BLANKS, And other printin?, including Largo and neavy Posters and Showy Haud-Btlls. - Neatly and expeditiously Executed AT PORTLAND PHICHC. On Trar . BO .. 1 SO .1M Is i1toath.. Tktw .unuthe.. "Independent in all Things Neutral in Nothing." iura- ! i!it term lor uw pay in;: In ad rtim. T!.- l.nki-K.ur.ifT offers fine induce ment!! ti Term rea.nable. VOL. 5. ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1879. NO. 15. r, Ri MULLER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, OAKLABtD, . OREGO-31 - Office in Dr. Page's Drugstore. , r ; Canyon ville Hotel, D. A. LKVIX9, - PROPRIETOR HAVING P.ECEXTLY PUKCHASED THE Canyonvi.le. Hotel, 1 am now prepared to fnrn'sli travelers with the best of accommodations. Feed and stabling for Mock. D. A. LEVINS. W". D. WOODCOCK. H. W. CHL'BCHTLL. Woodcock & Cfaureblll. MYRTLE CREEK, OREGOS TEAMSTERS FROM JACKSONVILLE and the residents in Myrtle Creek will find the beet horse hoe ra at this establishment In this line we claim to do work equal to any in the State. New work manufactured and repair! made on the shortest notice. Oive as a trial, and if we cannot suit you none can. WOODCOCK CHURCHILL. Furniture Store! ntJT nnn atittth xiiljjQUiUirJllU. JOIIiV GI LDER8LEVE j I HAVING PURCHASED THE FURNI r ture Establishment of John Lehnherr, is now prepared to do any work in the ' UPHOLSTERING LINE. He is also prepared to furnish In all styles, of the best manufacture, and cheaper than the cheapest. His ' Chairs. TiAblen, Bureaus, jf Bedsteads, 1 VTashstands, ETC., ETC., ETC. Are of superior make, and for low cut cannot be equalled in the State. The Finest of Spring Beds And the Tbe Barter and boat's crew of the steamer btate o FtrowMi landed at 8herbrooke. They left Sable Island Sunday ..when atl the pas seneers saved were well. Tho weather had been fine after leaving New York till tbey got into the fog in which tbe vessel went ashore Saturday night. Assistance will be sent from here to passengers on the Island. The vessel is likely to be a total wreck. Four women and five children ant lnefc Thnawp Suva vanuiuDiMiaiuniwk,, : uui iner me nesmer itract s cun vm nrea. UAJTRO. J nlT 12. The BtAATtipr mu nf wmcn Drought tne governor of (be island. Helena, from Vickabnrov tint oil. I Mr- McDonald, to our assistant iu a surf , o , .. . , EASTERN. ed to land last night. Quarantine regu lations , will be ; enforced acrainst ..all steamers and trains from Memphis in ac cordance with resolutions adopted bv the board of .health. u -j V : Prudent Measures Adopted Irf Cincinnati, CiNCTSSATi. July 12. At a meetinfr of ine common council last evening at the 1 suggestion of the health officer, $16,0001. was appropriated,, for placing the city in i the best possible sanitary condition and i S11 -11 x w uu iu iu uuuyiiug ponua uftDls w breed miasma and cause disease. ,W. W. HalFs Most Complete ofas RESTAUR AN T. Always on hand. Everything in he line fur- nished, of the best quality, on the shortest notice and at the lowest rates. TLIs popular Restaurant now under Compe ls m luiDMgRmeoi is preparea 10 ac . commodate the publie In a man ... ner unsurpassed In tbe elty.. Supper for Ball and Private Parties. Furnished on short notice. Give ns a call. W. W. BALL. COFFINS MADE AND TRIMMED And orders filled cheaper and better than can any other establishment. AS. THOBNTOH. W. H. ATKINSON. JACOB WAGNER. B. K. ANDERSON Desiring a share of public natronatra. the un- dersigned promises to offer extra inducements to 1 all patrons. Give nie a triaL - GILDERSLEVE. JOHN - FRASER, i , Home Hade . . Fiirniture, ' WILBUR, - , - ORKGOSf, ' Pennsylvania Greenback Cei Altoona, July 15. The national greenback labor party of this state met in convention nere to-day. Samuel it. Mason of Mercer county was chosen president, - v. , Henry Corry Baird, of Philadelphia, was nominated for state treasurer by ac clamation, i The committee on resolutions reported the following as the platform of the parry: . . . First In favor of the payment of the national debt strictly in accordance with stipulations of the contract under which it waa created, and that no more interest bearing bonds Of the federal government be issued. Second The federal government only shall issue money; that such money shall be a full legal tender, and that full legal tender greenbacks shalL be substituted This boat took ashore 11 women. 4 men. the purser, 4 officers and the doc: or, all of whom were safely landed, though the surf was very heavy. Two boats left tbe ship with 13 persons. The second when 60 fret from the shore capsized and all the occa pants were thrown into the water. Some of those struggling in the water succeeded in clinging to tbe bottom of the boat, which presently was righted and washed ashore. Those clinging to her were badly bruised, bat were thankful to have escaped with their lives. . ;,. The other boat went around the ; other side of tbe island I next day, and all were safely landed on j Monday night. Tbe 3d officer with purser and Bins inun started in an open boat for the main land. On tbe first night it was raining and fojgr, and a most uncomfortable night was passed. Tuesday night they made main land, but the sea was running too high to land. They waited till morning, when they succeeded in landing safety at Fott Bricker ton and drove to New Glasgow, whence they came by train to Halifax. Mrs. H mil's Murdsrer Sentenced to 1m Hanged. Kiw York, July 17. After tbe address by the district attorney on behalf of tbe people Judge Cowing charged the jury, and at 6:15 r. a), iney retired. At e-.zo tbe inrv came In- j to court with a verdict of guilty of murder in tbe first degree and the judge tentonced Cox to ne nangea me zutn August next. A Bad Mnume. Buffalo. July 17. It will be remembered that a party of six men started from Port Colbourne, July 3d, in a sail boat bound for in is city to spena tbe Fourth, and were drowned. Tbe bodies of five of them have been recovered. rTo-day a party of gentle- min frnm KnfflA vsm fiuli i n in f li rival A ooa SJmw1u or thV Business of th I near Beaver island and found a floating not Country. rtle with a fper in it on which was written Upholstery, Spring ; Mattrasses," tc, Ashland Woolen Manufacturijr ' " Company, Manufacturers and Dealers in White & Colored Blankets I firxitcbk. And all of tny own manufacture. Constantly on hand. I hava the best stock o larnitnre sou to of Portland Plata and Fancy Cashmeres, Doeskins, Flannels, Etc. also, OVER AND UNDERWEAR CLOTHING Made to Order. W. II. ATKINSON Sei'y ASHLAND, Jackson County, Oregon. No two Prices to Customers Residents of Douglas county are requested to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. W ALL WORK WABEANTE3 "1 DEPOT HOTEL H. C. STANTON 1 Dealer in Staple Dry Goods I Keeps constantly on hand a general assort . . - -. . - ment of . ' - C3 EXTRA FINE GROCERIES, WOOD, WILLOW ASD GLASSWARE! 0AKLAHD, OREOOH. Richard Thomas, Prop'r. rpHIS HOTEL HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED for a number ot years, and has become very popular with the traveling public Kirstrclass SLEEPING ACCOMMODATIONS. And the table supplied with the best the market affords. Hotel at the depot of the Railroad. Fine Liquors and Cigars. ALSO Crockery and Cordage. A full stock of sciioo r, J boo m h Back as required by the Pahlio County Schools! Alt kinds at STATIONER, TOTS and FANCY ARTICLES To suit both Young and Old. sOUTS AND BELLS LEGAL TENDERS furnishes Checks on Portland, and procures Drafts on Ban Francisco. MAHONEY'S SALOON. ',T Nearest to the Railroad Depot, Oakland, f Ta. Mahoney, Prop'r. The fiasst of wines, liquors and cigars ia Doug . . Its county, and tbe best -, ) BIXXjIBD table in the State kept in proper repair: The undersigned has purchased the saloon form erly kept by Mr. TibbeU, Oakland, and with new brands of wines, liquors and cigars he is prepared to hospitably entertain all who may give him a call: ' A. Fine T3iliiard Table is kept in censtant repair. DAVID BAKER. TV C. SMITH CO., Chemists and Pharmacists I , -,; Patton's , Block, State Street, . . ORKGOH. Particular attention given to prescriptions, and all orders by mail or express filled promptly and accurately. Physicians and country dealers will save money by examining our stock, or procuring v. Our prices, ueiur puivu .-j .. . '; ' where. - ' - 40i New Yobk, July 15. Dun, Barlow & Go's circular gives the total failures in the United States and territories for the second quarter of the present year as 1534 in number, with $22,000,000 liabili ties, notably less than in any single quarter for the past five years. Compar ed with the second quarter of 1878, there is a decrease of 900 failures and $20,000 000 in the quarter which ended last month. The total failures in California last quarter were 72 ; total liabilities, $831,000. , Of this number and amount San Francisco bad 56 failures and $731, 000 liabilities. The total failures in Colorado last quarter were. 14 ; total lia bilities, $123,836. The circular says : Never before in our experience in the computation of these statistics has the decrease in mercantile casualties been so marked ; in no period has a comparison of losses by bad debts been so favorable as at the present hour. In relation to growth in the volume of business in the past six months, as compared with trans actions in the same period in 1878, re turns from all clearing houses in the country, some 22 in number, show the total settlements or balances to be adjust ed between the various banks, and indi cate an increase of business all over the country exceeding 9 per cent. The cir cular says respecting Colorado : It is es timated that between $5,000,000 and $6, 000,000 have been invested in mining op erations Bince the 1st of January. The Nortn Pacific Fishing Grounds. Regarding a recent - Berlin dispatch, relative to the relations between Russia and the United States concerning the Alaska fisheries, a Washington special eays : Nothing is known at the Btate de partment about any such negotiations. It is probable that the American minis ter at St. Petersburg may have received from the Russian government Borne pri vilege for American fishermen to land on the shores of Kamtchatka and the sea of Okhotsk, but as the waters of Alaska, within the jurisdiction of the United States, abound with every variety of fish known to that latitude, there is no ocoa tion for this government negotiating with Russia to . securer- additional fishing grounds. ' Trial of Mrs. Hall's Murderer. The jury in the case of Chastine Cox, for the murder of Mrs. Hull, is complet ed and the district attorney will open for the prosecution to-morrow. .:. : . ! Memphis Quiet. Memphis. July 15. The first train on the Little Rock Railroad since last Fri- . r-ii tne jurtue kock jtauroaa since last x r SUCTSir rine JVLllIS day left this morning for Lonoke, Ark 3 V to which point Quarantine has been rail Parties traveling on the railroad will and this ' place very handy to visitdnring the stop- -. , ping of the train at the Oak- ' iana, iMpcc wve roe a can. JA3. MAHONEY. t SALEM Foundry and Machine . Shop B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. . , S1LEH, OREGON. Htestm 3xtttava( Saw AIllM - Grist Mills. Reapers, Pump and all Iclnds and Styles ot J&Xnohinery made to Order. Maotil fiery repaired on Short XVotloe. Pattern making done in all its various forms, and all kinds of brass and iron castings far- nsnea on snort nouca. Also manufac turer of Enterprise Plainer and Matcher, and Suckers and ' v Sharpers. PATTERSON'S Jas. II. Tipton, Prop'r. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, Including Najjar Pine, : ; ' Cedar, Fir, pine and air. - Lumber, ' i Always on hand, - . And Orders promptly xllled or tne csnortesc Wot loo AH kindi of dressed lumber constantly on - hand. Lumber furnished at any point in lioseburg without extra charge, and by application to me it will be found that .; U Tjiber is not only the best but w". l. n tha market. Try me and Aee.7 Address all letters to JA. H. T Panare'e M- ' v viu that tbey have leased . W'.Mibl inform tbe pot. "T" atop oceapied , the large BlacksmilhuO tfeat tuey are UyWg.Mick AUKlads of Blactaitathlnc .-." " la first-class style," ; Awl at price. Sower thsn the lowert. . They ha Horse Shoeing! . Adrieim,;nt -compelent to do the best of vwwa w v "iaUi.faction of paUons. All kinds of Machinery repaired, Plow Work, Etc GWe them a call. Shop opposite S.Mark Co. Located at Sugar rine Mountain, Post Office address,. Looking Glass, Oregoay The Companyewuing these mills would say they r, are prepared, to furnish the BEST OF LUMBER it the most reasonable rates. SnSfar Plae, ; $ . , Pir and Cedar Lumber always on hand, and all persons wishing purchase Lumber will do well to give us an pjortunity if filling their orders before going . J G. CALLIGH AN. President, Vf. B.fl, IIK E. S-erM.try anil Trwisurer Oregon and California STAGE IIIVJEI ! TKaCUSH TO 8AH FRMSCI8C3 FOUR DAYS. THE QUICKEST, SAFEST AND - EASIEST ROUTE. . STAOC8 LEAVE HOSEBURQ Eveay D T-0 P. M, ? Ifakine Quick connection at Reading with the H carsof theCAO. R.E. For full particulars and passage apply to - . PERKIKS A HEADRICK. Agent. MAMMOTH LIVERY AIID FEED 7 STABLE. This establishment is the Best in the State I -'" '; and eonnacted with it is a large Vagon Yard and Shed Room I Capable of accommodating any hones '. sud wagons. number of Seat of Hay and Grain always In full supply awi allivinr iirieee. n rtn-1. .liowed to e aruy liixit9n(L Don't fail to give ns a call, for we are determined tnmtyu t!Uin.iu- .,. .. j titr.aualilv aud pru-e. ' " ' wKi i istes- 'A TOM IVTOTICE IS lfEREBV OiVIA T ' , may conitru that tli u,i.,l-ri ' '' warded ttie eontru. f keepi-tg .tin, i luty paupers - ( ptri-nl-f iw yiw. - in newl of aiNtan. mi.( bhii.-...tfl-pnieitres eertnW.ti l.'tl..u rlT A toU oftheSJwin; na,..J wh.. .r, authorised to and C-ifl J br twtf . such certiHcates! Butwfl ttfV;i, &-t'rc 1 Qlaa. Drf Woodruff !?" medical aid to all persons in - - - - t 1 nsuners U.f;UI ed. No new cases have been, reported and the excitement has subsided. Some few citizens nave returned. . - ' The city remains very qniet, No new cases have been reported. In a few days it is anticipated that' the quarantine re striction now in force against' Memphis will be removedv -cr -'uv, . . --; Quarantine Resolution Rescinded; New Obleans, July 15. The board of health to-day adopted a resolution res cinding the quarantine against Memphis. Colcitbus, O. , July 15. In the trot ting race to-day Powers made a mile in 2:14. . :-v ...n The Northern Pacific Railroad. New Yobk, July 16. It is stated by the Northern Pacific Railroad Co., that the rapid developement of Washington terrixorv and the demand for railroad facilities have determined them to com mence the construction of the road from the Columbia river eastward to Pen d'- Oreile lake, a distance of 200 miles. They accordingly issued a circular calling for an additional $2,000,000. The subscrip tions closed yesterday, the entire amount having been taken by stockholders. The construction will begin as soon as the line can be located. Ten thousand tons of steel rails were purchased to-day for this road. , From Proud Power to Abject Want. John D. Sloat, well remembered by old Californians as being the son of com modore Sloat, who captured California ports and raised tne American flag in 184b, applied at the station house for shelter a few nights since, having wan dered aronnd the city all day. It is be lieved that he is deranged. He has been a lawyer and notary here many years. -Memphis Hopeful. Memphis, July 16. The only restric tions against Memphis freights now be ing enforced are by the Memphis & Lit tle Rock and Mississippi Central rail roads, ;All other roads have revoked their quarantine orders, Merchants re port a rush of business, and a general feeling of hopefulness as to the future exists. No new cases have been report' edforaweek.' -- v-r , . The FlretsPreyost's Colliery. Cbhtbaua. (Pa.), July ,16. The vein of coal at Provost's colliery is still burn ing fiercely - The mine is being flooded, but with poor prospects of overcoming the flames, which - now endanger the working of the Continent and Hazoldoll mines, which are only divided from the burning vein by a pillar of eoal 30 feet thick. Should the workings take fire the town would be mined. Several val uable pumping engines have been des 1 . . .. . 1 , . trujreu, togetner wuu nevenu uuuuwgn. The loss is estimated this morning at $200,00. The breakerlfeady destroyed was insured with ProvostliJIerring of Philadelphia, but in what amoun' not known. Just before the fire ed a carload of miners who were descend ing into the pit made a narrow escape f row destruction, receiving timely warn ing f ron). tw boys who escaped from the flames. , ; - The State af Virginia" Go Aehare at frable island, Hva kcona-Seyeral Uva ritten the lollowing: "Jnly3, 1 P. M.We can not weather it any longer; blowing a gale; give up all hope ; good bye. Six men from Port Colbourne." . Fiendish Outrage by Tramps. Basoor, July 17. A woman was found yesterday afternoon in an unoccupied mill at upper Stillwater, gagged, bound and uncon scious. She proved to be Mrs. Adelaide Sherman, a domestic in the family of Artnur Sawyer. She left home nght before last, and is supposed to have taken refuge in the mill during a heavy shower when she was sur prised by tramps, gagged and outraged. Bhe was nearly dead wben found, and is not yet restored to consciousness. Ureat excitement prevails. Death or a Rakish Prince. Chicago, July 17. August Von Manteuffle. son of Prince Herman Von Manteuflle. and nephew of Gen. Von Manteufneof German v. who has been here since last winter, part of iub time of penaent on coaricy lor nis support, died to-day. He has been intemperate, and lived a reckless life while here. It is not known whether death resulted from suicide or from disease engendered by his manner of nvmg. new Hampshire Considers the Railway 4uestien. Boston, July 18. The New Hampshire house of representatives yesterday passed a bill regulating railway passenger and freight tariffs. It gives the railway commission ers the right to regulate the tariff of any roaa in ine state ana pronioits any railway commissioners ironi Uoldine office in anv railway corporation or from owning stock or oonas 01 any railroad. Mew Tax Rate Recommended for Louisi Nw Obleaxs, July 17. The constitutional convention, alter a long debate, adopted an amenament 10 tne state department oroun ance fixing the rate of interest to be paid on consolidated bonds at 2 per cent, for five years, 3 per cent, for 10 years and 4 per cent. thereafter. Tbe interest tax is to he zj mills. with a limitation to 5i mills for all slate pur poses ror nve years; ana a mills interett tax tbereaftomsuth limitation to 6 mills for all state purposes. Mw Oblkans, July 18. In the constitu tional convention the state dest question came up. ine ordinance as adopted yesterday was read tbe third time, wben a vote was taken, itesult, yeas, 62; nays, 54. The chair decided the ordinance defeated, It not having received the necessary (18 votes, a majority ot the whole convention. An appeal from the decision of tbe chair was made ; tabled. It was teen claimed that the democratic party would be held responsible by the peo ple for the solution of tbe debt question and the convention took a recess to allow tbe democrats to caucus. Murder In Nebraska. Sidbbt,1 Neb., July 18 At about 12 last night John Hodson alias English Jack, a bard character, shot and killed John Brown. end employe of Charles Coffee, whose cattle outfit is in camp near town. While officers were in search of the marJerer he went to livery stable where he had been employed, secured a horse and escaped in the darkness. This is his second offense of similar charac ter, he having killed a man on the Red Cloud road some time ago. boats were launched, and the surf boats from tbe shore again put off. All the remaining nasseneera and crew siot into these after a great deal of exertion, and lauded safely some five miles distant.- - j At 8 o'clock Monday nieht the nnraer. me. companied by thirty passengers and nine of tbe crew, left Sable island in an op?n boat to reach the main land and Halifax to procure rssistanoev After many privations and sever al narrow escapes from drowning, they reached a small place called Port Pinkerton. The agent of the line at Halifax has made arrangement for the government steamer Glendott to sail at noon to-morrow for Sable island, to bring tbe survivors who are ex pected to reach Halifax Monday night. Collision af Steamships. Philadklphu. Pa.. July 20. The steam ship Santiago U Cuba, of New York, and Scougrey, or London, collided in tbe Dela ware this afternoon. Both vewels were badly damaged, involving a loss of $20,000. Presidential Possibilities. New York, July 15. The Barald. snecu- lating upon the presidential election possi bilities, says : If the four California districts should return Republican representatives at tbe election two months hence, which ia not improbable, and if the next year the nom ination of three presidential candidates should happen to throw the election into the house which ia at least possible--in that case the Rev. Gilbert De ia Matyr'a vote in the bouse might make a president for four years, beginning the 4th of March. If the Republi cans carry California, the house, voting for prtsideut, would be equally divided, count ing tbe Indiana delegation as Democratic ; but De la Matyr'a vote, cart with the six Re publicans In the delegation, might decide the choice for president, t Napoleon Bonaparte Hung. M km phis, July 20. Napoleon Bonanarte. colored, was hanged at Sardis, Miss., yester day, for the murder of Tom Butler, oolored, committed on the 6th of August last. The execution was witnessed by a crowd of 3000, piincipally negroes. Round House Kails InSeveral Workmen Danasrouatjr Injured. . Buffalo, July 20. A section of tbe new round house of tbe Erie railway fell to-day, and a number of workmen were injured. Irving Hall bad his back broken and will probably die. La ban Sutton, skull fractured and injured internally, will probably die. Thomas Kirby was seriously injured inter nally. The others were badly injured. Let them all Come to Oregon. New Yobk, July 20. The steamer Moid from Bremen brines over 600 steerage pas sengers, mostly Russians, who alone repre sent a capital of over $400,000. Among them are 60 families representing 2Vi children. They are a remarkably fine looking party. make the total number of new cases reported for to-day. seven. There are several sick people in the neighborhood. Nearly all small towns adjacent have enforced quarantine reg ulations against this city. . Mkxphu, July 20 Evening. Ten new cases of fever were reported to - the board of health to-day. Poor persons have died of fever since last night. There are several other cases of fever in tbe city which will be reported to the board of health to-morrow. Tbe city authorities are sending poor people oat of the city, having made arrangement to get half-rate fares over the Louisville and Nashville road. Dr. Dudley D. Saunders, acting president of the board of health, states that the fever ia not so malignant as last year and yields more rapidly to treatment. Citizens continue to leave in large numbers. PACIFIC COAST. WASHlSQTOal CITY. Ramsey Accepts. Washington. July 18. From information obtained at the executive mansion to-day there is no doubt of the correctness of the assertion heretofore published in regard to the successor of Secretary McCrary. Ex -Senator Ramsey, of Minnesota, has been ten dered the office of secretary of war and has accepted. Tbe change will not occur, how ever, until the present secretary retires. The Paclfle Railroad Payments. Under the Thurman act the treasury de partment is buying bonds to be applied as sinking funds for final redemption of bonds issued in favor of the Facihc railroads by tbe government. Every month an amount due these roads ty tbe government for transpor tation is withheld and to that aniouut pur chases are made. The bonds bought are 5 per cents, as prescribed by the act. 60 far, $318,500 in these bonds have been placed to tbe credit of tbe fund. Rnmoreu Ministerial Change. New York, July 19. A Washington spe cial says that tbe report of tbe forthcoming resignation or Minister Htougbton, and that of the appointment of Conrtland Parker of Aew Jeriey to Kussia, are repeated with much positiveness. Hasen Blow Has a Grievance. A long letter was received several davs aeo from General Htzen, complaining of an order of General Sherman promulgating tbe pro ceedings of the Stanley court-martial. Gen eral Hazen urged that he had not been on trial, and that under tbe circumstances tbe reflections contained ia the order were un just and uncalled for. He requested, in conclusion, that bis conduct at tbe several engagements mentioned in the proceedings of the trial be msde the subject of official inquiry. General Sherman has refused the request, and hat ordered General Hazen to join bis regiment in Dakota. Supposed Mew Planet Discovered. Wsshibotox. Julv 20. The secretary of the Smithsonian Institution ia informed by cable telegram from Professor Foerster of Berlin that a supposed new planet has been discovered. THE DEADLY FJBVKR. Sixteen Cases Reported at Memphis Slnee vveanesaav w naicsaie penaea City. Business Sua People fleeing from the "- Halifax, Joly 10 The steamer Slat of Virginia from New York for Glasgow, went shore at Sable Island at 7:45 P, M. Saturday. - Death of an Army Officer. Baltikois. Julv 18 General William F. Barry, colonel of tbe second artillery, in com- mana at .e on. ucllenry, died to-day. Bank Robber Sentenced. Nxw York, July 18 John Hope, convict' ed of robbing the Manhattan Savings Bank 01 iJ.uuu.iwu in securities and cash, has been sentenced to tne state prison for 20 years, A Bewsboy Pedestrian.' Nsw York. July 18. The Evening Exmest says : Stephen Brodie, a newsboy, started last evening for San Francisco, to walk with Frank Edwards, the winner of the six-day walk there last week. Brodie has a record of 390 miles in six days. The Wheelbarrow Han. L. P. Federmeyer, the "wheelbarrow fiend," who left San Francisco for this city December Stn, is coming along this side of Albany. Comptroller Gen. Goldsmith, of Georgia, to oe impeaeneo. Atlabta, July 18. Tbe house of repre sentatives voted to instruct the judiciary committee to prepare articles of impeachment against Comptroller General Goldsmith, based on the report of the committee of the general assembly that has been investigating tbe transfer of titles to wild lands. Tbe grounds of impeachment will involve Hinton P. Wright, a friend of the comptroller, who it is alleged offered to bribe two members of the legislature. ' Fatal Row over a Raspberry Patch. Chiyirks, July IS. Two men named Blanchard and Hedges got into a dispute about tbe right to pick raspberries on a cer tain piece of ground at False Bottom, five miles from this city, to day and Hedges shot tuancnara twice in the hand. Ulancuara re turned the fire, killing Hedges instantly. Hall Columbia. Lake George, N, Ym July" 18. Columbia won the College race to day, Wedeyan, 2d ; Cornell, 3d. Time 8:26. lin st Huon, ... Macos, Ga., July 18. A fire this morning destroyed three prominent business houses the shoe store of Henry Hall, loss $5000, in sured; Qnnt, Rankin and Lamar, wholesale drags, loss S45.000, insurance $23,000 ; O. H. Rogers St. Co., wholesale grocers, lose $40,000, insurance $30,000. The Terrors of Shipwreck-A Crowd on a Desert Mhore-vPrompt Relief. Halifax, July 18. Tbe landing from the State of Virginia wae meet difficult and peril ous, and as stated in former dispatches, sev eral persons were drowned... Br the first boat, tha doctor, fourth officer, and VI women and children were landed safety, notwith standing tne heavy surf. Governor McDon. aid returned lor a second boat toad or 18 peo ple, and when within about 50 feet of shore the boat swamped. One old Irish lady im mediately sank without an effort t save her self. All further attempts to tana were use less until 2 P. M. when the water became a little calmer, and the ship and ship's boats were launched, but two boat loads after getting a short distance from the ship found it impossible to land with safety, and re turned, and no further attempt was made next morning. labia barn and shed was oroagot into reouisiti:oiSar sleeping accommodations, and a quantity of che.".d othjst wtables. portione ot the cargo which, were Hosts about, secured, besides some seventy head of oatoainat naa swam assure. UyO o'clock Monday morning the ship had settled down in the sand, there was nine feet of water aft, nine in the engine room and about six in the hold. The sea was breaking over the vessel, and h was determined to make an immedi ate effort to gef every soul on shore. All the Memphis, July 18. Two new cases report ed to the board of health this morning : Fred Eokers, a barber, and J. M. William son. Both ot tuese parties nave oeen sicx tot two days and yellow fever symptoms were fully developed to-day. All trains go ing out last night were crowded and many more were leaving to-day. Memphis. July 18. Three new cases were reported to the board of health this after noon. All reside in the immediate neigh borhood of the Hunter families. These, to gether with two cases, makes sixteen as the total number 01 cases reported since tne via in st. Business is almost entirely suspended, especially among wholesale merchants. Large crowds ot citizens are leaving on every train that departs from the city. The Man- 1 .1 t i I t. - 1 1 .1 .1 11 ailHU auu x.tutuebb iwih uluocu .tueir uuun to-day. leaving their collections and deposits to the care of other banks. Galveston tluarantlned against Memphis Galveston, July 18. The board of health to-day adopted a resolution that no freight, mail or passengers leaving New Orleans after 8 A. M. July 21st, be allowed to enter this port Mails will be allowed to come via St. Louis or New York, provided the same be fumigated in those cities. Travelers will be allowed to enter the city after tbe expiration of 25 days from letving Kew Urleans. The Matter of Fever Investigation Con sidered In Cabinet. Washisotox, Joly 18. A cabinet meeting to-day was very brief; with the exception of a few routine matters, the only subject under consideration was a request of the national board of health that medical officers may be detailed to foreign countries where fever is known to exist for tbe purpose of examining all vessets bound for the United States and to such as are not infected, issuing clean bills of health. The question arose whether under tbe act empowering the board, such details were mandatory, but it was not finally deter mined. The sentiment of the members pres ent appeared to be that it would be very un just to detail these officers to such places at tbe risk of their lives. It is known that there has been considerable hesitation about order ing either army or naval surgeons to such duty, unless as in the case of supply ship sent down the Mississippi river last summer, vol untary offers shall be msde. Tetlow Fever on Ship-board, Psm.inxLPHiA. Jnlv 17.--The brig Suuta of New York from Port an Paix, St. Domingo, . . n, . . r, : I : . . Aim- bound to uuesier, reus., srriyeu iu gioat w tress, 12 miles below this city this morning. Of nine men on board, seven were down with yellow fever. Four deaths occarred, the cap tain oemg among iue uuiuun. The Fever. Developing Slowly bnt Stead ily -citnens run ng irons ine r Charitable Societies and the Manielial Government Aid the Stampede. San Feancisco, July 16. The demo cratic state central committee met this morning to consider the question of pall ing down Glenn's name from the head of the ticket on account of his implied promise to support the H. B. ticket. Before taking action a committee was appointed to consult with Glenn, and are now In session. .."' At a meeting of the democratic state central committee to-day to take into con sideration the question of hauling down Dr. Glenn's name, he was denounced as a traitor to the democratic party and J. P. Hoge and Controller Brown demand ed his displacement from the head of the ticket. Mayor Bryant deprecated hasty action, and a committee of four, with T. M. O'Connor at its head was appointed to wait upon Dr. Glenn and request his . attendance before the committee to an- twer a few questions. Recess was then aken. At about 1 o'clock Glenn return ed with the committee, and when asked to explain what he meant by his letter to the H. Bs., said that it expressed all that he felt npon the subject . that he had been nominated by the H. Bs., and in justice to them he would have to support the ticket, as he had been first nominated by them. This ended the conference. and after some debate it was decided to adjourn without taking action until Sat erday next at 1 o'clock, and in the mean time to ascertain the sentiments of the party upon the question of hauling Glenn down. It is believed that a large majority of the committee were in favor of taken him off the ticket, and Stephens of Sacramento had aeven proxies in his possession which he was ready to vote in the affirmative. It is charged that the movement to take Glenn off the ticket has its origin with the friends of Gover nor Irwin who wants to substitute him for Glenn. More Dupont Street Slum. San Fbancibco, July 15. The Bulle tin, this afternoon, will publish another instalment of Tibbey' stestimony before the grand jury, showing how fraudulent warrants on the Dupont street commis sion were manipulated. The testimony of Tibbey, published to-day by the Bulletin, is as follows : Warrant No. 23, for $5,500, was paid to Pierson to be used as hush money in setting up certain disputed assessments. Warrant No. 125 was issued to redeem a wai rant of the Seventh street commission after it had become of no -value by de cision of the county court, for $1,050 for rent at an increased rate. Mayor Bryant holds the warrant, and has made no ac count of it. Warrant No. 130, for $550, was issued to pay an amount claimed by Eugene McCarthy for services as arbi trator. The board refused to pay it at first, but afterwards, on representations of Pierson that McCarthy threatened to expose the rascality of the proceedings of the commission, it was paid, Maynard protesting and favoring letting McCarthy do his worst. Warrant No. 116, for $109 to the San Francisco Daily Mail, was issued without any value. No advertis ing of any kind was ordered in this pa per. It was paid by direction of the mayor, after being notified that no bill of the kind was due and no claim existed. No action was taken by the board. Warrant No. 112, for $35,000, and war rant No. 131, for $20,000, were diverted and transferred from the Dupont street fund to the Dupont street coupon fund. No authority of any kind in law existed for these transfers ; neither did the board of commissioners order it done. The mayor instructed me to draw these war rants and the treasurer would receipt for the money. By section 11 of the Dupont street act the board were limited to the sale of bonds to such an amount as would pro duce the Bum total of that required for lands taken, improvements and estimat ed expenses, in all $914,991. Notwith standing this, and in direct violation, of. the law under which the board was creat ed and was acting, they sold 53 bonds of $1000 in excess of the amount their re' port showed to be due, . On one occasion James Phelan put in a bid for a large amount of Dupont street bonds, something over $100,000, and ac companied his bid with a certified check on the First National Gold Bank, payable to the treasurer, ' for $10,000. His bid proved to be the highest and best bid, and was accepted. Mr. Phelan was so notified, and that his bonds were ready for delivery. Upon learning that bis bid was so much higher than the others, he refused to take the bonds, and his check was declared forfeited, and Phelan notified in writing to that effect, and the treasurer was instructed to draw tne check and place the money in the Du pont street fund. No account anywhere appears of this money Mr. Phelan put in another bid for a much lower figure, and under it he received the bonds. " the wild cheers of the crowd. The match closes at 11 this evening. Noon In the walking match, at an early hour this morning, Edwards suc ceeded in passing Mclntyre, and assum ed the lead, which he has since reiained, and by steady work increased it seven miles, the soore then standing : Edwards, 345 ; Mclntyre, 338 ; Callahan, 325 ; Bowman, 315. Scott,- with a score of 801, has been off the track since yesterday evening, completely used np. .Mclntyre s friends are not yet ready to throw up the sponge," although their , champion seems in no condition to recover the ground he has lost against a comparatively fresh man like Edwards. Bowman and Calla han are doing their best, the former to gain and the latter to retain the third position at the finish. Bowman ia in such the best condition, but Callahan's pluck may carry him through. A Straight Ticket. ; The democratic state central committee have been in session all the evening and concluded to rnn a straight ticket in the state and counties, with Glenn probably at the head. . The meeting was far from harmonious. The H. Be. Have a Red Hot Session. The H. Ba' Btate central committee met this afternoon, and had not adjourned at midnight. There was a heated struggle over the motion to take Glenn off. It is rumored that if Glenn is taken, down Geo. C. Gorham will be put in his place. Glenn has friends in the committee, and if he will take the pledge he will be re tained. In that case it is said that he will be nut off the democratic ticket. - ' Kdwarda Wins the Six-day Walking . Match. San Francisco, July 15. Over 10,000 attended the pavilion this evening to wit ness the finish of the six-day walking match. The greatest enthusiasm prevail ed and the various candidates were loud ly cheered as they went around the track. Edwards walked slowly, occasionally jogging a lap or two, but with no need to hurry as he had seven miles lead.- He was apparently in good condition, with the exception of weariness from the exer tion of the last few days in obtaining the lead of Mclntyre. After a rest of twenty minutes he resumed hie walk at 9 o'clock going stiffly but improving somewhat af ter a few laps. Contrary to expectation, Scott also made his appearance on the track, walking remarkably well consider ing the broken down condition in which he left it. Callahan had apparently giv en up the contest for third position, and just before 9 o'clock Bo win mi, who was walking briskly and running (frequently, scored 352 miles, placing him even with Callahan. Newhoff, Armstrong and Mc Farlane made some good laps on exhibi tion. Old veteran Kennovan plodded steadily along and Chenoweth came from a long rest and hobbled painfully several laps. About 10 o'clock most of the con testants retired from the track until a few minutes before 11, when Edwards reap peared and ran two laps briskly. This stimulated Scott, who went round at a rapid run, amid tremendous cheering. On nearing his tent his trainers took him from the track by main force. At 5 min utes to 11, Edwards, bearing the stars and stripes, and surrounded by all the contestants except Scott, walked slowly around a couple of laps, thunders of ap plause following his march. Scott's friends raised him on their shoulders and bore him to the judges stand, where the closing score was announced, as follows : Edwards, 371 miles and four laps, win ning the belt and first money $1000 ; Mclntyre, 364 miles and three laps, se cond money $750 ; Bowman, 357 miles and four laps, third money-500 ; Calla han, 353 miles, fourth money $250 ; Scott, 315 miles and four laps : Newhoff, 246 miles and six laps ; Kennovan, 218 miles and three laps ; Armstrong, 202 miles and two laps ; McFarlane, 188 miles and three laps ; Santos, 184 ; Thompson, 180 ; Chenoweth, 172. The prfzes will be distributed to-morrow evening. It is understood that several contestants have challenges prepared for Edwards. At 1 o'clock Thursday morning, the ladies' match will begin. The six-days contest has been a great success financially, and has apparently been fairly carried out. The poor scores made are undoubtedly to the fact that' most of the contestants had but little experience, and broke themselves down at the begining. The Female Walking Hatch, - Saw Fbahcisoo, July 17. Iu the ladies' walking match at 7 P. M., tbe score stood : LaChappelle. 53; Donley. 48; Edwards, 44: Maynard, 41; Walton, st, hdwarda rested several boon this afternoon. Donley keeps more in the track and is slightly tame. May nard is taking things easy., Walton is hardly considered in the contest La Chappelle is fresh, walking well without hurrying. : ' Again Convicted. . 8ah Rafael, July 17. In the case o? Wm. Dever, who was sentenced to be hanged June 6th, for the murder of foreman Henry Kohler at tne state prison last April, and whose case was appealed to the supreme court decision of the lower court, has been sustained, and Monday next July 21st, as the day set for passing sentence upon him again by the dis trict judge.., r ' -i Criminal Verdict by a Coroner's Jury. A coroner's jury this afternoon brought in a verdict of manslaughter against George Bergin for killing James C. Robertson, a teacher at the industrial school. Memphis. July 19. Three more new cases reported 1Q the health board this morning. Tha Stampede from Memphis. r ' . New York, July 19. Specials report that a large number of Sisters of Charity arrived at Nashville, Tenn from Memphis yesterday. Refugees from that elty sav mat tne worst has not been told, and successive stampedes from Memphis must result within the next j few days. Gloomy news from Memphis has j occasioned great uneasiness at Union City, Tenn, The board of health has ordered tbe establishment of the most stringent quaran tine toward all railroads. Under the excite ment citizens have packed up their trunks, and are in readiness for flight at any mo ment. ; .. ' 1 Memphis, July 20. Another genuine st im pede or citisens is in progress, Tbe rush for railroad tickets this afternoon recalls the scenes of last Thursday week, when 6,000 people left the city. The desire is to go at once and there was a Jam on all trains leav ing to-night, umcer of tne neorew noe Trnsssociation. to-dav. furnished one -hun dred Jewish' tou;::i"lC,, lo neeeasary fands to obtain means oHu:C2?"on toBtM,i it;. n,. .k-,:" ?2Nalso sending all -kiu. -f li-aeciiy. inree esmodel, 62 Clay street, ana tZtwTZJP" Dangerous Assault. On Sunday afternoon J. C. Robertson, the principal teacher at -the Industrial School, was assaulted by five boys and received injuries from which it is doubt ful if he ever recovers. - Mr. Robertson was superintending the boys while they were making their change of clothing in the dormitory and had occasion to cor rect a lad named Robert Weeks for some infraction of rules. The rattan used by him was not adequate for the purpose and he left the room to procure a larger one. While ne was absent, nve of the boys determined to assault him when he returned to administer the punishment. Weeks seized the rattan and the five boys gathered around him menacingly.. Mr. Robertson observing that he was likely to be seriously assaulted, backed towards a crippled boy named Cokely whose crutch he seized and he was about to keep the boys at bay, when another of his assailants, G. Bergen, fifteen years of age, took a heavy clothes bar three in ches square and five feet long and dealt Mr. Robertson a blow on the head which felled him to the flcor. He was picked up immediately afterwards in a senseless condition and taken to his room. From that time to this Mr. Robertson has not recovered consciousness and physicians consider his condition extremely danger ous. ' . . .. . -". Tha Walking Hatch. A larger and more enthusiastic crowd than ever assembled at tbe pavilion last evening. At 11:30 the score stood : Mc lntyre, 824; Edwards, 315; Callahan, 302 ; Scott, 301 ; Bowman, 291. Scott broke down completely this evening with inflamation of the legs and is out of the race, although his friends say he will re turn to the track to-day. Edwards, as . ....a , r ... , 1 reportea py jus puysician, is witnout blemish., and is pressing Mclntyre for the first position with every prospect of reach ing it, although the latter's friends say he will do some running to-day if Ed wards passes him. Mclntyre is holding out remarkable well, and it is not im possible that he may win. Bowman is pushing Callahan for the third place. Newhoff, who is hopelessly behind, is in fine spirits and is now flying around the track lap after lap at a swift ran amid The Harbor af Refuge. The steamer Constant ine sailed to-day with the board of engineers to examine the north ern coast for the site of the pioposed break water, v.,,... .... The Beau Its Management In Tribulation. San Frascisco, July 17. The Pacific Stock Exchange has taken the same action regard ing the Bullion and Exchequer frauds as tbe San Francisco board and has appointed C. L. Weller to act jointly with John W. Uoleman In procuring a more honest management for the assessed companies. The Schultz ring are troubled at tbe forces which are clomig in upon them, and they are working night and day to cover up their tracks. An emissary has already approached tbe opposition with the subject of a .compromise, but Mr. Cole man's answer was that 8chultz must abdi cate and pay np what he owes or take the penalty of tbe law, Cappers of the Schultz ring, in order to shield their masters from popular indignation, have circulated broad cast npon the streets reports that Schultx was not tbe real controller of Bullion and Exchequer, and have hinted that the bonanza firm was the power behind the throne, at whose direction the assessments were levied. Oo hearing these rumors, Mr. Coleman immediately waited upon Mr. Flood and told him what was said on the streets. Flood immediately stamped these rumors as falsehoods. He said that neither he nor his firm bad angbt to do with Scbnltz or any of his mines. Furthermore, he said that he considered the recent assessments and their alleged purpose to be an outrage, and assured Mr. Coleman that he was in full sympathy with him in his undertaking, and proffered all assistance in his power. Bullion Product. Official returns from the bonanza mines for the half year ending July 1st: Virginia, $100,491,600; California, $100,856,300. '"' Suicide. . - ' . - .L- Last night Herman o Kohl most, one of the proprietors of the Kohlmoss hotel. Alameda, committed suicide at the hotel by cutting his throat Card From the Bullion and Kxcheeuer Management.. Ban Francisco, July 18. The directors of the Bullion and Exchequer Mining Com panies are ont in a card asking stockholders who wish any information concerning tbe affairs of the companies to call at the office, and giving as a reason for tbe recent assess menta the necessity for meeting tbe payment to the 8utro Tunnel Company iu the near future of not lees than $100,000 under tbe terms of contract necessary, and paying tbe current expenses of the mines and sinking of a new joint shaft. The card concludes: "The boards of directors of the companies re willing st tbe reqa st of majority of stockholders, signified at any time, to aban don the Idea of sinking this cootem plated joint shaft, as tbey are lixewise willing to go so far, upon reqaest of each majority to dis continue the entire workings of the mines, and for that purpose will, upon such request, rescind the late assessment and levy one suf ficient limply to meet the demand by the Sutro Tunnel Company, for this has to be met under heavy penalties," .; Woman's Walking Hatch a Humbug. Tbe woman's walking match is a humbug, The women are alt under salary and will walk their allotted time slowly and carefully. and friendly scorers will mark lap after lap wnue iney rest. 1 P. M. Chappelle, 100 miles ; Edwards, 75; Donelly, 72; Maynard, 60; Waller, 15. At 7 P. Nf. the score stood : Chappelle. 113; Edwards, 89; Donley, 81 ; Maynard, 70; Wal ton, 60. ' " ' . .... Suicide afa Sailor,. : A sailor named Hallelt, 01 board the ship Black Hawk, suicided to-night by stabbing. He was 30 years old and a native of England. :; Stilt Another Suicide. San Francisco, July 18. A man named Fits Henry, the keeper of a poultry stand in the Hayes Valley market, was found at about II o'clock this morning under some trees in a vacant lot at the corner of Hayes and 6tei nar streets, with a bullet bole In tbe left tem ple and a small pistol lying by him. The coroner has been notified. Seattle Items. ; ". Seattle, July 18. The Washington Terri tory Teachers' Inttttute, which convened In this city on the 15th inst, adjourned .this evening to meet on the third Tuesday in August, 1830, at a place to be designated by ! the call of the superintendent of public in struction. Among other resolutions was one suggesting to tbe next legislature the import ance of giving the educational interests of this territory more serious consideration. Tbe strike at Newcastle still continues, and wotk in the mines has been suspended. The case of Yesler vs. Colman, for specific performance of contract to purchase the Seat tle saw mill property, has been decided in favor of Yesler in the third judicial district court, and in which appeal, was taken to tbe territorial supreme court, now holdings term at Olympia. A motion of H. G. Struve, at torney for Yesler in the court above, to dis miss the appeal on a technicality in taking said appeal, was to-day denied. This is con sidered very favorable to Colman. The sum involved ia this suit is upwards of $70,000. "'' ' Body Found. - Port Townsenu. July 18. The body of Jos. Bates was found to-day at Port Gamble among tbe logs in the bay. , Parting Honors to the Dakota." - Port Tqwssesd, July 18. A report being received yesterday that the steamer Dakota was to be transferred to the southern route, the citizens, to show their appreciation of Caot Morse's services, met the steamer at the wharf with a band, flags being displayed throughout tbe city. The steamer on leaving for Victoria at 7 P. M. was salulad by the marine hill battery. Probably Drowned. , ! Joseph Bates, well known as captain of the sloop Tibbalt, disappeared mysteriously on Wednesday night at Port Gamble, and is sup posed to have walked off the wharf in going aboard. Search for the body has been un availing. He was about forty -five years old, and a native of Massachusetts. -The Woman's Walking Match. San Francisco, July 19. During tbe prog ress of the ladies' walking match this even ing a serious fracas occarred in tbe ticket office. Articles were published in the morn ing papers to-day reflecting upon the match as a fraud on tbe public, alleging that the coniesianis were watting on a weekly salary instead of for the prizes ; that the local re ports in one journal were paid for by tbe line, and that free passes were issued ad libitum to disreputable women to fill tbe seats and at tract spectators- Other articles were to the effect that certain sporting characters were circulating these reports for tbe purpose of breaking up tbe match, and had also at tempted to levy blackmail on the managers, Messrs. Locke & Cotton. At about 10:30 this evening Con Moooey and Leslie Blackburn, who were the parties charged with attempted blackmailing, accompanied by two others, entered the ticket office and madeabtutsi sssault npon Mr. Cotton, inflicting serious in juries. Tbe affair caused great excitement the audience rushing en moot to the scene. Owing to the inefficiency of the officers on duty the assailants were enabled to escape. but will probably be arrested before morning. Mr. Locke will publish a communication in tbe morning, denying specifically tbe charges maae against the mauagement 01 tbe match. Tbe score at 11:30 this evening stood : Chappelle, 126 miles; Edwards, 100; Donly, 91; Maynard, 80; Walton, 65. All are in good condition, and Chapelle expects to beat the time of Edwards in tbe recent match . aaad-Lotter Preparing for a national Convention in 1S80 California Can- greesmea Censured u 8an Francisco, July 20 At the sand lota to-day a resolution was adopted iu-truc'ing the secretary of the W. P. C. to forward to all known labor and liberal reform leagues and parties in the United Slates s copy of the pre- am oie ana resolution . recommending tbe holding of a national convention for the pur pose. 01 nominating a president for tbe cam paign of 1880, and on behalf of tbe W. P. C. suggesting Chicago as the place and the 3d of June. 1880. as tbe time. A resolution was also passed censuring the California congres sional delegation for failing to obtain the de sired legislation on the Chinese question. Glenn Holds" the FartThe H. B's Satis ... v ncd with Him. The democratic state central committee assembled yesterday afternoon to consider the question of taking down Glenn from tbe nead of tbe ticket. Thirty members were present It was soon developed that the fusion ists were in tbe msjority, and the final vote stood 24 to retain against 6 to drop, The argument was that the committee could fill a vacancy, but had no right to make -one. The fusionisU also threatened if he was taken down to. reconvene the convention and re nominate him. Many of the old war horses threaten to bolt hut it is believed that most of them will accept the situation. The H. B's, being tatisfied with Glenn's promise to suppo:t their ticket, make no op position to hie endorsement by tbe democrats. Tha Canal Suicide. . - William Young, a native of Ireland, aged seventy years, committed auicids at bis resi dence on tbe Potrero this morning, by sever ing tbe veins of bis arm ; cause, despondency, arising from continued ill health. Three Men Drowned In tha Bay.. San Francisco, July 20. This afternoon, Thomas Cope, Paul B:schoffsky, Joseph Sea god I and Fisher went on the bay in a smalt skiff. Off Hunter Point the sea filled the boat which capsized. Cope, who could not swim, clung to the boat and fired a pistol to call assistance. The other struck out for shore, about a quarter of a mile distant but all sank before reaching it. A Chinamen came off and rescue! Cope. A Reckless Suicide. Sackamknto, July 19. last night a woman of tbe town named Ada Kempton took laudanum, from the effects of which she died I 5:30 this morning. Deceased bad been on a protracted spree for several days, and in company with three female companions was in her room drinking. Taking a vial of the deadly drug from a bureau, she remarked, ''I have a notion to drink this." One of the women dared her to do it, whereupon she poured the laudanum into a-tumbler and drank it the 13th instant, informing him of the con dition of political affairs in tbe Haytiea re public. Quiet had already been restored, but at a cost of a considerable number of lives on both sides. Fighting in that city lasled for five days, and was carried on in the streets and from bouse to house. A fire tbat broke out destroyed eighty houses, but the com mercial Oruon of the city was not injured. Among those who were killed was the min ister of war, Francois Audex ; Col. August Bazelais. of the militia ; Judge Georpe Baze S'V ,uPreme court ; Bazelais E faul, H. B. Price, and other prominent politicians Three members from Port an Prince tjok refuge at foreign consulates On the north side of the republic fighting was still going on between the towns of Gonawes ajd St Marc SUCTB AMERICA. CIU Trouble la South America. BuSNOS ATRES. Jnn9.1 ill Ttukn. ... Argentine cruiser has captured Gen. Godey, the Paraguayan insurgent leader, and r.- guayan troops have recaptured the town of UUUISIU. OASADa. . Meetlag of Boatmen la Canada. Toronto. Jnlv 18 The ii, m hold a reeatta here from August 15th to 20th. Eight thousand dollars will kinna Elliott and Boyd have been invited. Boating Party Drowned. ToROBTO. July 20. Br yacht last evening Mrs. Octavie de Lisle. Lren- Lefebre and son, Louis Gan vin, Zavier Garuan, Ferdinand Blair and Dr. Ernest de Lisle were drowned. - . Arrival af Shipwrecked Pn.. .. : Halifax Incidents af the Disaster. Halifax. July 20. The erfiiwKfcn arrived here at 9 P.M. from Sable " Island with 79 persona from Mi ti steamer State of Virginia, being all tha pas sengers on board of her, and the firemen. The Utendon reached the island it a P M yesterday and in five hours had all on board aou aiariea ror nautax. The vessel Was much crowded but passengers took It good, naturedly and were glad to reach mainland to-night The vessel bad not gone to pieces when the Giendm left Cant. Moodv anil his - . crew remained on the Island to endeavor to save property. The vessel is filled with wa ter, out 11 hue weather continues some cargo may be saved in a damaged state. Good Shoetlag In England. London, July 18. In tbe prize shnnttnv at Wimbledon yesterday Frank Hyde, an Amer ican, was ahead at 1000 yards radge. Morse, an American. Adams, a Canadian, and four- teen others mads the hiehest possible mm at 800 yards range. Hyde and six others msde tbe highest possible score at 900 yards. Skirmishes in the East. . St. Petersborg, July 18. It ia renoHad that the Russian general, Lomakin, has had several encounter, with Ttkke Turen, who re sisted stoutly. London, July 18. In some quarters war in Zaluiand is declared virtually at end. Garibaldi Falls to get a Divorce,- Rone, July 18. General Garibaldi's appli cation for annollmentof his marriage with Signort Raimandi, bat been rejected. . . . Ferry's Kdueatteaal Bill. " . Versailles, Jnly 18. Tbe chamber of dep uties to day discussed Jules Ferry's second bill for excluding tbe religious element from tbe superior council of education. Urgency was declared for tbe bill. Paris, July 18. Tbe senatorial committee on Ferry's educational bill has elected Jules Simon president " ' South Africa, "London, July 18 Advices have been re- ceived from Cape Town to July 1 by way of Madeira, announcing tbat an ftnroy from Cetawayo reached Fart Xapoleon on tbe 26th June, bearing peace proposals auii a fine tusk of ivory as a present He wished to stop the advance of the second division, but was in formed tbst peace proposals must be made to - Lord Chelmsford, and tbat the advsncewould only be postponed on condition tbat former, demands were acceded to. General Sir Gar- t net Wolsley has arrived at Pietermartzbure -. spies report iDat-JtKr.twayo : FOREIGN WKsT INDIES. Revolution and Confusion at Port an Palace Tho City Deeerteu and In S'laasos. New Yore, July 18 The Newt Letter, pub Itsbed at Kingston. Jamaica, in its insoe of July 3d, says: We learn by the steamer Jamaican, which arrived here yesterday from Port au Prince, tbat in consequence of a dis pute in the house of representatives the brother of the president was shot by another member, who took offense at language whioh had been used. Mons Canal, though wound ed iu the arm, retained tbe fire an4 shot bis opponent There was than general firing in the house, and the populace and pilioa out side fired into tbe building. The president of the senate and others were shot down, and wben tbe Jamaetan left for this port tbe gov erment troops were raking the streets with mitrailleasa. . . The same paper, in its issue of July 8th. says : By tbe arrival of the steamer Etnm. from Port aa Prince on Sunday we learn tbat a serious fire originated from the discbarge of shells in town. Several blocks of buildings were burned, a number of fives lojt and many persons wounded. The inhtbitants are tatting refage in tbe hills. Widespread revolution was considered imminent Sev eral deputies of the chamber, belonging to tbe liberal party, who arrived on the steamer from Gownaivea, finding revolution in tbe town of Port au Prince, rstarned at ouce to Gownaivea by tbe German eteatnef Saxonia to take up arms against the national party. When the Etna kit Port au Prince the cus tom bouse was closed and all business sus pended and the place still burning. The Situation la Kayti. New York, July 19 Stephen Preston, min ister of Hayti to this country, received a cable di patch from Port ar. Prince as late as Col Wood's dissatisfied with his people's disindiai;.' to fight. He was personally desiroas of suin for peace but was dissuaded by his minister Fort Chel msf ord and F01 1 Crealock have bee abandoned. One th nsand Zulus crossed the Tagela river on June 25, killed two men and six women and burned several kraals and captured a number of cattle. London, July IS Gen. Woolesly telegraphs from Pietermarilxburg, Jane 30th. to the war office as follows: "I believe the war can be finished this season. I bops to reach Fort Dumford on Wednesday, and from there will join Col. Wcod and tbe second division near Ulundi." Tbe dispatch generally confirms the report tbat Fort Dumford will be tbe base of supplies; that Cetewayo is north of Ulundi with 1000 men, and tbat messeogeis front Cetewayo bad come to Fort Pearson and were sent back by Gen. Woolesly with tha names of chiefs whom Cetewayo sent to Gen. Crea lock. Gen. Woolesly 's dispatch condones : " According to the best information. Kins Cetewayo can ouly muster 10,000 men." He has promised that all Zalus joining us wilt be well trotted. Many bave already come in. ,. Turkish and Egyptian Aflairsv Constantinople, July 18. The sultan has refused to accept the resignalioa of Khared din Pasha as grand vizier. . A crisis never theless exists. Tbs firmin appointing Priacs " Tewfek khedive of Eypt has been submitted to the saltan. It is understood tbat it con firms all tbe rights formerly enjoyed by IsmaUV ex-kbedive, excepting -the right of concluding treaties. ' Canada Wins. Wins LEPOS, July 19 The match between sixteen Canadian and sixteen Liverpool vol unteers for a sUver cup was won by the. former. Abolishment of the Grlat Tax., : Rone, July 18 The chamber of deputies has adopted a fresh bill abolishing the grist tax, which is to cease in 13S4, A8ignor De- pretis voted with premier Uairai 11 is pro J that a modification of tha cabinet wilt eusue. Wants to bo a Martyr. Bruwels, July 18 A former clerical elec tion agent named Van Haeme was arrested for posting a placard threat sning the life of the king. . An Instance af Tyranny. St. Peters org, Jaly 19. The new Hot cow journal, tbe Ruttian Courier, has besn suspended for two months, for nrgicg the complete liberty of the press. .. v A 1 rest. Brussels, July 19 The police nave ar rested the librarian of tbe Jesuit college, under surveillance in consequence of tbe cos- lessiou ot von aaaine, a iwuiu vwnuu agent, arrested for outing placards threaten ing tha life of tbe king. Tbe librarian is suspected of bribing Von Heanie to post placards. . - -. An American Wins. Lokdon, July 10-In the prize shooting at. Wimbledon, Col, Gioeon, a Canadian, won the Prince of Wales prize 2100 and. badge. - Reducing Production, London, July 25 Published "etttUt 1 show tbat tbe movement for the redaction in output is spreading in the cotton district, In addition to tbe depression at Blackburn and Oldham already reported, 459,000 spindios at Preston are also (topped, out of sa a?sre grte of 2,000,000. One quarter of tbe loo ns at Pretton are also stopped. At AccringtJU work is very irregular, particularly in tie weaving department Six thousand eight hundred spindles are idle in two mills, be sides numerous stoppages. In Leigh dalrijt 123000 spindles are working on snort time, and 140 OUO are stopped altogether, in Lits linden district 74,000 spindles and MOO lootns are idle. - '" : - - Sapol eon's Death and French Flnanetr. LOg don. . July 20 The improvement in French rentes is considerable. Five per centi never before tescbed their present bust. A large portion of the recent advance rosy fee attributed to what is regarded as tbs down fall of imperialism. Prince Jerome te ax-Empress Eugenie. Paris. July 20 The following letter, writ ten by Prince Jerome Sapoleja to ex Ex press E igenie,Jane 20th. after mast here far tkn, e.winam miUrisI 1H Ril h t LA fl Ait tun uu i7 a F " - - UiDOt: 1 have Jost eosae irma, ferriee st tb church c f St. Augu.uo for rr j CMlt snd net it u neieecen. 1 em prowuo 'i taor&, siil de sirous of expressing my raxkraftd sysapiuiiy to yourms.ettr-''"- ' Versailles or Parts I . London, July 20. The seoaw, by a vote of 153 to 116, has voted the bill Teni'.na to Ms installs ion of the ch&tnrters ia i'itu as amended by the deputies. Ferry's Edueattenat Bill Passes. Park, July 20. The ehaaafeer of d byavo:a f 383 to 166 psaused r'env's ... , edacsuooal bill, wtictr ptovkiin fat t ing the reliirious element f;ou tua council of education, Tho 84 napartlst OwlifiJ-rt' i- loan thesr man, Tbe 1 ef-'-ini of t"-e ' ' po;Mi (I os R'v " ! ... n . 1: sir ' r '. n : prince I Sr en. s, f r ' ' conies I s h.j of l.Ji.t j auo d Jiiied to aaat:"S i t-.s ; pnii.: p a. who have IflVH m-. County.