. ' , The iHrtEPEHDEjcs-. The be t newspaper , Society Meetings. esrfUMPQtU CHAPTER NO. 11, R fiffi) A. M., hold reiralar communien fcsH tions every first and tbird Tuesday la each month ' All rnembtfrs in Rood standing will take due and timely notice aid ovrn themselves, acoordinjrly. Visit, insp companions are invited to meet with the Chapter when convenient. . HKRMANN.H. P. W. I. Friedlakder. rVe'y. LAUREL LOD'JE A. F. and A. M holds regular meetings on or before enrh full m-mn. A. JONES, W. M. A.F Campbeu,, ecy. PHIL.ETA.IUAN ,Lodi:e. N'o. 8. 1 O. O. Fjhimwu ni Saturday evening. . 01 eacu w.k m.t 7 o'clock iu their hall at Kose- barjr. Members of theord.-r in pood staud in jr are invited to attend;' By order ot the r LOCAL XOTi4. V Look at the new ada.1 t! ! .. ; j ; " Wenthei cool and pleaa.tnt. r Fanners every where buay. Potatoes for sale at the Granpn -vart-houee. Velvet iaseeed for sale at the Grange warehouse. goon will commence the Oakland city election iiBt'M." .;..;. Fii'eTil'amook butter at C. Cohen's. The best iu "the marlt -t "' VSiiiCtVo'nr last dodo,' the Oakland corres pondent has I oft us alone. Smsible. "Cnc!e J;m" GmiBtock ami laly are in the city, isilinff their many trien Jt.. Woodward, the saddler and harness maker, is selling borse-collara to fit at his ntit harness nhop. , . ; Fresh garden seeds in endless qaamities nd from the bet ioed growers, j ua re ceived at Hamilton' drugstore. ,,, . 4 Rev. J. J Sntt'on expects to preach in the "Wiley Bclijol lnuse on Sabbath Dc. lotii.ia 11 o'clock A M. Allareinvited toattend. Mrs. R. Thomas,.' M" Fannie and the , !j t u..-.. Hurinir the lalv, paid iwmeuuiK " r , wei The were j$ Sol Abra ham. RevE. W. Dixon will preach (D.V.) in ' the Robert's ek school bousw, on Sabbiith lh 22nd, ar 11 o'clock A. At. A cordial in vitation ia s tended to all. - , A dramatic entortainwent, the proceeds of which are to be applii-d to chariublo pur- Dose, will be given on New l.enrs eve nintf by a number of amateura. Mr. J. Booth has (rone below to take a commercial course of study. We wish hini a wise instruction and insure hini . hearty we.corne from bis many friends, upon his return. A letter received by bin wife, states that Mr. bol. ' Abrahum has just recoveied from severe spell of tever and aua. . He will probably not rei urn from Kan irancisco un til about Christmas. Col. Ross, ol Jackson county, passed through town n Friday moruin? en route for Salem. From him we learn that it is expected the inttBtiifatiiijj coin uit tee will clone its lal)ors within two weeks time. "A Surprised Community." Last SSa:urday mornintf about 4 o'e'eok the residents about uaa: urove atation--aouth of this place were startled from their slumbsrs by a whizzing' uoitte in the air, followed by aloud, sharp report, lieo. Htepheuson's Ciiuef cook was the first to main a re:na k to the effect "Uitu. Debit Ueap c uio," an 1 tUer. the heaiheti strucK for in in luiitaiQi, rl.v.i(Uf fr m the wrath ttsi''el by ni fiih, wtiicu hu thouglil had O.ue. I' hose win were witness ol the c .ue for tue.alarTj say that mie r ol Dui" n - blinjr a r.5ii hot ball, fell in the field of Air. Jite 11111100, " the oppceiie anie or tue rivr npimreuilv tlartinjj down t' th earth with inc nceiv.ible speed, and bury injr, itself in the earth with terrific force. No elf rt. so r'ar aa we are able to le, rn, has yet ben in dj m elliume this "fallen h3 ' n.v imi in tlklnk il. a Hir, O Htm "t uu, "iw - framai- fr-ni ill erratic plaeet that pa.-ed ver tlie coast the evening before An io the Ciiinanvati he lms re.uraed to his labor for this tim only, since he declares he will n it stand a second visita'iou of Satan. ' ' ' Fine Safe. The county has purchased a fine safe same style as the first new one purchased by Floed k Haynes, and the old one was transfered to the mannfacturere in part payment of the whole amount paied. The new sate weighs 3.40U pounas. ana, aiuer ent from the first, the last purchase is bur jr ar proof beinji prova d with steel vault, rubber pad, and all her late improvement- The aent wiib whom the con tract wna luadj offers to put five thousand dollars in the safe and allow any protes io'Bin'bnrjrlar twi lvw boum tim to open the same, Hini it KUcceSr'ful, permit the nur plar to take th mont-y Insiile in payment for his services. F-?;i his respotfsiltiiity as ct4tKlian ol the public funds, and being the careiul ..liiciui he is. Treasurer Wright is highly li'He.l with the new piece oi furniture inb' ffice, A New IKde. Among the sharp tricks that are resorted to in order to obtnin an occasioual "smile" irotn onr iquor uenicro, uiiuo jir" iu ic original than one that has recently been practiced in this city. A man entered a wJoon and stated he bad so ne teams on the road trim Jacksonville to Roseburg, and that be wame'd to buy some whiskey for nis men. Of course the accommodat ing barkeeper invited the fellow to sample the whiskey. He went through the same thing at several bouse, b it finally, while trying to practice the game on a promiueiu hotel man, he was balkad. He bad tried the sme thing before witb the hotel man, i... lit- r in lm n . - used some ffectini - language suiul.le to the occasion. i Installation of Officers. The following ofllcera were installed by Lanral Lodge No. 13 I F. nd A. M., on Wednesday eve'ing fast: J. C. Fuller- 4 W VI . U T. Unrinn S W - O Uestli. J. W.; K. JNewcomo, recremrj'i . Rust. Treasurer; A. Jones. Ty er. The ses sion was largely attended. . A Bne colla tion was spread'. New Contractors.1 tk , It i i'aied tkat Barlow and Sanderson.of theC. & 0 Stage Company will soon carry ' the mall between this city and Empie, they s having been awarded the contract, vice JHuntly discharged. '"A HISTORICAL CURIOSlTir " -'; We have is onr possession a daik-color ed stone, found by Mr. John McBee in th waters of the South Uinpqna, some six miles south of Rosebnrg. t weighs some thing near five pounds, is irregular in shape, its surface is nearly smooth, and ap' pears to have been subjected to the wash ings of the waters for a great number 'ot years. On two sides ot this stone are hier oglyphics evidently carved by the band of man. In one instance there seems to have been carved a man's name- and a long one at that or a sentence chiseled, in a man ner now unknown, perhaps, only to the learned Bcholr.r, whose education bs been increi sed by schooling in the tonilm of tue Egyptians, or iu decyheriog the inscrip tions, fonnd upon the table s of the A y syiiatiB. There can bo no dewpi on in the matter of the age of the sinne. or the fact that the CHrving was done nii'iiy years ngo; since the rock shows that at one time the inscriptions were on tl e iimido ot the r.iek, through growth in formation; and since then water has worn enough . awny to yet Wve the carving plain euougii to ba seen by the naked eye. We hi, a iow this spectnieh , of the "first inhabitant's" work Ui l'rofetssor Coudon when h visits Roses Durg. Knowing that so tar s history teaches no Hide, savae hand ilid the. work; we will - in the meantime wonder what of th pas the fctone cau tell w!mn plHCitd in the hands u ouu win, thr -ugli stuilyi yet titt-B to Jiuerprl the language of tlte dead.f ' ' X DEAR SCHOOL. . If, as rpoited, next Spring shall bring to this Slate a second visitation of the bor rors of an Indian outvreak, then the Gov erument will learn there is no use to tem porize with the savage through religiou liuiinu agents, and probably lurn 'iiin over to the inexorable but just control f,tln unitary. The massacres ol the M.ack Hill.i. the uuliapiiy late of Custar, aud bis brave followers, and tlielmiian murders in Mon tana, Idatio aud Oregon , have done mncii tow ird eilucating the t.utilic niind in th right direction; but it seems ihat the iac po icy nuiht I followed, more men. women and children be iuHscri'd, aid more tr-rn lory laid waste betoro our Uovernmeui eurns. hs did England, i hat nothing bin t 'in force ol arms can fi.rco ihe sivage o c 'ntinued suWmission to the law. 1 is a dear school of exi" rience in which to find tun truth, but mistaken; philatithrophy i.i ihe Eas, wh-re knowlevlge of the Indian is' learn-d from toliaccou.ts' eigns, will per mil do other. Unsettle 1. It appeirs that the Indians of Eastern Oregon and Washington Territory are far from bing satisfied with last years' out! rages, aud are preparing to repeat the work of murder. The military depart, ment are pr vented from taking any pre cautionary measures, by ib authorities at Washington City. We'lnay reasons o!y ex pert that the terrible devastations ot last summer will again disturb the pence nnd prosperty ot the country. It may be that the vigorous charges made against the management of Indian iiff.iirs by General Sheridan may change tin attitude of the War Department. Wo hviie it will have that tfll-ct. Letter LLst. Following is a list of th e letters remain ing in the Postoffice at Roseburg, Oregon, December 1st, 1878: Ladi.-s Mrs. Lizzie A Craw, SaruU Dodg, Mary Dyert, C J Dixon, Almarine Duncan. G Fish er. r-'arah Roaten, Annie Simons, Lee L Thomas, Ber- die West. Gentlemen W 3 R-iuiett. VV Bernis. L L Buck ngham, C W Browne, J Copper, VV It Carson, W. K Cross. Wm t enters, Hau,k Christwoon, B W Dean, J Gorney 2. Orin E Gossline, J A Haines, F A teanlan, Abraham Manser, David Mc- Alkin. Thomas Mu vev.'G VV Mattliews, B Post. B C Smith, John F Stephens, W 1! Weich. J C Welch. ' . FltNiting in the Air. According to announcement.-Mr. Ian- Cox gave an esliidi n n ot the pownr of the mind over inert , matter, '..last. .Saturday night. There were but few present to wit ness the experiments, but as tar ns thej went these were successful. Every thlnir appeared to. be honestly perfonned. llr raised p'eces of woral several feet from the fliMir hy the jwwer of liis mind. Mr. Cox seems ro be a tr-nt.teninn of ability and is honest in bis con vie ions, lie has g me to the WillametXii Valley where bis 'experi ments will lie brought under careful in ve ligation. ! ' - A Now Firm. Cyrus and William Watkmds have pur chased the blacksraithing shop formerly occupied by George Mic!;l. and hereafter will c' duct the same in h 1irtcnss manner. Both gentlemen are blacks nut lis of long ex MTiuc. and are . in every way caial!e of performing work sn talde to the wxh of oatr -ni They d--rve and wHI secure a ' s mre of putilis pvrmage. G.-".'ge M ciile h is gone to ."'alom wrh Dave 8 or v, t.i take charge t a shop at tb:i' place lao His New Quart-" s. Mr. TI.o. Waters, of Looking Gla-i,ha3 at last moved into bis new two story rexi dne.., in Looking Glas. Those wh havt- seen the ' u bMng f noun;'e 1; to 'v one o the finest country residences in Uinpqua V pi lev We wi it lleiirv anv ntnoun ' f isur. and a li-eg life iu bis new home, j Alanit Jiew Year's. Appearances ; now- uo to show that'-. Marks 'ft Co. will tit iv into the r n w store about t'-e first;f ,t"t!iiary. Snce the scafFddi'iL' in from has b en torn away, it has b --n a nera'lv remark"d that there is n h-ier b lildingin the Sttt: indeed, it is l'an',','"!i?niiitume t o the enterprise ol the nrm wincu owns it.. Sfejuly t "Work. Mr. Onorgrf AvBe-th'ha- rettl nel from a trip iwi t' 'i ' Roseburg. He reports" the farmer yet bnsy sowing grain, and engag ed in putting 5n largj wheat erops. In m 'iiy irtin es j n Ten Mile and Look ng G sa, " Bei-'h r- ports whest grow ng three and one-half inches in height. L"vi Ollice Transu-tion. Following are the transactions in the Rose' iirg L nd Office W Novem''er: " 454 acres sold for cash; 12 homestead applica tions filed; 12 1nd homestead entries; 34 preempti"n filinsrs- 5 d -nation certificates issued, 20 sere o' tfmntl land, sold, 1 timber land application. Public Ball Printing. We have received several lonts of type from San Francisco, and we are now pre pared to print posters, cards, invitations prntfrarnme etc.. for pn' ie bnlis in a tinndsome rfianner. and a', prices which defy;competiin Raffle. ' Dr 7.'W(vorlniff has a fine t!50 melod- win, which he will raffle off during the hol. lday - The price of tlie nielodeon ia put at Sfl inee it has become second hand. and chances will he held at f 1 per chance. I FrfJni varioas soarces we gather the fol lowing information of the mines of Jack son conuty. The diggings on the Hamilton claim near TJniontown, are progressing finely. A hydraulic is being put up. - - The Centennial Minning Company, in the Willov Springs District, baa is by draalic in position and awaiting Winte rain. The monster derrick for the Sterling Company was taken from Roseburg last week, and haa j.roliably reached the uiine by this time. It is stated that Capt. Kelly baa trans ferred the Coyote mines to some capitalists who aro intending to push the work for ward. Tilt purc ' ising parties are. Port land capHa is;s who ar-- able'o invest con siderable, money without uelay. T;-.e Grand Apiilegae (Vnnpnv are now pushing their work forward with activity. Their pipe and giant are on the ground and s ion three miles of ducli will he r-nmplet t ed, when cluicitig will be commenced. Rodenburger, Critzer A Kast's ditch from East 'loin creek to their claims in t!e Grave tr.-ek district.; three miles di taut, is noi completed and a f.ur bead of water is running through it. The coui'ta i y is pimin ou l.SOt) feet of pipe ano a giant. An excitement in Jnephine county, on account of recent diccovt-rh'S on rii'ver Creek, lias broken out. It is said that in one claim over two hundred dollars were ttkenoutin five days There is (jute a rush for that locality, and doultiss we shall hear startling uews Irotn Silver creek s iou. TIIE ENTERTAIX.1IEXT. Tlx; I'litertaiuineut given Thursday even ing hy the I'ri slivt. rian church atul i; friends was a decided succt.-s, tin) theref.ire a pleasure to ail h contributed to the di sired end. The friends of the church houki firM thank Mr. A. R.F.int for the indomitable Zeal be displaTe.1 in puli ng the enterprise Ujiou a an I putui'iir looitn, and alw) Mr John Dascotub tor securing Mrs. Jurley's wailig ires, wli c'.i com riouted so imtc i toat w ,s pie .sur tot e to tickle the fancy of the audience. We Ciniioi particular zeto the ex'ent we desir since we have not the time or sjiHCe at our diagHK-a'; but we cau mention tliose vlm earned the applause of the public Miss Lulu Will. h gave an inti res-ing .ecitatioti of the "New Chiirch Ductrine," while Mi s Ellie liagoti wmi the appla.ie of alt present !ii the same line. J'he singing of Miss Mill was exceedingly fine, as was also (be 1 l-irutneutal innsic anil singing of that ac c iiuplished pianist, Mrs Do Souzer. The attractions of I be entertaime t were ihe reuitatiutis ; of Mvsdanii s Benjamin and Comsti ck. Both ladies are, without doubt, graduates fr m the chol of eliH-.ttion; Na ture has given them perfect voice, firure' r tid perception of Ihe sublime; that they were perfect in their recitations was natural with them. The instrumental music of Master E. Fitzbugh afforded surprise and pleasure to all. and it is generally voted that the time will come when be will he a master ot music. " Mrs. .larley" (Mrs- New comb) was also a character, of which it is needless for us to speak; wh-ther as "Mother Gale" or 'Mrs. Jarley." Mrs. Newromb leaves no chance for fnult to be found with the actress' inipersonalions. The receipts w.-re y!10. Worth Twice the Stitr. We have just received a copy of The Chicago Ledger, tlm leading family paper of ihe west, which is now entriig uion its seventh volume., The Ledger is a forty eight column weekly, printed in bold, liluin tyiai. easily to bo read by young and old, and is filled with choice stories, at.d reading niHtn-r ,.f interest to every household. This excellent journal is sup plied to subscribers, postage paid, for the low price of $1 50 per year. In order to incrers-e its present large list of readers, the publishers of t e Li dger have made a new coutriict for several thousand fine Nit'kel-pinted English Steel-barrel-and-Cvlinder SevenShot Revolvers 22 calls Iwr which they propose to distribute to heir subscribers at cost, aid therefore ot ter one of thews elegant weapors ol defense and The Lwler tor One year for 83 00. The revolver will lie sent by mail, postage paid, on receipt of the price. They have already distributed ,000 revolvers and are mailing hundris daily Now is the bent time to get first-clas revolver and the best jwper iu the conutry for less than half the hci u .1 worth of either. Three sample cop ies will be sent to any aldress tor ten cts. Address The linger, Chicago, 111. New Mail ('oniraetor Fbosled. We Itav it tr m thu most r -liable au thority that WPliams, ihe new mail con tractor, has resigned the idea of crryin the U. H Maila letween this place and Heading. A dispatch received at this place states tl at Mr. Wit iaiiis has turned over to the i resent com wny earning toe mails bis con r.ict, im l bat Bario v & San derson wo! cariy i ne mail to the eml of the :ast contract made. VV'idb ms,i s- ems, could not buy enough to stock the r ad and i it I fill the t tins of the c-niract, on the amount o the bid. To run a siage-li .i like the preB-f one in operatii n between Koses burg and Head iiir. require hoth brains and c sh, and Mr. Wi iams confes ses he does hold a "full hand." New ami Cieap 31 in c. Iiovers of new firstclass sheet muio, embracing some of the compositong of the greatest composers, at los price than each Bhi-e mu:c ran be purchased in Sin Fra". Cisco, cannot no better than to cul at the store ot Dr. J, Woodruff. He has a collec tion of tine music ot over live ) tin. red diff-rent pieces fr-nn waicii a coinpt -net crit c cann t fail to se'ect s omething nice and plea nig. it is without douot the fin est stock in the line ever brought to Uose bur. Go and see for your if. Mail Ronte Suspended. The carrier on the rout was telegraphed Thursday morning to not carry the mail from this cny to E n-ir City. Coos county, and the service has been discontinued until further orders by way of the Coos Bay road until more- ia learned Postmaster Stsnton will send the mail via Drain's sta tion. ' Hurrah foi the Dutch. - - - j ' The Republicans carried the city of Sa. le - at the 1st e mnn c'pal election held at that place. Once more the Germau sings songs in . olla d. h'canse the whole tick et is successful, excepting in the case of ' wo cnuncilmien one Democrat and - one Independent.- v ' - gS- "h .Ssfe t4iaDied.'--tS. . f November 18th, E'taer. infant son of T. J. and S trah E." Singleton, aged seven montbe and twenry one days. New York (iraphic: "Gentle men,". eaid.i;Tildenicalinly, when they caught hn - wit-i the cipherH in-hia JiaodA.--'o-entlemen, my name i jo.t Tild?D.'' . : By the report of the Unitet! S'ates cmisul.ar Glasgow, receni: Iv trauf-rititteil to the dep.rtmetH at Waflhiiigtoii, it 'appe-tr . that tvas;es are steadily duclmtiig i" thitt country. Laburon recoieve from fifty to seventy-five cent a 'ay ; uuner! front -sisht to twelve cents er hir ; mechunio-t $s ek; p'witera Ou'railtvifys, oonltic'tor- uie paid h to 9 k-f ri ; !4',vit;lifeaiierj Ipo ; Mijrme u rivers ten to fourteen eeina an hi'-ur; ij fiiieti six to eiht centi an hour; The cot : otVJivini about the same sf iti the Un'tet; State. Laborer--- are paid it silver. -A n trj.f ' ieifarnt." former Clt iiMu i" ol' t';n l)emi)t:r lie X'a Pona! l.orninitlt,e.How alvH .isiii mienee inta"or ot Mi; refirMtitioit sift, which bid party lus eudevor d to repeal, and Ieiiuticel Iti Hii I heir con vi-ii'ion.. -' Senator Jones U-li.-yes fhi: i-titintry iu-tiHis' to ! tbe people. and ilio who are not eoiifenr to become i-itizeii) h ojid not b allowed to int' ilere with tb polit lOrtl. a!.- tuo'.ii, or! iiiuutrial rights of ot hae who are. t- fpnm rsBt awn WW ! FOa THE H LIDAYS! FIX y. J I '. W 1 LHY ! IN -C J E VV ELRT ! Bracelets, Diamonds. LOUIS BELFJLS, Jeweler' &c Watchmaker. Wmiirl nun. H.'-ce to the pub ic that be hs Tlie tniehf fiMO'lt e; t . i.( ji-Wf!ry' ever Ploitglii to t,oetiurg, i;c! tutende I exc siveiy t' r ti e holiday trade. His sck mi.r t-Verjtl' tig in th-jewe'r'y linn fr- m ti i snm mt !fi' lit ton him! tinieni (S-sri f.ngi rniig to the handsomest g ',- wan,l tl lid a liTfl ItHlt . ilsqttIKl :MteafttiB-. And tins V!lUil le hti ck I ropi-seti a soli ilntiiii.' tlie iif Ittli.Vf nt iH-ge (ilhcoii it upun lortio r i r i'i'H A f'tt port 'i' 1t whs never offYoeil to the pu to jm'i hh lio'i,lny prestnt at tine oafi.'HioS. STORE NEXT MOOR TO DR. HAM ll.TON'S. (Jive me a cl. if you wmit anvth.fig usu ally trtiud tirxtwcbtsa v at..hiuliHr' ni Jvwelry store, t a fair friee. All work warrant-l 'L'-UIS ELF1LS. San Prancisco CIGAR STORE. ';:S.;:.GOLDST;:irV HAS OPENED A CIGAR AND VARIETY toie next , door to '.lie burlier shop and nnnrly ojiistie to i Fie P stolFine, nd hs one of the liiruest stocks of lni)orted and Domestic ,'ig!irs in stoca ever brought to Kosebnrg. Hiss'iK'k also emiirnces all the favorite brands of Chewing and Sniokina Tobiicco, M-'ersrhnnm firs Notions. Can dies and oth-r articles found nsually in a first-class establishment of the kind. My rices will be low and my time cash, and a shnre of public patronage is resoectluliv SQliciteJ. ; ' liWr. -vyf f i nr .n ,-j it i1 iti l, V a b, fcii .-1 v auauis cr rs TOaL4.CH AST BOVXZJi airs ajj. tuussa AatHjea Faoa fiOTTR STOM AC11 SICK ITK.tPArUE, JBIUOrSXKSS 13 PURELY VEGETABLE Its action on disease Is entlrelydlltennt from any mwiicine ever nitroduced Threeloses will relieve acj orrticary case, bat th. miicin ibould 1m conticur-ii until it cflecta a eompleta cura. It tones and mvijortc tha dijreativ or fan and minriuUtes the liver to heaiihy actios, tnui prertntin; or entirely coring diseaee sns truci &litic, or watk ail Impure bloo. - miCE 73 CZHTS. i s C!iA'rH"'.33 VH3T, Psarin83.4 - v - v O :oledo. o. . . . .,"8- .(V . . j topyrizst nrua " &, ..'. - -n-i JOHN FRAS2R. Hme-aiact Furcilup WILBUR, OREGON. Upholslcrv, Spring Matttasse8,etc. t instant I r on hand I have the Best Stock of -Furniture south of i . t Portland, and all of my own ; .-' manufacture. 0 TWO PRICES TO CUKTO 'ERS u Residents ot Dbuglas county are'- requested - 1 to give me a eaJl belora pvTCbasing . 'y - ' i.". elaewherw. . - i ; All Work Warranted. f mm A . ATM v couc iwi rosm c J 1 Notice df Final Settlement In the County Court of the Srate of Oregon, for t C-tmuty of Louglasf ailtinrf in Probate. In the ma teiof tha estata of Alex Porter, d -ceased : A O. LANG DON, ADMINISTRATOR -X of said estate, hsvinrr filed, in sid c 'ii rt his final acco-int for settlement, and also pravjng for an order fur w-tting the lime for hesring the SHme,",,tlieref ire, no lice is hereby' given that said final account will lie: heard and determined in said eoort on Tuesday .the 7th day of January. 1879. at which time all persons having any ob jections to '-aid final account and settle ment must then and there make the same; and tht notic-of the same ba; published in the Indepkndknt for tour consecutive weeks. By order of lion. C Haddis. T. i. -IlE'tlDAN, Clerk. . NOTICE. , : IU1EREMY fliVKN THAT MY W1FEV Ada Short, has te't mj W and lHi.,rd wiib'ut cause, ami I h(-re:,v warn nil pe 'on-' n,t to c red . Iivroii my account, as I ba I ui t tie liable lor U- r nccoimts. f'E MitlE VV. XHQRT. R HEttV.ltO. Oregon, November 19. m mm. This firm has cons'antly on band ihe finest ' MOCK Of Boots and Oboes "Ever brooch- to Ku.-eourtf. BOOTS AND S1I0KS DVCeaclo to Order i i?ki n;K1) PATENT METALLIC ' 8TIFFENER3, " FOB ' LAnm ma anexr Boot and Shoe Heels, Prevents nma'Jig over and wearing off on tha SIDES mi is t-;... u A b o. Jm - t-si stock of Ieutiier in the Mate, and p'-iiared to do all kinds ff w.irl- n r 3'- t-clas maimer, upon the most ressona hie t.'ims. Psries needing an- thirg it ihe: line, should call upon thetx h'lf i. Bf they fully ' : GUARANTEE ALL WOR C um-Hi! out ot thfir slum to bi? VI out ot their shop to be re to Wear " ell. an' 1 T. 0. SMITH & CO. wmm mm 3P li V ! xxx aoiat, Patton's Block, State street. Salem, Ogn. PARTICULAR ATTENTION WIVES" to prescriptions, and all orders by (tuil or express filled prrtuptiy and accur ately. -.'-.! .- - Phvjicians snd Country Dealers' wtl save money by examining our sfock, or pro poring our prices, lielortt purchasing else- Where. .. . - ;: 40-tf . NOTICS Of Final Bettletuent in the Matter of the Estate ot Loren Davis Deceased. . Frank Davis, adminis-mtor of Estate of Iiren Davi decrasd,liaving fl ed bis final accounts Rowing all his proceedings in the pri-nnses. It is, therefore, Ordered thaV VVTedtiesday, IXci-mber 4th, 18T8, be and is liefebv -t apart loir, the bearing ofobjec- tioi theTeto,-' and . the final settlement th'ireof, and tbul notice of the same be published in the Douglas Independent tor tour coiiseruiive weeks. - ' Bv rder of ilon. C. Oaddis. County j T. K. SHEHIDAN, County Clerk. Rosebcuo Or.. Oct. 12, 1878. R OSEBTJII& ACADEMY uE WINTEtt SESSION OF luf INSTITUTION WILL COMMENCE: Blouday, Dec. 2d, 1878. Under tbesvpervision "I the undesigned assisted bv Miss li.it.ie t'iili'an 1 and J.M. Bower Tha term will cominue sixteen eekf, end'ug Mrch 28th; 1878. The 1 1 owing are the RATES OF TUITION : Orthography, Reading and Writing pir month fl 66: per term. C 00 English Oismmar or Geography per nioniu a 00; per term 8 00 Higher A.ithtuatic, Algebra. Oeomtry lMikkeeping pr moil? 50; per term 10 00 Latin, Wreek or French per month 00; per term... 13 00 J BROWNE, L. L. D. Principal. '. AlAUONY'S SALOON, Nearest to the Railro ad Depot, 0 klan J A3. MAHGNEY, Proprietor THE FINEST OF WINES. ZIQSISAS ClOA XS - In Douglas county, and the best BILLIARD TABLE IN TIIE STAT Kept in proper repair. C3?Pariies traveling on the railroad .vill find this place verv bandy to visit du ing the stopping of the train at the Oakl nd depot. Hive me a call. U-tr JAS. AlAUONEX DISSOLUTION HOTICE- This i to notify the public that k copanuersbip heretofore existing oetween VV . L. Button and O. ('. Perkins has been dissolved y mutual consent' Mr. 'Button r-tiring from the firm. The firm will be known as Perkins & Ueedrick. The friend ship of the public is aked for the new firm bv the retiring partner, who would thank it for many favors. VV. Ii. BUTTON. Kosebuko, Nov. 15. 1878. . NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC KlatiC ,e hereby given that all debts due uy iho mte firm of Buttin & Perkins will be paid upon presentation to VV. L. liutton. Metropolitan Hotel. All those indebted to the firm must piy the same to him at once and save cis. - ; VV. L BUTTON. Rosebtjho. Nov. 21, 1878. A; BTJSHELMEIR, PRACTIAL OU NSMITH Via Pemanently lwated in Roseburg, OPPOSlTEi COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. 1 WILL 6CA11RA5TEE Alt" Superior' to any performed ia Oregan n JF 1 -, i ef BRASS' " F JUL OPlIIIi I AT TVTTnTTT rrrTC1 0. JL1I VV KJTKJJJ&1 VflPFf M. J0BEPHS0K ITa ju rttaruad trom Sau Francisco, where he has purchased the j r tnest Aesortment ol Latest Stjle9 A YTJLL Ladies' Dress" Goods, .... y LACES, TRIMMINGS, Fifteen rarieties of Ladies Cloaks just received. ALSO LADIE S AND MISSES' JACKETS LATEST STYLES & PATERXS Which will be sold at Prices to suit all purchasers. - Also a Full Line of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods .AUD. HATS, SHOES, Boota, KTS., GROCERIES, CROCKERY, AVILLOW-WARE & CUTLERY. Mora complete than that of any other establishment in the city, and at . Fairest Rates ;1cillfetPerArjetf t will occtfny L': ii t. i . t-Li'-:.!! the MetroDontaab6tei vfbere I telialf deH'eoods cheaper tor cash tliau ever before,. V" ' THE If TTTTTT nT)Tn,niC11 li J VV' XJLULU-UO; V and ratenn, LINE OF EMBROIDERIES m'S CL0TMIKG9 Dr. Hamilton's brick opposite the ri" .-. l ! : U ""I- lt JOgKi PHSON. : Wheeler Bros Poattfic Building, Locut street. Oak asif' ...DKALH8 IS.... i JDLT GOODM V.UUL ARD' COUNTRY FR03LTE We jvill Pay th9 Eiaftsst rPrict' fok woo?,. and store ALL WOOL mi OF CHAFSF. M' ara prepared to receive ,vol f eitlmr ot tbn following places: Roseburg, Wilbur, iakland,- Drain's nd Scottsbniff i 6lf WHEELkB uUtiS. F0XT2TDI.Y MACHINE HiOP, B. F. DRAKE, PROPRIETOR, Ml-fci!, . LEGON OTEAM FINLS,aw MILLS (1EIST AliIls,.Keapers, Punij s, and all kinds a.,datyle.or Machiaerym.dtoorderrW.- c"'Dft' " " ',1,w' P.wa uii nunc iu mi us various lonr.g, ana ll kinds of brass snd iron castini'r fur nished at short notice.' Alio BsfactiW "t Enterals. Vktaer and Alatcbvr kw Stickers and tv. iK WILLAMETTK s.rovs wo an:s RICHARDS it IJOGEKS, Proprietors Sunnfaetairss ol tl.alaaioua Dexter GooTc Stoves PARLOR STOVES ECX STOVES, AND..,.- M0LLOW WaKI 3IC, TC, Front'st. bet. Portland, Oregon DEALER- IK Staple Dry Goodo Keeps constantly n band a general as- eortuieni of EXTRA FINE GROCERIES Wood, Willow and Glassware, also CROCKERY AXD CORDAGE. A FULL STOCK OF "'tich as required the Public County Schools ALL .KINDS STATIONERY! Toys and Faancy Articles. To Suit both the younff and old. rtole airent for t ie celebrated PACIFIC THRESHING MACHINE COMPANY. ' 1.41 Including tli well known PELT0X SIXsFOLD HORSE-POWER Bnya and wlla Lecjal Tenders, furnishes O ir-cki ut Portland and proenrr draf's on an FraucUco in auuia to suit all reouir. in. nt a. , 1 5M0KED HEAT FOI? WINTRS TSADE SMOKED 1IAMS.BAC0N ANT 13 1R TT! Freshly cured and of FINE QUALITY The Und'-ratijitHl would ear to the rit ns of SBburir tba. be has juat cured tha finest lot of Hmi. Bacon unri lW.f ! '.flf;r,'d toibis marki't; and tliat nonne will lni' to pnrcbosa the ame woen once they i'Xamin it. Pricts bw. r than evf r. JACOB niTZER Feed Stable, 1 Ttiis esiablii-buifnt ia the Host in the 8tatc an t connected wit Ii it is a la r2s WAGON YARD WITH FINE J.lID ROOM Capable of accoiiiiiiodatin'an umbi of iiornea id WBffnn BEST OF HAY AND jRajT3 Always in full supply at living prices And No One is Allowed to $ Away Dissatisfied. . Don t fail to irivt- us call. r we an rla terrnine.1 to suit you in quautitr, qualitj and uricea. WKluaT & CAUL0M. J. B SIIATII, I 0,poeite rum a Browa. Oakland, Of . ...DEALER Uf. ... . , S toves and Tinwara HARDWARE, F t IMPLEMENTS. . Keeps always on hand a And is always ready m sell ( oods for cask at price so that ail will besatisfied, . QUICK SALES AXD BEAD! RETURNS la ioy motto. Now ia the time foryoa