THE INDEPENDENT. T iE iiOBCEKS Oi' THE BLUE RIDGE. Ia the early autumn of Uie year 1839, aliont half an hour of svmBet, I drew roin in front of a large double log house, 01 the very snmmit of the Blue Binge mountains of Eastern Kentucky-. The place waa evidently kejit as a tar em, at leaxt no a sign proclaimed, and here I determined to demand accommo dations for myself and servant Bose, a d;irk skinned body guard, Bose and I lieon playmates in childhood and Kvyhood, and I nood hardly say that the fr.Uhful. fellow was attached to mo as I a us to hiuw and on more than one occa im ho lad shown his devotion. - . Tltwe had been a "shooting match" at te Mountain House that day, and, as I demounted, I saw through the open win tow of the bar room a noisy, drunken, tad evidently quarrelsome set of back Voodsmen, each of wnom was swearing l.y all possible and impossible oaths that ie was not only the best shot, but that .o could ont-nght, out-jump, and ont Vrestle, run faster, jump higher, dive deeper and come up dryer than any other man "on the mountain." "I say, Mars Ralph," said Bose, in a low tone, as I handed him my bridle j eiu. "I don't like the looks of dem in i&r. S'pose wo goes up to the next house; tain't for." "Nonsense, Bose,' I replied; "these fellows are ouly on a litUe spree over their shooting. We have nothing to do with them nor they with us. Take the horses round to the stables end see to them yourself. You know they've had a liard dav of it." And throwing my saddle-bags over my r.houldors, I walked up the narrow path to the house. I found, as I have intimated, the bar room filled with a noisy, turbulent i-rowd, who one and all stared at me without speaking as I went up to the bar and inquired if I and my servant could have accommodations for the night. Receiving an affirmative reply from the landlord, a little, red headed, cadav erous looking specimen of the "clay eater," I desired to be at once shown to iny room, whither I went; but not until I had been compelled to decline a score of requests to "take a drink," much to the ilisimst of the stalwart bacchanalians. The room in which I was shown was at the far end of a long two-story structure, evidently but recently added on to the main building. which was intersected at right angles. A gallery extended along the front, by means of which the rooms were reached. -.. I found my apartment to be large and comparatively well furnished, there be ing, besides the bed, a comfortable cot. half a dozen "splint bottomed" chairs, a heavy clothes press, and a bureau with a glass. There were two windows, one along Bide the door, and tl.e other in the oppo site end of the room. The first mentioned door was heavily barred, with stout oak strips, a protec tion, I presnme, against intrusion from the porch, while across the latter door was drawn a heavy woolen curtain. In the course of half an hour . Bose entered and announced that the horses had been properly attended to, and a few minutes later a bright faced mulatto girl summoned us to supper. Supper over. I returned "to my room first requesting to bo aroused for an earlv breakfast, as I desired to be on the road by sunrise. ;. ',-.:' Thoroughly wearied -with my day's ride, I at once began preparations for re tiring, and bad drawn off ono boot, when JJose came in rather nastily, looking f ur tively over his shoulder, and then cau' tiously closing and locking the door. "Mars Kalph, dar's crwine to be trou ble in dis house afore morning," he said. And I saw in a moment that something had occurred to pset the faithful lei low's equilibrium. - ' . "Why, Bose, what is it? "What do you mean?" I asked, barely restraining a ' smile. "Itole you, Mars Ralph, we'd better trabbel furder," was the rather mysteri ous reply. "You see that yellar gal dere tole me dar would be a muss if we staid in this muiicu-ii iiuune mi mirm. 1 ii t. 11 - 1 . -"'sBy close questioning I elicited the fact that-tiw- firl had really warned him that four men whom I had noticed together were a desperate set of villains, and probably bad designs upon our prop erty, if not our lives. The girl had seen two of them at the stable while I was at supper, and by cautiously creeping into a stall, next the one in which they stood, had heard enough to convince her that they meant mischief. Subsequently to this, she also saw the landlord in close confab with the entire party, ami from his ac tions judged that he was urging the men to their nefarious work. "I tell you, Mars Ralph, dem white trash ain't arter no good now you hear me," persisted Bose. I had begun to think so myself, but what was to be done ? The situation was full of embarrassment, and I felt that nothing could be done save to wait and watch, and, by being on the alert, defeat - their plans by a determined resistance. I found that from the barred window, in which there was a broken pane of glass, a good view of the stables could be had. Then the other window. , I crossed the room, drew aside the heavy curtain, and, raising the sash, looked out. A single glance was sufficient to cause me a thrill of surprise, and I gave a low exclamation that instantly brought Bose to my side. - Far below I could see tho faint glim mer of water, the low murmer of which came indistinctly up from the depths, while on a level with what should have been the ground, I dimly saw the waving tree-tops, as they gently swayed before the fresh night breeze, and knew that the window overlooked a chasm, the soundings of which I could only guess at. In other words, the house, or that por tion of it, was built upon the very verge ef the cliff, the solid rock forming a foundation more lasting than any that could be made by the bands of man. , I leaned far out, and saw that there was not an inch of space left between the heavy log onTriiica the structure rested and the edge of the precipice; and then I turned away with the full convic tion that if necessary escape must be made in that direction lhere was noth ing especially strange in this; there were many houses so constructed I bad seen one or two myselfand yet when I drew back into the room and saw the look in Bose's dusky face, I felt that danger quick and deadly was hovering in the air. Without speaking I, went to my saddle bags and got out my jmtols--a superb pair of long double rifles, that I knew to be accurate anywhere nnywhere under1 half a hundred yards. "Darldem's what I like to see!" ex claimed Bose, as he dived down into his bag and fished an old horse pistol that belonged to my grandfather, and which I knew was loaded to the muzzle with No. 1 buckshot. It was a 'terrible weapon at close quarters. . , Tho stables in which our horses were feeding could be watched, and by events transpiring in that locality we would shape out actions. I found the door could be locked from the inside, and, in addition to this, I improvised a bar by means of a chair leg wrenched off and thrust through a heavy iron staple that had been; driven into the wall. Its fellow on the opposite side was missing. We then lifted the clothes press before the window, leaving just room enough on one side to clearly see, and, if neces sary, fire through; dragged the bureau against the door with as little noise as possible, and felt that everything that was possible had been done. A deathlike stillness reigned over the place, broken only by the voice of the colored girl singing as she crossed the stable yard. I had fallen into a half doze, seated in a chair near the window facing the sta bles, where Bose was on - the watch, when suddenly I felt a slight touch upon my arm, and the voioe of the faithful sentinel in my car. .- " "Wake up, Mars Ralph; dey's foolia 1out the stable doo' arter de horses, shuah," brought me wide awake to my feet. Cautiously peeping out, I saw at a glance that Bose was right in his conjec ture -there -were two of them -one standing out in , the clear moonlight, evidently watching my window, while the other and I fancied it was the land lordwas in the shadow near the door, which at that moment slowly swung open. ' ' :" '" As the man disappeared within the building, a low, keen whistle cut the air. and at the same instant l beard the knob of my door cautiously tried. . 1 ir... i 1 . 1. 1 . A low Ulna iroui joosb uruugui iud iv his side from the door where I had been listening. "Dey s got the hosses out in tbe yard, he whispered, as he drew aside to let me look out through the broken pane. "Take the door," I said, '.'and fire through if they attack. I am going to Bboot that fellow holding the borses. "Lordy, Mars Ralph, its de tavern keeper. He ain't no count. Drop de big man! was tbe sensible advice, wuicn I determined to adopt. Noiselessly drawing aside the curtain. I rested the muzzle of my pistol on the sash where the light had been broken away, and drew a bead on the tallest of the two men who stood boidiag tne taree horses, out in the bright moonlight. : The sharp crack of the weapon was in stantly followed by a yell of pain, and I saw the ruffian reel backward and meas- uro his length upon the earth, and then from the main building there rang out: "Murder! murder! Uh. help: Like lightning it flashed across my mind. There were three horses out in the open lotl There was, then, another traveler besides ourselves. A heavy blow descended upon the door, and a voice roared: "Quick I Burst the infernal thing open. and let me get in. The scoundrel has killed Dave!" ; "Let them have it. Bose," I whispered. rapidly reloading my pistol; "there, sec ond panel. With a steady hand the plucky fellow levelled the huge weapon and pulled the trigger. A deafening report followed, and again a shrill cry of mortal anguish told me that the shot had not been wasted.: I "Sabe us! how it do kick!" exclaimed Bose under his breath. The blow had fallen like an unexpect ed thunderbolt upon fhe bandits, and a moment later we heard their retreating footsteps down the corridor. "Dar'U be more of 'tm heah 'fore long, Mars Ralph," said Bose, with an ominous shake of the head. "I 'spect deseb'long to a band, and if dey comes and we still heah, we gone coons for shuab. This view of the case was new to me; but I felt the force of it. I know that such bands do exist id these mountains, Stunned for a moment, I turned round and stared hopelessly at Bose; but he, brave fellow that he was, never lost his head for an instant. "Bound to leab here, Mars Ralph," he said, quite confidently. "An dar ain't no way gwine, 'cept tro dat window;" and he pointed to the one overlooking the cliff. I merely shook my head, and turned to watch again, hoping to get a shot at the rascal on guard. Bose. left to his own devices, at once went to work. I heard him fussing around the bed for some time, but never looked to see what he was after until he spoke. ' ' "Now den for de rope," I heard him say, and in an instant 1 caught his mean He had stripped the bed of its cover ing, dragged on tbe heavy ticK and the stout hempen rope with which it was "corded." In five minutes he had drawn the rope throusrh its many turnings, and then gathering the coil in his hands, he drew up the sash and prepared to take sound ines. It failed to touch the bottom; but no wise disheartenen, he seized the cotton coverlet and spliced on. This succeed' ed. and the cord was drawn up, pre para tory to knotting it in place of cross- pieces. In the meanwhile, the snence without had been broken once. A shrill, keen whistle, such as we had heard before, was given by the man on the watch, and replied to by some one seemingly a little way off. Then I heard footsteps son, catlike ones on the verandah outside, showing that robbers were on the alert at all points. At length Bose announced the "lad der ready. It was again lowered from the window, and the end was held and made fast to the bed we had dragged over for the purpose. "Now den, Mas'r Ralph, I'll go down fust, and sem if 'um strong 'nough to bar us. And he was half way out of the win dow before I could speak. "No, Bose, you shall not," I answered hrinly, drawing him back into tbe room. "iou must : The words were lost in the din of a furious and totally unexpected attack upon tbe door. The dull heavy strokes of the ax were intermingled with the sharp quick clat ter of hatchets as they cut away the bar rier, and once in a while I could hear deep oaths as though they had been ren dered doubly savage by our resistance, "Here, Bose. your pistol! Quick! J whispered, and the heavy charge went crashing through, followed by shrieks and curses of pain and rage. "Now, then, out with you ! I had the place. I said, rushing back to the win dow. "Come, Bose, hurry, or all will be lost." The brave fellow now wished to insist on my going first; but he saw that time was wasting and glided down the rope, gradually disappearing in the shadows The fall of one of their number had caused only a momentary lull, and I heard them renew the attack with ten fold fury. : I dare not fire again, for I felt that every bullet would be needed when affairs were more pressing. It seemed an age before I felt the sig nal from below that the rope was ready for me; but it came, and I let myself down, pausing an instant, as my eyes gained a level with the sul, to take a last look into the room. As I did so the door gave way, and the bloodthirsty demons poured over the threshold. I knew that I had no time for deliber ate movements. They would instantly discover the mode of escape, and either cut the rope or else fire down on me. I had taken the precaution to draw on my heavy riding gloves, and my hands. thus protected, did not suffer as much as might have been expected. With my eyes fixed upon the window. I slid rapidly down, and struck the earth with a jar that wrenched every bone in my body. - Quick as lightning I was seized by Hose, dragged some paces on one side, and close against the face of the cliff. Not a second too soon, for down came a volley, tearing up tbe earth about the foot of the rope, where a moment before I had stood. "Thunder, they will escape! After them, down the rope!" yelled a voice, almost inarticulate with rage. And I saw a dark form swing out and begin the descent. "Now, Mars Ralph," whispered Bose. significantly, ; and with a quick aim I fired at the swaying figure. ' - Without a sound the man released his hold and came down like a lump of lead, &&ot through the brain. Another had started in hot haste, and was more than half out of the window, when suddenly the scene above was bril liantly lit up by the glare of a torch. Again the warning voice of the watch ful black called my attention to the figure now struggling desperately to re gain the room, and, as before, I threw up my pistol, and, covering the exposed side, drew the trigger. With a convulsive effort the wretch, springing far out into the empty void, turned once over, and came down with a rushing sound upon the ragged rocks that lay at the foot of the precipice. A single look to see that the window was clear -we knew there could be no path leading down for a long distance either way, or they never would have attempted the rope and we plunged headlong into the dense forest that clothed the mountain side. We got clear, it is true, but with the loss of our animals and baggage; for the 1 next day, when we returned with a party of regulators, we found the place a heap of smouldering, and no liv ing sou! to tell whither the-tobbers had fled. ' : " ' Star Snoweri. Meteoric astronomy now takes rank as a distinctive branch of astronomical sci ence. Not forty years have elapsed since it was ascertained that star showers are periodical. Even then and for many years after it was supposed there were but two, culled the August and November showers. JNow, uot less man iuu nave been detected, and constantly others are being added to the list. The accounts of the showers that occurred in ancient times came down to us clothed such in ex travagant language that, until the great star shower of November 13,1833, astrono mers were loath to believe them. Now they know not only the cause, but are ahla to Dredict their reoccurrence with almost as much exactness as eclipses, and the popular mind observes these displays wun equanimity xuu uuuguii iublcbu ui fear and alarm, or thinking the day of judgment has come. - Suieni has dis armed not only mem out eclipses anu comets as well, of their terrors. All know what a shoot inz star looks like, but no living man can tell what it really is, for notone hasever been known to reach the earth. Those heavy, stony and still more weighty metallic masses, called meteorlites, meteoric stones, etc., which occasionally fall to the eartn irom the celestial regions, which tbe one that recently fell in Iowa was a remarkable example.belong to another class of objects entirely, tbe origin or wnicn man knows nothing. A shooting star is only visible while undergoing the process of combustion, which lasts from one to three seconds, seldom longer. Previous to this they ex ist in the dark, probably solid condition, not much if any larger than peas, too small to be seen in daylight and in the night, being in tbe earth's shadow, are eclipsed and consequently visible. Ouly while being burned they are visible to us, as tney shine oy their own light. fcacu meteoroid moves in an orbid. re volving around the son with as much regularity as the larger planets. In fact. each is in every sense of the word a planet, obeying strictly the laws ot gravi tation and planetary motion. All spaee is filled with them ; they are as numerous as the sand. : The earth and they in their journey around the sun encounter each other: the eartn. ov its attraction, araws them toward it, but to reach it they must pass through the atmosphere, which one is not liable to do. Only meteoric Btones are able to reach the earth, and they ha e their surfiices blackened, and converted to scoria by their terrible heat engender ed by the friction with the atmosphere and bv arrested motion. Shooting stars move in all directions. velocities probably equal to the earth's, nearly 19 miles a second. One moving retrograde, therefore (from east to west), would plunge into the atmosphere at a relative velocity of 38 miles a second, and if allowance be made for accelerated motion, caused by the earth's attraction, probably double that, or 75 miles a second. Tbe encounter is fearful, and but for the atmosphere, which acts as a cushion, the effect would be disastrous, for not less than 800,000 would rain upon unon the earth everv dav. The source from which these meteoroids conic is comets, especially from their tails. 1 lie tail or the great comet in 1811 was lo0.000.000 in length and 15.000.000 in diameter.- It is improbable in the highest degree that the comet could gather its tail to llseil again. it is lett behind, forming ft ring, which in tune may be come continuous. Another comet comes and it does the same, and during the ages which are past this process has been go ing on till the inter-planetary spaces are filled with not only meteoroids, but some thing still more marvelous. In about three thousand years that great comet will return again and repeat tbe process, forming part of another ring, or. adding to the first, depending on cir cumstances which need not be considered here. Whenever the earth, in its usual i'ourrvy, passes through any ring made y some comet, no man knews when we get a star shower. Tbe four most notable ones in our times take place at the fol lowing dates, namely, on the mornings of August lltb and November 14th, and the eve'i.ngs of November 24th and 27th. The last two are caused by tbe earth passing through tbe track of meteoroids left be hind by the fragments of Bida's coment, which divided in two parts in 1846. In this way meteoric rings are formed, of which the solar system is tilled, but none are visible to us, except those the earth posses through. By some such process was the August ring formed, which tbe earth passed diagonally through on the evening of the 10th and morning of the 14th of the present month. The first August shower mentioned in history occurred on July 2otli, A, V., bit and has appeared with unfailing regu larity down to our own time, except a slight break of 83 years between 841 and 924, and another and much greater one of 310 years between 933 and 1243, owing probably to breaks in the ring, or which Is more likely, to a failure to record them. The period of the above comet is about 123 years, and it will therefore make its next appearance about the year lroo. The eccentricity of the August ring is very great, its perihilion distance being equal to that of the earth, and its aphelion distance being far beyond the orbit of Neptune, making the circumference of the ring more than ii,uuu,uuu;uuu miles, and as the earth is ten days in passing through it, its thickness must be at least 10,000,000 miles. Ur. Lewi Smjl in Koch inter Expreu. 81XTT Years is Prison. Mary Valen tine, 80 years old, was dying last night in the feniaie department of the Tombs prison. She had spent sixty years of her lire in prison, although not a prisoner, For the past forty years she has been a voluntary prisoner, and for twenty-five years has not been outside the Tombs prison, except two days annually, that be ing New Years and lourth of July. She was a very peculiar woman, never bright nor ambitious, but scrupulously clean and tidy in her habits, and faithful to a fault as the voluntary assistant of Matron Fos ter in the Tombs prison. Long before the Tombs occupied its present , site Mary Valentine bad an acquaintance with the police court in this city. When Wall and Pine streets were the most fashionable thoroughfares, Mary Valentine was a child, she was born in tbe summer or lyv Her father died when she was yet a child, As a young girl she always sought her own way, and as she grew up she was so way ward and disobedient to her mother that she was sent to the House of Refuge, and from there transferred to tbe old Bride' well, then in City Hall Park, on the Broadway side. After she had served her time in Bridewell, she was bound out to a Mr. Curtis, then a prominent resident of this city. (She took to drink and was fre quently sesn in the Police Courts. Wbeu, however, she found that liquor was getting the mastery over her, she gave herself up . 1 ! r 1 ' 1 .1 m 1 t vj prisuu nit). ueu iuu ivuius .rnson was built by John Haviland in 1838, she was One of its first inmates : and for forty years she has been out and in on short terms or ten days and a raontn. in 1854 she took such a fancy to the place that she nerer tried to leave it, Matron Foster then as now, had charge of the female department, hav ing come there in 1345. Mary Valentine rendered the matron what assistance she could. She was then given charge of the "upper tier," and here she took great pride in keeping the cells in neat and tidy order. At the head of the stairway in a small recess was a decorated stool with the name ' Mary" painted on the too. Here Mary sat keeping guard over her prisoners, commissioner Bell took a great interest in Mary Valentine when she was taken sick, and told Warden Finn to have her tenderly cared for. Mary took to her bed two days ago from gen eral debility. She Bank rapidly, and yes terday morning she lost her speech. Tow ard night she failed to recognize Miss Phillips, who ministered to ber wants. JS. 1. Star. A child's logic is not to be sneezed' at His mind is keen enough to see the folly of much of the reasoning of bis seniors. A little fellow in Connecticut asked bis parents to take him to chnrch with them They said he must wait until he was older. "Well," was the shrewd suggestion in response, -you'd better take me now, for when I get bigger I may not want to "I'm ft rutabaga, and here's where I plant myself," said a tramp as he en tered farmhouse near Freeport, HI., and seated himself at the table. "We alien bile ours," said the fanner's wife, and soused him with ft disbpanful of boiling water. ' King James I. Tbe first half of the seventeenth century was an age of learned men in England, and at the bond of them it may be appropriate to mention King James 1. Ho had received in early life tho ; best possible instruc tion from Buchanan and others., lie w:.s a clumsy boy, with ungainliness produced by a physical defect, a tongue too large lor his mouth, and a mind in which all depths that that there coulu ever be mast be made artificially. Good workmen dug and shaped; tho boy was good-tempered, picked up some shrewdness, lived a creditable life, had respect for knowl edge, and a good appetite for it, though bad digestion. He had a pleasant type of it before him in cheery, impressible Goo Buchanan; a Presbyterian, austere but half way through, with a lace like a Scotch Socrates, although more apt than Socrates to take ofleuse, tamiliar. with Latin as with bis native tongue, full of anecdote and good talk, fa miliar also with languages and peo ple round about, and liking Scotland all the better for experience in other lands. But tor James, tbe horizon did not widonas be climbed the hill of knowledge, his heart did not swell as he rose to higher sonse of har mony and beauty; he hammered at the big lumps about him, and was proud ot being bo tar up. In 1585, when his age was only nineteen, be published at Edinburg "The Easayes of a Prentise in the Divine iArt of Poesie." In the preliminary sonnets ot compliment, tbe Muses, though va rious courtly representations, sought to "Tell how he doeth in tender years es say Above his age with skill our arts to blaue. Tell how he doeth with gratitude repay Ihe crowns he won lor his deserved praise. Tell how of Jove, of Mars, but more of (iod. The glorie of grace he hath proclaimed abrod. The "Essayes" opened with twelve sonnets of invocation to tho gods, namely: Jove, Apollo, each of the four seasons, Neptune, Tritons and their km, Plato, Mars, Mercury, and finally, tor the twelfth sonnet "In short, you all forenamed gods I pray For to concur with one accord and will That all my works mayperlyte be al way; Which if ye doe, then swear I for to fill My works immortail with your praises sun; I shall yonr names eternall ever sing, I shall tread downe the grasse on Par nass bill By making with your names tho world to ring; I shall your names from all oblivion bring; I lofty Virgill shall to life restoir." After these twelve sonnets of in vocation the King placed a transla tion of "The Heavenly Mase ot Du Bartas: then a dim allegory, in Chaucer's stanza, "Ano Metaphoricall Invention of a Tragedie called Phoe nix," with a preface of eighteen bad lines, arranged first as shaped verse, in the form of a lozenge upon a little pedestal, then as a compound acros tic. Then followed a short bit of translation out of the "Fifth Book of Lucan;" and then, lastly, "Ane Short Treatise, containing some Houlis and Cautelis to be observit and eschewit in Scottis Poesie." In 1591, was published "His Majesties Poeticall Exercises at Vacant Hon res;" and in 1616 appeared a collected edition, in folio, of bis prose writings, consist ing or theological and metaphysical discussions, containing bis most la moua production, "A Counterblaste to Tobacco." Henry Morley's Manual 0 English Literature. Tbe Indian Temple at Amrltsar. As to the golden temple at Amritsar, called Hari-mandir, or sometimes Dnr bar Sahib, it may be said to rank next to the Tai at Agra as one of the most strik ing sights of India. To form an idea of the unique spectacle presented by this - sacrea locality one must picture to one' self a large square sheet of water, bor dered by a marble pavement, in the cen ter of a picturesque Indian town. Around the margin of this artificial lake are clustered numerous fine mansions, most of them once the nronertv of Sikh chiefs, who assembled here every year and spent vast sums on the endowment of the central shrine. One of the bouses is now occumed bv Sirdar Mamral Rinh Ramgharia, a well known and much es teemed member of the Sikh community, It has two lofty towers, from one of which I enjoyed a grand panoramic view of the lake and its vicinity one of those rare sights seen at intervals during life which hx themselves indelibly on tbe memory. In the center of tbe water rises the beau tiful temple with its gilded dome and cupolas, approached by a marble cause way, and quite unlike any other place of worship to be seen throughout India. In structure and appearance it is a kind of compromise between a Hindoo temple and a Mohammedan mosqne, reminding one' of the attempted compromise be tween Hindooism and Islam, which was once a favorite idea with both Kabir and Nanak. In point of mere size the shrine is not imposing, but its proportions strike one as nearly perfect. All the lower part is of marble, inlaid, like the Taj, with precious stones, and here and there over laid with gold and silver. The principal entrance facing the causeway looks to ward the north. The interior is even more gorgeous than the exterior. On the ground floor is a well proportioned vaulted hall, its richly gilded ceiling or namented with an indefinite number of small mirrors, and its walls decorated with inlaid work of various designs. flowers, birds and elephants. Four short passages, entered by carved silver doors, one on each of its four sides, leads to this vaulted chamber, giving it a shape not unlike that of a Greek cross. All around on the outside is a narrow com dor. In the interior, opposite the princi pal entrance, sits the presiding Guru -his legs folded under him on the bare ground, with the open Granth before him He is attended by other officials of the temple, who assist him in chanting the sacred texts. And be it observed, that al though the temple is conspicuously free from images, and is dedicated to the one Supreme Being (under his name Hari), a visible representation of the invisible God is believed to be present in the sa cred book. The Granth is, in fact, the real divinity of the shrine, and is treated as if it had ft veritable personal exist ence. very morning it is dressed out in costly brocade, and reverently placed on a low throne under ft jeweled canopy. said to have been constructed by Ranii Sinh at a cost of 50,000 rupees. All day long crowries are waved over the sacred volume, and every evening it is trans ported to tbe second temple on tbe edge of the lake opposite the causeway, where it made to repose for the night in a gold en bed within ft consecrated chamber railed off and protected from all profane invasion by bolts and bars. Contem porary Jtevieu for Auymt. "There," said the shopman, pointing to a beautiful epergne, "there a fine center-piece." ' Cent apiece? " gasped old Mrs. iiagster, who stood near: "cent apiece ? " You may wrap up two of them for me, if yon please, Mr. Smith" adding, sotto voice, " I'd no idee them things was so cheap." The daenest rnnnins stream that is known is the Niagara river, which, just under the lowest suspension bridge, is 700 feet deep by actual measurement " HOUSEHOLD fllJTS. Green Cobs Podding. Take a dozen ears and grate them ; add teacupful of milk, a spoonful of butter, a teasDOonful of salt and some grated nutmeg ; mix well together; put in a pan, place in an oven and bake for an hour. Ickino. The woite of an egg not beat en, one teaspoon of cold water and a pin t of powdered sugar stirred together, iwi 11 make iceing for one cake. Less sugar makes the iceing seen on bakers' cakB. An Ice Pocket. Make a double picket of any kind of thick woolen cloth , with a space oi two inches or so between the in ner and outer pockets ; nil theiouiside 0110 with cluan feathers. One thus made and kept closed at the top will keej ice lor many days. ; I 1 Mead. One gallon of water, owe nbund of loaf sugar. 0110 half-ounco lof race ginger, one lemon, sliced, , tuke : out the seed one teacupful of. yeast; let it stand over night to feimeiil, then pour off without stirring, ml I to e.ichj bottle one ruisin ; coik tight. Stewed Cucumbers. A seasonable dish may be prepared by puring cucumbers, catting them in half length wise, bulling them gently till tender iu salted water, laying them on toast, and pouring over tbdiu white sauce or drawn butter, to which a cup of milk has been added. To Pbeservr Ham. Take off the rind ; slice it as for the table ; partly cook it by frying on a spider; put in the jars in lay ers ; pour over it the fat which fries out of the meat; when the jar is nearly full cover with lard to keep from the air. It can be kept a long time in this way. Apple Pros ekvi Take some pleasant sour apples, remove the core from the bottom and leave the stem at the top. Make a syrup of white sugar and water to cover them half way up. Bake or boil them until they are just done through, and serve up whole with sugar and cream. Dbkhckt Cakim. Fouregs, half pound butter, half pound sugar and half pound of flour ; mix tbe butter, sugar and the yolks of three eggs thoroughly, thoa add the flour and mix again, then the whites of the eggs beaten to a thick froth, grate in a little lemon peel; bake in multin pans, filling each about one-third full and bake until done. Wink Jelly. One pint of wine (pale sherry or white), one pint of cold water, one package of Coxe's gelatine, juice of two lemons and grated peel of one, one quart of boiling water, one good pinch of cinnamon: soak the - gelatine in cold water an hour ; add to this the sugar, lemons and cinnamon ; pour over all a quart of boiling water, aud stir until the gelatine is thoroughly dissolved ; put in the wine, strain through a double flannel bag (without squeezing) into shallow dishes, then cut it in blocks now ready for the table. Effervescing Soda. Mix half a tea spoonful of powdered bicarbonate of soda thoroughly with two tablespoonfuls of syrup of any flavor to suit the taste. Then add six or eight times as much cold water ; while mixing it mix in a half a teospoon ful of powdered tart iric acid, and drink at once. This is for immediate consump tion. For buttling Mix the syrup, flavor the water in the usual proportions, and fill into bottles ; put in each bottle half a drachm each of crystallized bicar bonate of potasaa and crystallized tartaric acid, and cork immediately. The above quantity is for soda-water bottles ; wine bottles will require double the quantity. Rye Drop Cakes and Pancakes. Rye Three well-beaten pint of new milk, one cup of flour, one teaspoonful of salt, one table-ipoonful of sugar snd one half cup of rye; half fill earthen cups, put them in an old pan, set in the oven and bake one hour. Pancakes One pint of milk one email cup of floor, three eggs, one teaspoonful of salt. Beat the eggs well ; add salt to them ; then beat them into the flour, adding a little at a time. Be suit) to beat very thoroughly. Have in readiness a couple of small, hot fry- pans, liutter well, and just cover with the mixture, f ry a few minutes ; roll up the same as omelets, or spread with jelly. Summer Drinks. Milk Lemonade Loaf sugar, one and ft half pounds, dis solved in a quart of boiling water, with half a pint of lemon juice and one and a hair pints of milk, this makes a capital summer beverage. Still lemonade The iuice of three lemons, the peel of one etnon, quarter of a pound of lump sugar and a quart of cold water. Mix, digest for nve hours and strain. Lemon whey One pint of boiling milk, half a pint of lemon juice, sugar to taste. Mix and strain. In the tropics iced tea is a favorite beverage, and is round to anord an admirable combination of tonic and refreshing qualities. It is usually taken without milk, and many like the Russian addition of a little lemon juice. Even those who are accustomed to the moderate use of alcoholicbeverages have been com pelled to admit that as "a steady drink" the iced tea was preferable in extremely hot weather. "Man alive," exclaimed tbe Judge in a heated discussion of a tangled theological point with his iritnd, "X tell you, yon are a iree agent. xoucionot have to obey "but I do though." "Who?" Jshouted the Judge, "who ? " "My wife, her two sisters and the baby," howled the good man, meekly triumphant. Red lights and a slow curtain. tsurimgton JJawktye AN ENTIRPfti'siftG HGUSf, MESSRS. SHINDLER L CHADBOURNE'S ESTABLISHMENT. A Hide t their Factory at Wlllobarc A Look Tbranab I heir Wei 1-8 tared Warerooraa- fcxeelleihc of Wrkmaahiperiheir Mm a facta re. In non of her enterprise" does Portland snow ber inuremacv over otber cities on tbe northwest coast more tha a in ber wholesale trade, and in so branch of bosiness has she made mare rapid strides than in furnitura. Among the firms which have kDt Dice with tbe growth of Portland, and which to day stand high in tbe estimation of tbeir fel low merchants, and their customers, is the wen Known orm ot MESSRS 8HLKDLKS A CB1DBOCKHO. Mr. Sbindler. the senior member, com meuced business in this city in 1857 as a member of tbe firm of Hurgren & Sbindler, who started a furniture establishment at the corner of First and Salmon ttreeta. Thev con tinned in business until 1873, when tbe great fire in August of that year reduced th eir fac tory to aahea. Tiie same year, through the exertions of Mr. Sbindler the Oregon Furni ture Manufacturing Company was estab lished, he remaining vice-president and prin cipal manager lor tnree ana one nan years. In Sep'ember, 1877. Mr. Sbindler entered into partnership with Mr F. 8. Chadbourne, one of tbe largest furniture mancfectarrra and dealers in San Francisco, and began business on a grand scale at No. 1GG First street, be tween Morrison and YambilL Tbe junior member, Mr. f . o. unadbonrne, is the princi pal partner of F. S. Cnadbourne Co., of San Francisco, and is a moat thorough merchant. Mr. Shindler's reputation for integrity, abili ty and energy is so well known here as to re quire do mention at our hands. Mr. F. S. Chadbourne is here on a business and pleasure trip, aud Wednesday Alf EXCUB8IOK TO WILLSBUBO was planned to give tbe party an opportuni ty to see and admire tbe scenery along the oanas or me river and to visit the factory. At 10 o'clock A. M.. Messrs. G. Sbindler. V. 8. Chadbourr e, D. N. Walter of 8an Francis co, and an Oseookiah reporter, started up tbe river on tbe east side in a baror.che, behind a splendid team of bavs. After arrivinr at Willsbnrg, four miles north of this city, the party augniea aoa proceeded to inspect the factory. The main building is two and a half stories high, 60x60 feet, and has an L 4OX0U feet. It was purchased by the firm last February. There is an excellent water power and tbe supply is ample, even at a low stage of the creek, to turn all the machinery. Tbe fac tory is fitted with tbe very latest improved lathes, handsaws, planers, etc. , The firm en deavors as much as p-sible to encourage home productions, by using Oregon lumbers. Tbe factory, iu which a large number of men are employed, is devoted especially to mak ing ash and maple chamber suites, counting house and school furniture, chain and tables. They were finishing yesterday, the remain der of six huodred desks for tbe new Park school building. One hundred feet north or tee facto? there Is a iDocious dry house and all lure ber is thoroughly seasoned and dried before being made into furniture. Messrs. 8 &C. are tuakimr srraorementa tn coDstrutt a switch to connect tbe factory with tbe O. A C. E. R., and to erect a telephone to connect with tbeir First street store. Addi tions to their buildings and machinery are in contemplation for next season. After inspecting the factory, the party sharpened tbeir appetites by a brisk walk about the grounds, and then did ample justice to a finely prepared lunch. They then drove up to Milwaukie, crossed to tbe west side and returned by the White TIoum road.' The' topped at the brick warehouse, northeast corner of Front and Main streets. The base ment, 2518O feet, is corrpletely filled with chairs and furniture, in "knock down" stat), ready for shipment to distant points where freights are heavy. Tbe ground floor is also used for storing duplicate furniture and for the upholstering department. The party then drove to tbeir WHOLESALE AUD BRAtL WABCROOXS, Nos. 166 First and 167 Front streets, through which our reporter wss shown by the cotir tey of Mr. Sbindhr. The Fiit street de partment contains tbe firm's S'ock of carpels from tl e cheapest ingrain ti the tant Brus sels; rug, ma's, foolstoots. uilclotns, window shades and fixtures, and upbols'erina; mate rial : wall paper, especially those of tbe lat rat ttcsiiins ; tuirr,; lane curtains and lam trequins gilt ami w duui mouldings In the Fiotit s'rt-et di'panme'it ia a splendid array ef bed-room se's. ultirx, oak and walnut case M!t chain, fancy and em-y chairs iu gieal variety. In the Fi:st street dxpsrt-ment, tip utai.-s, 011 the north Hide of the roo.u are arrange! a large lot of nneclamberuis, and through the center ate ninrblr top. library, fine dining and center talilns Oil the south side are loungm of every di-sciipti tn, a long 10 of ladies' walnut writing desks.- aud ash and walnut side boards of rich dewigu. In the rear of tbe room are several sets o. furnituie, upholstered in white muslin, ready tor such covering as tbe pu: chaser may t elect. Overhead and along the walls, h.tng an immense number of cbaiia, from low priced walnut to the finest library chair. Passing through a sho t ball into tbe second stjry of the Front street department, we came upon tbe fiuer grades of furnitnre for parlor, drawing room and li brary. Tbe center of ihe room is filled with damask sets, one of drab and crimson, and one of drab and delicate blue being particu larly attractive. About tbe walls is an array of fine chifibnnieres, book cases, stationery and revolving secretaries, and wardiobes with plain and with mirrored doors. Adjoining the second story on the south, in the rooms above D. W. Prentice t Go., is tbe department devoted to every description of office desks and counting house furniture, of which tbe firm makes specialties. In the rear of tbls department, is an additional up holstering room. Excellence of workmanship, and perfect finish are characteristic of all tbe goods throughout the ware rooms, aud their con venient, tasteful arrangement is truly admir able. Messrs. Sbindler & Chadbourne have just furnished E. Sanx's hotel at Lewisioo and secured tbe contract for all the interior fittings of Tbos. Smith's new hotel at Tbe Dalles, now in process of erectioa. Being both man ufacturers and importers tbeir facilities are such that they can secure to purchasers every possible advantage, and all o-dera entrusted to tbeir care receive tbe same attention as though the purchaser were there in person. Satisfaction U guaranteed in all cases. It is a universal fact, and conceded to by their competitors that this firm have tbe fin est wareroonis and most elegant stock of goods north of San Francisco, and there only surpassed in a few Instances. To our readers we would suggest a visit to this mammoth es tablishment, as we are firmly convinced that it will be a great saving ot time and money, and a second visit is sure to follow. Helmutthomxit. Of late years no de partment of natural history has attract ed more attention than that of the study of internal parasites in man and other animals. To the great multitude and variety of creatures thus found, assooiab ed by one common habit of life, have zoologists given the general name of Hel minths, which are a peculiar fauna des tined at some time in their lives to occu py an equally peculiar territory. That territory is the wide-Rpread domain of the interior of living animal bodies to which, alas, poor humanity forms no ex ception. It is unpleasant to think that we may at any time become a prey to these dangerous and mischievous depredators. We were lead to these reflections by a recent visit to Dr. Van Denberg's offioe, when he had just completed the expul sion of C70 worms from Mr. Lehman, who stated that he had suffered for 12 years. They were all small, about one and a half inches in length, excepting one a nondescript about three inches long, an attrocious rascal of forbidding appearance. Dr. van Den berg is tbe great worm exterminator of the century, lieadhis advertisement in another col tunn. J. JA8KULEK, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Xloseburflr, Oregon, fvTO MORE USE TO SEND YOUR FINE X Watcbes to Portland for repairs. A fine assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spec tacles and Eye-glasses always on hand. The only reliable Optometer in Roseburg for the proper adjustment of Spectacles and Eye glasses, which will preserve and strengthen the eyesight, ir All work warranted. Portland Business Directory PHYSIC1AS AXD St'KGEOST. CA RnWELti, W. B 8, E. cor. First and Mor rison, over Morse's Palace or Art. . ATTORSEY-AT-LAW. ADAMS, W. H.-9 Dekum's Building, corner wasningixm ana nni, DENTIST, SMITH, DR. E. 0.-167 First street, Portland. to pmMTK as. We bare 800 pounds nt Brevier In excellent oraer, wnien we win senior sarenu per pound. w. v. ruLSau, roruana MR WALLACE, SECRET DETECTIVE and Collecttr. Business at a distance promptly attended to. Jor.4lh and Salmon. 1flONEY LOANED GOO US BOCjn.T i.m frounce Bold Accounts uoiieotea. r. A. WOOD A CO., Principal Real Estate Agent jrartiaau McKINSTRY'S , PATENT ELASTIC, FIRE & WATES-PBOOF PAINT! For Booting both on Tin an I Shingles rmynn best preservative op tin and JS sMDglerooratnthe world. Will stop leaks on anv roof. Wa re fur bv nrmlalrn tn J. P. DoDOvan. Jules Kdsdo. AlUkv A Heeela. Da- iJMbmutt A Qattnan.aod other citizens of roruana. 'rue paint will be Happlled by Hodge, DstI A Co., Portland, al tl 50 per gal lon. Kacb gallon will e -rer i'4 sqaaree tin and 1 aqaare sblngie roof bat on coat Is nee essarv. Full direction aeoomnanv aaeh nack- age. Ail Information witn regard to the paint van va ubki auureMiDB; McKINSTRY HENURY, 'Portland, Or. 11.n1 r r ir-iragr ' PREPARES TOR BTJSnf ESS A ND THE PRACTICAL DUTIES OF LIFE in a systematic course ot instruction in Bookkeeping, Business Forms, Business Arith- Rlnlii, Tan., an .1 ,1... T' T T -1 I . 1 r A. it r ur iuii luiurinaiion auaress DsFRaXCE & WHITE, Portland. Or. JOHN J. SCHILLINCER'8 Patent Fire, Water and Frost Proof ARTIFICIAL STONE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETOR OP uii vmuauiv fiiwut oa iue faciao county ISBov prepared to execote all order for the IhAfM atnna tev avalW. J.lna. a.u. . "aia-, aiiTM VTTl rra. JJ VJI M. ?",! ?' purpwaesj. This atone Is laaisl In anil ssKma-uu ...... a. 1 ... V m am j cumr or variety ox opposite ihe Holloa Potite, Portland. Termi i wuu uuiaf Luaue ut man, . CHA9. a DUHRKOOP. Proprietor. LIME ! LIME I for tbe celebrated , , " 6 " EUREKA " BIN JUAN LIME, Would respectfully call the attention of dealers and contractors to thai brand before purchasing elsewhere. We shall endearor to keep a full sup ply on hand at all times and at the lowest market rates. WaDHUa A ELLIUTT. fiORTOTJ HOUSE, v aoK'iua, lfoprietor. CORK BR rirat and C atreata. 1 UI UailU, V&ll. ftWIS HOUSE IS NEWLY BUILT, IS A fire-woof brick, newlr furnished through out, for tbe accommodation of the trareling pub lic ia gwaerai, iwo Dtocics rrotn ue steatn&nip and O. S. :N. Co.'s docks. Second to none. Board and lodeine per dar. SI and upwards, ac cording to room. Free couch to and from tbe house. jr23-Ira BISHOP GCOTT GRAMMAR SCHOOL, T. W. TTTTiTr. B. Am Ilead Uaster, Portland Or. -pHIS INSTITUTION HEOPENS SEPT. 2d, 1879, WITH J. W. HILL, B. A. ASIIEAD MASTER assisted by a lull corps of expjnenoed teachers. The school is designed to meet tbe wants o those lit-mg for college or ior business. 1 ho course of study is carefully graded, and imliridual at tontion secured to every pupil, and especial pins taken with the younger Behotai. The boarders are considered members of the Head Masters family and treated accordingly. Pupil may entera any time and pay from data of entrance. For further information or catalogue, address the Head Master, J. II. HILL, B. A , or the Rector, tbe Rt. Rev. B. W. MORRIS, P. I).. Portland. The Westinghouse Threshing Machine, The Clute & Co. Portable Engines. By request of tlio munufucturers -wo have accepted the aurency for tlii State and tlie adjoining territories of the above Justly celebrated Machines. Wo have Batisntied ourselves that the above are real ly SUPERIOR Machines, and aro recommended by farmers who used them Hast season as THE BEST Machines they have ever seen. Mend for Catalogues and descriptive circulars. Agents wanted in every county in this ttate and the Territories. E. J. NORTHRUP & CO., I PORTl A.rvi. OREGON Dr. J. 1 P. Van Denbergk, Sr He 213 Pint St., bet. Tajlor A gAlmoa, rarUatsMl. Os-esrra. TEE GREAT WORM EXTERfflNATOB ot Ban riaiMisco, Would Inform ths sick renanflly that about M ysam sxtensira practice of mediriua and surgary la Europa and tha United State, of which 2 bav been ia Ca8 foruia, has, by doe obsamtiuu and great experiments auin t Um eonciuaioa that there ere mora acute and cliouie diseases by worms, hjadadids, anhnaeula or othe. species at enteioa. The public generally, or tha pnrfeuton at lanre, art not aware al Um nureber of pa twnu wbe are treated by eminent phyneiene for Uua, tht, ur such a complaint, without any Belief. It tha diamae lias been understood, a few doses of Dr. Tea Dan berv's Saremira Worn Remedy would have hnmedi. aU ly cured the eouipudnt, and have awed) many a n at many lives. Dr. Van benbergirt has collected a Itrga vinuW of Oil if untie route and lierbe, which, br analyst hi;, Hum uunemtioa and extensive experhnenta, hs eon oihsrientkiiKl.r say thbl be ha discovered new rem Ji.ii fof euccewful cure ot ti e Mlowitic dteeaew. IHiia, Chruuie .A (fictions of the Lrrer aud TOd. e;. tint and arcni a S'aiit-s uf Consumption, Whit nVtliitur, Palsr, 8eniMturrhusa or Local Weakness, Ncrvuua lability, Krileptic Kite, Itbeunuliem, Neural. r-. Diarrhea, Incontinence of I'rlue, UraTeL 1- luur Albm. DUbete, Drupry, and all those dimae which ere knuwn uhder the uatue of Venereal, such a Srph ili. in ell iU forms. Gonorrhea, lilcet, titriclures. Falsa r-oengus, InlWmuuaion of the Bladder and Pruatnt tUaml, KxMiriatiotis, Tofton, files, Piin4es, Blotches ami all Cutaneous Kruptions of tbe Skin. Can st r Tumors cured with or without operation. In recent Vrnemu Zdanuas th Doctor effect a cur in trosa three to six days, or noehargv. For the e cm, ear and throat, Dr. Van Peabergh pos acfte. new and invaluable remedies. In. Ven Dcnbrrh wounl ad t ine ttuwe ladies troubled with Invgularilies of th Uterus to try bis new rem. died aiul et cured. lfc-. Van DrnbeiYh's Infallible Worm Syrup for CliD drtn. Price tl. Warranted to expel th worms, or th aioncy refunded. Py dKisulttiig aud undersoiiu? a ennpi examination, the arTcted can learn if their die? sees are caused by a-'-rna or nut; at all cvenu, Dr. Van Denbergh can tell theni from what disease they are sucTeriiur- Couu!ttions and exanii nations t ree of tbsria, In all cafie4 Dr. Van Denberirli iruaronteca in all c&aoa, to exl th worms, or no cluuves. A I-ars; Teacup Fall f AToim Kx pellet. This Istooertlfr that Dr. Van Denbergh expelled s large tfaeup full of worm from m, entne meaa urf nc eight to ten Inches in length, and now I feel like a new asau again. I reMde on Tw enty-eecoi.4 suaot, between K and P, Portland, Oregon. A. LuMssm. Onr 3000 Worms Expellee). One bottle of jt. Van Deooerrhrs Worm Syrup expelled oyer 2000 worm from my son 12 years oX age. K. S OmrriTH, a Salmon, stress, foartaitB, MaT at, 187. Mantes- Will Oat. One bottle of Dr. Van Don Oergn's Worm Syrup expelled over 'MOO worms from my son ixmls, ana hail the (Bcl of caring him of Nerroru Rpsims. t reside on Eighteenth and one-half street between Pa-JdQ Bknjamiii H. NYS. PORTLSKD. Or. KX!, 'CUE 24. 1S7 AY Isitm Nearer! wbeu lalh Keetued IkyH . able-. ' Sax KsiMlM-o, March f, 187 This b to certify that I bad been unjeriug for Hi teen years with a con.uiicatiun of chroaio diraae and fof month confined to my bed without receiving any hrq flt from aiany eminent doctor who attended una Oiven up to die br tl. uh sic-few and my Mends, I wa taken to Dr. J. P. P. Vac Deubergh, aenlor. office No. 5J Kixtb atreet, 8 F., unahic to atand or walk alone, after a done and careful examination Dr. V. said all my ailments and misery were created by a specie of worms, and to my and my friend surprise, the Doctor cxra lied from me orer s,obo well developed worms aithiu twe hours which gave me immediate reli. ' -"id wa able to walk and did walk on the sidcw!- eig t dap after wards and two weeks after tbe hi j I acre expelled 1 weigb nine poundj more tliau 1 dn. 1 believe I should now be dead but fur the skillful treatment o Dr. J. P. P. Van lienbergU's swing my lit ia consid ered by myself and friends a miracle. E. B. LOV1NK. t certify that th above (act era true and I hare knuwn Mr. . 0. Lovine for a number of year, duriug hlatckuea. C11AS. U. O DON N BLUM. l.. Office 80s Kearny street, hsn Praoeaco. A. drd. Da. J. P. P Via DsrsiRDO Dear Sir: I deem it my duty to make the following eutenient: For th hurt three year I bare been suffering with constant gnawiig pain and a quivering sensatiun in my stomach; also pain In nr cheat and heart; my food would not digest, and I was so nervous that it was with difficulty I could follow my occupation, wluca has been here in Salem for th past ten years, as a practical dentist. In fact, from from the constant pain and niteery, 1 had wasted to a mere skeleton. 1 bad been uocvormg a great deal without any benefit, and believing there was no beta for me but to linger on until death would relieve me of my sufferine. some ot my friends thouirht I had worms. and had better see Dr. Van Drnbenrh. II told me at nc that worm mere tbe rati of all my troubles, sa ne gave m nve amau powders, ana m about four hour about "IS) worms, from one Inch to one and one bah incites long, came sway fruta me that day, and the fol. lowing night some more rune, and I am now happy U sar I feel like anutiidr uiatt aain,. and in raining atrencui rrotn ua.v iour. it. s-aiita. h. u. tiaf'.;iu, Orcril." 8fctniUr 1 J I. Another Blarta;bter. I would state to the public that I hays been af flicted for about ten years and doctoring for near- ly every complaint with many reputed good phy sicians, without anr relief, until I consulted Dr. Van Den Bergh, Sr., who said worms were the , - . x. . , f e cause OI my compiainu ny utaing nve oi ni worm powders I passed 670 worms in nve houis. They are about one and s quarter inches in length. Now all my ailments and pains seem lo nave ten me aitoEctoer. a reatuo 11 Stark street. Joskps Lkhxas, PoRTLaSD, On., August 2d, 1879. Mi Hnstdred (Mid Blghly-Tlsree Worms Kx pelled. After suffering for 12 years and lying in one hosnital for three months, ana Deing stuuea sna injected with morphine and drugged by many physicians for this, that and such complaints, till I consulted Dr. Van Denbergh, of No. 212 Kirst street. Portland. He said it was worms which caused all my misery, and after taking 10 of his small worm powders, i pasaea dm nornoio ioua ing worms, some measured one end one-ball inches in length, by three-eighth of an inch in thickness. I reside up stairs, at No. 211 First street, rortland, Oregon. Paris: B. Ericxsox. D. W. PRENTICE tc CO. Music Store. BOLE AGENTS FOK TUB CELEBRATED WEBER, HAINES A BROS.' AND PeAHB A CO. '8 Urand, Square and Upright Pianos, and Bate? and Standard Organs. IC-s) ritwe ftfre), Pwvtlstatel rrecost ROCK SOAP! The Best Soap Made Aalc yottr Grocer for It, M. GS. NEWBERRY, 133 front 9t . Portland, or. Agent for Oregon and Washington Territory FOR SALK A Bare Cbnaee far at Km a It, Goad Paw. sT lawaataawas la Fottlaael. -. ASEfV MILLINERY STORE GOODfl, FivtttM. .nil PlimilnM 11 . I - - hi u . H.1 J, .1, TaH. lent location, fine store, splendid trade secured, and future trjoeem assured. Will be sold at disraant, as owner is going East. - - For information annlv ee .mm T. mi . Office, Portland, Oregon. - iulftf CLACKAMAS PAPER CO. Manufacturers and Dealer ia 102 Front Streat, Portland, Or. XN STOCK: NEWS PRINT, White and Colored- . BOOK PAPERS, White and Tinted. FLAT PAPERS, of all descriptions. LEDGER PAPERS. ENVELOPES, of all sizuaud qnnlitios WRITING PAPERS. CARDBOARD of all kinds. GLAZED AND PLATED PAPERS. COLORED METmms MANILA PAPERS. BUTCHERS' PAPER. STRAW PAPER. PAPER BAGS. STRAW and BINDERS' BOARDS. TWINES, Etc., Etc. Cards Oat to Order. Agents for Shattuck & Fletcher's wen-known Black and Colored Inks. TYPE FOR SALE. We hare several fonts of Job Type nearly new) , wiuclt we wiU sell low. Cases. Gallevs. Leads. Hnlen and Printers' necessaries generally kept on nana. Newspapers outfitted at list price freight added. Farmers Take Notice ! THE OREG0X AJfD WASQ IXGTOJf COL ony Lsnd Company have superior advanta- 5. iwi n;uiug utuus, ana persons wifning to sel will do well to consult either or the fulli-u-ing AGEKTS: Hanrey Cross, Oregon City, Oregon. A. Gray, Hubbard, Or. Samuel Brown, tiervais, Or. Wo. H. Holmes, Salem, Or. George Hunt, Sublimity, Or. J. C. Poweil, Albany, Or. Smith & Drassfield, Junction, Or, ; Thompson A Bean, Eugene City, Or. F. A. Cfaenowttb, Corvallis, Or. B. F. Fuller, McMinnTille, Or. H. B. Sommerville, Sheridan. W. G. Piper, Independence, Or. ' Charles Hubbard, Dallas, Or. T. W. ritlenger. Hillsboro, Or. Byron Daniels, Vancouver, W. T. Juhn S. Basorth, Pekin, W. T. James E. Bourn,' Walla Walla, W. T. Albert Howk, Spokane Falls, W. T. James Ruby, Pendleton, Or. I. if. Munoey, CanyonTille, Or. If not onnvertipnt atnaill .III... nl above agents, commutieate in person or by letter with tbe bead office at Portland, Oregon. Oregon ana Washington Colony Land Co. JKoQUis 8 and 9 First Jiational Bank B1dg. MTtlURRAY'S Adjustable Strainer : - Aim CAST IRON STEAMER. Iltner tr Both Fitted to any Slif. THE STEAMERS WILL SAVE THE Dries of themselves in two waJta In n. family. They can be ased with equal advantage- u uumug, a i. w impuweioie to uum nirav or vegetable to the bottom or your kettle. When they are used in steaming, whatever you are cooking- Is inside of the kettle, therehv mfJini the full benefit of the beat. They are just what u wanum in canning rruit. Aimer the Btrainer or Steamer ran be removed with a knife or fork when hot, and are easily adjuAd. No corners orjotnia arjout eitner tnat are card to keep clean. oia ojr Agents tar 79 Ceata Eacl Agents will call on yon sbortlv. Address JAMES McMURRAY, East Portland, Or. T. II. CHANDLER, IMPOBTSB AXD JOHIa la WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Rope, Twine, Blacking, Stove Polish, ALL KINDS OF BRUSHES, Ink, Axe Handles, Fishing Tackle, Ostrich and Feather Dusters, '. ALSO A. large assortment of Paper and Paper Stationery, etc., etc. WO. 4 rBOST ST.. PORTLAKn.OSX, M. G. NEWBERRY General Commission Merchant Wholesale IValer la Oregon atf California Fruit, Produce, Mill Feed, etc. 122 FRONT STREET, p. o Bozasa. TBEHK1IASN & WOLFF, MACHINISTS, And Uannfactorers of Tuols for Plantar, Holding and Tnrnlir. CUJ. J"? W.m, lrj. """"'" rwm.-m. waiviaii, aw.Ba t Brewer? as,. mmA t vrlr. : Also Tirm Machinery repelled on short notion MUt Pick made and ranalMX w,u'a S. aa mm 04 rranu Ktreet, Pwrtlaae), or. ADDISON ACS, GI13I3S. Attorney jfc Counselors at Ztvw Portland, tit Ortgon. Rooms 8 and 0, over First National Bank PAPER po:!TiyLtc::edit - - OR. JAM EG UEOi: The Celebrated Catarrh Dsjesav. Chronic rod FriY&te Liscssei a SpcciaMj. Cancer Cured without the use of the knife. CALL AND SEE HIM! If you are afflicted with any Chronic or DiiHenlt Disease. DON'T SPEND YOUR I..0NEY! To go to San Francisco, when yon can be cured in Portland. STOP TAKING THOSE WORTHLESS DRUG That do you no good, bat get the fol lowing treatment and be cured ; READ A FEW OF THE MANY STATEMENTS Of persons living in Portland who have been cared in the past year : A very bad case wliere the patient became al most blind ami deaf, and was slowly dying of consumption cured : , V PoTLirn July 10, 1878. ; "JrJ. Keck, tmd ihe Afflicted ; Dear Bir and Friends This is to certify that I hare been af flicted with Catarrh in my head for twelve year-sand about fire rears ago I saw that it was Jailing to my lungs. I was almost blind and deaf, and it was only a matter of time when i would die with consumption. I had got so bad th't when I would lie down at night tbe moms would drop into my throat, and I would bound to my Seat ; 7 -"-6-- .a. a rondel inquiry what best lo do. Soma said Marshal!' fn t - C il i it . . ''"" omuu waayam, ana Dace s ana r lero s were recommended to me, so f eommenced on Marshall's but it did me no good, and Base's and Pierce's also met with tha unratifyinir result. Afto. Iwin. U l.A-i .t- . . ...ft ... ittmtj vuien, a war yet slowly dying. I had taken medkaaes about four years, and being no better, I sought the -inmnuivi guw puyaiciaur, out weir nedlaiaee UUlinr to have tha rUeinwi afnt T .i. - fi- w u ai hops of recoTery. At last a friend told aa 0 Dr. Keck, and 1 consulted him. He told ma b could cure me. I told him ha was any doctor and took a IxXUe of his remedy borne. lam dow on the sixth bottle, and am almost wall. If X get bo better, money could not purchase the heaa 6t I have iwmIv-mI frnm tua .1 r- . ther particulars call at tha First Toll Gala, south aW PIT itsVt.t " "W.G.JEA.X u rw a- aPo5IL,Af " 0"0- May, 7, 1879. " Dr. AiyJ-. TM. Ufa k-. ':la.i .. . Hiatnnniunuii bare elapsed sines a curs hss been effected, and I am Well vet. 1 halim it Itw. ..I. m ! u - . vuii , aura cure OH tne eaasL. rnma nna ' Mnt... ' li . .vi- i- i b-i :i. i ' " Chaa. FT Hamlin of TV T..-l- 3 . sfler having suffered for 25 yea,-., baring tried : -', iwucujea, ana aner Being doctor, ed and drueved bv mm. 1 . ... j j iniTiyiaii' renai. , "yV Srd to his preaent aeaHo, '-"a vaaieui a. jmi ago dj if. sveck. "DrKncki IiUiI.i.ii,.iil v as weU in fifteen years as I hare been tha hut jemr, am you enreq me of laUn-h. . V V. it. ilAMUS." : Another ama.ti!. n i ... , B watt SBDVS etu- sen of East Portland who. had suffered for 10 Tears eansina rJinflnia a tl.. .l ' . . n a im hue corn was radical and permanent tha following puUisbad a year afterwards fully attests. .. 5 u," " tha sufTarTn. W T.rffif, KJaf. JV. ble disease Catarrh. ACaatWlaaaraJrlaaiatWTro- How rspidlT recovering and aeariy cured by Or. Keek's medicine j ' ' rw a- a PtSTJ i5D, May 9, 1879. l,v . , ' ueea auixnau wun CaUrrh for over twenty-seven years, and have trtnri all li.j. ,j j . , . ,r - vi tnvuHnnea, anu wen 10 (ll Ileff-nt fliWnr. ..J 1 1 c . J t-r ....... tried Dr Keek's ' Pare Cure." I am bo w geU wng well ana feel like a new person." ffiw;' " enouch has b adduced to Dim. MMimiI. . . . . . w ... r - -"j vi ue amctort ataatsaeBt ana remedies are a "Sirup niutv v.... , , o also wa im. nWent va,uW' f ttMU J cures are per- To nartioa lint-. - .7.i . 1 "? waianee ana wno can no fril.U0! Doe- .!.. 7 r"1 aotiars, send a insai flter and sufficient Catarrh medicine for ona ncntn s treatment, innv. j. wlfi ?!H?d,"c? Attt!r month's trial tbe beneficial efleeU of the treatment well become a apparent as to eon vines the patient that a RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. Of this distressing malady will a tfocUt. consultation Ke . .mr. without whicb bo notice will be taken. OFFICE COriSLlTATlDJl FCEE. Wnea writing give your symptosas fa arary jn voiiar vuatwamsy anew iuat wnatywvr ease requires. DR. jag. kec::, IS First I Lt Partlasi, Crt joa, N. B As th foraeoii is-advertisement mey p- - near enlv in this issu'a. tare it for future ntrnt, and be sure U state in vour leUer or to tu Dr. personally is what papi you saw his aotice.