The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, December 28, 1878, Image 1

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Saturday Morninijs,
BT '
KEILT fc TFEIxLS. Publisher.
And other PRISTtSO, Indud n
Lara; and Heavy Poster and Shwy
"Independent in. all
ngrs; Neutral in JVothlng.
Ona year , SO
Six montha. .......... .. , 1 60
Thraa mrnith. L ... 1 DO
Thaaa ara th terms for thoa paying in advance.
Tbe ISDsraiDBNT offers fine inducement to adTeitiaen;
arms raaaonabl. ,
VOL. 3.
NO. 36.
W. R. Willis,
Bichard Thomas, Proprietor.
number of Taara, and hu become very popular
with the tnrellnff public. Fint-claaa
And the table supplied with the beat the market aSorda
k Hotel at the depot of the Railroad.
Poet Offloe addreae, LOOKING GLASS, OREGON.
The Company owing- theae millt would aajr they are
prepared to f urnia h the
At the Boat reaaonable rates.
La saber always en hand, and all pereena wiablna; to
purchase Lumber will do well to give u ao opportunity
of fliimf their orderi before g-oing eleewhere.
J. Q. CALLIQHAN, Preeident.
W. B. CLARKE, Secretary and Treasurer.
Metropolitan Hotel,
Button & Perkins, Proprietors,
Ip af the C. at O. Stage ('.
the beet of bed, and the moat attentivo of
Housekeepers, and a table supplied with the beat of
Leave the house every day on the arrival of the cars
frea Portland.
The traveling public, and all who faror us with their
patronage, ean rent assured that they will be entertained
In the beet poetible manner. O. L. BL'TTON,
Sheridan Bros.,
Jackson Street, Roseburj, Oregon, near the Poet Office,
Aati Uaaotectmrtra of
. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware,
Are prepared tt
The Quickest, Safest and Easiest Routs.
very Day at 7-SO F. St.,
Making quick connection at Reading with the cart el
the C. O. R. R.
Tor full particulars and passage apply to
eeneern that the andersigned has been awarded
the contract for keeping too Douglas county paupers ror
at period et two yean. All pereone in need el easiatanee
front said oeunty Bust Bret procure a certificate to that
fact from any member of the County Beard and pre
, aent it te one of the following named persons, who are
utheiised to and will care for those preeentina- such
eertlfloate: Button Perkina, Boeeburg; L. L. KeUoerg,
Oakland; Mra. Brown, Looking Olaes. Dr. WoodruB ia
authorised to furnish medical aid to all person in need
f the sams and who hare been declared paupers ef
Douglas county. W. B. CLARKE.
J. II. PIKE & CO.,
! - -
Imports rt And Wholes! Lto&lftrt to
And vSe preprietor of the non-equalled
Boa. lot and 103 California Street,
Importers end Dealer in
AJce Sol AgenU for
B. ar. Front Staid Callfaraia
Jack Kehoe Bantrd.
Potpsviixe, Dec. 18. Jack Kehoe, the
notorious chief of the Molly Maguires, was
hanged here at 12:30 this morning.
The Late Indian War.
"Washikotok, Dec, 18. Senator Grover to
day introduced a bill creating a commission
to examine and report on the expenses in
curred by Oregon, Washington Territory and
Idaho, and by citizens thereof, in the sup
pression of Indian hostilities in 1878.
Onr Money.
Washington, Dec. 18. Th secretary of
the treasury has authorized the payment of
coupon interest on the public debt falling
due January 1st, without rebate and in coin
or currency as its claimants mav prefer.
Registered interest will be paid in like man
ner as soon as schedule can be prepared. A
call was issued to-day by the secretary for
$10,905,100, being the residue of bonds out
standing, by act of March 3, 1865. The
consols of 18G5 are not included in the pre
vious calls.
Some Coin.
The U. S. Treasurer expects to hare on the
1st of January, exclusive of all demands,
$135,000,000 coin with which to resume
specie payments.
To Reicnlate Frelxnta.
Senator Morgan (Alabama) to-day intro
duced a bill to regulate the tariff of charges
on through and loeaftfreights for passage over
lines of railways in the territories. Referred.
Red Cloud Arenejr.
Yaxkton, Dec. 18. A contractor just from
the. Red Cloud agency reports provisions
about exhausted, with no prospects for more.
The Indians are uneasy, j
A Chanee to Explain.
The committee on naval afiairs to-day de
cided to give ex-Secretary Robeson and
others implicated in irregularities, by testi
mony taken in the investigation, an oppor
tunity to furnish proof as desired by them to
show that the charges are false.
Rnaalau Mission.
London, Dec. 18. A St. Petersburg dis
patch says that the Rnssiau mission at Cabul
has been formally and finally withdrawn.
, ,. Afjbsn Iuvasloa.
Lahobe, Dec. 18. An official dispatch
states that Gen. Browne commenced his
march to Jellalabad yesterday, which place
bfl hoped to reach on the 2'Jth inst.
Italian Cabinet.
Rome, Dec. 18 The new cabinet, it is
understood, will be as follows: Depretis,
president of the council and minister of the
interior; Correnti, foreign affairs; Magliani,
finance; Spantigati, justice; Gen. Bertoferi
ate, war; Coppins, public instruction; Ma
jorana Calalabiano, agriculturist.
Greek Frontier.
CoNTSAjmsopu, Dec. 18. If Greece and
Turkey do not agree upon the frontier ques
tion the Pone proposes to submit the differ
ences to the decision of the European
powers. ...........
Protective Measnre.
Washington, Dec. 18.The Secretary of
the Treasury has issued - a - circular to the
collectors of the several ports that they are
authorized to cause an inspection to be
made of cattle proposed to be shipped to
Great Britain, and to give to shippers a cer
tificate that the cattle shipped are free from
Heavy Snow.
St. Louis, Dec. l'J. A Kansas City spec
ial says the roof of Frank Hall fell in last
evening, owing to the great weight of snow.
The building was entirely crushed. One
man was killed and several others seriously
; Chinamen and Americans.
Nuw York, Dec. 19, Mr. Jamieson, au
English consul in China, states in a recent
report that notwithstanding the liberal sub
scriptions made by foreigners ia aid of the
famine sufferers, the better classes would
rather see foreigners beyond the border than
acknowledge the value of their assistance.
Recipients of aid, however, have shown
much gatitude, and missionaries have been
brought into the better favqr among them by
efforts to allay suffering, j The Post, com.
men ting on the above, says' that is a curious
fact that while opposition.' to Chinamen in
this country comes from the lnboring classes,
the opposition to Americans and Europeans
in 3hina is found among men of rank and
wealth. I '!
Bayard Taylor Dead.
Berlin, Dec. 19. Bayard Taylor, minis
ter of the United States; died ut 4 o'clock
this afternoon. Fatal symptoms came on
suddenly. He had been out of bed, and
transacted some official business with the
American legation yesterday. His death
was peaceful and painless.
Decision Reversed.
Washington, Dec. 19. The Secretary of
the Interior yesterday reversed the decision
of the commissioner of the general land of
fice in the case of T. H. Yates, agent for the
California and Oregon Railroad Company,
Involving the title to a tract of land in
Shasta district, California. It is held that
a pre-emption settlement made prior to the
time that ''the railroad grant takes effect
does not except the grant from the opera
tion of said grant unless the pre-emption
claim is perfected by such settler when au
opportunity is afforded of so doing. The
change, however, is retrospective and previ
ous decisions are to remain undisturbed at
res judicata.
: Evidence of Resumption.
New loBK, Dec. 20. Among other evi
dence that resumption has come to stay, at
tention is called to the fact that iHe move
ment of precious metals is in favor of this
country, notwithstanding the large return
of our bonds from abroad. Statistics for
nine months show that this year we have
kept nearly all our gold and have im
ported a little silver. It also appears that
the export of trade dollars during nine
months of 1878, have been only $1,609,330
against nearly $8,225,000 last year. This
indicates that the foreign market now open
to onr coin are already glutted. In nine
months of last year we sent abroad $8,000,
000 more trade dollars than were returned
to us, but we took back during nine months
this year, $1,600,000 more pf them than we
exported in the same time, j
Renominated. - ' '
Washington. Dec. 20. The president to
day sent to the Senate the nomination of
Roger S. Greene as chief justice of the su
preme court of Washington Territory.
Judicial JSom I nation.
Washington, Dec. 20. John P. Hoyt, of
Michigan, has been nominated associate jus
tice of Washington Territory.
Desperadoes. i , , ; . -St.
Louis, Dec. 20. Advices from Texas
say that official intelligence has been received
at Austin from El Paso district that armed
bands of desperadoes arrived there from New
Mexico, and that Mexicans show signs of
making trouble, and the judge of the district
lean that the court cannot be held;
. . . j - . !).-
A Bishop Suspends Payment. .
Cincinnati, Dec. 20. Bishop Purcell and
his brother Edward are just no w unable to
pay moneys deposited with them by Catho
lics. , A week or so ago a note given by Fur
cell went to protest at one of the banks, then
another and another, and a few days later
there were filed in the offico of the recorder
mortgages by the Purcells to the amount of
$75,000. Purcell had done a banking busi
ness with Joseph Heinann, the German bank
er, who failed a short time ago and caused a
run on them. The number of depositors is
variously estimated at from 3,000 to 6,000.
WooPBBiDGE, N. J., Dec. 22 The resi
dence of U. S. Senator McPherson was
burned to-night. The Senator and family
had a narrow escape.
Will be Tried.
St. Soma, Dec. 22. A Topeka (Kansas)
dispatch says that iu response to a demand
made by the governor of Kansas, the author
ities at Washington have ordered the cap
tured Cheyenne Indians to Fort Leaven
worth with a view of identifying those guilty
of outrages, that such may be turned over to
the civil authorities of Kansas for trial and
the remainder returned to their agency in
Indian Territory.
Only a Spree.
Nw York, Dec. 22. The World's Wash
ington special has the following: W. J.
Brown, finance clerk in the city post office,
went to the treasury to-day and drew $10,
800 to pay salaries. He subsequently lost
the money, and all efforts to find it were un
availing. Brown has been employed in the
post office li years and has always borne a
good character. About two years ago he
disappeared mysteriously for several days,
but his accounts were all right, and when he
turned up it was learned that he had only
been off on a spree, and no notice was taken
of his conduct. The superintendent of the
post office had always previously accompa
nied Brown to the treasury when he drew
large sums of money, but to-uay there was
sickness in his family and he could not per
form his customary duty.
Almost Death.
The Times' "Scranton correspondent says
these are dark days in cabins of the Penn
sylvania coal miners. The wolf crouches
at every door, and if the combination com
panies outlast this month the miners cau see
nothing before them but starvation. Their
words furnish Christmas tide reading for the
country whose barns and grain elevators are
bursting with the greatest harvest ever seen
in this teeming new world.
Postal Changes.
Washington, Dec. 22. The following
postal changes on the Pacific Coast have
been ordered during the past week: Office
established at Willows. Umatilla county,
Oregon, J. W. Smith, postmaster. Post
masters appointed: John C. Heales, Bois
ford, Lewis county, Washington Territory,
and Marion W. Abbott, Periawawa, Whit
man county, Washington Territory.
Death ol a Congressman.
Washington, Dec. 22. Congressman Bev
erly B. Douglas, of Virginia, died at the Na
tional Hotel in this city after a brief illness
of inflammation of the bowels. The remains
were taken to Richmond to-night by a com
mittee consisting of Senator Jones, of Flor
ida, Representatives Hunton and Goode, of
Virginia, Luttrell, of California, Carlisle of
Kentucky, "Dunn Jell, of Minnesota, Hart
zell, of Illinois and Clark,' of Iowa.
Indian Horse Thieves.
Omaha, Dee. 23. A party of fourteen citi
zens, members of the North Platte guards,
undefCommand of Lieut. John Bratt, left
there Saturday morning in puruis of a band
of Indians that had stolen seven horses on
the north side of the North Platte river the
day previous. They rode all day and came
upon the Indians in camp at & P. M. on Sat
urday. The Indians showed fight and Lieut.
Bratt 'attacked them at once and forced them
to run. The indians left everything, includ
ing saddles, blankets and camp bagpage, and
all they got away with was what they had
on. Lieut. Bratt and party brought in five
of the seven horses stolen. Lieut. Wheeler
and a party of fifteen men from Fort McPher
son are in pursuit of the Indians, and will
probably capture them all. I
Heavy Snow Fall. .
Buffalo, Dec. 23. The severest snow
storm since 1871 visited this section last
night, and is still raging. Full three feet of
snow has fallen on a level, and is badly
, Road Agents Caught-
Chstinne, Dec. 23. A party of road
agents named Harrington, Manuse, Ruby,
Howard, Olsen, and '"The Kid," with some
stolen horses and goods taken from Tracing's
store near Fort Kinney, were captured yes
terday near Rock Creek. . They also had in
their possession a saddle on which Deputy
Sheriff Widdowfield rode when killed last
Summer, which in a measure identifies the
gang as that which has operated in Albany
and Carbon counties during last Summer.
Boiler Fxploslon. '-,
Tboy. N. Y., Dec. 23. A boiler explosion
at the Star forge killed Alfred St. Charles,
water tender, and I hos. Gentleman, puddler.
Four others were injured.
A Present to Disreall.
London, Dec. 19. Lord Beaconsfield to
day received a deputation trom the Pacific
Coast which presented a testimonial from
British residents of California. In accenting
the testimonial, Beaconsfield said that on his
return from Berlin he was much gratified at
the recognition which his efforts received
from the colonies. Beaconsfield believed
that the treaty would tend to the pacification
of Europe, and though there might be those
desiring its failure, that was not the feeling
of the signatory powers 'who are determined
to see the treaty executed. The address also
referred to the acquisition of Cyprus, Lord
Beaconsfield said that all the conditions
under which that island had been secured to
enable the sultan to carry out regeneration
of the most important part of his domin
ions, have been fulfilled. As a station, Cy
prus was not second in value to Malta. In
conclusion he said that though he could not
send an address and casket to California, he
sent his gratitude and sympathy.
The Byxantine:
London, Dec. 20. A dispatch from Paris
says only four persons, surgeon, first officer,
chief engineer and one seaman escaped from
the wreck of the Byzantine. The disaster
occurred on Wednesday night during a very
heavy gale. The Byzantine, on her way to
Constantinople from Marseilles, was pro
ceeding up the Dardanelles when she ran
into the British steamer Revnaldo of 1.C00
tons burden at anchor off Letakia, bound for
Hull. The Byzantine was a vessel of 900
tons burden belonged to the Fraisailet Com
pany of Marseilles. The Reynaldo returned
to the tfospuorus lor repairs.
iSEKLiN, Aec. xu. funeral services over
the remains of the late Minister Taylor will
be held at the American legation on Sunday
when the body will be taken to a mortuary
and await transportation to America.
A Later Report.
Constantinople, Deo. 20. The : British
steamer Reynaldo which was in collision
with the steamer Byzantine, has arrived,
The captain reports saving 90 persona from
the Byzantine.
' Married.
Copenhagen, Dec. 22. The Duke of Cum
berland and Princess Thyria were married
with great pomp at the chapel of Christiana
bo rg Castle on Saturday evening. t
Fatal Accident,
Pasb, Dec. 22. A Moscow special says
that an express train ou the Rostov and
Miadikookss railway recently foil off an em
bankment. Twenty persons were killed,
including General Hintze and several func
tionaries and officers of the army of the Cau
casus. Thirty-eight persons were injure
Bayard Taylor's Funeral,' V
Berlin, Dec. 22. The funeral service of
the late Bayard Taylor took place at 2 this
alternoon at the late residence of the de
ceased. An aid-de-camp of Count Lehen-
dorf represented the emperor; MaiorfYon
Ponnivitz represented the crown prince, "antl
counts on uuriow and riniipsnom, the
foreign office. All ambassadors, including
the Chinese and Japanese, were present.
The Austrian ambassadorship being vacant.
Austria was represented by Prince Lichen-, I
nii-iii. Aiuuugbi o' tiers present were oiates
man Delprunck, Professors Griest and Von
Bunzen, the authors Auerbach, Spielhagan,
Liutlan and Rodenberg, and numbers of the
higher officials, artists aud scientists; Herr
Auerbach, speaking in the name of the Ger
man writers, lamented the decease of one
who was equally applauded in the old world
and the new.
From Jellalabad.
London, Dec. 23. General Browne tele
graphs from Jellulabad on the 20th inst., as
follows: "We occupied this city to-day.
The inhabitants are friendly. Calcutta no
bles of Jellalabad came out to meet the Brit
ish troops. The Ameer left Cabul on the
10th inst."
Stormy Weather.
The weather is severe throughout Great
Britain, there being a heavy snowfall here
and in many parts of the continent. AU the
railways in North Scotland are blocked and
traffic suspended. Trains are snowed up.
Iu some places it is over 12 feet high. It is
the heaviest snowfall in 30 years. A tele
gram from Geneva, Switzerland, says: "No
mail has arrived from Germany or from
German Switzerland." Wolves have pene
trated to the pates of Metz. There is more
snow on the Vosges than the oldest inhabi
tant remembers.
Hard Times In England.
The returns of the Union Workhouse in
the east of London show widespread poverty
and distress. The shore ditch workhouse
infirmary is full, also the workhouse itself,
and extra room, must be provided At Beth
nil Greeu workhouse there are 1,050 inmates
and 382 in the infirmary. In Hackney there
are 1,416 iudoor poor chargeable to the
"Union." District visitors 'disclose a vast
amount pf distress, and the funds at their
disposal are utterly insufficient. This is es
pecially the case ut the Popular and Mill
wall, where thousands of dock and other la
borers are thrown out of employment. Spit
alfield's lime house, Soutn Hackney, Shad
well and Hagge rston suffer severely. Trades
men of the entire eastern districts are orying
out about badness of trade, and even Christ
mas wares are a heavy drug in the market.
So severe is tne distress in Haggertson that
committees, which will be formed for relief,
will be greatly crippled through want of
funds. 'v
A Daring Robbery.
San Fbancisoo, Dec. 18. A daring rob
bery was perpetrated yesterday at the Lon
don and San Francisco bank. Shortly after
11 o'clock one of the tellers, while handling,
a lot of coin and notes, observed Lawrence
Otis Hall, clearing house clerk of the bank,
standing beside him. A few moments after
Hall was mi using, and so was a package of
$1 greenbacks amounting to $13,000. Hall
has not since been seen, and it is supposed
that he went direct from the bank to the
steamship Oceanic, which sailed at ' noon,
and took passage on her for Japan and
China, Hall is a native of Louisiana, about
thirty years old, and has been in the employ
of the bauk six or seven years, but not in a
position where he had opportunities to han
dle cash.
The More Murder Trial.
San Buenaventura, Dec. 18. The prose
cution in the Churchill case, so far, have
placed on the stand George Ferguson, fore
man on the ranch at the time of the murder:
Jim Tot, Chinese cook; Juan Rodriguis,
ranch hand, and Dr. Isbell, all of whom
were present at the time of the. murder.
Their testimony did not vary in any essen
tial point from that given on the former
trials. These witnesses were cross-examined
at great length, counsel evidently laying the
foundation for something not yet developed.
Just before ' noon Jesse Jones, State's
evidence, was placed' upon the stand
amid considerable excitement, as it
had been loudly asserted that the
witness would not stick to his story.
The first question, touchinglhe facta, he de
clined to answer on the ground that it would
criminate him. The court peremptorily or
dered him to answer, saying witness knew
well enough that his declination, after the
testimony he had previously given, was mere
pretext and subterfuge. Witness then de
clared he had forgotten the facts, but, under
ruling of the court, Mr. Ganahl proceeded
to read his previons testimony, to which wit
ness assented, and finally went on to tell his
story much as before. He added that before
he turned State's evidence a detective told
him that a job had been put up to hang him
(witness) anyhow, and that he could only
get out of it by telling what he had. ,
San Buenaventura, Dec. 19. In the More
murder case, Austin Brown repeated his pre
vious, testimony, with the addition thatot
the $2,U00 in notes which he had received
for his ranch only $300 has been paid. The
witness said that the notes were signed by
one Willoughby, but that Alex: More had
guaranteed their payment, saying, 'I am the
only man through whom you can, get that
money." Witness had cone to Oregon, but
Alex. More followed him and threatened to
bring him back in irons if he did not come
Worthy of His Sire.
San Francisco, Dec. 19. Frank Greenan,
a boy 19 years of age, attempted to shoot his
mother on Vallejo street this morning, firing
two charges from a double-barreled shotgun
at her, missing each time. He was arrested.
The boy's father is in jail for larceny and his
two brothers are also imprisoned for crime.
Notable Death.
Andrew J. Pope, of the well known firm
of Pope & Talbot, died sndddnly at his resi
dence last evening. It is supposed that the
cause of his death was heart disease. De
ceased was 53 years of age, and was well
known throughout the State. The firm is
one of the largest lumber dealers on the
Fire. ,
UHico, uec. 13, A fire this morning
burned a large frame stable at the corner of
Broadway and Eighth streets, and contents
Loss, $7,000 ;i insurance, $2,200.
Murderer Arrested.
Eureka, Dec. 19. Sheriff Rosa brought
to this city last evening a person supposed
to be N. L. Squires, who murdered Perly
Dunlap in Colusa county, on the 9tb of last
November. There seems to be very little
doubt that they have the right man. The
arrest was made at Petrolia in this county
San Franeiaeo Items
San Francisco, Dec. 20, The extent of
the peculations of Lawrence Otis HalL de
faulting clerk of th London k San Francis
co Bank, and now ascertained to be exactly
$36,000. Of this, $13,000 was in a toll of
greenbacks, which he took on the day of his
nignt; ana the balance was in gold notes,
which he had appropriated. ' " '
As officer discovered the remains of a well
dressed man lying face down in the mud near
the bridge which connects San Francisco
with Potrero.
(in the Duncan case the evidence is all in
and counsel took up most of the day in argu
ments. It is expected that the case will go
to the jury this evening.
All the assets of the French Bank having
'"been surrendered by ex-Receiver Low, it is
expected that the bank will resume business
in a few days. The directors are in session
this evening remodeling the by-laws and
transacting other important business prepar
atory to resumption.
- Shot and Killed.
San Jose, Dec. 22. John Kelley was shot
lust night at Guadaloupe by Mataia Espanzo
in the eye. A witness says that the deed
was unprovoked. The ball entered Kelley 's
left eye, ranging back and upward into the
brain. He is still alive, but his physicians
say he cannot live. Constable. Moyle refused
to arrest Lspanzo without a warrrnt, and he
The Death Rate.
' San Fbakcisco, Dec. 21. 110 deaths were
recorded at the health office this week, the
largest week of mortality this year. In the
corresponding week last year there were 114
deaths registered, and the average deaths
for corresponring weeks during the past five
years was 103.
The Did Story.
San Francisco, Dec. 23. Louis Weitner,
a resident of this city, committed suicide at
the Mahone house, iu San Rafael, last Fri
day evining, by shooting himself through
the head. Iu a letter addressed to Autone
Weitner, care of Stier & Weitner, harness
makers, the reason given for the act was dis
appointment in love and business.
An Abortionist.
In the libel suit of Dr. C. C. O'Donnell
against the Chronicle the court this afternoon
dismissed the case, on the ground that the
truth of the article charging O'Donnell with
being an abortionist had been established
by the evidence adduced. Counsel for the
defense moved that O'Donnell be at once
held for murder, but the court declined to
entertain the motion, recommending that the
matter be referred to the grand jury now in
Chnrch ill's Case.
San Buknaventuba, Dec. 23. After seven
hours of argument from the four counsel the
court charged the jury in the Churchill case
and delivered to them idstructions which
had been allowed. The jury retired at 6
o'clock. There seems to be a strong im
pression on the street that the jury will dis
agree, founded on nothing definite. The
evidence is much the same as that against
Sprague, except that there is no allegation
that Churchill boasted of the deed, as Hick
erson swore that Sprague did.
Washington, Dec. 13.
Beck called up the bill introduced bv him
on the Kith, repealing sections of the statutes
proscribed addition cause; of disqualification
and challenge, and an additional oath for
grand and petit jurors.
Coukltng said the subject was being con
sidered by the judiciary committee and
should not be acted upou without a report
from the committee.
Pending discussion the morninghour expired
aud the subject was laid aside.
House bill giving twenty condemned can
non to the Custer monument at West Point,
was passed.
i'aikiock called up the bill recently report
ed from committee on military afiairs to
amend the posse comitatus clause of the army
appropriation bill for the present fiscal year,
so as to provide that it shall not be construed
to apply to any part of the army or portion
thereof engaged in the protection of life and
property iu the States and Territories sub
ject to Indian insurrection. The amendments
were agreed to so as to name the states ot
Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Oregon, Nevada
and the Territories subject to insurrection,
etc. - The bill passed.
The Senate insisted upon the amendments
to the consular and diplomatic aud fortifica
tion appropriation bills, and committees of
conference on these bills were ordered.
On motion of Beck the bill discussed dunne
the morning hour, to repeal sections 820 and
821 of the revised statu teV was referred to
the committee on revision of laws.
The pension appropriation bill was passed
without material amendment. Adjournment.
Senate amendment to the adjournment res
olution, extending the recess from December
20th to January 7th, was concurred in.
A bill appropriating S0U,OO0 tor the ex
penses of the committee ou yellow fever epi
demics was then taken up. The bill passed,
aud the House went into committee of the
whole ou the Indian appropriation bill.
Senate amendments to the tortihcation, con
sular and diplomatic appropriation bills were
non-concurred in.
Atkins, chairman of the committee on ap
propriations, asked leave to report back a res
olution calling for information as to the num
ber of supervisors and deputy marshals em
ployed during the late election, and out of
what fund they were paid, etc.
Garfield objected. ,
Sparks, who has charge of the bill, explained
that it was substantially the bill of last year,
and had the unanimous approval of the ap
propriation committee, and that it had the ap
proval of the Indian office.
. The committee rose without further action.
Boone introduced a joint resolution extend
ing until the first of February the time within
which the joint committee on the transfer of
the Indian bureau may report; passed.
Wood, of New York, asked that the. 15th
of January be set aside for the consideration of
bills reported from the committee of ways and
means not a tariff bill; leave was given, and
the naval committee to sit during recess.
Adjurned. .
Washington, Dec. 19.
A communication was received from Daven
port, supervisor of elections at New York
suggesting amendments in the naturalization
laws; referred.
Cbristiancy reported a substitute for the
bill of Beck to repeal sections of revised stat
utes. The substitute provides for the repeal
of section' 820 providing a test oath for jurors;
ordered printed and placed on the calendar.
Beck gave notice that he would call up bis
bill for consideration to-morrow.
Dorsev from the committee on appropria
tions, reported favorably on house bill to re-
i , . & r.i
iinourae several states lor interest uu it
the war loan, and for other purposes; referred.
House bill appropriating $450,000 for the
transporting of mails by railroads was passed-
liurnside took the floor to explain tne pro,
visions of the bill recently reported from the
joint committee tor tne re-organizanou ol me
; The bill for re-organizing the army was then
laid aside.
Dorsey then called up house bill to amend
tbe act ot June 30th, 1878, and to nx tne rate
of interest on bonds authorized by said act,
to be issued by said commissioners of the Dis
trict of Columbia.
The Seuate then resumed consideration ef
the bill to amend the statutes in relation to
patents, and Windom eave notice that he
would hereafter submit an additional section.
On motion of Wadleigh rurtner considera
tion of the patent bill was postponed until
.Tuesday, Jan. 7th.
The vice president appointed Hoar a mem
ber of the select committee under the Blaine
resolution, in the place of Mitchell, declined,
and McMillan in the place of Plumb, declined.
Voorhees submitted a resolution instructing
the caucus committee to inquire into tbe ad
visability of including in ttie next caucus full
particulars regarding the Indians in the In
ilian territory.
House joint resolution extending the time
for the joint committee on the transfer cf the
Indian bureau to report was passed.
After executive session adjourned.
J. G. Young took the seat made vacant by
the death of J, J. Leonard of tbe 5th Louisiana
House then went into committee of the
whole on the Indian appropriation bill.
Throckmorton offered au amendment pro
viding that no Indians shall live outside of
the Indian territory unless authorized by act
of Congress.
After discussion Atkins moved as substi
tute for the amendment limiting the prohibi
tion to Indians of Arizona and New Mexico:
Mcalea moved to strike oat the clause appro
priating $15,000 for the expenses of the Indian
commmisaioners, which, after a long discus
sion was rejected.
On motion of Scales the number of Indian
police officers was reduced to 400 privates and
50 officers.
Throckmorton offered as a new section an
amendment for the transfer of the Indian
bureau to the war department; but subse
quently withdrew it.
The committee rose and reported a bill to
the House. A separate vote was demanded
on an amendment (agreed to in committee)
prohibiting the removal of the Indiana of Ar
izona and New Mexico to the lndiau Territory;
adopted yeas, 97, nays, 96". The bill then
Harrison, chairman of the civil service com
mittee, submitted a report of the committee
in reference to the investigation made by it of
charges against certain members of the House
for receiving money and aiding in the passage
of a bill providing for payment of interest on
the 3-65 District bonds. The report states
that there was not a particle of testimony
showing that any money had been used, or
that any corrupt influence had been brought
to bear. The charges were wanton, and a
wholly, unjustifiable attack on the members
of the House. Tbe committee was discharged.
The Speaker appointed Durham, Clymer,
Smith, of Pennsylvania and Baker, of Indiana
Clymer and Singleton as confreres on the part
of the House ou the military acadamy and
fortification appropriation bills respectively.
Washington, Dec. 20.
Most of the morning session was used in
discussing the order ot business after recess;
no specialordcr was made.
After some discussion of the bill introduced
by Beck to repeal section 820 of the revised
statutes, Hoar said it was evident that this
bill could not pass to-day, and moved to ad
journ, but soon withdrew the motion, and Ed
munds moved an executive session. This
motion was supported by the Republicans and
opposed by the Democrats, and resulted, nays
zo. yeas 'la. lhe vice president then voted in
the affirmative, aud the Senate went into ex
ecutive session.
When the doors were reopened Beck with
drew his amendment to the bill to repeal sec- .,
tion ot the revised statutes so as to repeal
section 82 also, in regard to the test oath.
The bill to repeal the first and amend the sec
ond, then passed without opposition.
senate adjourned until January 7th 1879.
Henderson reported back Senate bill author
izing the payment of the State of Tennessee
for keeping U. S. Military prisoners; passed.
.bills passed removing the political disabili
ties of Wm. Ward, of Virginia, J. M. Bell of
Georgia ?nd M. Kimball of Missouri.
lhe morning hour having expired the speak
er laid before the House several communica
tions, among them one from Secretary Sher-
mau in answer to the resolution calling for in
formation as to what balance on loan accounts
standing to tbe credit of the U. S. Treasury
in any National bank from March 1876 to
January J8j3, and encloses a list of National
bank depositories with balances on loan ac
count held from January 1878 to December
1S78. Tne banks which hed such balances
had made depositories under the law. The
large balance held by tne first National Bank
of New Y'ork was caused-by the temporary
deposit of the proceeds of 4J per cent bonds
and the large subscriptions of that bank to the
4 per cent. loan.
Hewitt ot JSew lork In order to avoid
reading the schedule I would ask to have read
the deposit to debit of First National bank. '
lowusend of New x ork Let us have it all.
Objection was made to reading.
Hewitt Will the gentlemen allow me to
recall the amendment.
Objections were made.
Hewitt (speaking amid great confusion
and cries of order). What I want the world
to know is this: that there has been for six.
months au average sum of thirty million dol
lars to the credit of the United States at that
bank as near as I can make it out.
Springer, alluded to the confusion, hoped
that Hewitt's remarks would be read at the
clerk's desk in order to give the House a
chance to hear them, as they were a serious
arraignment of one of the departments. The
communication was then referred to the ways
and meais committee.
Finley asked leave to have printed the tes
timony taken in regard to the government
printing offices.
Garfield objected.
Townsend of New York moved to adjourn;
argeed to, yeas 94, nays 75. Adjourned un
til January 7th, 1S79.
Co Wei. Young- Man.
The Burlinpcton Hawkeye ia doing its
best to encourage young men to go west
and grow up with the country. This is
the advice it gives them ; "Yes, my
son, yes, yes; go out west and buy a
farm, There is no life bo independent
as that of an honest farmer. Do not )te
discouraged if the work is a little hai-d
at first. The grasshoppers will eat up
all your first planting, but they will de
vour it so early in the season that yon
can plant a second time. They won't
eat that planting until just about three
days before harvest. You'll have nothing
else to do all Fall and Winter, and you
can put in your time starring. The next
year's crop will be de&t roved by almost
constant rains and floods. The third
year a drought will burn up everything
that has a root or leaf within ten miles
of your farm. The fourth year, how
ever, will go welL You will raise a
blooming crop, get it all in and safely
housed, and sit down happy and con
tented, waiting for the market to rise.
Then a prairie fire, as big as the butt
end of the universe, will come along and
burn up everything you have in the
world except the clothes you have on.
Buy a farm 1 A young man is neglect
ful of his best interests and most solemn
duties who does not buy a farm right
These are stirring times, ai to spoon
laid to the tea cup.
Will Laser Beer Intoxicate?
There are questions which never get
settled in this world, while there is no
probability that they will be settled in
this world or tbe next One of the most
venerable of them "Will lager beer in
toxicate?" has lately been agitated in
the collegiate city of New Haven, Conn.
To be sure, there was a 3light variation
there of the problem. It was not lager
beer which was the subject of inquiry
as to its f udding potency, but another
fluid called bchenck beer. The witnesses
did not widely differ in their opinions.
Joseph Hall, State Chemist, found in
Schencks not less than 9.86 per cent of
alcohol. Professor Johnson, of the
Sheffield Scientific School, found only
4.74 per cent by weight and 5.9 by
volume; and he did not consider such
beer to be intoxicating. Cider, which is
freely sold in Connecticut, has been
found to contain 6.80 per cent of alco
hol. A brewer named Philip Fieseiuus
declares it impossible to drink enongh
of Schencks to intoxicate-seven of his
workmen drinking 30 gallons per diem.
An editor, Herr Schleni, declared that
he could drink 20 glasses at a sitting
and not be in the least inebriated. Mr.
Krrauis could go Herr Herr Schlen ten
glasses better, and still lie judicially
sober. Dr. Bellaso (whether LL. D. or
Ph. D., or M. D. or D. D., not reported),
had consumed the beer in question for a
quarter of a century, taking sometimes
30 gLisses of an evening, and he declared
emphatically that he had never been
drunk. lie went further. He be
lieved that a man might le filled to the
throat with this innocent lipuor, and it
would not affect him. Schenck was
shown to be a feeble nectar indeed.
It was not, of course, for the Court to
inquire whether 30 glasses of this tipple
did or did not occasion a certain sense of
fullness, or even a suspicion of a head
ache next morning. Enough, however,
was said to bother the Court which ad
journed the case. This week the moral
and scientic battle will be renewed.
British India.
Of the 191,000,000 .inhabitants of
British India their denominations are
given as follows: Hindoos, 139,343,820;
Sihks, 1,174,436; Mohammedans, 40,
867,125; Buddhists and Jams, 2,822,
951; Christians, 897,682; others, 5,41 7,
304"; and "religions not known," 532,
227. The" united military forces of the
native States are estimated at 300,000
men. The gross revenue of the chiefs
amount to .16,000,000, and they pay
X'li 0,000 tribute money to the British
Government The British receipts and
expenditures for India average about
50,000,000 ' a year. The Empress'
army numbers alout 200,000, of which
70,000 are English troops. To these
numbers may be added 190,000 native
police, who also perform frontier service.
They are under the command of British
officers. There are under British Gov
ernment, not including the native States,
493,444 villages, townships, etc, of
which 480,447 have under 5,000 inhab
itants. The average number of inhab
itants is 211 to the square mile. There
are forty-four towns or cities with a
population of more than 50,000, the
seven largest being Calcutta, 704,345;
Bombay, 644,405; Madras, 397,552;
Lucknow, 284,779; Benares, 175,188;
Patna, 158,000; Delhi, 154,417. The
whole number of Government and pri
vate schools in British India is some
thing over 53,768, giving instruction to
an approach' of 2,000,000 scholars. The
schools exist in regular gradation, from
those which , give the humblest elemen
tary instruction to the highest colleges;
and the best pupils of one grade are
able to pass through the other grade
by means of scholarships. To complete !
the system, at each of the three Pres
idency cities there is a university estab
lished on the model of the London Uni
versity. The medium of education in
the elementary schools is in the vernacu
lar languages, into which are translated
the best elementary English treatises
There are normal colleges for the train.
ing of masters, lhe study of the classi
cal language of India is maintained; and
the English language is taught in the
Anglo-vernacular schools and colleges
established for the education . of the
middle and upper classes of society;
Some Practical Remarks. -A girl
who is never allowed to sew, all of jwhose
clothes are made for her and put on her
until she is ten, twelve, fifteen or eigh
teen years of age, says the Lady's Jour
nal, is 8oiled. The mother has spoiled
her by doing everything for her. The
true idea of self restraint is to let the
child venture. A child's mistakes are
often better than its no mistakes, because
when a child makes mistakes and has to
correct them, it is then on the way
towards knowing something. A child
that is waked up every morning, and
never wakes itself up; and is dressed,
and never makes mistakes in dressing
itself; and is washed, and never makes
mistakes about being clean; and is fed,
and never has anyfhing to do with its
food; and is watched, and never watches
itself; and is cared for, and kept all day
from doing wrongs-such a child might
as well be a tallow candle, perfectly
straight, and stolid, and comely, and un
vital, and good for nothing . but to be
burned up. ;
Next to a sealskin sacque, nothing
will please a woman of 30 so much as to
be mistaken for her niece of 16.
. A Philadelphia man, who is new to
the experience of having a baby in his
own household, was left the other day
by his wife in charge of the infant, she
improving the opportunity to go out
shopping. When she returned she found
her husband playing the garden hose over
the baby. He had tried everything e!ae,
he said, to keep fVquiet and this seemed
to soothe it . ' '
The Missing Dog:.
"Tell me a dog story," Charley says;
a certain true dog story.
How the boys like dogs! . Well, listen
now: v
Two gentlemen were great friends and
great sportsmen too. One had two dogs,
and the other one; and, as dogs are apt
to fall into their, master's ways, they too
became good friends and fond of the
chase. . ,
One day they concluded to go hunting '
on their own1 hook; go they went into
the woods and started a rabbit, who,
very much perplexed at the sight of her
strange visitors Tan into her hole, as the
most prudent move she could make; the
dogs, of course, ran after her, and one ,
dog, more plucky than the rest, ran in
so far he could not -got out There he '
stuck. Forward? No. Backward!
No. There he stuck. I do not think
the rabbit had him by" the nose. His
friends saw his plight, and they set to
scratching, but scratched in vain; and,
half dead with worry and fatigue, went
home, looking much the worse for their
day's sport Their master's saw their
plight, but had no way of accounting'
for it : V .
The next day the two dog3 disappeared
again, and at night caaie back, looking .
greatly fatigued. The day after, and
they returned home with bleeding feet,
their coats covered with, dirt, and not a
speck of appetite. What was the matter.
Mr. Blank began to grow uneasy
about the absence of his first dog, and,
surprised at the odd proceedings of the
other, spoke of it to his rieni 1 "Myv"
dog behaves just so, '"he said. Early
the next morning there was a stir in" the
yard, scratching and barking antLmoan-
ins. Ine gentlemen went out There
was the missing dog, wet, feeble, thin, V. -
escorted by the other two. Where Jhad jr
he been? They went to ibid outan(J '
found in the woods the rabbit's buirow,
a great hole scratched out in the ground
to it, evidently made by, the two dogs
m order to get their companion free.
Nor would they give up until they had
duo; him out and brought him hornet
Bravo! Good dogs! That is, indeed,
sticking by a friend in trouble. A good
many of us may take pattern from it
. ror Liberia.
Captain Richardson, formerly of the
bark Liberia, which has for a number of
years transported colored emigrants from
the South to the Republic of Liberia,
was happy yesterday as he trod the
decks of his new bark, the Monrovia.
Un board there were ob steerage and o
cabin passengers for Liberia. The steer
age passengers were from the South,
and, although leaving their native land,
were going to w hat they consider the
native land of their race. They are
sent out under the auspices of the
American Colonization Society.
On their arrival in Liberia the heads
of families are given a deed to 25 acres
ot land, and single men to deeds of 10
acres. Six months' provisions are fur
nished by the Liberian government,
with farming tools. Artisans and me
chanics are required to furnish the im
plements of their trade.
Among the cabin passengers yester
day was the Attorney-General of Libe
ria, Wm. M. Davis, a ;jet black African
of American descent, but" evidently of
the superior class, lie had been a citi
zen of Liberia for 26 years, and is en
thusiastic in his description of his
adopted country, its salubrious climate,
and productive soil. According to his
estimate there are nearly 25,000 colored
emigrants from the United States set
tled in Liberia and doing well as farm
ers and artisans. ,-. . ; .
The principal export of Liberia is
coffee, of which, a superior quality ia
raised, lhe bulk of this commodity
goes to England, which has gone ahead
of the United States in offering supe
rior advantages for its exportation.
lhe government of the country is
modeled after that of the United States
with the exception that none but colored,
persons are allowed to vote. Tbe At-"
torney-General's idea is to make Liberia
the promised land of the negro race.
The Monrovia sails to-day. N. Y. Sun,
Dec 3. V.. . , '-:' . :
A Level-Headed Lover. The New
Enclander fof German births who has
written the Castle Garden authorities to
select him a wife from among the1 for
eign ladies landing there, recalls the
palmy colonial days when cargoes of
maidens were brought to this country
for the express purpose of matrimony,
and when divorces were unheard of.
There is doubtless at the home of th
applicant a fair pronortion of ladies of
marriageable age and inclination and
equipped for the battle of life with some
knowledge of Darwin and Spencer, a
vague admiration for Emerson's essavn.
taste for bric-a-brac, a tremulous accept-
ance oi tne iuture ana an assortment of
unpublished manuscripts, some of which
are in verse, l lie usual plan is to marry
one of these damsels, and then hurry to
Castle Garden for some one to take care
of her, but the would-be swain of Peter
boro knows a trick worth two of that
He is not to be suspected of wanting
mere drudge, for he distinctly specifies
that the lady should be able to appear
well in society. Still more-level does
he appear when we read that the bride
should have numbered about thirty
years. Fastidious lovers may laugh at
this honest fellow's method and require
ments, but if every would-be husband
were to seek his bride among healthful
and industrious daughters of toil, choos
ing a woman instead of a mere girl, and
trusting' to her character, rather than
her superficial acquirements to give her
a place in society, the avera jo of domes
tic life would be purer and happier than,
it is now.
A bosom friend the babv.