nbeenbmt SATURDAY DEC 28, 1878 CONVICTED OF MANSLAUGHTER. J.K. Mercer, on trial in the -city f Portland for the killing of MacdoiiaM, wan decided guilty of manslaughter by the ju rvjby compromise between de fecdent and the prosecuting attor ney. The tuotning after the trial, the Oregonian editorially uhowed its spite by attempting to influence the Judge presiding in the case aa to the penalty for the crime committed. It is true thai Mercer committed un outrageous crime, and that he should be punished in proportion thereto ; but a true newspaper will never attempt in any case to influence Judge or ju ry io the trial of any man or in 4he decision ot any case. When the Oregonian attempts to dictate "what shDuld be Mercer's pnaishs mem, it was regard!es? of the law that guarrantees a fair end unpre judiced trial, and that moment it insulted the intelligence ot the Judge and the dignity of the 'ourt ; dnd no one would object if Judge Bellinger would learn the Mat boy" that, even though be is the editor of the Oregonian, he roust show the breeding ol a gen tleman and the honesty and fair mindedness of a respestable and true ciizen. SHORT-HORNS FOR THE DAIRY. At the meeting ot the Indiana Dairymen's Association at Indiau anapohs daring the late fair, Dr. Stevenson said tbat he comenccd the dairy business at a very old age, and follows it because he likes it, and because it pays. The business is cor.stautiy bringing in money. He milks a herd of fif leeu cows 01 tue common stock, and grades from Shorthorns, and breeds them to a Shorthorri bull De sold the first produce of his cows this year at four and a quarter dollars pe hundred, their weight averaging seveuteen hundred pounds; thinks that the profits ot dairying are greater than any other kind ot tannine. He prefers Short horns for the dairy, lie can make one-half pound of butter per day to a sow fcr a season of ten months, lie thought that the dairy business is better then any other kind ot farming ; sells the butter at twentyifive cents per pouud, and raake forty dollars per year to the cow ; says that the lig8 will leave their crn to eat the skimmed and buttermilk, and that the calves that are raised on skimmed milk winter better than those.that run with the cows. All to be Looked After. Iti answer 10 an article publish ed in this paper last week, the Sa lem Statesman "says: Yhe Kosebug Independent Deed have no fears ou this subject. Gov. Chadwick will only be call ed to account tor his own acts. Governor Groveraiid the "organ ized officers" will ea?h get his due proportion of just indignation if nothing more. The raid on the school fund made by Grover through the straw security of the West Portland Ilomesiead Asso ciation will be chargeu to the chief organizer. The deliberate purloining of $40,000 interest ot the school fund during the years ot 1871 and 1872 will be charged up against the Board. But shall not now particularize the many, deed of infamy committed by the different members the "organized offices" in advance of the commit tee's report but we can assure our Hoseburg friend that the commit tee will do the just thing and re port tha facts as they "find them let-it hurt whom it may. The motto ..f the committee is, "Let no guilty man escape." The war deportment expend. lu'es for the year enbing June 30th, 1877, were 02,618,888,69 less than tor the nrennns fW;l year, and the expenditures f.-r the year ending June 30th. 1878, were $4,324,734,54 Jess than for the year ending with JW '77. The. Secretary's estimate for the .year beginning with July next is -40,387,718,33. Ik OLD RES1DENTERS- W have the following interest ing letter from a gentleman who has been travelling: As Washington territory no tices with marked appreciation, her Oregonian acquisitions, aa wit ness Jacobs, the presentaiive to Congress, another, his successor elect, Brents, another Oregoniau, so Columbia county, and Dayton in particular, boasts of Douglas county material among her many inhabitants. Mucii, her very best as among the old Umpquaites, I noticed Jesse Day, who is the pro prietor of Dayton, and i3 quite wealthy. Dicklvearns, as he was known m the Urupqua, is owner of a large and profitable livery stable, besides owning other town property of value. Charley Pond is living here and drives siage to Pataha. George Young, once a resident of Wilbur, i? .marshal oi Dayton. Old Cidwa lader, once of Calapooia.is keeper of a revolving swing, driven by water power, Jimmy Smith is the. prosperous ad well to-do butcher of the place. J N. Gale is engaged in house building. Ed. Wright is largely engaged in sheepr-aising near Dayton. George Waggoner has a thriving blacksmith shop John Brown, of B'wher, is a'so flourishing by teaming Olonxjt) Ogle resides sorae dista.ce from town, as also O'd Mr. Money and sons, who have very ! valuable f rms. Bob. IIu;chinson ia herd ing boi-ses for gouerumentxnear Walla Wa'ia. Dave Williams also rcules Mjnie distance from Dayti'ii, and is well todo; also William Walters, Moses i'asley, Georgie Chapman, the Wi.itemore boys and an old frieul. Mr. Shrinn. Here also the writer met Mr. Easi ham.editor of the Dayton Chronicle, once ot O'-egon- a most affable gentleraau and a firmer classmate of the Independent Junior. Dayton is a very flourishing town nearly it not the size of lioseburg, aud has about 800 inhabitants. It is a well built town, and comprises a well established woolen factory, tour substantial churches, grist mills, some neat private dwellings, private residences, aud among the many bu'iiess houses some brick buildings not omitting mention ottwo large hotels-one has a man-, sard roof. Town property is htld very high. Some Jots od main street sold at the rate ot seventy five doHars per loot, 120 feet in depth.Uuimp oved lots across the creek entirely separate from the main iown are sold at 150 aud $200 each. THE PROFESSIONS are well iep.-eented as to number, there being pbout six doctor and eight attorneys. At each session of tbs district court the Walla Walla Bar is well patronized Judge Wingarr,an old Pensylvan ian, fcr some years IT. S. Diatrict Attorney for the territory, is the preseut District Judge ; his dis tnct embraces an empire within itself from and including Steph ens county on the; North to and including Klickitat on the South, orer 300 miles in a direct line. He is au elegant old gentleman, popular wi'h the Bar and dignifi ed and able as a Judge. T. J. An ders is Prosecuting Attorney, equally well liked, and a couiteous gentleman. The Bar d cket at theteim past closed numbers 43 cases vvo terms ot court beir;g held each year. population is increasing rapidly, former Douglas county reside.i.a embrac ing a large part, and from all comes an expression ot satisfaction with their lot and with tue eni;re country, which bcog without qualification generally, seems most remarkable w hen one side of the piciu.-e is presented seldom seen among ,fhe sunshine views, end that is the DEATH BATE, which, to an impartial observer, is gloomy indeed. Seldom a family is eeen but has lost so.ue dear little oue during the past 23 months. Diphtheiia andi-carlet fever are the destroyers. . During tbe past two years 80 liitie graves crown the cemetary hill within sight of twii in one fnot lour little fellows lie all from one fam ily. The age, most ready to fall see .is to be from 10 down to in fancy. In the Umatilla country the ;ourge has been more calam itous. In some i; staces: the un dertaker has received successive orders ihe same day from the same family The disease may to a eertajH xteut be said to bo ep idemic confiucd in a belt of country commencing in the Uma tilla basin south cf the Columbia, thence extending east and south easterly into Union and Baker counties, and thence northerly in to Wnlla Walla, Columbia, Whitman, and Stephens counties; though it is not 60 fatal in propor tion as far north as Spokane falls. These alarming disorders in the infant liealth has now continued tor ten years, the physicianr here as elswhere' seeming to know very little ot the nature of the diphthe ria disease aud much less of the remedy. The adult health on the contrary is inferior to no country, and to such families as have no children witnin tha depth mark above mentioned, no country of fers so many and varied induce ments lor a life ot content acd future competency. Il is truly a rich, inexhaustible and great grain growing country without an equal tor its extent in the known world. Getting Warm. The Sjlern Statesman is author ity for the statement that Judge Thompson, ot Eugene, was arrest ed lor dawing a pistol upon W. II. Watkinds in the legislative committee room, at Salem, on M'.-nday last. Tuesday evening a report reached this city to the ef fect that Wntkins Lad t-hot the Judge. The Statesman's story is correct; and upon examination before a Justice of the Ptace Jucige Thompson was discharged as blameless. To ctcupe jury duty all that is necessary is to join the Reformed Presbyterian church. A New York member of that communion bus successfully objected to ser vice on the ground that inasmuch "3 God is not acknowledged in the constitution he cannot consci entiously incorporate with the government. NEW TO-DAY. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of a certain writ of execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the ttate of Oregon on the 18th day of December, 1878, upon a judgment rendered in the Justice's Courc of Yoncalla Precinct, Dug las county, Orejron. and dockerwl in tL judgment docket ol the sa;d Circuit Court, omue 1.3m aay oi December.' 1S78. in ,'a vor of E Tracy and against nthau Roberts, or the sum of forty-nine dolmrs and six and thirty-five one-hmuiredtb dollars costs, directed :o me commanding me that out of the personal property of said Natl. an Roberts, and if atiHloient per sonal property cannot oe foiind.then out of the Real pmperty belonging to him. on the 12ih day of December, 1878. or at any time thereafter.I cause to be made the sum of hlty-five and S5-lC0th dollars an t interest together with legal accruiti" costs. Now, therefore, in persuance of the said writ of execution 1 l.nce levied upon the1 fdlowinir deFerilied real property belonging to said Nathan Kooerts, toswit: 1 he east half ot then th west quarter and thi east half of the sou.ii west quarter of section No. eight (8). in townsmp number twenty-three (2:J), snuth of range hvei5)west,containing one hundred and sixty (100) acres, lying in Douglas county, Oreoon. And further, I will sell ail the riifht, title and intere . of the said Nathan Roberta in and to the premists described aforesaid, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, at public auction, to the highest bidder lor c.su, at the Court house door in the city of Roseburir. Douirlaa count. Oregon, on Saturday the 25th dav of January, 1879, at on o'clock in he af ternoon of said day to sattalv the amount of said judgment together with all legal accruing costs tuereon F. P. HOG AN, Sheriff. Roskbcko. Dec. 23, 1878. BLACK. SJUITIIffftG, Dearling Sibson, OAKLAND, OGN. Wwuld announce to the nubhc tn' they ure prepared with the bet ot ma'en al to supply ail deuianim in their lire llaviuif enjoyed over twenty veuis' expe rience in their trade, all work performed by them is guaranteed to he Iii3t-ciuss, an 1 strictly according to ord r. Gibson's Cslebratsd Bar1 Pronounced ly ail who have used them to be the best ever invented, always on hand end fir sale cheap. Give Tliem a Call. EX-SOLDIERS ATTENTION ! Pensions procured tor soldiers of the war, disabled in any way by w.mnds, rup ture, disease of any hied, or by accidental injuries. PENSIONS INCREASED. A number of those now rec iving pens si ns are entitled to an Increase under late laws. All so diers (iis-charged for Vcxd, Rcptuke. or Mechanical Inju ry entitled to Full bounty. All lusiuesa d..n bv correspondence.siinie as if you were personally , resent. Where the soldier is dead the widow and heirs are entitled. All 8 ildiers and their widows of war of 1812 ai now entitled to a pension. I ala . procure Patents for Inventors. Every soldier who sees this no; ice sLouhl send ine his address on Postal card and re ceive in return a sample copy free, of the "NATIONAL CITIZEN SOLDIEIt," a paper published at the National Capitol, giving all the latest information about pension and bounty and Lands, to all 8ndit-ra and their heir. Correspondence solicited lrom all. Add-ess with stamp N. W. FITZGERALD, C S. Claim Attorney. Box 588, Washington, D. C. 8 f GREAT SLAUGHTER IN ALL PRICES! jJ. cTeoeid Ever brought to Roscbur which he proposes to offer to the market at prices lower than can any other house in the city. His stock embraces the Very LATEST FINEST He desires to Clothing f Gentlemen's '.Furnishing Goods, Comprising Full Suits, Tea, Sea s , Cravats, White and Fancy Shirts, Colored un derwear, Ladies and Gentl men's Shoes, also Crockery, Glassware, and Groceries, , v In full Supply and Chea p for all. OF Thankful fur past favors, I respectfully invite all my old customers and the public generally to examine the stock in my store. Ali will find it in every tay complete, and that I have nmfv.T ml reduced the price cf goods. NEW TO tfcgFARMER'S AND O 1ST MR C. Announces that he has Tl SIM 1WITIE8 Also a full 0E00E1EY Mm Mr. Cohen announces that he occupies S. W. Crane's store, and is prepared to receive his customers at his new store. MRS. J. O.JOHNSON, IILLi.e DRESS MAKER LOCUST STREET, OAKXAKI), orkoox. Having just returned from Portland witli the largest and most elegant slock of MILLINER GOODS Which 1 intend to sell very low, I. in vite the c.ti.fns ot 'lak'and and vicinity to cull i.nd esHtnitie lor themselves before purchasing ! where my nomlete stock ot Bonnets IIus, liibbons. Laces Silk and Velvet Trimmings, &c. Orders for dresses attended to with neats ness and uisnatcli. oc!2G-lm. Death's Saloon opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Roseburg GEO. BEATII, rroprietor. TDK FIXEST OP LIQUORS & WI N E S, CIG AR3 Always on band, and d con lection with the saloon will be found a WELL-KEPT BILLIARD ROOM AJfflK TEN-PIN ALLEY, Where both health these m parting game may be indulged ,u. ? ) WO BE MQLB (jMEzimm T EVER BEFORE' IN Tl :JE Has the largest anu best seWtcJ stoc k of Novelties in ladies' Fancy Goods And also all Styles of DRESS GOODS ! Constating in part of fPLauiaiLcL S'aaaj. Jfla&e. etc. inform the public that he has a complete stock of ALL DESCRIPTION OJS HAND. - DAY MECHNANIC'SJT 3D COHEN an immense stock of line of H41BW41I. ROSEBTJ&g HIuLS. ALWAYS ON HAND THE VEHY BEST OF FLOUR ORDERS FO Cracked Wlieat, Graham Flour and Cornriieal Filled on short notice, and on most libera terms. JONES & GATES. NEW ME A T m RK ET CLARK & McoREQOR, Props. LIVE AND LET LIVE. XTAVING LOfATKD PERMANENT tily in Roseburg, and having h--uiea the builoing a(touing John Cl-i- nwn, we are preprred io juinsh ta;s market wii.ii the choice - t beei, uu ton and pork, and anything- else in our "ne of itade, at hj ve' lowest pi-ices. Give u a trial and vou will be p d. We p-y iiie l.ihest Trice for Beef. JOHN FRASER. Htnemad Fmitir WILBUR, OREGON. Upholstery, Spring Matti asse8,etc. Constantly on hand. I bare the Best Stock of Furniture south of i Portland, and all of rny own manufacture. NO TWO PRICES TO CUP TO EES. Residents of Douglas count y are requested . to give me a can oetonj purchasing else where. AU Work Wejranted. 7f J. C. FLO ED. f 8 5 e f O a O S it o ci 3 ' B C C 1.1. 5-.? - - at O 51 w 2 cc c 3 M 5. - 3 -1 3) 2 M z re a " z. Ho 2 fH r. 2,H o W E-.' fw 2 " W c s la ! Q s S M S H - W S (I w D 3 wm ll'l C C- 8 1!; b Mil 5 . 3.S 8 2 c. " 25:5 f . s 2 a pu 2. 2 q-S 5 " 51 2.S S -t 5 M 5 g 5 - g3 "3 e n C . P " 3i J. BROWNE, M. D., , (At Dr. Palmer's Office, Hoseburg, Oijr.) uk:k juh IIS : EVERY SATI'R- DAY FROM. 9 A. M. TO 4 P. M. ut, nrowne wou a prescribe exclusivnlv uramra ui inn mroai ana lungs. Hnd esjwciilly Nasal Catarrh and Pulmonrv Consumption, For nearly tentv year i.'e lias made these rhseaSes a spfcialtv. Pnr- sons alllcted or threatened tlirewith and drtiring treatment r cxaminatio , and d vise nmy consult htm at Ids office verv Saturday during the hours , tated atov " R. -eburg Brewey, JOIIX RAST, IMiOPHIEToiJ BEST LAOEH BEER MADE IN STATE TS MANUFACTUKED BY Jul Rast. who lmti t!,e article cohsiihih ands. which he will sell in qiian:in -nrchasers. OiVe him a call. ;- HE II AS "THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF Cigars and Tobaccos Candies and Notions EVER DROUGHT TO JiOSEBURG, AND HE WILL NOT BE S.MAKKS Wholesale and GENERAL MEB-CHANBISE t Have Constantly on Hand Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, SHOES, CROCKERY, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Fine Wines and Liquors ROSEBURG....... .....OREGOJT WOOL AND PRODUCE Of Every Dssoription Bought, ....AND HIGHEST PRICES 5. JXClIti: XyCLD ESTABLISHED. .185.1 Pioneer Establishment THOS. P.SHERIDAN. The first hwdwaie dealer In Unipqua Valley, in the Brick Building, . HAS RECEIVED. AND IS NOW! RE ceiving . oue of the most complete stocks of LOOK, FARLOR & OFFICE STOVES, Of the Most Improved Patterns ever re ceived in this city. And besides has the most complete stock of General Hardware, An J manufactures everything in the line of TIN, SHEET-IRON & COPPEItWARE In a wo.kkmanlike manner, and on most reosonable t txis. Iron, Steel and fta' Always on hand, and in qu mtities to suit. CTRC8 WATKIJiDS. WM. WATKINDS. f SMITHING- I WATK11S BH0TII18 Would inform the public that they have leased the large blackinithin-shop lately occupied by George Mickle. aud that they are prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith ing la First-Class Styl':, . And at prices lower than the lowest. They have many years' experience in the line of Horse-Shoeing, And claim on this point in the trade, they are competent to do the best of wort to the satisfaction of all patrons. Give them a call. Shop opposite S. Marks & Co's. store, Roseburg. tf-33. : HURRA T FOR THE HOLIDAYS! FINE JEWELRY I FINE JEWELRY 1 Watches, Chains, Rings, Bracelets, Diamonds. LOUIS BELFILS Jeweler Sc Watchmaker. Would announce to the public that he ha the finest assortment if .jewelry cvvr brought t llcsebmg, and intended exclu sively for the holiday trade. His s'ock -vimpria. s everything in the jewelry line from the sum u-st sieevel'Utioii and tini.-st pearl fin gearing to the handsomest g ild waich and liriliint (iiaiuond preatpin And this vluble stock h propos'8 o sell duiing the holidays at la'ge discount upon former pr ces A betii-r ojiportu-ity was m-ver offered to the pu he to jiurcIiHse holiday prestnis at fiio- lnin-d'HS. STORE XKXT IOOR TO PR. HAM ILTON'S. Give inn t! ful., if yon, want anythi.tg usu h! i v found in a firi-cl.iss Wat.hiiHker hi ' Ji 'v i,ti; ai a fair All --.rk v,rriiif...i L L'IS liKLFILS. TEL1 CO Retail Dealers in THE.... PxlID BY THEifl HV.UF HOD WARD, AGENT FOR 4 And Dealer in HARNESS, SADDLES AND BRIDLES. And other ; Next door to Marks & O'a. warehouse ROSEBURG, I would respectfully inform the- public that I have now on hand the largest most complete stock ot SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS!. SADDLE and ORNAMENTS, WHIPS. ETC ever brought to Southern Oregon, and am fully prepared to fill all or any orders iu aoy line without delay, and to the satisfaciton of all w:o may favor me with their patronage, at prices which de fy com petition. All work warranted, Remembt r the store next door to Marks & Co's warehouse" and farmers are especi mwieu io examine myKtocRa ana pri.eJist. W. O. WOODWARD. UMPQUA ACADEMY. This institution of learning will commence ITS FALL TERM SEPT. 19, 1878, under the guidance of Rev. J. H. Skidmore, Principal. To the many friends withi' the reach of this Academr. wr would sv: That each department ot the school will be un der the control of those who have added to good ability, cult vation, patience and experience. There will be three ilenartv mtnts in this Academy. ACAPEMIC DEPARTMENT, COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT, & .MUSICAL DEPARTMENT We shall h glad t assist friends in th selection af hoiu for their children, and If our sugi."-8!imis ; re followed, we assure yon the chi dn-n wii! h shielded from the vi! inSuencrs. -B ard r.th bad a: from 3 to l er weeS. 1 uirion. f i.m if.) to $12 p.-r quar t-i, in A.d -my Depitrniieni; from $: to $0 in Commercial IN-iw tmrut. hd1 from f 12 to $ir in M iskmI Dcpn tinem. ' J II. SKI HMOUE; Principal. Mil MU WV KRIS KUINKLE'S HEADQUARTERS AT: . f ue would annoiuicH that we have just r c-ived ir .ui il,- East anl Europe tbe fin t'St a!niiM-iil liOH-lianiCRl Hnd oilier toys ev.-r niijH.n-ii in thi city, and tliat We do not pro pose to be UNDERSOLD LT ANY ONE. We linye Squalling Dolig, Crying Dollg, and everything elan tvr int.nu i i!",!;- Heha.ve '. Sttam cars, Masks, ldiera Rubber baila, JewahaTpa, " Toy vioMjb, Banjos, Acctrdeons, Ornamental Harps, Pianos, and everything else auited to the taste and enjoyment ot the children. Parent would do well to . SHE SAHT i CALUS ! In our Store before iroiajr elsewhere to .ndhim. L.iNQtNBEBU BROi & r i i I 5