' 1 " ' ' 1 ' rmx 5 7- . : " : T ! 1 ....... ..... . , i -I"- I SATUBDAY..... SEPT. 27. J879 CanRht at His Own Game. The other day a drummer known as T. P. Fpits arrived in tbla city, and announced that he Intended going to Coos Bay. With hi uul politeness, the owner of the Co bay Stage lln asked Spits when lie wished lo start that a scat might he resei ved for him in the stage. Spitt named the day. On that day the proprietor of the liue waited upon Spitz to learn if he were ready, and Spits anewsred in the negative. The seat reserved was the,u given to another traveler, but just the evening before the stage started in the morning Spitz put in an appearance and claimed a place in the stage. The proprietor told him that all the seats were full, and that he must wait until the next trip. Bpitz swore and cursed; he had everything to say that was mean; and the proprietor of ihe line said nothing until tfpita became extremely insulting and then Mr. Clough took a hand " and " held four aces 1 The result of the whole ITUsiness was, Mr. Clough was arrested at the instigation of Bpitz, and fined $5 and costs. - Then again Mr. Clough held a " top hand," and had Spitz ar rested for using obscene language. The latter employed an attorney for the earn of $10. The attorney was not licensed to practice before the Citv Recorder, and Spitz paid the liceuse fee. The trial began, and Spitz's face was radiant with smiles. The evidence against him, however, was conclu sive, and he was sentenced to pay $5 and costs $10 in" all. 8pitz did laugh then. He looked like a man who In August first discovers " water millions is ripe."! He had not only 41 taken water J' when an opportunity was given him to fight, but his little fun had worst of all to him had cost him the enormous sum of $25 ! Abstract of Tax List. From the assessment roll for the year 1879, of Douglas county, we take the followlngstatements: Total num bers of acres vof land, 478,560 ; total value $1,509,418 ; average value per acre, $3,016. Number of town lots, C82; value, $158,330. Value of im provements, $184,270. Value of mer chandise, and implements, $384,758 ; money, notes, accounts, shares of stock, etc., $759,435. Household fur niture, carriages, watches, etc., $139, 050. Number of horses ami mules, 4,700 ; ' value, J $15132. Number of catt'e, 11,377; value,' $76,164. Num ber of sheep, 131,045; value, $178,622. Number of swine, 9,759 ; value. $17, 71. Gross value of property, $3,559, 20. Indebtedness, $1,097,830; ex emptions, $382,272. Totil indebted ness and exemptions, $1,426,102. Total taxable property, $2,133,118. Num ber of polls, 1,49$. Another Pardon; One of our Willamette exchanges brings us information to the effect that Dan Clark has been pardoned from the penitentiary by Governors Bush and Thayer. Dan is a Douglas county no torious, and has represented this por tion of the State' in the penitentiary for the past ten or twelve years. He is, to put it mildly, a natural-born kleptomaniac, and la noted for the unhappy faculty of leading off from their pastures horses not his own. While confined within the thick walls of the State's house of punishment he has always been struck with a relig ious fervor, and having a good voice he has " laid it over toe other coves " by leading the prison choir and ex horting from the prison pulpit in a manner that would put an old-time Baptist to blush. We hope there is yet a chance for Dan. Passed Through. Col. John E. Ross and party passed through town on Wednesday on their way to the State Fair. The Colonel had with him some fine specimens of Jackson county horses. One (a four-year-old Lion Heart) which neasured eighteen handsin height in the low est point in the back from the ground, and which weighed 1,664 pounds. To measure from the top of the fore shoulder down the colt stood 18 1-2 ha ud j high. There were in the lot two other hordes which weighed 1,400 each, of the same breed, and a Ham Metouian stallion that : showed the points of a thorough-bred. Col. Boss will probably sell the horses mention ed at the State Fair for good prices. Scamperdown in Douglas County. It should be with pleasure that our stockraisers will learn that the cele brated racer and thoroughbred stallion, Scamperdown, the property of Jos. Xi. Clough, has been brought to this city, and hereafter will remain in this county. The day after his arrival, the stallion was shown on the streets, and the gonerai remark was: "What hue animal ! " We would advise our xtock raisers to see Scamperdown. at tbeir earliest convenience, and learn the value of this horse and his colts. Articles of Incorporation. John Hall, Henry Adams and D. S. ' K. Btiick, of Douglas county, have in corporated the Myttle Creek Fruit j Preserving Company, and filed ar ticles of incorporation with the Coun ty CUrk. The cajlt stock of the company is put at $3;000, and the pur pose of the corporation is to own prop erty and engage In the preserving of fruit by the Alden process. The prin cipal office and place of business is at Myrtle creek. .Jl. : Jf" Heavy Loads. S voUuring the week Mr. George Free roan, of Jackson county, hauled into thin city 10,000 pounds of freight mostly flour from Canyonville, and on his return to Jacksonville took away eleven thousand pounds. Mr. Frwman employs but six horses, but Uetier ones we never have seen, and tho'igh heavily ladtned his wagons w-iii reach their destination as quickly as w ill any of other freighters. George is a fine driver, and even his horses know it, Insane Person. Mim Emma Bpeake was brought dow ht from Myrtle Creek Friday morn ing, and was examined as to her aanlty by physicians before Judge Gaddls. Miks ttpeake is about 25 years of age, and imagines she is to be poisoned, for having become, as. she thinks, the mother of the second Saviour. Misa Kpc&ke is cot a mother, aqd her in' sanity is undoubtedly the result of extreme religious fervor and an ardent dewire ip reach Heaven, . BRIEF MENTION. Auction every Saturday at C Cohen's tore. . ' Peter McGregor baa purchased the brewery "at Oakland. . Considerable original matter omit ted this week to give place to late dis patches. - - " v t On the 13th instant, of consumption, at Cascade mountains, the wife of W. Parker died. . New aeries of school- books for aale and exchange at introductory rates, at H. C Stanton's. .W acknowledge the receipt of a complimentary ticket from the State Agricultural Society. .Why go hungry when you ean get & square meal at Beath's restaurant, for twenty-five cents. For a first-class meal call on J, M. Crow at Beath's restaurant. It will only cost you 25 cents. County Commissioner Cork, we are sorry- to learn, Is seriously ill with hemhorrage of the lungs. Mrs. M. Josephson has returned from San Francisco and reports having en joyed her trip very much. Miss Mollie Hinkle is reported se riously ill. Mrs. Sol. Abraham has gone to all in attending upon her. I Mrs. Compton will soon take herde parture for Portland to lay in her an nual Fall stock of ml Hint rv goods. ! A son of Mr. Chase, Oakland, whil e playing with another boy, suffered a compound fracture of one of his arms. Joe Copelaod announces the acci dental departure of his bear dog for Jog heaven, Joe did it with his little gun. Splendid California beer and a jolly Dutchman to dish it up at Swartz quiet resort at the depot. Remember the place. , It is a certain fact that J. M. Crow at Beath's restaurant furuishes better meals tbau any bouse in town. Give him a call. Mr. rchutlz,of the Canonville mills, reports having received a large order from a Portland firm for Douglas county flour. Mr. Morty Sullivan announces him' self the worklngmen's candidate for City Marshal, and respectfully requests the support of his friends. Gen. Grant will not visit Oregon until the 14th of October, and as the State Fair will commence on the 1st of next month, the General will not be able to attend it. Mr. F. M. Strickland informs us that he has within the'last few months lost 200 sheep, killed by bears and other varmints. Mr. Strickland lives in Looking Glass precinct. John Farquar Informs ns that here after he will be dally in receipt of fresh ovesters and fresh Albany baked bread, and that everything will be served at his restaurant in first-class style. Caro Bro.'s new stock of dry goods, clothing, ladies' dress goods, etc., is the largest ever brought to this city by that firm, whose intention it is not be undersold in anything. The display made is certainly handsome. The Star this week devotes its lead ing editorial to the advertising of one law firm in preference to the other firms of the city. After this last break we hope that paper will not have anything more to say against per sonal organs. 8. Marks A Co. still received new goods by each succeeding railway train. A glance at the stock on hand would lead one to the belief that the firm is buying for millions of people and do not propose to be short in any thing. We are pleased to hear, througl the Jacksonville Sentinel, that Sheriff By bee, the best of Jackson county sheriff, is recovering from late illness. Our good wishes for him embrace a happy life tar 1) length of time sur passing that of Methusallah. Gen. Joseph Lane has returned from Portland, refreshed and feeling that the trip to him has been beneficial. The old warrior needs active life, and were he now in command of a brigade bis firrt order to aa army physician would be throw physio to the dogs." If a little work was authorized or commanded by our City Fathers in the way of repair of sidewalks much good would be done. Nails are stick- ingupin many places, and in otner places the boards are loose, and in all our sidewalks are a disgrace to the city. Profs. Barnes and Hoffman and Wal ter Parks have gone to Salem. Prof. Hoffman will remain in Salem, Prof. Barnes will soon return to Ro&eburg, and Walter Parks will rejoin Morrel's minstrels at the State Fair. Our best wishes go with the trio. : The child born to the wife of Mr. McKay died Thursday morning, and the grave of (he mother who perished the day before was opened, and the remains of the little innocent were nlaced within her arms. The mother and babe now sleep the last sleep on this earth together. An honest Republican " writes to the Star in a manner abusive of this naner. The communication is not a s worth answering, more than to ask the Question how can an "Honest Republican" take the Star as his mouth piece ? The dodge is too thin to deceive a four-year old child. Secretary Earhart, Treasurer Hirsch and Prof. L. J. Powell paid Roseburg a visit last Monday evening. It was a flying trip, and so far as Roseburg is concerned, it was made in the dark Not a single soul yet has learned the purpose of their hasty journey, nor one to say " we ve seen 'em." Transic gloria 1 An immense stock of Edward Todd & Co.'fl gold pens, warranted 16 karats fine, with or without holders, just re ceived at S.-Hamilton's; also pens and pencils combined with holders, pencils alone; pearl, ivory, celluloid, desk and many other kinds and styles of hold ers. For sale at reasonable figures. Call and get a pen suitable for your handwriting. If you get one to suit you will never weih to use a steel pen. Tbey are acknowledged by all to be cheaper man steel pens. They are warranted to last ten years if proper care is taken., '. 1 T i V special telegbaphic dispatches to the axhtglas independeht THE ONlV KEWSPAPEB IN VOVf LAB DOCKTY. Ti.a gatuidiaff Leal CI t2id Surveyors , of tk - - Harbor of Itefage is Found Covered vith Gold I GREAT EXCITEMENT IN COOS CO I FABULOUS GOLD MINES DISCOVERED OUTSIDE THE COOS BAY 1IARBOK ! SAN FRANCISCO TELEGRAPHED AS TO THE "FIND!" SENATOR SLATER AND THE EDITOR OF 'J HE STAN DARD VISIT THE SCENE OF THE HIDDEN MINES ! A REMARKABLE DISCOVERY I MEANS WILL BE DEVISED, AND THE SEA WILL A GIVE UL' ITS ; TREASURES ! ' i ( Emfibe City, September 26. A new and exciting discovery was made yesterday by the United States Sur veyors while eoundingoutside the Coos Bay bar. Their sounding lead drop ped into six or ten fathoms of water, or to the depth on an average of forty eight feet, and came up covered with gold. Quite an excitement prevails here among all classes, and it Is surmised that we are to have a novel and very profitable gold excitement. Senator Slater and Tony Noltner, editor of the Portland Standard, and quite a large party from Empire City, went over the bar this morning on the tug boat Escort in company with Lieutenant Paysou. There are good gold diggings on the beach opposite where this rich discov ery was made, and one of the oldest and most reliable residents of this county says that from ten to twelve dollars per day were realized by par ties working the beach, and the pay streak always lead in the direction of the present strike outside the bar. What the result of the present dis covery will be can only be a matter of conjecture ; but all here are satisfied that there will soon certainly be some practical means devised whereby these valuable gold mines located In in the depth of the ocean will be profit ably worked. There is no doubt as to the richness of the gold deposit dis covered ; it remains only to find a way to reach it. The excitement produced here by the discovery can be better illu.-trated by the message transmitted by tele graph to San Francisco this morning : To Captain Holt, San Francisco : Keep your pumps here. Surveyors have found a bed of pure gold dust in six to ten fathoms of water. The sounding lead comes up coated with gold. John Flannaqan. ARRIVAL OF SENATOR- SLAT Eft Senator lames H. Slater arrived in this city last Wednesday evening, ac companied by bis reputed "man Fri day," Toney Noltner, of the Portland Standard. Mr. Slaters welcome at tne depot was not what was expected, for the news of bis coming was telegraphed ahead of bis arrival , several hours. The Senator, was greeted in welcome by only two parties (A. A. Fink and L. F. Mosher). Escorted by the twain be reached the Metropolitan Hotel ; and from the time he was shown to bis room until the Coos Bay stage de parted in the morning, the Senator and "Friday" (were not visible but to the, two who had constituted them selves his guard of honor. There was none of the enthusiasm and kindly spirit which welcomed Senator Mitchell's return to Oregon upon sev eral different occasions no reception or general handshaking ; silently he came, and like the Arab in the night, or early morning, he folded his tent and stole silently away to Coos Bay. Had our prominent citizens taken the matter In hand, the reception would have been different. As It was, only the strength of a little ring was rep resented in its two leaders the ring, perhaps, that traded off Southern Ore gon interests in the last Senatorial election at Salem to further selfish and personal ends. It may be that through the workings of that ring the people of Southern Oregon have come to look upon Senator Slater as an outsider, having no common " interest - with them ; therefore, they cannot show him the welcome accorded to Senator Mitchell at all times and irrespective of party until the "Black Prince" has given evidence stronger than mere words that he is their friend. Senator Slater and Friday have gone to Coos Bay to look after the wants of that sec tion. We hope that he will learn our wants and faithfully work for their promotion. When 1 e shows that he is our frieuil, "Souther i Oregon people will give him a 1 early welcome whenever he pays them a visit. The Oregoa Faif . The managers of the Oregon State Firtr have taken great pains to make the exhibition this Fail surpass that! of any previous year. A new pavilion has been builtabd mil y improvements made which, will add much to the com fort and convenience! of visitors and exhibitors. Is is unfortunate that the partial failure of drops in some locali ties will detract Iifom tue general good i feel lug usually prevailing, Dut tue ais i.lav and sale of the! Oregon Kidney Tea will attract (so tauct attentiou i and cure so many leases of Bladder and Klduey Disease, that this . alone wih make the Fair a grand .success. E. Livingstone vas so 411 during the week that his slst er was compelled to ride horseback Inl o town early in the morning for a physician.. At last ac counts the patient was improving. In the Whole History of Medicine No preparation hs ever performed such nip.rveloug cures, or main silted so wide a reputation, as AYER'S CUEKUY PECTO- j HAL, which is recgBi(d the world's remedy for all diseases of tbtt throat and lunns. ltd lung eoo'inoua series ol won derful cures in alt- climates Img made it universally kn wn as safe ami mliauls a;unt to emi'loj-- Agaiusi ordinary colds, which, are the tori-ranuerd ol luoro serious disorders, acta gpeediiy tnd surely, always rt-lii-vin j tiiilli riuir ami olien (saving lite. The protection it atirdN, by tia, timely use in th throat and lunar disorders of chil dren, inakea it aa invaluable rettifdy to Ih j kept always on hand in every home. fo person can afford to bs without it, and those who have once used it never will. From their knowledge of its composition and etF-3'8, Physicians ue the t'HEKHY PECTOKAIj exteusivelyan the practice, and. an I Clergymen recommend it. It absolutely Certain in ili tetucdial effects, and will always cure vj,ere cures are ix-;ble. ' Iir s.le oy ail dSiei-. Hinljje, Davis 4 C.i., Fori land, wrroteMue amenta. w. We'-r-ESF MANUFACTURER OF- Hacks; Buggies, Carriages, ThorousLbraccs, Wagono, VILL REOAHI III nOSEBURG DISTIL SEPT. 15TI2. JSrTo perfons wishing to boy rehicles, I: will make : it an oliject to boy of m eTtn if yoa don't 1 want to use them until next seasou. u D. C. McClellan or myself will sell. W. W. ESPAY. The Promoter and Perfeetor of As similation. ' The Reformer and vitallzer of the Blood. ' The Producer and Invlgerater ef Nerve and Huncle. , i The Builder and Supporter of Brain .. Power. .'' . UMPQUA FERRY. OAKLAND ITEMS. Weather cloudy. Bain expected. Mr. Harry Cook, who has been sick for the laet fourteen days, is recover ing rapidly, and will be soon among bis many Iriends. Mr. H. Wilson is working faithfully in the Sabbath-school, but In quite a different snhf re than our Superintend ents want him to. The son of Mr. Chase, fell and broke the left arm, while at play. lie is doing well at present. Dr. Zealand, of Pan Francisco, came to this city to locate permanent ly among the "peaceful" citizens of Oakland. :V One of our professional men has been (Chase)ing a deer for the last few weeks, and we are happy to say. that. one morning as our friend again wts. after his prey, he came suddeuly upon I II . n -'.... An t ...... Un However, nrea nts last arrow, and joy to the world I secured his booty (beauty.) We noticed in the last issue of the Western Star, among the Calipooia items, the following: "The Umpqua b erry gal .Flease excuse us rrom quoting the very ungentlemanly lan guage contained in the article. It showed the want of intellect and ed ucation in the writer, aud at the same lime we are surprised to see the Star stab so low as to publish language containing nothing, but the mo-t vul gar expressions to he found in the English language. As long as we have known Umixiua George, we have found him at all times a gentleman of the hrst water. Therefore, tne slander language used, will not affect his good reputation in the least by all who know him. Mr. J. R. Hecks took his departure for parts unknown on the 18lh. Several threshers are still runninsr. There will be about a 10-days run for the most of them. Mr. Clayton has the best wheat we have seen of the season. It was not affected by any of the wheat pest in the least. He calls it the Winter White. Our enterprising ex-Worthy Chief Templar, of Cleveland .Lodge 1. 0. O. T., was picked up in the streets of Looking Glass one day last week, dead (drunk.; The Roseburg minstrels favored us with a fine performance last Satur day night as announced. VVe give the troupe our sincere thanks and best wishes. : Poor "Apwer," appears very indig nant over the Independent gain in this and Calapooia Precincts. His reasons therefor are the Independents in thisand Calapooia preciucts will not notice him enough to convert him to their belief because be is too big a fool to bother with and too big a disgrace to be ranked as an Independent. For the benefit of the community at large Jl will give tuein a Drier nistory of the correspondent that flashed forth so brilliantly, but ineffectually, from Ualapooia last weea tnrougn tne col umnsof tue Htar. ms native state lies a good many miles from here. Upon manhood he left his parent State, and came to Oregon. Expecting to find a country overrun with barba rians he supplied himself plentifully with tire-arms for the purpose of de feuding himself agaiustthecaunibalis- tic race. But loi upon arriving Here, be found a country inhabited by human beings somewhat civilized! Ashamed to go to hanl work after making o many great calculations and contem plating so much upon being set up as a king or an idol upon arriving here he set himself up, not as a king or an Idol, but as a pedagogue. Soon learn ing that the smartest always got these situations he took down his shingle in utter disgust and went to farming as a means of sustaining I ire. Somewhat fallen from his anticipa tions he conceived one more spark of hope at which he might gaiu honor aud renown, besides immense wealth, and that was reporting. But all who nave seen Ills many pain In l etiorts and have seen him personally know him to be as successful at report ing as he has been at everything else. a flat failure. Fellows Isyrnp of liyi hosphiies raved t'lelife of my wife, alter her casj became apparently hornless from '1 nliercular Con- fUUiptlOO. II. Ij. HVKDIKGE, re!souvilln, O. MARRIED. "I At Oakland, Sept. 20th, Jonn Fitz- patrick to Mrs M. I Taylor by It. J. tieiurich. At the residence of J. Ellenhurgh, Pass Creek, Sept. 2lHt, McChuyne jonnson to Catherine Klieusburgh by j kcv. tj. r. Henderson. Ou the 24th inst . in Jackson crtuuty . Mr. Norton Eddlugs and Miss Minnie Gall. On the 20th. in this county. Mr. L. K. Hedgputh and Miss Surah Cock- elreas. ' ANNOUN'v EM EN I S. 11. T. McCULLOUCH Announces himself a candidate for the of- lice of CITY HAH S HAL, Election sulject to the decision of the le gal voters ot the city of Kosehu'g. At the request of many citizeusof Koseburg A. W. FENXER, Hag eonsenUd to contend for the office of CITY TREASURER, Elecilon te be sulject to tha wishes of the tax-payers of uosehurg. GEO. W. KIMBALL Hereby announces himself a candi date for the office of CITY THBASTJEBH, At the city election to be held Octo ber Ctn, 1879 ' GEORGE W. ROBERTS, H. reby announces himself a candidato for the (til co of - Sa'ji?ct to -. the decision of the legal voteg ! of the citizens ot Kuseburg, at wit city elec tion, to be held on the G.h duv of October 1870. Fallows Cote pound Syrup JU com posed of ingredients identical with those which constitute Healthy Blood, Muscle and Nerve and Brain Substance, while Life itself is directly dependent upon some of them, i By Ita union with the blood and Its effect upon the muscles, reestablishing the one and toning the other, it is ca pable of effecting the following results : It will displace or wash out tubercu lous matter, and thus cure Consumption By increasing Nervous and Muscular Vigor, it .will cure Dyspepsia, feeble or Interrupted action of the Heart and Palpitation, Weakness of Intellect caused by grief, worry, overtax, or Irregular habits, Bronchitis Acute or Chronic, Congestion of the Lungs, even in the most alarming stages. It cures Asthma, Loss of Voice, Neuralgia, St. Vitus Dance, Eplleptlo Fits, Whooping Cough, Nervousness, and Is a most wonderful adjunct to other remedies in sustaining life during the process of Diphtheria. Do not be deceived by remedies bear ing a similar name : no other prepara tion is a substitute for this under any circumstances. Look out for the name and address 3. 1. FELLOWS', St. John, N.B., on the yellow wrapper in watermark, which ia seen by holding the paper before the light Price, $1.60 per Bottle, 6 for $7.60. Bold by all Druggists. THOS, IF3 -SUCCESSORS TO.... . SHBFLI ...DEALERS Harforae, Tin-waxe, : Stoves, Guns, Cutlery and 1 Tinnes' Furnishing Goods. BRICK STORE. ROSEBURG, OREGON. Having secured the above business, we are prepared to keep up its former good name for good work and prices. VVe Lave the best of workmen, the best of materia aia and always a f' ll stock of goods on hand, and it is our aim to furnish eusto mers with finu -class articles at live and and let live prices. All we aakia an exam ination as to our prices. , ; A full stock ot Iron and Steel for sale. Orders from abroad will receive prompt notice, and le.ters inquiring as to terms ot sale will receive immediate attentiou. . K. S. & J. V. SHERIDAN. ' T!:e Brick Store. Boselurg, Oregon ' .' BIEDICATSD IWilSiliSiKIYI! i' mil Tne Purovt i Best for liedical t Family Purposes Has been sold in all the Eastern States and trivea universal satisfaction. It is hi vh It recommended by the Faculty for all cases of nervousness, Weakness, Debility, Dys pepsia. Indigestions, etc. 1. ia now introduced to the public on the Pacific Slope, en dorsed by the lollowing certificates or the eminent Dr. M. U. Dana .Hayes, state As a'.yr of Massachusetts, and Dr. H. C. Lnuderbock, of Lt. Louis, Ma, both gentlemen prominent ia their profession, and which is a guarantee to all buyers of purity and qualiti . I can show thousands of letters irom all parts ot the Union and Canady, .to testily to its merits and the benefits it has afforded as a family remedy and tonic. CTSold by all druggists and Grocers by the case or bottle. Country orders at' tended to promptly. BIT TBS G-AX.X.OZT OR BOTTLE. ttm- In All Prices for the S-fJ i?j I i. ii I 111 j3 -AND isramQP Trade At the Old llercantile Souse cf FLOED & CO We would announce that ' we kre , Beceipt of our NEW. STOCK OF DIZH GOODS 1 For the Spring and Summer Tiade, Corns prising all the Latest Novelties in that Line, Including . , at Btaek & Gtireo3 Cash- FOTOBB" Announces A. C. himself a the olQcd COX, candidate ot . for Recently Established ZIMERMAX$-FILiZIER, PROPRIETORS. Wo announce lhit ill work done ni a Fir3t-Class F0U2TDHY We can furnish with dispntch and in the test condition. All Kinds of Castings for CAUTION None genuine unless labeled with my renature over the cork. O. SIMMON DS, Sole Proprietor. Labratnry and Office, No. 4 State street, Boston, Sept. 9, 1873 Oeore Mimmonds, Eq. Hr : lhe aanpie marked "Aauob vt hisky." received from yoa. has been ana. Irzed with the following results: It is of selected alcoholic strength and free from ad' ried flavoring oils, acids, metals, or any other deleterious substances. Respectfully, S. uaa ha in,, state Assayer of .Massachusetts 'St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 30. 18,(5 Oeorire Simmonds, Esq. I have ben using your JNabob v nisay lor some time, ana nave no Hesitation in aayingtnat it i. wltliout eice tion, the purest article that I have used medicinally, or for family purposes. To many of my patients who hav been suffering with indigestion and nervous affec tions, 1 have prescribed your Nabob Whisky for their nse, and I take pleasure in say. ing to you the effi et has been satisfactory. Please xnd me by express six eases C. 6. D and oblige, yours truly, ' - H. C. LOUDEKBACK, M. D. So long as there are ilia to which flesh is heir to, and the cares and labors of lite breed I disease, so long will it lie necessary to use medicine to counteract the avils produced and maintain the health of the human family. Many kinds of medicine are frequents ly offered to the pulihc for one special disease and another, and if the truth were I known U would doubtlessly be found that in the majority of cases these aoetrnms have done more barm than good. Indeed seme Of the greatest evils of the present day is the existence ol quack compounds, which contain ingredients iuimicable te health, I and lhe greatest care, therefore, should be taken by invalids, in using many unknown drug which cannot be taken with impunity, no matter what may be alledged to the Conlraiy. flo, experience bas shown tuat JNabob w bisky fa one or toe best medicinal prepa rations known, and is highly recommended by Ihe Faculty for all cases of nervousness, weakness, debiluy, dyspepsia, indigestion, etc' lis popularity throughout the East- I era States lias been great, and it comes to the Pacific Coast endorsed by the certifi cates of lr, . Dana Hayes, State Asaayer of Massachusetts, and Dr. H. C. Louder. back, of Su Louis, Mo. These certificates are most direct in their statements, aver ring tint the Naiiob Whisky is, without exception, the purest article that can be f Trvrf rwf ! t a used either medicinally or tor indigestion and nervous affections, and ean be used ClOtPxa URUSWa& s wiiu tne utniuei eonnuence. i na anaiywa snows mat mis wnisay ia ot sianoara ai- I couoiic strength, ana tree irnm navonng ons, acias, metats, or otner deleterious sur tAlfai5 stances. Dr. Hayes further says that it is pure, of superior quality, and suitable for I COS fcKlBli QlQ,"fc lss lietic ana medicinal purposes, sucu recommendations are tue strongest mat cm oe I furnished, and as there are thousands of letters testifying to the merits of the whisky i as a famlty remedy and tonic, no lurtlier proof ol its excellence need oe given. S. MARKS 8l CO., Agfto, Rooobur. GREAT ANNOUNCEMENT ! S I Stack Stttttaj Stack & Octored ILKS, Vetreh.. Sattaa, & Unen Fane les Ltms, Garsets aa d M&BSH&Ij, Onlers from a Distance Promptly Filled says, The Amount of Costs. In the first suit instituted against Page and Bhope of Oakland, for usur pation of office, they were mulcted in the sum of $62 60. and In the late trial for contempt they were fined $1 each and costs, amounting in all to $11 75. In their attempt to thwart the wishes of the people and override the law they have paM.the fiddler to the amount of $74 $5, not counting law yers! Ut'':-:S::Ui :4-'t , Roseburg Academy. The Autumn session of twelve weeks will commence on Monday the 8th of September. 1879, under the supervis' Ion of r. Browne, assisted by Miss Hattie Gilliland and Mr. A. R. Flint. There are one hundred and eighty dol lars ($180) which will be applied, pro rata, to the payment of tnitlon bills. Bates of Tuition : Orthography, read ing and writing per montb, Sl.bO ; English Grammar or Geography, $2 ; Higher Arithmetic, Aigeora, ueome try or Book-keeping, $2.50, C Gad dis, P. Benedict, A. Comptos, Di- Directors. Another Quarts Ledge Found. Messrs. Morrison, Woodward and Dean have discovered a rich gold and silver besrlng quarts ledge on the headwaters of Myrtle Creek. The quarts taken from the ledge assays rich in the precious metals named, and the ledge will be thoroughly pros pected within a few weeks. Summsry of Assessment. , According to the abstract from th Assessment Boll and Tax List made by the county clerk, lt appears that this county will pay taxes this year to the amount of $44,735 66, divided up as follows; BUte taxes, $14,931 88; county taxes, $23,464 .89; school taxes, wjjSW sa. CALAPOOIA ITEMS. The farmers are almost through their tnresmng. Mires, Cole and Star are out on a hunting expedition. Easten Farnsworth couldn't take a hint.' ' H. M. Hawn is on the is Improving slowly.. Calapooia Is ahead of any neigh borbood in the State for fine stock. Our soft hearted (or soft headed) friend of Calapooia, has postponed his proposed trip to Paris. His items in regard to the Independents in this vi cinity are untrue. He don't seem to be any better posted in regard to the number of Independents than he is in his knowledge of English grammar. He wants us to "breath gently" which with all due respect to his high moral standing in society we are willing to do Our friend seems to have " lo quashus lo quendl scribendi" and we are sorry that f. man with such a gi gigantic, incomprehensible intellect should be confined to so small a field of labor. Why waste "your fragiance on the desert air," when there is such a demand ror men of genius and learn ing in the East men of your mental calibre should not be wading through Oregon mud, but contrary to the ad vice of Horace Greely, go east, young man. Go to your native State, write for the Memphis Appeal, Nashville Union, or the Okolona States, and not waste your brains In Oregon. We no ticed some trash in the Iat issue of the t-tar calling our friend, "Umpqua George," a galoot, the cats-paw of the Independent, ao. At the time we supposed it to be the work of that auill drivinsr imbecile. They doubt less will be disappointed in Paris when they receive the intelligence that our friend has eiven up his pro posed trip. But as the distance is so (Treat and the expenses would be heavv on his finances we would sug gest East Portland as a good locality wnereweare sure he would receive all necessary attention, and under the treatment of the guardians of that in stitution his recovery would be rapid. Sulject to Ihe. decision of the leiral votes ol tliecilizeus of ttoaeburg. at the city elec tion to be held on the 4tu day of October, 18, U. . ' ; i-wi PETER KERNS, Announces himself a candidate for the office of city mmm&Ji Suhjict to the decision of the legal, votes i of t he citizens of ltoeburr, ai the city elec tion, to be held on the tku day of October, THIS LARGEST STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE LADIES DRESS GOODS OF ALL QUALITIES, Oar Stock of Domestics and H0.0SE FURNISHING GOODS Is Larger than Ever Belore." We are determined to remain in Rose- burg i.ermatwnily, and axk Oie people of Southern Oregon 10 give us their patron age. ;j NOTICE. INVISIBLE PLAIDS LATEST STYLES. Ladies' Silk Ties, She I Announaes J. D. HANKS, himnelf a candidate for tin office of sick list, but MAEBHMi, Subject to t'.ie decision ol the legal votxs of the citizens of Hosehurg, at the cty election, to b held on tti 6ih day of Octo ber, 1S7U. r A- BAIRD, AnnounceA himself a: candidate for the office ot I Ikin? about rendy to start tor Sari Jv run Cisco to iarcliaR6 onr Fall stock of goods', we ues-ire an immediate 8ettlerne:it ot all ac counts standing upon our books. Those indebted to us wil' bear it in nn nd tnat this 18 a nnal notice to them and will save trouble by scltiin": at once. CARO BROTHERS. Embracing all the Latest Novelties in the San Fraucisco Marfce Also Everything else appertaining to Ladies Wear. -ALL KINDS OF Subject to ths decision of the legal votes cf the citizens ot Rorteburg at the city elec tion, to be held on the Gib day of October, 1870. . rjjy qj -gg gg- The elegant suite of rooms formerly oc cupied by Dr. Cozad in S. Marks & Co's. new bui ding, Koseburg. These rooms tre in every wav suilt-d to the who wish an eli-gant office and private onsuln tation room. Piques, Brocaded Linens. Plain Linen. A PULL LIKE OF Genteman's, Toutli's1 & Boy's CLOTHIWG, All new naterns. excellently finished.' and the cheanest ana besl ever offered to the Roscburi; trade. In this hue as well as in t j others, I defy competition. In Gents' Furnishing Qooda we have a large Assortmen of FINE DRESS STITS. ELB- gant Sumover Suits, Neat easi ness Suits, White and Colored Suits, Hosiery, flats, Gloves, Tiw. Bows ect These are only a lew items in the stock hrve purchased. Come acd see the other 1 here i enougli else to engage your attention for an entire day. M. JOSEPHSON. KI11G OFTHE BLOOD SALE. TO pursier FCU SALE. The furniture, fixtures, etc., of the above room, 'comprising office and bedroom articles, and ready for imnie- diMe occupancy. : Also a fresh and care fully selected stork of drutrs, embracing everytinng necessary tor tne nse ol a regu lar practitioner of medicine. The above will be sold extremely low for cosh or approved security. Enquire of ASHKK MAKKS. NOTICE. All debts and accounts due the firm of Pefkins a Headricks must be paid at Ondb to the -undersigned, and all debts against the same firm must be presented to tit same. r. li. d i ill w'KLA iN i), llecelver, The Alex. Duncan. Later news than received by tele graph last Friday afternoon from Coos Bay is to the effect that the Alex. Duncan was not wrecked, but having 1 broken her propeller was compelled to run ashore at the mouth of Rogue river, from whence she was afterwards towed to Eureka to undergo repairs. Surrey to be Made. Within the next three weeks sur veyor li. if. Huribert will commence the survey of the Roseburg and Coos Bay railroad line. The assessments levied for tne purpose nave been paid in. and so soon as Mr. Huribert fin ishes threshing his grain be will begin me survey. J. C. Floed Is prepared to purchase wneat in, any quantity, and he will pay for the same at the highest mar. ket price. His office wlU be found at the next door to the store of Floed Chinese LatorFnrnisliDd CONTRACTOK FOR LABOR, ROSK- Is prepared to furnish all kinds of Chinese labor on the best of terms. Contractors nd others will do well to give him a call. Inquire at VVa Gee Wash house, or John Lea, at Cosmopol itanjliotel. Tub Most Thorough Purifier of tuw Blood Yet Discovered. Cnran all ITnmari, from a Coraraoa llruptlon ta the Worst 8erofktlav. ft pTirli the Blood. Jt Invigorates the I-lrer. It resrulates the Bowels. lt atrengtheaia th Stomach. tt giro Tivof itf in pliu of laasitode; duarfulnea in )i!nce of gloom, aud robort vigor ia place of lbilily. l)ypejmi Biliounew, Diflordewd T.iver, Con tiiation. Nervous Alfectinna. Uenaral Debility, ia sliort all tha numerous disrates and diicomforts caused by impure blood ara ipeedily eonquand by thi pswrrf ul corrector, tha chief and aoTeteiitn of all ancient or modern medical ducoyario Kixo or the Blood. IT SAME IS ITS BEST E8CBIP- THIK. . . tt i. & Rw.l fli.npnMtrttf the bHMMUKt of health, and yaaquubM tha low that lurk in too viooa. It banishes PIMPIiES, S AlT RTTEITW, StlLO HEAD, FEVEB WORKS nrl .11 SCKOttl.OCS PI-OB- ra -- "l.. iiWaiailflvrTAIf in its CfirlT wtt u t .mnnI if when aidTsiDrM. It dUwrii TCXORSf and CAJf CEBJ withoai lh Surveon'si knife. . 1 ruiw sWarwaT-e m "- v- r m i, s v. m ALE WKAXHIII u 'iJl'ifSTdl effectual Bwnoar iOl fwell- m intarnal. tt andiemte tb effect of Mineml Potooos, mad "SUaTli.he.a 5?t?L.U(-,.rf r mnch further informauoa aas MUdirVetiou for a.ior. will be fonodln the pam Slet. Treatise on Disoaaeaof the Biood." ia watch aoh bottle ia OMloMd. Price II per bottle enoUininr II oaBOM,r 40 to The nndarsiffned bas a fine lot of Kuan isli Merino Kama, both tborouhbred and graded for sale cheap for cash or ap proved credit. For further particulars in quire of THOMAS SMITH. Wilbur, iwugias to, vrrgou, aug. . IILTV7 STATE HOTEL, ODDosits W. F. Co's. Expreas Office, CORNER 3d t CALIFORNIA Streeta, Jacksdhvyia, Oregon. ZSaftla svt All Hour, Ksw Boobs sod CleaaBeds.. Satiafsetioa UaarsnteM. . y'- C. W. 8A.TAQE, Proprietor, i 1MPORTAN1 WOTCE, All parties knowing themselves indebted to the firm or wrigut vanon, in m livery stable Inslneaa, are hereby noliBed to make immediate settlement by cash or note and thus save costs. This is the last notice. WRIGHT CAKLMa. June 14. 1879. . ... IITJGrll FOSTSm. AGENT FCR WILMERDING & CO, Importera and Wholesale Dealers la Fii.EYiiiELianons. 214 and 216 Front Street, Sfixx Francisco. Notice o Debtors. Having disposed of my interest in the hardware business and store ia Hoseburg to K. 8. aud Jos. C. Sberidan. notice is hrbby given to those indebted to me to come forward and make immediate set. llemrnt of their accounts by caah or notes, as I man close np my boots at once. My books and notes will be found with the new firm at the store, and the nw firm ia authorised to receipt tor moneys paid on my accounts against debtors. This is the last notice. THOS. P. SHERIDAN. Koseburg. Aag. 23,1879. WE KEEP THE Wdo 3D. SAHSOV, 833 ft CQ., Pteprieten, . JHUShlo, V. T, 2. Hu uraan, BOSEBUHO, OEEUON,' Forwarding & Commission Agt.. All ffrxris eoDslgeed to mc care wil) be nromotlv forwarded te points oi their dc tioaiion withoni fail. Ail hoalnf as en trusted to my care will be., carefully at tonded to. ttrain or other articles takes 6a storage at lowest rates. Bole agent for tha eelabrated to vitle creek Flour, ' . Ad dress ' H. L. MCTBTOJf, 1 . i Bosebarjr. Oregon. BULL CALVES FOR SALE. George Hall, Oakland, would announce to the stockraisers cm iwugias , county that he has six fine ball calves, of thora ough breeding, for sale, These calves are what are Deeded by tue stoca-rauers oi Douglas coo"ty, a ad will be sold cheap this Fall. If kept until Spring I Will ask more for, them . , HALL, UUIUU, ZdO:t: Lost In Bosebnrg, a linen darter, cob tsinlng ia the pockets three photographs one marked O. T. and two C. F. The f nder will be liberally rewarded by r amiss the same to TH03. W. CLASS, ' - SKXT OfpS. $25 REWAHD! I will give the above reward for any ins foimation which will lead to tie detection oi the thief and recovery of the ninety two bushels of. wheat stolen from. Mr. Palmer's warehouse a short time ago, and I would warn the people of Seottsbarg to the effsct that they, have thieves in their midst, and advise them to take precaution' ary measures against them. ANDREW SAWYER. Long Prairie, Douglas County, Ogn. BEST GOODS That eas be ob.ained in the San Fianciscw . Market. Our Stock of Groceries, Cannot be excelled. In this line we have an Immense Assortment of Crockery, G-lassvars aal Cutlery, Also Sugar, Teas, i 'offee, Staple Groceries Oar prices are LOW. Call and sne for yosr selves at the Id stand. J. C.FLOED&CO.. BOSEBURG, DOUGLAS CO.. onEQOX NED. DRTS SALOOIf. JACKSON STBaST, : mOSKBOBO. The proprietor of. tbla w11.Vno nA popular report woulS thank his friends for their liberal patronage is the past and aak for s continuance of the same ia the.fulure. The public is informed that 1 keep none but al 1 . l - . " os oranaa oi wines, Uqnors and cigars, sad that I sell over the bar tha celebrated JESSE MOORE k CO.S KENTUCKY WHISKIES! A good Billiard Tabla will ho faniu) In tlui Salooa ; also all tfca leading papers of the waa. uivamsaeall. Ji-UDliX. ROSEBURG ...OREGON. - Special attentloa paid to gralaieg, sad also painting ei vrv kind ccas a ive i triai