Thk III dkfeh dent The bt-Bt newspaper ever published In Douglas county. Society Meetings .UMPQOA CHAFER NO. 11, B ffti M., hold regular eommoniea tftm tlons every first and tUird Tuesday ia each month All members In good standing will take dse and timely notice id govern themselves aeoordingly. Visit ing companions are lovited to meet with the Chapter when convenient. R HERMANN, H. P. W. L Fbibdlasder, Hec'y. ALAUttEL LODGE A. F. and A. M f holds regular meetings on Wednes UP" Jar on or befnre escb full moon. J. C. FULLKRTON, W. M. R NEWOOMB, Sec. PHILETAKIAN 'Lodge, No.9.1 O. O V. meet on SaturSsy evening, of each -week at 7 o'clock, la their hall at Hoee hurg. Members of theorder in good stand ng are Invited to attend. By order of the N- Q. .- . UNION ECXAMPMENT. No. . L O. O i F meet at Odd Fellows' Ball on the 1st and 8d Fridays ot every month. Visiting Brethren invited to attend D. 8 K.BUICK.C.P. E. O. Hunan. Scribe. UMPQUA GRANGE, NO. 29, P. of1 IL, will meet hereafter on the ant. batur ot each Orange Hall, im Rose barir. All me. m here in good standing ere cordially Invited to a tend: GEO. JONES, M. P. DrjNCAM. Secretary. HcAvTbSAV Important to the Entire State. Last season Mr. L. K. Hedgpath had some late sown grain which runted, and in stead ot doing as many would have done, ha oat the grain just belore the stalks had ripened- in fact, went yet green, and loosely piled it op. His idea in so doing was to experiment a little. The wheat thus rusted and eat ripened in the pile, and when it was .examined theheads were found filled with the plumpest of grain, and the wheat threshed therefrom of a superior quality. The wheat was out when the grains were "stiff dough," end it is established by the experiment that the sap from the stock con tinned to pas into the heads until they were filled, and the sun ripened the grain long after it was cut This is something new to us, and probably will be to many farmers of large experience ; and as there is considerable grain in the oounty a filiated with rust, we would like to hear of the experiment being repeated. If the result will bold good in all cases, rust will be robbed of its terror to our grain producers hereafter, and its ap pearance in fields, will show them that very often they nan commence harvesting .early in damp as well as dry seasons. Growth of the City. According to the lately returned city as sessmml roll the property in the city is valued at $325,815 ; the amount subject to taxation, $279,005 ; the voting population and families foot up to 667, and this cud pnses only one-half of the population ; the total population is 1.334. The inereeae in population during last yea; has been over 20 per cent, nod to-day, tliere being no vacant houses, many families are "camp ed out" wailing the completion of new Imildings. It is the opinion of JudHe Fits hugh that were fifty more new houses now completed over and alove ti.ose now under way, th-y would be filled inside of a single month. From this condensed statement, it ia easily to be seen how rapidly Roseburg is growing. Tellurium Mine. Mr. J. R. Jennings earns down from the "Tellurium mine during the week. He re sorts the main tunnel now in the aiifa of the mountain 452 bet and still being rapid ly poshed forward. Rich ore for a distance of forty feet have been cut through, and the last strike is the greatest yet made, show ing plenty of free gold to the naked eye. An assay of the ore will bo made shortly , and the result given the publie. The mill is about ready for work. Change of Proprietors Mr. 8. T. Garrison inf. rms us that he has rented his ho;el and furniture to Messrs. Cannan & Huddleson, anl wishes us to slate that he rrc-iraraen Is tbe new land-, lord of the Rotebur'g hotel as finehotl keep n,prepared to supply the wants of the publ ic in good style. lie als says they wil give the best of accommodations at old prices, and he hopes to see them libertlly patron lied, Got Back. Hon. Binger Hermann has returned from Myrtle Point, at which place he spent the 4ib. Mr. Hermann reports the prospects tor Cojs county as every way encouraging this year, and confidently exprtsees the opin on Uiat the time is not far distant when Coos wiB be one of the mt prosperous end wealthy counties iu Oregon. As the people there are all good and industrious we earn estly hope to see the time when Mr. Her mann's prophecy has been fulfilled. Fine Musician. Mr. Charles Hoffman, a fine cornet player "and arranger of music, late from San Fran cisco, is now in the ciiy. Mr. Hoffman is one o' the finest performers on the cornet we have met with, and we learn that he will soon commence the organization of a brass band in Koseburg. We hope he will meet with the encouragement his talent deserves, and bespeak tor him the good will and patronage of our citizens. "Ophir" Sold. The celebrated trotting stallion, "Ophir," a thoroughbred animal with a tin record, has been purchased by Mr. Wes. Manning, of Jacksonville. "Ophir" is a beautiful chestnut sorrel, and his colls bring high prices. '"Ophir" will remaiu in Jackson county; and rhuuld our horse-raiss ers desire to send ilieir tunes there, Mr, Manning will insure their being well taken care of. " Left for Salem. Last Wednesday morning Mr. Jos. 8. Aiken left this city for Salem, when, here after be will, make his peimanent home. Mrs. Aiken win join him in a couple of weeks. We are sorr, to part with J'-e. We have known him the matter of ten years, and known no better-hearted, genial gentle man, : Wherever his footsteps may lead to our good wishes go with him, and we hope Dame Fortune may direot them. . In Town. James W. Hamilton, Esq., of the law firm of Hazard Hamilton, has arrived trout Coos Biy. Mr. Hamilton is very popilar in this county and we know of no one who has a greater number of warm friends. With tbem we hope he will post ' pone tbe time for his return uuul he will hot wish to go back, and then, as the Irishman would say, remain here. ' Elk Killed. V During the week three elk were killed near Laird's station, on tne Coqullle river. This office Is indebted to Mr. D. C. Mo Ciellan for a liberal supply of the meat, for which be has our thanks. Returned Home. Ellis Bagge has returned from .Eastern Oregon, sod is now vjsitjnif friends ia tbe pantv, . ITEMS IN BRIEF. a Ed. Sheridan had the misfortune to lose Lis watrutkla week. Marseilles Arcbambeau a baby last week. AglrUt is. The Cohansey Fruit Jars, the best in ths market, at S. Hamilton's store. John A. Runt, living ntr Oakland, has purchased the grist mill at Fair Oaks. Gen Lane started for Coos Bay Friday morning. Hon. Binger Hermann will leave this morning. Haxlet. the "Pilgrim" priatxr, with two. bits in his picket, passed through oa his way to California. Mr. James J. Flett has onoe more beoome one ot the publishers tf the Wfter (War. We wish "Jim" saouess. The Metropolitan hotel saloon ia being re pallid and pniared, and when the re pairs are completed, will be a Sue affair. Caro Bros.' store baa recently been rear ranged inside and ireeeuts an attractive appearance. Go and see the aew foods they have just received. Flood & Co. offer flue bargains in stock salt as well as ia everything else. The salt is put np im tfty pound sacks, and ia sold Cheaper than the article can be pur chased elsewhere. Ladies will find ntaay new and attrac tive got-ds la tbe dress line at the store of 8. Marks & Co. This firm has psid strict attention this jrar to this line of goods, and offVr suwrier bargains to purchasers. By special dispatch, received $ o'clock this Friday, we learn that the engineers who are to examine our coast for a place at which to locate the harbor of refuge, have arrived at Port Orlord, aud will be in Marehaeld Saturday 26tu. R. B. Kinne, special agent of the Gen eral Land Office of the United Stales, is in Roseburg. He can be found at the U. S. Land office, and the purpose of his visit is to perfect proofs in donation land cases Mr. Kinne will remain several weeks in Koseburg. Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hy phos phites is a specific rem.-dy for Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, Nervousness, Debili ty, DjNpepaia, Weak Lungs, and Coughs, lis power of asserting disease is honorably acknowledged by physicians wherever intro duced. Bea tli's minstrels have given three fine performances during the past week. Tom Lynch is a host within himself; Harry Austin has the same rich voice which has delighted So many listeners, Barnes' banjo playiug is very attractive, and J-m Lynclt's violin playing is of the beet. Hoffman's cor net ia also a pleasing feature, and through out the emaiutaininen given ate first class There is a change of programme nightly. Last week the PlaindeaUr acknowledged the existence ot an Independent balance of power iu this oii-aty. Very good. Tbe one newspaper behind the times on this subject and which refuses to have Us eyes opened to the truth, is tie Western Star. Some men will only learn what is right by experience. Per! aps at the next election the Star my nam iu wisdom, and by force ot circumstances, be compelled to acknowledge what it now very foolishly ignores. - Laying of the Corner Stone. The corner-stone of Mr. Sol. Abraham's new building is sooj to be laid. It will contain a written history ot current events, a copy of each of tbe three newspapers of the city, the written names of J. H. Skid more, the con ti actor, ot Andrew Jones, the woodworker, ot Aaron Rose, the founder of the city, and the names of the President aud Vice-President of the Cnited Mates, of the State and couniy officials, of the Su preme and Circuit Judges, and those of tbe Oregon and California Ka.lroed company, together with other articles, aud a short written history ot the firm of Abraham. Wheeler 4 Co. Next week we shell speak mere fully upon the subject. On the Wrong Lot. It was discovered this week that the M. E. Church North, is on the wrong lots and in tbe wrong block as called for by the deed recorded. It should have been in block 60 and on lots 7 and 8. instead ot tlial it is block 47 and on lots numbered as alwve. The deed has since been corrected. aud there will be no trouble, Two New Rooms. Workmen are Sihmi to commence build ing two new rooms in the Court-house. These rooms will be used lor jury rooms, and will save much to the county in the way of rent. Heretofore rooms hse been rented at fifteen and twenty dollars per month. Gone to the Mines- Mr. John Hast has left for the mines of Southern Oregon. He will, st the direction of the stockholders, do some work on the Esther mine, alter which he will look after bis own valuable plac-r mines In Josephine county. We wish John a plesa nt journey, Street Sprinkler Needed. We do not see why some one does not start np a street sprinkler. One is sadly needed, and would prove to be a paying in vestment. We have talked with a num bar of business men upon the subject, and find them willing to pay liberally to have the streets sprinkled, ijet some one try . Granite Ironware. Mr. Thos. P. Sheridan has some of the finest granite ware in his store in the State. This stock consists of buckets, pitch ers and in fact everything used ia cooking in the family. The irranite ware ia beau tiful in atiDearane and if carefully used indestructible. Call and examine, and the polite proprietor will give yon further de- MorreU's Minstrels. This celebrated fan-making troupe of burnt-cork artists will give a performance in this city this (Friday at;d 8aturday)even ings. The programme offered is an at tractive one, and when the artists are all first-class perfornieie, should draw crowded houses. Admission SOc.ints. Appointments. Rev. J. R. N. Rell has these appoint menu: At llursh's school house on the Calapooia. camp-meeting and Fourth Quart terly meeting for Oakland circuit, second Sunday in September; Roberts' camp-meet ing snd Quarterly meeting for Roseburg circuit, third Sunday in September. Nicely Fitted Up. Hlocum k Heffron, for the past week have had painters and paper-hangers at work painting and repape-ing their saloon. Good work has been done throughout, and the boys have now on of. the finest saloons in the city. " Sealed Bids. Sealed bids for the erection of a wood shed and the building of two new rooms In the Court home will be received at the County Clerk's office at 10 o'clock on the first Monday ia August. . Amount Apportioned. The State Board ol 8cWl Land Com misaionen have apportioned frotu the In terest fund the sum ol $2 380 80 aa Doega las county s share of tuat fund for scbuoi purposes. m Sale of Grange WooL The Orange wool, amounting to about 250,000 pounds, will be offered for sale to I day (Saturday) to the highest bidder. Tbe Grange will reserve the right to reject any ot all lds. Large Nngget Found. The Jacksonville Sentinel reports ths find ing of a gold nugget on Silver ereek as large as a man's hand and wotth 1 1,000. MORE SOUP. TJader the saptioa el "That Dotation," the Star gives as more soap or transparent gruel oa the appropriation made by the County Court for the publication of the fiusnoial exhibit of the oounty as aa adrer tisement. Our eutemporery labors hard to make an argument in fa tot of its unjust re marks made last week, but it is not to be pittidd. Instead of worrying its brains to further persist in a wrong it hastily com mitted, it should have coma oat boldly and admitted its error; the taak would have been easier aad the conscience lighter. . Ia the first place, it is not necessary for as to say that it is not the spirit which contends for econo my ia publie expenditures which causes the Bfcw's grumblings; any one ot common sense will readily see this to be tine; proof is fur nished in the complaint made that the County Court did not give "other papers an opportunity of making a bid for printing." I, then the fuundealer furnished aa ex ample which the Star might righUv copy after hen it acknowledged it would have taken the advertisement and the $25 if they had been, offered that paper. There should be honesty in argument as well as in any thing ehw, and the I'laindealer was at least honest iu the main point at issue. That the Star would nave taken the ad vertisement fur $3, we have never doubted. That paper has published an advertisement for nothing, perhaps more times than once; at any rate, it dni publish the Fourth of uly advertisement two weeks alter the ourtb of July had passed, and probably lor the purpose of aoouoiny in type-setting. tfertainly, under auch ciroumstenoes, and with these facts beyond dispute, it is no wonder that the Utar could afford to publish the exhibit f jr $3, since it would thereby get that amount for the space tt f jr two weeks at least oousidored as worth nothing. As to the statemeut of the Standard that the exhibit of Multnomah oounty has not been published fur several years, we care nothing; but for the benefit of tbe Star and (standard we will simply ask both to refer to the files of the Daily Oregonian of last year. It will require but little time end less time to find proof of what we stated in this eon. nectiuu with regard to Jackson oounty. The Oentiiiel and lime of week belore last and last week but a published the exhibit of that county aa an advertisement, and aa those papers exrhange ith all the Douglas ooun ty papers, the atar ean in a lew moments turn to the files and fiud that we are correot beyond a doubt. it matters not whether the Star denies or not that air. Cook sanctioned the appropria tion. Air. Cook is able to speak for himself. and we are willing fur biin to do so. .But is not the atar firing into Uemoorats as well as Kepublioans when it makes the statement that the leading article of Inst week, in this paper, was paid fur by the ap-. propria tiout 'that article said no more in lavor of the County Board than of Messrs. Cook, Hogan, riheridan, Wright and Strange. It looks as though tbe hfar is of the opinion that these very efficient officers are either very parsimouions, or that they would steal fzo from tbe count to buy a newspaper notice with. Nobody will believe the titar in this much, and if it continues to put this construction upon the acts of the Board, it will but send forth something no one will believe, and in the end meet with the reward of unfair criticism. And we feel it unnecessary to defend either of tbe om- eials named; they are too well known to the people of Douglas county as honorable gen tlemen for us to waste space in repeating what every one is eouviuoed of. As to the question, whether the Board did right or wrong, it is easily answered. In the first plaoo the members of the Board are presumed to be sensible men. This ad mitted, then it must be acknowledged that they had the right to judge for themwilvra. It they thought that tbe Independent was the nght paper in which the advortisenen t should appear, they were disinterested judges as to the merits of the three papers, so far as iceneral circulation 18 oononruea, and if they thought the publication of the advertisement in the Star would be worth nothing, lh-ir action in the premises must be taken as the evidence of disinterested witnesses in a court of juatioe is taken, and fairness demands it should not be disputed. If their evidence in this mattet has made the Star publishers "sore in spirit aad weak in flesh," they would show better judgment were they to ktep the matter to themselves. APPORTIONMENT Of Common School Fund for Douglas County for Jane, 1879: NAMES Or DtST. CLERKS. AMOUNT. 1 .t, C hacry 2 ; WGrubbe 3 lu J Hendricks 4'L F Lane.. 5 C VV tmith..:... 0 John Newman... 7 Wai Pitchf. rd.... 8 C H Merrick 9' 11 Burchsrd.... 151 g 100 10 62 00 42 2 5 213 85 29 90 82 50 S3 10 111 cO 41 60 29 25 42 25 62 40 103 70 26 75 76 05 65 65 41 60 40 30 65 0i 61 75 76 70 60 70 36 40 89 05 80 65 329; 46 50 54 172 64 45 65 10 T W Cowan 11 W C Tipton 12 iMCliat man 13 1 Win Cochran. . . . 14 !H Kice.. Olij 158 41 15 Jas Buffington. . .. 16 I C Kent 17 J L Churchill 18 G W Oenuer 19 H A Adams 117 101 64 62 100 20 IJ B Riddle 21 W P Day 05j 118! Peter Applegate. H Davis John Littrell Fraxier Ward.... Kalph Cochran..: E A Chase J PTheler 78 56 61 83 52 63 63 95 33 80 40 30 20 15 31 M Gardner 45 29 25 Jl-hn Let son C F Colvin J H Ellison 55 35 75 40 26 00 59 28 85 P B Beckley . . HO Brown . .. 5G 82 42 45 86 40 20 80 27 80 29 25 29 90 10 40 A b Ozouf Thos Leduerwood. W K Patterson... 46 E B Smith........ 16 T W Winnifom... 29 18 86 J Lrster. A A Matthews.... D 8 West 112 86 f2 80 23 40 45 29 25 24 05 Wf Booth W tJHervey...... 87 40 84 42 48 45 42 32 84 86 23 26 00 64 60 Uas Byron F M Uood 27 30 F M Simpson E(i Browning M A Werby A O Langdon K Kincude........ 81 20 29 25 27 30 20 80 22 10 23 40 14 95 27 30 27 95 J (i Newton IJ slues Ward Wm H Aytch H J Cole 42 43' 55! i3.705i2,408 25 Amount on hand unappurtioned. f 14 41 J. M. Heabo, School Supt. Douglas County. July 23d, 1879. EXPLANATION. Ed. Ihdbpekdent: Allow me to etr rect one or two mistakes made in an item recently published in your paper. I sup posed I was divorced from my first wife before I attempted to secure soother, and was led to so believe from a letter from her, stating she had. secured a divorce. I telegraphed to the Coun'y Clerks, of Jackson oounty, and fonrd that the state ment in tbe letter was untrue, then 1 did all acy man could do to make thing ritfht. The lady never was prevented from talking to any one it was her pleasure to do so wttli, and tne lady win so state. eneieii her borne a lady and is one tondaT, and wills.) continue to be so Jong ss she lives- Very reepec'f'iir. 8. Camekoh. Important to Fanners. We advise farmers to look well to the oils they nae for lubricating machinery this season. Castor oil is by far the beet. On account of the failure of the castor bean crop, the oil is sdalturated. Ton will get the pure unadulterated oil at 3. B. Uiley's urugoer. Will Meet. Umpqu Pomona Grange bu .t Rose. i . . . . ourg, on oatuuay, August aa. All pat rons are invited to be premot. Important business will be presented to. tha meeting. Ihna. Grfedale's Kiln. Thos. Grisdale set fire in bis brick kiln Sunday morning. He has ia the kiln over, 240.000 brick.. , OAKLAND ITEMS. 8. Abraham was ia town on Monday. Everythina aad everybody are exceeding ly dulL ' Ths mines are all the talk np and down the ereek. . ; Tbe dwelling of Capt. Ball is nearly cotnp'eted. Mr. P. Shups has left for his home ia San Franoisee. ; Maud Mailer is still oa the wing, bat will return shortly. i Jaok Knott's family, of Portland, are vis iting at this place. The editor of the Star paid oar town a visit last Saturday. Miss Mac pin, of Elk ton, returned to her boms this week. A little child of Mr. Hartsocks is very ill. Dr Page ia in attendance. The mammoth warehouse of E. O. Young is being rapidly constructed. Wa acknowledge a pleasant crll from Lawyer Campbell, of Roseburg. Bishop Morris, of the Episcopal Churob, preached ia this place last Sabbath. James Evans, of Cole's valley, ia in town under the the care of the physioians. Jimmy Young is the next happy man. A girl it is. j Another Independent viotory. The main amusement is found at John Shupe'a. Old and young play their parte. Base ball has subsided and the boys are exerting their pitching powers in the hay nolo. - Mrs. John McCullough, who has been laying very low for some time, is now res covering. j Dr. S. K. Rsymonl has removed to Rosebnrg, where he anticipates taking up his residence. Mr. E. Arms, of this'precinct, has sold his ranch to Mr. Churchill. Mr. A. has the buncli grata fever. Mr. Qaydenof,8ottsburg,wae in town on Tuesday. He reports every thing in his locality as being prosperous. Mr. B. Winniford received a severe wound las'; Monday, while chopping with an adx. He ia doiug well at present. The threshing machine of James Hutch inson, started oa Wednesday the first threshing machine of the season. Quite a nu in be i of oar townsmen have gone to the mountains in search of berries, game and fish, aud also for recreation. Our poatmast. r has about come to the conclusion that he needs an assistant. We have be-n tbinktuif so for some time. Prof. K. O. White has removed to the faiui cultivated by Mr. Caiinut neat town. Mr. U. leaves tor the bunch grass country. Dr. Venable informs ns that Mr. Lewis Coxad is quite ill, although he does not consider him ia a vert dangerous condition. Our Sunday school still flourishes, and its energetic Superintendent labors with no lit tle seal to make it second to nune ia Doug las county. Jary has an unusual brisk movement ot lrfte, and we would inl. r that something will take place which will not be at all surprising. Mr. Atb Stearns, of the firm of A. F Brown & Co. departed fur the Goots Lake country on lat Tuesday. He is looking af ter business matters. Many farmers in this section are dis courage 1 by their grain having rusted. Douglas county will lose several thousand dollars by the calamity and it will be a sud visitation to tha people of this vioiuity. George Vulhard, the eu?erpriaing shoe maker, will take his depirture to Eastern Oregon in a few days. Dutchy, may you live to see the next Centinnial and may your "spouse'' be with you on that memora ble occasion. Prof. Heard will take charge of the Oak land School about September 1st, and teach a six months' term. All who are desirous of attending a first-class school will find it to their interest to attend at Oakland dur ing the Fall and Wiuter. The Quicksilver Mining Co. held a meet in j( at this place on Tuesday. We did n l learn the proceedings of the meeting, but from Dr. Chase e learned that every thing is moving on in good condition, and that they will be propped lor business in a short time. The question is, who wrote those items from Red Hill last week. John Kelly, son of the collector at Port land, was iu town during the week. Thomas Morris, or new merchant, talks or moving his store to the quicksilver mines during the bummei . - Farmers report considerable damage to grain caused by the rust. Probably not so bad aa tuev thiufc. Rice & Co. are doing a good business in the merchandising line. Ica was always a success, even when he went under the om- deplume ot "Mnggiua. Smokey Hill was In town during the week negotiating for the purchase of ten or twelve thousand head of cattle, tt drive to his farm. Webb B. Parker and James M. Snider are canvassing this part of the county for '.he Little J iker washing machine; so far as we have been able to learn those machines are the best ever invented. Those wishinir a machine would do well to buy one of them. iBADV. UMPQUA FERRY. H. M. Harris left on the Pa louse eom'ry. tbe ISth Inst. for A Clayton has purchased a self-binder from E. til. Young & Co. ot Oakland. There Is a vacation In the Cole's valley school for oce month, commencing July XI St. Miss lone Churchill, of Eugene, Is at present visiting friends and relations resid ing I ere. The wheat in this section mostly has the rnt very bai!r. We are of tbe opinion self-binders will oe in demand. Rev. Wain wright preached two discours es to largo congregations last Sunaay. Ail who attended Were highly pleased. A surprise party was bad at the residence of Mr. Plowman which was an enjoyable affair to those who love to trip the light fantastic toe. Mr. S. B. Cat-heart, of Coos Bay, paused 'hroiigh on the lilMi en rouie tor Portland Dal has a giet many friends in this section who are always glad to see him. We noticed a communication from Cleve land in last week's Pluindealer that was full of news but about two weeks old. and news that had been circulated before, seems that if I had been afflicted by the green -ered monster it would not have been interesting to those who were searchiug for n ?ws, hut he thought it would add was onlr a little mistaken. Clark thinks he will have a public charge that resembles "Ike shas a" very murh, in less Ilian a year. Umpqoa Ueokob. FMlJRfoYVALLEY. Grain looks well. Everybody went to, the celebration. There was a successful ball at Looking Glass ou the eve of the Fourth. The young blacksmith at Looking Glass went a sparking and broke the axle of his cart..' Married in Roseburg. Mr. Ernest Waghorne and Miaa Roaa hfcarton were united in wedlock at the Episcopal ehnrch in this city last Sunday morning. The happy eouplecame all the way from "Heme Old England" to find in free America the eonramntation of their food eat hopes. Ws wish for Mr. and Mrs. Wag- botna the realisation of that haDDineas which to true lovers is pictured in a hapnv tutors. Committee Appointed. Tha oitbnns of Com Bay have appointed a amroittee of aevan to receive' the I'oerd of fcngineera looking for a harbor of refuge nve trues txwe oounty and two trooa Dong las. Uen. Jam. lata and How. Bing nermann wul represent Douglas oounty,. having bavn selected by auaniseos vote. YONCALLA ITEMS. Mr. N. Roberts is very' low with the chances against him. If Fran k is not married soon, a good many people will miss their guess.! Old Doa yet lire-, and threat ens to make things lively for cer tain officials. Robert Loner; was severely in jard a few days ago by being kicked on the leg by a horse. Olay Long has built a nice dwelling and a barn, and Adam Watkins has raised a large barn. itncle Charley Applegate is lyuijg very low, and is gradually sinking. It la hardly possible lor him to recover. Xr. P. II. Burt is acting rail roid agent during the absence of his rather. Term has had ex perience in the business, and will do it juitt right. Mr. II. (J. Bryant has bought 820 acres ot land on Elk creek, aud moved ' ou it. Mr. Bryaut takes hold of work as though he meant business. We miss the pleasant "phiz," and tall, com iiiHUdiug at.pear mice of our worthy teacher, II. J. Cti'.e, and one or two of our youug ladies are auxious to know when ecbool vvili commence again. Messrs. Marbla k Darr are de livering large quantities of eplen did lumber ou the railroad for shipment. Persons wantu-ghrst-class lumber ot any kiud at a tair price should call oa Marble & Darr. A company, consisting of Q. A. Burt tuid two ot Lis sous, Uncle Jimmy Miller, Milton Applegate aud Stephen Johnson started lor the bunch gras country with 1,500 head ot sheep. Their rabch is located on tbe north tork ot John D-ty's riv r. Uncle Jimmy will return in live or six w.teks, and perhaps some of the boys. COTTAGE GltOVK. Maud, the jeweler, ot Oakland, was with us three days ot last week. Lnrge parties are going out to seek tor blackberries, which are here iu ubuiid ince. : The 6tar is al such a fearful di-tance that people ot this' place believe they uever see it. The Suuday school is in a very flourishing condition; under the management ot Mr. 1. Under. Parties bvrc who take the Inde pendent are very well put in bed with the paper. The circulation ot the paper is increasing in this vicinity. i The three months olJ child ot Joseph Donabo is dangerous'y ill and likely wil! not recover. We sympatbizj with the gne: strick en parenrs. Jas. Stirling hs been with ns for the last toUt'teeu days. Jle will probably take charge of the telegraph office, which will prob ably be placed here io n short tune. After clrsii:sr school several of our young men went over to our neighboring sitv ol Latham tor a nee, but hd to return borne, as there were none ot the lair sex present The school was closed the 21st met. The house was crowded, as it was known that the pupils ot the school would give an enier tainmciit, which, under the mau aireme'it ot tne teacher, was a grand success. All went home satisfied, and the public returns its thanks to Miss 13. tor the pleasure of the occasion. DEER CREEK. The Ingram Broa. this week. started their header Material is being placed on the ground at the pine grove uear G. W. Center's place, preparatory to err&ing a church House :dere this Summer, W . It. Singleton has erected a fine barn on uis place. G. A. Brndie is teaching his second term of sciioul at the North Deer Creek school house. The Housekeeper of Health. Halls'Hepstic Ring is the liest Liver Reme dy in the market. It cures billiousoess, con stipation, headnclie and all diseases arising from the derangement ol that important gland, which is ' sometimes called the Housekeeper ot Healtu, THE LIVER Or. Hamilton lias it iuKostburg and will guarantee every bottle or retund the mon ey. i ry it. iy. Going to Grave Creek. Mr. Wm. Carll's family leave this week for Grave creek, where they will spend the warm mouths of Summer. In the Fall they will return to Roseburg. We wish them a pleasant visit to the health-giving regit ins of Josephine county. - - mmm ii , I Change of Property. 8. Marks & Co. have sold to Mr. H. L. Murton the lot opposite the residence ot Mr. W. I. Friedlander. M.. Murton has sold to Mr. E. Waghorne his property east of the oity. The prioe paid by Mr. Murton to Uarks & Co. was 500. Lime for Sale. Flint & Son have the best of lime for sale at bed-rock prices. Parties wishing the tame will find it to their advantage to call on either A. It... or S. C. Flint Roseburg, Fello ws Compound of Sjiup cures asth ma, loss of voice, neuralgia. 8u Vitus Dance, epileptic fits, w hooping cough," nervousness, and is a most wonderful ad junct to other remedies in sustaining life during the process of Diphtheria. Sold by an aruggists. "With a land grabber fur Governor, and an agent for a text-book establishment for Superintendent of Publie Instruction," said a Doraocratin partizan. "I think 111 climb a tree and stay there until after eleetioa I" , Call and examine Is given with the Paints. S the guarantee which Imperishable Mixed Hamilton, Agent. v Basket Meeting. , There will be a basket meeting at Myrtle Creek on 8nnday, July 27th. Preaching by Rev, Jr. R. N. Bell. Important Notice- Having disposed of my Interest in the the livery stable owned by Wright A Carkm, all those indebted to the old firm are reques ted b make immediate . settlement of ae- eos its. It ia necessary that the old bos- ! t take the hint h we given andTK tZrT?riS: " JAB. WRIGHT H&W TO-DAY. mm DRY ! Recently Established, ZIMERMAJC& FRAZIER, VUOP&IETOR8. We announce that all work donein ! First-Class F0U2TDRY We ean famish with dispatch and in the best condition. All Kinds of Castings for Orders from a Distance Promptly Filled We are determined to remain in Rose, burg ermanem iy, and ask the people of Southern Oregun to give us their patron e. S. RAYMOND, S. D FORMERLY OF OAKLAND OREGON Hiving permanently located in Rosebnrg, offers bis prufeaiunal servieM to tin wishing Firsi-Class Dental Work at nrinai to suit the times. Office first door north ..f Oaks' picture gallery, Oak street, liosburr, OfBon. - NOTICE. Jacob Rosenstein has left his notes and accounts with Virgil Conn. Paymenis most be made at once or collections ill be lorced by due prices of law. I Stone Fireplaces J JOHN LONG, of Cleveland, Would announce that he is prepared to Furnish tbe stone, neatlveui. for Firrpiaces, at rates more n-asnnable than Any one else a : and thai He will receivj orders to build chimnevs And Fireplaces from any part of the Couniy. He will warrants his chimneys to bave renrci araugut, ana to be of permanent Character. He will also deliver stine already d mined I'o any one wishinsr the Fame. For Fireulaces. Orders left with the Independent, or Mr. Cochran. Looking Glass, promptly attended to. HOUSE. SIGN, & FRESCO The undersigned announce that he is prepared to do all kinds nf painting, in cluding House, Sign and Fresco, with neatneas and dispatch. All work warrant. ed. fliop nor'.h ol Uarrisrn' hotel. 48 C. W. ROSE. WAGON STARTED. My wood wagon will start up Monday uneOth, and thea I will lie prepared to nd mail wood as ordered snd of any size add Unirth. I will not be undersold, ano these who desire laying in a Summer and YV inter s supply of wood wiil do well to give m a call. A. J. DOWNEN. ; NED. DRY'S SALOON. jacks'm bthket, : rosrbdro. The nroDrietor of- tliia well-known and popular retort would thank his friends for their liberal patr -nage in the past and ask for a continuance of tbe same In the future. The public is informed that 1 keep none bat the beet brands of wines, liqnors and cigars, and that I sell over the bar the celebrated JESSE MOORE & CO.'S KENTUCKY WHISKIES! A good Billiard Table will be found in the Saloon ; also all the leading papers of the coast. Give nie a call. E. C DRY. GO TC S. HAMILTON'S NEW DRUGSTORE FOB ! Ctuh, Paints, Oils, Varriieh'. Window and Picture Glass, Stationery, Perfumery, if you with to purchnse them cheaper than at any place sou'U ol PORTLAND. S. HAMILTON Would announce that he has sparid neith er time nor money in selecting a s'ock and fitting no a si ore. Purchases ail staple druL'd in Aew xork for cash, thereby se curing the lowest prices and finest articles aud keeps full lines of 1 GtQth, Hair, Mail & Teth Brushes, Paint, White wash, Vapnish & Artist's Brushes, Windsor and Newtons tube colors. Win dow snd Picture Glsss, every siuyat IOwegi Price, by box or pair. Blank Bo -ks. Writing Paper, envelopes, pens. All new Patent Medicines in stock as demand will warrant. GLtSS CUT TO ORDER, free of charge. Agent for THREE MIXED PAINTS The celebrated snd thoroughly tested PA ciric KtiSKbK FAINT, Tne IM PERISHABLE PAINT, and The ENAMEL PAINT. Agent for M. Gray, Music Dealer, San Francisco. Prescriptions filled with dirpatch, at the lowest rates. Store Is accessible at right window on back street at all hours of the night. Bemember tbe place. Brick build. ing opposite Metropolitan Uotel. Boseourg Oregon. MOUNT SCOTT MILLING COMPANY J. HI. ROWLEY, WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THE CITIi sens of Dougl&t couniy and vicinity, he has pu.chased an interest In TrasJe 's Sawmill, On the NORTH UMPQUA ! And has taken FULL CONTOL OF THE SAME. He has had 20 years experience in the business of lumber-making, and guaran tees to all customers perfect satisfaction. He will deliver all kinds of DRESSED AND PLAIN LUMBER At Roseburg or elsewhere cheaper than can be purchased from any other mill, aud, all ordtrs will be promptly tilled. Con tractors and builders will find !t to their ad van ts go to inquire for terms and prices. He is also a priC'icat architect and build er, and all having such work will be bene, fitted by calling upon aim be'ore going eiswfaere. J. M. ROWLEY. Sole Agents for the Pioneer Mbrions Woolen Mills for North Pacific Coast. SKFRKSESTIKO , Manufactures of tbe STANDARD SHIRTS ' GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. aad 89- Font 8t Portland, Og. LllBER! LUMBER! f mtmmwn In AH Prices for the AND iumrner Trade At the Old Kercantile Sonsa of FLOED & CO We would announce that we are in Beceipt of our NEW i STOCK OF dhh Goonsi For the Spring and Saamer Tiade, Corn prising all the Latest Novelties in that Line, Including gtaek & Cetored Cash- meres, maefc & GarnvsQ s ilk s, Velvets, . Satins, Stack Lawns, & Uneti Fancy Suiting! s 6ioys Corsets and i ces, EtTxbroJcterUs, Etc. Our Stock of Domestics and 110 USE FURNISHING GOODS Is Larger than Ever Bel ore. In Gents' Furnishing Goods we have a large Ass rrtroea of . FINE DRESS. STITS. ELE gant Summer Suits, Neat Busi ness Suits, White and Colored Suits, Hosiery, Hats, Gloves, Tiw. Bon-sect WE KEEP THE BEST GOODS That can be oh.ained in the San Fianciaco Market. Our Stock of Groceries, Cannot be excelled. ' In this line we have an Immense Assortment of Crockery, Glass-ware and Cutlery, Also Sugar, Teas. toffee, Staple Groceries Our prices are LOW. Call and see for your selves at tne oia stana. J.C.FLOEU&Cn., B09EBURO, DOUGLAS CO., OREGON ESTABIJ8HED. ...185S Pioneer Establishment- THOS. P.SHEEIDAK. The first haxdwate dealer la Cmpqna Valley, ia the Brick Building, HAS RECEIVED. AND IS NOW REs eeiving one of tbe most complete stocks of 4 STOVES, the Most Improved Pauerns aver' re Of eeived in this city. And besides has the most complete stock of . tjreneral Ulardixrare, And manafaetarea everything in the line of TIN, SHEET-IRON ft COPPER WARE In a wo.kkmanlike manner, sad on most reoaonabl t Iron. Steel and Rail Always oa.haod, and. In qaiatlilss to sa. great MmoTmosum.1T HAVING JUST ARRIVED FROM SAN FRANCISCO WITH one of the largest and best assorted stocks of GEHEHAIi HEHCHe&nDISIi Ever seen in Roseburg, I respectfully invite the public to come and examine the Price and Qcslitj ot ray large supply of Ti A PTES' DRESS GOODS OF ALL QUALITIES,! INVISIBLE PLAIDS Ladies Silk Ties, Embracing all tbe Latest Novelties in the San Francisco Market. Also Everything else appertaining to Ladies' Wear. ! ALL KINDS OF Piques, Brocaded Linens, Plain Idncn, And every variety of Dress Good Store. EMBBOrDER EES, The Best and Cheapest ever imported to the City ot Roseburg. INDIES': BEADY-MADE DRESSES 2IN ALL SHADES OF CASIIMERES Laces. in al Colors & Patterns FUSEL r PRINTED LAWNS, a. . ... t j ii t JI ail snaoes, ljaaiea ana jsaiasun mi ... m . si nnrl n m m r.uthoa eye Derbys. Leghorns, Asssorted II'lm etg, and all other late etyles. Ladies' Shoes all varieties, Kid, Cloth, Leather, Pebble Goat. Also C. same quality in Misses' and Child re us' sizes. ArULLUNEOP Genteman's, Youth's & Bcyo CLOTHING, j All new DaternB. excellently finished, and the cheapest ana ever offered to the Roseburg trade. others I defy cotrpetition. Tbem are onlv a few items in the stock I there ia enougn else to engage your attention for an entire day. M, JOSEPHdOX. W. O. "WOODWARD A6E1TT FOB AND DEALER IN EABNE SS, SADDLES AKJERICLES, And All Kinds of - gtore on the Corner across ' Warehouse. from Marks' Mr stock is complete and new. the beat and largest ever broug .t to Roseburg. I am prepared to fill ail orders al pnees to defy competition. All work warranted Farmers especially ate requested lo call and examine my stock. W. U. WOODWARD. SCHULTZ & VON BARGEN, Importers and Dealers In FO&UCn & DOMESTIC t.HIES LIQUORS ANl' BRANDIES. Also Agents for ths CELEBRATED BOURBON WHISKY, S. E. Corner Ft and Cal St. BAN FRANCISCO, CAIj. Benreseoted bv OH ABLE8 KOHN. WI.EKLY LXNli Of STEAMERS SAN FEA1TCISC0 . FROM COOS BAY AH0 AT A CAPT. Q. BOLT COMMANDER CAPT. CHAS. BATLER.. COMMANDER For Freight or Passage Apply to FRANK BARNARD & CO SI 8 JACK SON ST., Saa FaaciHco. OR ; FRED SCHETTER, Empire City. IMPORTANT KOTCE. All parties knowing themselves indebted to tbe firm of Wright & Carlos, in the livery stable i nsinees, are hereby notified to make Immediate settlement by cash or note and thos save eoeta This is the last notice. WttlUHT k CARLON. Jans 14. 1879. 20,000 POUIIDS OLD CAST IKON WANTlSD AT THE ROSEBURG I40N FOUNDRy. GaoslPiios paid. Old Iron taken iaex change for work. ; mm pcRfos. IT' LATEST STYLES. found in a firstsclaas ,Dry Goods a T r i T" a a c . i cummer nuia juaiesi oiyies - WktA ftmnrn KltiM.aa l-.ip.fa.. In this hue as well a hve purchased. Come and see the other B. Brackenridge & Robt. East, Opposite T. P. Sheridan's Rardwara Store, ROSEBURG, OREGON. Mantle pieces made from Italian sod American, marble monuments, ai d tomb stones, made to order, and first-lass work warranted in this line. Anything in the way of stone-cutting promptly perlormed. and all orders promptly filled. Always a fail shirk f marble and oih-r stone on hand and in case of any repair in this iin in tbe shape of billiard tables, etc, satisfaction, will be gnaranted. R BRACKEN RIDGE & ROBT E AS TOM. Notice of Auiepunemir-- NOTICE IS HERKBT GIVEN THAT C. rohen, merchant of Rosxburg.Doug las oounty, Oregm, did. on the 23d day of June. 1879. assign to. me alt his property., forthe beni-nt of bi creditors, lu pmpor tion to the amount of their, respective claims; and all of said creditors are r quirvd tnprveent their claims within three months from said date, tn iue dersigsea( at Roseburg, Douglas county, On-goo. WM. K. VV ILL.U1, ASSiaSSE. : j. JS. THOKSTOIT. . jaOib WAOsrsa LI, AXDKBSOir. W. H ATKIKBOX. ASHLAND WOOLEN MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, Masafacturers and Dealers ia WHITE &C0U1RED BLANETS Plain and Fancy CasMmere's, Doeskins Flannel, etc . . " ALSO OVER sad UNDEARWEAR, CLOTHING i Made to Order. T7. II ATHUI30U. Secy. ; ASHLAND. Jackson Couniy, Oregon. AGKST rCK Successors to JOHN & MORRISON, SR Importers and Wholesale Dealers ia nimviiiECiLiaoorjj.. . . . tf" ' . 815 Sacramento and 321 Commercial C BETWEEN FRONT AND BATTERY. Baa Fraud soo. CaJifomia Z'.1-' 'ssssasawssns nasi : - Opposite T. P. Bherldaa's Tla lop. CLEANING AND RETAILING TjQI'Z', , pi) "