Th IhdepesdesT The be t newspaper ever published in Douglas county. Society Meetings. ' rw?UMPQA CHAPTER NO. 11,, R. a. M.', hold regular commuaica vssmi tions every first and third Tuesday in each month All members ia flood standing will take due and timely notiee aid govern themselves accordingly. Visit ing companion are invited to meet with the Chapter when convenient. .v E HERMANS. P. W. L Fhikdlandkr, Sec'y. A LAUREL LODGE A. F- and AfU V.y holds regular meetings on or before each full moon. A. JONES, W. M. A.F Campbell, Secy. PIIILETAHIAN 5 Lodge, No. 8, 1 O. O. 17. miuiti nn Satnrrl nveninc. o( each , week at 7 o'clock, in their ball at Rose burg. Members of thebrder in good stand-. , ing are invited to attend. By order of the N- LOCAL NOTES. , Times dull and money scarce. Go to Floed's for what you want in his line. Mr. 8. C. Moort's condition is not im- The weather has been decidedly frosty Of Ute. :,; Shooting match for turkeys at the depot on the 24th. Hon. Binger Hermann has returned from Washington territory .. We acknowledge a pleasant call from Hon. James ChDoweth. Hon. John H. Mitchell has our thanks for the Congressional Globe. As soon as he smiled we knew Pappy Gildernleeve had returned. C, Cohen is prepared to furnish you goods of the finest quality. Joqepheon has a large stock of goods at the New York Cash Store. The turkeys are commencing to mourn at the approach of Christmas. Street improvements are going forward with commendable activity. Considerable grain is still being shipped hoax Oils place to Portland. f The Indians east of tne Cascades are said to be restless and dissatisfied. Mrs. Wm. Cirdwell, Cleveland, is dan gerously ill with lung fever. Lao gen berg Brothers are receiving or aers irom aoroaa lor ttieir nnejioys. A large and enthusiastic railroad meets ing was held in Salem one day this week, J. vi. Crow has purchased John Far quar's interest In the restaurant business The principal officer f Rebekah Degree Lodge, Portland, is a lad the first in the State. The California stages are making regu- 1 ml l . i tarinpe. xne ruttus are reporieu very heary. ' The Medical Department of the Willams ette University opened at Portland with 85 students- B. F. Dowell. it ia said, will receive half the amount of the judgment against W. C, Griswold. A few Christmas toys yet remain for sale at Caro Brothers'. The rush there has been very great. ' . The are one hundred and fifty convicts in the Penitentiary. About one for every thousand people in the State. Col. Whipple and Lieut Shelton passed through town on Sunday last, to attend on court-martial duty at Vancouver. A .very interesting letter is necessarily out of this issue for want of time to put it in type. It will appear in our next . A general invitation to whitemen, Chi namen and Indians is extended to attend the various necktie parties given in Janu ary next. " , W. J. Hannon was in town this week It is a wonder that the girls about Wil bur do not take in such a good looking man out of the wet. The Willamette Farmer is soon to be removed to Portland. It would not Bar prise us to besVthat the State Fair is to be held there two years hence. . We have received the first number of the Weekly Republican, published at Junc tion. It is so neatly printed and so ably edited that we cannot help wishing it sues cess. There will be a- Christmas tree and a general gathering of old and young folks at the Cleveland school -house on the even ing of the 24th, and a general good time is anticipated. Everybody should attend. three bidders for the Coos Bay mail route to send in further bias. A month or six weeks must necessarily elapse before ser service is again resumed on the route. The westside railroad Is to be completed to Junction dunug the coming summer. If the new railroad proves to be as much of a blessing to the people of the westside as it has to our county, then indeed they have ause for general rejoicing. Wm. Glover, for many years oonnectod with the overland stage company as stock tender, departed this life In Roseburg Sat urday illuming last, and on '9u nday morn ing his remains were interred in Odd FeU lows' cemetery. Poor Bill, Thursday evening, after the arrival of the regular passenger tmin from the south, the locomotive was thrown off the track by a switch bar failing to connect. The loco motive was, however, on the track ready to take the train out Friday morning. Bill Moore is chief n such work. i The people of Jacksonville will meet-on the 5th of January to discuss the feasibili ty ot building a narrow gauge railroad to the coast. The people of Douglas county, though we dislike to admit it, are not as -enternrisinir as tlipir Jarkannvillu m;rl. bow with this regard. We lok for them to do much in the future, howevor. "As we predicted, Bumgardner. the forger, arrested at Coos Bay, will escape punish xnent. There seems to be nothing like hav ing wealthy parents to interpose in one's j behalf and it appears that poor devil -, must alwavs be sent up for miscond jet. The Bee thus speaks of Bumgardner's ext aminalion: "In the absence of prosecut ing witnesses and the notes said to have been forged, the State moved for continu ance. We have been informed by reliable parties that Mr. Houck, a wealthy citizen of Albany, took up the notes. There is everv indication that defendant will be dis charged and escape the consequences of his loll. , Messrs, Delashmutt & Oatmaa have recovered their losset ia part." j A CHALLENGE, i ' Cleveland. Dec. 9, 1878. i Ed. Ikdepehdent: Seeing that the Lit erary Society at your place (with a name hard to hpeli) is in full blast, we of Cole's Y alley Society, send them a challenge, by the way of encouragment.Y The question to be, "Resolved, That the women of the United States should have the privelege of voting." Should they accept please state their time and place, giving us one week's notice. There are to be 2 speakers on a side. Signed, Members of Cole's Valley Debat ing Club. A Long Tramp. Last week a German and his wife came to this pfice to start a bakery.but not find ing sufficient employment, started for Jack sonville, distant ninety-five miles, fa foot, each carrying a bundle. George Roberts petted tlieia up in the canyon and gave them a ride into Galesville, and reports he never did any one a favor before who were so grateful and woo so plainly showed they could not find words to express their grati tude for his kindness. The roads are fear ful at this season of the year for horsemen or I stages, but what must it be for the poor man and woman on their: long and weary tramp. In Four Hundred Feet. From W. F. BHggs, Esq., we learn that work on the tunnel "of the Tellurium is still rapidly progi easing. The tunnel has now reached a distance of of 400 feet. A hard chan-cter or rock was met with a day or two ago, which miners oelieve to be the wall rock to the ledge. One sign in sup port ot this proposition is the late rapid flow of water into the tunnel. Mr. Briggs is pleased with the prospect, and predicts the mine will soon speak favorably for Itself, Chinese on Public Works. We see that the government contractors engaged in constructing the canal at the Cascades, have employed Chinamen to do the work, paying one dollar per day. They offer work to white men, but on such con dition as to prevent them from working It ia an outiage upon the workingmen of the country when the government allows its public works to be constructed by foreign slaves. It may enrich the contractors, but will empoverish and degrade American labor. Too Muchly Married. A letter from Empire City states that Captain Laufare, an old resident, has run away, leaving his family. It seems the Captain has ommitted bigamy. Before he married his present wife, he wooed, won and wedded another, became dissAtisSed and ran off without taking the trouble to procure a divorce. Mrs. Laufare No 1 was about to put in appearance, and the Cap tain did not propose to face two angry wo men. , NtSw and Cheap Music. Lovers of new first-class sheet musi, embracing some of the compositons of the greatest ( composers, at less price than such sheet music can be purchased in San Fran cisco, cannot do better than to call at the store of Dr. J, Woodruff. He has a collec tion of fine music of over five hundred different pieces, from wuicb a cotnptenet critic cannot fail to select something nice and pleasing. It is without doubt the fin est stock in the line ever brought to Rose burg. Go and see for yourself. i m An American Game. The other evening a gentleman from Oakland and a son of France, held forth in one of the saloons in a little game of even-up. j It is needless to say that the fair fame of our sister city was not dis graced by anything in the shape of poor playing, and thos who were preseutldur- ing the progress of the game can readily testify, that a Frenchman is a nervous and excitable creature at the beet. New Diggings Found. .', A letter received from Jim Woodward and Uncle John t4ildereleeve states that theT have found new placer mines on Lee's creek, a tributary of Myrtle creek. They found as high as $2 50 to the pan on the bedrock. Whether the diggings were extensive or not the prospectors are as yet unaDleto determine. We hope the ooys have struck it rich. Dangeious Doctor. Last Monday Dr. John Catto was arrest ed on a charge of rape at Goldendale, com mitted on the person of Miss Minnie Cowls. He was tried before a justice and was held to appear at the next term of the District Court in the sum of $1,000. Failing to procure bonds he was taken to Vancouver where he will board at the expense of the county. t Returned Home. Mr. and IMrs. Meredeth, who went to Stockton some, time ago to attend a sick brother of the lady, (reported to be dying by telegraph) have returntd home, we are pleased to ssj, bringing the brother with them. The! young man is erjoying the best of health. i ...... ; In New Quarters. Mose Apple has moved his stock of to baccos, etc., into his new quarters between Marks' brick and the Esmaralda. He has an excellent supply, and will treat cour teously all those who purchase of him. Give him a call. L It is Easy to Tell. Very few men laugh without they are tickled. Geo. Booth is laughing just now and the reason is, its a girl. Don't blame you, George. Convicted. The two Chinamen accused of the mur der of the Christian Celestial at tbe Joss House, Portland, have been convicted of murder in thn farst degree and will doubt less receive a sentence ot death. New Paper. A new paper to be called "Coast Mail," is soon to commence publication at Marsh field. It will be Republican io politicsjmd is published by Webster & Hacker. ; We wish it success. Gone to Nevada. ; A letter received by his wife states that Mr. Fol. Abraham has gone to Nevada, and that tbe chances are he will not return to Roseburg before the first of February. , Indian War Dance. '. Monday evening two squaws and as many bucks held forth in a war dance at the depot. Fifty cents admission was charged. The receipts of the evening were small and the. boys enjoyed themselves. j Hard to TeU. It is hard! to tell why Jeff Hannon wants to goto the ball to be given In Cole's valley. It can't be because Mike T. lives here? Oh, Jeff, we did BJt think this of you. UMPQTJA FERRY. Holidays are approaching. Paupers are flocking to the poor house. The population around here seems to be on the increase. Extensive preparations are being made for the ChrUtmas ball. Prospects fr better times have' begun make their appearance. to W. B. Clarke has been confined to his bed for some time wih rheumatism, but is now able to be around. Runaway's are of every, day occurrence. A team runaway the other day, but no serious damage occurred. Z. Vanorman, D. D, will favor the citi sens of Cole's Valley and vicinity with a lecture on theology soon. Mr. S. D. Evans returned from Reno,Na., last Week. He went down there with i drove of sheep in the spring. The early wheat looks well and it is an ticipated that there will be a cnuch better crop than there has been heretofore. The residence of Mr. Churchill at this place is fast nearing completion under the supervision of Mr. u. M. Armstrong, Wheat and oats are up from two to three inches in height, looking as if they leit giaa to mane tneir appearance. One of the "Reverend heads" politely stepped uo to a farmer residing here and asked him for a load of oats in the cause of Christ. The stage running from Oakland has to rustle to keep up as it has a load of pas-t-engeis every trip, which makss Peter smile. The wind storm which occurred last Sunday night was the hardest one we have had for mauy a year. Fences blown down, unfinished houses torn to pieces and every tuuig smasntd up generally. Horses, cattle, hogs and sheep are so fat that they can hardly roll, and taking everything into consideration one can near ly see every body for next year standing around jingling tbe "clucaamen in their pockets. t .The Cleveland correspondent in last week'B "Plaindealer" said that the saw mill on Hubbard creek would be running by the first of February. Please put it the first of April and you will come nearer hitting the trutn. me iarmers down nere are wearing a smile from ear to ear on account of such nice weather, and they say, ''The prospects of a war in Europe." Most of tbeai are done plowing tor the first time. A large crop is talked ot Again I would say that every one has to acknowledge 'hat the INDEPENDENT is the best paper published in thn Douglas coun ty. It is full of the latest news by tele graph where the others are filled np with trash picked but of other papers which has been read a week betore. And, why not throw away your party spirit and take that noble motto, "Independent in all things and neutral in notning. CALAPOOIA. Weather moderating. J. R. Baker is going into the fur busi ness. :. , James Nifoug is going to give a social dance on Christmas Eve. 1 John Daniels was on the sick list part of last week. He is well again. W. C. Burk is having a dwelling house erected on his mountain place. There has been a wolf feasting on Dr. Cole's flock of sbeep for sometime. A. E. McGee, who has been visiting his friends and relatives in Missouri, has re turned home well satisfied with his trip. Some inhuman individual has been kill ing the dogs in this neigbb-vhood . J, F. Daniels lost two valuable dogs last week. , There is some talk of a wedding to take place in this neighborhood soon. Perhaps George and Susie could tell us something about it. George and Alfred Stephens have a large amount of grain sown. They in tend to plant a larger acreage of land than any previous year. Those men who call themselves gentle men had better be cautious about how they pass through Dr. Cole's premises and leave his fence down. "A him to the wise is suf ficient." JohnT. Daniels has rented sixty acres of his bottom land to B. Pilkington. As Mr. Daniels health has been very poor for sometime, and he has come to the conclu sion that he will have to quit hard labor. "Worth Twice the Sum. We have just received a copy of The Chicago Ledger, the leading family paper of the west, which is now entering upon its seventh volume. The Ledger is a forty eight column weekly, printed in bold, plain type, easily to be read by young and old, and is filled with choice stories, and reading matter of interest to every household. . This excellent journal ia sup plied to subscribers, postage paid, for the low price of f 1 50 per year. In order to increase its present large list of readers, the publishers of the Ledger have made a new contract for several thousand fine Nickel-piated English Steel-barrel and Cyliuder Seven-Shot Revolvers 22 cali ber which they propose to distribute to their 8uhscribera at cost, and therefore of fer one of these elegant weapons ol defense and The Ledger for one year for $3 00. The revolver will be sent by mail, postage paid, on receipt of the price. They have already distributed 3,000 revolvers and are mailing hundreds daily. Now is tbe best time to get first-clas revolver and the best paper in the country for less than half the actual worth of either. Three sample cop ies will be sent to any address for ten cts. Address The Ledger, Chicago, 111. V. B. Laswell Missing. The gtakdard lear s from a gentleman from The Dalles that Hon. W. B. Laswell, well known throughout this State, and most highly esteemed by all who ever met him, has been missing from his home. The most diligent search was made by the people of that city last Saturday, but no trace of his wheieabouts could be ascertained- It s feared that he Was drowned, his hat being found on. one of the wharf boats, and the people of the Dalles have been draging the river, under the impr -sion that he ha found a watery grave Mr. Laswell was a young man of promis ing abilities, but he has allowed himself to be overcome by strong drink, and it is said that he has become involved fn financial matters. Got Back Sick. James Woodward returned home Wed nesday evening from Lees creek quite ill Monday evening he we taken with a con . gestive chill, which, for a time was thought would prove fatal. At the present writing his condition appears to be cousid ably improved. MINING NEWS. From the Jacksonville Times we gather the following news of the mines of South ern Oregon: The miners of Farmer's Flat are about ready to commence operations. Considerable mining is going on in the region of Willow Springs this Winter. The mines on Jackass creek are being worked more extensively than ever before Tbe Esther quartz mine is probably to be leased to a company of Nevada miners. The pipe for Gin Lin's second hydraulic is now in position and about ready tor active wore. The Squaw Lake Ditch Company has ceased piping and is now making a general clean-up. The bilver crees excitement is in a fair way to be discouraged for the present by the heavy tnow fall in that vicinity. Miners are of the opinion that but ans other rain like the one recently experienced will be necessary to furnish enough water for mining purposes. The Sterling Company will soon build one or more reservoirs, which will enable it to continue operations the year around. Reports from Josephine county are of a favorable nature. More mining than ever will be sarried onin that county than ever before. SECURED HIS PARDON. Jimmy Dodge, aged 14 years, concluding to follow after tue life of Robinson Crusoe, and hari. g disobeyed his parents, sudden ly left his home in this county, and af'er many adventures, wended his way to the north, at last arriving in the Touchet coun try, at Dayton. He finding a life of adven ture lather less romantic than his early reading had led him to believe, aud yearn ing once more to return home and being without means, the little fellow, not realiz ing the result, deliberately rode away a ponj, the property of a Dayton citizen; and going to Walla, bold the animal and was about to journey down the river on the cars and boats, when he was arrested, taken to Dayton, and there bound over to await the action of the Grand Jury, where be was indicted, pleaded guilty and sentenced to tbe lowest penalty one year in the pen itentiary. But his parents hearing of his arrest employed Hon. Binger Hermann to proceed there and defend him if possible; but the tacts being conclusive, the above course was adopted, and then after diligent labor, Mr. Hermann obtained oue of tbe finest petitions of pardon, tcuring the names of nearly ail the Grand Jury, prose cuting attorney, complaining witness, all the county officers and members elect to the Legislature, Representative elect to Congress, members of the Walla Walla and Dayton Bar. and citizens generally of the place With this petition he proceeded toOlympia, and a pardon was granted bt the Governor. The lad is now on his way home, rejoicing at his happy deliverance, a better and wiser boy, it is to be hoped. The Debate. The Literary Society debated the Chi nese question last Wednesday evening. The speakeis arguing against the immi gration of Chinese to this country held there could be no competition between the American free and Chinese slave laborers ; that they exhaust the resources of and make no return to the country; and on the principle of self-defense, under the Constis tution, Chinese immigration to this country should be restricted. The negative held that the Chineso only filled a vacancy; they were peaceable citizens and interfered with no one; that they were a necessity to carry on public work. The negative argued ably, but their positions were refuted and the decision was rgainst them. The negan tive was represented by E. G. Hursh and George Kimball, the aBrmative by fcred Floed and L. H.Wells. Serious Accident Last Thursday, the 12ih, while standing in tront of a fire-place at his borne ou jp- plegate, the oldest son of Robert Banister fell into thn fire during an epileptic fit, and as burned severely before assistance came to his relief. He was on his face in the fire, and was lying in that position when found by his father. The doctor in attend ance reports the boy's iniuries serious but not necessarily fatal, but that his lace w.11 be badly disfigured. A Gastronomic Feat. John D Bo wen. a blacksmith in the city. n t long ago. performed the wonderful feat of swallowing fifty raw eggs at one sitting. without any unpleasant results lollowing. We are waiting to heat from the rest of the States in order to learn whether any one can beat this. In case the feat is eclipsed. we will look for bristles on the animal. The Poetical Husband's Statement. One night as old St. Peter slept. He left the door ot heaven ajar, When through, a little angel crept, And came down with a falling star. One summer, as the blessed beams Of morn approached, my blushing bride Awaking from some pleasing dreams, And found that Angel by her side. Fate grant but this I ask no more -That when he leaves this world of pain, He'll wing his way to that bright shore, And find his way to heaven again. PRACTICAL T. PETER'S KVFLT. Full eighteen hundred years or more I've kept tny gate securely tied ; There has no "little angel" strayed Nor one been missing from my side.' ,;I did not sleep as you supposed, ." -; Nor left the door of heaven sjar ; Nor has a 'little angtjl" left And gone down with a falling star. Go, ask the blushing bride and If she don't own and frankly say, That, when she found that a. .gel babe. She found it in the good old way . Now grant me this I ask no more That, should your number still enlarge, You will not do as done before. And lay it to old Peter's charge NEW TO-DAY. OF DRY WOOD ! FOB. SALE. WHEELER BEOS., OAKLAND, Have two hundred cords of fine dry oak wood for sale, in Oakland, on the line of the railroad, and ready for shipment to any place. Terms will be made ad vantageous to buyers. Apply early. WHEELER BROS. Oakland, Oregon, Dec. 21. tf : Heavy Judgment. . The case of the United States vs.- W. C. Griswold In the U. S. District Court at Portland, has been brought to a close, re sulting in a verdict in favor of the plain tiff. The verdict in the last judgment was for 135528. This is the third judgment that has been rendered against W. C. Gris wold for his connection with the Indian war claims of 1854, which three judges and two juries have decided against him. , In 1876 Mr. Griswold was compelled to pay a judg ment in iavorof B F. Dowell ot $5,960 81. Resumes Practice. - v: As will be seen Dr. J. B,rowne has re sumed e practice of medicine. He treats especially the throat, lungs, etc. Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the St ate of Oregon, for e County of Douglas, sitting in the master of the estate of Alex Porter, AG. LANGDON, ADMINISTRATOR of said estate, having filed in said court his final account for settlement, and also praving for an order lor setting the lime for hearing the same, therefore, no tice is hereby given that said final account will be heard and determined in said court on Tuesday ,the 7th day of Januar 1879. at which time all persons having any ob jections to said final account and settle ment must then and there make tbe same; and that notice of the same be published in the Independent for four consecutive weeks. By order of Hon. C. Gaddis. T. K. SHERIDAN, Clerk. NOTICE. ISHEREBy GIVEN THAT MY WIFE, Ada Short, has left my bed and board without cause, and I heruby warn all per sons not to credit hsr on my account, as I shall net be liable for her accounts. GEORGE W. SHORT. Rosebbro, Oregon, November 19. MUBERG BK01 This firm has constantly on hand the fiuest i Stock of Boots and Shoes Ever brought to Koeeourg. HOOTS AND SIIOKS 3VHodo to Order AND REPAIRED. PATENT METALLIC 8TIFFENER8. FOR linns ak nana Boot and Shoe Heels Prevents running over and wearing off on the SIDES. THIS FIRM HAS OX HAND THE FIN est stock of Leather in the State, and is prepared to do all kinds cf work in n fin-t-cla8-t manner, upon the most reasons ble terms. Parties needing anjthirg in their line, should call upon them fiift, as they fully GUARANTEE ALL WORK Turned out ot their shop to be A 1 an'1 cerin to wear well. 1( nnioiui winner.! AND Fliarmaoist, Patton's Block, State street, Salem, Ogn. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN to prescriptions, and all orders by mail or express filled prrmptly and accur ately. Physicians and Country Dealers wil save money by examining our stock, or pro curing our prices, belore purchasing else where. 40-tf R OSEBTJRG ACADEMY laE WINTER SESSION OF 'IMfS INSTITUTION will commence: Monday, Deo. 2d, 1878. Under the supervision I the undersigned assisted by Miss Hattie Uiililand and J.M. Bower The term will continue sixteen weeks, ending March 2St.h, 1878. The t o owing are the RATES OF TUITION : Orthography, Reading and Writing per month $1 66; per terra...... $ 6 00 English Grammar or Geography per month $2 00; per term 8 00 Higher Aiithmatic, Algebra, Geomtry Bookkeeping pr mo?. 50; per term 10 00 Latin, Greek or Fmnch per month $3 00; per term . 12 00 J. BROWNE, L. L. D. Principal. , AlAHONY'S SALOON, Nearest to the Railroad Depot, O klan JAS. MAHCNEY, Proprietor THE FINEST OF WINES.Z1QRORS CIO A IS - In Douglas county, and the best BILLIARD TABLE IN THE STAT Kept in proper repair. S j'ParttM f r. rwl i n nr on tliA roilrnad jvtll find til i f Til a fa Dan l,an in vtait An inn the stopping of the train at the Oakl ind depot, Give me a call. D-tf JAS. MAHONEi DISSOLUTION NOTICE- This la to notify the public that t,h copartnership heretofore existing between w. jL. Button and O. C. Perkins has been dissolved ty mutual coneent, Mr. Button retiring from the firm. The firm will be known as Perkins & Heedrick. The friend ship of the public is asked for the new firm by the retiring partner, who would thank it for many favors. W. L. BUTTON. RofiEBTjito, Nov. 15, 1878. A. BUSUELMEIR, PRACTIAL GUNSMITH Has Permanently located in Roseburg, OPPOSITE COSMOPOLITAN - HOTEL. I WXLL GOA11HAUTEE ALL WeckBen by EI as Qaad Superior to any performed in Oregon NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC TT!ntir.e Sb hereby given that all debts due by the late firm of Button & Perkins will be paid upon presentation to vv . jl Rutton. Metropolitan Hotel. All those indebteB to the firm must pay the same to him at once and save costs. W. L. BUTTON. Roseburg , Nov. 29, 1878. n X 1 m t88W i -zzzz:zz::::::::m$8 i MSB FALL OPIIIIi I AT If!! Y NEW GOODS! P'f 111 M. JOSEPHSON, Has just returned irom Sau Francisco, where he haa purchased the I'inest Assortment ot " j LateetJStyles A FULL Ladies' Dress Goods, LACES, TRIMMINGS, Fifteen varieties of Ladies Cloaks just receiTed. ALSO LADIE S AND MISSES' JACKETS-LATEST STYLES & PATERNS "Which will be sold at Prices to suit all purchasers. Also a Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods . . ..AND...... II ATS, SHOES, Boots, ETS., GROCERIES, CROCKERY, WILLOW-WARE & CUTLERY. More complete than that of any other establishment in the city, and at Fairest Rates jggS-lleirember I will occupy Dr. Hamilton's brick opposite the he Metropolitan hotel where I shall sell goods cheaper tor cash than ver befora. M. JOSEPHSON. THE in NEW PRICES! and Paterus, . LINE OF EMBROIDERIES Full Line of Wheeler Bro3 Postoffioe Building, Locuat street. Oak 'ay ....DKAUUtS IX.... 4. DRY I WOOL 'AND-COUNTRY FECDUCE. We will Pay the Hie&est Pries. FOB WOOU And store ALL WOOL FREE CF GIASCf. 1 We are prepared to receive wool aW either ol the following places: Roseburg. Wilbur, Oakland. Yoncalla Drain's and Scottsbmg fltt. WHEELER BEOS., SALE1I . BEY" ISA.CH i PTE SHOP, B. F. DRAKE, PROPRIETOR, SALEM, OREGON ' STEAM ENGINES, SAW MILLS GRIST Mills, Reapers, Pumps, and all kinds and Styles of Machinery mnri tn nrAar Ma. chinery repaired at a short notice. Pattern luaamir uone in ail lis various forms, an all kinds of brass and iron castings fur nished at short tW Al of Enterprise J?trap and Matcher and: WILLAMETTE BTO.E VIC ECS RICHARDS & ROGERS, Proprietor Manufactures oi the i amous Dexter Cools Bto ves PARLOR STOVES.BOX STOVES, A27D ..... HOLLOW WARE, BTC, TC, ' Front st, bet. Main and Madison Portland, Oregoa II. 0. STAMON, DEALER IN Staple Dry Goods Keeps constantly on hand a general as sortment of EXTRA FINE GROCERIES, Wood, WUlow and Glassware, also CROCKERY AND CORDAGE. , A FULL STOCK OF .school moms, Such as required the Public County Schools .ALL KINDS STATIONERY! Toys and Faancy Articles. To Suit both the young and old. dole agent for the celebrated PACIFIC THRESHING MACHINE COMPANY:, "-"7 Including the well known PELT0N SIXsFOLD HORSEPOWER Buys and sells Legal Tenders, furnishes ' Checke ou Portland and procures drafts on San Francisco in sums to suit all require ments. SII0EED LIEAT FOR WINTRE TEADE SMOKED HAMS.BACON AND HC JF1 32 IF J Freshly cured and of FINE QUALITY The undersigned would iit m id. J " V. Zens Of Roseburcr that 1 haa inai unul v.. J vu. UV nnest lot of Hams, Bacon and Beef ere. onerea to mis market; and that no one will fail to purchase the samn when nnM tit aw examine it. Prices lower than ever. JACOB BITZER a AKD t Teed Stable, This establishment is the JBcst in the State and connected with it is a large WAGON YARD WITH FINE 5hD R03&I Capable of accommodating an) umlwr ci uorses ana wagon. BEST OP HAY AND GRaJIJ Always jn full supply at living prices And No Oue is Allowed to Go Away Dissatisfied. Don't fail to five uu a rait f j tennined to suit you in quantity, qualitv and prices. WEIGHT A cartiv 7 V4 J. B SUIT II, Opposite ibraimu Brown, Oakland.Og . . . .D&ajlek vs. . . . - Stoves and Tinware HARDWARE, ft w AND FARMIM IMPLEMENTS. Eeepa always on hand a XJXilj STOCK And ia always ready te sell oods for cash at prices so that all will be satisfied. QUICK SALES AND BEAD! RETURNS I a my motto. Now is the time for your