question propounded by himself. Mr. Noltner "put up" the $5 and Mr. Abraham the $50 ; but the $5 were withdrawn. The editor of the Stan dard did this to save his money. Every steel rail mill in the United States has orders larger than It can fill u to the end of the year, and the Union Pac'flc railroad company are unable to buy steel rails in this country for the purpose of building their new branch, which runs 150 miles south of Salt Lake city. The consequence lias been that the com pany have been compelled to use iron. NEW TO-DAY. COME AND SEE TUE HEW STQBS avp,caai, HAFFEiMDEN BROTHERS. Have just opened a First-ClassPROVISIOlT -AND STORE At S. Marsks & Co's. Old Stand, XIOSZ1BTJHG-.' Tbiir stock consists of STAPLE GROCERIES Of the choicest quality, and including Country Produce. They are prepared to stand by . MOT'J 0 : tlieir Full WEIGHT Choice GOODS -AND- Low PRICES -Foa- ICIAISH FARMERS AND ALL OTHERS WILL FIND A READY MARKET HERE FOR ALL CHOICE TROD UCE. HEFFcNDEN BROTHERS. CITATION. T L. SMiTII. ADMINISTRATOR OF the estate of Hichnrd Sirith deceased and Martha A. haiku, deceased, having filed his petition in the County Court for a license to sell the real property belonging to sail estates, c insisting of the Donation Land Claim Notification Xo. 5403 consist, inir of Lots Nos. 3, 4. 5 aud (1 or section 28 townshio 23 south range 5 west, on la'ning 10$ 94-l00th; and the northeast half of the norihwesi quarter, the north half ot the north east quarter and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of met ion Si!, township 23 south range 3 .west 200 acres: east half of said Donation Land Claim belonging to ManliaA.Siiiiili.de Cersed, and the remainder to ltichard staiith, deceased. Also the northwest quar ter ot ti e nortuwest quarter or section 34 24 acres in section 2? and 29, commencing at the southeast Corner .ot the Donatiou Land Claim ol Hol.ert and Su.rd 'iinitli runuing thence north 12 r tds. thence west one mile on a line parallel with the south bmu.luig line of said Dona;ion Laud Claim : thei.c.J south 20 rods to the south line ot raid laud claim, thence east along eaid south bound.ug line one mile to place of beginning : the south east qtmr'er of the southwest quart) r of section 25. The northwest quarter 01 the norihweol quarn ter of section 34 ; (he southwest quarter of the northeast quarter ot section &S ; the west half "f the north eat quarter ot sec. t on 34 ; the south half ot the northwest qnarier section 33 and iot No. 4 section 27, ail in township 2.J south range 5 west Wil lauiulte Meridian, in Douglas county. Ore. ton. It was therefort ordered that a c.ta lion isMue to the heirs and sll others inter ested in suid estate to appear in said (?ouri on luesday, January 7th, 1830, to show cause, if any there be, Why an order t sale should not be made as praved for in the petition Br order of the Court. T. K. SHERIDAN, County Clerk. Rof eburg Ogn.. Sept. 24, 1876. E. M. DAVIS, M. D., O PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. irUCE L'l'al AiKS IS LATE OF fice of Dr. Cozad, S. Maiks & Co's brick buihiing, Hoseburg. Oregon. Pri vate c.nnuliation room lor patients' DR. S. K. RAYMOND. DENTIST, LATE OF OAKLAND, CON, Having fierinanently located in Rositnrg, is jrare1 to do all wor in the dentist line in first disorder. Oiv-. me a call at the house next door toOake's picture gal lery, CRICK FUR SALE ! The nndersigned announces that he Iia 16.000 brink on hand suitable for chiiuueys for Sale. My terms are reason ule. K. W. DKEVV. BULL CALVES FOR SALE. OeoTge Hall, Oakland, wonld announce to the stockraisera o. Douglas county that he has six fine bull calves, of thor ough breeding, for sale. These calves are what are needed by the stock-raisers of Douglas cou-ly. and will be sold cheap this Fall. If kept until Spring 1 will ask wore for them, HEO. HALL, Oakland. Chinese Labor Furnished CONTRACTOR FOR LAB'JR, ROSE-. ! liLKU, Is prepared to furnish all kinds of Chinese labor on the best of terms. Contractors and others will do well to give liim a call. Inquire at Wt Gee WaBhlibUSe, or John Lee, at Cosmopolitan hotel. ': ANOTHER TRIUMPH FQiVTHE IV EB FOOT STATE! rio ZIOUE KIDNEY TROUBLES! NO. MORE BACK ACHES! , Oregon bus long been noted for the wonderful variety of her natural resource. Her hills and Tallies are stored with the choeest of Nature's lavish gifts. One by one these elementr of bet eteatutss are being sought out, understood and adapted to the use of her people. The latest of these discoveries is THE OREGON KIDNEY 1EA, A plant which grows in the mountain fastnesses which are seldom trodden by the foot of oiun. This remedy presents the leaf in i s natural state, and is not one of those nauseous liquids, put to ceil, and which 100 oiten cover iioxious and deleterious drugs, but is kiad iiaiure's own remedy her "last, beg, gift to man." The tea mode by steeping this 1 f is a CEHTAlN AND SPEEDY CUKE FOK ALL DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS AND CKINAKY OKGAN.S. Ttie leal is put up in air-tight tin caddi.-s which preserve intact its peculiar medi cal properties and the decoction is made by the person using it, thus securing its ab solute purity. There aid thousands afflicted with diseases of the kidneys or urinary organs who suffer in silence rather than make known their troubles. Others seek lelufbythe use of various patent medicines, which, if they do not 1 ggravate the disease, at lesat do not lessen it. Even those who secure the advice of physicians often fail to get re lief, owing to the very complicated and delicate nature of the organs affected The OREGON KIDNEY TEA is strictly vegetable production and will nut injure 1 lie giualet ciiihi, uurtito most delicate woman, hut will cure I'ain in the bock and Kidners, Non-retention of Urine, Leucorrhnca, Diabetes, Inflammation ot the Bladder or Kidneys, BiSok Dust Dei'ot-it in Urine, Puinf'ul or t-oj pressed Morn. stru" tiou, and all o nipiamts arising irt ma u.ci att-Q or uebilituttd uute of the kid neys or urinary oreans ol either sex. Many misoke the pains arising from defective action of the Kidneys for RIIEU MATISVl, and in attempting tocure the latter by outward npplicntions, fail entirely to reach the seat of the disease. We do nut offer the OKKCiUN KID.NEY TEA as a specific lor Kheumalisui. but are satisfied that many cases ot so-called HllEUMA TlsiM would yield to itB remedial virtues. Full directions in English and German Accompany Each Package. Hundreds of Testimonials received from sow of our most respected citU ' zens. Sold by all Druggists and General Dealers. PRICE, OlSnm DOLLAn. HQBQE, &A,Yl & GO., Props., PGFttatuf9.Qg(u SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE IS HE11EBT GIVEN THAT by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court ot the State of Ore gon tor DougUs county, upon a judgment and decree ot foreclosuie ot a mortgage in favor of W. T. Kerley and against J. T. Daniels arid Louisa Daniels, his wile, and against the following mortgaged premises, to-n it: Paris of sections 21,22, 27 and 23, in towuihip25 South rsnge 6 west of Wil lamette MtrHian, and bounded aud de scribed as lollows : Beginning at a point 140 chuins north and 10.75 west from tLe quarter o8l on tin line between said sec tions 21 and zi running thence south 61 68 chain, east 51.83 chains west, 6188 chains, west, 51.88 chains to the place of beginning, containing 820 acres situate in Douglas county, Oregon, for the sum of five thousand and seveutysix and G, one 'tnndredths (5 076 CO) dollnrs and nine teen and ninety -five one-hundredth ($19 i)) dollars costs, directed to mo ronimantiing me thai out of said real estate ta mort gaged I cause to bt made the amount of said judgement and costs together with interest andaccruing costs. Now, therefore, in persuance of the sa;d writ olexeculion I have levied uon the above described mort gaged premises.and further! will sell all the ri jht, title and interest ot said J. T. Dan iels and Louisa Daniels, his wile, in and to the premises descibed as aforesaid, to gether with all ind singular the tenements h rediiarm ntsand appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise api-rtaining at public auction to the highest bidder for Cish at the Court House door in the city ot Koseburg, Douglas cunty. Oregon, on Saturday, 11th Day of October, 1879. At one o'clock in the af ernorn of said day to satisfy the amount of said judgment, o- gether with interest, co t'. and accruinu ,vwt thereon. Dated this 8th dav of ept 1879. F. P. HOUAN. Sheriff Donglas County, Ogn. SUMMONS. In tb 3 Circuit of the Male of Oregon the County i.f Douglas 88. for Ida W. BalcrH':, plaintiff vs. Babcook, defendant. I'ntiff vs. (Jeorge B. 1.. 1 1 Suit in equity to dissolve marriage con1, tract and tor cure and custody of ohild. To George B. Habowk, defi udant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF O. eg.. n, you are hereby summoned and required to apiear in the abeve entitled Court and anit and answer the complaint of plaintiff ou file against you in said suit in the Clerk's office for D.iuglas county, Oregon, on or before the first day of the next regular ttrra of said Circuit Court that shall occur alter the publication of this summons for six successive weeks, to wit: At the next regular term of said Court that is to be heid at Roseburg, in tlo connty and State aforesaid, on the third Monday, the 20th day ot Oe-ober. 1879, and you are hereby notified l ha unless yon do so appear and answer said plaintiff will apply to the s id Conn for the relief for prayed in the complaint, which is a decree, dissolving the IhmhIs ot matrimony existing between plaintiff and said defendant, snd praving for the child, the issue of said marriage contract beta ween plaintiff and snid defendant, and plaintiffs coatsand disbursements ot this rniu This Pnmmons is published by order ol Hon. J. F. Watson, Judge of tho above entitled Court. Dated the third dy ot September, 1879. A H.KENNEDY. PiaJutiiTs Attorney.. MEDLEY S- - I'EGETABII DAllUil An entire new discovery. The best pre paration lor the hair that has ever be. -11 presented to the public. It will imtned' ntey free the head f.'om all dandruff and scurl, and produce r new growth where it has fallen off. It will'ston the falling out of the hair in a few days, if faithfully ap plied, and it will turn gray hair to its original co:or. 'I'liid v.fvpf ..111.. TfmfHv la rf.ronim.rtrii.i by a large number of physicians, and b every one who has used ii. It is sold at 1 very low brica in order to introduce it to !.. .Inn nfiiintv iiiurli.'t. ..... , .None genuine unless signed by the pro- Oakland. Oregon. WAGON-MAEING. Particalur Attention Paid to Horse-Shoeing. G. MARKWTCII Proprietor, Would inform tlie public that he is pre pared tndo all kinds of Blacksmithing and w agon-Alaaing in a workmanship manner He has also hacks first-class lor sale. Call and see him nt his shop on Oak Street, near Aoruham's Switch. 4 6 m 0 til c c P - t i a a o K I5' B"0 s Jo t sT; : 3 a u M I z i 1 53 15" c-5 art o ; - 5 ? cr s fScitSI 3 V. F. OWENS & PLYMALE, Fowarding and Coram ission AGENTS, ROSKBURU... ..OREGON Will give special attention tW ford warding goods consigned to their care. Freight money advanced. Commission reasonable. All business in this line shall receive our strict attention. All goods consigned to our care should be marked, '-G. B. A." Roseburg. I have a fine lot of Sp misb Mereno rams perfectly sound, wliicb I offer for Bale Tery cbe ip for cash. All those wishing o im prove their flocks will do well tj call and see for th mselve and buy if suited. . Six miles from Roseburg, Douglas Co., Ogn. H. CONN, Ben, ?fil,.l b S S S 1 P--9 : Ua& GREAT I1EMEDY Strongly Recommended by the Medi cal Faculty for Nervousness Weakness, Debility Dyspepsia, ludtgetfiion Chills, Fever fctc. Etc., NABOB nI!IS!KiY 11 11 ii 11 11 In Bottle and by the (Gallon. Continirs are referred to tlie following extracts trom the reports of eminent Pub lic Assaytsts : Libratory and Ofliee, No. 4. S'nte Street. Boston, t Geo. Simniomia. E-q.: Sir The samples of NABDB WHISKY received from d"ff r ent pariies, have n analyzi-d with the following results: It is ot stamvtrl alc Iioi ic sireng'h and fr!e from added flavoring oils, acids, metals, or other deleterious substances. T'is whisky is pure, of supe rior quality, and suitable lor dietic and meuicibal purposes. ' Kesp -eMuliy, S. DAN.V HAYES, Stnte Assayer tor Alassactmselts. This is pure barley and wheat spirit, re. nmrkable iu fragrant ethers which impart a delicate aroma, at the same time gradua ly increasing i's value as a diffusive stimulant, The solid residue contains large amount of tannin, .ierived from storing in oaken casks, which impiir's to fine o'd wtiiskyoneol its valuable individual qualities. The amount of residue proves fbe vhisky to be fiee trom the excessive coloring and sweet euinr so generally med iu adulteinting In fact, in two words, it is the PUKES 1' WHISKY, and will not only supply apuh lie want, now that whiskies are so generi. ally adulterated, hut will be of the greatest value to the physician in those numerous case in which pure wliisUies are the mod ue(Ul ot all medicines. U. Ct01. 100,000 Casss Sold on Th ) Pacific Coast within the last year. t"None genuine miles labell-d with my signature over the on k. G. SIMMON DS. S. MARKS & CO. AC S, ROiEBl KG, OGN. Haness and Saddles FINE BARGAINS OFFERED ! JOHN W. MOORE, ould announce to the public in general that he has assumed full charge of thw sad dlery store of E. M. Moore, and has on hand ac-iiJiplu'e Block in every respect of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, WMpsv FURNlSllhW JA TE RIALS And is prepared to do first'-c'ass work in the mainline: urn of new gomls. or in the repairing f old. He lias purchased his present hue sto kof leathers, etc.. on the very lowest terms, and is prepated to sell cheaper and do work on terms more rea son able than Can any one else for proof of which oivu l.im a call, ht the old stand of E. M. Moore, north of the Post 1 ffiee. JOHN W. MOORE, Rosebnrg, July 10. 1879. smmVONBAKGEN Importers and Dealers in FOr.tlP.N & DOMESTIC WINES 1 LIQUORS AN: BRANDIES, Also Agents for the J. II. DAVEITF0HT S. E. Corner Ft nnd Cal St. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Represented by CHARLES KOHN. ROSEBURG MILLS, TP? PRQRIF.TORS. THE EEST FLOUR IN THE MARKET The Flour of these mills has gained iu popularity until it has come :o be known by purchasers as the best in the market. Orders from home and abroad filled promptly. Address, , IONES & GATES, Rosehurs. lime for Sale. The Best of Lime. Suited to al' Pnrpo ses, -FOR BALE AT- Notice of Assignment. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ThoniMfc Morris mi.rdi,ii of Oakland. Douglas county, Oregon, assigned all his propel ty for the benefit oi his creditors, on the 21st day of August. 1S79, in propor tion to the amount of their respective claims, and all parties , having claims against fnid estate must pre sent the same under oath as to their correctness within ninety days from date of first publication of this notice. 1. K. DAWSON. Assignee. Care A, M. HENDERSON, Oakland. Sept 6, 1879. LUMBER. Those who wish to purchase every kind of lumber woo.'d do well to call Oil N. dates at the flooring mil!, Roseburg; if he ha not the lumber oa band, al) orders left with him will be promptly filled from he wl'.i. JAS. U TIPTOP. GREAT REPUBLIC LOST. BUT- (DAXiO - . I ' : I - v A Did not Less any cf the - aM m jercnaiiaiss, T11EY rCRCIlASED IN FACTiQTIIJUir HAVE A LARUE AM mm STOCK GOODS. Than jany other House in the ip lo the rtock will arrive with! Q The Firm, Therefore,! m!Cannot fail in Supply- I ing uus-:w;tomcrs i WITH! M Til B LATEST STYLES AND:fjTHE NEWEST PATTERNS, And in every Instance; THEY DRY GOODS, CLOTllItfG.ijy BOOTS, S1IE, LADIES, Ocuts, ot.a L lnldren s c ur WV9 nishnig (iooas, Ladies Suits, and the beat manufactured: " Gold and Silver Watches, Bracelet, Toys, Rings,jSj;Chauts, Pins, Etc. o 1: o C0i: k 1 e s. Tosctlicr with Hardware. Tobacco, Etc These goods have nil been selected with especial care, and buy er may easily test their quality and cheap. icss by giving us a call Wo still stick to the old motto: "Quick sales and small profits.' g And we never coasluer it trouble to show gooos. OAKO BROTHERS ASSI&NEE'S. SMI ! AT THE STORE OF OtNIAilfiiPiliD EI iSAiLE i i ! in . .1 1 11 ii i 1 i :i DRY GOODS, I CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, GREAT BARGAINS ARE OFFERED TILL ALL GOODS ARE CLOSED OUT. VERY SELECT STOCK ! OF HABDTrTARE, TINWARE AND STOVES Sheridan Bros., The firm would aniiouncs tliat tliev have just Largest Stocks Ever brnuplit to Douglas connty, and wln-n TEKNS and READY MADE TIN WAKE, brs; an) ply in their Hue of any establishment 1 glMIHe 0EI4?IE 'AKY.'.OHH can purclmfic elsewhere. Iu the shape til bu lding mat rial -In the way of locks, butts, etc, we can offer superior inducements to purchasers. Try ns. We can jfive you barpains in tho following brands of stoves, not equalled else where Buck's. Bonanza. Farmer, Utility, Dexter, Pacific, idu West, Clarenu'jn, Occ'ulen, Imu Kinir, Empire City, and other sieves wnd ran sirs. IJ The best of workmen are constantly employed in the nianulacture of our Tinware, and buyers should learn our prices. Wo have a'so b radios to offer in guns, such as Winchester, Sharp and other Rifles, 1 s we I us iu tiliot-guna and Pistols. We re also Alien is for th Wliite, Peerless and Xew Home Sewing Machines,whieh e sell atlotvest rates and warrant as complete in every respect. We can also supply Avcrill an d Tho best in the market, at the lowest rates. Give ns a call, inspect our slock, inquire any one can. LUMBER! LUMBER! MOUNT SCOTT MILLING COMPANY J. HI. ROWLEY, WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THE CI1I zens of Doufla county and vicinity, that he has pu. chased an in.ereft in i TrasJe 's Sawmill, On the NORTH UMPQUA ! And has taken j FULL CONTOL OF THE SAME. He haa had 20 years experience in th business of lumber-niakinjr, and guaran tees lo all customers perfect satisfaction. He will deliver all kinds of DRESSED AND PLAIN LUMBER At Rosebunr or elsewhere cheaper than csn be purchased from any other mill, and, all orders will be promptly tilled. Con tractors and builuers will hud :t to tlieir advantage to inquire for terms and prices. He is also a prnc ica' nrclntect and build er, and all having such work will be bene-. fitted bv calling upon Jim before going eiswhere. J. M. ROWLEY. ! MCGREGOR'S BUTCHER SHOP ! Having purchased the bucher-shop of S- Cramer, I mil now prepared to furnish cus- with the bnesi of Beef, Pork, Mutton At lowest rates. I would call attention of consumers to the fact that 1 have one o the best cutters, and am prepared to fur r.isli meat, as desired. Always fat cattle on hand. Give me a trial and if I do not suit you as to quantity, quality and prices, then I shall not complain it you go elsewhere. L. McGREOOB. Roseburg, Orvc". J?. C Snyder, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Has opened a bIu p in Koseburg, next door to Walking' Brothers, and he isprepared lo do all work in his line at low prices and on short notice. A specialty made of UNDERTAKING, In which he is prepared to give caiislao tion and lowest rates. BEOS! V ........: i- Large Stock of Suting ' w IN SAN FRANCIS tJO Citr. and timber Additious Every iDcommg Steamer. Jjolier the best of Bargains. FULL LINES III COHENS 9 AT Roseburg, Or. received and now Lave on hand one of th. of Hardware ad led to tlioir STOVES OF ALL PAT- tliey are protmred to declr thv have the in Southern Oregon, which they propose Rubin r Paints, as to our prices, and wo promise to suit all if HEHIDAX BROS. RLACIi SJUTIlIXft, Dearling Gibson Oi FliAND, OGN. Would announce to the public that they are prepared with the best of ninteri. al to supply all demanps in their line. Having enjoyed over twenty years' expe rience in their trade, all work performed by them is guaranteed to be first-class, and strictly according 10 order. Gibson's Celebrated Har iws, Pronounced by all who have UBed them to be the best ever invented, always on hand snd fur sale cheap. FARM MACHINERY RE PAIRED, Give Them a Call. Sole JAscnts for the Pioneer Misions Woolen Mills for North Pacific Coast. -J- . 6CHARFF, RKPREBESTIKG Manufactures of the TANDARD SRIRTS GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. 67 and 69. Font St. Pur.land , Ogr. 1 ISI 3E H&rXFm The elegant snite of rooms formerly oc cupied by Or. Cozad in 3. Hark & Co's. new bui ding. Roseburg. These rooms rre in every war suited to those who wish an elegant office and private consul tation room., TO PHYSICIANS. FOR SALE. The furniture, fixtures, etc., of the above room, comprising office and bedroom articles, and ready for imme diate occupancy. Also a fresh and care fully selected stock of drugs, embracing everything necessary for the use ot a regu lar practitioner of medicine. The above will lie sjfd extmmely low forcugh or approved securitv. Enquire of ' A.SUEU MAKES. mm gds 1 Woud Inform their patrons that brick store, ana are in receipt oi me LARGEST STOCK OP GENERAL MERCHANDISE EVER BROUGHT This Stock was selected by one of Eau Francisco market, and LATEST PATTElS XV LADIES' FANCY and PLAIN DRESS GOODS, LACES, E-YlBROIDERlES, With us there 19 also to be found a full assortment of Ladies' TJ2TDEB"WARE In the Hue ot Ladies', Mioses and Childrens' Shoes and Gaiters. Oar stock is bo complete that uo one caa fiil to be suited. W have with the above a lull Stock ot CHILD RENS' FlllIS!H.U GOODS ! Which we oft'er at the lowest rates, and which will be found satisfactory to alt who examine it. ALSO A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Groceoris, Crockery, G-lasswar AND OF LIQUORS, Grain, Wool and Produce of Every Description Bought and Highest Cash Price Paid for Them . Patrons will take notice that as our stock was purchased after the decline in prices in San Francisco we are prepared to sell goods cheaper than any other bouse in the city. , l Roseeeueg, Oregon. S. MARKS & CO. G&EAT REDUCTION IN RATES ! ROSEBURG AND COOS BAY STAGE LINE ! THROUGH IN 64 HOURS from ROSEBURG TO SAN FRAXC1SCO Making connections witli tlie Ocean Steam er. Steamers arrive and depart everv weet certain, and sometime! twice a we k. FROM Boseoiir to Coos Bay ! IN ONE DAY! FARE TO SAN FRANCISCO by this route, $14.50 ; Fare to Coos Bay, $6.00. Tlie proprU tors of tliis line would an nounce to tlie public that they liave made the above reduction in rntes of travel, and with fine horses and best of s-.Hjfeo, are pre) ared, better than any one else, to fu-v nibh accnnimodations to travelers who patronize them. The time of transit is short, the mad good, and there is no de tention on the route. The drivers em ployed are experienced and polite, and wi'u all will show every possible atten tion. TIia tim of arrival ind itan.H. r " .Ill w vi Steamers may be learned . upon tuqniriag at the Metropolitan hotel. or turtiier paruruiars, inquire of PEUKIXJS & HEaDKICK. Agttcts. - ' t Metropolitan Hotel. F. PCHETTEK, Auent. Empire City. R. Bntckenridxe & Robt. Boston, Opposite T. P. Sheridan's Hardware Store, : ROSEBURU, OREGON. Mantle nieces made from Ttnlicn A nicrirun ii i r r) m nmii...nin A . . - 1 ... uiu, nud Wlli l- stones, made to order, and firet-clans Work warranted in this line. Anything in the way of stone-cutting promptly performed, and all orders promptly filled. Always a full stock of marble and other stone on hand and in case of any repair in this line in the shape oi billiard tables, etc., satisfaction will be guaranteed. K. BKAi'tyKJiiKIPQE & ROBT EASTOJT GOOD BREAD AT LOWEST PRICES Would announce that he aiway keep on hand all fresh Fruits. Candies. Nuts, Cakes, Pies and all kinds of canned Fish, Jellies, Fruits, Oysters, Honey, etc., and in conn nection therewith he hw a Bakery and an experienced Baktr from Portland, audi will furnish the best of bread (25 loaves ior $1.00) to any one wishing the same at their residence or at iLe store. Graham bread ; supplied whenever desired. Store and Bakery next door to Or. Woodruff's drugstore and opposite Sheridan Bros., Koseburg, Give me a call. l. Fshkb Proprietor. Ltimber--Lumber J. J. COMSTOCK Is prepared to furnish all kinds ol lumber in Koseburg, dressed or plain, at rates lower than any one else. Having the best machinery in lite county, be can do better than any one elae, aud will 611 orders promptly. Any kind of lumber furniahtd the day the order is received. Address J.J. COMSTJCK, I Latham, Oregan. .: 1 P S "1 mw mm 2 they have moved to their new i . I it. . . .v. ... .... TO ROSEBURO. the member ot the firm in the- emoraces an bijies uu SCARFS, COLLARS, LINEN SUITS, NECETIES, PARASOLS, KID GLO V ES, GENTLEMENS' Under this heading thera 13 eve rything to please the tastes ot all. , Eyery Latest Style la troduced And nil Goods ot the best mate rial? and unproved finish, EMBRACING GenUemens' Underwear, EVEEY STYLE YOUTHS' CLOTH-. ; . . ; ig, ...... DRESS & B USINESS SUITS,; MATS, CAPS, ETC GO T( S HAMILTON'S NEW DRUGSTORE FOB . ... Drugs, Paiots. Oils, Varniph, Window and Picture Olaas.Stati ery Perfumery, if you wish to purchase them cheaper than at any place south, ot PORTLAND. And keeps full lines of ed ward todd & co's.gold. pens, pencils. etc, school book3, nov:el.sv legal blanks. Windsor and Xewtons tnbr colors. Win. dow and Picture Glass, every sikh, at Lowest Price, by boi or pane. Blank B,b, Writing Paper, envelop, pens. All new Patent Mediciues in Btick as demand will warrant. iLSS CUT TO OHOEK. free of chrg. Ajrnt for THREE MIXED PAEffTS The celebrated and thoroaglilT testoil PA" C1F1C KUBKKB PA I ST, The! M- K AMLL PAINT. A gt, for Al. , Gray, Music Dealer, Kan Francisco. Prescriptions ailed irith dispatch at thi lowest rate,-.Store is accessiWe at right ' window on back street at all bonrt trf th night. Remember th plac. Brick feuild ng opposite Aietropolitau Hvtel, ttoseouxg,' WEEKLY UNt of STEAMERS SAJT FBA2TCISC0 faoM- COOS BA? I B0'ArfA.. CArT. a. iiolt:.:...;...CommaVoe " CAPT. CHAS. BATLEK..COMaiANDK i For Freight or Passage Apply to FRANK BARNARD & CO 213 JACK ot-i oan taasewco. FRED SCHETTER, Empire City. WESTUEY & DEM NY. General Agents fin , REIGLE BROS..- COPYING HOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, Photographs enlarged in India Ht Wan ter colors and crjm. turn 8ti A0 laches tobfe-size, Offico for th. S e of OC at No. Morrison street (St. Otarlea Hotel building) Portland. Order, lorn theintZ rior promptly attended to. ddress - WESTLY & DENNY, P O. Bs 321 , POKTLAD, Oregon. NEW STATE HOTEL, - Opposite W. F. Co'a. Expresa Office, CORNER 3d & CALIFORNIA Streets, Jacksonrille, Oregon. Meals at All Hours, Ae looms and Clean Beds. &nisIaction Guaranteed. C. V. SAVAGE, Proprietor, i