i : ; r Slje jnfteptbent SATURDAY. .NOV. 16. 1878 N ARIIO W-GAIIU E RAILROADS. The sooner the people ol the (Jiflerent coanties in the State ful ly realize what benefits will accrue to thera from the cooitruction of ahort Darrowgauge lints ot rail road, theqoicker will they find - what, is nece-eary for their advnce ment in wealth and the promo tion ot the general welfare; and, . then they will bcild longer lines, and have reason tor rejoicing be cause the tate has been made a network map of difierent lines for land transportation. People in the Eastern States, and v Colora do and elswhers, have come to this conclusion long ago, and so profitable was theccramencement line round, that w:th Mj.hat ba aN ready been constructed, there will be at least 6,000 miles of narrow gauge railroad in active operation within two years innide the limits . . ot the American Union. Heretofore we have pointed to the fact that the people ot Doug las and Coos counties have the same natural inducements to build a narrow-gauge line as did the people who constructed thera iti Ohio and Pennsylvania; and i they are found set sustaining :n Colorado, why should they not le bo in Coos and Douglas counties with a grain producing district at one end of the line, and a sea port and inexhaustible coal-fields at the other,, and but a very short line to be bailt? It is true there hasalready been :a movement made in favor of such aline by tbe citizens of Coos ; county; Jjut the movementso x far as we are informed has re Suited in nothing more than a se ries of resolutions, and, to all in tents and purposes, might as well have never .been made, without it might be thought , as proper in - Tthe way of an initial step :in the . - right direction. Coos county, - however is at least ahead ot Doug las. Our people have not held a public meeting even, and their ,.: conduct with this regard, will . never do. Had we the right to -., censure, we would use strong j terms, and tell them they act as . does Idleness, when she holds her lap open an (.expects it to be fill ed ,w"yh blessings innumerable, without an effort on her own part, and then curses fortune and corns ; p!a;ns at hard times when she discovers her mistake. If we want- an increase of de mand for our products,, and coo- t tent in old age, we must work for i it. In dome way the people ot DouglaB county must not spend their time in counting upon their fingers the wealth a narrow-gauge line will bring to them. They must woric in connection with the people ot Coos county', and do something for their own salvation besides bnilding an outlet to tbe sea on paper. It Was the Merchandise. The government stamp upon a piece of p per, the greenbacker knows, gives that paper value. - This was proyed during the war, when the greenback, remained steady white gold went wobbling about in the most frightful man ner. No, it could'nt have been . gold that went np or down, be cause that,, also, has ihe govern , meut stamp on it. Boisbraething or other fluctuated .violently, and as merchandise did not have the government stamp, it mu9t have been merchandise that flew round so-strangly. Determined for the Right. Independents everywhere are pleased with the course pursued by this paper. We are gratified to know this to be true. The peo- , pie's caune is our own, since we , are one of the people; and that ', they are determined in fav6r of i the right serves us as a stimulant ., in all our work in their favor. So long as we know we are with the people our desire will be to serve ibem to the best of our ability; , whenever we fail it will be when w we are not properly informed. SECTIONALISM. "A solid North" andtj"a solid South" are the caprous just now io political articles in various uewspapera. If the paper is Dem ocratic in politics, the latter is tb heading of the leading article ; if Republican, then we see the words, "A Holid North" staring us in the tacejin bold capital tetters. It seems from thie that both par ties! want something solid, and either is content it its organs can possibly make it appear that there is a solid section in its favor any where; But where is Ine patriotism in all this? There is nothing more thau the drawing of sectional lines, and the announcment that through party prejudices and paf ty strife there must remain what existed long before the war a divided country a North and boqth. Who are the mischief-makers? What is there wrong in our laws? It must be that the leaders of the tactions whose insane acts and unpatriotic motives on both 6ides brought about the rebellion, are Hgain coming into office, and again would engender strife be tween sections for their own chance ot aggrandisement, even though by a doing the perpetuity ot the Union was once more en- dangerod Time may prove that the strug gle is to be renewed. It will be it sectionalism is to be a teaturein the govemmeut. The only hope Hgaiiist this proposition is that the people wilj have too much good sense to be lead the wrong way by leading political cormorants Without they put on tne check. and are independent of party, it may be hat the darkest hour ot the Republic is yet to come, j To Protect its Rights. A Washington dispatch says: "The mission of the Chinese em bassy! to this country is said to be to protect the rights of the l'ekin government in case any legislation is attempted to reverse the Burs lingame treaty, so as to give this government some control ot the matter ot Chinese immigration The Chinese have an idea founded upon demands made by congress men from the Pacific coast, that to bring the control of immigra tion solely within the power of the United States is virtually to prohibit it. It is believed that if such action is insisted upon by congress, China will take steps to prohibit American immigration to China to the extent tha: Chinese immigration is prohibited iu the United States. To guard well the interests ot China in this respect is said to be the specilic duty ot Chin Lan Pin and his suite, in coming to the United State-." Newspaper Change, The last issue of the Plaindeala announces thj retirement of W. H. Byara from that paper, ana that C. Y. Benjamin has pur chased the same. While engag ed in the newspaper business Mr. Bvars aud the editor of .the Ixde penkjjt have had some bitter ar guments, and most probably from the fact he did not know us better; uow that he is no longer in the position he occupied then we sav to him we bear no malice, (and we never did so), and wish him success in whatsoever he -engages. To the uew. proprietor we extend the fraternal hand ot the, craft, coupled with the hope that he may meet with groat success financially. .. . . . . . Where Have they Gone? Where have those Republicans gone who were so bitterly cursing Hayes' policy just prior to the late State electious those blood-and-thunder fellows who had uo mercy in their hearts for the Southern people? Since the President's olive branch was proven to be in accordance w;th the wishes ot a majority of the people, and therefore good policy, we have not seen "one of thera around. If there is one in the county he is speaking with a weak, small voice just now. First Call of the Season. The first New Year's call of 1879 will be on John Sherman by a prodigal who has been going up and down the land these many years' with "This is a dollar" tack ed to his greeu back. Ihe poor fellow till be taken m and re deemed, and his life of vagabond age will bfe over. Thereafter he'll be as goodi as gold. KOT ROMANCE. The Oregonlan ot the 12th ii:st. has the following! Senator Mitchell, it 'appears, has been romancing again. On the 2th h ult.he told the Washington corresiondeut of tne Sew York Evening Mail that "had he been home two weeks in advance of the meet ing of the Legislature be would ha e been re-elected; and, as it was, he came within twelve votes of an election in a Democratic legislature." The record shown, if we mistake not. tint he got two votes out of ninety, after failing utterly to obtain a caucus endorsement from the Republican ; minority. On the wi.oie, therefore, a reas onable doubt may be entertained as to his coming so near a re election. There was as little romance in wht Mitchell said to the corres pondent ot the Eastern 'paper as any ohm can well imagine; the history of the hft Senatorial contest, in fact, if rightly written, would prove the truthfulness of' his words. It is true he was not endorsed by the Repub ican caucus neither was any other Republican en dorsed; Dot Mitchell would have received such endorsement the moment enough Democratic votes had come over to him to make his election certain. The Repub lican managers could only hope to elect the Senator through stiff hunting, and.their failure to en dorse any Republican va but a ruse to hill Democrats into fan cied security by apparent inter nal dissatisfaction until the time for action came through'an ad vantage gained. Eastern Oregon members gave many to understand that unless Slater was nominated in caucus before the first ballot in joint con vention was heid they would vote for Mitchell's re-election. They were afraid to commence ballot ing before a caucus nomination was made, for the reason they be lieved Gen. Ltine would be elect ed; and, as they had votes enough to 'do as they ph ased, they simply left it with the party to chose be tween Mitchell and Slater. Hav ing no other alternative, the party voted tor S ater. These are facts generally known to those who were in Salem and closed watched the contest; at d they stand as proof undeniable in favor of the story told by Mitch ell to the eastern newspaper's correspondent Knows How it is Herself. Mrs. Belle W. Cooke, under the caption of " Gossip," thus writes to the point in a late num ber of the Salem States man: I do not believe this is such a bad world after all. If yon want anything long enough, just keep on tnd never let up; it will most always come to you, in some shape. Of course it is more satisfying if you can help it along, or work t-. get it in some way; but if you do your best, and cannot seem to help 3'oiirself, I think in most cases something "turns up," as Micawber has it, and you gain your reasonable desires. lieath of an Ahle Editor. Wednesday evening V. 11. Newell, editor of the Walla Walla Statesman, departed this lite. At this time it impossible for us to speak ot ihe deceased as we knew him when learning the art preserv ative 'und-r his wise direction Like many others who were wel acquainted with him we deplore the death of one who was an able writer and over a warm-eearted friend. May God have reeeived hi3 soul in heaven. Justice Will he Done. There are men who will assert, contrary to facts so tar net forth, that the committee of investiga tion now sitting at Salem, will ot bring forth the proot as they find them. Nobody would say this if they were personally acquainted with Mr. Galloway, of Yamhill, lie will hide no one's faults, and spare no one from censure. lie is an honest man, and his aim is justice to all. A New Paper. .We I ave received a copy ot the Seattle Daily Post, published at Seattle W. T. It is edited by our old hiend, Kirk'C. Ward, a gen tleman tor whom- we have the warmest personal friendship. We wish you success, old friend, and that prospeiity which your sprightly dmly paper eminently deserves. The Casting Vote, Indiana will ha?e the casting vote if the election ot President is thrown into the Ilouse ot Rep resentatives, since her people have elected to Congress a greenbacker who s tys he will vote for a green back man first, a Democrat second and a Republican last - Don't Condemn Him Yet. t V-mmon charity and justice de mand that ex-G'xernor Chadwicl be not condemned for wroi g-do-ing until the proof is fur.ished. What right-has any nvui to b-iar .witness against his neighbor with ( uf positive proof hi his neighbor's guilt, r a personal knowledge of such fact? The answer is plain none at ail. Wants to Know His Policy. The New Yck Tribune ot the 6th urges Secretary Sherman, in view of the popular expression fa voring resumption, to announce specifically his policy on ti at is sue, indicating what steps he pro poses to take to equalize gold and paper ;n the market value, and al o whether he proposes resump tion in silver only. It suggests the withdrawal of small note"! in favor of silver an i the payment of gold freely in advance ot the day fixed for resumption. NEW TO-DAY. R OSEBURO AC A DEM Y Ul WINTER BK8SI0X OF Tmi INSTITUTION WILL CoMMKNCK: Monday, Dec. 2d, 1878. Under thevpervisi.n 1 the undersigned assisted by Miss Hut. in Oiililand and J.M. Bower The term will continue sixteen week?, end'ug March 28th, 1878.- The 1 1 o winjr ar the RATES OF TUITION : Orthography, Reading and Writing pr month $1 66; er term...... 6 00 Ejtiglisli (trammar or (teouraphy per muiiih $3 00; per teon 8 00 Higher Aii'lhniatic, Aljrehra. Oeomtry Itookkeeping pr ni$-.'- 50; per term 10 00 Ijimii, Hreek or rreueu per month -$i 00; per term 12 00 J. BROWNE, L. L. D. Principal. V. GESNER, M.D:, Physician and Surgeon, Office "at '-- METROPOLITAN HOTEL. l G. WOODWARD, AGENT FOR BIMDfeW'pCRtKS, And Dealer in HAR.MBSS, SADDLES AND BRIDLES. And o'.her SADDLSEYWAES, Next door to Marks & C 'a. warehouse EOSEBTRG, I wnnid respectfully-infirm the public that I have now on haui the iargest most complete Mock ot SADDLE;'. BRIDLES, I1AK.N ESS, SADDLE and ORNAMENTS. WHIPS. ETC. ever brought to Southern Oregon and am fully prepared to fill all or any ordeis in any line without delay, and to the fatis!nc:'.oii of all who may favor me with tunr patronage, at prices which de fy competition. All work warranted. Remember the store nest door to Marts & Co's. warehouse and fanners are flspeci ally invited to examine my Mocks and price list. V. G. WOODWARD. MARKS & CO WHOLESALE AND It ETA IL DEALERS IN General Merchandise Have constantly on hand CLOTHING. DHYOOODiBOfiTS SHOES. CROCKERY, GRGERiES AND (PROVISIONS. WIXES, LIQUORS & .- , roseburg OREaorr Wool and Produce Of every description 133 ai TU Cir MIT. rJD AJN D Highest Cash Trice Paid for them S. MARKS & CO. Notice. HAVING DIFPOSED OF OUR MER cantile Business at Canyonville to Messrs. Tofclas. liaden & Co., of San Fran Cisco, we would respectfully call the atte.i- tion of those indebted to us and ask them to make immediate settlement. . Marks, Sidexan & Co. Goom to be Sold mmm Tmtjy EVER BKFORE IN THE , ! DH7iri3r JEF JUMP US jnBHIJZSCK GREAT SLAUGHTER IN ALL PRICES! J. C. ELOED . Has the largest ami best selected stock of - I Ever brought to Rose burgj which he proposes to offer to the market at prices lower than ' ' can any other house in the city. His stock embraces the j . Very LATEST Novelties in Ladies' Fancy Goods 4-' And also all Styles of - FINEST .-.DRESS GOODS ! Consisting in part of '.-.-. - ' f flirts, flbideftueafi, jace. Stiffs, alhitL& mluLaicLeneA) 3Ley PL ahicuicL Sfaucij. JCose. etc. . ' i - - .,.. - ' ! " " " He desires to infor,m the public that he has a complete stock of Clothing' Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Comprising Full Suits, 1 derwear, Crockery, ; " OF o Thanklnl fr past tavors, I respectfully invite all my bid customer and the public generally to examine the stock in my store. All will find it in every way complete, and that I h .ve nuihMnitv reduced the price of goods. J. C FLOKD. NEW "TO trFARMER'S AND O 1ST . C. Announces that he has M E SEASON'S NOVELTIES M1MA1IS! Also a full line of Fmismm goods, m ASSORTED mEUCHA&Z$E ! Mr.- Cohen announces that he occupies S. W. Crane's store, and is prepared to receive his customers at his new store. ! MRS. J. O.JOHNSON, IILLIiER I DRESS MAKER I.OCC8T STREET, OAKLAND, REGON. Havihsr just returned from Portland with the largest and most elegant suck of MILLINER GOODS Which I intend to sell very hi w, I in vite tiie citizens of Oak'and and vicinity to call and examire tor themselves before purchasing elsewhere my complete stock ol Bonnets. Hn, Ribbons. Lacrg silk and Velvet Trimmings, &c. ! Orders for dresses attended to with neai ness and ditmaicb- ,, oct2G-lm. Ucalli, Saloon opposite Metnpolitan Hotel, Roseburg GEO. BEATII, Proprietor. THE FINEST OP ; WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS Always on hand, and in con tection with the saloon w ill be foun d a WELL-KEPT BILLIARD ROOM TEN-PIN ALLEY, Where both health these mparting game may be indulged ii. Ties', Scarfs, Cravats. White and Ladies and Gentl j men's Shoes, also Glasswar , and Groceries, In full Supply and Ch ;ap for all. ALL DESCRIPTION ON HAND. - DAY. MECnNANIC,S-5j!r DE3 2, COHEN an immense stock of E! HI ROSEBTJEQ MIuLS. ALWAYS ON HASP THE VERY! BEST OF FLOUR orders fo Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour and Corn meal. j Filled on short notice, and on most libera terms. JONES & O AXES. i -NEW- - ' "' - j- . HIE A T M RK ET - i - CLARK, it hi 0EutiK, PropB; - LIVE AND LET LIVE. TqrAVINa LOCATED' PERMANENT JLJLly in Roseburg, and having secured the building adjoining John Clark's saloon, we are prepared to turnish this market with the-choicest beef, mutton and pork, and anything else in our line of tiadeat he ver lowest prices. Give us a trial and vou ilj be p .-H-d. V e iay the Highest Trice for Beef. JuHN i'RASER. Home-msd Fmrtiitttr WILBUR, OREGON.1 Upholstery, Spring Mattiasses,etc. I Constantlv on band i I have the Best Block of Furniture south of ! Portland, and all of my own j manufacture. ' NO TWO PRICES TO CCfr TO ERS. Residents of Douglas county are requested to give me a call before purchasing 1 elsewher. j All Worn Warranted. Fancy Shirts, Coloredr'u 'un- E. -eburg Erewey, ; JOUN RAST, rilOPRIETOR; BEST I. AGE R BEER MADE IN .? - STATE TS MANUFACTURED BY JOHN Rast. who has the article constant! on ands, which h will sell in quantities to nrchasrs liv ! im a csll. 48 9 MS m I 1 fc" .V(4t Ull B HHIIIll RBI (J If ti ill H H Is XS 1 F.'r 1 w B tl H H i 1 II in workmanship Is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Cen tennial Expositions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FAST ER than other machines. Its capacJty is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACHINES sold in tho United States than the combined sales of all tho others. THE WILSON KIENDIPIG ATTACHMENT, for doing all kind3 of repairing, WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine.' A Certiflcato is given with each Machine, guaranteeing to keep it In repair, free of charge, for fiv years. Ct requires no special Instructions to learn how to use it. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. Machines delivered free of charge anywhere in tho United States. Send for Illustrated Catalogue, end esk for sample of mending, and our Circular Ho. 197 for further instructions for buying machines upoFi terms stated in the Catalogue, v . wJn?eI.( WILSON SBviiH? 827 & C29 Broadway, New Yr -Cor. State and Madison Sts., Chicane, - For Sale by all First- HE UAS THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF Cigars and Tobaccos Candies and Notions EVER BROUGHT TO KOSEBUKG, AND TIE "WILL HOT BE UNDERSOLD. ; f UIQPA ACAPISIYy This institution of leArninpr will-oTOmww ITS FALL TERM SEPT. 19,. 1878,. under the truidance o( , Rev. J. H. Skidmore, Principal. To the many friends withi - the reach of this Academy, we would y : That" ' each depaHmeni ot the schxd will be un . dnr Uih control of those who have added r to ,gfod ability, cultivation, patienc and experience. There will be three departs"; mt-nta in this Academy. . . .. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, 'COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT, & MUSICAL DEPARTMENT ' We shall b glad to assist friends in tha , ; selection af homes for their children, and if our 8Uggtions are followed, we assure . yon the children will be shielded from the . evil influences. . B iard can be had at from $3 to $4 er , week. Tuition, from $5 to $12 per quar tei, in Academy Department; from -i to, $6 in Commercial Depa tment, and fromw , $12 to $15 in Mosical L)epn tment. - J H. SKIOMORE; Principal. , A. BUS flELMEIR, PRACTIAL GUNSMITH ITas Permanently located Rosehurg, . , ' OPPOSITE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. t WILL OUAItRAKTEE ALL Woxfe Ctea fejftt as Qaadl Superior "o ny performed in Oregon t San Francisco CIGAR STORE. S. GOL,DSTi:iiV IAS OPENED A CIGAR AND VARIETY htoie next door to the barber shop and nearly pjieite to the Pi -st office, and has one of the larirest stockB of lmxrted and . Domestic Cifrars in stocK ever brought to Rwel)urjr. His stock. also em'oraces all the tavi rife brands of Chewittjr and Smoking Tobacco, Meerschaum Pijie. Notions. Can-, dies tnl othtsr articl found .nually in a flr-t-class 4MtablisliiiiKnt ol the kind. My prices will be low and my time- cash, and a share of public patronage is respectfully Solicit I. - ESTABLISHED.... .. ..185: PiOaeer Establishment- . THOS. P. SHE R ID AN. The first hajdwaie dealer In Umpqua Valleyvln the Brick Buildiujr, HAS RECEIVED. AND IS NO TV RE s ceivinjf one of the most complete stocks of , STOVES, Of the Most Improved Patterns erer're ceived in this city. And besides has the most complete stock of General Hardware, And manufactures everything in the line of TIN, SHEET-IRON & COPPERWARE In a wo.kkmanlike manner, and on most reosonable l"-ms. Iron, Steel and Hta! Always on hand, and in qu ntities to su't. ; t " ,i.V : T . li MAOHIKS CO. " Origin, Ca.; Zqa Frrsncisco, Cat. Scalers. E. M. MOO RE, AGENT. E2 APPELJ V