Thb IaOKFRBDEirt The bed newgpsper ever published lo Douglas county. . Society IZeetin&s. . rtTMPQirr CHAPTER XO. B. t i A. M., hold regular communiea - W-i tiont every first mod third Tuesday in each month .. All .members is good standing will take doe and timely notion ta govern themelT accordingly, visit-iag-eompanioat are Invited to meet wilb the Chapter wben convenient. . , . B. HERMANN, H- T. W. t Frikdlakdek, Seo'y. A LAUREL LODGE A. F. and A. M ' hojlds regular meetings on Wednes w amy on or before each tall moon. X C FTJLLEHTON, W. M. B NEWCOMB, Secy. PHILETARIAN FLodnre. X 8. 1 O. O. T. meets on Saturday renins, of each week at 7 o'clock at their hall at Roue- L. g 1 1.1 I 9 J log are Invited to attend. By order of the 2i- UNION ECNAMPMKXT.No. 9, LO.O F meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the 1st nd 8d Fridays ot every month. Visiting ' Brethren invited to atteod D. S K. BTJICK, C P. ' JS. Q. Hcrsh, Scribe. . " umpquagrange. no. 28, P. iff ' JL, will meet hereafter on the first Satur-. ot each month, at Orange Hall, la Rose burg. All met sabers in good standing are cordially invited to a tend: GEO. JONES, M. r J. P. DmrcAK, Secretary. . ITEMS IN BRIEF. Hurrah for the 4ib of July 1 Coos Bay mail closes at 8 o'clock sharp. i Look oat for the celebration at Rose burg. Virgil Conn, Esq., has recovered from bis late Indisposition. ' Rev. John Howard will All Rev. Bell's pulpit Sunday. 11 o'clock. ' A. L. Stinsbn died in Salem Wednesday of rheumatism of the heart. Sam DeBow bas gone to Canyonville. If be don't Wk oat he will get stung. Col. Knight, of Saiem, bas been invited to deliver the Fourth of July oration at this place.' Ex3eaator Sargent, of California, will arrive in this city this evening, and remain tew days. The first shlpmeiit of Jackson county wool arrived in this city on Thursday cn Jo Baggs' teams. The cost of the last term of the Circuit Court to the county was something over five thousand dollars. Al Pennington has at last got eff. He left for Coos Bay Thursday . morning. Pleasant journey, old fellow. .. 'Remember that C. Cohen has an ims mense stock of goods on hand, which he -a -lis cheaper than the cheapest.. . A dQg-5eionging to Cncle YY lilts went Wo ugh the glass door broken before in same way. In A II arks & Co's. store. The roads are improving south. This is . not a repetition of the old, old story, but the testimony of veracious Joe Baggs, Esq. Ladies' linen suits and linen ulsters may be found in endless quantities at J. C Flood's ft Co's. Cheaper tkau the cheap est. 1 Contrary to what is stated in anotbir newspaper, Hon.B.Hermann is in Roseburg and not at Coos Bay, and is doing lots of work. ' Judge Willis and L. F. Lane bad a large number of cases to attend to at the the late term of Circuit Court in Coos county. -; "alter Wheeler gave ns a pleasant call during the week. He reports the firm of Wheeler Bros, as flourishing. Long may it continue. We acknowledge a friendly call from OpVH. Kelley, of Jacksonville. Cept. Kelly is always welcome at the Ihdkpxks dbxt office. & m, ii n 1.1 i i u i . . a uq LAmst nail, wiiibjhu . nrvu fia'td, is a splendid newspaper, and should V liberally patronized by the people of -Coot county. . .Jesse Banks Infant child was found - dead in bed last Monday morning. It is supposed the child was smothered to death -da -ing the night. L.Bayli"t Esq., having fully recovered his health, will soon return to the Eastern States there to remain. We are sorry to lose so good a man. Caro Bros, have just received a large . stock of ladies' linen suits, of the latest , styles and patterns, whic- will be sold at bargain to purchasers. L. L. Williams has returned from Easts era Oregon, but will shortly take a trip to Yellowstone Park. He bas the appearance of enjoying the best of health, Joseph Ciaugh and West Manning were To town during the week. They brought down a lot of mutes from Jacksonville which they sold to the Government at ad vantageous prioee. Owing to the late heavy rain cam pm eat ing of the M. E. Church has been post poned until after conference. The Fourth Jaartely Melting of tbis church will be " held in Roseburg June 7th. While playing lane brll, Elijah, son of ex-Connty Assessor Matthews, ot Looking Ulass. was struck in the right side with the ball, and is now seriously ill. The : accident occurred Tuesday last. Those In Coos county in need of any of the necessaries of lita, or any of life's luxu ries, shoe id patrouise the Myrtle Point blore. A large stock of new goods hsve .been reeeivtd at that establishment. Our old friend. Curly Webb, arrived in ' &oeburg Monday, bringing in his coach the wife of Lieut. Phelton, of Walla Walla, who has returned home. Curly is the same happy mortal as of yore, and all the boys were glad lo see him. Be earns in tired bora that way. "Well," aid the barJteeper, 'bars you any silver about your ckther There wss a gurgling sound, and the tired man remarked it was "time for some one to close up,'' and walk ed off. The bartender smole a ghastly smile, but never a wink ne wunk. . "Yesterday the sun shone forth for a mo- mens ot two. A few seconds after this sur prising oeearrence ten-year old boy rushed lata the house and exclaimed : Mnflma, mama! I hare seen the sunl Its round, ud to bright I aan't look at it 1" The boj , it i needlees to add, "growed" . u Oregon, ,;;-v' " -:' A dramatle aterUinmen was given at Empire CtJ Wednesday avwiiBg for the vuer raisins mooej w send Arthur A Keison to bit mother in New Zealaad. 'Nelson U the UU boy who was taken Homa at Empire about one '. kidnapped by the nosv-y " -"The Con "Meve- J while the other contractors took the route neca use iner tnougnt tney could make money so doing. While we do not doubt the new contractors will give genera al satisfaction, it is due McClellan & Co. to say the mail service was' well performed while they were in charge. The report of the late Grand Jury is generally commended. The recommenda tions made therein "are all wise, but in ttead one drawer in one table it is thought two tablet with two drawers will be bet- x . . '."1 ter one drawer In which to keep the ju ry rutin's tobacco, in ; protection of jury room floor. If the second drawer be too expensive, then buys spittoon or tw. I.J. Critzer and Lee Bodenburg came Tuesday evening. Owing to want ot lumber from which, to manufacture sluice boxes, they were compelled to shut down in their mine, and partially cleaned up after a six week's run during day time. The boys brought down with them seventy-five otonces of gold taken from one- eighth I of an aero and daring the 8um mer win put tbelr claim in perfect order tor next season's ran of water. Mr. L. G. Jackson, of the New Idrlan quicksilver mine, paid Roseburg a visit during the week. From him we learn that the furnace for the mine is being lap idly completed, and the smelting of cinnaa bar ore at the mine will commence about the latter part of July. The v mptny now have a vein of ore two feet in wedth at the top oi the hill, four feet wide in the first incline, eight feet wide in the second in cUne, and twenty feet wide in the lower lever. ; . Last Week we gave place in these cols umns to a short communication from Drains, which reflected upon our old tried, Al. McKensie. As AL knows we. would not' knowingly hart his feelings, and there was no reason tor the correea pendent to write such a letter, we must say to the correspondent that he exhibited very bad taste in doing what ' he did, and that we do not want any more such leU ters. A joke, when it injures no one, is well enough, but personalities are not jokes. Judge E. B. Watson and Miss Kubll were united in marriage at Jacksonville last Wadnesday. Judge Watson is one of the best of gentlemen, possessing liberal education and known far and wide as the truest of Iriends, while the lady now Mrs, Watson-is one of whom the good citi zens of Jacksonville have always esteemed for tbeir virtuous deeds and admired for their personal beauty. It is certainly a happy marriage, and with many friecds we wish its final results to be equally proa ductive of the happiness which is now termed the honeymoon or, in plainer terms, it is our hope their honeymoon, like the life promised all that is human, may never find an ending. JACKSONVILLE NEWS. Joe Claagh Is now baying mules for government service, and in stepping out of the road the other day sprained his inate'p. Base ball is raging, and must be eonta geous, at onr sister town Ashland has got it. Send oik the board ot health and stop it before it spreads, or else the amateurs will lose their honors. One gentleman in conversation with an other remarked 14 tbemometors spliced to gether eoull not tell bow warm it is going to be next month. Hubert.get your sprink ler in readines in ease of emergencies. The electrle light ' is on exhibition at Madam Holts a pamkin head with a candle in it. Go and see it, at it is free of charge. Ton will never have the opporto nity again. Echo answers, don't want it, Rostel. oar late arrival in the barber bus iness, bas endeavored in every way poegi bU to keep on the good side of the young ladles. The nearest he can come to it is a smole, and that to him is as good as a smile. Nothing like having a small salary, a fat trade, a good team, and be handsome and popular with the women. Its every thing in the world except brains, knowl edge snd a good understanding. It shows a deficiency somewhere; it must be in the pocket. The matrimonial market opens out rather light is comparison with what it did last Summer. Nothing on docket as yet, but future prospect flattering. It is said that our county clerk, E. B. Watson, is to join hands in matrimony. If so, I wish yon much connubial bliss. The weat her fiVh a no com pa m, which overhangs the Table Rock saloon, has come to the conclusion that it is clearing up, and that the scorching sunshine will soon be upon us.. It is looking op stream for something to drink; take it down Mew re. Wintjen ft Helms and quench its thirst with a little .port wine, as the at mosphere is too hot and sultry above. The new State Hotel, with its engineer C. W. Savage, and its agreeable eholrof waiters, does give the. public satisfaction, transient as well as home. It is centrally located. New and just the place. Its rooms are large, commodious and well ventilated, and where the stir and bustle does not come in conflict with you ; and as to edibles go and see and let your appetite speak for itsslf. The earthen beauties in our mldat are beginning to shed their pinbacks, owing to the hot weather approaching, and com ing down to their lesser garments, good conception. The downfall of Mies I. on the corner of Oregon ft Ca'ifornta streets, who in attempting to step over the gutter 2 feet wide, fell length ways on the pave ment. No injuries sustained. The reproof is. drop the Idea of wearing pull-backs and yon win navigate much easier. Trade is reviving, and every afternoon you will find the business men throughout, proprietors as well as clerks, standing In front of their places of business, with their hands in tneir pockets, each one to his post, but a pleasant smile on tLeir faces. Aak Mr. Kelly, as he made several pur chases while in Jacksonville. His sojourn among us was ot short duration bat a pleasant one. He left on last Monday's stsge for Roseburg to meet his wite who is to retorn from a pleasure trip to Salem. He will bu again In these pans before many days. We wieh you hearty welcome and numerous subscribers. Rumor it that Fred Lny, our old stand by In the boot snd shoe line, has ceased to manufacture the same, and taken up the title of doctor, judging from the play card seen on the door some time since, "Here is ths place for the celebrated pills: sample free! Office hours all lay". Peo ple passing would naturally stop and call within and look at Luy and would be con vinced that there was somewhat of s res markable transformation in his appearance. All who knew him know him not; one day tat and robust, the next day thin as a fence rail. No more mule driving or titles a he is back to his former occupation . Pinging is very much engaged in by the jimpenm blossoms. Every night at dusk you can bear their melodious voices pour ing forth from various thresholds. What is there that soothes the aching heart and heaa on a calm still night better tbsn a soft sweet voice. The editor of the Time imagines he can ring. Ton ought to hear him on "Baby Mine." especially when be is going upstairs to his office, and when at leisure there and alone he cultivates that gentle racket. Tes. it is a mild one to, in hearing. It would leave you to infer that there were 50 females in the upper story of some building practicicg opera. Take a cackling hen's advise and give up trying. At an oproarer you will succeed, but as a singer sever. YONCALLA ITEMS. Who it "twenty-twoT . The tick folkt ot thlt place arc tlowly recovering. V John Oebo hat one of the best draught i Wains in Toaeslla. ATfeed Ambrose had hit great toe put out r place, while running at school the other jty.. , X , "The Drain Station Base Ball Club and the - Jeiub will play a match game end on next Saturday. .. .... iaa, of the Metropolitan hotel of - la xemeaiiaon ssiuraay usx. w,bid t see you boy. ww taken very vk on (m Twlni station.but He is Able to be around hta4fcan In e east of the moua 9 til. mifi company wnu Mi, TiaVT ShoV on. j BY TELEGRAPH TO-DAY OAD OUZCIDC. JAS. D, FAY SHOOTS HIMSELF. SPECIAL TO IOi'0LA8 INDEPENDENT. .. Empirb City, Maj. 80. Douglas Independent: "the people of this place were startled this morning by the report that J as. D. Fay had killed bimseli. It soon became known that tbia was the ead fact, and a coroner's in. qneat over the body ot the de ceased resulted iu the finding of the following verdict: We. the jury summoned to Inquire into the cause of the death of Jas. D. Fay. do find that deceased came to his death by a wound inflicted by a pistol shot fired from a pistol held in his own hands. The facts developed by the tes timony given before the jury were that the night previons he had retired in company with L. F. Lane about 12 o'clock. Atter that time he took two or three dneka, bat not sufficient, as Mr. Lane testified, to produce delir ium tremens, Mr. Lane then lelt him, and 'Mr. Fay went to the Star saloon, and ;was sitting by the stove, reading a newspaper, wben Mr. E. W. Sprague and A. W. Sprague, bis brother keep ers ot the saloon went out and left him sitting there. They shortly afterwards heard the re port ot a pistol, and ran back to the saloon, where they found Mr. Fay still seated in the chair, with his head bent forward, the blood flowing freely from his Lead, and his pistol lying in his lap. Dr. Mackey testified that death had resulted almost , inttantan eon sly with the shot. Mr. Fay came here from San Francisco, and was attending to business he had in court, lie hal made many frteuds, and - his sud dou and tragic death has cast gloum over the entire community. BED HILL. Fine growing weather and crops looking well. - H. B. Hendrick's school will be contin ued till harvest. Mrs. Get Harris has been very sick re cently. She is improving. Sheep shearing has commenced, and a good clip of wool is anticipated. John Long will keep his sheep on the mountain sheep ranch the coming Sum mer. . , .. - , , Strawberries are now ripe. Red Hillers can be seen rambling in search of this pre cious berry. J Downen's little daughter has been very sick with inflammatory rheumatism. She is said to be recovering. R. Smith will have an abundant crop of cherries this Summer. Mr. Bmitb bas a fine orchard, and most generally an abund ant supply of truit. ' Clay Long is now hauling barn timbers, which will be used for the construction of his new barn the coming Summer. He also contemplates the building ot a new dwelling scon after. W. Wilsou has recently purchased a fine stallion of Hsns ; Weaver, of Myrtle creek. He is of the. fin -White Prince stock. Draught horses are what we want, and the Prince horses are suitable for tlat purpose. Immortality of the soul is being discuss ed by some of the people in this locality; bat the young fellow who was informed of the fact in quite a serious manner a few davs since, does not believe in the doctrine. He "understood" the sole to be a pugilistic performance. Mr. Westenhiser, who has proved to be a very succeselul farmer, baa devised a somewhat different scheme of tilling the soil from what is generally practiced in this country, snd it bas proved to be the only means ot successful farming without mis curing, or other means of retaining the richness of the soil. Instead of plowing thes me field each socceding year, as is most generally.done, he makes a division of his farm land,nd farms each division every third year or every other year at be deems necessary, and by this meant he says he is certain of a good crop. We think ere long something of this kind will be adopted by the generality of the fars mere. It is "the general complaint of the farmers throughout the country that the present yield of grain on old ground is not so good as it formerly was. Where there was formerly raised from thirty to forty bushels of wheat per acre on an average, it is reduced to filteen sod twenty bushels at present. There man be a cause lor it, and the cause is based on simple reason, that the land ia being worn out and work ed to death. Mineral as well as animal life requires due attention and manage ment to develop its producing capacity. OAKLAND ITEMS It is very rainy and times are dull. -Drs. Page and Redman have a very criti cal case out of town. 8 ivcral of onr vounir srentlemen went to Albany and returned delighed with their trip. Our energetic towsman, Walter Wheel er, has an abiding faith in the town of WUbor. Mand Mailer, the hand ms little jew eler, is at his old station again. Sucorta attend you. Dr. S. K. Raymond, of Brownsville, the Dooular and well skilled dentist, is at the drugstore with a complete set Of apparatus The Sabbath school is very prosperous. and Brother Smith will labor earnestly for the advancement of the morale of the people. . The new road through Brown's field is not yet opened, tieorge Sacry should rueb work and nave it ready lo travel on early as possible. Mr. Fred Flood is now a permanent eiti sen of Oakland, and working in the inter est of the "V estern Star." We welcome him to oar midst. The boot maker, George Volbart, has become a poet and his rhymes are causing quite a sensation. "Poets are bom, but scuoiars are maae. The Oakland public schools are verv prosperous, and Miss Tate and Mr. Cress well are trying to advance the educational interests of the citv. Miss Lucy Plnkston, the accomplished school mistress, is quite sick at the h-jine. of her sister. Mrs. James Tounir. Dr. Tenable has the, ease U charge, and all will be done that skill can do lo effect ber recovery. .... :. CALAPOOIA ITEMS. Farmers generally wear a smile on their eon itaaane . Early sown grain is heading and pros pect bid fair for a rich harvest. . Rumor has it that Earl Smith will wed one of Calapooia's fair ones shortly. ... The young people's excursion on Tyee last Saturday was a complete blow-out. - E- J. Fields hat taken a homestead on eee of 1-nd located in the Daniel's gnkh. , -"-rinteudent Heard pasted The IsoEPFKjjuU, -."i , tK Tlarity. U it the ehaw, jtmilit 1)051 i pits'1! j s .was corps of assistants. We predict a succese lul riabbetb school. Prof. Hawkins, our efficient singing school teacher, for some previous reason, will take hit departure toon for Eastern vregon . : James, who had his leg fractured some weeks ago, has sufficiently recovered to be able to walk about on his erutchea. Mr. 'Joseph Ensley. an old resident of (Jalapooia, we are informed contemplates the selling of his place and emigrating te JSaitern Oregon, and engage in toe stock . II- 3 1 I J . nosiiHB. nr. eueiev uaa uiaue manv friends daring hit sojourn here who 'will be sorrv to lose so irood a man and hiirhlv esreemea ueignoar. . . ... . f - . ROSEBURG WILL CELEBRATE. At a meeting of the citizens ot Roseburg, held ia the court-house last Saturday even ing, it was unanimously re solved to celebrate the coming anniversary ot the nation's indes pendence. Following are the committees appointed: Finance J. D. Van Buren, I. Caro. G. A. Beatb, J. P. Sheridan and Dr. Woodruff! Qrounds Win. Car roll, J.J. Farquar and Thomas G nodule. Music L. Belfils. J. W Strange and M. Levitison. Plug Dalies Jacob Bttzer, A. W. Fenner aud llarry Aobtm. Ar rangements A. W. Compton, O. C. PerkinB and J. C. Fullerton. The bar was constituted a com" mittee to procure orator, reader and chaplain; and T. K. Sheridan was chosen treasurer. ; These committees will meet at the place of their appointment June 7th, to report progress, and in the meantime the finance committee will solicit subcsriptions. There will be everything done to make this the grandest celebra tion ever witoessed in the county. The plug-uglies will be a notices able feature in the exercises ot the day, and if there is good business comprehension shown on the pare ot our business men, means will be supplied to provide tor a grand display of fireworks in the town at night. If there is such display the majority of Kose burg's vistors on the Fourth will remain over till the 5th. , One of our leading business men is pushing the work on his new warehouse in order that they rr ay be plenty room tor dancing, and the qthcra are ready and willing to do all within their power to . make, the celebration agreeable to all.',. J Let everybody come, and' from all parts ot the county. . GARDEN VALLEY ITEMS. A sudden rise in the river pre veuts ferrying this week. Titer will be preaching at Cleveland on Sunday next. Mrs. Booth . is recovering trom a long and severe spell of sickness. A ten ponnd boy is what has made Dal. Shelton- so happy since last week, Geo. Booth has returned from Siuslaw, having 1 ocated a claim. Mr. Booth will ugaiu visit Siuss law ere long. Mr. E. T. Woodruff has gone toCopuillo to see his brotber,who accidently got his leg fractured a short time ago. , .Notwithstanding the bad spell of" weather we have spe'.ling matches not to be grinned at. We ace glad to see an interest taken in this, too often deficient brauch. Villie Rnwley,ged seven years, died the 25th, ot brata fever. "Vil lie was the best and brightest in school, and her loss is mourned by her teacher and schoolmates and the entire community. Her remains vero interred iq the French Settlement cemetery. May cretrrost in peace. Last week Johnnie Lenherr at tempted to cross the river with Mr. Gilliam's ferry, but not hav- ing drawn the boat in proper po ltioti1 ; before, turning it loose, Johnnie soon found it broadside io the current. The rope broke in time to keep the boat from sinking, and a knot in the rope caught ia the pulley and swung the boat into the bank a tew yards below where he started. Had it not been for Ihdknot John nie and the boat would have been mashed into smithereens on the rocks in the rapids two hundred yards below. On Monday morning last, Geo. Palmer,a man who has been chop ping wood for J. 0. Booth, while crossing the river la the ferryboat, suddenly dropped down helpless near the boat's edge, in a tit. The passengers on the boat held him from rolling into the river, and summoned Messrs Booth and Hendricks, who went to his relief. The stranger recovered from bis fit in a few hours, but is yet lay ing seriously ill at the residence of Mr. Booth, where he will be kindly treated. Mr. Booth offer ed to secure a physician, even at his own expense, but he refused to have any. Prospects arelavor able for Clarke another boarder. It is a good thing the Ptaindeal er has a devil ; it it were not tor the little devil, the big devil would have nothing to write about except tho Coos Bay Rail road. Better talk about the feast 4i'ity ot constructing; a wagon road to the coast, won't you plerse, C. Y. B kill that devil, commit suicide yourself, or else go down io Coos Bay aud let Sigs tin do it for too, and thereby "give as a rest from jour con glomerated mess of f tlacious st phietry that amounts to as much as the . Irishman's definition ot nothing -A footless sock with out ia4eg." , ?A trnrd to he wise, School is flourishing under the management ot II. H. Hendricks. Patting skunks in desks, or any such conduct, is a thing ot the past, as scholars know when to be obedient ; Prot Heard aave the school a profitable call The Prof, ia doing his duty a thitg 8tveral former superintendents tailed to do; however, they were very prompt in drawing their salary. fcNr"iTfAiXE2ZAB. -. There -vi!i u--""'5"31'"' Dire tor of the TJ. bp " 'the ' t. It. ,9 in lb, w pat, a.1 . . f UMPQUA FERRY. Rain once' more. - . .. Present storm - has done much damage to the early sowed crain. at this place, byvblowing it down. Prof. Heard,oar efficient school superintendent, was with us ' last i Thursday, examining the schoo m tuia uioirici ; , , :'A ails at this pUce intends going into the business of raising alj ikiDdsefefoaVMHpaysthe nignesc price tor rare specimens. The saw mill at, Hubbard creek 4.. ... is not as mucn ot a success as some thought it 'would be : vet it will be fixed so as to make it cut about five or sixlhousand per day. J. II. Kobbfns k - Sot . of Port land, agents- for the celebrated Whitney and Holmes' organs,p: si ed through here canvassing tor the same. We did not learn in regard to their success. The river at this place has got od nrettv hip-h ao-ain. Lust nie-hr r 4 o n o (May 26th,) it raised about five leet, and at present it is still rais- ng. Old settlers are much sur prised at it raisin? so at this time nf th,t Vflnr. ' j . tr . The post office. 'aj Cole's Valley has .been discontinued, and all should take nottce ol the change, and save troubled by directing njail.niatter that;iormerly went to that office direct to this. It 77as so "ordered .byline Postmaater General. ' '' ' '' . ' ;. , ' The warm days of last week were the cause of- several rattle snakes making their appearance on the the sunny side-hilla. A man at Hubbard -creek was at tacked by one which caught him by the boot-leg- and frightened him so he blushing fkd and lett it all alone. Several of the .young men are anticipating a journey to Sugar Pine as soon as the Sugar l'ine Minstrels announce the-r next performance. We have witness ed several ot the performances of Steel which were good, and we think any other Star who can compete with him must be very good indeed. SOARY FOR HIM. The Star reprbdehes us" for enlarging this paper man article it should have - entitled "A Poor Attempt at SarcasVto Writing." We would give that paper's arti cle entire, but our space is too valuable tor news and advertising purposes just now"'to seod out beyond its circumscribed limits what it has to say of the Inde pendent. The acknowledgment on the part ot our .cotemporary that he had found it necessary to enlarge to an eight-column paper in order to compete with the In dependent as a newspaper, and the -tact that just as he got ready to make the enlargment the-sue of the Independent was virtually increased eight columns more, are reasons enough why,, the Sktr man would not wait until somebody on the outside discovered . bis greatness as a writer, we are sorry no one elee appreciates his abilities as an editor, and weep when we remember lie has to re main here with only the amuse ment the poor little Independent affords bun. S rrv tor him! Words there are not to express our sympathy. r C ROBERT S CREEK. Still it rains and sheei shearers have a good time: they work on day and rest one day. We will hsve pleasant w.athfr aoout august. A petition prsying for the pardon of the murderer of Josh Brown is being cir culated in these parts, but to tur oninion 1 think he should euflVr even a nior severe penalty than what he does for his terrible crime. . . . . i ' at ? mere M gnus to be wir meetlniron Oak Creek and we hope that tiere will be a good turn out. . . rS, ri i Programme. Following is the programme of the Oakland Sunday School Picnic, June 4tn,at Williamson's urove: ureeting song; V rayer by Rev. Itell; Song, Isle of Beauty;" Address, Uev. C. II. lloxie; &ong and Chorus, by the Sunday School; Address, Rev. Srnick, Song, " Watching and Waiting;" Address, Rev. Klyce; Song, ''Moonlight Chorus;" din ner. Everything will be done to make the occasion pleasant. . Photographs in Style. A. F. Smith, the celebrated photographic artist from Salem, is now in Oakland, and will remain there a couple of weeks Tbis gentleman is ibe finest artist that has yet visited Douglas county, and has apparatus which enables him to take: pictures in aJl styles from a mlciatareto lifar-eite, at low rates. To all desiring first-class photo, graphs or other pictures we can recom mend Mr. Smith at the bet, of artists. We hope he a ill soon psy Roseburg t visit, j Bro. nill, of Wilbur, has writ ten another article to the Star. As we compelled him to retract his slander upon the good name and memory of a dead man. we leel as should any one who had per formed a righteous duty and wishes to have nothing more to do with one so msigniticantlv contemptible as F. li. Hill ha snown uiraself to be. ; FROM ROSEBURG , TO . COOS BAY. Daily Line ipfj Stages, - BTJNDAT8 tXC&iit, Proprietors. tii. n..tvw m. ..j , i ' Jag, IU '"Jest I KO DETENTION' uaAeeoaBtor Kigtt TKha, .j an dead xe wagons empioyea in tue Ctansmissioa of paasengert and freight. ; Patrons of the line may rest assured all bus! ness entrusts eu w wui ne promptly attended to, and every tare takea-tSat the comfort of pas. v-i;oijt.j ue securea-J uinaa atMunna kti-be mads with urn - ,. OCEAN LINE OF STKA3ISU2P3 Pljlng" Between - Coos Bay and San Frandbcs ' . ' Aad passenger going to the Bay City win find thlr to lie the cheapest and best of a II routes PEBKIMS t Heairick Jletrorniiun I? nsaa .ras ew i nwrtt . V , , , KE WTO-DAY. In AH Prices for the AND- iimmer Trade At the Old Hercantile Houss of PLOBD ;& CO. W e. would announce that we are in Beceiptof our NEW STOCK , OF .' JDMT OOODSl For the Spring and 8ummer Ttade, Com prising all the Latest Xovultiea in that : Line, Including gtaek & Cotoiredl Cash mere?. Btack & Cotcred SI L K S, Bltck Vt?t8s Satins, iawn?, & Unert Facie; Suitings Ladies & tiss Gtore?, Goesets and Wosiecy. yindtpweas', La- Our Stock of Domestics and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Is Larger than Ever Beiore. In Gents' Furnishing Goods we liavea ' ' - large Assortment of FIXE DRESS STITS. ELE- gaut Summer Suits, Neat Busi ness Suits, White and Colored Suits, Hosiery, Hate, Gloves, Ties, ' Bow, etc. vrr. EEEP THE BEST GOODS That eaa be obtained in the San Ftaadteo Market. Our Stock of Groceries, Cannot be excelled. In this line we have an Immense Assortment of Crockery, CtlassTTare and Cutlery. Alto Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Staple Groceries. Our prices are LOW. Call and see for your selves at the old stand. ICFLOIMCO, HOSEBUBO, DOCGLAS CO., OREGON 9 '(f) 's - ; ' "Miwaeawww"'- - - SHERIFF'S SAXiK. UTS? TICE IS HEREBY; GIVES THAT virtue of a certain writ of execu tlon issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Douglas upon a judgment ana decree or foreclosure, rendered therein at tbe October term, 1878, i . ck wood, and against 3. W. Crane, Elisabeth Crane, B. Gold smith, L. Goldsmith, M, Goldsmith, ti Kedlicta. partners under the firm bum of Goldsmith a Co; Alexander Lazard, 8U mon Lazard, Eli. LkKard. Alexander Weil. and David Cohen, partners under, the firm name of Laaard .Friers; Wm.JrwIae, Asa Uarker and James 8. Wants, partners an. der. ie firm name of Irwine, Barker & Co , L. A. Sanderson and T. L. Horn partners under the firm name of Saodersoa L Horn, S. is. watson, A. A. watktns and Joseph Knottnd against the following mortgaged promises, w-wu: mo norta nair or seo tion 85 in township 20 South range ? west, containing 330 acres. Also that certain piece ot land lying adjoining the -town of Koseourg. Douglas county, Oregon, begina ning at a point on the east aide of Cass street in said town of Roeeburtr. said point bearing N. 64 deg., west 57-100th chains from the southwest corner of the lot originally laid out and fenced by Elisa Dearborn; thence south 54 deir., east 6.72 chains; thence north 86 degrees, east 2.73 chains; thence north 54 deg., west 7.09 chains; thence south 27 deg., west 2.75 chains to place of beginlng, containing 2 10-bnndredth acres more or lessjor tbe sum of $2,349 00, and 31 65-hundredth costs and disbursements gold coin, with interest at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum.direc- ted to me, commanding me that out of said real eetava so mortffaflred and above de scribed. I cause to be made the amount of I aid judgment, to-wit: The sum of $2,319 I fkl rnin ivjln. and 31 65-hundredth coat' and disbursements, together with interest trom the li-t day of Nov., 1878, al the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, and (.cerulng costs. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the said writ of execution, I have levied upon tbe aforesaid mortgaged premises describ ed as aforesaid, and will sell all the right, title and interest of said parties 8. W. Crane, Elizabeth Crane. B Goldsmith, L. Goldsmith, M. Goldsmith, S. RedIicb,parU ners under the firm name of Goldsmith & Co.; Alexander Lazard, aimon Lazard, Eli Lazard, Alexander Weil and David Cohen, partners under the firm name of Lazard Friers: Wm. Irwine, Asa Harker and Jas. 8. Wallis, partners under the firm tame of Irwine, Harker & Co.; L. A. Sanderson & T. I Horn, partners under the firm name of Sanderson & Horn ; 8. B. Watson, A. A. Watniks and Joseph Knott in and to said mortgaged premises, described at aforesaid together with all and tingular, the tene ments, hereditament! and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise apper taining at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the front dour of the Court House in tbe city of Koseburg.Doug las county, Oregon, on Saturday tbe 14th of June, 1879. at one o'clock in the after. noon of said day to satisfy the amount ot said execution, together with interest and accruing costs. Dated at Roseburg, this I5tli day May, 1879. F. P. HOG AN, Sheriff' of Douglas County, Ogn. & tr: SHERIFFS SALE. f HfOTICE IS HEREB1 GIVEN THAT Al by virtue ot an execution issued out of the Circuit Court oi tbe Bute oi uregon tor the County of Douglss, upon a jidgi ment and decree of foreclosure of a mort gage, rendered at the October term the ro ot. 1875. In favor of L. F. Grover. 8. F. Chidict and A. H. Brown tbe Board of Commissioners for the sale of school Land and the management of the Common School FuDd end against A. J. Manning and against the following mortgaged prem ises, uwite The south east quarter of the south east quarter of section thirty-one (81); tbe south half oi the south west quarter of section thirtyrtwo (32) in town ship twenty-four 24 ranf e five (5) west. lso the south bait of the north east quarter and the south half of tbe north west ;quarter and lots two (2), three (3), and tour (4), of section five (5); the north eaat auarter of the north east quarter ot section six (6), in township twenty-five (25) south of range five (5) west; Also the south west quarter of the north east quar ter and the south west quarter of the north west qusrtei, and the south half of the south east quarter and the north west quarer ot the south west quarter of sec tion thirty-one 31 in township twenty, foua 24, south of ran ire four (4) west; Al so the Donation Land Claim of J. G. Haa- nah ia township twentyrfour-24-aiad twen-ty-five-25-south of range tour-4-west, for the sum of fifteen hundred and two and sixtyMsitiht l.hundredth-fl,502 68100 doliars, directed to me, commanding me, that out of said real estate so mortgaged I cause to be made the turn ot seventeen hundred and iwentyaeight-fil.?28-dol'arB in currency, wi.h all costs and accruing interest. Now. therefore, in pursuance of the said writ or execution I have levied upon the said mortgaged premises, above described, and will sell tbe same, together with the tenements, hereditaments snd appurtenant cea thereunto beioneinsr. or in any wise appertaining, at Public Auction to tbe highest bidder for cash, at tbe Court House door in the city ol Roseburg, Douglas coun ty, Oregon, on Saturday tbe Slat dsy of May, 1879, at two ociock in ine anernoon of said dsy to satirfy tbe amount of said execution, together with interest and all lecal accruinir costs thereon. lated at Roeeburg. this 2d day of May, 1879. r. r. huuaw, Sheriff of Douglas County, Ogn. R. Brackenridge & Root. Eastoa, 1 M&&Bj;Ewm&8. Opposite T. P. Sheridan's Hardware ' Store, ROSEBURG, OREGON. - Mantle pieces made from Italian and American, marble monuments, and tomb stones, made to order, and first-class work warranted in this line. Anything in the way of BtonecutiiDtr promptly performed, and all enters nroniDtlv filled. Always a full stock of marble and othr stone on hand and in caee of any repair in thia line in ibe shape oi billiard tables, etc, satisfaction will be Guaranteed. R. BRACKENRIDGE ft ROBT E ASTON. For th.e Season of 1879. THE PERCHEROX STALLIONS Princs and ITapoleoa. Will stand tbe ensuing season, from April 1st to July 1st. at my stable, 6 miles from Rosebanr. on the Cole's Valley road. on Mondays and Tuesdays ; Wednesdays and Thursdays, Looking Glass; Fridays and Saturdays, Koseburg, at Wright Car- ion a livery stable, at tbe rouLonriMa mats. Single leap. 8; Beawa, $10. payable within the season; Insurance, f 15, payable when tbe mars is knowa to be with foals I will take all care to prevent accident. but will not be responsible lor any. H. CONN, Sr HAVE NOT RESTED. 8. Marks k Co. wish it understood that they hatjb HOT rented tbeir warehouse to any one, and that they will receive grain and wool there as heretofore, at well at all other produce. FARM FOR SALE- The undersigned will tell his farm, eon lalning 824 acres, oa reasonable terms Land all under fence ; good be use and bara ; 100 acres bottom and farasina laad tbe balance pasture, and is three aad oa halt miles from Wilbur. Inquire at the office. J. O. BOOTH. HUD. SALOOU. jaCkbos rraaxT, : aoasBcae Tbe proprietor of thit well-known aad popalar reaort would thank faia Meads for 4 heir liberal patronage ia tbe pa and-ask for a coo tin oases or the tame la toe tatare. Tbe pablia to i a formed that f keep aoae bat tbe best brands of wiaea, liquors and cigars, aad that I tell over the bar tbe celebrated JESSE KOOBJS COL'S KENTUCKY WHISSIXS! A good Billiard Table will be fovnd ia tbe Saloua ; also all the leading paper of the viva ane a eau. a u vhj. OTICB TO SHIPPEH3. decided oadiseontlouing the for- we desire to five notice. 'Mghta GREAT ANNOTOTOB LIBIT WE A?MJER0M FRANCISCO 7JTH -"one of tho largest and best assorted st.t,- e . Vw..",i"L GEIIIiasL IIESHOELAimillB Ever seen in Roseburg, I respectfully invite the public to come and examine the Price and Quality ot my large supplof LADIES' DRESS GOODS OF ALL QUALITIES, 04SHXHSaBS8 ..OF.. LN VISIBLE PLAIDS Embracius: all tbe Latest Novelties in the San Francisco Mtrk-f. Also Everything else appertaining Piques, Brocaded Linens. And every variety of Dress Goods Store. f . EMBROLDEE EES, vv- The Best and Cheapest ever imported to the City ot Roseburg; READY-MADE DRESSES IN ALL SHADES OF CASHMERES. W 1 Sr. -. t .L.aces,in an uoiors irattsrns ; FINELY PRINTED LAWNS, Oi all shades, Ladies' aud Misses' Summer Hats Latest Styles trimmed and ontrimmed. Ladies' Whte aud Brown Shades, Birds eye Derbys, Leghorns, Asssorted Helm ets, and all other late styles. Ladies' Shoes all varieties, Kid, Cloth', Leather, Pebble Goat Abo same quality id Misses' and Childrens' sizes. A jFUXX Gentleman's, CLOTHIWC, All new paterns, excellently finished, and tbe cheapest ana belt ever offered to the Roseburg trade. In this line as well as in others, I defy competition. - These are only a few items la tile stock There is enough else to engage your attention for an.entlre day. M. JOSEPH30N. -1-3.' : W ii - W V pr Cm 2.B TO P S 4 M . w o o o a n so r-- S B 5 h. o B c D 5 P "&fr CO " 52 S" c ... ? ' at P D . O o T7ESTLXT7 Geaeral Ageata for REIGLE tSROS. COPTINO HOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, Pbotoarrsphs ealanred ia India lax. Was ter colors aod crayon, from 8 tt 10 inches to life-sine. O0ot for tbe State of Oryoa at No. UorrVroa street (St. Charles Hotel bulldinfr) Partland. Orders from the lnt. rlor jtrompUy attended to. ddreta, W tSTbl a- U&S ST, P O.Bui 121 FosTLaVD, Oregon. EPCUL K0TIC3 TO STGCIIUC seasoa at mj atabl I ) COO. ot-3 ' FT C a S B.SF " . t it, jbv few laT SllliB&lg- I Quit fcso.fSg.gS-gR -. h-l g if ilfil?pll- i f !i.!lr SEP' " ' s ' . i s r ?- - m tW A ft af ST t: : "9 0 3 ?. C H 0t 2 C S r2 P 3 o ST p , e tva Y3gHST & 0H4D LATEST STYLES. to Ladies' Wear. -ALL KINDS OE . 1. I Plain Idnen, found, in a iirstselass Dry Goods ; ' rt an. XiZNE or Youth's Ss Boy's I have purchased. Come and tee tbe other Er o e s ft sv ft ft t ft 1 8 0 & 1 S ee a i 8 H 0 e 3 4 I s cu t-1 Q S- if Konca. Kotisa la hereby givea ' to all partiea whoa may contract, or cause eontrscis to, bo made with my wife, Fanny Elala. that 1 WUI ao loader be respoosible. as tit VVs. my boose aixi borne Feb. 12. witlt t& eafcttlatioa f teparatin from me sad fc ' ebildreu. I now propo to tluae who cr to ready to advise, and pad hf r vi leava iwr h k and mpenu, fmm Ur Slu; oai when lie was comfefsfely cared f-y aad provide 1 for, for tbem to ts. the'r ail ia Mppnfii ber. 1 LLaIN. Coot Eivi r, Oga. Bosebarir, Ajreat. F, SCHJETTT; "tiDlre Cltjr.,, J