Senbtpenbent SATURDAY. . . .. DEC. 21, 1878 i IT IS NOT EIGHT. j. It is not right fhat one man fhall suiter tor tbe offeodiog oi ; number of otkers, nor is it right f hat any one man shall carry a uutil tbe danger in. pant." Taking this altogether, it eeemt as it another Iadiau war in Eastern Oregon is only a question ot very short time. Should there b . I . t t. ..- . : i.M f.,..l W-i..: '.--i.s.::. u.uier uuiurea u ia certain ii. 1V..U uui uciungiug iu unit a a I ... , . . oait Of his hii'rlen. W hpar that Wl" uw tuurB 1H8U,,S B,m uu,aft ing cnan uie laie one, as tne ih IT IS KO WONDER. it is said that the investigating committee will attempt to place upon ex-Governor Chad wick's shoulderi the eina ot Grover. i 1 -1 r r , -mi vyiury anu uann. i he reasons stated for this proceed u re is, that to injure Grover h to hurt "tbe party ; to hurt Cann or Giltry is to disturb tho?e who may hereafter Oe netful, ar d then their puuish ment would not ud certain politi ciaus of Cliadwick. In other words A telegrphicdi-patch ot the 10th Chad wick is to be made the tar instant saye, 'Geu. Lyon, of the get for a general fire, that other purchasing Oiinmlttee ct the board politicians may take his place, and or Indian commissioners, and that after he has been politically Barclay White, representing the killed, other men will be able to bociety of Fneuds at the VVinhe step into his shoes, and without bago agency, spoke against the f ar dictate to the party what it transfer ot the Indian bureau to shall do and whom it shall vote the War Department." Gen. Ly- lorl on. Has probably, made money To wrong auy man in this way oaymg supplies tor "bo! the poor is to commit a cowardly crime. Indiau," and we Jirtt it any one and the parties who would encase ;wiu swear tor liarclay that he is in such an enterprise are little less .' - IIT : ' . .1 nite, or that he is a second than assassins. We dc not be- William Penn. Itisobvious why liev'e the members ot the committee uch men oppose, tbe. transfer of mil lend themselves to any such tbe Indian bureau to the War De- prfceediwn.' We have too much partrnent. Tjliere are two reasons respect for the average ot man urged, for such tranjfer- first, kin.) to think that there uie men there can . but little it any so 4 testable. But if we are m:s Cauce tor speculation in the pur- taken, and it should turn out that Cita.e ot Supplies for agencies to for party sake and for the proline carry out terms ot treaties, and tion At interests of private imiis bolu, iue inuian win not oe vidua), one particular man is to men will become more self relieni ; B l"u pw'rcy m D sacnncea tor tlie wromr deedb There will bono nwesaitv f, , will be pursued if he becomes ot others, then our word ofeens and armies wU 5-mi,. bloodthirsty and goes upon the sure will noi he lea atmuir tlm.. om.romn ; i . C i w.uv. cult IIIC 1UI IU. war-paxn. n mere is no specula- the expressions of wrath of the when will thnt-dav fHwn ? I ... i ... . i . i I . I ... ) urn 4eii in ine raaitrr or trie pur- peiple upon the head of each hite ot supplies, the chai ces are member of the c inmittee so abus that ien. Lyo-i, Jike Uthello, will ing the trust of those desinu"- dians will profit by their last ex perience ; and it is to be hoped ! the government will not fail in its duty a second time. The Indians ot Idaho, Kasteru Oregon and Eastern Washington territory must either be removed or exter minated it periodical outoreakes are not desired. ONLY $34,000 OVERPAID. mi . - ' ine legiHiative investigatinjr committee will end its labors with j the close ot the t resent week. It has leaked out that the sheriffs ot the different counties have otdyi beeu overpaid the amount of $34,-1 000 tor conveying prismers from their respective counties to the J'enitentiary or, iu other word, I liberal officials have made them a ! present ot 34,000 ot the people monsy. Will the eherifta nows tell us by what hocus poeus they tnus were overpaid? Let all ot them explain. Governments are not acciden tal, but ordinations tor the protec tion and edusa:ion of the people. Governments are to the whole people what tht father is to'tne i tainily. When society has been . . . . . i suuiuienuy eoucated ovenments will become leas necessarv nnHl &QQDS TO m $OL& GMEtlPE EVER BKFOIiE IN THE GREAT SLAUGHTER ALL PRICES! J. ft EOED Hu tha lrgt bu best selected tock of Ever brough to llosebur which he proposes to offer to tht market at prices lower that, can any other house in the city. His stock embraces the Yeiy LATEST Novelties in LadiesFancy Goods And alo all Styles of FINEST BliESS GOODS ! Consisting in part of SFhitfa, flljicLasLuLeaS, acji uffc, Vallate ffmLtaidaneA, 3fLcA JPLaln and fanci Ma&e. etc. , He desires to inform the public that he has a complete stock of Clothing f Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Comprising FulJ Suits, Tea, Scar s, Cravats, White and Fancy Shirts, Colored un " derwear, Ladies and Gentl men's Shoes, also Crockery, Glasswar , and Groceries, In full Supply and Cheap for all. find his occupation tfone ; and if honest cepduct. thre are to be no Indian acrents ; !Wm.. , , , " t, b WE CONCUR. White will soon stand in the eame . I a a predicament the momeut the bu- The Portlai d Standard, speak- r,,,iese slave laborers should Tea,u is tranferred. Under these ing of the late , meet in o- of the make their wav to the East it The Chirese questiou is excit ing attention in the East. This is. perhaps, owing: to the tact that the attendant evils are spreading tDat direction. It 209.000 i Km&m m&ipi ; mmmw OF ALL DESCKIPTION O.N HAND. in circum8tnces it is no wonder that managers of the Western Union both cry out against a meaoure Telegraph Company in San Fran that may "rob" them out of bread cisco, thinks tbe company would and butter ana riches. There has do better it it would allow all the been yet but few men who were newspapers in Oregon so desiring cot governed hy selt-intcrest. As to purchase news, than to continue it is to the profit of Gen. Lyon ihe Oregonian's preseut monopoly and VV hue that the present peace of the dispatches. It tells the policy should be continued iheir tru h when it says "if the rates reason for opposing another poll were mode reasonable thpre are ey though argument may show other papers besides the Portland it to be necessary tor the protec- dailies that-would purchase and tion of the livea of settlers, their pay for the dispatches." The wives and children is likely to present policy of the company is bo atinbufed to a desire to cons tinue in office tti supplies. would be people. ............. .... mruu, 1 mo icuiuny imviic n uv oio insionierB ann r io - Mih i rrana v examine the stock in my store. All will find it in every way complete, ami that I have unih.i mlv r o""uo- J. U. XIjUKI). an eye-opener to the NEW TO-DAY. NKW TODAY. WOTICE. UFARMEIVS AND MECIINANIC'S-T O 2KTIE3 T T 9 art A Kilt accounts of the late o a desire to cons s.-My to foster one newspaper, and t , c u.d to .peculate i.. to give it an advantage over the nrm of Iloed & Co. must be We find proof ot this rest, while it might give to its paid before the first day of i.. one M,g.e state . ent ma-te l,y n,re desem,g rivals an equal February, 1879, or the v will a Uiiding Democratic politician in ch nice lor snccesf, and lose noth- tins Mie which yet remains un- ing ;n the end. Jt is probable be placed in the hands ot offi- ontrdi ;ted "The.e has been but that without its mononolv of ihp ... t ...j ono linlian ageni in the history ot telgrapti ti e Oreyonian would die i Oregon who ever returned a bal- an unlamented death. At least ance ot mo.iev not exuended to one-halt ot its Rennhlinan and nil - ' the government at the expiration j ot its Democratic subscribers in of his term of office." It is not ihis county would s'op their sub-. ME. C. COHEN Announces that he has an immense stock of cer for collection. Notice. "JTOTICE ls HKUEBY GIVEN THAT J.1 Wm. H. Willis and Owen Willi, have lww-n SD Ollltt-d ttV I lit. (1.,iini rl vsMeiiiuii u MpeuK. oi every cae scnniions CO it 1 ne moment another uouciaBcounntv. ureiron. excuKiri. i,f o- wl ber has been discrenen- daily i,aer in Porth-nd wa 1 J !f S I"1!' !ftsed-nd i I - 7 I is.' vrrma "anUK tlUI II1B BvHIIl HI. fifl Ifl I ;ies in accounts ;ttie list wou d be lowed to publish the dispatches. ,ale are . ne7Dy squired to prewnt the j. i ..... , -r, ... . ,. .. . enie, witl. the proper vouclttrs. witiiin air too long; but It is easy work to But 1 this should llOt disturb the months from th date of this nolice to Wm con to mi.a wnere large amounts telegraph company, since the sue were embezzled and to speak of eesstul uewspapei or newspapers one "poor unfortunate who stands would immediately take the Ore- to-day charged upon the records Igonian's place und permit nc loss defaulter lb the sum of $19,000 to the company. troin tne ion appropriated to tuL We certainh' concur in the fijl a treaty with the Indians. proposition of the Standard that jl CIil 0 Fiji! fl J mm MERCHANDISE! Also a full line of It, WilliB. one of Brtid necutoru. at dix ni- nce in KiweDnrflr, v aaif county. Oregon. UBltHI at tvosi-oarff. OoUtf couniv )p- Ku, iui oiu uay or Jj-fremtmr, A, l). IS6S. WM. K, WII.LIS. OWEN L. ..1LLIS. Executors. ASSORTED BmnClZAI&DlSB ! The d struct iVn of human life fr the . past twelve mmth hs be ii appalling. In China it is e.-ti:nated tht overseven millions of persons have died of starvation, and the. wart which have been raging in various nations have carried oti two hundred thousand, while in our own country the yel low fever scourtre has made near ly fifteen thousand new graves. Deuthi i. ever a welcome visitur, neverttieless it normer r biter niiike its call at eadi of our doors. A life Hpentin virtuous struggles and noble deeds has its rewards m dearest memories Hroimd the grave. Let the good that is in us be manifest while we live. Dr. J. A Callander, (LatoTJ. S. Arujv.l till liffvunuriopa in ta fitutu elw-v..1l I ,nntr. . ... .,tft ,,, ,uv w. ouumu urrH .Bi AX llS UESIDENCE FIRST navei the name When Jackori went out of the Presidential Chair in 1837, the Nation washout of debt and theio was a surplm t 16,7-J8,480 in the Treasury, and to-day the Na- . . a. : i ; 1 1 . . ! tion owes over iwo uniions oi dollars. Thins doing pretty well for only forty years. If we keep on at this rate in 1900 we shall ....n fV.n ni'O little tnm nt pIpVpi; IT V V . " ' - billions ot dollars. If you are stung by a bee, use hartsrorn ; if bitten by a snake, get drunk. So physicians say. llaug a bee sting ! give us a Fiiake Jjite. right as regards l news; transmitted over the wires, and in time we expect the telgraph company to couduct its bosineBSj in such a way favorileism on its i part tor c ne newspaper will not I prevent all from buyitig what they vvant at a fair price. i Another Indian War. bouse west of Judge Willis.' SCHOOL BOOKS At Old Prices. Mr. Cohen announces that he occupies S. Y. Crane's store. and is prepared to receive his customers at his new tore . r a ff mi s ih ill1? a w ifl J 3D il& Hi' H 7Z ff h f IIE txJ Rgir til Hi! R31 5- 2i3 -is- 02 H M -2. 4 .J l'r S;:ITI 11 Mil ' H SI U - m ,;; B i: 1 Etl ' Si J . BROW WE, M. D., Notwitlistancinsr the 5 ...i i..... ... r . - School Books All Grades, Will rnnr'inn tn m.AA ..r i A , ,w v. JWllUOi LTlCeO paper 6tates t at Moees Las de lied the eherift ol Vakimu countv, and freveiited him from arresting the murderer- of the Perkins fam, A FULL ASSORTMENT 1 have lto a lly, and as ihe shenfi" and posse have not returned, it :s feared they have beeu foully dealt w:th T j v .. . iy me inoians. In addition to this the LTmatilla county papers are tearfi I of trouble on ihe d y set tor the exeeutioi of the niur- derert of G o. Cogga'i. The East j Oreyonian bays it "is informed that jthere are some 200 armed warriors on the Columbia rive above Wallula. This means something-. Thev are sdid to he Ot fiuely bmod UmWs for HoKaday Presents Suixriii' to any t-lsewbe eta ! t i.H in ine cny. H. 0. STA27TON. San Francisco CIGAR STORE. s. gol,istj:ii prepariug an unusually larse sud- ?AS opexed a cigar AND FARIETY 11" a. . . - 1 II i --. v ,p g'uu, Killing came ami l nny oppwue t P 8tntfic., nd 1ib king and drying the meat us if they iwere preparing for a winter's muH ,lr,.;.. .v. .... iff""1"11 lartferttetcki of Imixirted au.1 .1 tn. .. . . !lWlr yjn Bm:.UA..n ..II !. . iS,IVl M MIMIVI O 1 . " 1IHMHWH BII lilt? I fOVit tA -.4- a-11 . .. . . campaign. The government T..bcco. McLa,,.,. Pit. u,nl. Can should at once send snmo fmmia I'8 "nd olT articl.-s found iihuallv in r a sharu of public jmirrmnirt' is rmuectful v Solicitf J. should at once send some trooos I d'8 ",nd otl"" articl,"B ,ot,nd uali'v in in..Ul,i- '" i .l -i l flM-cl" establwliuiHnt o? tbe kind.'"'. M inti'j tni. section, and the tiilhlia prices will lm low and iut tim- h -n I ' a - I . C in . sa.ou.ia le organized in readiness ISMS. J, O. JOHNSON, ILLI.iER DRESS MAKER 1 LOCCST STREET, OAKLAND, RKOON. Ilaviiijjust retarnfd from Portland with the largest, and most elegant stuck of MILLINER GOODS Which I intend to mil very low, I in vite the citizens of o'ak'and and vicinity to Call and HX:niin tor themselvea befoie purchaainif where ray complete stock of Bonnet. Huts. Kibbona. Latva .silk and Vt-lvet Triniiuinra, &c. Orders for dn-aaea attended to with neati nepa and diaich. oc'.20-ltu. ' m i i,i,i 7i.n nmrV Kejilh's Saloon opposite Metn)olttan Hotel, Uoaebunz GEO. BKATII, Proprietor. . .. .. . TUB FINEST oy ' WI XES, LIQUOES & CM GAR Always on hand, and in con ection with theraJoon will he found a tVELL-KEPT BILLIARD ROOM ....AND ... TEN-PIN ALLEY. Where both health tlieae mparting frame may be indulged 4- " I (At Dr. Palmer's Office, Hoat-burr, Osrr.) ROSEBUHCJ 2I LS. office llOUKS : EVERY SATUR- alwasjniiani ! ; I)AY FR0 9 TO 4 P. 31. THE VEitY OF LOUR, fr. Brow,, woo d prescribe clnaiv.,y for (iiBtnaea of tlm throat and Innjra. aivd ". HitDKits ko estpt-ci 'lly Nasal Catarrh and Pulnionurr frafkpd - Whi-nr 4rl.i..i Plnn Cijiumtii.n. F.-r nearly t-nty vear t.' CraCKeU w mat, tjnihain t lOUr made these .leases a p.-cialiV. Pet and (.'ornmeal sons Hfflcted or tl.reateneti therewith and Q'fiirinu treatment r exauiinario and ad vine tniy coimult him at hia office every , (Saturday during the hours latid alove 1 Filled on short notice, and on iiiitsi libera trtu. Junes & oatk. NEW ifl 15 A 1 111 UK ET CLARK. Mc'CrhEGOR, P.opa. LIVE AND LET LIVE. joiin -eburg Brcwey, KASf. IMJOPIIIETOH j BEST LAVE BEER MADE IN r STATE I maak u.t:i X'KKD BY JdHN TTAVINO LOfATkD I'EHMANEVT. ly in ltoseburif, and having secured nrc Jft'W. the building adjoining J : hn Clark'a saloon, . we are prep, red to turninh th s tnrke " W'lh the choicest beef, tiiiiitoi. and pork, and anything else ip our line of tiadf, at he ver Jowtst jiricea. (live ua a trial and voaIUDeo (I. Wei'jiytlje l.ighest Price tor Beef. i i . .. . ...... . ..o ninv.e cllliB'HIltl oo andri. winch he will sell in anHnnti,. t (Jive him a call. - 4tj S, MAEKS & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in m GENERAL MERCHANDISE I Have Constantly on Hand Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots SHOES, CROCKERY, GROCERIES AUD PEOVISI0NS, Fine Wines and Liquors, ROSE BURG i OREGON: WOOL AND PRODUCE Of Every D33riptioa HIGHEST ... .AND THE.... PRICES PAID BY TIIEiVX ESTABLISHED 1855 Pioneer Establishment THOS. P.SHERIDAN. The first hajdwa.e dealer In L'mpqua Valley, in the Brick Building, ETAS RECEIVED. AND IS NOW KKi il Ik ceiviug oue of the moat complete stocks of CO OK, I'AULf )11 & OFFICE STOVES, Of "the Moat Improved Patterns erer re ceive 1 in this city. And beaidna has the moat complete stock of General Hardware, AnJ manufactures everything in the line of TIX, SHEET-IRON & COPPERWARE In a wo.kkmanlike manner, and on most reosonable t nis. Iron, Steel and In a"" Always on hand, and in qu ntities to scut. Iff. G. WOODWARD, AGENT FOR CTRC8 WATKISD8. WM. WAT KINDS. B L iL C K SMITHINQ I WATklDS BROTHERS Would inform the public that thef have Iead the large blackgmithinf shop lately occupied by George Mickle. end that they areprepared to do all kinds of Blacksmith la First-Clas3 Style, And at prices lover than the lowest. They have many years' experience in the line of Horse-Shoeing. And claim on this point in the trade, they are competent to do the beat of work to the aa iHl'ncuon of all patrons. 1 Qive them a call. Simp opposite S. Marks & Co 'a. store. Koseburg. tf-33. "'to L 4 II BRTTTLEK And Dealer in ' " SADDLES AND BRIDLES. And other SADDLEETWAHE. Next door to Marks & C 's. ROSEBURG, warehouse I would respectfully infirm tBb public that I have now on band the largest moat complete atock ot SADDLES. BRIDLES, HARNESS SADDLE and ORNAMENTS, WHIPS. ETC. ever brought to Southern Oregon, and am fully prepared to fill all or any ordera in any line without delay, and to ihe satisfaction of all w!:o may favor me with their patronage, at prices which de fy competition. : All work warranted. Remembt r the store next door to Mark & Co's warehouse and farmers are especi ally inviieJ to examine ' my atoeks and pri.elist. W.G.WOODWARD. " FOR THE HOLIDAYS! i FINE JEWELRY 1 FINE JEWELRY I batches, Chains, Eing:3, Bracolot3, Diamonds. LOUIS BELFILS. Jeweler & Watchmalrer. Would announce o the nnh!i tlmt l.u ).. the finest assortment .f jewelry ever brought to Rebnig, and intended exem sively for the holiday trade. His Block otnpria. a evervtliim in the ixtielrv linu from thesniailtst a.eevelnitton and tiniest irl pngetsring to the handsomest g ild wa'fh and hrillint diaiiunid preaMt-pm And this valunble stixk he l.roiMwea o sell duiing the holiday? at la'ge discount mvm former prices A better I'pportnr it v was never offered to the iu lie to purchase holiday prestnta at fine tHriaiitS. STORE NEXT DOOR TO DR. HAM ILTON'S. ' Give me Chl. if vou want anrth..isr usu ally found in a firr-clw Watchmaker an Jewelry store, at a fair nrire All work warranted L UIS KKLFtLS. JOHN FBASER. KQine-tntd Fumitaro WILBUR, OREGON. mm HE 1JAS THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF UMPQTJA ACADEMY. This institution of learning will commence ITS FALL TERM SEPT. 19, 1878, under the guidance of Rev. J. H. Skidmore, Principal. To the many friends withl" the reach of this Academy, we would say : That each department, of the school will "be nn derthe. control of thoae who have mMei to good ability, cult vation, patience and experience. Ther will be three departs tnt-nts in this Academy. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT, & MUSICAL DEPARTMENT We shall b glad toessist friends in tbe election af homes for their children, and if our su2g-8tions are followed, we assure yon t Im children will b ebitdded tfym the evil influences. . - . B-.ard can l had at from $3 to $i j er weefc. Tuition, from f5 tofri per quar tei, in Auademv Department; from $ t to 6 in Commercial Cena tment, and from 12 to 115 in Musical Depa tment. J II. SKIDMORE; Principal. THKITOIS! WU KRIS KItlNKLE'S IIEADiUARTERS AT Langciibrrg; ISros.' B T O B. 23 ! W won !d announce that w have iuat r ceived trm ih.- East and Europ . the fin eat aotumiu of mechanical and other toys ever ;tuorted in thiacity, and that We do not pro pose to be UNDERSOLD 1Y ANYONE, o, Oisrars and' -Tobaccosls:- umBiiienwiBioftoi rttrniture south of; ( J roruann, ana all ot my on mannfacture. NO TWO PRICES TO CU.'TO ERS Residents ot Dou to give me a call before purchasing ! J? T? elsewhere. EVKR RliOTTfiTTT TO UOSKniTHGL AND W. Wl f.T. A'fiT nv AJJ Work Warranted. UMmKUSOLD. ' ; 'lr Sl- Wo l.-tve faun Un.t 1 ' K ' I ii- f! t.'i.t.!.. r !m t. Candies and1 Notions VI-.Ii. f. I to -.. :,- . Crying Dolla. !Vr t!IVe!f.: in ,,tj mi am .N.a-aa. wmihi . oy -ijo... ai4;,ft..i,a, Unanivutal iai-a. mj- i-vi-rvtlWi ,.u.. .i.iiut t . cbi.Uren. O ii iii'ivmi-nt o 3AIJT i CAyJS I e goin ' el .tr- to A NU iNBEK IJiiOS