Tub Is oepekdent TUe bot newspaper ver published In Douglas county. , Society Meetings. UMPQUA CHA?TEK NO. II, B t vf; I A. M hold regular eommunica- tions every first sad third Tuesday ia each month All members in good , standing will take due and timely police aid govern themselves coordiog. Vuiit. ing companions are Invited to ut. with the Chapter when convenient. ' a HERMANN, H. P. lAV. L Friedlxsdeu, Sec'y. V ALAUREL LODGE A. F- and A. M holds regular meetings on Wednes-. day on or before each full moon. J. C. FULLhRTON, W. M, , NEWCOMB, Secy. PHILETARIAN 'Lodge, So. 3,1 O. O. -F. meets on Saturday evening, of each week at 7 o'clock, in ttieir hall at Rose burg. Members ohheorder in good stands ng are invited to attend. By order of the N' UNION EON AMPM ENT. No. 9, I. O. O F meets at Odd Fallow' Hall on the 1st and 3d Fridays ot every month. Visiting Brethren Invited to attend D. 8 K. BUICK, C. P. E. O ' Hntstr Ke.rttie. ., UMPQUA GRANGE, NO. 28, P. of j II., will meet hereafter on the firm eatur o( each month.at Grange Hall, in Rose borg, AH mesnibers in good standing are cordially invited to a tend: GEO. JONES, M. . J. P. Dtjnc ah. Secretary. ITEMS IX BRIEF. t The Cohansey Fruit Jars, the best in ths market, cheapjw'8. Haiuiiton 'a, ' The best buttermnker in the county is Mrs. Mark Jones. We haw tried the but tersnd know whereof we speak. Call and examine the guars otee which is given with the ' Imperishable Mixed Paints. ; t 8. Hamilton, Agent. Dr. Callender has returned to Rosebnrg, and here to- remain permanently. During his travels he never found a place he liked letter than Koseburg. Surveyor Hurlburt and a corps of assist ants are now engaged in making a survey of the line of the proposed Umpqua and and Coos Bay railroad. . . Out hotels have prepared to give fine Fourth of July dinners. Cham pague has furnished us the proof already in the noise J be makes in catching his chickens. The.e will be good cheer wherever you go. It may Le interesting to those who wish to purchase lime to know tEat Mr. Plinn Cooper lias just burred a lime kiln of 4H0 barrtls. and can fill orders on the shortest notice and beat ot terms. . . ... Anyone will be pleased to, notice tin? fine stock of goods now in the store of S. Marks & Co. The firm have made extra ef forts to Bupply the Koseburg trade this year, and have admirably succeeded. , IL C. Stanton. La " e curiosity in Lis store in the shape of a barrel ot honey, just as the bees made it The weight of ihe.htney is 112 pounds.and Was purchased of Mr. Leonard Howe. Uo-and see it. Fire got into the grass in Dr. Hamilton's yard Monday night and came near causing a general alarm. The Doctor rushed out in his night-clothes and caused water to flow ' "7 ,V... Mun,. a l.rt fiM m,-a 4lmA X... James W. Hamilton. Esq., will deliver the Fourth of July oration at jlyrtle Point to-day. Mr. Hamilton: isOT eloquent elo- lor, and we sincerely regret it will not be our good iortune to listen to his eloquent remarks. " Ml. Carlos Castle has returned from Walla Walla and onoe more assumed control of Dr. . Woodruff's drugstore. "We ere glad to see . you, buy," and know that a hundred others (not confined to the maaoulinee) have the same feeling. Ueo. A. Beath's stand on the celebration grounds is the firt, ajid near the photo ; Tjiraph gallery and one of the finest swings intheorld. George has pre) and to treat his friends handsomely, and they ehoulj give him a call. ' If any of our readers want a good paper from Jackson county-ono thai ia ably edi led and coutains all the news-we would advise them to subscribe fur the Jackson- ville "Sentinel." Its subscription price is, , $ 3,30 per annum jn advanc-,aud it is one of our best exchanges. The Boseburg iron foundry will be ready next week to do all work necessary in thj war of repairs, and under the energetic management of its wideawake owners, is certain of being a success. The advertis. mem of tho firm elsewhere is quite iuter es'ing to evtry runner. Badluik seems to attend W. B. Clark's efforts to supply lioseburg with ice during the present summer, He put up 70 000 . pounds of ice last Winter and trom this "amount he probably sold 10,000 pouuds -but through soule mistake made in put tiny up, the balauce of the ice has me ted. Mouday James Adams and Newt. Yocum were up before the Justice's court at Mjrtle Creek fur very, very wilfully injuring the properly of Wm, Hudson. A F. Campbell prosecuted the ease and the defense was ably represented by J. N. Hull. The boys plead guilty and were fined 10 and costs, whiuh they readily paid. Frank Davis, Henry Liggett a. id Ted Minaid left Tuesday morning for Eastern W'ssliiagtoo Territory. Frank informed us that he intended to mnrry befnre he return ed, and that Burb Brorkway was that wny inclined. He had in his "traps" a bonuet, and Burb a baby's apron, and he thought with this much they had enough Block in trade, The Roaeburg and Coos Biy stage line, under the competent .munai.'etiieci of Messrs Carll ti f.lauirh. is now sending passengers through on 24 hours' time, and lrom thuse who have patronizes) the mule We learn that the trip U a deliglulul one. Faro In 'ill this riir to the Bav has been reduced io ft, and as the p-snag- is of the line are old stage horses themselves they wi.l not tail in giving salislaciioa to ail who ride with tln-m. We bad the pleasure of meeting with ' Mr. Dan Leahy, manager of the Western i Union Telegraph Company f.T Orejzon, " ' icnog the Week for ihe first time in - 'three yeais. We are ulad to say that 'Dan" lias not changed ; he is still ihe good-humored friend of anld lang tyiie, and has grown no older in periual appeatance. The iruth is, the sight ot an old Iriend un changed cmkes uw happy fir the time it is with us and homesick for Portland after it Ksavea us. Edward Alexander Guy, Cincinnati, wis in 1802 the p ssessor of $40,000 He was a well educated intelligent young n,an and particularly pinus. Convinced that the scriptural text, "Sell a'l ye bare and give alius," n binding injunction, he began to dispose of .his property and gir the money to the poor. He bestowed the gifts s ov)y and carefully, mid it was not til' 1870 that tho last dollar was gone. He is now a teligious missionary in Cin cinnali.jpennilesa but absorbed iu his work. Pootal Matters." . General Tyaer, assUtaat postmaster gen erul, was accompanied on his late tour by Geo. E. Cole, the Portland postmaster. The extreme solicitude evinced by Cole for the General's comfort esaaes knowing ones to shake their heads dubiously, and leads to the - belief that Cole is afraid of being removed ami wh to make himself particularly agreeable to those in authority iu the postal department .; Because Get rge has used the po-tofiice in Fortius'! or political purposes there are not n.nny who would weep should t3e political euillot'ne descend upon his of- fi.iiat neck. I'wple are beginning to beliove very troo!v that hea a man will debase pilblio po-ll uiB to lanoer privaie nmuwu ' purpose, furhiuti vf or soms one else though that some one I'ly be Corbett, Scott &. Co , it is timo tfiif shall be one vaoant aflioB and one 1 - o.-.i-e-isviar Sfiii the peo li US never . roo j. . , OAKLAND 1TE2IS. . Business is good, v . . Sol. Abraham gave ns a pleasant call on Monday. .. ; There will be a general turn out to the celebration. "Oakland Steve," the Solon of the West, is aa indispensable necessity to ths people of Oregon. ' -- We acknowledge a risit from several Looking Glass ladies and g&otlemen on last batnrday. The series of meetings held in this place by the Rev. Croamnan, closed last Sunday vening. . Ur. Geo. Volhard ia rapidly improving and in a few days will be around among hia many friends looking after business matters. The danoe at Brown's hall on last Satur day evaniuir was larirely attended and win one of the most enjoyable aifaira of the season. ' Our genial friend, H. Woodward, is with us again. He has a very nioe selection of books which he is disposing of at a very reasonable rate. From the amount of shingles and lurubri coming into town we would infer that a number of buildings will be erected dur ing the summer. Messrs. A. F. Brown & Co. have display ed a very beautiful sign of the firm in front of their establishment ; the production of Joe Aekley, Esq. Mr. T. S. Rodabough and family have lo eated in our town and think ot making this their permanent home. Mr. R. is interested in the mines near Oakland. A little son of J. L. Smith Esq. received a serious fall a few days sinoe, but no bones were broken. Dr. Venable was called and he reports the patient out of danger. Mr. Wane, of California, arrived on Mou day evening's train and we understand in tends to remain in our uity. Ma, Wane. ho arrived some time siuce, ia engaged in the milliuery business. The Star was well represented here on last 'Saturday. : Two energetic Star men were present and seemed to be laboring very assiduously in behalf of the organ, with hat success we we are not able to state. The base ball game played here on la' Saturday between the Looking Glass and Swale clubs was very warmly contested and resulted in a viotory for the Swale boys. Uood feel in it prevailed through out the entire game. A little unpleasantness occurred at this place on latt Saturday between some of our yooag men. Some shooting was done but luckily no one was injured. We are sorry that such ever happened and hope that it may never occur again. Let us have peace. Prof. Heard, County School Superintend ent, informs ns that an examination of can didates for the State University will be held at Koseburg on the first Tuesday in July. All candidates for the appointment Bhould be present at that time. One of the largest assemblages of people we have seen in a good while was at Oukland on last Saturday. . The streets were almost jammed, and from the lurgness of the crowd we would remark thdtLeverythtug passed otf as quietl) as could be expected. , Mr. Morris one of Oakland's popular mer chants is preparing to erect an elegant resi dence in our city. ;- Already lumber is being hauled to the site of the contemplated structure- Mr. M. is favorably impressed with Oakland and surroundings and intends to make it his permanent home. Prof. Heard returned from his last and extnsive tour through the northern district of Douglas county in behalf of the schools, on last Saturday, having completed hia labors for this season. The Prof, has been very devotional to his duties of Superintendent, aud has the honor of being the first Superin tendent who ever performed his duly in Douglas cou tty. Give honor to whom hon or is due. U3IP(UA FERRY. N. P. D. is building a barn. A.Wiuniford is finishing his residenee. . J. B, Brock is remodeling his bam. J. L Cliurchill is putting up, a large grauery. T. W. Winniford is preparing to erect a residence Geo. Shambrook is .finishing lus resi dence at this place, G. W. Uairolt is making an addition to his barn. -.-:-. Metarsi F. Fortin an-1 J. Churchill are building ban s. H'-rse races are getting to be the princi pie sport here. Mr. John Kroff, our enterprising book agent, wss in this -vicinity last week on prolefcsional business. Dr. G. B. Davidson performed a some what difficult surgical operation on Mr. A. U, Hubbard one day last wiek. At last reports he wss getting along all right. All the priucipal chiefs of this Slate have been to Washington to have an interview with, the Urea. Father, but the chief o Cahipooia, I am surprised at his tardiness. Mrs. W. U, Dodd. of the firm of Hawley, Dodd & Cj., ot Purilund, was in this sees ti.m last week canvassing for machinery aud working for the interest of his house. The harvest in tLis section this Season will be much later than las'., and the Chances are, that farmers who have large crops wilt be late in getting them hauled off. . "Jack, the bear man," is ot the opinion that this country is not good for anything, but we notice be left bis own sweet hume on Smith river aud cauin all the way here aud dowt to Hubbard creek to gut work. Another Democratic victory 1 W. B Clarke tell into the mill dam at the saw mill on llubburd creek. VVe understand iLe citizens of i bat place have sent a com plaint to the Fish Commissioners of this State. A correspondent of the Indepesbext. wri.iug from ( aiapooia in the is.-uo of June 2iih, intimates that 1 reported the accident of an ujset in which two young men were concerned intentionally or by mistake. He states also the parties were entirely sober, which, if correct, mole than six different persons who informed me ot the matter must be l.ars. My princi pal informant was a man of undoubttd ver acit and I had sooner take his word than either of the participants, lor neither of them knew what liiey weie about or they would uot run against the tree, which was the cause of the accident; He also ssy& they ' have not learned what 'ye' means Their education and the examples set them hive Iwen t oo good for that." I beg leave to differ, and so will others who are well acquainted with them, tor either of them Iirvh lieen s,:en often laaiiuar "Old Rye," ar.d are undoubtedly capable of judging of the demoralizing ehVcts. Weather Report. We are indeotad to Mr. R. R. Rodgers, Signal Service officer in this city lor the followincr weailier rertort for June : Mean Barometer. 30.105 : Mean Thermoneter, 60Je. 7; Mean Relative Humidity, 64.3; Highest Barometer,30.304date2d; Lowest Btrometer, 20 800 date 2lst; Monthly range of Barometer, 0.405; Highest Temperature 84 deg. dale 27ib; Lowest Temperature, 41 deg. dale 30th, Month! range ot Temper. ature, 43 deg.; Greatest daily range of Tempmtuie, 30;, Least daily range of Temperature, 13 date Oth aud 15th; Mean of Maximum Temperatures, 70 deg .6 Mean of Minimum Temperature, 40; Mean daily range of Temperature,21 deg. 5; Total rainfall or melted snow, .50 inch; Prevail ing winds, north; Total movement of wind 2.830 miles; Maximum velocity of wind aud direction, 13 mile mo hour, north, date 12ih; No. clear days, 14, No. foggy days, 8; No. -cloudy day wiihont n in or now. 1; No, cloudy days on which no rain or snow fell, 7; No. days on which rain or snow fell, 7; laea ot Solar Haioa. id and ISA; Data of Lunar Ualos, By TELEGRAPH TO-MY Special Dispatches to the Douglas Inde pendent by W. V. T. Co. Mnrderer Hanged. " Lebanon, Penn, July 3. Kimrod Spattenhaber, who was convicted of tho murder of Jrlin Irisou in a saloon in this city cu the night ot December 10th, 1878, was hanged this iorniu-. There wu8 no donbt as to hU guilt, and the general verdict is, he was served a righteous senteuce. Burned to Death. Scranton, Peon., July 3. A ladle of molten steel npeet ting iu tne mill here bunted Ja. Hurley and Henry : Long in a trightul manner, 'tyey were tor a moment enveloped the - caldmg metal. ?; The former has died, and the latter is dyiug. The suffer ings ol both wore intense and heartrending to behold. Crashed to Death. John Humphreys, foreman of Cornell & (Jo's. mine,was crushed to death to-day. Four Per Cents. , t Washington, July 3. Only 8,810,000 dollars of the 40,000,000 dollars four cent, res funding certificates have been disposed of. 1 wenty-eight mil lions, sixshundred and thirty-two thousand aud fix hundred dollars in certificates have been convert ed into four per cent, bondc. The Western Wheat Harvest Kew YuEK, July 3. A Times Cincinnati special dis patch says the wheat harvest of southern Ohio aud Indiana is nearly over. Tho crops have been saved in good condition, and is one ot the finest ever raised in this region. In many places farmers say it will average forty bushels to the acre The total yield of Ohio will be fully fifteen pir cent, grerter than last year, which , was also a heavy hardest year. Harvest hands have gener ally been paid 1.50 per day. New Money Order Offices. Washington, July 3. Three hundred and tweuty6ev eu new money order ofaies were opened on Monday. Lives "Lost. From various causes one hun dred and five lives were lost ou steamboats during the past twelve months against two hundred and sixteen for the preceeding twelve nionthc During the past twelve months thirty-one lives have been lost by accidents from going ashore and during the previous twe've months forty-seven. In 1875 the number ot lives lost in steamboats was six hundred and seven ; in 1876 three hundred and ninety four; in 1877 two hundred and twctitv-iour: in 1879 two hundrtd and two. The btcady decline in the death rate is attri buted to the increreing efficiency of steamttoat inspection. Only $5,000,000. The Attorney Geueral decides that Captain Eades is entitled to $5,000,000 for a twenty-six toot channel at the mouth of the Missiseippi. Schurz to Go Visiting. Washington, July 4. Secretary Schurz contemplates visiting the different Indian agca- ciesdurintr the present Summer. The authorities of the Indian de partment announce that seven- hundred horses have been run oil by white men from, the lied Cloud Aency, and the military authorities cannot interfere on account ot the posse comitatus law ot last year, although the stolen horses were driven pact camps Shertuan aud Robinson.' Fight Among the Rig Fishes. San Francisco, July 4. Suit was commenced to-day iu the Twenty-third Judicial Dis trict Coutt by Jolrii II. Burke, ou behalf of himself and all other Consolidated Virginia etockhold ers, to recover 1,000.000 from James C. Floed, the Pacific Ke- finery and Bullimi Exchange,and the executors of the estate of the estate ot W. S. O'Brien, deceas ed. This sti't has the ettect ot tying up the estate ot W. S. O'Brien, which was about to be distributed, is similar iu princi ple to those now pending, mak ing four suits now before the courts, aggregatingforty-one mil lion and four hundred forty-lour thousand dollare. . The Sons Succeed the Father. London, J.ily 4. It is formally announced that the business of the late Buron Rothschilds will be -curried on by his threw sons. Postponed One Year. Sr. Petersburg, July 3. Owing to ihe dullness ot trade and the general feeling of the in security ot business, the Industrial Extinction contemplated tor Mos cow in 1880 is postponed oue year. The eottonTlanters of Washington C , Mississippi, have issued a mi morial to the Northern people, remonstrating against the proposed effort of certain part es to further encourage negtA emigration by sending boats down the Mississippi and offerijg free traas$Krtatioa to the negroes. The memoralisu claiqbat colored labor ers in Mississippi , have no more cause for dissatisfaction $fip' the laboring classes elsewhere, and that the eodns is not only against the best Interests of the negro, but fatally damaging to tba entire industrial ' interests of the South. CLOSING OF THE SCHOOL. .Last week being the close of the Spring term at the Rosebnrg Academy, the greai- er part of the six days was devoted in examination as to progress in studies vo the part of pupils. : . The examtuations were highly satisfactory, and they coul1 not be otherwise with Professor Browne as principal.1 ind J. M. Bower ' and Miss Uattie OiltilandJas assistants, lioseburg never had a belter corps ot teachers than those named. - They are not only learned, liuu have the qualifications which coins uiand respect, direct lessons and imprest" upon the pupils the necessity and import ance ot close attention to studies, t'rof. Browne it a graduate of one of the finet colleges in the world; he was intemled by Nature at the beginning for the important work he has imposed upon himself; in fact, we know of no Professor ia the State who (lives better satisfaction as a teacher and whom, for pure worth, should lwve greater esteem !rin parents. Aud as to Mr. Bower, we know of no gentleman more competent as schoolmaster; he shows the good breeding, the seme careiuluess ol education, the same desire to succeed, and the same regard as to the advancement of pupils under his cra for which Professor tsrowne is so lugblv esteemed. lli;8 UilH- land is deserving ol t he highest pruise, since no lady could have done U tter than she has aud we know of no better lady teacher. Friday afternoon was taken up by the clashes in history. Here the students gave proof of good drilling and on rvful study. Among the exercises were, an eyf ' I he tvenausanae, by Miss Aliens Jloeher, read by Miss Moure on account of the illness of Mixs Mealier; "Maxsacreof Olenooe, by Miss Lulie Moore; The Long Baitle," Mitts Hattie Benja min; Valetliotry, alius Lulu Willis; "Ihe Attar of Kooes." was to have been read bv MiHsKose Hoovei, but owing to herillmss was omitted. The foltowing were perfect in deportment : Kit a Wjjlio, Lulu Willis, Hattie Benjamin, EiHe Byars, Ella Rairsn, Lorena Woodruff, Sarah Lewis, Lizzie Par- rott, Susie Lewis, Emma Benedict, Ollie Jouwt, Cora Jones, Lillie Moore, Alice Moth er, Frauk Clemants,Ularance Hoover, George Hoover, Laura Protziuan, Roue Hoovei, t'arie Headricks, Mary Junes, Ads Uagan, rjne uwens, &.atie Thresher, alary xarqnar. Martha Cummins, Emma Ilagan, Jueie O ens. ." -::.: Sold His Farm. Joseph S. Aiken this week disposed of his farm south of the tfmpqua bridge, compris ing 1,000 acres, to Messrs. Dak in tor the sum of $10,000. The Messrs. Dakin are Englishmen of means, and are highly pleas ed with Douglas county, j Mr. Aiken will soon take his departure for Sulem, where ho ill remain permunvntl y. Joe. we are sorry to think wo have to part with you ; but our best wishes will go with you. Closing Out Sale. Maurare H. Biack. lately from the East, intended to establish a ludies' underwear mauuisC'Ory in Oregon, but could not nuke it a su:ce-s on account of labor being too high; consequently he conc'ude: to sell tho bulai ce of the stock, consisting of wrapper, laili.s' uu 'ert ar aud a fine line of embroidery, which will be sold at the roouis loruierly ocenp ed by U. U. Hoi man, just below Cam Uros.. tor Hie next ten days, st lower prices than the u aterials cn lie bought for. He will open Saturday ,lhe 5th. Kuterrisiii. We are pleased to hrn from our old friend W. P. Dav, of Camas Valley, that a fine planer has been added to the saw mill It is now prepnr.-d to furnish spleudid luum tier sccord'ng to order and on reasonable terms. Those wishing anything iu tlit.t line would consult their own interest 1 y calling ou 'he Caiuas Valiey mii'o Wilt Kttn tiie Fishery. As Mr. W. Rose will be compelled to at tend to his mining interests on Coffee creek during the summer, Mr. W.,S. Jones will have full control of the fh-hety at the junc tion cf the two rivers, and will supply Rose burg with fish during the next five or six months. "Samps" is a good fisherman, and will furnish our citizens with au abundance of salmon and trout. Fearful Attack. LaM Sunday a vicious dog attacked a son of Mr. Gosling, aged two years, and horribly mangled the Irttlo fellow. The brute first cut a deep gash iu the child's face over the left eye, aui then' knocking it down, literally lore tho boy's left enr from his head. We know nothing more terrible to think i f, i hough it is reported the litilo fel ow has since sufWed man fully under the injuries received Mr. Uusiinjj lives near tlio Suar l'iue Mills. Lam! Office UtiHiue.s. We are indebted to the officers of the U itea S ates Land Otflce. of this city, for the following account of the trnnsnc ioni tor the month of Jun : 31) acres sold for cash : 35 homestad entries embracin r 3934 acres ; 8 final homes.ead proof em bracing 769 acres; 21 pre euiption filings; I donation certificate issued : 1 mi i ary bounty land warrant located ; 80 acres of timber Uni entered. Something New. There is a plum tree growing on the farm of Mr. Green which has blossomed a second time this year. The first time was early iu the Spring, and fn m the blossoms grew healthy fruit. Now that the fruit is two-thirds grown tho free is putting forth a new lot of blossoms, with which it is. nearly covered. Mr. Ureen has oats, also, growing on his farm eight feet in height. The Housekeeper of Health. HallsTIepsticKing is the best Liver Reme dy in the market. It enres billiousness, con. stipation, headache and all diseases arising from the derangement of that important gland, which is sometimes called the Housekeeper oi Health, THE L IV Kit. Dr. Hamilton has it in liosi burg and wilt guarantee every bottle or retuud the nvin ey. Try it. 10. Body Recovered. Joseph Raper'a body was recovered from the North Umpqua on Saturday last. A rope had been stretched across the river with hooks attached to it, and when the body came to the surface and floated down stream it was caught by one of them. The remains were bruised somewhat by being thrown against the rocks, but were not otherwise disfigured. Rented the Brewery. Mr. T. J. Critzer has rented the Rosebnrg brewery of Mr. John Rast fur period of ons year, the lease to commence next Mon day. Mr. Rast retires for twelve months to recover his health, which has beeen failing soino time. We wish both gentlemen thj best ot good iortune. Husiness Change. Mr. John Clark has given up the saloon business, and is succeed ud by 1J. O. Slocum and Wm. HefTron. We are not advised as to Mr. Clark's future intentions, but wish him luck, the new proprietors are popnlai gentlemen and are certain of suoocss. Gone East of the Mountains. Burb Brockwuy passed through town Tuesday morning, on his way to the Walla Walla country. He has sold his farm in this valley, and took with him a band of fine horses. He will looate permanently near Walla Walla Fine Colt. . R. Dixon was in town during the vreek with a fine colt. The colt was sired by that fine - trotting stallion,' Sir Walter, of Jackson county, and is highly prized by its fortunate owner. Lime for Sale. Flint & Son nsve the best of lime for sale at bed-rock prices. Parties wishing the same will find it to their advantage to call on either A. R., or 8, C. Flint, lioseburg. t Gone Sarvaying. Sam. L. Simpson, the poet, left Monday as one, of a party engaged in performing a surveying contract. Ha will be oat in the field near tne lakes several months. : "A CORRECTION." Wilbur, Oregon, May 14, 1879. EnrroK Ciihistum cvWosukk : I sent you a short communication lost; Maruh, in which a statement was mode iu regard to the death of one of our best eitisens, J. t. Smith. - I was informed to-day bv his broth er, who wss in attendance at Lis last mo menta and heard his last words, that no such expression was made by him as I re ported. Also that my iufonnauts were uoi present at the time and that they got their information from the common talk in the community. ' " t'o err ia human ; to forgive, divine," and it affords me pleasure too rect any error, and to add that it was no intention on my part to misrepresent any oue. I am also informed that the ill-feeling in the Lodge was a business affair against the Master and two other members of the order. Hence his request to be buried by the nitisens aud bis choioe of ministers to officiate at hia funeral was Rev. Hull Tow er, an aged and much honored tooul minis ter of the M. E. church. I will add my main object was to admonish those who be lieve they can work out their soul's salva tion by strict adherence to the laws aod rules of- the Lodge, as I know many who believe this doctrine to be safe, and if I have awakened a proper interest on this poiut 1 shall be more than satisfied. F. R. Hll.u The above, Mr. Editor, is only au ac knowledgment of the truth. I only want one or two woidsnow that full justice may be done ; I only wish to say that if F. K. Hill manufactured the siory lie wilfully told an untruth, and if others informed in formed him as stated, they uttered a false hoot?. At the best, there wss a p.eco of un wan anted intermeddling and a good deal of lying. B. P. Sunu. YOXCALLA ITEMS. Farmers all busy working in hay har vest. Uncle Charles App'egate is slowly recov ering. The citizens of Snowden Springs cele brate tho Fourth at that place. Abraham Lamb has te n suffering with inflammatory rheumatism ior tb-paai-twu week. a The Tigers of this place 'got wors'ed iu a game of base bull played litre latt fcundny, Miss Lena Ambrose has been suffering with neuralgia for the past tew days aud is now convalescing, Perret Purt "8 slowly visiting friends in Coos county, nnd it is thought he will take in the "lion" before he returns. Your correspondent, Hmpqua George," is sojea! lushe will reply in regard to the up se'ting of that buggy. Those who were in it care nothing for what "Oeorif"says, they kno why he talks so, and why be wonld utter a defense sgiinst the '"example in f.vorofOld Uye." But we will be fair wiih him. It makes no difference it there was one men or six men. so long as they told an un'ruth :aud the only t jociion there is, is that "George's" jealousy led him to be lieve what wss toid, and the ureen-eyed monster loaned him a pair of microcopic spectacbs which led"Georgu" to look ni.on oue man as six. Important Decisions. Judge Watson rendered two tnipoi taut, decisions last week. The first was in the matter of the Oakland election in which tlie Judge declared that but two of the trustees holding iftiee were legally elected Metisr. Pike and McKinnoii, and that Mr. Young was elected... This being ttue,the board ot trustees sinoe the elec tion have been acting without a quorum. The decision of the Judge in the Canyon road case was io the edeMt that A. A. Fink, James F. Gazley aud James F. Gazley, Jr., pay to Sol Abraham and W. li. Willis damages to the amount of $200 for olurrnct in the Canyon load and collect ing tolls belonging to VViilis and Abraham. . Death of Mrs. Haynos. Mrs. W. R. Willis received a dispatch trom Elkton on 1 bur-di V stating that her mother, Mrs. Sarah Il-tvneg, died on Wodncs day, and would be I uried on Fri u iy. The dispatch did rot reach this city m time to permit Mrs. Wills attending the tuneral. Mrs. Liayiies leases a .husband, two daughters and tour sons to mourn he; loss, and through her many vutues and line qualities, had gained innumerable friends who now sincerely deplore her death. We are sorry that eveo at this late hour we have not the data trom which In speak of tlu life ot one who wa a noble cxanigle to her sex aud is uow no more. . .. Gue Hint IVsjexsion. Justice Ilursh Thursday deeid ed against John Bruckner and in favor ot V. F. Owen givine; the latter possession of Lis old tar oi. ' An organized movement for the settle ment upon Western lands ol the poor Irish Catholics of the Eastern cities has been started in New York City, some of the leading Catholic clergy and laitv being sponsor. The plan adopted is to organize a joint stock company, with a cardial of $100,000 cash, with which to purchase )aroe tracts ot land, wliicli will be diviJed into quarter sec'ions, each alternate farm to m sold to colonists on such terms as will enable Miem in a few years, by prudent manageme.it, tu obtain a clear title. It is also said that a simi ar move ment is contemplated by Mr. William E. Dodtre, of New lork City, and other wealthy gentlemen, for tho benefit of poor Protests Dts. The Onegoman and Standard are tilting lances. Scott calls Nolloer a liar, sneak, coward and thief, and Noltm-r says Scott 's a liar, sneak, coward, thief and perjurer. It is all right for the editors of those highx toned dailies thus to speak ot each other, they are acquainted with each other inti mately, i Hurrah for the Fourth of July 1 He's just ns good a man ss ever St. t'atrick was. WHOM TO PATRONIZE ON THIS FOURTH ! GRAND FOUKTI1 OF JULY . AND SUPPER j AT THE .. IHIoseburg Hotel FOR FIFTY CENTS PER MEAL. The beet Dinner and Supper that money can provide? have been prepared at this hotel. .The landlord has made all nsees bsTJF BrraDgementa tor the accommodation of guests, aad invitee all to partake of his fare. 8. T. GAH.KISQN. H ig m O 2 '"S -! 2 n e S . ' jtr-r- z H 1 C P ,aZlL 3 M ? "9 t S. Li - J H-t l O H ! g i -i Ohio Democi euaeTbarmap' oratio Stata,, started a scheiW birs of the Legists. , more, these men say, for his own return to the Senate than the election cf Ewing, and will sell out the latter at every opportunity, to strengthen his own oandidacy for the beuatorsuip. : JEW TO-DAY. Lumber Lumber I J. J. COMSTOCK Is prepared to furnish all kinds oi lumber in Koseburg, dressed or plain, at rates lower i ban any one vise. Having the nest machinery in the county, be can do better tnau any one else, and will fill orders promptly. Any kind ot lumber famished the day the order is receiver! Adiiress J. J- COMaTJCK, Latham, Oregon. NOTICE. Jscob Bosenstein has left the store of S Marks & Co All his notes and accounts have been left with Virgil Conn. Pay menis most be made at once or collections -vtll be forced. : .. 20,000 FOUNDS OLD CAST IUON WANTED AT THE ROSEBURG IrtON FOUNDRy. Good Price paid. Old iron taken in ex change for work. WAGON STARTED. , My wood wagon will start up Monday June 9th, and the.i I will be prepared to nd nish wood as ordered and of any size add hugth. I will not be undersold, ano these who desire laying in a Summer and Wiuter's supply of wood will do well to give ma a call. A. J. DOWNEN. GO T( S. HAMILTON'S HEW DRUGSTORE FOR Dm?s, Paints. Oils. Varnifh, Window and Picture Glass, Siati inery, Perfumery, if yon wish to pttrchnse them cheaper than at any place sou'h ot PORTLAND. S. HAMILTON Would announce that he has "pan d neith er time nor money in selecting a stock and fitting up a store- Purchases a 1 staple druirs in New Tork for cash, thereby se curing the I nvest prices and finest articles and keeps full lines of CtQtft Hair, Nait & Tooth Brushes, Patrtt9 White wash, Varnish Artist's Brushes, Windsor nnl Newtons tnhe colors, Wi dow and Picture Glass, every size, st owrst Price, by box or pair. ISIank Bo ks, Writing Paper, envelopes, pens. All new Patent Medicines in st"ck as demand will warrant. UUSS CUT TO ORDER, free of charge. Agent for THREE MIXED PAINTS The celebrated aid tlmrougli'y tested PA- CIFli: RI BRER PAINT, The IM PKK1SHABLK PAINT, and The F.NAM KL PAINT. Agent for M. Gray, Music Dealer, r-'an Francisco. ; Prescriptions filled with dispatch, at the lowest rates. rtore is accessible at right window on back Bireet at alt hours of the night. Remember th plac. Urick build ing opposite Metrot'oliian Hotel, lluseuurg, Oregon. ' Llltlli ! Llil MOUNT SCOTT MILLING COMPANY J. M. BOWLKY, WOULD ANXOTJN'CE TO THE CITI zens ot Douif'ae county and vicinity, thut ho has pu.chused an interest in Trash's Sawmill, On the NORTH UMPQUA! And has taken FULL CONTOL OF THE SAME. He has had 20 years experience In tha businrss of lumber-making, and guaran tees to all customers perfect satisfaction He will deliver all kinds of DRESSED AND PLAIN LUMBER At Ilosebttrg or elsewhere cheaper than can be purchased from any other mill, and, all orders will be promptly tilled. Con tractors and builders will find :t to their advantage to inquire for terms snd prices. He isalso a pricica' architect and build er, and all having such work will be bene fitted by calling upon .nm bevire going eiewhere. ; J. M. KU Lc.x, AT OAKLAND. MANNING & VANW1NKLE, Old snd experienced blacksmiths would announce to the people of Ctlipooia pre 'cinct and the traveling . public that have opened a blacksmith shop at (Jak and Tbev have all materials found in a first' cUss establishment, a e workmen of many year s experience, aid teel just inert in say ing they can do A VY WORK en trusted to their care with neatness and up on the shortest notice. HOUSE SIIOEJXn A SPECJ- .1LT1. r Give the firm a call, and they a ill never send trom their shop a lame horse, and prnve to patrons that a shoe well put on will last a horse longer than will a boot on a man, and be twi" BvmforiabV. FARM MACHINERY REPAIR D In a permanent manner snd satisfactory to patrons. In this line we propose to do work cheaper than the cheapest. tMANXISQ A VAN W IS KLE NED. DRYS SAXOON. JACKSON OTKKKT, : H08KBCI1G. The proprietor of. this well-known and popular reiort wonld thank his friends for their liberal pair mage injhe past and ask for a continuance of the same in the luture, The public is informed that I keep none but the best brands of wines, liquors and cigars, and that I sell over the bar the celebrated JESSB MOORE & CO.S KENTUCKY WHISKIES! A good Billiard Table will be found in the Saloon ; also all the leading papers of the coast. Uivs me a call. E. G DHT- GOOlfBREAD AT LOWEST PRICES H. IISHBE Wonld announce that he aiwavs keeps on hand all fresh Fruits. Candies. Nuts, Cakes, Pies and all kinds of canned Fish, Jellies, Fruits, Oysters, Honey, etc., and In cons nection therewith, he has a Bakery and an expericuced Buktr from Portland, and will tarnish the best of bread (23 loaves for $1.00) to any one wishing the same at their residence or at the store, (irebain bread supplied whenever desired. Store and Bakery next door lo Dr. WuodrafTa drugstore and opposite Sheridan Bros., lioseburg. Uiveme a call. . " H. Fishes Proprietor, FARM FDR SALE- The undersigned will Cell his farm, con falsing 924 teres, on reasonable terms Land all under fence; good he use and oarn ; tuu acre, bottom and farming land the balance pasfTe. and is three. and on halt miles from TVilbur. Inquire alAthe ffiee. J. 0. JJOOTH. RSVOLDTOS In All Prices for the -AND Summer lade At the Old llsrcaatilo Hons, of FLOED & CO We would announce that we are in Ieceipt of our NEW STOCK OF mix Goons: For th.; Spring and Summer Tiade, Corns prising all the Latest Novel 'iee in that Line, Including Btaok & Qolored Gash- meres, eiaefe & uoiorea- SILK S, Stack Vetms.. Satias, Lawas, & Utten Fancy Sttittrtg?, Lad?es' & tAhZ' es Gtotess Corsets andC Mastery U!nd;rweaEi8 La ces, Emferoideri Etc. Our Stock of Domestics and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Is Larger than Ever Befora. In Gents' Furnishing GoodB we have a large Ass'irtmen of r . FINE DRESS STITS, ELE gant Summer Suits, Neat Busi ness Suit3, WLite and Colored Suits, Hosiery, Hats, Gloves, Tie.', Bows ect WE KEEP THE BEST GOODS That can be ob.ained in the San Fiancisco Market. Our Stock of Groceries, Cannot be excelled. In this line we Lave an Immense Assortment of Crockery, Glass-wars and Cutlery, Also Sugar, Teas, t 'offee. Staple Groceries. Our prices are LOW. Call and see for your- selves at the old stand. J.C. '3 ROSEBURO, DOUGLAS CO., OREGON EST A BUSHED 1855 Pioneer Establishment THOS. P.SHERIDAN. , The first haidwaie dealer In Umpqua Valley, in the Brick Building, HAS RECEIVED, AND IS NOW REs ceiving one of the most complete stocks of IMMIM& OFFICE STOVES, Of the Most Improved Patterns ever re eeived in this city. And besides baa the moat complete stocx of General Hardware, AnJ manufactures everything in the line of TIN, SHEET-IRON & COPPERWARE la a workmanlike manner, and on most reosonable tirms. Iron, Steel and-Iiall Always on hand, and In qualities to tart. W HAVING JUST ARRIVED FROM SAN FRANCISCO ; one of tho largest and best assorted stocks of ' " ; : - . - - -.v.' . .? - ' ,- - - - r-. -: - - ... " V - - GBNBHAL IIBHCKAITDISB Ever seen in Roseburo;, I respectfully mvhe the pabhc to come snd examine the Price and Quality ot my large supply of LADIES' DRESS GOODS OF ALL QUALITIES, . INVISIBLE PLAIDS Embraciug all the Latest Novelties in the San Francisco Market. Also Everything else aj pertaiiiing to Ladies' Wear. . - ALL KINDS OF ; Piques, Brocaded Linens. Iiixien. And every variety of Dress Goods Store. EMBROIDER ES, The Best and Cheapest ever imported to the City ot Roaeburg. READY-MADE DRESSES IIS ALL SHADES OF CASHMERES Laces, in al Col ors & Patterns FIJN EL X PRINTED LAWNS, ' Ot all BhadeB, Ladies' and Misses' Summer Hats Latest Styles trimmed aud on trimmed. Ladies' VVhjte aLd Brown Miadee, IJirJs-. eye Derbys, Leghorns, Asssorted Hlm ets, and all other late styles. Ladies' Shoes all varieties. Kid, Cloth, Leather, Pebble Goat. Also same quality in Misseii aud Cbildreus' sizes. A FULL LINE OF Genteman's, Youth's & Boy's CLOTHING. All new paterns, excellently finished, and the cheapest ana best ever offered to the Roseburg trade. Iu this hue as well as in others, I defy competition. These are only a few items in the stock I brve purchased. Come and see the other There i enough else to engage your attention lor an entire day. M. JOSEPHdON. vr. G. WOODWARD AOB5T FOR .u eras, AND DEALER IN HARNESS, SADDLES AND BR1CIES, And All Kinds of gtore on the Cxrner across from Marks' Warehouse. My stock is complete and new, the beat and largest ever broug it to Koseburg. I am pre pr red to fill all orders at pncea to defy competition. All work, warrantwa Farmers especially aie request to call and examine my stock. W. O. WOODWARD. SCHCLTZ & VON BARGEN, Importers and Dealers la FOfttlCN & DOMESTIC WIRES LIQUORS ANO BRANDIES, : Also Agents for the CELEBRATED BO C EBON WHISKY, S. E. Corner Ft. and Cat St. SAN FRANCISCO. CAI Benresented bv CQARLEH KOIIN. WEEKLY LINE oi STEAMERS SA1T FHA2TCZSC0 FROM COOS BAY CAPT. Q. HOLT ..COMMANDER CAPT, CHAS. BATLER.. COMMANDER For Freight or Passage Apply to FRANK BARNARD & CO 2 13 JACK SON ST , San Faaacfoco. FRED SCHETTER, Empire CSty. IMPORTANT KOTCE, All parties knowing themselves Indebted to the firm of Wright & Csrlon, ia the liverv stable I Mines, are hereby nolitiod to make Immediate settlement by cash or note and thus save costs. This is the last notice. WKMiUT & CARLON, JuneH. 1S79. J. SKTJLE1X, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, DK&IES IN MATCHLS. CLOCKS FINE JEWELRY Watches, Clock & JewelrTljired. a. a a tWnna-,tti..Mu4 a Office with J, W. ;8irig, Eosebarg, Or, I . , -lie. A u LATEST STYLES. Plain found in a firstsclass DryQood . R. Brackenride & Robt. Ea.ton, Opposite T. P. Sheridan's Hardware Store, ROSEBURG, OREGON Mantle pieces made from Italian and Ameriean, marble monuments, and tomb" tones, made to order, and first-class work warranted in this line. Anything in the way of stone-cutting promptly performed, and all arders promptly filled. Always a full stock of marble and other stone on hand and in case of any repair ia this line in tbs shape of billiard tables, etc., satisfaction will be guaranteed. i ' K. BRACKEN UIDGE & ROBT E ASTON, Notice of Final Settlement. N THE COUNTT COURT OF THE 3 tate of Oregon, for the Co unty of Doug In the matter of the estate of Thomas H. Dixon, deceased, and of the partnership ot Thomas II. Dixon, defeased. 4 Bros; James Dixon, administrator of said es tate, having filed in said court his final account tor settlement, and also praying' for an order setting the time for bearing the same, therefore notiae is hereby given that said final accmnt will be heard and determined In said court on Tuesday, the 8th 3av ot July. 1871). at which time all persons hsving objections to said final act count and settlement must there meke the same. Published in the DorjoL4e Ikdepzxd est for four consecu'ive weeks, by order ot Hon. C. Uaddis, County Judite. 8-5 W T, ti. BrlEKlDAi. County Clerk. JaS. THORNTON. JACOB WsOSKtt E. K. ASDERSOV. W. H ATRIN80K. ASHLAND WOOLEN MANUFAC TURING C031 PAN V. Manufacturers and Dealers in WHITE &C0LUBED BLANETS Plain and Fancy Cas'ilmctre's, Djeskiui t lannel, etc. . ALSO OVER and CNDEARVVEAK, CLOTHING Made to Order, W. II AT1IZT7SOZ7. Secy. ASHLAND, Jftcfesoa Coanty, Ortoa. iiugii xrooTsrx. AOEST VCA HCOH.EOUSIsTDCD, Successors to ' JOHN C, MORRISON, J1L, .Importers and -Wholesale Dealers' ia FiiiEviimaLiauorj, 816 Sacramento and 321 Commercial St, BETWEEN FRONT AND BATTERY, K7U a' IJIUUWAr TAii-on. OlpbstteT. P. SLe.-:,' 8- i ' !.r.LVaMs ( v W