The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, November 23, 1878, Image 4

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Tired! Wen, what of that?
Ridst fancy life wa spent on beds of ease,
Fluttering the rose leave scattered by the breeze?
Come, rouse thee! work while it is called to-day!.
Coward, aria! go forth upon thy way!
Lonely! And what of that?
Rome must be lonely! 'tis not given to all
To feel a heart responsive rise and fall,
To blend another life into its own;
Work may be done in loneliness. Work on.
Dark! WeU, what ol that?
Didst fondly dream the sun would never set?
DoHt fear to lose thy way? Take courage yet!
Learn then to walk by faith and not by sight;
Thy steps will guided be, and guided right.
Hard! Well, what of that?
Iridst fancy life one Summer holiday.
With lessons none to learn, and naught but play?
Go, get thee to thy task! Conquer or die!
It must be learned. Learn it then, patiently.
Uo help! Nay, 'tis not so!
Though human help be far, thy God is nigh.
W'ho feeds the ravens, bears His children's cry.
He's near thee, wheresoe'er thy footstejis roam,
And tie will guide thee, light thee, help thee home.
"You ask ne to tell you about it,
children and I will, I onlj warn you to
let it be a lesson to you in future years
not to give way to passion or malice."
"You would hardly imagine such a
tough old greybeard at your 'Uncle Ned'
is now, was eyer a slender stripling
jouth, whose mind was filled with ro
mance, and whose soft Vomunisli heart
seemed to be only for love, but such I
was at two and twenty."
"Many is the maiden I had kissed
under the mistletoe and beaued home
from singing school, but up to the Sum
mer I mentioned, I had never met one
that stirred more than a passing fancy.
That Summer my father told me he was
going to send me on a journey to New
Hampshire, to finish some business he
had begun by letter with his old friend
Owen Dalton.
"I was glad enough to undertake the
mission, for in those days, when rail
roads were as scarce as hens' teeth,
young men got -reiy little chance to go
from home, so one Monday morning I
clambered on top of the old stage coach
and started off, feeling almost for the
first time, a sense of my independence
and freedom.
"My journey was uneventful, until
we arrived at Concord, and stopped at
" the old Eagle House to bait the horses
and allow the passengers to dine. Here
I picked up my lirst acquaintance, as
travelers so frequently do, and was sur
prised to find that he was going on the
coach with me.
"He was a young man of perhaps 25,
light hair, blue eyes, a bright ingenious
expression, to as frank a mouth as I ever
saw. I was immediately attracted to
hjm. He clambered up on top of the
coach as I did, and drawing from his
pocket a leather cigar-case offered me
"I had never smoked a cigar, but felt
a kind of shame to refuse, so I took one
and lighted it with as much or perhaps
much more importance than an old
smoker. We glided into a conversa
tion. "Where did you say you were go-
I asked.
"To Daltonville."
"To Daltonville 1"
"Yes; is there anything strange in
that 1"
"No, but I was surprised; I am go
ing there, too."
"Well, I know most of the families
about there," he returned, puffing his
cigar; "Whom do you visit V
"The Daltons !"
"The Daltons
"Yes; is there anything strange in
that ?" I asked, as I laughingly repeated
his very words, in the meantime watch
ing the smoke as it curled up from my
"No, nothing strange, except that we
should meet, I am distantly related to
the family, and am going there to spend
a couple of months. Do you know
Anna t"
"Anna," I asked; "is there a young
lady there ,"
"Yes, my boy, a young and handsome
lady, one you can't help liking."
"Oh, very well, then, I'll driver,
what are you wobbling over the road
"Shure, sir, an' I think the only
wobble, as you call it, is in that segar
yer a smoking."
"Sure enough, I felt my head whirl
ing, and 1 should have fallen off the ve
hicle had it not been for the assistance
of my new-found friend, who took my
"I feel sick so sick," I murmered.
"I guess you are not used to strong
cigars ! Driver, stop until I help the
young man msiue oi iue etiacu. i
It. ' i 1 ...1..4. l 4
JL SCiircttiy lciueuiucicu wnai uip-
pened afterwards, except that I was an
awful sick man; but gradually I began
to feel better, and by the time we stop
ped for the night, 1 had almost recov
ered. Albert Warville and myself had be
come the best of friends. He had cared
for me during my illness and not ou
word did he say of my weakness.
That night the driver approached me
and said 'fiegorra, sur, if th first part
of that segar was az voile as the lasht, I
don't blame ye fur gettin' sick,' but I
put no stock in what he said, for I
should not have known whether it was
good or bad.
"Well, we arrived, after a few days'
travel, at Daltonville. This little vil
lage, nestled in a valley near one of the
most precipitous mountains of the Fran
conia range. It was a place of romance,
and I built future hojes on the beauties
of the surrounding scenery, for I was
fond of hunting and fishing and had
had q'iite a good deal of experience.
"We were cordially welcomed at the
Dalton house, where I found my friend
was hailed as 'Cousin Albert.' I did
not see Anna Dalton until the supper
hour, although I don't doubt Albert did,
as he made" himself at once at home,
leaving me with the two boy3 of the
house, Henry and Willie.
"During the afternoon I gained their
youthful hearts by promising to make
each of them an Indian. low. When I
saw Anna Dalton I was not suqirised
that Albert called her handsome, I
should have called her beautiful, for 'A
fairer fair vision ne'er greeted my
'sight.' "
It was but the work of a few hours
for me to fall desperately, madly, boy
ishly in love with her.
"Two weeks glided by, I had begun
to pay attentions to the beautiful Anna,
although I could not tell whether she
was playing with me, or was in earnest
She received my address as the queen
might the homage of her subjects, then,
just ai I was on the point of telling her
my feelings, she would begin to trill
some melody and dance out of the room.
I was gettmg frantic, I felt that I
must 'gush,' or the pent-up waters of my
soul would burst through all restraints.
But no ! Anna s manner precluded the
possibility af any gusli' on my part. In
despair some days 1 d don my hunting
suit ami shoulder my gun and spend an
afternoon in the woods, sometimes with
Albert, oftener with him, for truth to
tell, I was becoming madly jealous of
hiiu and of his quiet authoritative ways.
One day I had hunted the house over for
Anna, resolved to tell her how much I
loved her and to tell the truth concern
ing her regard for me.
"I was destined to find out in a much
morqi abrupt and disagreeable manner.
I could not find her. I then asked
after the boys. Their mother told me
they had taken the bows I had made for
them and gone up the mountain target
shooting. I found my gun and con
cluded to go up the mountain myself
and shoot some small game.
"About a quarter of a mile from the
house was a beautiful waterfall called
Sylvan Glade Cataract, and by this lim
pid stream was the nearest path up the
mount. . .
It was approached by a narrow path
and was surrounded by a thick mass of
undergrowth and trees so that you
would not imagine it's promixity until
quite upon it. 1 strode up the path
vexed that I did not see Anna while
the mood was on rie to tell her all.
"I approached the cataract and heard
voices but kept steadily on parting the
bushes only to see. "my Anna," as I had
come to term her, in the snns of Albert
Warville, while he pressed kiss after
kiss upon her lips, which maddened
while it calmed me.
"I stepped into the inclosure and Al
bert released the girl as I tapped him
roughly on the shoulder.
"Come with me, Albert Warville !" I
"My tone was so authoritive that he
followed me without a word until we
had put a dozen paces between ourselves
and Anna.
''Now Albert Warville, what right
have you to the caresses of that girl V I
hissed, my heart beating fiercely while
my face must have been drawn and hard.
"The right of my affianced wife, Ned
Baker, and I thought you too much of
a gentleman to seek t interrupt such a
"I reeled and staggered as though I
had been struck a blow, while ha went
quietly back to Anna and together they
started down the mountain. Then I
seemed to awaken to my condition and
beat n breast and tore my hair in a
maniacal fashion, which I look back on
now with amusement, although at that
time it was sternest reality.
"I watched them clear down the
mountain side and saw Anna cross the
plateau alone. Was he coming back to
me ! Oh no, I could not meet him, my
brain seemed on fire and was filled with
wicked murderous thoughts.
"Desperately I plunged on through
the woods not knowing or caring where
my steps led me.
"I last I paused, for theie, standing
right ahead of me was the form of
Albert Warville. He was standing near
the edge of "the cliff" as it is called, a
rocky projection with a sheer descent of
some forty-five feet, and appeared to be
meditating and looking off, while I no
ticed Anna's light blue scaf around his
Instinctively I raised my gun to fire
at him, when on second thought I low
ered it, I remembered Anna's brothers
were in the woods somewhere, but my
brain was maddened and whirling, and
for the time being I was carried away
with passion at what I termed his vil
lainy. ; I was crazed and frenzied to see
Anna's blue scarf encircling his neck. I
bent to the ground and seized a large
stone; casting it with a decision long
practice had taught me, I heard it strike
him with a dull thud. - I saw him topple
and fall, and waited to hear his death
scream but there was no sound. All
was as still as death As still as death?
My God, that was an awful thought
that was the thought that made me sane
again. I fell to the ground utterly in
capable of motion. .
"The few moments I lay there seemed
like dreadful hours to me; then as con
sciousness came back it appeared to be a
hideous dream, and I dragged myself to
the edge of the cliff and looked over.
There he lay all curled up in a heap.
Oh, merciful heaven! was I to go through
uie with the stain or a murderer on my
But I must arouse myself I must
act; and the first thing was to dispose
of the bodv; sol started on a round
about path, the only way to reach the
bottom of the cliff. As I neared the
sjwt I was sure I heard voices, and gaz
ing through the trees I saw little Henry
and Willie Dalton standing on the body.
"I turned to fly, wild with agonizing
thoughts, but I was seen, and the two
boys started after me, crying lustily:
"Cousin Ned! Cousin Ned !"
"I turned and met them.
"Was it you, Cousin Ned, that knock
ed him off ! asked Willie.
"I gave up all for lost, and falling on
my face cried out:
"May God forgive me. It was I '"
"The two boys sprang to my side and
lifted me up.
Said Willie, "What's the matter
Cousin Ned, there's no harm done ?"
While Henry cried out: "We weie
going to shoot at him, but we can set
him up just as well down here."
"I started to my feet, I spai ng to the ob
ject it was a dummy filled with straw.
The boys had used some old clothes of
Albert's, his hat and their sister's scarf.
"I laughed wildly, then hysterically,
and at I lust somewhat naturally, as I
said with an effort;
"How's that for theatricals, boys, I
fooled you didn't I ?"
"Yes vou did Cousin Ned," returned
Willie, you acted as though you were
frightened near to death."
"Now children you have the story.
That cured my first case of love and my
terribled passions for ever. I stood up
at the marriage of Albert Warrille and
Cousin Anna, as I got to calling her,
and no one has ever heard lefore the
story of how I committed Almost a
Wants To. The Norristown Herald
wants to send the nine-wived man to
jail for 250 years because no fair-minded
gentleman would try to maka a corner
in -wives until Dr. Mary Walker and
Mr, Tilden had each secured one.
" Ben ' Horan's Change of Lile.
"Ben" Hogan, noted once as a prize
fighter, was found by a World reporter
yesterday in some apartments on the
second floor of 7G Crosby street, mar
ried to a wise little housewife, who
keeps their rooms as neat as a pin. Ben
was seated by a table, thoughfully
munching an apple and poring over a
well-worn Bible. He is a large man,
with broad, square shoulders, muscular
limbs, and a broad, good-natured face,
not much impaired in expression by the
scars of many ring and bar-room fights.
"I was going up town one Sunday
night," he said, "hunting for some sort
of amusement You see, I had always
sjMint Sunday nights in variety halls,
and when I saw the lights in front of
the Park Theatre I went in to see what
was going on. lnstaed of dancing and
variety business, I saw Brother Sawyer
preaching to a good house, and telling
them how he had been a drunkard and
gambler, and how contented and com
fortable he was after he had reformed.
Somehow Sawyer's story interested me.
I was all of a shake with wine drinking
and, although I had come East with
$10,000, I had drank and gambled it all
away. It interested me to know that
a man could get out of such a slough.
On my way home I determined to give
up drinking. When I got home I told
her (jerking his head toward his wife)
so, and she could hardly sleep for anxi
ety to have me take the pledge, She
persuaded me until early next morning,
when we went up to a place on the Bow
ery, and I signed the pledge. It was no
easy thing to keep, I can tell you. My
nerves were all gone. 1 walked the
floor that day in agony. Every muscle
was in a quiver, and I could not sleep.
Late that evening, for the first time in
my life, I prayed to God to help me. I
don't know how long it was; but after
some time it seemed like a flash came
over me, and I felt easy and relieved. I
sent her out for a Bible. One was
never in the house lief ore. She gave
75 cents for this one (lifting the worn
volume that he had been reading), and
soon afterward I went to bed and slept
easy through the night W e went to
see Brother Saywer, and every night
since we go to meetings somewhere."
"When did your prize-fighting life be
gin f the rejiorter asked.
" hen the war broke out 1 was m
Nashville," Hogan answered. "I began
by following the army- not as a soldier,
for I don't think Td have leen much of
a tighter that way alwavs looking out
for myself always. Well, I made lots
of money, but some way I had to sjiend
it in getting myself out of trouble. 1
never fought much on my own account,
and never a bar-room fight unless I as
in liquor. Well, I followed the army
down to Port Royal and Hilton Head,
and from there I went to the Dry Tor
tugas. I played cards of all sorts from
New Orleans up the river to Cincinnati
and Pittsburg. Why, I had plenty or
money when I was in Pittsburg. I had
a span of horses and $27,000 to the
good in the bank. At that time I made
up my mind to quit drinking and gam
bling, for I had plenty to keep me the
rest of my life. That did not last long,
though. My money dwindled away in
loans ami other ways until I landed in
Saratoga, at the beginning of a Sum
mer, with only $10,000 in my pocket.
I left there with 815, and that bor
"Was that about the time ot your
fight with Tom Allen ?" the reported en
"Oh, about that fight," Hogan replied,
somewhat irresponsibly, but with in
creased interest "That came about in
this way : I had been living around in
the oil regioiis, making plenty of money
and drinking heavily. My stomach was
all gone. The skin of my hands was
shriveled and cracked, and the doctors
told ine that the Hot Springs water was
all that could cure me. Me and my
partner started right off and stopped in
St. Louis. There we met Tom Allen,
who was spoiling to fight some one. I
was willing to accommodate him, but
my friends urged me to cure myself
first I would not wait, but planked
the lAoney right down. You see I al
ways back myself," Hogan said, with
manifest professional pride. "Every
thing was fixed, but when I got to
the Hot Springs the doctors said they
could do nothing for me. They advised
me to go over into the Choctaw Nation
and drink the fresh blood of game for
awhile. My partner and I took nine
gallons of whisky and a lot of ammuni
tion and started off. We had a glorious
time for nine weeks, and I was all right
after that, and Allen and myself had
our fight The set-to was a tough one;
it came out a draw."
"You had other ring fights, had you
"Oh, yes, and I never lost one of
them," he answered. "There was Ryan
and Holliday, Iwth of them easy jobs.
The light with Donnelly was the hardest
I ever had. I was rojied into that
They thought they had put up a job to
have me well licked. I had gone over to,
Canada on a gambling tour, and they
brought me-against Donnelly :n a bar
room. Crowing soon resulted in a
match to be fought within two. weeks.
We fought 38 minutes, and he knocked
me down 1 1 times. I gave him a 'good
one' in the side that broke three of his
ribs for him and won the fight."
"Have you met many of your sport
ing friends since, your reformation 1" the
rejiorter asked.
" Yes; they have called on me from all
sides. 'What are you going to do,
Ben f they ask; 'all you know is gam
bling, prize-fighting and saloon-keeping.'
My answer is that I have broad shoul
ders, strong hands and a stout heart.
Since my reformation she and I find
$8 a week is enough to pay our rent and
give us all we want. I used to make
almost a 100 a week when I was hav
ing stones broken against my ribs in a
side-show. Now, if I can only earn 6
a week, we can make it lodge, clothe and
board us, and we'll know just where it
comes from and where it goes to, every
cent of it I am happier since the
change, and she, I know, is' said he,
with another backward nod toward his
wife, who buried her face in her hand
kerchief and sobbed noticeably, if not
audibly, ' -
The Cincinnati Enquirer "Essays ca
Man" in one canto, as follows ;
Man's a vapor.
Fall of woes,
Starts a paper,
Up he goes.
The Story or Some Girls.
This truthful story is about some par
ticular girls that Erastus Bailey, of
somewhere out in Michigan, had on
hand. There were six of Mr. Bai
ley's girls, all daughters, and all will
ing to be marred, as the old gentleman
was willing they should be. He put
them on the matrimonial market in one
sweet bunch, utterly regardless of ex
pense in she way of curl papers, store
frizzes, hooks-and-eyes and hair pins;
they were displayed before young men,
middle aged men, and all kinds of men,
on all kinds of occasions, but none of
Mr. Bailey's six daughters fished for a
husband .with any kind of luck; not one
of them made a catch. Other men's
daughters went off like hot cakes, it
seemed to Bailey, although neither he
nor his girls could see any reason why
men should lie so miserably stupid.
Bailey's girls were everywhere, and yet
no man ever went where they were;
they were offered free of charge to any
body who would take them off the old
man's hands, but nobody seemed to want
cheap girls with red hair and pug noses.
It will probably never lie found out how
the idea came to strike Mr. Bailey, but
he fmallyfcresolved to withdraw his girls
from the market, and that not one of
them would listen to any kind of an
offer of marriage. Only philosophers
know why he settled upon such' a re
markable course as this, but ne was him
self a philosopher. Mr. Bailey consulted
his six red headed girls and then went
down town and told everyliody that he
had put a stop to all fooling around his
daughters; that he had locked them up
and would stay at home with a club to
keep the boys off, if less determined
measures failed. The effect was im
mediate and tremendouj. In two days
some of the boys began to watch when
the old man left the house, and then
they slid in to see his pug nosed daugh
ters, but they always slid out a few
minutes before pa came home. When
Mr. Bailey was told of these things he
put a padlock on his gate, and the boys
jumped over the fence, rather liking the
romance of the thing. In two weeks
one of the girls lowered herself from a
second story window, ran off with one
of the boys and got m? tried. Old Mr.
Bailey tore around in a dreadful way
before the public, put some iron bars
across the windows to prevent the es
cape of any more girls, and congratu
lated himself on his cuteness. In an
other 10 days the-second girl got off in
a manner utterly inexplicable, and came
back with a husband, and a third settletl
herself for better or worse with a bank
cashier, only a little while further on.
This is all the matrimony that occurred
in that family at last advices, but the
old gentleman is waiting with abundant
hope that the other girls will glide nois
essly out through the cellar, or fly out
the chimney, and climb the fence and
get married. With three girls on his
hands still, he has bought a shot gun
and chained an unusually ferocious dog
in the back yard, and put an extra bolt
on the back door. He gives a regular
warning of these things all over the
town every day and hopes for the worst
It will certainly be realized, for cvery
qody knows as well as Mr. Bailey, th
when you lock up something there are
always lots of people waiting for a good
chance to break in and carry it ofl; and
this ' always works the more so with a
girl than anything else. A man who
wouldn't steal your purse doesn't have
any scruples about carrying oft' your
girl. There is probably no moral to this
story, but it is an enduring lesson to all
fathers; lock up your daughters.
Rules for Writers of the Press.
"Causeur" knows that he will deserve
and win the thanks of all managing edi
tors if he can but impress these few sim
ple rules ujjoix the minds of those who
write occasionally for. the press:
Write upon one side of the leaf only.
Why? Because it is often necessary to
cut the pages into "takes" fpr the com
positors, and this cannot be done when
both sides are written upon.
Write clearly and distinctly, being
particularly careful in the mutter of
proper names and words from foreign
languages. Why? Because you have
no right to ask either editor or compos
itor to waste his time puzzling out the
results of your selfish carelessness.
Don't write in microscopic hand.
Why? Because the compositor, has to
read it across his case at a distance of
nearly two feet Also, because the edi
tor often wants te make additions and
other changes.
Don't begin at the very top of the
first page. Why? Because if you have
written a head for your article, the edi
tor will probably want to change it, and
if you have not which is the better
way he must write one. Besides, he
wants room in which to write instruc
tions to the printer as to the type to be
used, when and where the proof is to be
sent, etc.
Never roll your manuscript. Why?
Because it maddens and exasperates
everyone who touches it editor,com
positor and proof reader.
Ie brief. Why? Because people
don't read long stories. The number of
readers which any two articles have is
inversely p-oportioned to the square of
their respective lengths. That is, a half
column article is read by four times as
many peopls as one of double that length.
Have the fear of waste basket con
stantly before your eyes. Why? Be
cause it will often happen that the edi
tor will want to communicate with you,
and because he needs to know the
writer's name at a guarantee of good
faitli. If you use a pseudonym or
initials, write your own name and ad
dress below it It will never be divulged.
"These precepts in thy memory keep,"
and for fear you might forget them, cut
them out and put them where you can
readily run through them when tempted
to spill innocent ink.
Not the Correct' Answer. "Now,
boys," said a Sunday-school teacher, who
was trying to impress the doctrine of
rejientance. on the class; "now, boys,
Judas, as I have told you, betrayed his
master, and then went and hanged him
self. What was the best thing he could
have done before hanging himself?"
"The very best thing he could ha' done,"
said the very worst boy in the class,
"was to change his mind." His Sunday
School Advocate wag at once stopped.-
"Mosquitoes," observed a cynic, "have
gone to their long hum."
Too Bad.
When I last visited the opera, I was
much (surprised and annoyed by the con
duct of a little gentleman, who, from the
moment the curtain went up, did not
cease to start up in his seat, and strike
his brow, all the while uttering exclam
ations of surprise and delight
"What aih you ?" said I at last
"Wonderful ' .Surprising! Dd- you
know, sir, he added, turning to me,
that I never studied Italian in my life,
and vet I understand every word the
singers are saying
"Why, said I, "that's easily accounted
for they're singing in French."
"Are they ?" he said, with an air of
disapMjintment; "I'm so sorry, because
if it had been Italian I'd have known
another language. It's too bad."
"Whereas, dress with trains raise in
the streets clouds of dust injurious to
the public health, the wearing of such
dresses in the street is hereby prohibit
ed," says an ordinance just promulgated
in Prague.
A Publication of Rare Merit.
The West Shore, Oregon's illustrated
pajier, which is now in its fourth suc
cessful year of publication, has, with the
commencement of the fourth volume,
been enlarged to 32 pages. Every num
ber is now neatly stitched, trimmed and
enveloed in a handsome granite cover.
In the editorial and engraving depart
ment new talent has been engaged, mak
ing the West Shore in its present shape
one of the best and cheapest publications
in the world. As a pure, cleanly-kept
family pajier it has not an equal on the
Pacific coast, whilst to friends abroad it
is without doubt the very best publica
tion. Its descriptive articles about our
resources are truthfully written,' while
the engravings of buildings and scenery
in the Pacific northwest are artistically
executed and will give to those abroad a
better idea of our great country than a
year's numljers of any other paper. Now
is the time to subscribe, as the price at
present, and to all those subscribing be
fore the 1st of January, is 1 50 per
year, including iKstage. After that time
the price will lie raised to $2 per an
num. Specimen copies sent on receipt
of 20 cents. Address 1. Samuel, PuIj
lisher, Diawer 3, Portland, Oregon.
A I'bt ot Uratltuile.
Iff ever a man owed a debt of gratitude, l do to
Hall's Balsam for the luns. Three years a(i 1 was
with one foot in the grave ami the other just ready to
to follow, with that dreaded disease, consumption. A
friend of mine recommended Hall's Balsam as the last
resort. Thank God. 1 tried it. The Unit bottle 1 used
did me more goid than nil the physicians in CiiicifKiati,
and I tried all the best in the "citv. 1 conthmt j to
use Hall's Balsam until 1 had taken six bottles, and to
day 1 am as well as any other man in the citv, You
can publish this if it will do anvgood.
The above Is one of the many letters that we receive.
For coughs, colds, consumption, there is nothing equul
to Hall's Balsam for the luus. For sale by all drug
gist. HOlHiE, DAVIS A CO., Agents.
For Dysjiepsia use Pfunder's Oregon
Blood Purifier. A certain and speedy
The Willamette Stove Works, of
Portland, makes the best Stoves sold in
this market Buyers should sustain
home manufacture by insisting on hav
ing goods of this make and buying no
Hansen, of Portland, sends out the
most reliable seed and the best trees.
Address II. Hansen, Portland, Oregon,
for catalogue and price list.
For diseases of the Liver and Kidneys
try the Oregon Blood Purifier.
gST In maklnic any iinrrlinNV or In
writing In renpoune to any advertise
ment in thin paper you will please men
tion the name ol tbe paper.
J deal with us as satisfactorily as at our counters,
We keep the Laiyest and Finest Stock of
Dry Goods, DressJGoods, Silks, Cloaks,
And everything requisite to a strictly FIRST-CLASS
It will cost very little to send to us for samples and
prices, and it will enable everybody to take advantage
of the recent decline in the price of DRY UOODS.
We also keep a Full Line of
Clarke & Henderson,
Corner First anil WaHhliiglou Street,
Commercial Union Insurance Co,,
Of London. Capital 912,500,000.
IKYIXtt WEBB, General Agents for Oregon.
Xo. IB North Front. St,. Portland.
is mm or
Oliver's Chilled Metal.
It will ran 1 J enter, tarn and do better
work of all kinds, than any other plow
made. Beware of Imitatlona. See that
the name "Olivib" and this trade mark are on
the beam of the Plow.
The genuine Olotb Chitabd Plows can b had
only from as, or oar authorized agents.
General Agent.
For Oregon and Washington Territory,
4aT Write for Price List
DITTOS & HALL. Tortland, Or.
Dealers in
Doors, Windows, Blinds and Glass
128 Front St., bet. Washington Aider.
Children can Make Money Raising
Luther Myers,
Send for
and direc
tions for
mr-' - woujvr, pay. .-susw
No. 167 and 169 First Street
Portland, Oregon.
ri w
Front, First
This cut represents the BAIN THIMBLE-SKEIN WAGON, medium size, com
pletc, with Top Box, Roller Brake and spring Seat. The Bain Wagon so wel
known to the fanners and freighters of this coast that it seems needless for us to
say anything in its praise. We have sold them for the thirteen years, and
warranted every one sold, and the total claims for defective material or workman
ship during that time have not amounted to one cent on tach wagon sold. This
fact Sicaks louder than anything we can say in their jiraiHe. The
rutent bkcln 1 ilit;nsr.
On the Bain Wagon is a valuable improvement, and is on no other wagon Foi
the coming season all farm wagons will have the new
Patent Oil Tuhcs with IlraMtt Screw t'nr.M,
Which avoid the necessity of taking off the wheels to oil the axles an arrangement
which teamsters will fully appreciate. We feel safe in asserting that there is no
other wagon iu the market that ill compare with the Bain as now niade in quality
of materia! jssfcd, and in coniplctt ness unci excellency of workmanship. Our
wagons are made to order, especially for iour trade, and we pay extra to have all
the timber kxtka sklkctkd out of thoroughly seasoned stock. All the wheels are
put through soaked in boiling linseed oil before setting of tires, making shrink
age iuip8siblc. Mr. Bain does this in a more thorough manner than some others,
who simply make a pretense of doing it, and make tbe application, if at all, only in
"hotmeuaUik: Ooes. " lite wotid work, tires and iroriini? are extra heavv. but at the
same time everything is well proortioiicd.! We chalk nge the most critical cou)arison with any and every other make of wagon, and while we d not claim to sell th
"cheapest" wagun, as far as dollars and cents are concerned, we do claim to sell as good a wagon as can be made, and one that will prove the cheapest in the end.
taf" Send for Circular and Price Lists, j ' 1
i .
The Oldest and Leading House in the Trade and Prices always at the lowest Living Kates.
A T T E N T ION, FAR M E R S ! ,
Plows, Harrows,
The Following are lite Goods we are selling
The La Uelle Wagons,
FARM. FREIGHT AM SPRING, manufactured in
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, in close proximity to the best
timber region in the I tiiied States. The ready sale of
these wauons has been truly wonderful, over 000 hav
ing been sold in Oregon since January l,i lb" 8. This,
with the unbounded satisfaction they .have given,
sjieaks for itself. We claim the most thoroughly ironed
and best finished wagon in the market, and will fully
warrant every wagim for one year
Bnford's Black Hawk and Clipper Plows,
Biiionl s California Sulky Plows,
Collins Uenuilie KHHl niet'f riOWS,
Hllil Sino"l(? Plows I
' ' j
the strongest and best-finished Plows in the market.
llEEJIBi:B-H keep only FlrNf-elnNM Ciooriw, all of whieh we FI LM' HAttRAST
TIKAL MAt lllM.UY. r send lor Circular and Reduced l'rice l.Mn.
Oregon Standard Soap Works,
IKVIXG a- WEBB, Proprietor!,
The only steam factory north of San Francisco. Send
for circular and price list. ,
Coker's Employment Agency,
Furnishes HELP of all Kinds FREE OF CHARGE.
C4T Correspondence Solicited.
J. R. COKER, Portland, Oregon.
Milwaukie Nurseries.
FOR SEASON 1878-79 j
Send for Our CatHlone. !
Seth Luelling & Son, j
nilwankie, Oregon,
Role Agent for the North Pacific Coast,
6 and 3 North Front Street, Portland, Ogn. j
Carbolic SalveJ
j The Most Powerful Healing
j .
Agent Ever Discovered.
Physicians give it the highest recommendations.
Carbolic Salve positively cures the worst sores.
Carbolic Salve mstantlj allays the pain of burns.
Carbolic Salve cures all cutaneous eruptions.
Carbolic Salve removes pimples and blotches.
Carbolic Salve will cure cuts and bruises.
ranks at the head of all salves, Ointments and other
Healing Compounds, and has achieved a greater reputa
tion and a larger sale than any other similar prcira-
tion. ine most
Have been cured with wondrous rapidity by the use of
Carbolic Salve, and it is prescribed now almost univer
sally by Physicians throughout the country in their
Testimonials from the most respectable sources, med
ical and otherwise, are constantly accumulating on our
hands, demonstrating the sovereign) efficacy of
This Great External Remedy;
and that the cures which it effects are as prompt as they
are complete. The two following excerpt are all we
deem it necessary to insert:
Ueorge B. Lincoln, President of the Board of Health,
N. Y., writes: "Your Carbolic Salve is an excellent
article, and I thank you for. This is another evidence
of the great value of the discovery of carbolic ackL"
D. R. Locke (Petroleum V. Nasby), of New York,
states that he had " on the forefinger of his right hand,
one of those pleasant pets, a run-'round.' The finger
became inflamed to a degree unbearable. ", a
friend dressed it with Caroolic Salve, and in 20 minute
the pain bad so much subsided as to give a fair night's
rest. The inflamation left the finger in a day.'
, Henry's Carbolic Salve
is need extensively in Hospitals, and is fount to be not
onlv a thorough purifier and diaiidectant, but also the
most wonderful and speedy healing remedy ever known.
Sold by all Druggist. Price 25 cents.
8 College Place, New York.
Beware of imitations. Ask forj Henry 'i Carbolic
Salve and and no other.
i ' HODOE, DAVIS CO.'. Agent.
and Ash Streets, Portland, Oregon,
Seeders, Drills "Wagons',
The Brown Sulky Plow,
Champion of the Field, made entirely of Iron
and Steel. The draft direct from end of beam. By
the une of two levers, the plow can be made to
run level even the side hill. The sale of
this SIXKY has been enormous, not
alone on this coast but ALL
La Dow?s Jointed Pulverizing
A"3T . The Beat in the Market.
The Wheel Gangs being united by a scries of Vniversal
Joint Boxes, allows each part to accommodate itself
to uneven surfaces. Wheels larger than any other
made. The inner wheels of each gang are brought
supply Dealers with a superior Article of all Kinds of French and American
Also offer them a large stock of Christmas Goods, such as Sugar Toys, Glazed Toys, Fancy Gilt Heart, Tree Or
naments, Fancy Payer boxes, Christmas Tree Caudles, Glass Balls, Cornucopias, Imitations of Animals, etc., for
selection. Send for our catalogues and price list for 1878-79. -
So. 113 First Street-Factors- 28 Alder Street. Adjoining; Odd Fellow Temple.
P. O. BOX 64.
Direct Importer and Dealer in
o. 141 Front SU. Portland. Or.
Frnlt, Kbade, Ornamental and Nat
Trees, Vine and Phrnbbery.
Choice Trees, 25 cents each, $10 per hundred. Ser.d
for Catalogue and Price List.
Woodburo, Oregon.
garettes, uid the best brands of Chewing and
Smoking Tobacco. No Chinese Employed
o. 65 Fir i Ntrt, IortlAnl. Or.
148 Bushels to the Acre.
4 FfER 18
produced a new variety of
W-fcxlto JEM -I ret Com.
That ripens thoroughly and yields large crops in the
climate of Oregon. To enable farmers to secure a change
of crop and produce another more profitable than wheat
I will sell this seed at the following prices for tis sea
son: 2 50 per bushel delivered at the depot in Oregon
City, or in one pound packages, postage paid, twenty
five cents each. P. M. RINK ARSON,
; . - Oregon City, Oregn.
BOO Aor .
fine state of cultivat:on, fully fenced, excellent
bHildings, steam power and all late improvements in
agricultural machinery. Everything to be sold at a
bargain, it produced lO.Ouu bushels of wheat in 1877
and 8,000 bushels in 1873. Is good for an average of
nine thousand bushels every year.
Price 30 per acre, terms to suit the buyer.
D. H. STEARNS & CO., "
Real Estate Agents Portland, Oregon.
Ground Sulphur,
Flour bulphur,
Carbollo lheep Dip,
Xlnchan's (sheep Dip,
Wakelee'a Hheep Hath,
Sulphate Zlno,
For sale by
Wholesale XruirtClit.
! . ' ' Portland, Oregon. '
Fresh Stock of Field, Flower and Garden Seeds,
tdjrube, Fruit and Ornamental Tree. Bulbs, etc., which
have been carefully selected, and offer the same lor sal
at the lowest market rate.
CsTCaUloguee furnished on application.
& CO., 185-8.
description and Prices.
Sizr No. 2. Patent wheels, three feet eight inches
and four feet tw inches high. iSolid collar axles, one
and one-eighth inches; plain bed, -with j latent round
corners ; two jiU jis ; top of body bound with iron;
'.eatber dash; two cushioned seats, with laxy backs; ltli
pole and ratchet brake. Capacity, 800 pounds. Pi ice,
with patent wheels, 200.
Sir.K No. 3. Solid collar axles, one and one-fourth
inches; same style and finish as sixe 2. Capacity, 1,000
pounds. Price, 210.
Sizr No. 4 One and three-eighths inch solid colla
axles; same fittings as other. Capacity, 1,500 pounds.
Price, with patent wheels, $220.
Same wagon with longer bed and three seats, 230-
Etc,: Et
near to a cutting edge with each oilier, throwing the
. loosened earth in opposite directions from the center,
leaving no ridge in ttiAoanter, which ha beea a
great objection heretofoajAte all Harrows of the kind.
The cutting angle of the wheel gangs can be changed
instantly and fastened at any desired angle, both at
once, by means of the hand lever by the driver without
leaving the seat. jr Earmera, buy no other until you
see the La Dow'a.
McSherry Drills and Seeders,
nr the grain la
an impossibility with the McSherry brill. In this
Drill and Seeder, straws and obstructions are carried
out by the spiral wheels. The quantity to be sown per
acre is regulated by cog wheels, the only reliable man
ner to sow grain.
Fall and C omplete Une of AC RICH 1
' 104 and lOS Front Street, Portland, Oregon;
Carriage and "Wagon Hardware,
Axles, Springs, Forged and Malleable Irons, Buggy and
Carriage Top Trimmings. All Hardware
required to complete a job.
Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Pol'
Hickory and Whitewood Lumtx
Oak, Ash,
And th justly Celebrated ' c
We call the attention of the public and all old custo
mers to the above advertisement, and as we are the only
establishment engaged exclusively hi the line in Ore- -gon,
we intend to pay close attention to the wants of
the market and our customers.
Our stock is large, new, and selected expressly lor in,
and is being increased by every steamer.
Corner of First and 31 it its street)
Corner Third staid P MtreeUt,
Near the Steamship Landings and Railroad Depots,
Lewiston & Fretland, Proprietor
(Late of Minn sots. House.)
Wilt spue no pains nor expense to maka this horns
IJfT I ill!- t
TP r -
La f ilr i YUiy
. Music Dealers, Portland, Oregon.
Shipper,, Commission ' Merchant,
And Wholesale Dealer In
vision. Hops, Hides, Bags, Afiricultural Seeds,
Staple Groceries. Consignments and order sob cited.
Office and Warehouse, No. 46 First street, Portland, Or
San Francnoo Office, S4C Davis street.
Morning Star Restaurant.
Comer Second and Washington Streets, Portland, Ogn.
. C. RIDER, Proprietor.
Board, per month, trom...,-.fX 00 to C30 OO
Board, per week, from ... 00 to 8 09
Board, per day, fnm... . 75 to 1H
Board, per meal, from . . ii to 60
Private Room for Ladies sad Families. ,
And all kinds of Marble Work.
: Send for mustratious. Designs and Price Lists before
you order frum anybody else.
Portland, Oregea,