ffl$ Jutoperibrut Society Ileetinss. UMPQUA CHA.TEB NO. 11, B. A. J.. 11 ' regular communica tions first and third Tuesdav la ach montn AH mentoere -w goou Standing will tak due and tiwely Botlee mid govern theowslv-s nc.r-1ui,;.yj - viattj lag companions ore lnvlt-d to meet with the C.oter when "Su.,.;- W". I Fbikm-akder. aec'y. . T. a ITRKl LODGE A. F end A. M Y bold regular meeting on Wdn-. Ja i . tutors each full inon. J. C. FCLLKRTON. W. M. B NEWUOMB, Secy, i 1'iIILETAl IAN 'Lodge. So. 3. 1 O. O. F. meets on Saturday evennjr, oi eacu week at 7 o'clock. their Wl at Hoee burst. MmNrn of theorder lu good aland Bg are invited to attend. By order of the N ii. : TJ NION EC A M PM EST. No. , I. O. O P.. meets at tMd Fellows' Hall on the 1st. and 3d Fridays "I every montli. Visiting Brethren iuvUed to attend 1). 8 K.BUICK.C.P. "E. Q. IlrnsH. Scribe. ; BTOEliRAPBIW! special dispatches to th dotjq la8 independent, th8 oki.y jraWSPAPICB lit TBS OOTXWTV- SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE FROM COOS BAY. UMPQUA GRANGE, NO. 28, P. of H will meet heresfter on the Brat stur ot each month, at Orange Hall, in Kose burg. All ni-emliers in good standing are cordially invited to a tend: GEO. JONES, M. J. P. Doncas, Secretary, i BttlEF MENTION. The i nfant children of Messrs. Bel krws, Engleand Noble are seriously in. , , Dr. Campbell has located In this city.' . : ! " i" Some fine easting are being turned out at the Roseburg foundry. j Mrs. Peckham will lecture in this olty on temperance on the 19tb aud 20th. .. - M. E. Church, will hold quarterly meeting In Koseburg Sept 20th and zlst . There will be a grand ball glTen by the Library Association this (Friday)j evening. ' . Mr. Perry Cook, County CommU-l sfoner, has recovered from his late in dispoalsion. The Hutchinson family met with Mm houses in Jacksonville, but did well in Yreka. - , The editor would return thanks to Mr. Henry Langenberg for a fine bo-i quet of rare flowers. Rv. David F. Macdonald, of Eu gene, will preach in the Episcopal church next Sunday. We have on hand a supply of blank and mortgages tor sale for cash. Orders from abroad attended to, A fire in the Umber destroyed several hundred dollars worth of cord wood belonging to Mr Andrew Downer. Wm. King's team ran oS one day this week, and the wagon to which it was attached made fine kindling wood. 8. Humphrey, an old school teacher of Jackson county, died in the county hospital in Jacksonville last Saturday, j Buy your Drugs, Patent Medicines, at Hlgley's. Paints and Oils were down. Kemember we sell you 150 fire test coal oil at 50 cents per gallou. , Beath's Minstrels will perform at Canyonville on next Wednesday, Mirtle creek Thursday, Roaeburg Friday, and Umpqua Ferry Saturday. A full line in Artists' paints and brushes at Hlgley's. Also, the best Cologne in use; tomething new. Mitch el's memorial Cologne. Try a bottle. Buselmtrir, gunsmith, desires all owing him to come fuward aud settle, as he intends leaving Boseburg in a few weeks. By so doing costs will be saved. We learn that Dr. Davis, of Oakland, has purchased the stock of drugs, of fice furniture, etc., lately belonging to Dr. rtizad. and will soon make Kose- burg bis permanent home. Miss loes Hamilton left this mora ing for Eugene to attend to the State University. 1 he many friends of the young lady wish her a safe and pleas ant jouruey. Cut. Johu J. Bos, of Jackson county , has a young horse eighteen hands high which weighs 1,580 pounds. Can . not aome of our stock raisers show a larger animal? We regret to learn that V iss Frankie Howard one of Koseburg's most cbartn lug young ladle?, is soou to taae her de- nanure lor Eastern Oregou, there to permanently remain. Drs. Cuaard aud i.aiie have started out upon a grand tour of the world, They lelt last Saturday, aud tueir re turn to Boeeburg will be postponed uulil after the next Centennial Mr. Louis Langenberg wishes us to state that he did not write the com muuicatiou eutitled 'A Mote of In oulry." published in the last issue of tills paper. Mr. Lai.gtuU.rg tells the truth. Reports from the mines south of this eitv are to the effect Uial the owueis of mimug claims are busily ereoarlug lor winter woik, aad antici pate au early flow f water iu gu tunes. TUe "Star" devotes couaidraMe apace tlirougb jealousy this week to this Puller. Had We useless ap-C we ntixnt write more In auewer ; now we have only room to . "Shuo fly!" Itov. J. H. Skldmore has not gone to Yamhill eouniy t lake charge of a icUoul there, as is ivported by the Jacksonville "aentinel,"' but Is iu this city employed in building Mr. Sol Abraham's new store. Jesse Applegate's land, sold last e: at unUy under exeoutiou isaued by thri BtaW, was bid iu by the Board t.f Land Comuiissiouers, as was also Uat of J. W. ilanuiug,, Jesse Applegate's laud - offered for sale under exeoutiou of B. V iii.waIi iuuud no bidders. i. ilvinaudiua- a lisluliou of opartuer.hip between Perkiu- Headick, . were served latter by the frui.r tins weK. t, P ... O- Strickiand us p- i-i reiver, and will ooudtict the busine u&til the matter is decided oy Th "Bentinel " tells of the suppi loss of J. C. McCully ur 'Jold Jim" and clium lu days gone hyand the turning out of tlie people ot Jackson ville to hunt ior aim, and the Audi ug . of Jim, sitting in the dour of his caldn lu the Siskiyou mouutaiua, quietly smoking a cigarette. Wh.nwecoru nienced reading the item we were pre pared to go into sackcloth and heap ashes u,on our head, but the termina tion made us think well of something employed In the maklug of a mill race. ' Mr.' W. 1. Fnedlaader will ftuia home 00' the Belt trip of the stcaaikliip Oregon. The Harbor of Befage Sarvey. M absh field, Fept. 12. The steam er Alexander Duncan arrived and de parted from this port this morning. The Engineers will finish the sur vey inside of Coos Bay bar to-day for the improvement of the entrance to the same, aud to-morrow will com mence the survey for the harbor of refuge. ". Weather warm and pleasant, and bar smooth. A social dauce at Empire City last nlirht attracted quite a number of our citizens, wno report having enjoyed themselves hugely. ' Business quiet, yet improving. Empiek City, Sept. 12. Alex Dun can arrived to-day from Astoria ana wayport,and left for Crescent City. Bne reports the tug Katie Cook ashore at Alsea, with propeller broken. The tug will get off .without further damsge. Circuit Court will adjourn to-mor row, ine Business or l" verm w very light. Th steamer Areata: will sail ior San Francisco on Tuesday. The Compeer, the largest vessel ever at this port, is nearly ready for Roseburg Acsdemy. The Autumn session of twelve weeks will commence on Monday the 8th of September, 1879, under the supervi Ion of r. Browne, assisted by Miss flattie Oilliland and Mr. A. R. Flint. There are one hundred and eighty dol lars ($180) which will be applied, pro rata, to the payment or tuition bills, nafea nf Tuition : Orthography, read ing and writing per month, $1.60 ; English Grammar or Geography, $2 ; wio-hor Arithmetic Algebra, Geame- trv or Book-keeping. $2 50, C Gad- dis, P. Benedict, A. Compton, Di rectors. Redaction of Fare. A letter received from E. P. Rogers general freight and passenger agent of the Oregon and California Kaiiroaa Company, announces that the compa ny wilt charge but $6.25 for the round trio to the State Fair at Salem this year, from the following stations Roseburg, Umpqua, Oakland, Sum mit, Yoncalla, Drain, Comstock's and Latham. This is a liberal reductlou of rates, and will permit everybody to itt.ni the air. ine rair com mences October 1st this year. ITEMS IN BRIEF. . Blank deeds, mortgages, jostles papers, J. P. Qoodal was sent to the insaas asy lum last week. Mr. Sol. Abraham made a trip to Port land daring the week, bat is now ai home." Art Oreen and John Whitney have left the town.'" Judge Fitskogk toW Art. ns might do hettsf than remain in Boteburg. & Hamilton, Who haa been appointed mnt far the naw school books, has 'hem on hand at exchange and introductory prloe. Sheriff Aiken Tuesday brought up trow do county an Idiotic girl, aged 10 years, nanwid Woodby, and ou V7ednesday more- n g conveyed her to the Insane as) lam. For the best beer In the market sad po lite attention go to Fred Schwarts's place, near the depot. There you can have a quiet place and the beat Ban JTiaucisci lager.- ; . r: John Q. Adamson and R- Dixon last week passed over the new trail to Eeastern Oregon. The trail is completed, and trav elers may now pass over it without any trouble. . - "". i C. T. Banjamfn, lte publisher of the PlalruUaler, left for San Fraucisco thia week. Charley thought he couid do be tier than publishing a oe vspaper in lioie burg. Nettl J. C. Fioed is prepared to purchase wheat In any qaadties, sad he will pay for the same at ths higbeat marknt price. Hie or fice will be found at the next door to tut store of Fioed 4 Co. J. L. Evans this week purchased 100 head of cattle from Harvey Smith. Myrtle Creek, paying an average price of $10 per head. These catUe, with others 'belonging to the purchaser, are intended tor Eaalern Oregon. A Alcohol, Tobacco. Oj iuj, Indian Harap, Chloroform, Hashish, Absinthe, 4c, prevent the good effects of Fellows Hypxphosuhites, f o Fellows' Bypophos phites is as antidote against all these. nar cotic and sedatives, ana win restore o health such as have been injured by thsoi. The announcements of candidates for city marshal appear elsewhere. It is our prayer that the best man will be elected and bis name j We might tell his name. but you e n wager your last short bit that we will not take any chances of being called s false prophst. The report reaches ns of an attempt at burglary of Mr. Decker's house, ou the North Umpqua. The burglar entered the window of a ruoin in which a young Udy was sleeping.hut her screams soon brought her father to the rescue. The burglar nar rowly escaped being shot. Mrs. Newcoub, .he talented teacher of young Indies, started her school Monday, nl hu & number ol Duails already in at tendance. Mrs. Newcomb was born I teacher of go.-d morals and correct deport' ment and sLe has impioved un n tlure's kiuduess. We r-commeud he- cordially to the citizens of Douglas county as a first-claai leacitei . LESSON QFORTHE GRANGE. ' VA P H I . V.W WiI WW W, W V m M K -WJ B E-B M w V A . MAKE B121 THE ATTORNEY. The Star" this morning very vir tuously (?) would wash iu hands of what it terms "a blackmailing scheme" on the part of the State Land Com missioners, in requiring new deeds of land owners holding deeds given by school superintendents, and "puffs" itself with the statement that it is more honorable in its statement of publie matters than this paper. In the first place, no Legislative ac tion ever, authorixed school super! n tendents to make deeds. In the second, the "Star" states that which is un true when it says that the deeds of the school superintendents have been endorsed by the Supreme Court and Judge Deady. Upon this point it would be well for the "Star" to state limes, places and the cases decided upon. ; .. . ,r We have never held that it was right for the Mate Board during UroverV term of office to make a blunder and create a swindle in this matter, and we do not hold that to-day the people are not Justified In complaining against: Grover's-neglect, and the neglect of the others who" composed the Board of Commissioners. - What would be the , use of complaining? Aud why was the "Star" not honest enough to say this much, and admit at the conclu sion of Its article that it would lock the dr of the stable after the horses are stolen? The "Star" has known about the complaints made concerning the new deeds so long as we have. The complaints began three or four weeks ago, but tbe-"iar" passed them by in silence. The twin is. we nave no. compluined because we do, not expect justice from' the 'satsrVi Democratic uoveruor, tr-vau vavv i back Id office o repair ms greviuua blunder. And then, we know that the "Mar's" com plaint Hi tliis w itter only foutitj utterance when the lawyer who ii Its editor discovered that he could do nothing in the way of making out new deeds, ana tnai me oaru recog nized notiilng excepting that whicti came from the attorney of the Board In this county. The Board would never have been found fault wlin ty the " r tar " had the Board permit ted any and every lawyer to act -as its agent. While recognising tne injus tice or .the second deed, so rar as our farmers are concerned, and believing that a second demand for the same is wrong in every sense of tne word, we do not lose sight of the "Star's" mo tive in the attacK upon ine uoaru we will wager anything mat let tne eairor ... ..P. 4 i i..-iD The Minstrels. BeaiVs mlntre!s have given three per formances since our last issue one Oxkland, another at Looking Glass and the ilii.rt t ITmraua Ferry. Everywhere the troupe appeared there were large audiences. and we hear nothing hut praise of the ef forts of every individual member to pletse the patrons of the entertainment. W uiut compliment Mr. Charlet Hoflman on his solo on the comet, iu serenade of Rose burg upon the return f tha troupe tram Oakland. It was a fine piece of music de lightfully rendered. - t " Williams' Place Purchased. Saturday the Couuty Board of Commis- sleners purcbared the Williams' p ace on the Calapooia for a poor farm. The price paid was $2,250, and the farm embraces two hundred acres of good farming land aud one hundred acres of paaturage and lim ber land. The farm is located Only one and a half miles from the railroad just rig'it and the soil iseaoily worked snd highly productive. Partiea acquainted with the place tell ns the County Hoard made an excellent bargain. Thank Von. Everrwhere we hear complimentary speeches oi the enterprise shown by this paper in its extra lacue of lalilomla elec tion returns last Friday morning, twelve hour aheart of any newspaper in Oregon e are pleased t' note that our friends ap preciate our efforts to mate the IHDB PENDKNT ihe best newspaper iu Southern Oregon,nnd when they s,k the truth of us with this rtgarl politeness demands we shall at least y. "Tnank you." We do so. Any one traveling over tb country, and especially the raral districts, i sannot fail to witness the healtry reaction" of lessons taught io the Grange. Farmers appear to lare nurtured broader syrapathie i, kindlier feelings ai d higher re gards tor . each other; they extend the right bund of fel lowship with a warmer grasp, lay aside sit feilings of envy and meet together as friends and brothers ought to in! all avocations of iifo. They talk and read, more and are at least impressed with thetboogbt rhat it a as neceiaary to cultivate their brain as their crops. ;Ths ott-repeated assertion that farmer are locapable of thioktng aod acts ing tor v, themselves, ha" alwn been .considered a gross reflectt ui on them as a class, but sitico the orgaiiization ot the G range it is a gross lubrication. Flaying the controlling of the nation - they are Legiuning tti shake off the inactive, stupidity thai has bo long held them as shacked slaves tti jhe oppressions of mnnufactur rnnd midale-mer-, it they will tiey cm ifc&y the scepter ns masters otthe situatiou audthrough jhe Graiige aud its coWfativev teat u res, cut , alooi from,MhAe who would rui n il robbed ot h power- to rale Such tsf", theMruitfil - lesson . oi the. 'Grange?.? 6v, w fi'o? would.-destroy tbcGratige and restore the oldoer ot.thingb? Wa will 'hopeJQial ha ' 1ms ceased to bre'ttt&ind -pusBcd from .earth to gloryr "- " . Uosebuko, Sept. 6. 1879. . . i Tlie Housekeeper of Health. Halli'llrpa tic King is the best Liver Reme dy id thetnariet. It cures biUiouaneas, con. 8tipatibn,"headaclie and all diseases arising from the derangement of that important rlTtfi vhich is sometimes called tli Huuaekeeoer of Health. THE L1VEK Dr. HumUion. has it iu Bost hurg and will iruarantee' every bottle or reload the mon ey. Try . . MANUFACTURER 0P- Haclis, Buggies, Carrlases, i!i?horouos,ap-3 Wafp-i UILL REI2AIII HI ROSEBHHG UIITIL SEPT. I5T0. SSTTo person, wishing to buy vehicles I will maka it an object to bay of me even if yon don't want to use them until next season. D. C. McClellan or myself will sell. W. W. ESPAY. ( Y C30CD' The PrmMOter ana rerfeetor ef As slmllatloa. . The BeferBser mm. Vitamer r the R. B. & ; J. . :SBHBmBnf; ....SUCCESSORS TO - - ' BB If ma 1T . w Eardw-ae, Tinware.' ' Stoves, Giiiis, Cutlery and Tinnes' FurnisHing ccos. . BRICS STORE. ROSEDURG, OREG017. ato and wav7 a Ml stock of pods on hand, sad It is our aim to furnish eusto m'rs with flmlaV article, at llwand and let live prices.. All we askis an exam- ,B'a fC "..k ot Uar 'snd Steel for sale. Orders mnd lat.ts.rtf inauifiDiF u to term oi mio wm o-y '?r'Z.j:VZr v t C y - - In All Prices for tne nn y- y pro 1 liU AND The Producer and lavlawrmtor a Iferre and Mnsele. . The Builder and Bowpwrter mt BrmlB Fwwsr. - - notice, Tie Brick Store B. 8. J. C. SHERIDAN. Bosebnrg, Oregon Wheeler Bros. D. i. Lyons.. I J. R. Fliuon., W. K. Walla. F. U. Oabbert.... .... ...Y.... .Oakland. Soot tab Urg and Elktnu. ....... i X onolla. ..Ten Mile. . Myrtle Creek. Geo. H. bhambruok Ui in pqua Kerry. Wm. Coohraa Looking Giaw. A. I., bender. Myrtle rmnt. Abe. Menaor... .Jaoknouville. Jebtha Thornton Oak Uraek. UMPQUA FERRY. Peter sports a new thoroughbrace wagon now. It was manufactured oy W. W.Kspey. . " f tan ' Minnie Lockwood resumed teaching the Cole's Valley school ou the 8ib instant. v Hon. A. H. Kennedy, of Looking Glass, was in this section receutiy, looking after nts interests. Another Independent victory! L. T. Thompson is the happy man. it is a girl anu arnvto on iu om Several lirea have been raging In the mouutaliis during the past week and the air presents a smoky appear ance. ; , ' . We are Informed that our old friend, J. K. Baker, will take his departure ere long for Paris, where be intends studying law. Parties who are in the habit of rid ing through the premises of W. t. Burk, and tearing.aowu uunura better be a nine careiui. Th hunting Dartv which departed fr.m 'Hubbard creek last week, has re turned quite successful, all owing to the skilled maramausuip the parties. a Mm nt nfnur urchins had a band to hand scuffle, which resulted iu one nfiiM imrtiaiiMUts carrviug away a . r- ,- . "..I .... , aiiruined snouiaer, iuu m mibuou. rrom wor ior t T H Miller, of the firm of Mil l.r . Si pel. of Looking Glass, passed ti.r.mir i un tne Bin luat-vu mic j hi nw ia nurcnase a biacb v iwuvh for their saloon at Looking Glass. Some unknown parties made a raid on N. T. Day's melon paten one uay last week, and uot being eausneu witu the plunder they obtained tney de stroyed everything in tlie shape of viues, meious, eve, u desolation over the euiire patch. Heavy Receipt of Goods. We are sorry to chronicle the de- I . r rvl-.w! I Hliain broolt. Durin the week . M.rk- Co. have Pu . 7 -Zr ljuayJ. received three full car-loids of new goods vjU Kentucky, where he intends at- t vnmn vmoraciiiir many " i fo,..ii n a metiicni leviures. ..,itie. in the war of Fail goods. look Upright and we bom b. will re- ' . a i...m.,iiii uui.m tan in the store some- turu J A county charge kuo wo as Captain -iiu im iH.tn making hiunsea this vicinity for the ii.n it A. .,.,lnaii Inn UAarn'a evtnd tha7; edUe la. it AGENTS FOR THE INDEPENDENT is, by one ot the chiefs or the old Rose burg ring, will have nothing more to say against the Board. It would black mail the Board, and its article is ap propriately entitled. lu conclusion we will say our re marks are not prompted by a desire to defend the Board in anything, but by a desire to answer the contemptible of our no temporary, who aglu refers to the payment Of $25 to this paper for advertising as a steal perpetrated by a portion of the eouniy hour. I nf f!iimmiBaioners. when it Is weU known that Mr. Cook Justified the jpaint8 appropriation, made tne bargain anu since told Mr. Fioed this much. The farmers can judge for themselves. We have no interest in telling them what to do regard to the new deeds, what course to pursue, since we have no reason to breed lawsuits in order to appear in them.as might the editor of the "Star" to secure employment as a lawyer. Call, and examine is given witu ins the guarantee which Imperishable Mixed S. Hamilton, Agent. ANNOUX. EMENTeJ. of one of . Arrested for Stealing. Melons. Gecrge Zahy Frank Snaur and Al bert FreJenburg, were- Drouguv jas rw l . to : town on iueaaay the Sheriff, charged wiih melons Irniu the pn mises The boy a gave hail brought. afternoon by stealing water of C. Winston. each in the sum of (30, and the trial came up before Justice Hursn on Wednesday. XUe cause we tried by a jury, and one of the jurymen made a speech declamatory against the man who would arrest s boy for stealing m-lnna. 1 he result of the trial was that the boys wer. held guiltless. It seems that tlie only defend of the the proeecu tion Wss that one of the boy-or some uoy was caught in the wtter melon patch uaked. H rave his name as the nam o Sue of those arrested, as vell ss the names of the other two. It was after dai k.Then it would not do to bring the boy to the light To do so was to bring him into the presence of ladles, and his con dition at the lime would not admit anything of the kind. 80 the boy was let go, and his statement of names was taken as correct. It is not saying too declare it is bard to tell the difference in boys in the dark, and so when the prosecuting witness was brought into court, he could not posnibly swear that the boy in question was tne rlgut oae. UEORUii W. ROBERTS, Hereby announces himself a candidate for - tne omce 01 Subject to the decision of the legal votes of tlie citisens ot Koseburg, at 1 he city elec tion, to be held on lira 6;b day of October 1879. Fellows' Compound 8yKgiJs com- posed of ingredients identical with those which constitute HeeKby Blood, Muscle and Nerve and Brain Substance, while Life itself is directly dependent upon some of them. By Its union with the blood and its effect upon the muscles, reestablishing the one and toning the other, it is ca pable ot effecting the following results : It will displace or wash out tubercu lous matter, and thus cure Consumption By Increasing Nervous and Muscular Vigor, it will cure Dyspepsia, feeble or Interrupted action of the Beart and Palpitation, Weakness of Intellect caused by grief, worry, overtax, or Irregular habits. Bronchitis Acute or Chronic, Congestion of the Lungs, even In the most alarming stages. It cures Asthma, Loss of Voice, Neuralgia, Bt. Vitus Dance, Epileptic Fits, Whooping Cough, Nervousness, 1 and Is a most wonderful adjunct to other remedies in sustaining life during the process of Diphtheria. Do not be deceived by remedies bear ing a similar name : no other prepara tion Is a substitute for this under any circumstances. Look out tor the name and address J. L FELLOWS', St. John, N.B., on the yellow wrapper in watermark, which is seen by holding the paper before the light. Price. $1.50 per Bottle, e for bi.wj. ftold by all Druggists. HilAfiBIOiBi WljH S : OjZSfSll! Tlie PniDst Best for Helical t Tanily Purposes Has lieen sold in all the Eastern States and gives universal 1 wtlafsctlpn. It is Wgh Iv recommended by the Faculty for all eases of nervousness, Weakne Ibil ty Dy. rJepsia. Indigestions, ete. It is now Introdnced to Oh public ob the Psofie Slops, en. Sorsed br the following ewtificates of the eminent Dr. 8. C. Dsns Hsyes, Stats As sr, of Maaaachusetts. and Dr. H. C. Lnuderbock. of Lt. Louis Mo., both genUemen prominent in their profession, and which is a guarantee to si buyers of punty and oualit. I can show thousands of letters Irora all parts ot the Uniou and Canady. to ? . :.. --a K--Rt. it h.. fTurded as a lamilv remedy and totde. ty-Sold by all druggists and Grocers by the case or bottle. Country orders at tended to promptly. At the Old Uercantild Uzzzz cf j?LOED 3 CO We would anBOUBce that we are hi Becelptof our NEW STOCK CAUTION None genuine unleai labeled with my s'gnatnre over the cork. O. 8IHMONDS, Sole Proprietor. w. G. WOODWARD. AOBNT FOB 0 AH)ZrVs -A. C. Announces 'himself a the otflcd COX, candidate ot lb Suhiect to the decision of the legal votes of thecilisena d llosehnrg, at tha cliv elec tion to be held on the 4lh day 01 uctouer. 1879. Annoancef PETER KERNS, bimWf a candidate .i.i for and gentlemen will find thing delight ul in wearing apparel, ano new features in boots, shoes snd slippers. and an I conspicuous in New Grocery More. iu,t two or three weeks, by becoming u. n n.flr.n,in r the arm or u.nen- 1 i.uUi,ut. hliMKl tnirt'iv auu aiiug " . . - 1 """- . 7. ...lr him ta -ra 1. . a i.I.I fitnM .11 n. I hMil f llvHSHvlM. 1111 aBl StO B-V'-w. - aa isro, rruw.i - y v t a . " a 1 . I liKu-rill MS BS. Ill I 1BVH UUUCI OSMB SSS av Ma,ks4Co and when it is nd on a charge of inaani- piirea, win mere oj-eu m ui-. . . wiiieh, was uudouoteuiy oorievw c . mmnrahtiiisive View O0B . . t ... n r.ure. Boseourg nas hiiii ueeu tahlinhment of tin kind, and we bespeak 1... m. ii.ir.n.l.11 iu Hneral Dntr.muge of the pub'ic. " the but remark, Good 4x4. parking thrc nth While parking threnvh the anyon Sunday night Mr. Cteurge Roberts shot snd killed a sevenMiinted antlered lack deer, weighing 135 puui da when dressed. We never saw a tater buck, and mart com I liim-nt George uik.u his good shootlag since this Is bis second deer. In Town. Charles Kba was in tlie city during the week Ciisrley is agent ' for the cele brated Davenport wliiaky the best in the market, and a whieky which speaks for itself snd for enrty ' in resiling and making friends he is the peer of any San Francisco eommrcial lootlst."; Ttecoverins;. Mr. Thos. Burnett, son of our old friend J. D. Burnett, was quite il! dating ine wek. and at on one time reported to be la j a eritteal eoiwiiUio We are happy to ssy . .l,.,nat aacerUIU tUBS ine auuv ueudeuts will predominate largely in fi.u .wr i.iM.Liou. aud should ttte In- dependents get out a ticket they can .tiid ill ontirx ticaes wui 5.. ....-i....- t'liu .Mt,l imve begun to I wwiivim, . . I'-"I y . , a bow they have been blinded heretofore, and are assuming a more u.i..ihia wiw of things. We candid ly believe that at tbe next election the uoles Valley ureauct wilt not b uumbered as tieretolore, but as one riaeu from the depths of party ties. ; OAKLAND ITEMS. Weather eloucy.- . . The shew on Saturday Bight of tbe Boselnug Minstrels waa a suecess. Mr. J. C Bt.asabrook took bis departs is for the East ua Friday the fit lit Good bye, old Irieud. Emigrants are paasiag thruagh by the doa b, moat of tueut on their way to East er Oregon. the office of Subii-et to the deiaVoa of the leg.l votes of the citisens of llo-eburg, at the city elec tion", to be held on the old day ot octooer. 1878. J. D. HANKS, Annua iua himelf B candidate tor the office of Suhiect to the decisioB ol ths legal vows nf tha eitiaeaa of Koseburg. at the any election, to to held on tbe 0th day of Oct ber.l87. A- BA1RD, Ibmomm himaalf a candidate ior tha office ot GSSX UASSHAIi, EHTTia' &B w perm Uhrstory and Office. No. 4 State street. Boston. Sept. 8, 1878-George Rimmonds. v cm. . i i.. ..-.,.1- m.rkMt "Nabob Whiskv " received from you. haa been ana. lvmed with'the following results : Ii !s of sslected alcoholic strength and free from sd awl rlaenrimr oila. acid, metsls. or anv other deleterious substances. . itespectinuy, , - S. DANA HAYES. Bute Assayer of Massachusetts. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 80. 1876 George Simmonds, Esq. I bsve boea using your Nabob Whisky for tome time, snd have no hesitation la saying that U is. wi.uout exceotion. the purest article that I have nsed med'einslly, or for family purposes. To many ol my patients who Jav.i been suffering With indigestion and nervous sffec tiona, I have prescribed your Nabob Whisky for their use, and I take pleasure in ssv ing to you tlie eff-et has been sstiafactorv. Please ad me by pre ieaea u it. D snd oblige, yours truly. C. LOUDERBACK, M. D. So long a there ars ills to which fleeh is heir to, and the cares snd labors of life breed disease ao long will it be necessary to use medicine to counteract the avils produced and maintain the health of the human family. Many kinds of medicine are frequent ly offered to the public for one special disease and another, and if the truth were known i' would doubtlessly be tonnd that in the raajorityof esses these noatrmni lave done more barm than good. Indeed seme of the greatest evils of the present day i. t r.,,.,-t Mimixiunda. which eontain IngredienU iuimicable to health. snd the grrstest care, thenf.e, should be taken by Invalids, in using msny unknown , druga which cannot be taken with impunity, no matter what may be alledxed to the feftXt V C v'l..ri. nr- haa ahown that Nabob Whisky Is one of the best medicinal, prepa rations known, and is highlv recommended by the Faculty for alt eases of nervousness, weakness, debility, dyapefisia, indigestion, etc lis popularity throughout the East. it ei lines tn tha Pacific Coast endorsed by tbe certin- -,.m. n Ti.n. Him. flutu Amrer of Massachusetts, and Dr. H. C. Loaders i w ,.rd,'iLi. un Tli enrtiAeatea are miat direct in their statements, avera ring 'that the Naimb Whiaky ht, without exception, the purest article that can be used either tnedicinatly or lor Indigestion snd nervous sffeclions, and can be nsed with the ntmost sonfldence. The analysis shows that thia whisky is or standsrd al coholic strength, snd free from flavoring oila, acids, metais. or other deleterious sub stances. Dr. Haves further says that It is pure, of superior quaKty, and suitable for ' dietic and medicinal purposes. Such recommendations are the strongest that cn he tarnished, and as there are thousands of letters testifying to tbe merits oftlie whisky aa a family remedy and tonic, no further proof of its excellence noed be given. S.MARKS 4 CO., Agrts, Rosotourg. OF : goods: For the Spring and Summer Trade, Corns prising all ths Latest Novelties ia that Line, Including EUek & Catered GJt! tneres. Stack & Cattrcd SILK S, Black Vettets Satttag. ladles . V,hz Etc. GREAT ANNOUNCEMENTrl AND DEALER l!f HARNESS, SADDLES AND BRICUS, And All Kinds of (4tore on the C riier acroes Vr-Imure. from Marks' HAVINU JUST ARRIVED FROM SAN FRANCISCO WITH one of tho largest and best assorted stocks of i. GBITERAL LISRCHAITDISE Ever seen in Roseburp, I respecttuUy invite the public to come and Oar Stock of Domestics and I HO USE FDRNlsniNG GOODS la Larger than Ever Before, Mv stock Is complete and n w. the best J"? to examine the Price and Quality ot my large supply of .... ------ defy eiitll'lHlim. All wora nr.n.-. Fdrmera ' eiiee ally aie rnittei.'d Io call and .vNiiiim, me ti ca. .. Subject to ths decision of the legs!, vo'as of the citisens oi buwpo'k v" t,.n. to be held on tlie ih dsy or uctouer. 1879. SOLD AGAIN. A few weeks sgo there appeared In the Chicago Ledger aa advertisement to tus fleet that a fine -Selargrapn watcB' snd chain would be ssnt to any one sending to G. Crsmeo, Chicago, $1. Fred Ooeser sent tbe smounl of one dollar, and we now have his watch ob exhlbitioa at this office. d 8Wnt the same firm must lie Ths clwln is braes, xna waicn a rouno presented to the anrae. piece ot wood, ia whisn taere is a compsM that will point any way bat the right one. and upon the face of the wood then are figures sfter the manner and isanion i me old sun-dial. The only deception pract!ced la ths matter is that the advertisement contains the cut of a handsomely engraves pockst watch, and where it Bays the "watch . . - .. .,. it enclosed In nns nnnung sasea, m "hunting cases" consists ol two brsss eases msde in tbe style oi Ely Bros', wsur-proor csn boxes. The whole thing, however, NOTICE. aii Ahtm ml Anrouiits due the Arm of Perkins Headrlck must be paid at once to the undersigned, and at I P. Q. STKI-KLAND, Receiver. KltiQ of the BLOOD Eecsatly Establislied Z1MER.MAX Y HAZIER, PHCPRXLTORS. W atin'iuaca that ill w-rlt done ai a First-Clasa F0TJ2TDSY and ia the 0 LADIE'S DRESS GOODS OF ALL QUALITIES, BBJlallBEBO IiTaiBXSTT HEAD, INVISIBLE PLAIDS LATEST STYLES. Ia Gents' Famishing Goods we have a large As-rtma of I FINE DRESS STITS, KI gant Summer Suits, Neat Bu nets Suite, WLite nd tailored Suits, Hosiery. Hats, GL.ves, Tie, Bows ect Ladies' Silk Ties, v i can furnish with dif iwtch let e.i)iti!ii n J 1- 11.1 t...n,M may De tsnnea, in iuim swindle without further description- Tbe child of Mr. John Medley wss daa gerousiy sicX with iufl.ai.ti on of the bowels, but is sow recovering. i Wa iv ir ret the hs of one ot oar t 1 - 1. 1 1 W . U id iMmnilM luT ! last reports are to tlie effect that T-rtn ; sumt fiWjB ouuatry within a lew days to j study law. Th hnitdinw of Mr. Bmwd for Prof Is out ol all danger of death. 830 and Costa. . In th matter of the row reported by a eorrespondttt st Myrtle Creek 'set week. ; Judge Harsh fined Harvey Mnith 30 and I eosts. Jail Full. " The eity jail was filled with boarders Taeedsy morning. The point is, law and order shall prevail, and whoever disturbs the peace shi mid be artted. School at i. N Usll will open public Looklug Qisss Btxt Monosy Buaseli to dwell la. ia nearly completed ami will be unv ol tho uie.t tooxiug rest deuces ia tow a. .. Vkm n.i umk -jin to Boaebarg lsst week' and was very mucii pieesni with the antieerauce of that city, but naa to retain in doe time to look alter hi many pa- twata. , The danghter of Mr. H. Pinkstoo ,n.. ,rna to har last rescinu puce OB Friday the ftth. The ps rents of PiskstoB have our deepeot svmpalh that -our old friend, AL Mrs. The news is pc".. Burrullira8i has beeu elecU-U ireaurer He IS B Qii..., n .mif v bv a, maioriiT of i wn niBBtivvw wrf r - er - good teaeher. an 1 will have a lair atteno- i TOlea. ThU will be pleaaiug in- anceof pupils. '( f.aiiiOT.noa to Mr. Burroughs many , ... .-r, i!.'t' . te ill at friends iu this ooun y and is a proof hom toXT 7 wk. with uuu sterling worth will ha-oapprvcta. chUU, is fast rvsoverieg. . i neven lnCU,uU. . FROM JACKSONVILLE; c f! Itmnka is the Dnrsaaser f a new atova. Mar be. be mssBS Luai- neaa. B.nhal Morat is hauling stooe fram tlie t .k ntiarrv to his place, for what purr so ws have not learned. i iMn tha 'various wholesale kn.M f San FrsaeiBW sad PorUaad.' were rather plesdlul IB our mw week. ; " .-' , tt Tlniaor. who has been keeping tel iu these parta for several years, has re tired rsona the business, and moved ta Asblead. Char lay Schalts most be prepariag for matriasoiiy, as be was ansa carrying . benchee tbe other day, and has also im proved hie raetdeDca lauly. Th dmnarhter ot Herman V. Helms, who bai bssb s- joursing ia ban Francisco for ma dedalte t'Bie, IS expected oobm sea. eek, la company with Ti omas U. Keama. Tha vinvards throughoat tbe eity are farniafaing the maiket with an exeellest quality ot grapes. . Ths eaters or nai rrnii are not so Bumerous una wm, mi. wise euBsampUoo la as great as ever. The County Court concluded the business of tbe tbe trm by granting a soad of publie easement to Wm. F. Brigsrs. appointed viewers and sur- vevor on the petition of Thomas Smith and Charles Dakyn. gave liquor license to 8teel Miller, Looking Glass, aod made a tax levy for the year of 21 mills. Bills were al lowed to the amount of $2,160 instead - , mntt. ..... I K u lha iatlAe.' OI ft,OW, B vj w .. The editor ot the Ike U a Ay, and tells us ot ran six feet iu height visiting her editorial rooms, Saw this thing roust be stopped Tax Most Tbobotjob PcannxB or tub . - Blood Ybt Discovbbbd. Cm all Iknwn, tram a Ceoaaawai - Kvwwtlaa tm tba WwS BaavraJ. It waurtaaa Om BImA. Bt UltntM IM UW ItnfaUlwUHBnnli. - ' It atauaBtaaaa Uta faaaaai. ItaivaavivaettTiapIawof huaitada; ahewfalSMS 1 aUaa a( slWB, aud nboat rjat ta yiaM ef mai Bntewmen, Swsidwed IJwr. Ooa eUnatKnVNinaiia IBMrnu. ianl Db.lT. ia tborl aS th. irnnfta lun ii and litnrli mn-rrt br impan Uooi ata awndUr aanqaamd Vr Aim Bwwerfal atrK'.ar. tfa. chwl aad IWIWOT All Hinds of CastixuES for Oi-dei-s from a Distanre Promptly Filled We are di-tenuintd t" reninin in Kiae bnrg ermaiien- y. and ask tne lHple of S..tithrr. On g.n to giv,. u wit .ue . : . Cliiiieso ato Eiraislied iB JCk CONTHACroit FtR LAB JR. ROSaV WE KEEP THE BEST GOODS m aa Bims. na SfAMK IB ITS BIST BKBCltf 1 TlO.tl. aa it U troyid Avaprmxl mt tb. I Uwim v 1 bMlta, aad vaamtiwha. taa Iom tha lark ia the I Dretwft-d vi furnish all h B4- f Chi : 1arvM-the--ft -of es: t'tViatraetors i nnd others wiil d well to if nek m a celt. Ittaire et Wa tie-- Wetilio SB. John ! Lee, at UoeuiKp.ilaan hotel. II baatohaa PIMri.CH, BAXT BBCTW, BCSXB H KSB, FF.VEB MORI S n all BOa VlAkCa MBOS BWiStM.. tl bMka COMaVBtPTIOS fa ita early Sam, ! X Itlew yrwriwcu' it curvu it. -wrrwwTs wivawwu. It aiaprM TFBOKI ul SiAHCKS wiUwaB tb. ttmmn'i kaifa. i ft mam WltorsV. rwnl wrrl. I It mm VKBALK WIlIISH aa; 018UAB1C ' It idwi a aafoaad aSeetnid awia aU awaO- ' ian,men.loriotnud. . II awltatea tbs toeuf Miwiral Pefaoaa, aad , aitaMlriwa a aaand aatttathm. . '. Sbayliantaa, atudi furtlwr informaUaa aod faU diraelloaa for arinf. wlU be found tn th. Vm hlrt. " TtaaUai oa l)'imwe tha Zk;m ia whiah Settle MaZiwaa. ' 1 NhH tn boftl. toatahdwr iaa m. e ta : fi. liSSSSt, SSS k C9.,fnprlsten, I BwBBta, K. T. 22. a. ura2i'xn t:0.-EUUBU.ORKiiON. Forwarding & Commission Agt. All i!-"'ta cum-lgf-eii to my care will be pr'mpt.y tranled tn jtoirii. id thtirdm tinatioa witimut ,!. ail t-uxntS. an trujiwl l lur rare will t eart-fmlv unied to. Orsiin or 'lr urticles takeB ou trage at l,imt rntm, !e agent fair thacelforaud .iiyitie Oftk Kn. Ad dre i H h. V TRIOS. pi.; ..-ii ti.A T.atst Novelties in the San Francisco Market IIUVI.VIIIg , m . , ... Also Everything else aHiertaiti ing to Ladies Wear. ALL KINDS OF Troeaded Iiincxia. Plain I Xiincn, er i..a r.r... in . tfnititaaa I)rv Goods That eaabsoUalBsdia the Ban Fraadsers nd every variety oi urw. Market. or sick of store. TN EMBROIDER EES, OTOCeneS5 The Best and Cheapest ever trnported to the City ot Roseborg. KEADT-MADE dresses LSALLSHADESOF CASHMERES Laces, in all Colors & Patterns FINELY PRINTED LAWNS, Cannot be excelled. In lb Use we bsv bb Immense Aseortinvnt of . Cutlery. AlsoSngsr, Teas, I sofe. Xtaple Omesris Our prises are LOW. fall aod see tor year selves st the old stand. BOSSBUBQ, DOUOLAS CO.. tiftEQO 'Hiwt-tiurg. Ore.oB. n.i: ahJes Latlies'atH Misses' Summer Uats Latest Stylea-. Oi ah ataue. Wh-W a. d Brown Shades, iiirdV trtinmed and l uuinnimeu. .... .t, ftth, late styles. " ....4 I'hlMn,,,.' .iim. same 0,0111? at"B S AIYEi. Notice to Debtors. Hating disposed of my Inierest in the haruwaie buslui-ea and store in l-8ebora to B. 8. a-d Jos. C. Sheridan, notice is h-rebv given to -those indebted ' to eme' forward and mske immediate. ru deinrnt of their accounts br icnsle or uoles. s i moat chaw-up my bw.ka st once. My books am1 notes wlit be fod with tho Dew firm st the store, and he -w fir is suthor sed o neetpt t. n.oueyi. a my accounts sgaiiwt debts. riiij is tbe Wst Bot ee. THtW. P. SsHEBIDAN. Bosehurg, Aog. 23. 18T9. The udrsigiie.r.hae tine hit of Hvanw ab . M -r.ni Ki-ue, t-tti tliornag bored and grulid! for pate rb ap or eti .r ap pMVed credit,. For turln r )aitleu'arv in-qutr- i - THU1A" MITH. Wiitmi . iJ.iulus Co.. Or. gim, Aug. 23. a full uhh or Genteman's, Youth's & co CLOTH1WC, IMPUETaN 1 .tOTCE, All ities knowing inetriM-tvea itxlebted vh iIk U.mi of v riht A Crloo. ia tbe livery rtahie ' uiiie, n-.e fa-rvby aotified to make innutiliate selt'etixiii oy eaab or nott and thus save enetx TH'ia w ttte Wat Botic . WltiuUT ft CABLON. June 14.167. cleajst na bes tie as el a lot All Dew Pterns, excellently fitiiBhed and tlie ; .u- Tinaprmri? trade. In this II ewr owreu iu iu . others, I dety competition. .. . . ; t W narehssed. Cobm Bad See e hers TW are eaty a lew i " - , M eaUrs day. JO.rti IhetsiaattongB else to eBgage your attention ' J. CCLOED&CO. J d c a " t