SBBS5K56SI ..Al"(i 2. 18T9 EVOLUTION OP ENDORSEMENT. VVHERitAS.THSlHlCOLAa Ikdkpekdest a iepa per published in Kmeburg, ha beefi pubiehed in litis county tor ihe perimi of t bree j ears ; and ". Whkheias, mUi newspaper is now well ftaMialtd. mid during a three years' iril il lit lalihUil y B-rv. d I lie iatererts of the pri'ttarer sna tax-paver; therefore l" 1 llftiiud. W e, the men be iv of Hi - 17 in ii qua Hfttiiitt No 28. tiive Tbk IVWCLiAb iNDKPhKDKSTi'Ur intjoalini d p. ri id.-ii ml w.itj-d recomn:?t.d it as a newspaper worthy iln ' ruiiuge of every tanner and tax-paver in exiutuern On jim. I : ;k V . Jon r.a. Master. c ft 1 VS..I1 CONFER ONE WITH ANOTHER. We hops to sea something dono noon look Ing to mi organiiatiou of an Iudi'peudeut party throughout Southern Orej-on. S atl oriHrirntiiu miht not result in the sc outing' to Iuih-pindt uts the entire eontrol of , tii partot the S'ute, and the eleution ot ' Iiid p udmla to every office within the tfitt ot the people, or the utter dinoomfittir? of but), the old parlies; but without tbia odd troltkom of the pop'e iudeptnlt nt if pary aud the dinctum of riujts mid cl-ipies won In fi 1 em-onrayed in their etforta to 'protie tbi ti w Iv.n against the incapable and dta hontst BtmiiKt of party, and Would for-e the partis to bring t ut their Itwi men not only in Douglas, Josephine an.l Jaektos, but in Coos, t urry, Benton and Jxne ruum-ies Suih orgiimxHtion and aym-nient cot. Id Ih bro.nht alont by a genral nonfen-nue or convention tor couaideratiuu between lb people of :ha counties numed, aud otn-o the convention wait held 'ho poliriunl partita, iu elf-protectiua, wtiuld be oompelhrd to brin. . out thuir bent mou in oppuMikiu to tho Ini'ei-ndeuiy holding the balmiuaof power. Tha Independent, onoa organ ia-d, would ito a the La,!.. uce- heel iu puiitio, and put hot) - parties ou their good behavior Aud to hull auou a vouveution the oont would be trid a coin pared to a dii-houeat Judge or an -Ilea pa lie or uimcruj'uloiM oouniy official One dwboaext Judge ruy lujure by oue wroti deemion the iLtt tvebt of a b df-doitu diti-icts aiid ouedihuueatoHiuty ofiiuial ce do more rung thun forty hmient m u undo. The point ia to have nil uttitttal hou " -ert, and with lha Us,.vrit i-hould not matter whether the otfieiala wete IX inooratW or Keiubliuaa in pol 'i.j loun a they per formed their dutiea houtvtly. The end to be WllMYtu4 Mtllt tttM 1. 1 IM.. (. . m ... Inetit at ina!iturd,iathatuoue ai.all be wrong In office, but all tiht. i Lei u tlien libVe thn cotiveiilion. 11 the people l.t itcIi rouuiy wud to the c-av. rjiion as re retc ativta none bui ht(Dei-t nien ' One !ul tlmge who nre t. . patriotto li lend t'u maelveu to lunherauv dt ain'pjf man' a i ma. or Ufli fmvard til Irown axuira mia uon but tnen U- will be gui to step svide il there xia'8 ; Clliera wlitwri ' reiitiii Be and o ularny . with the ni.i see euiiiU liieui to fircl pine, a Ah 'wai Aali?i"raltU . SATUKSHY 1 : m"m vVnh us the maunr of thia c nveniiMn ol cittferet r baa. on y ee'n nipid by the eXprenaed wmlie ot ile liue.-t Inle ' J endenia of JhcIcmi and Douirbia eotin'h f. . 1 1lH llldt p. nUellla HI tile too Cllnttea : liumed are ripe tor au ex i detl lt o aia . tion ol indeMn iencet.f p rt There ma ;' be olliei CoUulea wliicn uili le ulnd i j iiu in the revidi auMiisi (arty uie a ainai tueaellit g up o prituariet au.l the ! BUiclklli C UiVe lions. We be.ieve tiler Ik, but i'uwi iv. ly we know not. Tiiey c n Come iu it any lime; ii iiiuin ra not wu. n; the lU'ire the beiu r. If Moulin rn tr on i once r di-eimd ft. Ill lite lialn ety ot ' par' ru e, U. in I'lt (j .ti will In aatlie aiur.ii u nut or n p. jij mi.iit- ti urein -r C"injiiBlH Let UK ra-rur . fin-V the 8U belli riioli i f I lie Mate, and linvi if done tuia much ami r iiiouihk Hit mi .Mid u ne.4i w.ih tliier .a -tt m t -'U . SelVea. ibe Cll tl nt tile rea' ot Hie S-ute Ilia l- aopired n. an i me lioe eiii--r talUed ibal llie jl. r w.l r ma n W.I.. : au lioinai, tirjiaM a tl e p e . u. t. ' : dielf iieiy. wue h- r it Colnes in in a Hn-c era ik tltiv. nior or B if vi 1.x. III.' ll'lle lit lIlH lio'il ilf ot Midi C'lll- Vinimti lioul.i ! hi o. c a it eu u,. n t Tin-inittit t ahoit . b ti atMii-se.1 oy i o p, . pie niibnili.. t-X t r.t im.ii li A r iidy toliiifi.ii ate hi w. tk n. ifj ilo .1 tt It til r . ee urt l ud. t o r h'i i laying the t ir a i ,'ii i n ilie r- i ii.t i m etmir-. an - ot coor C -Uniy C Ml .-rt e vrmioua lil i.amu i"i ui - tt rf e r : tlaie " li Cli vo.u o . . lii . I 1 ia' iue Iiu .1: 1' V I' ll ' worK 1 Ull: W.itkl p iii Clana a..ti jtur e tit e 'pie miil .i l i. t. , arm d. U n m ' p'l.C-i ' f tile tliei' ,.t ; . I.-.- v .Il 'C nV.tiil.oil. t i 1 'it I'l T i.'if a nu '1 i p I tif an r. v i i periiajw. an eiiio - ,. I l.l'ii lilitl liliea tl-' a 1 nf j tie . n IH-ia to H 1 t il ie. Tlie ma tttir ( hn-ititlt n-n it i b tit c t ih ti i 1 r ihe Irin.t . . i. t.ial new a, ii -tarry l'..lin 1 1, . Ma r; ill o , t a d went Wil; hail rrt ni .. Vi ry iimg na. tie ight. a.... wiin-in t i . tl ib bur C 'tis ll-ltll-iii . . lie 1, d L In '. p tiluotllt to l lift. . -7! t ill-lio. W.. IC". .- iiu.; yet m. ; . imuiw pur. , g. I III:' n-i I ir 'tu i fall r i.i' i- i " c- i r li Ii .-' -ei-t: loti. , : ciri-tiiiiai.'U K. tit ne . pi- i, . V 1 tin ti a nllil " avu ... Mp-I i' - h . .f . t " it .yi everv t ' t'- ' j .". .. n.t-t t-t ii n wM b - o I P H.i (i)ni;i. ! rr r , 1 I here i; ' e uu 1) nui-. mi-lu j .,) 1 1 ','itk; 'Mi h atiowa fl,..;, ' i ill. ' lie tig t. VI I la r " i t-ti S mli at the pots, -- w. e 'ii tf al hit the ihe Sviuth will bt Victinioua. vb. I t Ih i we : ail ' f Nunliettt a n-'- . ihn r. tin ni it a: li - -"i Titled be ' tiaNw ' : "' l-L't. ' ---t a .e l ' i lo -i ' - POLITICS !N OHIO. The political eatnpaln In Ohio has com mence t In earrieat. and the Repuhiirana are workinjr together. 'lh indicatiooa are llmt Ewinjr, the Deniocratic candidate tor i Governor, will be defeated by 20.1)00 Bit- tit j. This la not lu opinion of Kepub is ert alone, but of many Dtmioerats who urte the arty to turn all wo k ptieaible iu favor of the election of members of the Leaiht ttnre, and dMp the Governor. The IteUK CravB. if would aeetn, think it i better to aecure a majoriiy in tht lugialatnre, if tlikt ia poaaible, t: an to lotte everyihini;. I he points in arKUUtent in fnor ol lute coucluvion are found in our Kaaiern tx cli. UKea. Tue Democratic tiermau vote aliu.wi to a man refuaea u aupptirt. Ewin In Belinont couiut over two hundred Oer- mau Democrat bare declared fur the Ke publiwm candidate, and what is true in Kolinont la true iu other counties. The financial tbeoties of Eating have bronchi about' this rei-ult. together with hia arbitrary ttliitary oruerof 1803. sup- preaaiUK five Iteinocritio newapap-re, o lat as their circulation in hia wat con cerned, iocludinir the New Yorn Wurld. There ia not now the number ol aoti moaey Democrat a n Ulilo tnai tliere weie a Tear or two auo. th rinan'a succesa in the matter of reaumptlou ot 8C'e pay meuta, haa detuonai rated that theic ia no ueod ot lli Infl-it'ou first argued by the ate eX-tiovemur Alleu, a id s.nce rewuinp tion began and Democrat have found that ut-ne o the hit promiaed by solt-m.mey ad vocaiea have followed it, naturally Uiey rea turn to their firat love and are in tavor ot Democratic runney In prefer-nce to anv otinr. Tue lireenlmeketa liave also come to thee uclua'on that thee cannot It pe Ut ba'.ld up a national party orc za-in and vo.e tli Dt iiiucra a amne, aud bv elect iojr memlMira to Cincrraa wlm will, at tu be Onijfivaa. v alk into li e D-ino cia.isoranv oilier Cauc a, and thus bind ttteii'Seivo to Vote tor 1 lit caucus nomine; a I'ui'J have Very wisii jr cuie to llie C'ti Ciu Mou that it loey canuot c.nilrol, they can I e indep-'nuent o! eii'.ir mity. and in bi-um , HiUa tule)uileut. it ihey d t nothing iu -re. they wit. retaiu their oiyaiiizainm ami ai eat hold the balance ot power iu Unto to prove thia it is poaaibh- th-y will yot Mtli.lly for the K''Jublion candidate for ti at au otl'-et to the acti tu of tl eir ..ontrewo.en in joiuiuif the D in icrais in die late ex ra Si aeton. ; ' " It ttie Oerniil't vole 18 to be caat asniinai w inii. tlier.t can Us uo d"Uit "I his ut-;eui the qu a ion reun iua i nly as to lb ma j iriiy to be jol.ed aaiUxl bun. Il we aud the voi ta to Le kt n away fr ui the pnrt.i oy t ne li rei n iitok r. and tuna" ol li t oit (-.uie l't loocra'S aim will u i I -r a u..u who ha a.leuipieil n atnUe li.-r d.un .it pe ch ami ol tue preaa, it is iu be re adily e.i. Ve i that i he lii puo.iean lo. j ir-i . in ,hi. t da K 1 wiii u it tall mi .ri .'I 20, OoO. If II dt lift exceeo those figure. Tuere is -t poiul be umi-J. iiueVi-r. iu t - t.ciion ot li iu .crais iu the Utlioc.iol at, ao 1 r a ti.t ir eiiU. riitM! to enCt fc Ui. jon v I ti the Ir KiaUtu'e In ru ia lit "e a I tianed Mana S"hati eitct-ti by llio uexi j L c siai u re in ol T I'niu- tuttu will uot bkeiy aapiie o a rt lic.ioo t the SH tia e a Ct lie hih pfi aiueuna. at p ralioiii. ami I hi re wif, iu lite t-vt n . t t .e eu-c.u oi a L'eiuocrauc L iM.Uttre yi-t remain I clmlin or EttW'u lolfoWt ra and aupp r er to imuut mm by au rlecilou to he . I nnea .i.alea eiia'n 1 our memory u ul tuil ilaa la-en bet. re, end the o. l.-.ilitl cautiidate f ir (ioVeilior hub ite. ii i vtu a lunch betur H,ti u .u llie .-enaie. - Flora prew-ut app arHUOea It would Sv-ein tuiit 'I iitteu and Ikttuiiall will riurive ihe Ltttiuocratic ucutiuntioua for t'reMii ut and Vico-i'iirMdeiit, aud ihe tally mg i;r oi li e Dtiuutrai-y in lbcU wiU be "liuir..h tor the two ottutiuya." T bleu, it ia uigiii, call u.i'rry ew Vont wuh its tlnrty-i ehviu ral vu.ea, ami K.u-iail, it .a nop d, may i ide the felloe uu c'ree i risue aud ftufutiuu ao tuiuorabiy aa to ctoiiiu the 1 nu.yiv. uuiir, auii tun tweu y-ia eieuiiil v.,i..n ol thii Ki yitou.i ttlate la bia pouaot, no t apea , ui Itvor tit i tu tiuaat. If Him i done, au i thd jut.h reiaiiu.-i ti.tu t , la Ii att4 wilt tie tferiauty DcUi. r.i to.' aU'lyiu ehuiou tit the ttvket- witt tie ttMur.U. Itut the p int- ,.ghiint ih lo'ib-t. hii i lea-i ol protiiotior itou'Oi.iuu. - Iht-reUftir yet tivci a true D,..muui.ti mho w.e. not tu I.ivor of tree U'nuV, uu-t lo nil auun he wit, im b bitur pol Uu ilicoih r l.,.ii i li.ui u Ii.ik mo.oiii.UuU uut-nviMiiln rooutrt'iou hiuuk La umue i m.uu. uied Willi thu l'wi.l u. j. It limy br llmt tin r puiatiuu a ui loe lu.u iSew lurk, aud iUit i.C.tuiAtia puit-ame lartlf at nit uo will Keep. uoun U iii tiuliu t(tein iu tew) tvauut Aw.iy fioiu t.,e poi.a to ive ihe iSto'e to til. ue1iu.iiu.iu , uu t auoi-oer 4fpti.aiti tu tt'cii 1 1 o. jjj i,y iu i White Uoune. limn ui.iuo Wilt unoiJu tbe tu.ilto: . - ' w...., ,s. . i..i.h. . . . ' A ieiri 1. j.tcio i I C' II. .. fi Uln,f etl bu i- i.i b Bii-i.t.i. ii....!.-1 iii in. in i.t, i e i ' Wo , .oil I il. B lll- .l -iil ki ItriUjt t..e aiC oitc oi on- V 'o.iu loi.ior ii . iw 1 . e- unu im m rve nti eu n,- i, J it 'il. la.- ti 1 1 im ti ii ".-e,. i ti.e i.m a ii to m.:!-'- d t.. tit Bil.i'iue liaa ie Von . li ol li'i.t-j: i.i.i ol tin ho, 1. 1 u a - reo.t pevl mi x r.ii. i c toiu in nee ill Uo r. 1 tX,i it o au cine f I" Il a o.lltiliel- L. a yenr tt.e h. tl.o 1 In t-i, llti' (1-IUrtl.l ItiiK ol ilie IjioiVe ji .i. iiou. toe ii'tu is. V iiii-u ure n M.t.ii. ami ii. I r g iv. rum. ni am . ti Hi- a - .et Z a lilitl. r, In r to ! c.iti-, list-it p .j u anon . ao u lo. i - .-iln ot lue ir.lita Vllice a n'Mf-o- ' 16 U. llrt -I In tinl t ItifllllM. rn ,, CiVil e. i vi,.c i in. . nru Win n e i't Urn. l U ii i-lilll' BU lirri'lfh ' j i tie lienuuioii', tin iiiiti,i liiiil c-ouit'ly i.f I're-ldi-ut ot the oeurtfrt, proioea ijouii itoe, lU'inii ut !. iu, nun Oliilotii. , i.l, iiert'.. of ; lieaoUi'B tu-ilill- lo.-uu, ,.r ui plii,t, rh.i.t lie n-ukoU'd .in. ii i., lulilni li, il.iu u pnK-ili I loutish . tiling a on-tt.,u uiih Aiueri.a ..n i .1.1.1. A piuM! ui us ooinpivM-tt air iuateail ol Kt,i,VW'br tor iiIkm IU4 lu in men ban t rouhl mi iu iu ImisihiiJ. '1 be iuu m . ni,.io ..I. at a piea-ura ot lip waul ot x.U..l p. Uuua lo ib" iume luuh prub bt l. LiUtvateU ly the r. -r-ult .n ewin.- Iiaia ron u'iy mn.lM u ihe VV l jf id uoiti-riea ' A it y o tif.e i. .mi till ut f itirteen mi' aw..; ij, rl. , c, nui t , .-tlaliaiu... to b. Ui no o. I i i, i. f. ct t.jii.i ih. bl the a C : nun . ,. pi'-rui.u u aiw ihem ut it.ii m.i y. alio tach huh. r. iakini hit. 1 lirctile ill pllllg U'llilul bllU, rode hollie. 1 Ate rtt-llif fo In. tti i iSruDtitui " : V I'rt, -, onora p ,aeaM-a .. v.tal licid ol an i . I. ei t n ai the li y auihrt file yet die iroverid on "ne fc.iic oaai. It is t-aid t brl. ng to a v- ry out geological toiuia- lion, piobilny Sutir an r IVv itiian. Fewer In 1 1 li r- a nave ianrreil in the (Tuned Stall's in the past tttret lunnih t tan during a .y like ;riod for five tears. (inetiially biiHtress affi are teacbiug a Bulietantial IwbU . s A teleuiuiu irotu t.muoa aiinotinres the arre t ut a h.Miy.a; t.-r otter. nsx tn rontrol a title Blatter tu the Bntth Par lameni. in cotisl le-ain n of a bribe. I e Is certain to be wed pauia. ed, it convict el. Sanies3 and Saidlel "' FINE BARGAINS OFFERED ! JOHN W. MOORE, Would annonnce to the puhiic tin- generai .bat be has aaatimed full charge ol the sad dlery store of EAL Miawe. and hair on band a empl" atocK invery reapect oi-. Harness Saddles, Bridles, FUJRNISIUMJ MA TE RIALS And is prepared to do firBt-c'ai work In the manufacture of new goods, or in the repairing of old. lie has purchased hia present fine ito k of leathers, etc.. on the verv lowet terms, and is prepaied to sell cm aiei and do work on terms more rea snftl.le than can anv one else for proof of which irive him a ea'l: at lite old stand of E M. Moore, north ot the Poat office-. JOHN VV. WUOUK Roeeburjr. July 16, 179. PI O 9a1 g x o -2. a. w9li5J-" a at 5 ic o . b " 2 s 5 0 ti T " - 53 I i" :1iS 3 ft. ' J. ? at "2 c "9 s 3 Pi .3 . a Z - t a 1 f i- 5 a : GKEAT REDUCTION IM RATES R0SECUHG ANU COOS BAT , STAGE LINE ! . THROUGH IN 64 HOURS KK0M-' - U0SEBURG TO SAN FRANCISCO flaking connections w ith the Ocean Sieami. el, "lesniera arrive ami neiiart evert week certain, ami aotnetime twice , a week. fUOM Eosctog to Coo3 Lay IRS OWE DAY! FA UK TO SAN FRANtTSCO liy it is K titf. 14 50 ; Fio - ; to'Oftt Day, $0 00..'.' The prt prii tors of tl ia line wi n d an liollhfe to llie public that thev bave ma'l th ab ve ritlncinn in miw of travel, a no wi li Sue Ii "r. a aud UtI ol S'air , an pre aivil. better than any one e Be. to fuv ti ah : imiiiodali'HiK to traveler who patronize them. Tim time ot iraitei i. attort toe r atl U'l, anil there ta uo tie .ettttoii on the route. driVerB fitl ployeif are expi-r.eueed and olite, and wi'lt all will alio-v evety p.K-inie alleu. :t n - I he tinii trf arrival , and diartiire 1 f may lie ieitrueti up n tutuiii.g at ' te .Me. ru lt an It i-el. For lurMiei r .irulats. ii'qn re of i'E Kl. 5; uE.!Hl('K Aar-rta, tVletrojii:ian Html. F. ."-CliKTl EH, Ageut Empire City. NEW STATE HOTEL, UpiioKile W. tr. o" .r-xtire,.. Ollice, tO UN K il 8.1 & IIALIFOkN I A Streets. Jacksonville, Ureifon. Meals ot All Hours, i New iiiamiB ana C ean B d. S i ialaclion tiiiamuteeil. C. W. SAVAOK. Proprietor. CONTRACTOR FOR LAB JR, ROSr Hl.RO, l preprir d ti 'itrnifh all kind of Chiniae lahor on i-lie lni of li-rifH. Colitraciora mil others wi: do well to ifive hint a ml . It quire t - tie.- "i aaliliotiw, ir Joliu Iji e. nl Cot-mop l tan hotel. A ?vMl. EXHIBIT Of the ' innuciiil Cuatliti iti of Dnnlus t tiutitv, Ore,(!ii, tae Vear cut iit iiuiy itn, to7v: LIAUILil'll.S : Unpaid or.leis. couuleil Julv 2, 178 11.757 (57 Pain C utiii J 'idge ... ....... . 000 bO faitl Coumy i ri-.'surer 500 bO i'nitt ti.iioiv ch"Oi upl.......v 4i." til Pa.,1 (.'oiiitly .v-e78o'.. .. ..... l.OoO 00 I'.itil lHm. ,u'y ami rtam auiB . Ul7 50 i'.i d A loioe) .ot Ci.m ni l.,.. ': 8o0 Od I'rt. U -1i.-l .tr and il Hurt'. N iiile-'s r-il-.n . . 1.000 63 Paul' ii baoilli. lli.ti'ii hi. it i o- ti.iu, 2.406 78 P .nl U.iiiiy Co rK .Ii hi in.- 5a0 01 i'a.ili . not i:ieik nueiiiia.i.... I,iil7 r0 Y .ui Cue in loiiri fl's W i-t.aiua 017 110 l' uitiiC 'i Cour Yk sii. r dau 4tMi bO l 'aid ' tuiiy C'liitii H-ioin-is.... 2ut 00 I'a o J in- ii. i. ml VV iiiii m- .... 5 U'iO oU t'a'O J. f am C. tiK'i.b n.... Sh'J S3 I'. .iu t r to a it- ai d BntluiK.... 2 itiO tit Paid tor I'eujera ii.mui .. V.OOO H l' h.r it tiers liqiit'Ma 2oU 50 I'a il f -r lo i Kilt-i.iiii tixiun aon cur Ihium- 882 00 Piii lot li.t ka .iiioiii ty. tiii-r ' ciiuit'ia,., trie... .T. 350 03 I'aiil tor lu li.Vc-7 Paul !or I'rinut.g 108 00 Pud t r Judgment and Coma upr. me t m.n 113 4(5 P id t r i .ltd ion rxtt.rei. 2(H) 00 Haiti fit a li iuriuM - 00 Paul Imi i. at mi l ouniy . rtteia 1.6'JO 2l Halt Mai Tnx.-a . 14.".Ua 8d I'e.d x, ri-M-ag.- on ih.- nam.... H4 53 t:ul ii xen TrmiHit rre.l 8. ISA 14 Ham Tr eaiirt r'a per ceiii 5o7 1)0 Hani J.xireBBMge ou Pauper Pud 5 5 1 otat llttbill.ea ABSlvTS : On hihd July 2d lt'8 Itec- iv.ii taxi's trotu Mier tt M.IVO 'tO 1JJ07 83 tor ISi'7.... r Poll taxen tr III iVhBerS r. tb.bA. Pr p'ty ttxep trotu At-HehM-r IB. 8 t'liiiiuXea t. uii At sa r. 1870.. .e.-e vnii (m n L q mr I, c one., oeceiveu irotu Peodli-r' Lie. n rteveiviii tr.-iu Feriy Liceiiw..!.. (leceiwn t tt.18 Loin i i in no, I,. . . l.-eetv"t troiii C .rim. rs ....... . ileit iveti ExpenuT- in ut lav it. g out road K. CeiVi (I F.ner Ui-ceiVi d C urt Feen tioiu Cieilt 188 31 U5o 00 lai ii i.r)8 00 1.150 00 101(0 lHo tJ 74 30 5 OU 440 50 t-8 50 ro-Uf.v'ii lax- a iioin 8 .enll. 1878 44)55 8S llece.V. d t.-r keepiuu Siaie H t- - p-t 1JMI0 85 ReC ivetl rxces-i Iron 4ales ot l.aud ou iSt lo?8.... .... 120 80 I'olal ABnet , oedt.cied. 51 402 4H Ualnnre, or Actual Co. delA .... v.ioo P.ioof ok vttrtirtCATfi) : ' Unitaui onlra, counietJ 8 985 34 Aaaeta ou h..Uu.... i Ski77 10 Coumy debt as sbovs 24 P t. I 5"d, on ex-iiiiiuatt'in, that an rror .vaa man- by H e lorui.-r Cleik auainat the eruiil. t. r VI. 14 'I be amount treiaTl ft It mnt JU 2d. 1878, -lioutt be file 7o7 bi i ii w. atl tt fell. 750 S3 as reported. MP ATE t V Oil I-GO N', I ' Co, of Itoiiuiaa.) 88 I In rent n-r ify that the forejrnirjsr 1 a a cwei exhibit of ti,ton..iy tjintnc latntr aa rntintv, Utejron, f..r la yt ar end-, lutf Jmy 7 ii, 1879 WI-im a n j hand and veal this 8tli day of J j, 18.6. T. K. SiHEKlDAN. County Clerk. -. VERT SELECT STOCK ! HARDWARE, TINWARE AND STOVES ! Slieridan Bros The firm would announce tlittt Xhej Lara juat Iiargcst Stocks Ever bronglit to Douclas ennnv. and when I KKNS and READY MADE TIN WAK13, tbey are preimred tu declare thy have the bes. sti ply iu their line of any establishment in Souliiero Oregon, which they propose QSE&&WL can purchase elaewher. . , .'. In the shape ot bu Iding roatf rials in superior inducements to purchaser. Tty We can give you bargains in tnu tomming Drnnus ot stoves, not equalled elfe where Buck's, li 'ttatiza. Farmer, Utility. Dexter. Pacific. Wide West. Clarend tii, Occiden', Iroii King. Empire l'i'y. and ntliers'oves and ranges. Die beat of worktm-n are constantly i tnployed in the ntauutactnre of our Tinware, and buyers should learn our prices. We have also bara?lns bt offer tu iruns, ra we.l as in Shot-guns and Pistols We ate also Agents for lha White, Peerless and New Home Sewing Machines we sell al lowest rales and warrant as complete in every respect. " We can also supply Averill and Rnbbr The best In the the lowest rates. Give ns a call, Inspect our stock, inquire as any one can. BRAINS VS. MUSCLE. Deeperale , lince lur Life J'or Ovt-r Ono , Ilmidrt'tl Years. BHAZSTS HAVE W OK! Ami Cni:.e ttt Aitviul i'Biitly W Hit LlffLE jo; To m tke a muchitte that tvniilil i... ..i ........ .... I. if intt i-i-ti iitn. in iiiT-ai vii ti'iii-tii?, nh i.hfnn n.nil IhinihiP' u tn;i mrt a tit a vvusitiii!f ; a nittcliitie that wuiiieii cou.d tint, no matter-A tf thej' w re weak un! sickly ; in tct to innke it sm-ct n-tul clttln.8, Wiisltcr littti Iterti the Ptittly nf tnveii'iift all over tho wurld for ct-nX' turien jia.'tt. Tliousand't ot "Xpn;riiiitiit8 In vo heMi tr"ntj, a'nl ilium- ", anils ot dolliirs spent in il. .hereto uiistuccesatul eii'oort to make a v. alier that would xtaml the test t Hcttrtl rt .nl. Nearly every t'itmt'y h tvu pff chaed. tried and c Midt-m ied from one to a doxen ot tltootj experiments until, at List, tliseiiurMjii'tl with so nmiiy foil tires, Hiid a ttmclt xp-Mise, it 'i;t tteco a in t a eon vic'ion t t the tnortt ili-titjree:tlile, unhealthy and ireotne work or tht hotiM-hold the i-ver reluniin weekly . wattli'tug tticre w.e no help But - "- .. ' , - : ;-. V , And nil itie- rt.a( 1.1 itiy tt Wasiit ri, 'ako couiase. '1 lni is h new washer made, and it will vvualt clean. : It will wash QClCK . " It ml W h HASW C1IE.P, EIMPLK, UURABLU. TliY 11'. A li'ml will coiiviuet thtMititt-t eketiticii!. h in cUttl ih Hl"l E JOKliU "WHAT IT SAVES : IT S.XVKS fro n initi tit Ihree hoiinj every Week on wattti d.ty, of t' e hitr t kiml ut 11' SAVKS your money hy fiavmg the weat i.t ruhhin; elotha liit i is quite as nmch as their vvi ur in use, or ha.f u.e cash vu . I'lty-tor vmir cloiliino;. IT a.VKs toltor, doetor'a Itillc. poap, fuel, cross haute, blue Mttiiday, told uiitiivrw, cr.-M woden, tour rueii, weaty,. adiing Ji.nltti, akkiiess. etjfivrii g, iffid death caused by ovet work, exposure and colds. ? " V Will wash tnt'iv at a time, I.triji' torments, sumli unesr, tew or maty, ami wish tlutn .jleuit; ' tieevr tears of or breaki buttons, t-anno wttif tlie clothes a part cle, wilt Kiids aim rinse tliem Itet'.er 'hati any oi lier prm es-, unu tlii- niaL"6 them white, and clam, an i le thu lily tinii; il.nt wid pr.vtnt tlii-ir lift'..iiiinsj jsi;iih.v and yellow. citn vvaah th"ilij' LITTLE JOKKR in halt ilte'tittie that yon cot by hand, ami ht .t all, A KU AIL WOMAN CAN UhJ IT. Boys at d gills cim h Ic, r evu h the entire washing ami call tf FUN. "'l't tee. 7 00. At;eiits Wat.tetl. Mat uf..ciured T.y V. A iHMXilC & CO., Pitixl.tiro;, I . I'. B. JOlJivSinN. and J A. I'FLIv, (iei.era! Agems, R.istilnjrtr, Otegon. Al wishing . LIT TLE JOKER call at J. V. Slraiijftt's Wa-elftil-o. Knaettnrs. Orfiton-We hava ; ritrtl twt LIT I Lb J.iKliU ami nre wull lt-aat-U wi h il. : I u, tit- ciilna aid wmIhh lit-tn nicely ti h vry ile lalior; li-tvf-iiv we can r ct-nitiiHtiit i . o hf -uiilic. - tSijxutrd. .Mm Ja Wriir-.i, Alice, Krankif , L.zzk- autl Aitnie ltouar-1. . H.awliur, Otn Anril 22. 1879 -We have i o m I, If J- kcr wnsiimn man C iini' and frvtrlf any that ! riVi-8 pt-rl. ci aaiihfiClion and Oflit-ve it llin lirai wanln-r in usf for rl.-att waaiiiiitf and led. Mrs A and Autittt. J. Join s. K Imrsf. OiTM April 23. 1879 We triti Ilo- Lii.leJ kt-rainl tlonk it t-xci-lla aiiytiiiiiu t iiav-H cut irin-i. it is a jr.eni snviiiu ot "almr ami also snvt-s the colli, h. ilirn-f ire we n-comni' ltd it io tue public MrsJ Uatt'i .Moliio K Boweii. ,.. . urj,, a..n. " '"77 J l i . - A ..-.I O I W r. l .... uie I.H1IB a..B.- r -irt -o . an waanera ntr eteeu, vtntti wbmiiux auu t vi n if ot clothers, ami nirui-itd tt t all aa li e beat wnsnrr in tine, and n-aliy is a Ltule Jokt ras t. da s :ie wai-liiur ti well and without any tiresouie labor. jMub dam. a VV hiiuey aiitl Williams Itoaelinrir, April 3.", 1875. We have test, ed tile '' Little J'tker ami timl it m be the b- at waaiter. tl haves lime and In I tor. Mrs A" B twen, Mrs L B Sliimrd II C .ltM.-utti. - K.a-eliurjr, April 20. 1879 -Wt freely eernty to tlie hih u qiialiitt a of the Lille J ker wai-lier as one of tli neat wanner or a4i'd. clean wasliint . and aitvmjf ot i'li. he., ami would nc tiinit-inl it to all. Mrs Mi-vi-nft. Boxaitua, Iduelina, and lie vada Si evens. V Hiawliura, Apnl 28.-We have given tho Litile Joker fair trial and we really think It ia out of 'lie best, if not llie BKaT waali r we have ever Ham waslt, and lur hets, n.or think that every one thai tr'n-s them Mill buy litem. J W'SliMiri anJ wifa, Mrs Mary Singleton. - Indeed, we are very much inVaat-d wiih the Little Joker, anc Inluk it wii d all ijieiili aay it will do, and. every who tiuya will tie pie ed with it. Medarai:a Kteid and W Jones. " ' BLACK STIITIU W, Dearling Gibson, 0 I LAND, 00 N. Wiiu'd announce to ths public tnat they are prepared with .lie best t' niau-rt-sl tu supply all deiintnia in their line Hi Tina eiijuyed over twenty yeara' .eTa-. rientn tn llieir trade, al worU in rtotnieti ' by them is jruarnnteed to he fini-ciass, an J Mrletly acconliuit ttMird r. I : Vtaiwivwa ar vmbivwi bjaum TGWS, Pronnancsd by all who have n hcm to in the li st iver invented, always on h. ud snu f ir sale cheap. - FARM AlACIllNKJtY RE PAIRED, Give Them a Call. Sole Agents for the Pioneer Misions Woolen Mills for North Paciflc Coart. . KtfrrtlCSKN'TlKO - Wanufuciures of the 1 : GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. 67 and 69, ont St,, AT , Eoeburg, Or. roc :jTed and bow h&vp on Laud one of tlie of Hardware added tn their ST0VKS OF ALL PAT 'TUMI ' MSY ' OH33 ' Ihe way of locks, butt, etc, we can offer us. i . each aa Winchester, Share and other Rifles. 'hich Paints, to our prices, and we prnmiae lo anit all if ISHEKIDAN BHOji. vvitrtli, oin tlttt would n it Tnnr i T .l 't . " in tu tine bunt wn Jv"tt, Ofr't litni tl.nt i-niilil it moil ' m all B.weluirsr, April 20 1879 -1 have trail the Litt-fJ k-ruinl lik n If-ttt-t ih.m any oilit-r uaaitt-r I rvt r iritnl. It saves In.n.'r a-id dollies and was.tea ch-au. Allco Vai Bare it. Una. burg. April 29. 1879 -I this da v saw a whsIiii' d"'"' tho liin l J iker, mid I believe it to lie the bt al Ulat-lillie bow III use in I hi county, t; Hinidia Hoaehlirif. Marcii 5. 18.9 -The waaliirir done liy tins ntacliine ta tue last 1 Intte set-n done be H y, i. rid I ran rtconiinenii i to every one. Mrs -V (i Hill. Itoseiiur. May 13. IM7a-Havinir trie.i tlie Li. He Joki-r .. r I can aav i lint .b i ((j Wlw,ll(.r ! .. ... i. . ... ' It saves cloihi'B aaJ labor as well aa tiue. Aira .VJaiv C'.-u1iiVmii. .etiur(f. May 17, lo79-Uavi,itr tried I . - - ' -ii i llie ji tie J.jkrtr an I like " ol lier as .er i ever tried. it anv mu . i c.oines and luUtr. ili Aiite V Fan) mi r . JSiwrburjf. Mar 31. 187!Mlaviinf t.-aed tin- l.itilt-J.'ki r wanlier 1 can r.iely say i is ;lie best washi-r 1 ever iru-d. U -E iitaiVer. June 3-1 hav- tried the Little 'Joker ami can say it ia the beat i have ever Been. 2 k Lander. Ltaikinir 'ls, January 4-llavitiu iri. d tlie l.m e i. k. r we think n is tlie U-ai iu us . and all ine auent cU.ina for il. .. liacttell, til tie Uaek H. Looking HIh-b, June 4-IInvin n-sled the Little Joker we can t'ree;y sy llmt ii ia lite lust naaln-r til us.-. It r'ava clotli a, limn mill inlior, nud works i a-y. Mo dailies HJI Alleu, UO C.-'tiifi I, it Morjran, .Viay H CoKliran, Catherine Neeiiliaui. , Have u-ed tlie Little ' joker and done a lari;e winihiu with it in one hour. Think it the last Wimlnnn Uluclllile' iu use atlil tecoiu'nend ii to all. Airs B Cain jineil. Hoseiiurir. Oreiton, June 10 -To all whtmi it tuny concern. I have u-d the Little J -ker f.loilos wsght-r f'T 'lie pal two months, and I B nl that it is tht best wan li er tor cleaning elm ins' mid d mi; it ensy; f-.r b.-d quiitr and c?riet and l-lalikels there is no equal. Mrs Cur nil. Cf. c 3 c trt SO H CO C3 c c e fed m a. . 3 re Q Ml C3 m o rr to ROSEBUG iaLLF, r. V) Awrw PRomrroRs. THE EEST FLOcii IN THE HARF ET The Flonrof these mills has trsiniof in (Ntpularity until it has come ut he known ov purcliBM-rs as the beat n the maiket. Orders trnni home and . abmud tilled promptly. Address, JoStS ti ATES, Uiisi haru. IHE CO EErATFD MORGAN STAI L. t N, DIXIK, Will closs the f!prii jt as m July 1".tf7S: Ihxte is one of t n r'neat Moriran Imn-e ev.-r bntutiht to Douglas conmy. H tliomuftlil ;Ml, and in action, size an fpee't. allows the result of the csrefti I 'reed in nl which be Is an Zample. tniorn raisf-rs dfirinit aervioa from ill fine sin I li ii tnu-H hrttitr their . mares to Oakland, and will fin l Dxie at Amort-Y"un't Stable, Term, Sinjfis leap, S5; Season, 7, tnauraacte, (10. - H. McNaB, Prop. GREAT REPUBLIC LOST. " "' ! j BUT ; ' . CAEO )BEOS;!;' DicL not Loss any cf the'1 Largo Stock of Spring stlercaandiso, . . TUEY.FIjKCIIASED.INSANFUANTISOO ... O FACT qTHEI HAVE A LARGER AND BU TTER STUCK GOODS. Than any other House m tht. $AJ rjlty n,1(j jUItJier Adailionsn lo the tock will arrive withiQ vfry Ii.coraing Steamer. ' ," Tho Firm, Tliereforsti 'Cannot fail in Supply ing Cus-,09 ton rs " WiTMi"fTIIB LATEST STYLES ANI);1HE NEWEST PATTERNS, And in every Inetaneej,,ftbr the bust ot Baraina, . ... 1 HEY HAVE -! FULL LINES III DRY GOODS, CLOTUISG.iJE Gents, ar.d Children's Fn i-s and the Dest nianntaeturei;i"i Braceleti, Toys, Rintrs.iTJQ O U O CJigJ Tojfctlier witli Ilirdware, Tobacco, Etc. These jrooda hnve all lwen neleeted with especial cure, and buy pr may emily test their qutlity and cho-tpnesp by trivinc us "a call We still stick to the old motto "Quick sales and small profit-.' ggj" And we never toasluer it trouble to 6hovv r,i(irt. CAliO UliOTIIEUS. -s?v. K 3 -iti; TT "9 ' V.'Vf r. S "i - 50 i J. 3 1 . ael . ts ?TS rt S I 2 v: c- - o . . . a 5T'- f4 tf r" " 1 " . '..-: i r- : re 2 z. Vj i 'sc; 5 e 3 . S. - - -j. i -fe j. ll!ri'SrH - ' ''e a. r. : - B ? - C "i: : rn' - r - . : - ' - - - - a - . S : : 5. 5T jz : : . s; 3 rr. : : - c. f- c! W td R XA Q lr ti & o o . r. z i rc ?-rl?0 -3 C a 5 X - - IT. . ' O 3 cr - a. E o 5 o ? 13 rs " o o E . C O r o O G fICJ C .-!-. ST- i,-i 5 - S'oes 0 a s'-. s. EL - s " -i e - ' x-sfp mm 'mm m ihdmsi -ki".t u-miiiu ttt" i-. lower than at any oilier pluco in tw St tie. Y'lll ...nnl. 13 1- I - Uent'sSho s . Pejrsr. d " SeWS tts, lo Onter. . ma. best Qua itv Half S -rd II e'a Credit given on nrehases made by rn-p Lumber Lumber I J. J. COM STOCK Is prepared to furnish all kinds ol Iumbr in Roa liurif, dr -ased or plain, at rales lower :han any one I as. Having the best machinery in the roui-ty, be ran d i better ittati any one else, and wilt fill orders promptly. Any kind ot lumber f.truialitd the day the order is received. Aditnas J. J. t'0M"Tjt.K, Latham, Oregon. P. C, Snyder, PRAwTICL t ARRIA'wt AND WACON Hag ftieiie i a s.e p lu Hom-buiy, next door ui atkios' Broi Iters, and lie i prep red to do ah work ni his line at low 1 1 ices and on iiort not ce. A eiecialiy n ade of UNDER t, aKING, in which he is prepared to , pive eatlBtae ion and I-west rs-ea. WSTIV & DEI.KY. Ueneral Agents for tiEIGLE BROS C0P5TING MOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Photograph enlarged in Indtr Ink, Was -r colors and crayon, fr ni 8 3 10 inches .. htesixe. t fiic tor tin Ma.-, or Orejron it No. 8 Morr son street (St. mi arles HiKel ui'ding) I'oriland. Orders: .om the intt tor iintpitv attetideo to. ; d dress. WBSILY DB.Y,P O.aSil PjKTtiA(D,oregtin. ' BOOTS, SU E , LADIES, irtHhiusr Good, Ludies Suits, G.thl arl Silv.-r Watches, Thaiim. Tins Ktc. E HIES. i c IB Pta O 3 C7 ... ft ei ti a ti O B td O ft " s ' aa s aa S3 - as -aa s. sir O O -J Si. " 0 O -i3 S3 a 7l 1 ' CI 5 - PS- ft a- O If! p. 5 9 Da o a 1? ;0 5 W a. sr-k 3 -t- o f2 L. ET MADE AT HOME ! ' OF TITK BEST MAN OTACTTJRE AND OK THE ! Finct Xcst.lter l .... . Ian-si stvi-s and of t est leather at ,;y prc- aare aa follow-. ' price 2 50 .5 on . 7 00 . 1 00 Kreticj calf akin. ns hie parties forme Vm Atidfw. n 1 GOOD UBEAD AT LOWEST PRICES Would announce that a.wav rsra.n ra:i,d'.,kiKrdm','rrknd iK fruits. Oysters, Htm-v. eie. and in n. memo therewiu, be .V;" - rvu Tor.. ,b- L, "? Po: lv?' -d or ' il 00 .nr ' ''f h"r 2'! .iriigatore and f.t.aiaite Sberldsn Riateburg, Give me a (til. Bros., x - ':'! u- ftsitKR Proprietor W. P. tVWENS PLYMAr.P Foardinif u,,i Coin mission AGENTS, uwsaouKu .... .... ... . ..... .OREOON llMii .... . . " in kits Btiecifci atienM-m to fordwardiug Kraals etuisigned lo their care. . Freignt H-HI-.1 aovaiifxti. jotiiiuiHsion reasonable All liniiH 1. .t.t. r 11. . ' ... ,., ii- imo auail receive our strict aneniion. All goods consigned to our care ahould be tuarkeJ, "tf. B. A." Rinjebarg. L. A-SUITS, ROSEBURG... OREGON. Spttial attention paid t gra ng.nd ! palntto,' ofvrykioadtin vJive mo a trutL i ' ' r 1 M S3" 333 "Cry- S Woud Inform their patrons that brick store, and are -'fcr.'-,V3V-i. LARGEST GENERAL' MEBOHAHDISE EVER BROUGHT Tbi Stock wa selected uv one of San Francisco market, and LATEST, , PATTERNS II IjADIKS' FANCY an I 1LAIN DUUsiS GOODS. V LAUEcs, KMBU. IDEUIHIS, With us tliere i? a'so to be found a lull tt8tlt Ullellt 't' Ladies'' TJ2TDEHWAHE In tlie line "t Louies', Misses and Cluldreitd Shoes and Craitcr. Our stuck is so complete that iio ono ean t'.iil to be euiti-d. VTe Lave with the above Smear, tit CHILDREN'S' full L Yu!.ill I UIi5Uiim4 VVltieh wj niter t the Iovei ;; r.tten,: and mIi'icIi -will le found eantiietitry to nil wht eXuintuo it. ALSO A FULL AND Groceeris, Crockery, Glassaro AND OF Grain, "Wool and Prodnca of E7ery Dsscripticn Bought and Highest Cash Price Paid for Them. Patrons will take notici that aa our stm k was purchased after -the tlt-H.-line in prices, in San Fr.tncisot) we are prepared to sel oo Is chest per than any other house in the city. KosKtKDRG. Oregon. - .7 S; M A RKS & CO. FBANK BE0JJ AeiSOYTl - Are nBvred to the Farmers ! Southern tWeigin, tor the harvest of 1879. A full lino ol harvesting machinery, consisiiujr ol WALTER A. WOOD' i VTE tt-K.V OW TT IROlt MOWER '' IRON MOWERS N E W MODEL, CILIN RAKE REA!ERS SWEEP RAKE U E A PE A RS, WI ni OR WITHOUT MOWING ATTACHMENTS. -WOOD'S SELT - BiriDIFTG HAH VUST&ZZ I WUh new and valuable 'm)iMVeitiMits tnr 1879. has psaaed the atar of rxperimenr -and -lands unrivalled t wiay as the best fell- Ihuder iu the wnriu . "It was awarded thefirat pretiiiutu and gold medal by the Oregon 'jiatFiir tor 1878, uvrAall oina Binders. i " " ' ' ' Waltsr A. "VTood's Header, Victor Self -Dump Hay- Eas33, Chisijo Pitt Thr232isr3 and Horse Poorer, For 1879, leads a'l other Separators at d'H Power in improvements of real men . it. and value ; in tact it ia the ' ' -' --;. ,; i, H-'p ,4. i -' . LA BELLE WAGONS AND HACKS, COOPER'S PORTABLE TRACTION FAUri KNlilJSc;.S, &T 1 1 tNAUV tiNUINK. AN J slAW MILL mIc.UXsJ. ry, Turbmo Water Wheels, eur,. aud 1 .-- .-. -i ..-.4. A FJLl LINE OF EXTRAS FOR AIL MASHIr ALWAYS KEPT Vil ON HAND- : ALFUjED SLOCU.TI, Iflanascr, Offiics with SHEitlDAX BltOS., Hoa burg. VAGOIHAEIHG Particular Attention Paid to Uorso-Shoein. G. MAPtKWICH Proprietor, Would inform the pohbe that lis (a pre pared lotto all kiuda of Blackamiihiug and Wagou.Making in a workmanship manuer He has aiao t.acks brat-class ir ula ''all and see him at b a shop on Oak Street. near Ajrauain a nwttob 4 k NOTICE TO SUIPPERsT ITuving decided on dlsc-.ntinalng the for warding liusin-ss, we desire to ive nniie that trotu and after lit 15th 'tf February next we will not receivs any mure freights into our warehouse. . All persons in arr ars for freight chirgea kre n-tjuested ,tt mac tnraeaiaiM pat men t. For tlie aecoda l,,,m iHut jack " fcy e..arni, Mr. M.I Mui, 1 m a. ii j n r. a i j r x w- w w-r- Tt MMtikUJUiaiilll-TllUla AT OAKLAND. JI1AN.VIN0 & VANWINKLE, Old sntl experienced blackamitha would announce to the people of flipooia pre cinct and tlie traveling public tbit hare opened a blackambh . shop at Oak and. Tbey have all materia found in a first Clasn eniaoliahtnent, a e workmen tif many year's experience, a id feel justified in sayn ing ihey can d ANTY VOItK trusted to iln ir care wnh nvtueaa and up on the shortest not tee. . - HORSE SHOEIXG A SPECI ALTY. . 0;v the firm a cail, and they will never send from their ah p a laOie horse, and prove tti patrons tliat a shoe well put on will last a horse longer than Will a boot on a man, an I be twite aa tomfortable. TARSI MACHINERY REPAIR D In a pel ma lent manner and aattstact'rry to patrons. Ia tiiis line we propose to do wore cuesper than tlie ciieaintst . tMANMNO & VAN WINKLE 'x Ft'- H? CH H3 13 S they have moved to their now ia receipt ot tho STOCK OP i. TO ROSEBURGl the membrn of the firm in the embraces all styles and SUA KFS, COLLARS, LlStiS SU.. NKUKTIESJ, I'ARAbUJ, KID GLO v E S :;. GENTLEMENS' '' FUElHiSHllXG, mom S Indef thu lieatliiis; liei3 l eve- v 'rv'hitiir to iiieunif the tastes Sveiy i-atsst Stylo In J " trodticsd ' . ........-. ;.: -- "-----Vt; :--i And H Gooil. nt the . hest rrjate- ', rialf and irsiir"ved finwh, - SMBRACINO Geatlemens' TJnderweari EVERY r STfcLK YOJniS' CUiTlU- ' I fi ' . DRiCSS & BUSINESS. SUITS, HATS, CAPS, ETC , COMl'LETE T0CE Otf LIQUORS, 4 ,. ' f vmiti Oregon. Send fur Circular and Price LI ESrABLISUECi.. ...".1855 Pioneer Establishment THOS.P.SHERID A XT. The Brat deah- WtTrnrtetta ': i ; Valley, in the Brick' Building, HAS RECEIVED.. ANp W NOW X Cetvillir OUS of tlm mmi . slocks of t l3L UOIIUU Ui l lULi Of the Most Itnpntved 1'atieras ever re eeive 1 in this city. . And bestdfta haa the moat enmpieto aloe of General Hardware, ' AnJ manulaciurea everything In the line of TIN, SHEET-IRON & COPPERWARE la a wo.kkmatilike manner, and on most retainable I tns. . Iron, Steel and lia-' Alwarsoo hand, and in qanUties to au:t Important Notice' Having diapoaed of my iotereat ia the the livery stable owned by Wright it Cerlon, all those iniehted to tha old firm are rtxpiwe. red tt make immediate setUement of ao 00a jfs. It ia iwwsaaary that ihe old bus. itusa ahall be at 000a et tied, and. thoe in. debtmt wttl take the hint h ire rten aal set tie up ami save eusfcv J AS. WitltJaT. . Roseborg, July SI. 1879. J. J BRULE XX, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, V:f..IKLKRUr ' WATCHLS. CLOCKt FINE JEWZ'.RY Watches, Clock ft Jewelry li-paired, mmmm Hf WjU4a aj j HamMt2i4 a a. a with J- W. Strange. Bosehnrg. Or 'If. ' V1