The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, November 09, 1878, Image 3

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    ( fnbepotnt
Tint lNntSPRNDEVJ-- The be t newspaper
evr published la DUi-la county.
Society Meetings.
!;. I - M.. hold re-rular coraraumci
tions erer? first and third Tuesday
la each inontlt ' All members In jjood
sundinjr will take due and timely not la
nd -rovero themselvs acoordinly. Visit
Ina: companions are invit-d to meet with
the Chapter when convenient.
IV. L Fbiedlander, Hkc'j.
hold re-rular nieetinjrs on or before
eacu iuii ui'Mjn.
A.F Campbell, Secy. .
V , . . . 1 ........ i .1 1 BDoll
week at 7 o'cl-ck. In their hall at Rose,
burjr. Member of" iheonlvr io srood stands
Ian are Invited to attend. By order of the N
e- v- ,
The tax collector has pone forth.
Dr V. Geaner lias concladed to ioeate in
It is uot safe to -say anything definite on
the weather.
The bnck work on Marks' new building
bu been finished.
4uite a number of citizens from Oakland
paid our city a visit this week.
D'pht'teria in prevailing to an alarming
xtent in the Wiilaiuetie valley.
The 28th of November, has been M'
apart as a day ol thankB-fivin-r.
The dininv room of the Metropolian
hotel has been improved considerably of
late. '
Ken-ember the Phittallathlaa society re
orgxaiaeD this Satur lay uight, at the court
house at hall past seven.
C -hen's show w'mdn displays considers
able artistic skill. It attracts the atten
tion of those who pass the store.
Mail matters are considerably dixturued
in this omuty. Ten Mii- end Cma bave
been without any iua!! tor sometime.
Theschool ot Miss Lucy Hay is in a
flonritfhinir condition. Parents art well
eat4t-fi--d with the progress their, children
ar- making.
W. B. Laswell, tormerly proeecnting
Attornev fur the fifth judicial d'Striet, liax
been made fir-O.OOO richer lately by tin
death of an uncle.
Th re were fi ied for record in the clerk"
office for the mouth, furty-sev.-u deds;
seventeen real estate mortgages, and three
chattel mortgages.
All vizM wind)- and picture slasses
from 30x40 down for sale at Portland prices
by box or pane at 3. Hamilton's drug store,
til ass cutting doue to order,
Baldheaded gentleman in the pit to a
yoang lady in dress circle dnring an affect
Ing passage in the play: "1 respect yoar
emotions, miss, but you are shedding tears
on my head."
The Salem Statesman, of last Friday,
contains an account of a man who com
mitted suicide, having been disappointed In
love. He took a couple of lead pills
and quickly digested his life.
(""" The National (fold Medal was award
ed to Bradley & Kuiotson :r ttie best rin,
tographs in the United States, and the Vis
Mini Medal for the best in the world.
mffi MoptgQ"i"i-J Street. San Francisco.
The postoffice department has ruled that
the husband has oo control over the corvs-
utnunM nf lii, M F TIllU HtttMillllfl Will
fVUUDMW "I i a . i . ... ...- -----
not prevent a man from carrying his wife's
letter around in his Inside pock t three
weeks before mailing it.
A man calling himself Dr. Hollaway
writes us from London to say that he ia
not responsible for the adver-isementa of
Holloway's Pills ap-K-arinjr in American
newspaper. This does not concern us, not
Laving iuserted t e ad. referred to, and
neither do we intend to give this London
chap any free advertisement.
The Yamhill Reporter , is authority for
this : At one time nl many years ag-,
three families in W -st C'hehtilem famish
ed the district sckoot there, birty child-
dreu. Thfcse children were all brothers.
sinters and cousintX Ti ree sisters were the
mothers of them all. The fathers were
named Jacob liavnes. David Uumxey, and
Levi Hagy, and our Uncle Shuck here In
tJn was irrcaTatur to to tue wtiote
crowd of T-unir-iers. blood relative to
nearly a whole school.
Our readers will remember the circnm
stances ot the arres of Known Bros, for the
larceny of a iifl from the hardwa-e stoieof
.Sheridan Brothers, the subsequent acquit
tal oiCiiaS. Pant-en and the convict! n of
bin brother Henry. After bis acquittal
here Charles Hansen was taken to Eugene
city on the charge of the larceny of
watch. The evidenco produced pointed to
the guilt of Henry Hansen and not to that
of Charles. It was testified that tt e stir
Ien watch was found in th - possession ot
Hear.- and n l Cuarl s Hansen, hence the
latter was di cliargxd.
Turn Out.
At the request ot the members of the
Philiala liian society, ve announce that
this society will be reorganized at the
Court house this Saturday night. It is the
intention of the members to make the
meeting of this society far more interest
ing aud useful than ever before. To this
end ladies ar especially invited to attend.
bC me members and participate in the ex
erjiws. A larjte numlier have expressed
the intention to aisi in Hi reorganization
an ! v hope it w;ll be accomplished such
-Said He Was lteped."
A party went into a saloou in this city
Tuesdav eveninir and took a drink of
whis'tey. He went to other sal ions and
dittoed. Then aid he was "doped." Fin
ally he fell. Then came three physician
with mustard, wsrm water and ipecac, srid
Tronunced t he man's trouble as that of
congestion ot the atom ach. The man had
' symptoms of extreme nausea, and at the
prenent writing he contemplates joining
the Wood Templars to the tune, "IM not
drink any more." Good enough !
Union Encampment No. 9 I. O. O.F., will
meet iu the Odd Fellow's nail, Rnseburtr,
'on Friday evening, November 15th for the
pur;ose of comferrirg the Encampment
ADee-ree u on all applicants who are in
I" ,.
good standing.
The business men of Junction Ci'.y are a
verv entfrprtsinir cluss. Most ot them are
preparing to rebuild their stores, which
wer recently destroyed by fire, May they
prosper. . . . :
Thayer's Course in the Eyes of Far
mers A Little Home Sketch, and
a Meal with Meat in It.
A correspondent writes u from .Vlyttle
crek, under date of November 14ib, as
If you will permit, I will give yon a true
statement of a conversation held amonir
some old D mocratic farmers, ; who had
3me to our village -his rainy day some
to get their plows sharpened and some fur
other purposes, .
- Uncle Biily. who had once 1 een a mem
ber of the Legislature, walked up to a
crowd with a paper in bis hand, and said.
Well, friend B . what do vou think ol
Governor Thayer's appointments!" -What
appointment do you tn-auY" inquired Air
"Why, look ye here at this paper, and
you will see that the ttovnraor has appoint
ed Asahel Bush. Snnt-rintendtnt
Penitentiary, and Ben Hardintr to be the
Judge of the 3d judicial district."
"Oh!" std B , "that can't be so. Thayer
would n-it resurrect the men who killed off
the lemocruic party hm ago, when I
lived in old Linn, and worked so hard fur
our good old party."
jWeli," mid Uncle Billy "take the paper
and look tor yourself."
B. took the papVr, looted over the an
nouncement, Rud threw itd'iwu-tiMik a turn
or two around and gave a keen, little whis
tie tutned to Unci Billy and asked if this
iri the Tnayer tbal we votel lor at the lam
June Election to be lvertior of our State
Why, certain y." said Uncle Billy ; and
B. Raid, "And he has apMinted Bush
Harding, well. 1 know theae meu of old.
Bush don't worn second worth a cem 1
Poor Thayer, may go. BubIi. u-riuieiii
ant of the Peitilnnnary aid ex-otfi2i ti v
ernor of Oregon 1 Thayer, pHr Thayer! he
may co and it d n't work migtitr hard
the Demoertlic party .ill go u, .-'alt river
next June a year! Poor Tliayei! wb'i would
have believed it ol liim! But you kuow.buh
is niiuhty rich, and 1 Fuppofe Tnayer iikes
rich meu becaune they are ricii lie ioveo
com tort well, pour fellow. Let him enjoy
himself Bu.iU is sharp ; he will aUeud io.
mutt rtt (iiod-ove, Thayer. ur Ueuio-
cratic strrg-boid wills.ty srood - I buy
er ! no more use tor poor nil Thayer !"
Such are the feelings ol the old and well-
tosdo, and true and ever faithful Democrats
ot Myrtle Creek precinct.
New Hooks.
We have received from Jouos Brothers &
Co., publishers, Cbicag-, three biMiks
"First Lessons in Arithmetic," "Milne's
Practical Arit luetic," and Kidpath's "His
tory oi tbe united states. . i lie arithme
tics are written on thj inductive plan and
uuite oral and w.itten arithemetic in a ra
tional method of instruction. Instead of
presenting a luaes of definitions, rules and
principles to be memorized by the pupil
on his nrst introduction to the subject, he
is lead opto the rulec through plain aud
comprehensive examples which he cannot
fail to understand, and hence when the
rules and difficult parts are encountered
he finds that he has mastered their princi
ples in advance in a thoroughly practical
manner, besiua mere are demonstrations,
of problems by pictorial iluHtrations,which
are peculiarly attractive to youth. The
history is what it purports to be, which is
a rare thing in a school history of our
couutry. At a rule works of this kind are
anything but historical, and generally are
only a summary of dry facts with he lile
and soul of progressive events omitted.
Prof. Bidpath paints the iLspiring story of
. he discovery of this land, ot tbe trials aud
privations ot the early settlers, the na
tional bir h and advancement to the front
rank among tbe powers of the earth, in a
series of word pictures that glow with pax
triotic fervor and impress themselves upon
the mind with iudellible force. Siill, the
language is simgle aud admirably ada t
ed to ih- minds of tbe vounir, j Some val
uable features of this htxtory are progress
ive maps, chronological charts and topo
graphical diagrams. Nothing approach
ing them in completeness was ever incor
porkted in a scln r history. These works
are published by Jones Brothels & Co.. of
Philadelphia, Cincinnati, and Chicago, and
are (be cheapest and best bound school
books we have yet seen
Was It a Snake?
Among the passengers on the ste. tn
shi'j Dakota on the Way from San Francis'
co to Victoria, wass joung lady who bad
suffered from a psintul disorder in h
stomach. She had been treated in turn b
all the leading physicians in San F.ancisco
and had" traveled quite extensively, and
bad been treated by ph sicians e sewbere,
in hope of obtaining relief. She became
no better. Siie was very seasick during the
entire trip up trom '$an Francijtco, and on
he second or third day out, tLrew up wh it
appeared to be a snake a hideous looking j
t:ig creature measuring seven inches in
length, with a flat head like a scorpion, a
white bellv and dark back.
I- .... ....
Riot at Oregon City.
Last Saturday a riot of considerable im
portance oocurred at Oregon City. It wa
occasioned ;y a coullici between lite Chi
nese and some whites of hat place. The
Chinamen were returning from their work
when they were attacked by about twenty
whites Th" y repelled the cttack with vig-
or and the result was a draw battle. A
numher on both sides were badly injured
and the excitement was intense. It is
feared that there may be a renewal of tbe
fight before long
A Large Acreage to be Sown.
The present fair wea'her is enabling
our fanners to sjieed the plow to their
heart's content. Those in whose judg
ment reliance is to be placed, and who
have adreaT looked over the field, think
it more than probable that one-third more
acreage will be sown this year than at;
and that the wheat product of the county
next year will be at, least one-third greater
than this. The more the metrier!
Honse Burned.
Tbe residence of ti. w, Uixoo, near
Canyon ville. was destroyed by fire on Sat
urday lust. 'I he chimney wus defective.
ajd it is thought the flames, which finally
bursted forth and destroyed the building,
had been smouldering tor sometime. Eve
ry thing In the house was consumed.
Last week R. A, Allen, ot a.
cousin to John and Joe Aiken,
a deer hunt. He was a welcome v
when the dogs were turned loose. Ajf
was put in the "best stand." The oo.
worked earnestly, and Boon a deer came
along and he ired. The deer ran on, an 1
Joe and John's father brought Jt to
ground by a well-directed shot. It was a
beautiful animal and Allen was highly
elated. The old gentleman at once pro
ceeded to take out his hunting knife to cut
the deer's throat, and had made one sharp
cut when the deer sprang to its feet and
dashed off toward the river. Mr. Aiken
at once raised bis gun t shoot it a second
time, but a glance at the situation of
things showed it was not wise to do so.
When the deer sprang up and started off
Alien was directly in range; and there Al
len was going a ifeniy nfle full-charged
in one hand, his hat swinging in the uil.
er, aud his tongue audibly wigging for tbe
dogs to come on. One -hot from Allen's
riflle would have stO ped the deer, but the
amateur hunter did not think of his shoot
ing iron; and when Jotin aud Joe got home
that night, worn-out from packii g six
ueer into catn., t ey laughed at Allen as
tbe mn who thought to run a deer down
on root. Alleu is mad, b.iys. When he
renin s to Salem don't ak him his
deer bunt i tne valley of the Umpqua.
; Although the people over in Polk coun
ty have got a railroad they are not happy
The Portland Bte says: A man named
Pollard bought at rheridan a lot of wheat
stored at tLat place He ordered this wheat
to be tn ken to Oregon City by the narrow
guage railroad, but the managers refuned
to take it unles it went through to Port
land. Mr Pol ard refused to agree to such
terms, and in a short time had 100 teams
hired ol the farmers in the neighborhood
to haul the grain to Mc innville. Sot-n
the teams gall ered around tbe warehouse,
which was I' cket against them; sufficient
force having been obtained the door was
iTokeii open aid the railroad men driven
awa,aud thirty tem loaded with whea
Martea for Mc tiinuviile At his junction
a compromise wa-effos ed utnl the narrow
railroad b re the remaining wheat to its
destiu-.ti n.
Mr. Pollard also purchased wheat at
Perrydale o;; the Iavtoii and Sheridan rail
road and ordered the wme to lie delivered
Ml Oregon City, out as in the first instunce,
the managers refused to del ver th grain
short -f Portland. Pollard hired 50 teams
to haul the grain to Lincoln for shipment
m steamboats There s considerable ex-
ciieuient over the matter amouj the peo
ple and there is a chance for some heavy
litigation. .
Did He Try to Suicide?
Elsewhere we speak ot a man wno said
he was "doped" by a sa'ouii-keeper. Now
comes in other patties wno say they be
l:eve the iudividuai referred to attempted to
commit suicide by taking arsenic. Knowing
nothing of ti.e v atter, we do not knqw
whether the man tri. d to kill himself or
not. There is this much certain: we do
believe, in fact know, there is no saloon
keeper in town who wjuld "dope" any
Joe Claugh in Town.
Joe Claugh -vas in town during the
week, happier and better company than
ever, if such were possible. He has in
vesied in mining slocks in Josephine
county, snd the prospect before him is al
together pleasing. Joe evidently feels bet
ter .ban he did the morning when Billy
arl "subbed" for him. and on a steep
grade on of the leaders in the team got its
tail fastened in the hook on tbe wagon
tongue. Good luck go with you, Joe.
Following are the appointments of the
M. E Church for the year 1878: First
Sabbath. Ten Mile 11 .,. M Looking Glass
3 P. M. ; the Sec-nd Sabbath, Canyon.
ville. 11 a. id., alternate be ween Day's
creek and Cow week 3 P. M.; Third Sab
bath Kosebnrg 11 A. M. , Pine Grove school
house on Deer creek 3 P. M , Koseburg in
the evening: Fourth Sabbath, C . .elind 11,
alter .ate between French . Settlement anu
Cole's valley 3 P. M. N. A. STARR,
A New Visitor.
J. B. Wyatt. Esq , Wells. Fargo & Co's.
ageDt, Albany, was iu the city during the
week. In appearance he resembles a sea
captain after a prosperous voyage, or a re
tired major of the army, with a handsome
pension, and be is jolly, good company,
you may depend. He has returned home,
and taken our good wishes with him to
be renewed whenever he shall again give
Koseburg a call.
Don't Write Any More.
Our Myrtle Creek correspondent seems to
have enlarged upon the truth in bis short
note of last week. W want onlv facts.and
as our correspondent appears to have more
th.m filled the measure, we hope he will
quit writing hereafter; in fact we would ad
vise him to do so
of the Land
Office for
Following are the transactions of the U
S. Land Office, at this place for the month
of October: 1330 acres sold for ash; 110
acres of Mineral Land sold; 27 Homesteads
located; 21 P:e-empts.on tilings; 15 Fina.
H omestead proofs made; 2 Donation Cer
tificates issued.
New Editor.
'Mr. Earnest Oldendorff, a graduate
one of the best European universities, has
assumed the editorial control of the Port'
land Bee. The freshness and vigor with
which he writes shows him to be
man of ability. That paper is certain of
Quarterly Meeting.
First quarterly meeting of the Oakland
circuit, Methodist Episcopal Cnuich South.
November 16th and 17th, at Thomas Win
eford's school house. Lower Calapooia. -
J . K. N. tSELL, P. E.
Seven Happy Widows.
A Salem paper says that seven widows ol
that place were made nappy within ten
days. The editor was only informing his
readers that the widows bad been named.
In this city, November 3d. William Carll,
infant son of Oeorge and Fannie Roberts,
aged two months and twentw-three days
A Great City Elect'oir-A H&.V Vtt:
Polled 55 Citizers Shiw their"
Manhood and Enjoy New
Rights Hoo-r-a-y I
"fLD PAPPY" AND SCIo odtdonk !
On Monday last a heavy fog muat have
settled down upon the entire world, and
wrapped the inhabitants thereof in its
mazy folds Why this conclusion 1 There
was an election held in the great city ot
Oakland on that day, and only 55 votes
were polled. Had the day been clear the
it si of mankind might have looked on with
intertt and found profi in close study oi
the ways of ma y of tbe people at tu hub
of the uuiv rse and ahead of Boating. If
Pappy Stroud had been thereto take in tie
situaiun, there is no douht he would have
t degraph d to Brick Pomeroy. immediately
alter the polls closed, that every ard in
i he great cur had been carr.ed. and Scio
was nowhere in cot parison. Eut Pappy
wasn't there, the disputch wasn't sent, and
we alone are left to chronicle the even is in
connection with and about the great con
test, in which the smaller half of fifty-five
people therein engaged Toted to pay $4,000
to. the work that two good constables
might easily oerform without ex ra cost ot
n cent.
Any one looking at the tail church spires,
magn ficetit edifices of lenrning. and the
tunny biown t-tone fronts lining its various
burliness thoroughfares its gas and water
privileges (especially both o, them at this
m-bsou ol the yea') would hardly believe
ht tills was tLe first city election ever
held it Oakland. It is true, nevertheless.
and. 88 ftated before, li.e whole Dumber t
5 voter, were polled I
Per consequence there was much verd'n-
c on the part -.' those who managed the
ffair or rather run the election. Three ol
he judges at the poll: were candidates for
nice something unheard of.betore, but
lierhups satilactory to thosa most interest-
d in this 'instance. The candidate f. r
.Marshal had never resided wiihin tbe city
limits, but tbe fuanauers ddn't care. The
allot box was never locked, and when a
vo er eleruised the tight of franchise, the
lid of the box was ra Sed and the ballot
brown in. This was a new proceed ure;
but the ballot-box was alright, siuce. it was
n the hards of the candidates. After one
Id citizen had deposited his y te and had
walked away, he was called back and cbaW
enged. Another citizen who hid been vS
on a visit for a abort time, was declared not
citizen, The big rush of the day was
made by those who desiied to put the high"
est possible tax on the railroad, and some
of the rushers were railtoad men. So the
election was carried, strange las it may
seem. Nert a ay after election, tlie managers
threw out the vote of the old citizen, and
another vote cu yellow paper, and the
thing was done brown, and a memorable
contest in a great city ended.
Following ia the manner 'n which the
vote was cast:
For Trustees J. D. McKinnon 52. Alvv
Pike 54, J. H. Snupe 28. K. J. Page 28, A.
V. Young 28, G. R. Sacra 27. A. F. Brown
26; S. Wheeler 23. Keco'der P. C. Parker
2-, Paul Itenharen 23 . t reasurer M. H.
Hobart 31, O.V. Medley 2a Marshal A.
Patton 38, John Norwood 15, H. Abraham
Sociables are in full blast.
The weather is kind O'Moist.
Everybody exclaims. "The Ikdkfend
ent is the best paper published in Doug as
county." v
S. O. Emory and family have lust re
turned from Lake county, where thev have
been on a visit.
A. Emmitt and family are here on
They reside at Megansar when at
a visit.
The sociable given at the residence of
Mr. Barnard on the 1st ult. was verv larue
ij atienuea anu a success.
Hairis. Hebbard & Co ' . f Vtntih-rrl
cnek1 have purchased the machinery for
tueir saw mm, wuicti win be running
The school directors have concluded that
the prertent teacher did not suit tbem and
expeiled bim. 1 lu teacher lias concluded
to apply a little law on the subject.
Miss Mollie Lebmau has concluded to
give a sociable ere long at the residence of
her step tailor, the one at Mr. Barnards
being a grand uec-a Millie, that is
riguv, every on is sure to come, as success
and good looks generally attend you.
One of our y ung men, just ot age, has
made up his mind to try tanning this year
and be has been very successful, for he
lias got about 50 iter 8 of wheat sowed al
ready, aa 1 baa do n it well.
ii pu.t"uuj, iimi is, a woman, is on the
Tr - , l ! , ,
marry just come down this wav. as there is
an sole bodied man here who says that is
an no warns.
F. ou may expect that he will
want you to keep mum, because he cannot
do it hi rat It. but he is an able bodied
fellow. fica.
Tbe following business was transacted in
tbe ( ounty Court this week.
ti. w. Uruboe. vs Wm Moon; Sheriff's
sale confirmed.
J .1, cooper vb J A Allen; to r cover
money, Dismissed.
H H Griffin vs Suar Pine Mills; Dismis-
Win Krarap vs Suar Pine Mills Co.;
recover money.
in tue matter ol the road from Cole's
valley to Looking U lass, it appearing tba
iue Ticmera auu aurveyor, tailed to meet
and transact the bUHinet-s, it wa ordered
that John H.sper, vv. k. Cheneweth and
K. "-tarns oe r-a -pointed viewers and- H
U. llurlbar surve or.
In the matter of the change of the road
irom canyonvuie to Day s creek, it was or
dered as l etitionei-8 asked.
The lumli ct F. P. ILigao. as tax collec
tor, were approved.
Liquor license to J. C. Reid, Gardiner
precinct, grant-d.
The followinng concludes the proceed
ings of the Circuit Court tor this term-
VV. T. Brigs vs. L. Hasperj suit in equitv
r,.M .K-. j 1
n- t uuuu auu saie ui real property
Lienors A Bunch vs David Bun:b; di
toiuc. V'Oii'.inueu.
m;.i. o w t u.i . . ' ' .
....... . i . omuct: hi wi a-iae ft her-
in s aeeo. Judgment for plaintiff
.ame vs u t, M--I,to -r.f iroe lien. De
cree ot default against defendant.
v.. ...i . m :
i siiuie uocawoou vs. . crane' sui
in equity m foreclose mortgage. Judg
" '""i "i (-tannin
isiaievs m Munds; to enforce lien.
judgment in tavor of defendant.
Court adjourned Saturday without day
1837 i :::::::::::::::.::::::.:z."::::::::
as just returned trom Sau Fraoaaco, where he ha purchased the
i'uitst Aesortmeut ot
, Latest Styles and Paterns,
prices a&HGn-ra wnvm otwaeb,
Ladies' Dress Goods,
Fifteen Tarieties of Ladies Cloaks just received.
Which will be sold at Prices to suit ail purchasers.
Also a
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods
More complete than that of any other establishment in the City, and at Fairest Rates
Bgllemembey I will occupy
the Metropolitan hotel where 1
i - r
aver oeiore.
Fall Line of
Dr. Hamilton's brick opposite the
shall ieil goods cheaper tor t-ash than
V Ttii-j'LTTBr-V
A "-'ui'i .u.ov-i.i.
PiOneer Establishment
The first haidwaie dealer in Cmpqoa
Valley, in tbe Brick Building,
ceiving oue of the most complete
stocks of j
Of the Most Improved Patterns ever re
n this city.
And besides has tht most complete stock of
General Hardware,
AnJ manufactures erervthlng 'in tbe line of
In a wo. kkmnnlikf manner, and on most
reosonable t ms.
Iron, Steei and IS a
Always on hand, and in qu ntities to sut
Wheeler Bros ,
Postotfice Buildiug, Locurt atreet. Oak an-
. . . .DtXAEKS IN .
. y i . ....... ; .1
wi will
Pay tho Hiarliest Trke
. And, store
We are orenarwl to receive
either ot the following places:
Oakland, Un'i I
Drain's and Scottsbi'ig i
A1 tiV.
SJ Mills, Reapers, Pumps, and all kinds
and styles of Machinery made to order. Ma
chinery re-mired nt a Jdiort notice. Psttero
makinir done in all us various forms, y if
ill kinds of brass and iron castintir f i
nished at short notice! Also manufacturer
of Enterprise Planer and Matcher aud
.3.5-1 1 Ol 1 ,
nucaers mi'i r-imrj-er-j. ;
RICHARDS & ROWERS, Propr'.etora
Manufactures si tLe am out
Dexter CooJc Stoves
i . T '
Front 6t, bet. M
am end Madison
Portland, Oregoa
Cigars and Tobaccos
Candies I and Notions
B3T sg
m( Valuable
uilsou mnm immnt.
In workmanship Is equal to a Chronometer Vatsh,
and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It
received the highest awards at the Vienna and Cen
tennial Expositions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FAST
ER than other machines. Its capacity Is unlimitad.
There are more WILSON MACHINES sotd In the
United States than the combined sales of ail the
doing all kihds of repairing, WITHOUT PATCHING,
given FREE with each machine. A Certificate Is given
with each Machine, guaranteeing to keep it In repair,
free of charge, for five years. It requires no special
instructions to learn how to use It. Satisfaction
guaranteed, or no pay. Machines delivered free of
charge anywhoro In the United States.
Send for llltistrated Catalogue, end csk for sample of mending,
and our Circular No. 197 for further i. is 'ructions for buying machines
upoii terms stated in the Cataloguo.
ivilson sewi tmmm CO.
827 & C29 Broadway, Mew Yr ta.;
Cor. State and fVldison Sts., Chicncr ' ' t ' jtncisc-, Cal
For Sate by all Fir:;: Healers.
fl. -ft STAS
Staple Dry Goods
Keeps constantly on hand a genera) as
MJttment of .
Wood, Willow and Glassware, also
!uch as required the Public County Schools
Toys and Faancy Articlt
.o Suit both the y mng and old.
r le agent for t e celebrated
Including the well known
Buvs and sella Letral Tend-rs. furnisbM
t Cbecki uu Portland and pMcur s drafts on
. San Fraucii-co in sums to suit all reqairev
; m nts. . "
Monday, Sept 2d. 1878.
Under tbe srpervision "1 the undersign ed
assisted by Miss Hiililand and J.M.
Bower The First seven weeks of ho
tbe term will be free. 1 he last five weeks
weeks will be charged for according to the
Orthography, Reading and Writing
per month. . 1 50
English Giamroar or Orthography
per month.... 2 00
Higher t iiii.ffiic, Alj-eo a orUeoia
j i month ...... ...... 3 50
Ijitiu. -re-k or French -er month. .. 3 00
hucli pupils as desire to continue the
study of Laiiu upon a commercial
cours ilui mg the seven weeks free school
can iiave tiieir - r.-ciiati ns heard as was
ilni.e I .si sjirinif, ei'ber bef.-r or after di.
trict school hours. J. BKuWNE, L. L. D.
Freshly cured snd of FINE QUALITY
The undersigned would say to the eiU
zens of Koseburg that he has just cured tha
finest lot 'of Hams, Bacon and Beef ever
offered to this market; and that nOone will
fail to purchase the same wnen one they
examine it.
Prices lower than ever. .