t. "V" Society Ueetings. rUMPQUA CHAPTER NO. 11, R C'ii - M., hold regular communica nt tioo every Brat and tblid Tuesday Jo :ch month All members In good standing will take due and timely notice a id govern tUeiiwelv-s acoordlngly. Visit- Inst companions are invitrd to meet with Ike Chapter when cnnvi-nient. 11. HEltMASX.H. P. W. L Fmedlahdiir, ifco'y. j , . - - H 1 V A A LAUREL LODGE A. F- and A. M J i holds regular meetings on Wednes tr day on or b-t're each fall moon. ; J. C. FULLKBTON, W. M. R NEWCOMB, Secy. PHILETAKIAN "Lodge. '"So- 3, 1 O. O. P. meet on Saturday evening, ol each week at 7 o'clock, in their halt at lloim burg. -Members of iheorxb-r in good stand, ng are invited to attend By order of the N O. UNIOX ECNAMPMEN'T.No. 9, I. O. O F.. meet at Odd Fallows' Hall on the 1st and 3d Fridays ot every month. Visiting Brethren invited to attend D. 8 K. BUICK, C. P. E. G. HubsH. Scribe. UMPQUA GRANGE, NO. 28, P. of H will meet hereafter on the firm iatur ot each month. at Orange Hall, in Kose burg. All members in good standing are cordially invited to a tend: . GEO. JONES, 31. J. P. DUNCAH. Secretary. BRIEF MENTION. i ' i Oen. Lane is in Portland. Ex-Governor Chadwick Is in Jack sou county. .,- , The Junior of the Star ia out in the mountains rusticating. j Qo to J. Jaskulex's when you want spectacles or eye glasses. Sol. Abraham and Mis9 Myra Abra ham, are on a visit to Oakland.. Sheriff Aiken has conveyed to the . Inaonn aaolum Tmn C tta Annntv Trv. siah Edwards. j Sheridan Bros, have a first-class stock of new goods on hand, and are most liberal dealers. j The store of Mr. Goldstein was the only one closed in observance of the Jewish New Year ! It is probable that a prominent mer cantile firm in this city will rent E. M. Moore's new brick building. We have on hand a supply of blank deeds and mortgages for sale for cash. Orders from abroad attended to. . , The ball given by the Library Asso ciation was a success in every par ticular, and the music extra fine. Thursday Mr. James Wright lost a fine horse for which he paid $101 1100 for the horse and $1 to the dray man. S. Hamilton, who has been appoint ed agent for the new Bchool books, has them on hand at exchange and intro ductory prices. Mr. Fitspatrick, superintendent of the Grand Apple gate mine, passed through town during the weejt: on his way to Portland. j Postal Agent Steel has resigned his position and will take a place in the custom-house. Rumor states Ben. Simpson will be his successor. Saturday next is, in the Hebrew calender, termed lom nipper, aua py all the world outside the faith isknown as the Jewish day of Atonement. J. J. Farquar has purchased the res - tauraot formerly owned by Jos. Lebn her, and, leing a first-class cook will certainly make a first-class landlord. An officer and two armed privates passed through the city Friday morn ing, having in custody three deserters from the army. The party was on its way to Fort Vancouver- The Jacksonville Sentinel says "The Roseburg Independent furnishes, its readers with the latest news by tele graph, and is the best newspaper pub lished in Douglas county." Thank you. The father of Mrs. R. Eastman, G. H. Hayden, we learn from Messenger Humphrey, was thrown from a wagon near Eugene Wednesday, and accoid- lng to last reports was not expected to live. Mr. W. I. Friedlander did not leave San Francisco on the steamship Ore gon, but "Williams," smiling face will be seen in Roseburg next week. He sailed from San Francisco on Friday on the California. Mr. James Chenoweth has paid to tiie Sheriff the amount of the execu tion issued by that official, and re deemed the Williamson farm. The County Board will be compelled to make a second purchase. Every member of the firm and the clerks are now kept busy at the store of Floed it Co., unpacking, new goods lately received. An examination of the stock will repay the purchaser for the trouble experienced. Stephen Murton. brother of H. L. Murton, and formerly of this city, died in Portland of typhoid fever Thursday afternoon. Mr. H. L. Mur ton attenJed hi- brother's bedside in the last moments of his life. 8 ill the new goods continue to ar rive at the store of S. Marks 4 Co., and that firm boasts it will create a revo lution In Fall prices this year. Every thing needed in any line is to be had there, and low prices will hereafter be the order of the day. Our Canyonvllle reporter says: "The show given by Beath's minstrels here was first-class. Especial praise was due Prof. Barnes for the music he gave us but the same praise is due the entire troupe. The minstrels were greeted with a full bouse." Mr. A. W. Fenuer has made ar rangements to open a tobacco, cigar and notion store next door to Caro Bros. He is a good business manager, and proteoses to conduct a reat estate azencv with his other business. Ar thur, you have our be&t wishes. Jn Justice Hurah'a court this week the case of D. H Haney vs. A. Bustle- meier, the dlcision was In favor of de fendant, and in the case of A. Busel meter vs. D. H. Haney, the defend ant was discharged. Buselmeier and Haney will each have to pay about $62 costs.. V t- ! , . Oregon will always be in the lead ' when it comes to a statement of nat ural resources. Every day new and great discoveries are being made, but none are greater than that of the Ore gon Kidney Tea. It is generally pro nounced the best medical remedy known. . . . It is not true that Mr. John C" Ai ken has sold his property and gone to Portland, as reported by our cotem poraries. It is not true that Mr. John Aiken has sold the ferry on the North Uoapqua, The truth is, Mr. John Aiken, Sr., has taken trip to' East Portland to visit his ton Joseph Aiken "simply this, and nothing more." J. C. Floed ia prepared to purchase wheat in any quantities, and he will pay for the same at the highest mar ket price. His office will be found at the next door to the store of Floed Co. Fellows' Syrup of Hypophosphlles, by restoring strength to the nerves and muscles of the stpmacla, cures dyspepsia, .which) W bat the loss of WeVvbuS strength, followed bymuscu- lai relaxation. Joseph Clough has purchased 8. Booth's interest in the thoroughbred stallion, Scamperdown, paying $830 therefor According to the Jackson ville Sentinel, the horse has cost Mr. Clough $1,620, and the stallion will be brought to Douglas county. A better horse never trod the turf in Oregon, and we are glad to hear that be is to be brought to this city. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Engle request us to return thanks to the friends who were so kind in the late sickness of their little angel. Every kind act performed is remembered by its sor rowing parents, and every friend in that hour of deep and lasting afflic tion will be gratefully recollected by them on earth, and ever, God grant- ' log, in Heaven. A paper was circulated in town Thursday morning for the relief of a I distressed family of Immigrants which had lost an infant member. It has been said no odo deserving of sympa thy suffers in Oregon. There should have been added, there is a warm and sympathetic heart beating In every I Oregonian's bosom.: The wantsof the family were liberally supplied, and the dead baby was put in its last rest ing place as neatly and with the same exhibition of sorrow as might have attended the burial of the son of a Prince. All who helped in the good work should find reward in the single thought: "God loves the cheerful giver." What a Dream Will Do. The other night a passenger having a through ticket, started through the canyon on one of the California and Oregon Stage Company's stages. He was a drummer, and we would pub lish his name but we do not propose he shall be pestered by his compag ons du voyage. According to his own story, shortly after he entered the canyon he fell asleep, and horrible dream 8 kept companionship with his slumbers. He thought that there was an immense house about to fall upon him and the driver of the stage (so the phantasy of the dream made it appear) and he sprang out of the stage half asleep. The fall stunned him for a moment, and when the drummer came to his senses he saw the stage turning the point of the grade and be yond the reach of bis voice. There was nothing else left for him to do but " foot it" into Canyonville, which he did, and our hero arrived in Rose burg just one day later than he would bad It not been for the dream that caused all his trouble. SCHOOL LAND DEEDS. The editor of the Star writes a com munication to himself in this week'a paper, and takes for his subject the matter of the school land deeds. We believe G. O. Hoiman has also written a letter to the Oregonian on the same subject. The Oregon iau : turns upon Hoiman in a manner that clearly ex poses the fallacy of hla argument of law and the facts in the ease, and what that paper says is a elear refutation of what the editor of the Star would ar gue in defense of his position taken in the matter, v. -..,.,; v - It is true we are no lawyer, and yet it is also true we are no pettifogger. it is a fact that the new charges on the (art of the State imposed upon the people are wrong, and in our opi ti the State should pay the costs of the new deeds. This has beeu our opinion from the flist, though the Star at tempts to misrepresent us before the people. The law quoted by the editor of the frUar is the law of the territorial gov- ernment of Oregon, superseded by the law laid down in the Constitution of the State, and in his reference to the decision of Judge McArthua in the case of Dolph vs. Barney, he makes a mistake' because the question raised was not as to the validity of the deeds issued by county superintendents, but whether such deeds should be admit ted as proof of good faith on tha part of one of the parties of the suit. This was the opinion or disinterested law yers, or whom we inquired before the discussion began between the Star and this paper, and it Is the opinion of the Oregonian wherein there is an article bearing in common parlance, tne "ear marks" of a fine lawyer and promi nent Judge. we are pleased to see tnat tne editor of the Star did not quote from Judge Deadyasan authority; and in order tnat he may find that we are de sirous for the promotion of tne pub lic interest, propose, that if there re mains a doubt in the minds of "'ir laud owners as to the law in the prem ises, they will make up a common purse and have a test case brought be fore the Courts. The cost will be slight, and all doubt set at rest ; and theu it may be f-aind that it is better to buy a new deed than purchase a lawsuit. A FEW QUESTIONS. . . " In the Daily Standard of September 17th we find the following: We are rather of the opinion that the Oregonian's correspondent has got off on the wrong track when he i tmmatea that the Judges of the Supreme Court are in any way connected with a clique, from the fact that one of the leading members of the clique referred to has had bis decisions pretty gener ally reversed. Having accidentally come Into the possession of certain facts connected with "Junius Brutus' " letter we we would ask the editor of the Stand ard a few questions. Did you not at onetime promise to print the same communication, and did It nbVJhave " Sunday Reading" for its caption ? Did you not fail to keep your promise good through fear of the Judges, pr be cause the inducement on 'the Other fide was the greatest ? And since yon have acknowledged that there is a clique in Salem and incidently re ferred to a leaJing member of it, how Is it you say his decisions have been pretty generally reversed? Were they reversed in the Greenwood, Teal Can yon Road and Knotc cases ? Were not his fees too great in either case to per mit a reversal of his opinion, and his share of dividends too large for him to allow anything contrary to bis own wishes? The Stan lard cannot mean any one elie but Governor Thayer when It speaks of " one of the leading mem bers of the clique." It cannot have reference to Judge Harding; for in au other article It protests against any newspaper attack upon Judges of Courts. , tira 9 BWSHrPS' MIITM! . Recovered. Mr. W. B. Royal, a lady well known iu Douglas county and having manv friends here, has been quite sick at Ashland for the past three or four weeks. For a time it was thought she could not possibly recover. We are pleased to suy the lady is now in the best of health and our pleasure is shared by every one acquainted with her. U- S. JURY LIST. With the assistance of Sheriff Ho gan and County Clerk Sheridan, W S. Ladd, Commissioner, and Captain Lawson, Clerk of the U. 8. District Court, selected the following 120 names from the assessment roll of the county as jurors in the U. S. Court. Our understanding of the matter would lead us to the opinion that not one third of those selected will go as jurors, since the number taken would indicate that from the lot only members to make up the jury will be taken in other words, a sec ond draft will be made from the first : H A Adams A Good Girl Gone, The death of Miss Lucy Grubbe, elsewhere announced, is generally de plored. She was a lady of irreproach able character; a warm-hearted, gen erous girl; one who had none but frieuds on earth among all who knew ber, and at her resurrection will fiud none but frieuds in Heaveu. Beautiful Pens." The finest display in gold pens we have seen in Southern Oregon can be found at the store of Dr. S. Hamil ton. They are of the manufacture of Edward Todd & Co., and there is eve rything In them to attract the atten. lion of the scribe and the admirer o fine writing, male or female. The dis play should be examined by all writers. One on Van. Saturday evening VanBuren brorigbt from the depot a heavy trunk. The trunk was intended for a room upstairs 8. Marks Cb's. new building- Finding the trunk too heavy to be managed bv one man, Van spoke to a gentleman etandiog by and asked for assistance. The trunk wai put in tne room, and then Van turned to the gentleman and said: "I'll charge the son of a gun who owns this trunk 50 cents, and will divide witn you," ana thereupon the owner of the trunK quietly walked down stairs, exchanged half for two quarters, and handed Van 25 cents, putting the other quar ter in his pocket. Van had got hold of the owner as an assistant in eleva ting the trunk and did not know it; and it lso t even sate to say niu'"s about it. Since we have told the story we hereby announce to Van that we have made arrangements lo go on a three-weeks' prospecting tour in the mountains the moment this issue of the paper is given to the public- Oakland Case Decision. On Tuesday Judge Watson, in vaca tion, rendered a decision in the Oak land case as follows : "HavlDg fully considered the same, find that said de fendant. 'P.. J. Pace and J. H. Shupe, have not shown cause why they should imr hA nrrjmtprf to answer said charge r,.nnremiir. of court in usurpation of office; it is, therefore, ordered that a warrant issue tor me arresi oi - rr1ntn. and that said warrant be re turned before me at Roseburg, on the 19th dav of SeDtemter. 18i9. at one of said (lav : and it is nrthor nnlt-rpil that defendants eacu hp Htlmitted to bail in the sum or $20." Jewish New Year. The New Year of the Israelites commenced last Wednesday evening nA nH this fFridav evening. The occasion was not so sti)ctly observed lo Roseburg as is the case in larger cities, but there were smiles upon the faces of our Jewisn inenu wmcu wiu that thv enioved New Year even thougn It wasaiNew learwituout, ure- crackers, mere was piemy m man mr kw. however, and general good cheer, and there remains for us to only wish the sons of Abraham many happy re turns. Thev have Deen our oess friends, ami our wish is a sincere one, The Growth of RoseborR. Several weeks ago we published the census of the city, showing the growth of Roseburg. The report made by the census-taker was very flattering. It is not more so, however, than the fact that Mr. Aaron Rose has lately dered a survey of another portion of his farm into town lots in order to give those wishing lots and who de sire to permanently locate here an op portunity to build residences. The new survey will add much In size to tkn Innii and in o. fnvr WPPk ROSO- burg will have grown tne aisianee oi one-uau mue. BCAgee ' A T Ambrose John Applegate J H Kean 1) J Bollenbaugh 11 U Brown Buliinnton David Bushey G J Callahan Jog Champagne Jas Citenowith G W Colvig 1 Cooper as Cox H Davis Hardy Elliff Al A Englei ohn ritzgeralrt - Thos Farquar H Gates T J Gillam ep Green Geo Haynes D Hamblin H Hartin T Hinkle Jas Hutchinson John Jackson K Jennings G W Jones Simon K Lane S Linville John Loiig, sen V G McHeth D M McKinney H Mires B Nichols John Pearce Hub Phipps Pollock C F Pulman I Pace Aaron Kose Thos Shram C. W. Smith Robt Smith G H Stephenson F M Strickland Walter Talkincton J S Thornton V L Wilson Frazer Ward C O Westenhizer P W Williams S Wheeler a V iraberley R W Woodruff J M Wright E G Yonng A J Dowen K Thomas W F Owen J Q Adamson J C Aiken Jas Applegate A Y Barker Henry Beckley B B Brockway LBuell J J) Burnett Jas Byron A J Chapman J J Chadwick Thos Coats H Conn, sen Noah Coruutt Pliun Cooper Jaa Dillard J Emmitt A A Fink . John Flook ' T K Gardiner J Gilderaleiv F M Good B J Grubbe John Hall W K Banna . S B Hendricks H G Hnrlburt K B Ireland Jos Jaques Harvey Jones L L Kellogg Wm ljedgerwood E A Livingston H L Morton W McCauley S Minard E M Moore W H Ollivant Philip Peters H. Pmkston J W Price R A Raper GW Riddle Wm Shoemaker T J Singleton Cyrus Smith D W Stearns 8 Wheeler Fendel Sutherlin O L Willis H C Underwood Jas Vclzian John Weaver special dispatches to the douo- LA4 ISDEPEWDEJJT, THE ONLY .:. ' - ' v."- - SEWSPAPEB IN THE COUNTY. FOGGY iyTHER AT THIS BAR AND DELAY IN THE SURVEY OF THE! HARBOR OF REFUGE. Loss, ef & Xteamslup :Alfry.nder - Snncaii at tig ilcuth of Eo2H9 River I ' : RUN ASHORE ON THE FIFTEENTH OF SEPTEMBER! A Triple Wedding. On Thursday a triple wedding cere mony was performed in this county at the residence of Mr. Winnlford. Rev. J. W. Compton was married to Miss Eliza A. O. Winnlford, Rev. Rev. W. H. Klyce to Miss M. K. Hattie V. Winniford, and Mr. D. F. Pankey to Miss M. Lu O. Winuiford. As Fuller would say, this is a regular "hanky panky" way of doing business In the marrying line, and we wish the happy couples a full realization of the joys antlpcipated by them before the nup- tual knots were tied. OAKLAND ITEMS. Business brightening up. Dr. N. R. Cox, dentist of Portland, is in town again. Jimmy Mahoney keeps pretty good beer now. We learn that Dr. Radman is going to leave town this week: bis destina tion is Washington Territory. Mr. Warren preached a very good sermon last Thursday night. He will preach again next Sunday night. The drummer of the Roseburg Star left Oakland on Monday early. He informed us that business was pretty dull. Oakland was a desolated looking place on Sunday last, on account of the campmeetiug, which took place on the 14th iust. Dr. R. M. Davis is going to leave town to make Roseburg his home. Dr. D. is a gentleman and a very good physician. We are sorry to see him depart. , - . Mr. J. O. Colmesnll, general agent for the - acramento Life Insurance Co., is at present in Oakland. Parties wishing their lives to be insured, may call upon him. School commenced on Monday, the 15th Inst: Prof. O. T. Russel. teacher of the new towu school has 32 schoiare and Prof. T. M. Hard, teacher of ths old town school has 30. Their num bers will increase with the time. Several parties of this city were dis cussing the question which of the two papers, the douglas independent or the Western Star, hud the preference of being the best. The paper we read came out victorious, the Independ ent. The Umpqua Ferry correspondent, Mr. W. (we suppose him to be the per son, your article appearing in the last number had reference to,) Is very in dignant over tlie same, lie assured us, that ho never, while passing through Mr. W. C. Burk's premises tore down any fence. And we believe him, as a party who accompanied Mr. w. mtormea us mat tie, w. never at tempted to do such tricks, but his horse, bis infernal horse, came pretty near breaking the fences and also the rider's neck. You will learn bvthis, that W is not the gu illy party, but be on your guard, Umpqua, as Mr. Wilson is going to be thecorrespoudoiit of the Roseburg nainueaier in itoseourg, ana is Douini to have revenge. Boon your guard! Oakland's counter-jumpers are let ting grow their side-whiskers. Thev think the girls take after them the more, but we guess they are mistaken Other Shipping Intelligence from Donglas County's Outlet to the Sea 1 Ehpibe City, September 19. The weather has been very foggy here for the past week, causing delay in the work of the engineers making the surveyf r the harbor of refuge. The surveying i arty sailed out of the har bor yesterday, but shortly after the fog came on so thick that the mem bers of the parly were compelled to land at the light-house, and return to Empire on foot, it not being deemed safe for the steamer to attempt to en ter the bay, the fog banging so heavi ly over the bar. The fog still continues. Fears are entertained that the steamship Alex ander Duncan is lost at the mouth of Rogue river. Reports received here are meagre, but generally indicate that the steamship is a total loss. She was reported ashore on the fifteenth of the present month, and is now past due here. No lives are reported lost. The Areata sailed yesterday from this port for San Francisco with full list of passengers, and full cargoes of freight. The steamship Gussie Telfair is due here from San Francisco to-day. UMPQUA FERRY. Valentines have begun to circulate already. Mr. Gus. Thomas arrived from Reno, Nev., on the 13th. Messrs. E. Stephens A Co., have completed their new dwelling at the saw mill. We learn that one of our young nien committed matrimony nome- where out about Ten Mile one day last week. Mr. John KrofT parsed through one day last week on his way to Gaidiner to canvass for some works that are needed by all. - Mr. E. Stephens took his departure on the 16th instant for a trip east of the mountaius on a visit to his brother. Mr. Clayton intends organizing writing school here soon. We hope be may be successful. Everybody anticipates hard times during the coming Summer. One of our citiaens in this vicinity contemplates purchasing soon very largely in real estate which lays not a thousand miles from here. He might buy it, and so could anybody else, but question arises about pay day, which kuiicks on an tne anticipatea romance. Thethreshera upon arriving at W. . Clarke's one day last week, tackled barrel of cider which was pretty well mixed with alcohol, and the re sult was, the machine was plentifully supplied with straw by a jolly crew as long as the cluer lasted. w. w.NeSpey, MANUFACTURER 0P- Haclzs, Buggies, Carriages, Thoroughbracco, Wagons, VILL REI3AHI III ROSEBURG UHTIL SEPT. I5TEL To persons wishing to bay vehicles, I will make it ao object to buy of me even if you don't want to OBe them until next season. B. C. McClellan or myaclf will sell. . ' W. W. ESFAY. ' . tf Grh. W- . s. & j. c. s: The Promoter and Perfector ef As similation. The Reformer and Vltallzer of the Blood. The Producer and Inrlirorator mt Nerve and Muscle. The Builder and Supporter of Brain Power. ....SUCCESSORS TO.... THOS. - SKCE3LX TDJST, .... DEALERS IN.... Hardee, Thnsrare, Stoves, Gnus, Cutlery aad : Tinnes Fnraishiaj? Gccds. . BRICK STORE. ROSEBURG, OREGON. Harinir secured the above business, we are prepared to keep up its former good name for good work and i ricrs. We have the best of workmen, the best of materia a!s and always a fell stock of goods on hand, and It is oar aim to furnish custo mers with firsi'-clase articles at live and and let live prices. All we ask is an exam ination as to our pncfs. A rull stock ot iron and Steel Tor sale. Orders rrora aDroaa win receive prompt notice, and le.ter inquiring as to terms ot sale will receire immediate attention. . it. s. & j. v. BtusuiuAa. The Brick titore. liosebnrg, Oregon 5 "RUST IN WHEAT. "Sending Coals to Newcastle." It may appear strange that Douglas county should ship flour to Lane county for home consumption. This is true nevertheless. Last week several orders were filled for flour for Lane county at the Myrtle Creek mills, and since then several orders from Eugene have been received. The flour manu factured in this county is first-class, and there Is no better proof in its favor than is lounu in tne lace tnat tnose who know it best are its heaviest purchasers. The Grange Wool. By shipping the Spring clip of wool to San Francisco this year the Grange at this place did a wise thing, and se cured better prices than did any of our merchants.; The average price iho nrance lor its wool was - i.i nr while the highest price ob tained by our merchants was 26 cents. In Favor of D. A. Levins. In vacation the cause of D. A. Lev' ins vs. J. GATuller was decided by J nri era Vahann In favor of D. A. LeV' ins at reouest of plaintiff for the sum of $705 and costs. Moral Town. We had the pleasure of a call from Mr F. M. Gablert Saturday. That ftntleman informed us that Myrtle ireek is becoming and must be known hereafter as a moral, quiet town, and offered as proof the fact that not a fight had occcurred within twenty-four hours. He left us with the pleasing thought that the rust had not done very material damage to the wneat oi mat section or the county, stating that most of the damage re ported done was imaginary. Did it With His Little Gun. The Coos County Argus says "Judge Strahan, of Albany, was in Empire this week in attendance on the Cir cuit Court. He came by way of Ump qua, and while gliding down the stream in a small .boat shot a deer. The Judge carries his little gun." That "little gun" is the best in the State, and was manufactured in this city by A. Buselmeir, the best gunsmith, in Oregon. V New School House, The sensible citizens of Civil Bend have just completed a fine school house, the work being performed by Mr. Cranfleld. The building is a credit to the management of our Civil Bend friends, and to the district in which it is located. Bev. Father Dillard was the first to open the school house, and he did so appropriately with prayer na an excellent sermon. DIED. At her home in Looking Glass, Sept. 13, 1879, of meningitis, Lydia C, wire or V. JU Arnngion; ageu it years, 4 months and 21 days. At his residence in Myrtle creek, Sept. 14tb, H. M. ftrong, after a short illness; aged eu years, it moutusanu 23 days. In this city, on the 15th Instant, Durlle B. infant son of George and Angle L. Engle; aged 11 months and 18 days. At home. Wilbur. Sept. 14th, Miss Lucy, daughter of E. T. and H. J. Grubbe; aged seventeen years. On the 17th, in this city, infant son of A. J. Bellows. On the 17th. in Roseburg, infant son of Aaron Da bier; aged one year. FellowB Compound Syrup Is com posed of ingredients identical with those which constitute Healthy Blood, Muscle and Nerve and Brain Substance, while Life itself is directly dependent upon some of them. By Its union with the blood and its effect upon the muscles, reestablishing the one and toning the other, it is ca pable of effecting the following results : It will displace or wash out tubercu lous matter, and thus cure Consumption By increasing Nervous and Muscular Vigor, it will cure Cyspepsia, feeble or interrupted action of the Heart and Palpitation, Weakness of Intellect caused by grief, worry, overtax, or irregular habits. Bronchitis Acute or Chronic, Congestion of the Lungs, even in the most alarming stages. It cures Asthma, Loss of Voice, Neuralgia, St. Vitus Dance, Epileptlo Fits, Whooping Cough, Nervousness, and ia a most wonderful adjunct to other remedies in sustaining life during the process of Diphtheria. Do not be deceived by remedies bear ing a similar name : no other prepara tion is a substitute for this under any circumstances. Look out for the name and address 3. L FELLOWS', St John, N.B., on the yellow wrapper in watermark, which is seen by holding the paper before the -, light - Price, $1.50 per Bottle, 6 for $7.60. Sold by all Druggists. Fill DEI I Recently Established ZIMERMAN8)' FRAZIER, PROPRIETORS. We annouoca that all work done nl a Pirst-Class FOUNDRY We can furnish with dispatch and in the best condition. All Kinds of Castings for Orders from a Distance Promptly Filled We are determined to remain H Rose- bnrg 'ermaiien ly. and ak the people of Southern Oregon to gir us their patron age IT A IB !B1 WHE:SM!T2i The Purest Best for' Helical Family Purposes Uaa bn sold in all the Eastern States and gives universal satisfaction. It is high ly recommended by the Faculty for all cases of nervousness, Weakness, Debility, Dys pepsia, Indigestions, etc. 1. is now introduced to the public on the Pacific Slope, en dorsed by the following certificates of the eminent Dr. 8. C. Dana Hayes, State As syr of Massachusetts, and Dr. U. C. Louderbock, of Lt. Louis, Mo., both gentlemen prominent in their profession, and which is a guarantee to all buyers of purity and quality . I can show thousands of letters from all parts of the Union and Canady, to testify to its merits and the benefits it has afforded as a family remedy and tonic. jySold by all druggists and Grocers by the case or bottle. Country orders as tended to promptly. the cs.ax.x.oxw' on bottls. CAUTION None genuine unless labeled with my s'gnature over the cork. u. siUMUus, sole f ropnetor. via M la All Prices for the p o r AND At the Old Hercaatila Sens, ef FLOED & CO We would announce that' we are Beceipt of oar NEW STOCK -OF- BZZ2 GOODS For the Spring and Summer Tiade, Corns prising all the Latest Novelties In that Line, Including Stack & Colored! Cash- SILKS, Labratorv and Office. No. 4 State street. Boston. Sept. 9, 1873 George Simmonus, Era. Sir : The nan: pie marked "Nabob whisky." received from you. has been ana lyzed with the following results : Ii is of selected alcoholic strength and free from ad ded flavoring oils, acids, metals, or any other deleterious substances. Respectfully, S. UAiiiS, otate Assayer oi iuassacuusetts. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 30. 1876 Heorge simmonds, tea. I bave ben using your Nabob Whisky for tome time, and have no hesitation in saying that it is. without exception, tbe purest article that 1 have need medicinally, or for family purposes. To manv of my patients who hav.; been suffering with indigestion and nervous affec tions. I have ore scribed Tour .Nabob Whisky for their nse. and 1 take pleasure In sav. So long as there are ills to which Sesh is heir to. and tbe cares and labors of life breed disease, so long will it be necessary to nse medicine to counteract the evils produced and maintain the health of the human family. Many kinds of medicine are frequent ly offered to tbe public for one special disease and another, and if tbe truth were I known it would doubtlessly be found that in the majority of cases these nostrums I have done more barm than goid. Indeed seme ot the greatest evils of tbe present day is the existence of quack compounds, which contain ingredients Inimicable to health. and the greatest care, therefore, should be taken by invalids, in using many nnknown drug which cannot be taken with impunity, no matter what may be alledged to the contraiy. ow. experience bas shown that x a bob w bisky is one or tne best medicinal prepa rations kDown. and is highly recommended by the Faculty for all eases of nervousness. 1 weakness. dtbilii.y. dyspe:sia, indigestion, etc. Its popularity throughout the East ern states has been great, and it comes to tbe f acinc t oast endorsed by tbe cert in- caies of Dr, a. Dana Hayes, btate Assayer of Massachusetts, and Dr. H. C. Louden back, of St. Louis, Mo. These certificates are must direct in their statements, a vera win. . 1. ... 1. V.luth W I , i u V- mrirlmil .TMintlnn ,1 . k n Mu ilt.l .mm Km I 4 ' " P( Vila. . l.U 1 . HIDDJ 1 "J, 1 . 1. U V V.A KUU JJUH-O. .1 .11, 1 111., vRU ISO I . used either medicinally or tor indigestion and nervous affections, and can be used 1 rtQSit?y U,RrY a teS' with the utmost confidence. The analysis shows that this whisky is of standard al-I ilmlijt BtMnivtli n rl ftu.. f mm flvranni, nlla mfitiu tm mIim ili.1ata.inna anK. I stances. Dr. Hayes further says that ii is pure, o:f superior quality, and suitable for I Pitrfoi'fJeP'l'iS. EEtd ditii anti mprllninftl nnronaea. Such recommendationa ar. thit Btrnnoot tliat ftafl ISa I 9 ' furnished, and as there aro thousands of letters testifying to the meriu of the whisky as a family remedy and tonic, no farther proof of its excellence need be given. Black Vetrets.." iLavrc &' Utter Suiting, Ladies Farts Kiss es' Qtoies, Corsets aad S.MARKS &CO., Ag'ts, Hooeburg. GREAT ANNOUNCEMENT! v ANNOUNCEMENTS. GEOKGE W. ROBERTS, Hereby announces himself a candidate for the omce oi Subiect to ;he decision of the legal votes OX Hie Clvliwjuo ui uwo, ... . .. - j . i tion. to be held on the 6:u day of October J879. K0TICE, Btin? about ready to start tor San Francisco to pareliaae oar ' Fall stock f troods, we dee-ire an immediate settlement or all ac counts standing upon onr books. Those indebted to nt will bear it in mind that this is a fanal notice to them and will save trouble by settling at once. CAKO BROTHERS. THE LARGEST STOCK OF GENERAL MEHCHAHDISE LADIES DRESS GOODS OF ALL QUALITIES, INVISIBLE PLAIDS LATEST STYLES. Ladies' Silk Ties, Embraciuer all ' tbe Latest Novelties in the San Francisco Market Also Everything else appertaining to Ladies' Wear. ALL KINDS OF Piques. Brocaded Linens, Plain Linen, A FULL -LINT! OF Genteman's, Youth's1 & '-Boy's CLOTH1WG, I All new paterns, excellently finished, and the cheapest ana beel ever offered to the Roeeburg trade. In this line as well as int ! others, I defy competition. Oar Block of Domestics and HOUSE FURNISHING G00D3 Is Larger than Ever Before). In Gents' Fnrnlskinir Goods we hare a large aVsttrtmen of FINE DRESS STITS, ELE. gant Summer Suits, Neat l3usi- oess Suits, Whita and Colored Suits, Hosiery, Hats, Gloyes, Ties, Bows ect These are only a few items in the stock h-ve Dcrchased. Come and see the other Ihere i enough else to engage yoar attention for an entire day.. M. JOSEPHSON. Have Sold the Farm " The heirs of the Williamson estate haye sold the Williamson farm to Mr. James Chenoweth for the sum of $20 aDd we learn that the farm will be redeemed by Mr. Chenoweth from the Sheriff. This farm is the one pur chased by the County Board for a poor farm, and should it be redeemed the county will be compelled to look out for another farm. Much has been said in the various papers of our State concerning the ravages made by the rut in our wheat, but very little bas been offered in tbe way of prevention for tbe fa ture, and therefore I will offer my ex perience this year, and twenty-five years previous. This year I sowed wheat in Decern ber that was grown In the vicinity for many years. ' It was damaged by the rust. I sowed wheat of the variety known aa Mediterarnain same day in the same soil seed newly imported nto the country. Result: no rust, heavy plump wheat, 50 bushels or more per acre than the other. Late in tbe Spring sowea a variety Known as Bonora wheat, result: no rust, wheat plump but not so prolific as other years. Now my experience in farm, ing on this coast from 1853 to the present time, has been that finely de veloped simples of any variety of wheat brought each year from the coast counties, and sown ia the inland valleys, each in their season, will withstand drouth, rust, and all other diseases much better than seed of your own neighborhood, and produce from 10 to 50 bushels more to the acre. Then if this be true, and I have never heard it contradicted by any farmer who lestea me piaa, lei tne inland val ley farmer send to the seashore for such varieties of wheat as he may de sire to sow, and vice versa, and by this radical change of climate and soil, sown fields of grain will be of a better quality and yield more to the acre a Buuii-ieut amount more to Comrni. ate the farmer for extra cost of seed Desiaes increasing bis chances for a crop in a dangerous season. The above plan with Judicious culti vation and sowing each variety ia its" proper season, will do much for thA farmers prosperity. 9 Myrtle CBBEk, 'pt. in for A. C. COX, Announces himself a candidate the office ot Subject to Ihe decision of the legal votes of tbe citizens of Unse'oarg. at tbe city elec tion to be held on the 4.U day of October, 1879. : KING of the BLOOD I FOR Mg SALE. PETER KERNS, Announces himself a candidate for tbe office of Subject to the decision of the legal votes of the citizens of Ho-eburg, at tlie city elec tion, to be neld oo tbe o.u day of October, 1879. I Tsut Most Thohocoh Fctutieb or nil Blood Yet Discovered. Cores all Ramon, from Commoa Krnptloia to ths Wont Scrofula. It irartaes ttaa Blood. It Invigorates the I.lvar. It rcfftUatas the Bowels. It strengthens the Stomach. tt girea riracit r in plaoa of lassitude ; cheerfulness in place ox gloom, ami roDuat vigor u piaes of ekbilitT. Drspstmia, Biliousness. Disordered T.iver. Con stipation. Nervous Atfections. General Debiutv. ia abort ail tne nnmsrous diseases ana dueomiorts The undersigned has a fine lot of Span ish Merino Bams, both thoroughbred and graded for sale cheap for cash or ap proved credit. For further particular in quire of THOMAS SMITH. Wilbur, Douglas CoH Oregon, Aug. 23, J. I. HANKS, Announnes lnmmilf a oandidate tor the office of CITY HAESHM?, Subject to tbe decision ol the legal votes of tbe citizens of Koseburg, at the ety election, to b held on the 6ib day of Octo ber, 187s. A. BAIRO, Announce j himself a candidate for the office ot Subject to ths decision of the legalj votes of tbe citizens of Koseburg at the city elec tion, to be held on tbe 6vb day of October, 1879. NOTICE. All debts and accounts due the firm of Perkins Headricks must be paid at once to tbe undersigned, and all debts against the same firm must be presented to the same. P. G. STRICKLAND, Receiver. caused by impute blood are speedily conquered by this powerful corrector, the chief and sorereirn of all ancient or modern medical aiecoTsnas &JJM or the Blood. ITS HAHE IS ITU BEST HECTrP- TlOX, ss it is a royal dispenser of the blessings of health, and vanquishes the foss that lark in tbe siooa. It baaisass PIH PtFR. SIT RHEtrUT, HKAD, FKVEB SOBkJ and all CRO'C1.0CI. aI(HB- ninii. It ahMks CWNM'MPTIOir la its early staM. Tt i.m rwnnmiH. iifn lt when anranceo. It disperses TtXKS and CA1ICUW withouS the Surffeon'e knife. . tt surse BHOPST, s-"3 or I"!? - - It nduees in a aafs snd stfeetaal meaner all sweU- tt andicauw tbe effects ef Mineral Poisons, eo4 Many certiorates, much farther Information ana fall directions for sin, will be fojmd to the pam phlet, " Treatise on Diseases of tbe Blood, ia vtnafc aaah bottle is snslosed. Price SI ner bottle eontemtoe H onssssa, or tt (S doess. Bold by Dealers in medirine. S. lUSSClI, 593 ft 69.. PHprtrtm. ltaflils, a. T. IMPORTANT rfOTCE, All parties knowing themselves indebted to the firm of Wright & Csrlon, in tbe livery stable I asiness, are hereby noii6' d to mace immeaiate seiiifmpui uj caeu ur i note and thus sare costs. This is tlie last notice. WKMHT 4 CABLON. June 14, 1679. "i mi ' i ' l munis I L. i- - -AGKNT FOR WILMERDING & CO, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FIIIEVIIIE& UdOORS. 814 and 218 Front Street, San Franciseo. ROSEBUEO, OEEOON, Forwarding & Commission Agt. All goods consigned to my care will be promptly forwarded to points of their des- I tination without fail. All business en trusted to my care will be carefully al- I landed to. Oram or other articles taken on storage at lowest rates. Sole agent for I tne celebrated Myrtle creek Hour. Ad dress U. L. MCRTON, Roseburg. Oreoo. BULL CALVES FOR SALE. George Bail, Oakland, would announce to the stockraisers oi Douglas conntr that he has six fine bull calves, of thore ough breeding, for sale. These calves are wuat are needed by tbe stock-raisers of Douglas coulT. and will be sold chean this Fall. If kept until Snrinor I will ask more for them, ' GEO. HALL, Oakland. Coat Lost: T .... T l- ,. . uus iu xuweuurg. a linen duster, con-. taming in tbe pockets three photographs one marked G. T. and two C. F. The Bader will be liberally rewarded bv re. urning toe same to TtlOS. W. CLAitiv, Notice to Debtors. Having disposed of my Interest in the laid ware busims and sioie ia Rosebcig to R. 8. aad Jos. C. 8be: iun. notice is br.bT ivea to those indebted to me to come" forward and make immediate set- tlemeot of their accounts by cash or notes. aa I moat close no my books at once. My books and notes will be found wi.h the new firm at the store, and the nsw firm is authorized to receipt tor moneys p'd on mr accounts against debtors. Tbis is the last notice. TH03. P. SBERlDAJt. Koseburg. Aug. 23JS79. $25 RKv7AHD ! I will give the above reward for any ins tot mation wiitcn will lead to tLe detection of tbe thief and recovery of the ninety two Dusuels of wheat stolen from Mr. Palmers warehouse a short time am, and I would warn tbe psodIb of Scottsburir to tbe effect that tbey bave thieves in their midst, and advise them to take precaution ary measures against them. AoDKW SAWYER. Loag Prairie. Douglas County, Ogn. WE KEEP THE aW BEST GOOD That can be obtained in the San Fiandsea Market. Our Stock of - urocerieSe Cannot be excelled. In this lir-e we bv aa Immense Assortment of CresZzsry. ClaisiTTOrs tail ' Cutlery, Alfo8ntrar. Teas. I'-offee. 8taph GrceerU. Our prices are LOW. Call and see for yoar selves at tne oiu nanu. J, CJLQED&Ca, ROSEBURG, DOI OI.AS CO., urtEGCH HX2. SAXOOIT. jACKsoir frnisutT, : bosebubo. Ttia nmnrintnr of. thle waTll n ..a popular reeort would thank hla friends tor their liberal patronage ia the past an ask for a continuance of tbe same la tbe future. Tbe publie is informed that i keep none bat tbe beet brands of wiaea, liquors and cigars, and that I sell over the ber tbe celebrated JESSE MOORE ft CO. KENTUCKY WHISKIES f A good Billiard Table will be found in the Saloon ; also all the leading papers of the coast. tiiv ae a can. tt. c um. LeiLsmro ROSEBUKG ...OREGON. Special attention paid to graining, snd also painting of averykiad done Give me Ah vi to me ufDsraxDEHT office. - a trial.