I AUH 2. 1879 Wk ! B-s., 1) J. Lyiii... J. R. Flli.io.. . .... .....Oakland. .Scottnirjf end E.ktoo. .. ., . Yuucill ... Ten Mile. W. B. Will F. M llaMwrt.... .... Oho If. nmbruuk ... Wra. Cochran .... .... . , . M yrtle I ;rwk. . Umppia Ferry. .Looking Olass, ... Slrrtli! Point. . Iikuville. ... ..Oak reek. A It. binder Aim Alrmur ... Jep'ha Thornton . fc . IMPORTANT TO PATitOXS. Ti U week e have seat to oof Beut iu several precinct ia'theeouoty rtateraeuli oi account ofsubsoribers to tbs InBPKDKST. We will continue to do this nntil the ae count of nil subscribers in every preoinot are made out;" We hope our patron willo g ard thin not upon our pert a proper and right, since we dewr to make further im provement in thn "paper, and they un end hould h.-lp ua along by making prompt payments oi the amount due Oh front thorn. A list of the agent of the Indkpknimcnt will bo fuiiod tlaewhere. SITU It PAY , PEUSIKNAL NOTES. . Mrs. A J. DmolwiT h rufarasd from Jauksun coanty end mill lecture at the oourt-bous thi (Friday) evening. Mr Whv Veunin tuts retuirjed to Jaek eon county.' We 1 ii suon jo n e him aud ir old fiiuod, B. Bue'b, In Rusuburg again J. M. Tsylor, Suraiohl InMat. is in the . city. , Ilia trip frutu Ashland to thi place wa one of pleasure, aud he wij return in a fjw day. " . " ' '' " , A. 0. Junce, Ii . of Jackson onn'y. i attending upon the present term of the Cir cuit Court, ou bohslf of several defeudauts in suit from J&'ktoa rvuiity. , Q. Siramou. E.., told preprietor of the -celebrated "Nabob ' Itye aad Bourbon whia , kias, was In the city iluriujf the eilr. This geutltman's advertisements appear elhen, and the attention of our Trader ".-la dinwted to thetn. There have b.seu ovar 100.OUOeaiwa.wf ..a MNbcVBye;n4 Bourbon whiskies sold on the Fao flo coast . during the past yewr, and wkerevtr used they -hare been doilm-ed tv be' the beat and purest La the market; ' Air, Simmons ia di rect from Ki-u'iw ky aud tb purpose of hi visit was to introuuue hi bikies into thl market, y 8.' iiarksjfc t V have been appointed hi aute ageat for liust !u rg and Dwiglas county..?.; 'i----'""0" ' , Bilking Somebody. From the Pot Towus- nd Preu wa learn that J. M. Tlcruau hatyl himaelf "Pro fttwor," haa goue to .S-attlo in the iuterenta of New Turk" ranting capili-ta. It in hardly sit-ewary' to state th tt thi name "Proftwaor" J. 11. Tioninu ia the same man who prufnwd to know a (rn-at dxul of niiu lug. wag employed hy the Lucky Qu.eii Mining Cooipauy aud bill bed the ronipiiny in bi work aud the uuut-ra he employed out of their wage. Theee art) fau known to tweutr jfeul lciatfO iu thii oouurjr aud to every miner employed by Tiernim on the Lucky Queen and other miue. The olmuoea a c, the mine evil report will follow Tiort.i u'n openttiona in Waaiiiogtuu territory. The man who will amuum the,, dijfuity tle title ; Profueaor iiiipfieg, aud then will write I he word Proffwayr Biut" be igauruut or a ' " rawca to uouiniTUce with, and when he doe four work in the tniuee, and in the end will , awiudle the miners, he etuploi, he is oer tainly uot 'o be regarded as oue who will do well fur auy one. Cape Arao. Our readera will remember the Indrpknd- KMT was the flrat newiapKr to urs the nn portauos of Cape Arago a the of .t to louatie the harbor of retuge. - It nuw aeenia' that we were nut wrong in thu apeakiu in favor or - the bret point on the Northwest eoaat for uth hrtur. Ihe Board of Enxiucers have - viwiti-d Ihe Cipe and ate aatouinhtd at what - Mature h.wduiiB iu thii direutiuu. The tel ' egr . (th, itif ui inn u tht ihe board not ouly 'fuuud that all clniineil for Cape Arago van ttue, tmt thai rotk auitalile or baiidiu pur pose wa easily to Keulitaiurd near the Cape. The membef of the Bjirl are oow on th ir way up the co t to the mouth of the Col . umbia river' on loard the att-anmh p Cou a'antiuc, aouotiipauied by Utneral Jowph Lane. - We ate let ai-d to e that the Board is ao euible aa to require the cuuxtaut atten 4auue of Oregou' greateat n I muit aenaiole gentleman. The Oklaai Gjrerd ncnt We see that the Star state that straws ""were pulled" and Shupe and Page have een deoidci to be trustees of Oastaud. We would ask by what authority s ihia straw pulliugduu. Judge Watson, at the last iteim of Court, dwided Pag, bbiips and JSsory were guilty of usurping the umctw of trustees of the inuorp irated town of Oak land, lhat ti.e tbree usurp -rs should "pull straws" to divide who should h jld of floe, after the decision of the Judge in the prem ses, surprise us. If the three named ' were usurper before, they i certainly uow .are doubly guilty of uoirpttiou, aud we thiuk any seosiol ' la wy er will agree with us, that uufwithsiaudmg the "straw pull- iug ' the town of ' Oakland is yet without a legally incorporated government; aud time will piuve us to be correct in this. Dull Tern. 'U The present term of the Circuit Court is dot attendod wi h any aleat degree of ac tivity iu business e rules, and i generally voted. as dull. Then- are uu eaees of tril by jury, and eouseqaently there sre nom in town in attendance upon Court but those , drecrty interested iu the decisions to he male by the Ju ge, and a few witnesses. On Mouday morning thete were no one else iu Court but the Judge and tea attorneys. Shipped to Sun Francisco. " As the prices offered for the Granite wool were not high rno'iuh, the OjI has been shipped to San Fraucimv, rh'-re it will be suid. The Grange has prospered in Doiig las conn'y uutil.it has beeume independent Of auy oue, snd now when the terms offered at home fur articles it. h-.s for sale ara not high enough, it is able aud does seud them to a better market. ' i "enafr"Awy7 A. F Smith, tbe p'lotographer, announces be will soou leave Itomjt.urjp. aud this is tka last chance left our citizens tu secure floe ihotoirrsphs. Mr. Stniih is oue of the best artists thst ever visited the city, and any one wishing fin-t-elasa picture should at ouue (five him call. - " ' Fine Workman. , Any one who will go to ihe wagon sad' blseksmitb shop of Sr. Hark wick, in ibis city, will fiud a' fine workmao there. Wr. Markwiub ieone of. tlie best workmea that ajw em to ttosuborjr. -- 1 , STILL MOKE SOCP. " ' The Star atill harp an the matter of the $35 appropriation. It will nut be htm. est and admit tue truth when shown i i. will be aeumble to its own aide ot iu own unjust cau e and ignore the ptoots to its own d.-tr.uieni wa have urjred asraiust k. We tiK)i panics tt pains to aliow in the bagiouinjj that tlie delinquent tax list l.ad never bran pah lulled ia the county until glierlff Hiun gave the same o tin Star- aajd tiu.t piwr was thus belKtdaloux to the Cet of DoooLlNO .the' espcsea of dei!n- qant xai, ayr. lliis the star has UeVer dnted deny. Ag.Uo, we asavrted . I.hik1s county was the ouly county in the ttate, nutil the laet term oi ttie County dun. wiiiclidid n it publish the auuuaj t-xiiiuit of countv B anoa as an. advertisement. en I tue Star use fat ed to . prove wa were not ri)iUi. We neut even tu.ther. and stated that the Star did not secure the ad vertisement ol the cooJiiioii ol county Ua nances, lor the reasob th t'outvy Board beil.Ved and had reaa Q lor .,eo Ue Iterlntf that the Dot 6L8 lfiDtPEKD KNT had ihe lnrgret Circ'ilatiou aiuouif the taxpayers of auy tiewspK(r paltlislted n the county; and the CSiar lias abaut'onej the idea of siii'WiUjf to the colli rar. We stated thst when it d.c ared that ther Was a cique t.irtued anions the conn'y ffiis veil oniside t J udgr Oaxtdis aud O'luiuia iouers A))lenate to pay tweuy(ive dol lars for an editorial in wtuchv all county tfficials were compliuiented for their ironu work in savitin expense to the county the p.iblltiers oi ilte Stat were tiritiir into titeirouncf tupand wr lorceof ncese.i vthe S ar this ween makes the suteiue.il, be- Ciose on this point It is irtvvat' tlie wall, tliat "it did uot make any ol j -ctions to tli ariice in quesiiou. Allritrhtin tiiia count, Mr. Star, but the prof of the pud iliiiil is iu the eating.' aud ; whv do you think tlie editorial was published "a liil UHUer n-jiuiar rales t" BU I di u't try 10 play us witb titicb :tratireot iionat-uau; Don t forifet tlur uviiiuiiiir oi nur ar(r uient la-for ou prepare for the iiol v ben an writer does ibis fonliaU piece of vork as the 3 tar sta.i Is flri'ity ot, outsiders of emuien sense are : couipeln-d. thniuyL t-irce irf rirctTuis ances t- returnib.-r tlie aspect i of tue uioukey wl.n ciuiue4 the pi-le, and tlie higlier he CiIuiIxkI tlie more I uriicmus be became . : . And we have it from Judge Qaddis thtt be n Vtii hold one word ol roiiVeraaii 'U with tue. nliiur or punlirhers of the Mar, and tl.at "lie matt uient matte in tl.at p per to the effect that Conitu acioiier Cook a! aaT opposed the appropratiou. is lt--geihr unwarranted, nd . witli-nl truth. In adilitioc w would ad I, for the eo iuht. enuient ot the B ar jiublislars, we liav kepi silent -p ol Mr CK)k'a anion la the ttreniise simplf to s- e how uiui-h in ned ilia paier was of $25. and how far it would i;i to attemit to make its readers Wlieve h first art clw waa tru'tiiul. Mr. t'ook w'll a rtm witti us that Judtfe Oad die bad no lit n jf to do with the appropria. tion until the Comiiiisa nnera jrave their assent, and then It was Mr t'o-s. who eat turclisrire of $30 down to $25. As to this last amount we are wil iuir. as we kv- stated liefore. to leave the p-.int in cpies' Ion to Mr. Oatk. the Sir. a Unl lleo spt.kn, "to the contrary m twiihsu nd in " " , tU , , i: l , rI It i true Messrs. Hoiran, Sheridan, Wriaht and Stramrs had "uothinjc to do with the auditing of auuuuat and making t-ppriipriationa,'' but we irave h.-m credit for helpiuir to make expetisra l'uh'er. t he t-far't araiuu eats in the premise then, U to the effeut that to Mmhtm Uaddix, Appletrate and tikik eluoe belong the honor and credit of having rwluiied the debt over the amount of 3.(tt!0. and that the . re were s.iper numerriea. to follow blindly the Judare aud CoiuinisiiuuerN' direutiuu 1 The ftar mny Iiavb is thit way if it suit it "toxic!' editor ; but w will content ourselves with tht declaration thi A I.I. the offieiala to thl ir ho'ieary au 1 irwl iniaitirnient h-'lonii the prem-nt enviatile staU-of uonnty fininoes and we ctiunot help k, evn if the Bmrd do- V lh tNTtKHKNtlltN'r haa th. Unrest ci tu ati' U aud ia the lt advertising me diuia in lXiuiflus ooiiu'y. ,, la oonulusion, let ua sty we do Bot pro pna to nive thd rttar anotherdu-e of ipecac 'f hiere in no nM of castiu pearls. Noue an so Miud who will not a e, and none so deiif who will not himr." The point at issue ia the $-'5 appropriated. e will reeeive that at the next nieetiuitof t rm County Court, aud we have th-n all that there is iu the arirtiment. 1hi- article does not cost the mst Star even s5 ceuts. and couseipjeutly that estab lihiuent u in : no danger of being bank rupted. . . ' , i .....,! 1 YOXCALIjA ITEMS. , C. E. Marble Smiles all over Bow. It's a jr;rl. . , . . - . , , fjliss Cowsn ar!.l his 6ue lot of wool to E. Yoiin-f, of Oakland- . (as, Appletrai- is s of his rc -very. quite low, with no Rolrfit lm:, who s UicHed ly horse, is ti"l roviii i. f.veri bKly wi.l be j:!tid to sh Bob around air m. Mr. Ha e and his dnuyliier. Miss Klsie. ratlin up frmi' Kuteiie "a a'U'day n visit a son and h-r. ana rtu:nst on M lay. li. Hah is one ol ll.e suimtsntial lartn.-rs of Lane county. A cum pa v ol niirn niirST If dircers an-4 acrobats, sto,i ei here hist Sunday aud reit a' mil until I ttevaay. tiny -sVe a la-rf rance on Monf'ay ereniaif to a small audience. Th-fnf4orune was not first class. :'.-(', Harvesiinjr has emmenced in earnest. It is be.ieved now tha but little wheat ts reriiioslr injureii. bv rust, at;d the ct ii ill lie l-ve t e averaee. There ta-ems to be no difficulty , in saving the ct-p lr want or t ands. and no part ot (lie. county is letter supplied with harvesting machinery than this. TO SCHOOL LAND OWNERS. It has bsen declared by the School Board of this Mate that parties having purchtsxd schtsil land from Ihe FuperuMtd ents heretofore, and tlnwe lioldinif and under such purchsses shall make application a. ooce for new deeds. the present titles Win invalid. ',.W, B. Willis lias been appointed uti rney of the B- ard lorii- that p-esent holders and own. ers ol snch lands In D njilas county receive s orssl deed to the same. It would he well for Oi' se interested to call upon him snd scure their titles The res son for th s action on the part of the Statei B srd is -list all the Puperins tei den's' cuds weie nsde without the power in convey a title, as such' powet is alone' invesied In the Otiyernor, J'Cretarys of S ate at. d Mat- Treasurer; and then, U Is stated that the State has m recotd of the deed given l y ui eriniei dems, sr.d 'air's oeciipieil by those having such deed are liable, for want of record on the part of the State, to be sold suain. What Is It? We have been shown by Mr. Davii Gruot the chrysalis and fly found in a bea ol wheat taken frnro hi farm. We i sv showu the sane to several "f out , f rtu.l. several ot who'll believed the iusect i b tbe wcavil. thouiih noue are positive. - We have th vial containing the ehryaallssnd fiy fully formed, aud it is opn iu tbe laspuctioa of the curious. . morreH's Minstrels. llotrell's minstrel aave a couple of per formances at Masonic Ball last Friday and Saturday evenings. The hall Was we 1 filled on Saturday evening. Tha performancea wereptMisble the main aud attractive fea ture b-ing the dancing of Parker, who is .really fine in all be attempts, 'ibe troupe passed ou North. - About Heady For Travel. The trait over tbe mountain at tbe bead f Deer creek and leading to the Klamath Lake co'intry is about completed. Mr. Raphael Dixon informs as there is a distance of only two and one-half miles to clear away. and then the trail will be open fur travel. The first Blast." .. The fits blast at the Boaeburg; iron fooa dry took pi see last feturday evening and was snocessfttl in every partioula.-. The eatin)is were equal to any of tha kind made elsewhere and prove Messrs. ZfaMnarsua A FtWMt lo be firstsclass worinaea. WEST COW CREEK MINES. Ed. iMURrRMUKMT: Having beard a coursging reports from the . West Cow Creek mines, I earns to the eonclusion to visit that section on a tour of inspection. Aueordinicly H. B. Ireland aud myself launched forth on Tuesday morning, July 22d, with blankets aud provisions for a weeks ran in the mountains. Our route led from my farm aud store through Caiaa 11 vuuey ana down, tbs toquille to wbat M kuown as the log bridge on the Coquille ; t:.enoe on a new trail opened lately iu a somberly direct iun leading to the newiy dis covered mines of West Uow vreek. llaviug traveled 2Uor 5 miles we encamped for. the night at a place know n as Crouch Camp, being a Tery desirable oauip, hjcated on a big ridge elevated to such an extent as to eummaad a fair view of the mighty ocean at tune when the atmosphere is entirely clear of fug. Thia camp we louatder to be as fine camp as u evr wa our lot to camp on. Early on the moraine of the 23d we again started fur the raises, where we ar rived a few minutes past twelve o'clock, finding Eyrkendall Si Patterson busily en gaged in opeuing their claims, whlih pr at. peut well truru four to ten dol ara diggiugs. xniscotnpHU naa tweu - ImsHy t4aged for over two mouth iu iMvinriur ooen their claims, haviug built au IS ftait.: dam, besides dlgiruiir au extensive race. 1 b.-y baveeudeav- ored to k ep their discoveries to tbewaelves. but mow other parties have tr.iued them up aud located m he district with A ttteriug piosiH)ta. tin taiurday. July lHtb, there wa a miners meeting b-M and laws were enacted for the goveruinit of the district, and W. A, Pa-tersuu waa elected Keoor .er. Besides liudiug placer diggings than hve been quartz lodes discvvm.l known to con tain free gold -Taking iuto consideration what we saw on oar trip, we xMiider that West Cow creek will be paying distrait, besides at tr ctiug a large aiming population.. vTbe upper portion of the oree loilerles that it was ouce a lak and uo- prt-aeata the ap pearauce of oaaiu similar to ibe great Flor eaoa City Basin. Kven puitluus of the country reMemttle that of the Florence City country. . W. K. WKI.La. Ten Mile, July 27, 1379. CIRCUIT COUKT PROCEEDINGS. - The following is the business transacted by the adjourned tenn of tlie Circuit Court, which convened on Monday last. Joel Dixon vs VY. O. B. Dixon et aL suit in equity to set aside conveyance. : Case sub mitted by agreement of counsel, and to be argued in written briefs, which are to be filed within twenty days. : i - John Weiss vs tlie County Court of Jack sou county and O. N. Young, suit ia equity to quiet title and for au injunction. Dis missed. G. W. Lance v W. S. King, injunction, Contiuued. - v W. T. Kerley vs Lavinia Bnshnell et al, suit in partition. Granted. , F. H. Hill vs J. T. Cooper, action at law to recover money. Taken under advisement Mtry J. Atteherry ys Thos. F. Attcherry, divorce. Contuiued. DeLashmut & Oatinan vs Geo. H. Marshal et al, suit in equity to set aside fraudulent sale of real and personal ' property and for injunction. Judsnnnt for dfcfeudanta. School Commissioners vs. - E. B. Brown, foreclosure. ? Dismissed. ' - School Commissioners vs. A. J. Manning, confirmation. Sheriff's sale confirmed. " " D. A. Levins vs. Thos. Atterberry, con firmation. Sheriff's sale confirmed. , Laura M. Averill vs. S.nuucl Averill, di vorce. Grauted. 3; . - . Banuer Bros, vs C. Cohen, action at law to recover money. Judgment for $1185. ' Douglas County fioadCo. vs. S. Abraham et. al. Demurrer, Mary J. AUeberry vs. F.. P. Hogan. Continued. COTTAGE GROVE. Morreir minstrels were in town Tuesday eveuiug. People in this part of the county have the blackberry fever. The new store of E. W. Whipple is being rapidly completed. For a good drink of sods wttti call at S. Veatch s drugstore. The suit again-o J. J. Com stock was put off until August 9tb. Farmers in this vicinity are busy taking care of hay and grain. The lira is biud uf tuis place will cease to blow uuiil ihi-y net a breeze. Maud, the j.-welei, h.ts left us and return ed to his stand at Oaklaud. The three m u hs old chill of Mr, Joe. Douah died on last Saturday, July ID. The hoodlums uf thia pUue take refuge in the river, duriu the warm wewther. .. 1 he dhsi few davs have been very warm. Ou the taih it was US degrees in the shade. Ihe teleirraph office will be ia running order in a few days with air. J. OUrli.ig as operator. . -. Mr. A, E. Rice, the mind reader, played in ibis place two nights uf last week. Mr. ttioe is gentleman and deserves tbe patron age of all. Court in town this week. One J B. Smith was arrested for awuulting air. Joe. Elliott on tbe st reels last Sunday, and waa fiued $3U aud waits oi suit. WILBUU ITEMS. Too warm for eotufort these days. Mr. Frasier is kspt quite busy workintr in bis raoinct simp at tins place. (irubo & Ciaimiau have on hand a full as-aitim ni ol dry guuUs and jrroceries cheap iitr cash. Mr. AarrV children are rapidly rec iver- injt umler the rHcieul uianaiCein.-nt uf Dr. rae. ol oakwn . Miss Mary tliil, our accomplished music teacher, is ins.rnc.tuK a ciass in uiuaic on ib' t'a.Bjswia m present. A couide -f .rar juveniles had a knock dow u at this place a fear days ao, bat evrryih.ny i q-iiet now. Mr. Lane tuiiiib was united la the huly bouda ot wedlock iiti Miss l.nlm Utey snort time airu H - is talkiujr of g uog to East rra Oregon eoiin. ; T.ie iNDBPIiNDKKT is acknowledged by all l" be the la si paper eve- published in rma- lorn Ore. on. and ia meek appr-ciaed bv Us many patrons in tuu place. Lona may it live! ' Tho arain ia struck with the rust Very bailly iu ibis locality, but not so bad as the irra.il n ihe t'alais.ia- We liitr f one vrrv singular case of rust iu that tectum in the person uf Mr. J. T. Dauiels. aud tl is thonirbi tbe old man will not fill we.l this season. SCAB FLAT. ' Great rush for blackberries. 1. C. Parker and 0. Kico taik ot erecting a grist mill Ou Ow creek. ' John Debon has finished his well, which is three hundred aud sixty feet deep. Tbe people of this part of the country ate highly pleased with the Independent Bo! lev. K..:eand P. Theile and tarn ly started tor the ruouutaii tor a pleasure trip. Mr. John J vnen will soon nnite in the 4ioly lHi:d4 of miilri- J niony with OUO ot Scab flat's tair- Cut daughters. Mr. Jetties Miller' aud Mr. Bert, ot Voiicalla, will sot-n 6"urt ensi of the tuountaius to look at the country. Lime for Sale. Flint & 8oa bare the best of lime for tale at bed-rock price. Parties wishing the tame will find It to their advantage in call on either Boaebarg. A. wr 8. C. Flint OAKLAND ITEMS. The city is very quiet. - : Mms McCollurit, Klkton, j. in to 4 a visiting trientl. , GcHirjie Deviiij uustseii throusih on Tueedrtj ou the way to iltwi'- liurg. ' 1 lion. vV. F. Owen, -t li ie burg, paid us a Vtoit cii last Mou day. Mr. Thomas Dnver i$ in quite imor health. Dr. I'ua U in t tendon sm. ' f The harvest season has made its upneuntiiue anu uie larinera are huny gaihermg in the goldea grain. George Sett'e and fmily a'e s j.turiiMig at Yaquii.a B y.'Tliey went hence on pteaaure und id cratiou. ' ; 0 inland is vrithout a flhoe maker at jirent, and thee ia now a iitie opening tor uoiuu hou orable and capable man. The iiispeclors ot the city elec tion declared l'g and Sluipo n the iesjal direc ra, tJ.i'i-y buviiiij pu'.U'd the hlHtesl atraw. Dr. Faae U the ha"piuHt man in tow it now, tor an d lition u, nutubtr Tueedy nibt was made to hid fannlv. A girl it 18. Wt are pleased to note that the rust in mil tu bud aa watt thought ii tt I from preoeiil lndi lu'ioi a the ditnae 10 the wheat will be light. Our popiiiatiioi ia men us'' tig at a rapid raiv. Two l-irtlis this Atflc and o!d Oakland to hear tnttii. Crops never faif in ibU vi cinity. .: - ,. W. 0 H Diviij will eoxi de. part tor the laud beyond the mountains, where the bunch grusa never fail and poverty ia unknown. The ti u crop in this vicinity in lamer than eve -be: tore known at.d of a bet'er quality ; alreatly a are t quantity ot. fresit truit is coming tu to a ti. We notice a great mny pedes triitnaot 'ate pasiHg throtio;)i our town, weitriiitt liungry,)azy nnlo- indicative of itglu puraua and au overplus ot cheek. Mr John F. SutheKin, an old resident ot thin county in lying Very low with erysipelas, and Dr. Venahle iuforn;s u that hiS case S critical. The lafesf and greatest annoy aucea the Oakland people have to jotitend with uow, are the U t mureilul drummers who are Hack rftpffieru by the dozen. We have been annoyed of hte by unset iipuloiie shiwmen wh ate ink-tit i ng titir quiet vidt very fieqtien'lv ; the people are be coming fairly disuated at their uniu'-rcil' I a-aanlc. George Steams had an unn-mai brisk luttvetnert th a week, ; but the matter l ail explained whin i is known that a bouncing imy made l)i- appearance al his house o Ssu'id'iy night. Mr. Volhard is away on recrea tion aud pleasure mid wi l not re turn until his health ia thorough- y improved, enjoyed K-mkI Mr. V. bus health Bine J uot the time h wa in inn d. - A concert given al this plate bv Mr. J. II. St. Ltwreace was well attended au I et joyed by Mr. at. Lawrence is a niicd imin, but he made it interesting to all who were in attendance. The report Irom the qtiicksiN ver mined is more n tteriiii' than ver belore; the assays are richer nd the cli.nabar is u htniteu so ter as cmi he ascei'uinetl. Thev re utid utitedl-the richest ciu- in'b.r tuiues ou the coat. Mis Fannie Thomas bore off he titize at the coueert a beitnf be most popular lady in the uu dien'je, ami Joe Acklt g it away with the prize ou the tfeittleiiianV Ida of the hotie, be being coii- bidered ihe best looking man in the ItoUae. At this writing there U an unu euat am unit ot siokneaa in thin vicinity, aud we are tearful that it will contit ue tornome time ; vet we ehouid not cotupUiu When we recollect that our southern bteili en are be ug ctrried away by tlmt teartul disease, yellow le ver. UMPQUA FERRY. Show are gettitg numerous, l'rot. A b. is bete at present wuh btsfhow. Wc acknowledge a call from our geui.il young friend, ""John' C Shambrook, ot Oakland. Come again. : ; The m tto in 'the ptrts i-, "It ouegiKM b itri tf t, but it eeent' alt are laru iy ab ur startiug. as none Lave eut vet. Things are quiet on the creek at present. We are of the opin ion mat a email a.tiounr f diooi woul'l be thed, but things have happily changed. A nut iber of sp itking t-zpedi none n.ive oeen stsrie i t v one o our young men, b-.t the gre it partorthetii hava not been euca cessl'ully carried out 1 he bl.ickberiy crop th"n ea .. ii . i . . nou on uunoaru crecK is very small. The only reuson for the catue ts tim: owing to ihe late cold Spri..g the bl"s-ms did not grow rank enough and the berries were killed. Wm. Stephens hs tho ,boiw" pau ot hordes. lie pulled wrh them last week at one loud 950 feet ot green lumber from the saw mill to his place ou the Oala pooia creek. We heard some part:e blowing about hauling 700 feet irom the mill to the valley. - GARDEN VALLEY. Gmiu i. all ready tn cut. Ed. Librie h envHle-cent, Mr. O. O. Field will finish cnt tmj in crop ot lay acres next week. . ' J troe Emi'ariB h rntr ilvzad. It is, hoped that: be will soon res etivee. Thm fiah j bl"8t. There is opposition thia jrear aud c-4Iisb wilt sell cheap, Come a 1,'as there will be no in. toxieating liquora on lhe ground this season., :v i J. O. Booth and ftnutyiare on eoait. vtritittg ffjiends ud relatives. Tiiey are to return this week. ) Mr. Sjiinitel jHotvley ami wife hiivej.iat c fuel up fnjtii the Co quMe eports crops looking .veil. ' Jav Reed ot a valuable horse In huviii the I nek. : rthoot him it hind la broken at le was compelled to Mr. .N.-Laf ut started his binder last week. It is d-itg aplen di I work. Hunt ; has almost ruined some f the ctops here. The ld schtNil house has (ven torn down. It looks bad t see noHcho"! in the vajjy We are auxto isly waiting h-r Mr K iwley to come and build one, whicb will help tlie looks of the valley a great deal. UhCB I'KTK. Beath's miustrvls will give a (lurioua per. furmauue this Saturday evening, to oonclu le witb a roaring faroe.v. Barnes, Lyuch and Huff man in new specialties; 1 row as end man. (in ami see them on tneirnew stage. . Cox & Flett have removed their saloon t the place f rmarly known as the ''Live Oak ' aud have fitted it up handsomely, Uo aad e the boys. A. E, Chain. wgort having sol I . bi bay twin to tbe .Hessra Dakyus for dUU. baa pur ol awid a pair of vraam-uolered hi-rsai. - jir. U is uJt ouly a popdiar Uuilorl aai obljg tug gentleman but a good judge uf borae Utah. ' ' " k' ' luipotnai to fanners. We aovise laiulers to lo k well to the oils liit-y ue lor ldorica.iurf macuiuery this sasu. Castor oil la by lar the. best. Ou account of the failure ol the rastor bean crop, tue oil is aiimturatwl. Yu w.ll get tue pure uuaUuiterated oil at t. B. llta'le 's drugatoer. . Feikwa Compound Syrup of Hypboe phi as is a specific ruin ly tor Uruucbilis, Asthma, ounuuijitioj. Mervousucm, iAsWli- y, uypcMa, Vve.a Luus, sua Ooiigba. I a puasi uf assiuri.uig Uuasaae la bouoiauly ackbow Itoged by pbys.ciaus w herever luuw duccd. The Housekeeper of lleallh. Ualis'li.-psucK.iug is the Oeat LiVer UeUie dy Iu the luartei. I; cures bitliousiieaa, cju supaliou, beauaciie aud all diaeasca arisititf roia tlie deraueuieul ol llial importaui laud. whicU is souii'lime caileo the li.us.Keei.cr of Uu.Hu, I'tiii LiVKit ut. liaiuiUou has II in It" bur aua wilt Kuarsuu-o cvry oottte or rcluuit tu mou . Try it. iO. Why suU'at wuh th t Dr-auitul Calarih I You can get cu-si il tome by usiug Dr. Ulana' t'atarrh Uoli s ly. The iieiueuy ha beeu tried by many in Uuartaitg. A. 1), tllgley, Sols sgi'Ut Fellows I'ompou.ni of tyi up cures aslh ma, Ion ol Vii.ce, ueuraijiiu, ol. vnu Dance, epileptic fits. HUuipiui C'-ugu, uei voueuiSf., and la a ru'bi tvuiiueliui au- unci n iNU' t reui-cli-a iu Misiaiuu. tile uri'iif tun piOs of JJilu.ifi.a. bu.u Ln ail urugiais. INJiW TO-DAY. AXXUAb MiJiinX.. N. 1 C. M. CO. Notioe is hrby given that tlut priucipsi office uf th New I.lriun ('iuna)iar Milling wnipanr will be iviuovwl from iaxikiug ilass to liakl nd. D.inbks couut v. State of Oregou. uulass objections are fil-d iu thtt Sec retarv s Othue at (.laklimrl Oreiruu. a ii.lu I ell days' rum (late. AUKLINM TODD, Secy. UaklanJ. Augusts, lTi- GIIKAT H KM KUY Stronsly Rerointnemled by tbe Medi cal faculty for Nervousness. . .'. V"aknes, Debility.....;.;.-. fyaiiupeia, Illdllf.tHhiU. ....... .I'lillll". Frvi-r He, Ktc, WH!1 E In Hit. lo and by the lallH. I int'mi'ra are r, lrreil to ibe foll 'WinK xtrsct fpitu the r ris of eiiiiin ui Cub ic Assay ists : L bratiirv sn 1 (JIB e, 1 No. 4. S'a'e Sirert, B Moil. Geo. Rimmonns. E q : - ir -1 lie ampl" of NAB IB WHItSKY r eived Im.n d ff r rut part'es. have be. n aulv&-d .villi the f.-llowintr results' It i tit stau.l ir I ale m-ii- ic Sirvnirth and frie trurn added fli.riti oi., aculs, metala nr other deleterious substances. T'is whtskv is pure. or supe rior qiial'tv. and su table lor dietie aad medicinal purp-wes. K-sp c ful'y. . 11a A A tl A I r.M, State Assayr tur Massac. i;isetta. Thia is pare sr er aud wlteal eiilrit. r- luirkinl in frsiiran. etiiets wli.cii imoart a delicate ar tin i, at the san e time (triidua'ty increisinir is vnlue as a diffusive stimulant. I he solid rmida contains tarife ainiunt uf tannin, rrivi-d tr-im atmiuti in .when casks. which irun.rs to tire old ' whisk v one 1 its va'uai.le in iviilnsl q.ialiti. s I b amount of reaidue proves tbe whisky to be nee from thenivssivo adoring and tweet nn'toir so fern-rally used In adu'leiatinir. Intact, in two words It is the PUUESr W iUSKT. and wiil not only supply a pul lie want, bow that whiskies are ' irenro altr adulterairtt. but will lie ot ti e ureaiest Vnlue to the pliysictsn in those liumer..Us caswa in which pure whiakiee are tli uus-t u-eiul ol all meutcine. u. vutirk. 100,0 00 Ca;c3 Sold on The Pacific Cast within ihe last year. t'S'Noiie genuine nn'ess labelld with my wjriiaxure over lire e-"k. I MtlMUiU', S. M.VliKS & CO., Aitenis, lluseburtr. Orogr.tn. NED. IKTS ALO - JACKS IN 8TFKKT, : HOSKBUl O. N The proprietor of. this well-known snd popular rvort would thank tils trlends tor their libera! pa'r natfy in the past and ask tor a continuance of the same in the future. Tue imblic is inform! that 1 keep none hat the best brands oi wine, liqnors sipl clvars. and that I sell over the br tne celebrated JESSE MOOKE & Ct.8 KENTUCKY WHISKIES I A irood Billiard Table will lie found in the ta on ; also all the leadluK I p- r of the ; coast . Uive nie a call. tu urn. FOUNDRY, i Xtscently Established, Z1MERMAN $ FRAZIER, PROPRIETORS. VVe aan-mnee th.it ill w.irk done nl a First-Glass F0TJ2TDRY e caa famish with ditcU and in the beet condition. All Hinda of Castings for Mi Orders from a Oistanre Promptly Filled We are determined to remain W Hose, hnrjf i ermanefi. ly. and ask t the pw.pls of age mlaera Ureiia to iira as their patron- NE7 ADVERTISEMENTS. IfiiLSB SB!! The Pnro t g Best for Helical t Family Ftinios83 , Has lawn sold in all the Eastern Hates and rives universal mtislactioa. It is hiirh jy reemjiiu-mled by the Faculty for alt case of nervousneaa. Weakness, Debiiiir Ivs-Ja-i s.a. lirtJiir.ii..n, etc. It is now Introduced to the public on the Pacifie Slope, en dorsed bribe Mlowinif e;tificate of the eminent Dr. t. i Dana Hayes, flat A. Jl1!??-? Dr' H-C.Mt'lerlsak, of U. Louis. Ma. both ifentletuen promluent in their profession, and which is a yuarahu-e to all buyers of purity a quslii. 1 can show thousands of letters from all parts of the ITniou and Cauady. Z?,!, "'",nd U neBtali has sff.rded aa a fannlv remedrand tonic f uruKgisiaana urocers by teuded to promptly. . : . srsr Tizrz ' om Kenutne nnles labeled riT sis ' -i l ce No. 4 Stale street. B.sMon.rtept. 9. 1873-fleore WmutonJa. i'jCLj .1 ."" mMki Nsoob Whisky - revived from n. ha. been aua rf i n Z I f;,llow'nK " ' ; 11 -ltd alooholie atreoaii, and free lro.it ad ded flavoring oil acids metal, or any other deleterious snbsunces. Bespectfu.ly, S. DANA liAYK'. State Aaaver of MaasaCuusetla. v8.1 P:?.r;"0 V8,',t-80- 1876-1 leiuve Simoionds. Eso, t have Wn nsiuir root NalH.bWhisky firouieouie, and have no hesitation iu set in that it i. wiibout txcepti in, ihe purest article that i hare need md einally. ir for family purpW l o many -l my pat.ea,, who hay been sunVrina with imiireilu and nervous affcc tinns, 1 have preribed y.ur N.lmb Wbiaky for tbeir ose, .d 1 take pleasure in aav. frifr to you the iff has leen satialitctoi y . Picas s. nd tue by express six cawm C 0. D and oultjte. youts truly. H. C. LoUDEhBAtK. M. D. t So lonjr a there art ills I., which ftWn is lieir to, and theclres r nd labors of lite bre.d disease. si lonawi'l ii l,B necrssary to use m.-dieioe i e-uiiurac. tbe wile inaluce.l and niaintain tbeliealth of the human family. Many km lot medicine are Irequeate ly KfTered t tiie puolie for ime peial disease and another, and if the truth were kuown 1 would doubtlessly be lou.id that in the tni.j ir.ly of cases these nostrum have done more barm than tr raj. ludeed ms l he u;rat.-i evils of the present day is the txistt-nce ot quack ouiuounil. wbtch ciuain inar-di-nts Iniinieablr to he. lib and thr yriateat care.then f re at.ould Im taken by invalid, in uainir ttauy unknown onis wiircii Ciiuo.it be taken With iuipunitr, no matter wbat may bwalledxed lothe No v. eiperieno has shown that Nabob r c iuimnui u oy tue racotty l it all easesot nervousnrw, weak urn, debiiiy, dyspe sia. iiitiim4in. ee. Its rsipnlarti throng tout the Eai ern eltair bus l. o fcrrat. snd it c-.me n. ilu, Pacific oast .-nrt.il e4 by tbe certifi. ca.esut lr. 8. Dtna liay a. State Assays t Msssachusetie. aud lr. H. C. Loodera oaca, i i. tsiuis, mo. (iiese ceniacaies are mv direct ia their tat tnent avers rili- that the Ns'wb Wbisky is,. iib-mi etc pii .n. the puret article that can be used either tuod cina ly or lor i tdiffeatiim and Derrou sff.-cuous. and can be need with the n-must eondUrucn. The ana yi shows that this whisky is of standard al cooolic strength and fro- fr.-m fl.y .nnf nils, acids, nie'am. .r inlier d. letenous sul-stano-s. Dr. Hayes turthersays that i ia pnre.nf superior qua iy, and euitabi l.r dietio and medic nal porposrs. Sueu rt-o.iiimuitsiii-ns are ihe strooarst that e a be furnished, and as lliriv are l!i..u-amia of leit rs lesitlyina ; h merit of iiie whisk i as a family nuiedy and t..nie, no further prsif uf it exrelience msd be jrin. 8. MAKKS& rf.. S"l A- 1 r-. r.s-., t ,.,, GREAT ANNOUNCEMENT! TT WIN'U JUST ARRIVED FROM SAN 'FRANCISCO WITH - one of the large-t autl best ass.-rtetl t-tocks uf ' GENERAL MEHCHANDISE Kver 8en in Ro-lurr, I repcctiull' invite the triblie to come and examine the Price ttinl Q lulitj? ot my large upp.,y of LADIES' DRESS, GOODS OF ALL QUALITIES, OASmSS3933S8 02" A L T Y & -INVISIBLE PLAIDS LATEST STYLES. Ladies' Etnliraciiisr H jthe Latent Nxvelties A Uu Every tin iir tUe tcitaintiiy to Lmlice' Wear. ALL KINDS OK Piques, Brocaded Linens, Plain Iiinen, A'td every vanetj? of Drea: G ds -More. . " . EMBROIDER EES, Tho Best and Cheapest ever imported i the City ot U;-eburg. tiaotES' READY-MADE DRESSES IN ALL SI1ADES0F CAbllMEKES Laces, in all Cclcrs & Fatterns JTlMELk PUINTKO LAWNS, Ot all hmhi. Ladies uu ' trim tin 1 and mitri mined. eye berbys. Legh.TiiH, Aiissoited L tdien S.'ioe all vaiicties. Kid, aame quality in Mitutu and Childreite size. A PUIX Gentaman's, CLOTHIWG, All new puterttH, excollet t ly tiuinhed, und the cheapest and ever "ft'-red t- the linsebtiruf trade. . Iu thia lio aa well others, I dty c iipetiiin. These are onlr a few items In the stuck 'i here I enoajrn else to enaire your attention lor aa entire day. M JOSEPH "ON HI! L'J MOUNT SCOTT MILLING COMPANY J ?I KOWLEY. WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THE CITI- aens -r Douif's county and Tictnity, that he bas pn.chased an m erest in : Traslc's Sawmill, On tbe NORTH UMPQTJA ! And haa taken . FULL CONTOL OF THE SAME. He has had 20 rear exiierience in ' tha business of loraber-nisklnir. an.l jrasran- tee to all custom-re iterfect satisfaetion. He will deliver all kimla of DRESSED AND PLAIN LUMBER At Hose barn; or elsewhere cVanrr than csn be parchaaed from any other mill, and, all ordt rt will lie promptly tilled. Con tractors and boildi-rs wilt find !t to their atlvantaye to Inquire for term and prions. He is also a pne tea' arcliltect ana uuiia- cr, snd all bsvinjr such worn will la b n-. Gtted lir ealiinir npon . jlm besm piBg elswhere. . J. M. HOW LET. -: WAGON STARTED. . My wood waffoa will start op Monday i June 9Ui. and theu I will be prepared to ad ntsb wool as ottlered and 4 any stse aaa Itnatli. twill not be undersold, ano tli-se who desire laying in a ttammer sad iIWH!EiB!iSSYi! ' and to tbe case or bottle, . ., Couutry orders at' on OOTTZnZS. ore rver the cork. ' witb my rVnature over the cork. G. SI H.MoND., Sole Proprietor. Whisk v Is one or ibe beet m-dicinal prena Silk Ties, in the S-m Francisco Market t'.titxl in a firntscIuM Dry Good Mum;' Summer Hara Latest Styles Liidie' Wtiitu a d Bi-'Wn hiidee, tirds II lm vte, ami all tither late tyle. Ct. - tlt, Le ather, Pebbltt Goat. Alao LXNE or Youth's & Bey's beat a in I h-ve parchaaed. Come a-d see the other GO TI- S. HAMILTON'S IIEV7 DRUGSTORE FtiB rru's. Paint. Oils. Varnirh, Window aad V Picture Uiasa. Statitnery, Perfumery, If you wish to purchase , tbem cheaper than at any place sou'h ol PORTLAND. S. HAUILTOH Would announce that be baa apart d neith er lint nor money iu sxleettnir a stock aud Bttinir up store. Purchases al staple drum ia New York for cash, thereby se curing the lowest prices aad finest articles and keeps full line et . Cloth, Mate, Katl 6 Tooth brushes, Palat, White- wash, Vaptifsh 6 ftrtUf Windeor anl NeWtons tube colors. Win dow and Picture Glass, rrery size, at : owst Price, by box or pair. Blank . Bi ks, Writioir Paper, envelnprs. pen. All new Patent Medicines in stuck as demand will warrant. (1HSS CUT . TO OKDEli. free of charjra. Agent fr J TIIIIES ITT7Ti:il PAHJT3 Tbe Celebrated and thowmsrhty tested PA- CiriC KL'HKeK PAINT, Ttl 151 PKK1S11ABLK PAINT, aad Tb ENAMEL PAINT. Airent for at. U ray. Music Dealer. Kaa Praadsco. Presertptioas filled witb dispatch, at th lowest rates. Store is accessible at right window oa back street at all boon of the night, KetDeuiber tbt plee. Brirk buiUU ing opposite MetiopoUtaa liulel, Eueeuor, vreos. I In All Prices for tbe W4 -AND . . .- . - . ... Oil Ilercaatils Eousa cf PLOED & CO We wonM annoance that we are in I Receipt of oar NEW STOCK OF D&2 GOODS I For tbe Spring and Summer Tiade, Com prising all the Latest Kovel'ies in that . Line, Including Black, & C q(q red! C SILK S, wets. & Uaen Fancy es GioYC?, Corsets and Koslecy, Uadepweai?, La Oar Stock of D ttnestlcs and IIODSE FURNISHING GOODS i Is Larirer than Ever Belors. la Gents' Fnrnlshin Goods we largv A rtmea of FINE DUESS STITS, gant Summer Suits, Neat have a ELE- nerts Suits White and (Colored Salt?, Huerv. IIt, Gh.ves, Tie.. Bow ect WR KEEP THE BEST GOODS! That caa be ol.aiaod in the San Fiaudsco Market. Oar Stock of Groceries, Cannot be excelled. Ia this line we bars an Immense Assortment of Crocksry, Glas r&&m and . Cutlery. AlsoSufrar, Teas, ttnflee, btaple Omceries. Oar price are VOW. Call at.d see for yoar sel Tee at the old stand. H.EJEMC0, EOSKUURO, DOUGLAS CO , Oi.EOiN S9 p 1 v. T if V n - M I'MJ W A IT. 15 aq est roa ;1C; AD HEALER W . HARNESS, And Alt Kinds of ' jjtore on the C rner across Warehouse. front Marks' My rtnek is eonp'tr an n-w. the best and largest eTer lirmir t tu li.islura. I sin prep- reit to fill all ur-it-re at price to defy C"ituHtiiii.n. All wnra. warrsnted -Fanuers ally ate r qutd t ell and examine my sock. V. ti. V( Hf)W A KU. SCHULTZ& VON I1AEGEN', Importer and D.-aler ia . n -. Fcntnn & comes z v:i:::s LIQUORS AN 'BRANDIES. Also Airnts for the CELEBRATED BO CII BON WHMXr S. E. Corner Ft. and Cat St, SAX FttAXC.SCO. CAU . Bsnreseoied by tlIARLE KOS. WJuEKLYLINL of STEAMERS 1 3417 FEAITCZSCO FKOM COOS SAY CAPT. Q. HOLT COMMAKDEB CAPT. CHAS. BATLER. CX)J1MAKDEB' For Freight nr Pssssjre Applv to FRANK BARNARD & CO 213 JACK SON ST , Sn Faa-cise. OK- " FRED SCHETTER. Empire Citfr IMPORTANT T0TCE. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the firm of rtirht & Csr"m, in tbe livery stable I ttsliie. ate lt-p-hy D'Hi6-d tu make immediate settlement oy cash or note autl thus save os 1 Ins is ! last notice. WKlUirr & CAULON. June 14. 1879. 20,000, FOTJITJDS OLD CAST IRON w ANTiSD AT THE ROSEBCRU I.10X Ft. tKDS I Good Price paid. Old Inn taken ia ex ; Clianire for work. R. Brackenridfe & Robt. Eastoa, I Opposite T. P. Sheridan's Ilaxdwar Store, ROSEBURG, OREGON. Mantle piece raa le from Italian and American, marble inonttmeDts, ar d liul suai. made to order, and first-lass w.irk warrsnted in ibis line. Amthitiu in the war of stinvnittnii pMttiptly perfnrme.1. and all orders promptly filial. Always a fall stork of marble and 'rtb-r sinne tm hand and in esw of anv repairin this lint- in the S'tape ot bll'iard taole, etc . satisfsition' will be (rnsrnt -rl. - K UK ACS EN K i CM I E HOBT EASTOX. Notice of Assignment. NOTICE IS HE Ilk BY GIVEN THAT C. Allien, merchsnt oi Ris-burir.Doair las coorir. Orea n, d'd, on thr S3J day ol June. 1379, assitrn to me all hi propertr. forth ben- fit of bis erd-tor. iu tMpot tion to the amount ol their respective claims; and all of said creditors are re quired t" present their claims within three iuobi bs trora ssia oate. tn tt e aarsis;nea, at Boetburft. Donirlas eonnty, Un-pw. WM. K. WlL,Lil.a, AM10RKX. AQltST rCR- Successors to JOHN C MORRISON, JR., Importers and Wholesale Dealers la Finii7iiiE&uauoiis 816 Sacramento and 321 Comtuercial St. . BETWEEN FRONT AND BATTERY, Saa Fraoclsco. Caliloroia . 07.: T. H.'-STTST 03Za TAXLOH. Opposite T. P. Sheridan's Tia Shop-. CLEAN 150 AXD RRfAflW PONE. Stone replaces 1 JOBIJ LOi.G, of Cleveland. Would annoance that he is .lt-iaied to Farntih the none, neatly eui. lor F.rep ao., at rate more raamaOle thaa Any oaeelso na ; and tha' He w.ll receitr orders to Duitd chimneys Aai Fireplace from any part i.f ibe Cvunty. . He mill warrant all hi chimneys to have " Perirct drsutfhl, aud to be ol peruiaoent ' Cl.sracVr. ! He wilt also dt-Iiver stne already dressed lo any on wilnnj( t!i- same. For Fira'iilaor-s Orders left with the lKDurtitDiiKT. or Mr lhrsn.- Lookinrf Oiasa, promptly at v nded to. C Ji. 11&YZ1QZ1D. G. D., FOBMEliLT OF OAKLAND OKKiiOS. Hivinjr !ernianenlly hazaled ia k,eiiurj, I'Sefil fa pr.'f-Bionl tfrvices to those wtsliinjr FirsCIs Detttst Work st price to sun tlm tiniv. - Uaitr first da north of Oaas' pit lure gallery, Oak street, ti. l;cr, . 0ean... NOTICE. Jacob losensii-in hss lrfi .!s sot accHittts wUti Virnis C'oua. I'tjr must be nia!e at safe or lit c'.o(.s ta&irceC by das pruccss ot lew. snl OB'S Winter supply of wood wtil do well to Civ n a sail. A. . D0WKE.N. i' '