Tbs 1niepkndbnt The be t newspaper : ever published in Douglas county. Society Meetings. tUMPQDA CHAPTER NO. 11, K. A. M., hold regular coram amca .ewi tiona ever first and third Tuesday ,ia ech month Alt members in good islanding will take due and ticaely ant ice a id govern themselves accordingly. Tisiv. siuiZ coropanious are invited to meet with the Chapter when convenient. B. HERMANN, H. P. W. L FRIEDLA.KDKR, Sec'T- . A LAUREL LODGE A. F. and A. M -L holds regular meetings on or beto.-e - .r each full moon. A. JONES, W. M. A.F Campbell, Secy. phii.eTAKIAN l.ndr 'o. 8. 1 O. O. I? iiiui.ii .in s;infi ev'eninir. of each xreek at 7 o'clock. in their hall at Koae bufit. Members of iheorder in good stand ing are invited to attend. By order of tbeN u- LOCAL NOTES. Wet! Wet! Mage your turkey. Institute on January 9th. Episcipal service last Sunday. Bill Glover is dangerously it). ... i Much sickness is now abroaa. Aiteud tLe ball December the 20th, Potatoes lor sale at the Grange .vart house. " j Tiie tost rains tiae tilled the creeks to j overflowing. ' Uncle Sam" Marks was in thucity dur ing the week, hale and h .-arty as eve.'. D. A. Levins has gone to Sau Ftancisco. He will return with Mr. Sol. Abraham. The blow Sunday night was equal to forty poiititians alt talking at the same time. , The indebtedness on the Ashland Acad emy lias been assumed by a joint stock com pany Mrs. G. O. Ih.rman has returned from Sa!ein, where she has been visiting re!a tives. A new restaurant has opened, next door to Mrs. Conipton's dressmaking establish merit. Snow on the oast range of mountains for the first t me this season Tuesday lnorniux last, Bvb. Troxtel wili have a shooting match f.,r turkuva near the dunot Christmas morning. ; New cross wlks Lave been laid on Jack sou ftrer. Others are to be put down o Main. Good enough. Fresh garden seeds in endless quantities and from the best seed growers, just re ceived at Hamilton's drug store. James Woodward and "Pappy" Gilder sleeve have gone ' prospecting for the pre ciuus metals south of Koseburg. Two marriages in high life are soon to occurr. To kiss the bride in either casn would be something pleasant toremeii.ber. "Jim" Wright has once more gone into the livery stable business at the old stand. If ou want your horses well cared for pat ronize him. H. C. St n ton has a fiue lot of school books, which ln will continue to sell at old prices. He has also a fine lot of gift books lor holiday presents. Carpenters are at work on the Metropol itan hotel, and it is the intention of the proprietors of the building to give it a general overhauling. Mr. Hyman Wollenberg has gone to 8an Francisco to remuin during the winter. Borne-one t ild he was going to get married, but liymaci say therd is no truth iu the re port. '- Dr. Callender of Jackson county, has re moved to this city, where be proposes to practice his profession. His family will goon arrive, 'l it- Doctor comes to us with the bet of rcomendations. After all said ti the contrary, Sheriff Ho gau captured Charley Brown in Lane coun ty and brought him back Saturday evening. Ctiarlny wit board at tho expense of the county until Uio next term of lb a Circuit Coutt. Another Gone. Tuea laj evening at 9 o'clock Dr. 8. Pal mer breathed his last, and the: soul of an other pi ineer whyed its flight heaven ward. Wednesday following the remains of the deceased were burried by the Ma sonic fraternity, with the solemn ritea of that Order, and wert followed to their last resting place in Masonic cemetery by neiiilem if l.anm) T-odie No. 13 and & great number of friends of the good, old D cior. Dr. Palmer was 04 .years of age; had once served as physician and surgeon in the United States Army, and since wag a successful practitioner iu this county. Ilia death was caused perhaps by worry ol mind, as well as wear ng away of body, and tlioxe who caused it must satisfy their . owu consciences. But after all, Uir is left to tiie satisfaction of his aoble wile, the thought, We died good luau, and the world sa v 8 so. Peace to hi ashea. aince his soul has fouud a home with his Father and God. ,r A Brutal Murder. The Portland standard of recant date gives an account ot a brutal murder that occurred near Feattle, W. T. Two married men, who were neighbors, and whe were on friendly terms, were visiting each other with their wives. While bo doing they got" into a religious discussion, which en gendered unpleasant feelings. One drew his pistol and attempted to shoot the other, but was prevented bv the women. Ttey were at length reconciled by agreeing to a silent disageemeui.. B it in a few tuos menta they again engaged in the debate, and finally came to blows. One of the sien " seized a large meat knife and plunges it through his antagonist several times, Wio fell tithe floor and expired. The a Beeinf what he had done fled. The nsnaea of the parties were Brown and Gallagher, the latter being the man killed. ; ' Philalathian BalL j The Philalathian Literray Society Will give a ball on the 20th of December. Ex tensive preparations have been made to render the ball a grand success. The ball w'll be given in Marks 4 Co s sew brick. Died. Pied, in Camas Valley, November $7th, 1818, Emnia Venus Pouge, youngest daogh ter of W. R, and L. A. Ponge, aged twenty months. Jacksonville, Eugene and Por i land papers are requested to copy this ne , Met. - - . . v . QUITE A BREEZE. Houses Unroofed, Trees Torn L'p, and fences Prostrated. One of the heaviest w ind storms ever known to oui people, passed over tLe Unipqua valley lata Monday morning The storm began about 1:00 o'clock, and filteen minutes Defore it Lroke npon this city, a tearful roaring, rumbling sound was heard, which increased as the storm drew nearer, and finally when the wind came one could hardly hear another per son speak when both parties were inside of a building. The etorm came from the' south west, and, as an old salt describes it, "it was a regular sou'xwestei." The sig nal set vice record shows that the storm had a velocity of Sfcy miles per hour. What made it most destructive was that the wind came in gusts, and formed whirlwinds, which took most everything in their way The dninige done in this city was con siderable. The engine house, at the rail road depot was thrown to the ground and completely wrecked. "Pat," the fireman, as good luck wuld have it, was in the cab of tiie locomotive when the building lell, and escaped crushing to death. He was starting the fire beneath the engine, and was startled, as might be supposed, when the house tumbled over his head. The headlight of the locomotive was torn off and ot : er damage done to the machinery; bat '.Big Jack" ."putted out'Tor Portland the same morning with his battered en gine as though nothing unusual had oc curred. W. F. Owen's chicken coop and smoke-house were unroofed, and had it not been for a wire-clothes tine whicli held them they would have been carried into the river. The river at the time whs as angry as the sea ever becomes comparatively speakinjr. - Its Surface was violently disiurbed. Mr. Thrasher had some damage doue rbout his premises, but it was easily repaired. The southern cor ner of Wright & Carlon's stable was torn off', and a fched covering hay scales, and the scales also, were demolished ' A large oafe tree standing near was blown down upon the dwelling houso of W. G. Woodward, and a portion of that structure shivered a if struck by lightning. Tom Grigdaie'e barn and Jacob Biuer's stock thd were carried away. Mrs, Compion's millinery establishment also was d .majed in the matter of cornice destroyed. For a time it seemed as if the whole town would go, and tLere is leason to believe that much serious loss would have been sustained had the storm lasted 'luee hours instead of one. The barn oi John Bruckner six miles southwest of this place was thrown over, and, a year's crop exposed to the rain that followed the storm The greater number of telegraph poles were uprooted on the differ ent lines, aod George Dement lost a smoke house. All lences iu the county have been prostrated. George Koberts BU'tea there is not a line of fence standiug between Can yon vi lie. and liosebuig, and parties irom Coos Bay, say ther- are no fences standing in Ten Mite and Looking. Glass districts. In addition to this Col. Thos. Beale lost two sheds and a portion of the roofs of his barn and dwelling were ripped off;BenAgee lost his barn; Jeptha Green a blacksmith shop and wood house; Tim Crossman half the Toof of, his residence; Jim Velzain a smoke house- J as. Diliard the roofs of two granaries, and Jeff Singleton the roof of a barn. The force of the wind was more plainly shown at Looking Glass- There the roof lo H. G. Crrw's barn was completly raised. One half of it was carried the distance of thirty yards, and the other half fifty yards and deposited on the roof of that gentle man's dwelling. At Oakland the damage done was not so great as in other districts. Fences everywhere ware blown dowu. A. Hr 'wn's stable was unroofed. Half of the roof of the large stable was torn away, as well as a part of the roofs ot Hsynes' and Frazer's barns. Pat Snyder suffered only in the loss of a wood shed. There is no record of such a storm in the history of the county bt fore. Parties who have resided here tor twenty-five years say ft is 'he first.. The lmbsof the trees, show ing a growth of forty year, do not exhibit any signs of a similar storm, and there is evidence to prove that it is the first storm of the kind in this valley within a half century of the past. While we cannot es timate the full amount of damage, it is very easy for us to attribute the storm to acci dent, and nothine more How it was it dropped upon us cannot be told ; the chances are, another generation will have come to take the places of the present before another such oocars. .Worth Twice the Sam. We have just received a copy of The Chicago Ledger, ttie leading family paper of the west, which is now" entt risg jppon its seventh volume. The Ledger Is a forty eight column weekly, printed in jbold, plain type easily to be read by young and old, and is filled with choice stories, and reading matter of interest to every household. This excellent journal is sup plied to subscribers, postage paid, for the low price of $1 50 per year. In order to increase its present large list of readers, the publishers of t; e Ledger have made a new contract for several thousand fine Nickel-piated English Steel-barrel-and-Cvlinder SevenShot Revolvers 22 cali ber which they propose to distribute" to iheir Buhscribers at cost, and therefore of fer one of these elegant weapons ol defence and The Ldger for one year for 8-1 00. The revolver will be sent by mail, postage paid, on receipt of the price. They have already-distributed 3,000 revolvers and are mailing hundreds daily. Now is the best time to get first-clas revolver and the best paper in the country for less than half the actual worth of either. Tli ree sample cop ies will be sent to any a 1 drees for ten ets. Address The Ledger, Chicago, 111. ! New and Cheap Jiusie. , Lovers of new first-class sheet music, embracing some of the compdsitons of the greatest composers, at less price than such Bheet music can be purchased in San Fran cisco, cannot do better than to call at the etoreof Dr. J, Woodruff. He has a collec tion of fine music of over five hundred different pieces from wuich a com planet critic cannot fail to select something nice andpleasing. It is without doubt the fin est stock in the line ever brought to Iiose burg. Go and see for yourself. Fine Display. It is almost useless to attempt to de scribe the splendid piles of goods in the capacious rooms of M. , Josepbson. The nice warm gentlemen's and boys' snit, the xcellect selections or ladies' goods, and in iact there is nothing wanti g to . make up a magnificent assortment of holiday goods Kotel Impiovements. Perkins & Headrick have been making extensive Improvement at the Metropoli tan hotel. " The bar-ioom has been en 1.1-owd and received a new floor.: They have received a Bplended safe and placed H in oosition. Tney nave maao vuo ini r politan popular hotel,. . : , RESOLUTIONS. Garjteb, Dec. 9, 1878. At a regular communication of .Aurora Lodge No. 59. A. F. and A. M the follow ing resolu'ions were passed: Wbbkbas. It has pleaaea the Grea Architect of the Universe to remove from our midst our late. Brother Edward Green, and : Wherbab, It is but just that a fitting recognition of his many virtues should be had, therefore be it .;- - Iiesolted, by Aurora Lodge No, 59, A F. and A. M., That while we bow with hum ble submission to the will f the most High, we do not the less mourn for our Brother who has been taken from us. That in the death of Edward Green, this Lo3g lament the Joss of a Brother who was ever ready to profler the hand oi aid and voice of sympathy to the needy an i distressed of the fraternity, an active mem ber of this society. wIiomh utmost endeiv ors were exerted for its weltar and pros perity, a friend and companion who was d-ar to us all, a citizen whose upright and noble life, was a standard ot emulation to his fellows. That the heartfelt sympathy of this Lodsr'J be exteuded to his family in their afflc.l ion. That the Lodce nd furniture be cloth ed in mourning tor thirty davs. mat these resolutions be spread uoon the records of the Lodge, and a copy transmitted to the family of our deceased Brother, and a copy to each of our county papers. J.W.Leeds, W. M. McGee, P. Nklsos, ; Committee. DEATH OF HI LEY' SINGLETON. Sunday morning last K. W. Singleton one of the first settlers of the valley of the Umpqua.deparred h a life at the ripe age of 60 years. The disease which carried Mr. Singleton's soul y the home of his God, was that of accumulation of fat iu the re gion of the heart, and the good old uutn died surrou du.l by his children, grands jldren and great graiiucliiliiren. His ill ness was not patuH ; his death was ac complished without a sigh, fie had lived a good man, and his feorsfnr the unknowu hereafter were few if any. There was but one gasp for breath, a rattle in the throat, and Riley Singletou was dead. Up to the last momtnt he retained consciousness of all meturs surrounding hiin.uud at the last moraont his excianiallou was ' My God, I aiu dyiug." The remains of the deceased wert interred iu the buiving ground ot the family, on Deer Creek, fourteen miles from Uoseburg. They were followed to tjieir resting place by those who regretted he who was ioved was lost without Uod gave iLein way into heaven. Handsome Wedding Dress. Mr.-. Compton is now engaged in com pleting a wedding dress for a handsome young lady in this city. The joung lady will go to Salem 'with hiei intended, and in -re the ceremony will be performed not only for them but also for another couple, relatives of the expectant bride There will be a double wedding 'of course. The dress is made in the style cf the Princess, of white cashmere trimmed with white diagonal satin puffs and lace. The front is square, of white satin puffed with lace. The front is also finished with satin van dykes and satin reveres. Elbow sleeves. filled with white blonde lace, and a kilt train of seven feel completes what the skil ful hands of the artistic milliner has fash ioned into a beautiful dress. Forger Captured. About two weeks ago a man named Bumgardner sold several forged notes to Delashmutt & Oatman, Portland, and then decamped. A reward of $500 was offered for his arrest, and the man was followed from Portland to Taquina Bay, and thence along the coast to Empire City, where he was arrested while engaged in playiug a little game of poker. Chief Of Police Bes ser took the prisoner by tra.n to the city of Portland. Bumgardner is said to be the son of wealthy aud respectable parents in the East, and we are iuformed that an els fort will be made to compromise the mat ter. Hired his Own Horse. A certain M. D. went to Wright & Car Ion's stable the other day to hire a horse. The Doctor had put his own horse into the stable several weeks before, and the sadle' keeper gave the animal ro him. The M. D. rode that dayv and the next, and in the evening of each day returned home. Each time he paid for the use of the horse, lie cuised the breed of the worthless animal, and swore when the keeper smiled at his threat to change his patronage to another stable. The Doctor, however, cooled dowu wi en lie found out he had been riding his own horse, but he will have to ;atch a stranger before he can sell tne animal. Captain Williams Returned. Capt. L. L. Williams returned from the north Tuesday evening. Since he took his departure from this valley, the Cap tain has traveled over Grande Koude, visit ed the Coeur d'Alene mountains, and took in Spokane, Palonse and Walla Walla, lli s appearance is that of one who has pers formed a long journey and enjoyed his travels, and his welcome her is that of one who enjoys the unselfish friendship of many. ' A Second Case- Two hundred head nt Stover's sheep in Webb's slough, Umatilla county, strayed away three weeks ago and have not jet returned. fis This a second case, perhaps, of "Little Bopeep lost ber sheep, And didn't know where to bud them, Leave them alone aad they'll come home And bring their tails behind 'em." Sentence of Death. Sentence of death was passed upon the two Indians who were convicted of the murder of George Coggan. last Dec. 7th. The citizens of that locality are prepariug for any emergency that may occurr on the ray of execution, January 10th, 1878. In Luck. John Clark has again been doing well in mining stocks. During the the week be sold 150 shares of Hale &, Norcross at f 12 per share. He paid $ 9 per share for the same, Twisted Them Off. : The storm of hst Monday morning pas sed through a pine grove on John Jones' lace, and, twisted off the lops of a dozen or so of the trees forty feet from the " ground. Amateur Minstrels. ? A company ot amateur minstrels has Deen formd to give a series of entertain ments in this city during the holidays. A number of fine vocalists have been secured. Improving iit Health. It was reported on the streets Thursday afternoon that Ir- Gen jer was dead. This was not true. Front Dr. Hamilton we learn that Mr, Genger is improving in health and will soon recover, l MINING NEWS. From the Jacksonville Timet via gather the following news of the mines of South ern Oregon: Everything on Kodenberger & Co's. mine is in a flourishing condition. The miners in the region of Uniontown are about ready to commence winter oper ation. John GofF has been doing considerable work on his cinnabar claim in Sam's Val ley recently. The Sterling Mining Company have completed extensive preparations for work this Winter. The Grand Applegate Mining company has a large number of men at work on the btg ditch, John fteckaer St Co., on Forest creek, have a small head of water and are sluic ing some ol last Winter's ground. The Silver creek miues of Josephine coun:y are holding out and will probably lure a targe number of miners thither. Aioie milling will be done in Josephine county this Winter than ever before. Gin Lin is repairing his ditch and get in g ready for the Winter rains. The late wet spell euabled him t do a little clean ing up, fro-n which he is said tJ have real ized a hifudsomf sum. The survey of the Magruder, Owen & Co's. proposed ditch was this week com pleted. Thj surveying party has returned and work may soon be commenced, though there is a probability of its being deferred until next spring. The Coyote Creek company is about ready to coounence work. The ditch from the old MeWilliatns & Ash claim , to the ground recently owned by P. O'Shea has been completed ud the pipe lam. This is one ol tiie most proiuiMU enterprises m JsouUiern Oregon. The 'Oreg inian" and the Koseburg In have a bad way of appropriat ing the i lines' mining news and palming them off ns original with them. Very naughty, indeed. Jacksonville Times. It is naughty, but then it is nice. N. D Uideuout, a prominent banker nd resident of California, is now in Jackson c unty, inspe cting t.ie mines of this sec tion. He intends to invest in some of the claims. He is a Director of the Oregon Si California Land C uupany. ' - DRIED CHERRIES. We have beeu presented with a lot of dried cherries by W, C. Evans. They were grown by Messrs Luelliug & oon, at Mil waukie, iu this Sta'.e, and were pitted with Lillie's prune pitter. The cherries were a jood urticle of commerce, end Messrs Luel liug & Son deserve credit for their work in drying them. These gentlemen have grown and manufactured this year ot this fruit above four tons, which they sold in bulk in the San Francisco market at forty cents per pound. We have no doubt had this fruit been treated by the 'iAlden process, it would hare retained, after cooking, its natural fla vor and would as readily have sold for fifty cents as forty. Th recomendation of -the Alden process is, that fruit dried by it re tains the delicious flavor frnit is noted and prized for before dried. The Alden dried fruit at the Stae Fair has often carried away the premium for the reason the nats ural flavor was not d stroyed in curing ; and what can be nicer to the palate in the Winter than dried plums and cherries, pos. sessinir the same flavor as when plucked from the trees and choked t In this connection it is a pleasure for us to announce that Mr Evans has purchas ed the Alden fruit dryer in this city, and that he proposes to hereifter successfully conduct its operations. We have no fears of the result of his labors. Different from other men who have invested in the enter prise, he has practical knowledge of the business, aod wisdom sufficient to inform (be famers as to the - trees they should grow or the fruit they should cause their farms to produce. This is what is needed in the owner ot a fruit-drver, and there is no doubt . Mr. Evuns wilt meet the en couragement he deserves from our people. If be is not triven this, .the farmers of Douglas county have not the foresight or judgment we would give them credit for. Appointments. There will be preaching in the AI. E. Church on Sabbath Dec. loth, at 11 o'clock A. M. m Rose burg ; in Pine Grove school house at 2:30 P. II., and at Rosebur?; at 7 in the evening;. In the Cofes Valley school house there will be preaching on the 19th, 20th and 21st, at ntgnt. Ou Sabbath the 22d. at Cleveland, and at 1J P. M., will commence a aeries ot meetings at the French Settles meat school house. - JN. A. Starr, Pastor. A country editor eaya that alter discussing the qnestiou all Win ter, he conies to the conclusion every Spring that the ciren ia immoral; but when the bill poster comes along with the big pictures, his nund changeB. He adds: "As we gazo at the lions, tigers and moukeys, aud thinc that nature made all of hem we are not so sure And when we look at the beautiful young lady wun no:rnng on Dut a Dlue rib bon around her very blender waist, with one very plump leg pointing to six o'clock and the other to high noon, and think that nature made her, too, 'just as she was, except the ribbon, we begin to lean up to the circus. But when the brags band begins to play and tne elephants go rouud, we rush tor a front seat to get in ahead of the deacons, who always wear Btovepipe hatst and won't sit down in trout." San Francisco CIGAR ; STORE. HAS OPENED A CIGAR AND VARIETY fctoie next door to the barber shop and nearly opposite to the Postoffice, and has one o the largest stocks of Imported and Domestic Cigars in stoca ever brought to Koseburg. His Block also embraces all the favorite brands of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Meerschaum Pipes. Notions, Can dles and other articles found usually in a S first-class establishment of the kind. My prices will be low and my time cash, and a share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. . Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the Si ate of Oregon, fort e County of Douglas, sitting in Probate. . In the ma ter of the estate of Alex Porter, deceased : A G. L4NGD0N, ADMINISTRATOR of said estate, having filed in said court his final account for settlement, and also praying for an order toy setting the time for heariug the same, therefore, no tie is hereby given that said final account wilt be heard and fctermined in said court on Tuesday .the 7th day of January. 1879. at which time all penons having any ob jections to said final account and settle ment must then and there snake the ame; and that notice of the saane be published in the Independent for lour consecutive weeks. By order of Hon. C. Gaddis. T. K. 'SHERIDAN, Clerk. NOTICE. 1SHEREBY GIVEN THAT MY WIFE, Ada Short, ha left my bed and hord without cause, and I hereby warn all pel1 sons not to cred . Ir.T on my account, as I shall net be liable for her accounts. GEOIWE W. SHORT. RosEBitno. Oregon, November 19. MlIBilifJ BHO'S. This firm has constantly on hand the finest stock of Boots and Shoes Ever brought to KocDurg. HOOTS AND SIIOKS uvrctd to Order v ATf ftKIMTUED. IiTOX'0 PATENT METALLIC STIFFENERS, roa LIMES ARB HISSES' Boot and Shoe Heels. Prevent running over and wearing off oa the SIDES, j THIS Fl KM HAS to u.i.o itiii i? lN est stock of leather in the r-'tate. and is prepared to do all kinds cf work in fl'it-clas manner, xipon the most reasona ble terms. Panies' needing anj thing if their line, should call upon them, fit ft ss they fully GUARANTEE ALL WORtC Turned out ot their shop to be 11 90' c"'in to wear well. 11 .-T7a7s&UHi & GO. mm iiiEiiT A2JX) Iliarmaoist, Patton's Block, State street, Salem, Ogn. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN to prescriptions, and all .orders by mail or express tilled promptly and accur ately. Physicians ; and Country Dealers wil save money by examining our stock, or pro curing our prices, before purchasing else, where. 40-tf NOTICE Of Final Settlement in the Matter of the Estate ot Loren Da vis Deceased. Frank Davis, administrator of EtRte of Loren Davis deceased.having fi ed his final accounts showing all his proceedings in the premises, It is, therefore, ordered thav. Wednesday, December 4th. 1878, be and is hereby et apart tor the hearing of objec tions thereto, and the final settlement thereof, and that notice of the same be published in the Douglas Independent for tour consecutive weeks. By order of Hon. C. Gaddis, County Jud.-e. ' T. R. SHKRIDAN, County Clerk. Rosebchq Or.. Oct. 12, 1878. R OSEBUItO ACADEMY UE WINTER SESSION OK 'kali INSTITUTION ... WILL COMMENCE: Monday, Dec. 2d, 1878. Under the svpervist.m "1 the tinder-i'jnod assisted by Miss lltt.ie Giili-and and J..M. Bower The term-will continue sixteen weeks, end'ug March 2Sth, 1878. The f i owing art the RATES OF TUITION : Orthography, Reading and W ritiug per month $1 CO; per term $ 6 00 English Gtamniar or Geography per month $2 00; per term 8 00 Higher A-ithniatic, Algebra, Geomtry Bookkeeping pr nio$ ' 50; per term 10 00 Lai in. Greek or French per month $3 00; per term 13 00 J BROWNE, I. L.D. Principal. MAUONY'S SALOON, Nearest to the Kail ro ad Depot, 0 klan J AS. MAIIGN'EY, Proprietor THE KIN EST OF wines,: iQzoas ciqa is - In Douglas county, and the best BILLIARD TABLE IN THE STA1 . Kept in proper repair. E3"Partfe8 traveling on the railroad .vill find this place very handy to 'visit du ing the stopping of the train at the Oaki nd depot. Give me a call. 9 tf JAS, MAHONE1 DISSOLUTION NOTICE- Tills is notify the public that h copartnership heretofore existing oetween W. L. Button and O. C. Perkins has been diswlved .,y mutuat consent, Mr. Button retiring from the firm. The firm will be known as Perkins & Headrick. The friend ship of the public is asked for the new firm by the retiring partner, who would thank it for many fa tors. W. Li BUTTON. Eosebuug, Nov. 15, 1878. A. BUSIIELMEIR, PRACTIAIi GUNSMITH Has Permanently located '.a Roeeburg, OPPOSITE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. I WILL OUAIIRAKTEE ALL Workmen fey&l as GggcJ! Superior to aj performed in Oregon notice: to the public IJIotic 5 hereby given that all debts due Oy the late firm of Button & Perkins will be paid npon presentation to W. L. Rut ton, Metropolitan Hotel. All those indebted to the firm must pay the same to him at once and save coats. . W. L. BUTTON. Bosebubq, Nov. 23,1878. " n r i V 1 ISM-1 BBASD' Va&LL QPEREKB I AT NEW GOODS! 1VI. ITaa jus returned irom Sau Francisco, where he haa purchased the 1'iuest Aesortment ot . Latest Styles A FULL Ladies' Dress Goods, LACES, trimmjJtgs, Fifteen trarieties of Ladies Cloaks just received. ... " v ALSOTADIE'S AND MISSES' JACKETS LATEST STYLES &PATERNS Which will be sold at Prices to suit all purchasers. Also a Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods . ..AND...... HATS, SHOES, Boots, ET8., GROCERIES, CROCKERY, WILLOW-WARE & CUTLERY. More complete than thai of any other establishment in the city, and at Fairest Rates JCSgrRerp ember I will occupy Dr. Hamilton's brick opposite the the Metropolitan hotel where I shall sell goods cheaper tor cash than ever before. M. J03EFIL30N. THE il 3 ' I NEWPEIOES! and Paterus, LINE OF JOSEBMSOJN, EMBROIDERIES Full Line of Wheeler Bros Postoffice Buildfng, Locust street. Oak an.. . ...DEALEK8 IN..., jdfcit goodw wool and country produce. We will Pay th Highest Price FUR WOOU And store ALL WOOL FREE OF CHARGF. We are prepared to receive wool at either ot the following plares: Roseburg, Wilbur, Oakland,- tonca ll Drain's and Scottsbmg . Ctf WHEELEfi UKOS. . SALEH F0UNDEY MACHINE SHOP, B.F.DRAKE, PROPRIETOR, fAI KM. DREUON STEAM ENGINES, SAW MILLS GRIST Mills, Reapers, Pumps, and all kind. and styles of Machinery made t nrdr Ma. chinery repaired at a short notice. Pattern niaainir aone in ait its various forms, ana 11 kinds of brass and iron mk intra fnr- nished at Bhort r Also manufacturer of-Enterprise Planar and Matcher and Stickers and thtrp ir. , ' WILLAMETTE STGYS WO urns RICHARDS & ROGERS, Proprietors Manufactures of tl.e famous JDexter Cools Stdves PARLOR STOVES. BOX STOVES, ....and HOLLOW WARE STC, ETC., Front st, bet. Main and Madison' Portland, Oregon ' 1 'ft SIMON, . DEALER IX Staple Dry Goods Keeps constantly on hand a general as- . eortiuent ot EXTRA FINE GROCERIES. Wood, Willow and Glassware, also CROCKERY AND CORDAGE. A FULL STOCK OF Such as required the Public County School ALL KINDS STATIONERY! Toys and Faancy Articles. To Suit i-both the young and old. Sole agent for the celebrated PACIFIC THRESHING MACHINE COMPANY., Including the well known PELTOX SlXsFOLD HORSE-POWER Buys and sells Legal Tenders, fumishea Checks oii Portland and proeures drsf's on San Francisco in sums to suit all require ments. SMOKED LIEAT FOR WIUTRE TRADE SMOKED IIAMS.BACON AND j 3133 333 302 T2? 5 Freshly cured and of FINE QUALITY The undersigned woftld say to the ciU sens of R.eburg that tie lias just cured the finest lot of llamB R.irvm nnrt K,f offered to this market; and that no one will tau to pnrcbase the same wnen once they examine it. Prices lowtr than ever. ' JACOB B1TZEK 01 AM MOT EC LI VERT A&Da a Feed Stable, TLis establishment in the ..-. Best in the State 3 " ami connected wfth it is a larva - WAGON YARD WITH FINE fchLD R001I Capable of accommodating an. urnl oa. nurses and wagon. BEST OP HAY AND UlLaXUr Always in full supply at living prices And No One is Allowed to (Jo Away Dissatisfied. Don't fail to give us a cat), for we atv (ta termined to suit you in quantity, qufrfity and prices. WliKiHT & CARLO fl. : J. D S TUT II, Opposite i-ti u a 3mwu, Oakland, Og- . . . .DEALER IN .. Stoves and Tinware. HARDWARE, ATIJT ARMm IMPLEMENTS ! K-1 aitvays n band a And U !jv ready ; sell foods tor cash at prtO'K s.ithat a.t wilt be satisfied. QUMi :Afjlid A N'D RtADI RETURN! Is iny motto. m.m is the tint for rout "