3je IJnbejtnbtttt SATURDAY. . NOV. , 1878 MURE NECESSARY THAN EVER, Within the history ot political )tteT8uTregou the time uever was wbtu a general Independent movement iu preparation tor the future could bo'made by the peo pie with greater advantage to then-selves tban iiow. The I'lde endents are not a body of men banded together to secure office. -.Their purpose is to compel honest '.government by electing only good men to office irrespective of party, and wherever Independents have organized tor their own protection it is a fact that is beyond dUpute that organization has. com prised fimply farmers and tax- payer who were thinking for themrelvun, who knew that De ni cracy iu Oregou meant Ke pubhcmisin in Indiana and Re publicanism elsewhere signified Democracy in other State8,and had come together, concluding that toe content between the two par ties was simply suite for office, to do the best nt$ible for the conn. try and to ignore political creed and prejudices to t e accomplish . meat ot thi tnd. The history ot this county, as all know, proves thift,at'd no where has cither party ueeii forced upon good its be havior more completely than beie. Neither party cannot now truth, folly say the own and control the county, and both know that the time baa gone by for them t put up old political shack for office and exDect to elect them. Them ii no Buch thing as a nomination being equivalent to en election any longer in Douglas county; and what is truth here should be spoken of every county in the State, and would be if an honest effort was made to have it so. In dependents are to be found every where in Oregon, and why they oua work together as a broth erhoBcan be seen when it is re cognized that by such work they can bold a balance of power against either ot the two political parties, and force the election of only honest and capable men to public office. Political managers at the heads of both parties tear the people Mi il.:. i. : . win coma 10 lun uouciumou, honce there was much virtue in the late Legislature, and ptmizaii newspapers have since caugot the fever that frightened members. The political newspapers, except ting those toward whose proprie tors the finger of suspicion is iqaarely pointed, are engaged in denouncing wrongs supposed to have been committed by Grover & C. A committee, up pom ted by a Democratic Speakrr ot the ilo'ide, and composed ot three Democrats and two lie pub licans, is actively engaged in ex amining the accounts ot supposed delinquent officicials, and if there are such it will turnieh proof ot .1 Hm. . i . . i iiiou gum mac as mucu as may be p tsdihle shall be sved to the State. Taking into consideration the tact that such investigating committee has bien asled for be fore and refused by the same p r ty that has at last granted it, dos it not seem that an acknowledg tnent h is been made by both par ties ot the strength and influence of the Independent element iu the voting population whose mot to has been in effect, we shall vote for no dishonest men or with any party which supports th-m ? Any one present when this committee was appointed will emember the care shown by each member ot the House to place bis uame on the record which was to go to the people. Those who did not vote for the investigation through the committee held back ouiy because they thought other means could be employed to the furtherance of the same end; there was a gun eral disposition to do right, and party teehug was tor the time laid aside. When did the two parties unite upon such a matter betore ? Never before ! When there was inquiry made into Woods and May's administration it was pur sued by one party alone, and its members hurried in the investi gation an much for sake of polit ical capital as honest glory. This time the investigation has been pushed by members of both par ties and without hope of political effect save what naturally follow from the acts of thoe entrusted with office and do their duty. Is it not evident then from thi9 that a change ha been wrought tor the better? Cannot Ind pendents see what iufluence they now have, and that party members are uo lot ger satisfied to trust to "-'ty name alone tcr success? They have, in a measure, come to ac knowledge that in order to retain office they hiut show the people theyare worth of it, and having forced party to this conclusion. and into an examination ot past account?, it i more i ecessary tbau ever that Independents push for ward unitedly that the good they have accomplished may not be undone, and that there may never be another investigatnu. needed. Let us then prepare ibr the tuture not us do the office-seeker, but as Voters who wish to know the truth, and finding it, 'stuna stead fast in its support. JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS. G"Vernor Thayer 13 an eccen trie gentleman, for proof ot this we need only look at his appoint ment of Circuit Judge, to the (laces made vacant by his noiuis nations for Supreme Judges. II. R. Ilaima has been appointed in place of Judge Prim in the first district, nd ot Mr. Hanua's ap pointment there is nothing to say in objection; but there h the ap pointment of B. F. IlardHig, of which there ts much complaint. Harding was uever a lawyer, at least fifteen vears ago or more he quitted his profession because he could not make a living as such. As to Mr. Bellinger, while we believe bim to be an honest man we must not overlook the fact that more times than one he has been charged with being Ban croft & Co's. lobbyist in the Leg islature. Hard mg might have been resuscitated from the deep grave of absolute forgetfjlness by tht Governor to build up a new and personal parti; but the Govs ertior forgets he first proclaimed that no man should be appoiuted to office who was an object of suspicion on the part of any one. It Will be'a Joke. With Bush as Superintendent ot the Penitentiary. Harding as Judge,, and Nestmth as Chaplain of the State Capitol, it begins to appear that Governor Thayer has determined to cieate a party ol his own, cen though he has to dig down until he reaches China. But it will be a good joke on the Governor, and a second death to is party, it two or four, years hence, the Inaependents shall take a hand in rewaidingr the in- n'ceut and punishing the guiliy. Just imagine the rattling ot dry bones as the bodies of those now n tlie i'apitol and Penitentiary under Gov. Thayei's appoint ments, are hurried off by a peo ple who will have them buried. notwithstanding the contrary wishes ot a man who would re- enact the work of the Savior so Beautifully described in Scripture as the rais ng ot the dead. Resigned tlie Jurigship. Judge Shattuck h,a resigned his position of Judge ofthe Fourth Judicial District. He finds the reduction ot Judges' salaries by the late Legislature as reason for his resignation, and retires from the Bench with the best wishes ot nil who knew him, and to find more lucrative and less laborious employment in the practice ot a lawyer. General Grant writes Mayor Stokely from Bordeaux, France, acknowledging the receipt of the resolutions of the Philadelphia City Council to appoint a epecial committee to receive him upon his return, mid states that it be returns by way ot the Atlantic he will take a Philadelphia steamer and notify the committee ot the time ot sailing. The General thanks the Council and the citi zens ot Pbilndelphia for the hon or due him. Henry Ward Beecber says there are no reserved seats in heaven. And there are some so called preachere in this world for whom there will not be even standing room. Nothing person al H. W. SOMETHING WRONG. There is evidently something wrong in the investigati n now going on in regard to the conduct of late State officials. We lave not as yet heard of Senator Gro- ver's condnct,while Governor, be ing looked ufter. When he was Governor, it is certain lie was a member of he Board of School Laud Commissioners; it is equally as certain that it he did wrong, it should not be placed upon ex. Governor Chadwick's shoulders and he be made bear the blame for Grover'a wrong. Chadvvick is now a private individual, and un like Grover, he is not now paid for the abuse ot a press that may seek to abuse huu; and it seems that forgetful ot this, Republi can and Democratic newspapers, attack the private individual, and by maki'ig him carry all the load, would sci een the conduct of the public Senator. Tin duty of all is to defend the innocent and punish the guilty. No oue should screen any man's oublic faults, and no honest man will cove- up a pub lic wrong. The warmest friend Chad wide mav have in this coun ty will willingly vote for his pun ishment if tie is found guilty ot commit!, g a crime, but there is no one iu this county who will s.iy that Chadwick alone t-hall be punished for Grover's misdeeds, or that he shall suffer for what Grover has done. Let the respon sibility ot each man's act rests upon him, and no more. Constitution of Soils. Prof. W. II. Brewer, of the Sheffield scientific school, iu a recent lecture on the origin of soils, said: l io ks decay as truly as wood, and more rapidly in hot, moist climates man iu temperate rc- g:oD8. lirazil is lull of decayed rocks. Water containing ca borne acid is a powerful solvent ot lime stone, and even of granite. Some of the most noted caves in the world were undoubtedly caused by tne action of water saturated with carbonic acid formed by the decay of vegetable matter in for ests. Frost also aids in the de cay of rocks. Cold expands wa ter, and as it freezes, the rocks are buret aasunder, exposing a great surface to the future action of frost iu wiuter. We have all noticed the difference between sea sand and land sand, the former being smooth and round ed by the action of the water, while the latter is sharp and an gular, the grains having been re peatedly cracked and broken by the lrot. A gentleman of Vancouver has a contract with parties in Europe to ship a quantity of fir cones. He has now in store about 400 bushels, which will be sunt toi ward soon. Upon arrival at their destination the seeds will be ex. tracted and planted in h tnatiotis congenial to the habit and growth ot ti.e lir tree While Ame.ica is getting rid ot her forests Eu rope is actively engaged in in creasing hers. Europe will want more wheat for the next year than she did tor the year past. In France the wheat crop is very deficient, and in portions of Russia and some other countries it h below the average. The quantity which the United States will have is so much larger than usual that no serious advance in price is anti cipated. . .I.,., -m- A homestead is exempt from debt provided the owner be the authorized head ot a family, and has tiled an article setting forth such fact with Jhe recorder of deeds prior to meh execution being issued, aud provided the total value ot such homestead does not exceed the sum of $5,000. A man who was hanged in In diana, being ot a practical turn of mind, made no observations about meeting anybody iu hea ven. lie merely nodded to the preacher and said laconically, 'T'l see you later," and then tne trap fell. The population of Oregou is about 150 thousand people. The exports last year reached within a traction of $15.000,000 nearly $100 for each inhabitant. This conclusively establishes hat Ore gon is enjoying a tolerable degree of prosperity. "LET NO GUILTY MAN ESCAPE." Rosbbuko, Ogn., Oct. 30, 1878. Ed. Independent: "I had a dream that was not til a dreim.' The Democracy have been singing the charges of "fraud," stagna- "corruption, "official tion," ani the like, until it has become a chron c complaint of t heir's, J ut before aa electio h the disease assumes a malignant form that otteu throws them into a fit. of genuine madness, aud by dmt ot clang and clatter, whoop and hurrah, they sometimes suc ceed in mukiug a point iu their political game ot euchre. Eight years ago Grover was elected Governor, promising the people that the government should be conducted upon strctly economi cal aud honest principle'-. Sam May was held up to the people as a sample of 'Republican cor ruption in office," which no doubt was the chiet factor in ther suc cess, and, with a flourish ot trnm pets, i he Simon pure' Democracy assumed the administration of the State government with Gro ver Governor, Chadwicc ecre tary of Siate, with titer niino offices in possession ot the small fry. but taiihtnl followers of the former, the great Mogul of the party in Oregon. But what a fall there, has been, toy countrymen. Sam May hs been out done made ashamed i f himself as a petty, sneak thief compared with the wholesale stealing that has been going on at Salem under thi pure Democ racy that went into power on tlie promise of reform. Time at my command will not suffice to enumerate nil the offi end crookedness that has been crooked under the two hist past administrations. The innocent "sucking dove," Fleischman, Hackletuan, Cann, uiory, cmiipon et ai, vere per mitted to suck at the public teat and grow tat, sleek and comely their eyes stood ou with fat ness aud all weut merrv as a marriage bell and the dear peo ple paid the bill. Grover has succeeded in riding the bucking political cay use to a seat iu the Senate; ditto Slater, the "back pay grabber." But it is p sserted by many that Grover is all right, he is honest, he is pure no fraud being track ed to his door -and on the other hand try to charge all the fraud and wrong doing upon S. F. Chadwick as a scape goat for the siis of the party. Well, it is my opinion that a man acting as Governor, who is so negligent, (even it honest) of his duties as to permit such a -wholesale deple tion of the treasury, is unfit to govern a Stare--either i.orn ot the ox will gore him and the righteous indignation ot a justice loving peonle will hold him up to public scorn though he may it in iheu.' S. Senate. "Let no guilty man esc -pe." NOTICE Ot Final Seitlrineiit in the Matter of the Estate ol Loivn Dhvib Di-ceaned. Frank Davin, adiuinis'.raior of Estate of lxreu Davi lec-asei. having Q ed his final accountw showing all his i roceedintt in the jr'nn8r8. It ia, tlitfrelore, oriit-red ilia. vVmlneutloy, 1 ct-mbrr 4t. lo8, tm and Is hrrebv mi apart tor tho hrarintf of objec tions thereto, and tlie final st-uh-nirnt th'-reof, and thai notiCH of the same lie publ'mlied in the Docolai Independent for tour conuecunv- hvcKu. By order of Hon. U. Uaddia, County Jiul.e. T, It. SIIKRIDAN, ('mnty Clerk. Kosebuiio Or.. Oct. 12, 1878. Notice. H AVINO DIFPOSED OF OUK MER- cantile Busiiiens at Canyonville to Messrs. Toklas Baden L Co., of San Fran Cisco, we wouia respectfully call the af.e - tion of those indebted to us and ask theiu to make immediate settlement. Makks. Sideman & Co. FOR SALE. 160 Yews, $1 25 per head. Apply to II. CONN, SR. Death's Salooii, opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Roseburg GEO. BKATH, Proprietor. THE FIKE8T OF LIQUORS & wi NES, CIO AB3 Always on hand, and in con lection with the saloon will be found a WELL-KEPT BILLIARD ROOM I ATTD TEN-PIN ALLEY, 7 both health these m parting game may be indulged a. QQOBB to be mold GREAT SLAUGHTER IN J. Ever brought to Roseburgf which he proposes to offer to the market at prices lower than can any other house in the city. His stock embraces the Yexy LATEST Novelties in Ladies' Fancy Goods And also all Styles of " j EINEST DitESS GOODS ! w Consisting in part of . ' f kLfts, flbidefuiiLOJ', He desires to Clothing Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Comprising Full Suits, Ties, Scarfs, Cravats, White and Fancy Shirts, Colored un derwear, Ladies and Gentl men's Shoes, also Crockery, OF Thankful fr pasttavors, I respectfully invite all my old costomera and the public generally to examine the sttn-k in my store. AU will find it iu every way complete, and that I huve unirmmly reduced the price of goods. J. U FLO ED. NEW TO "FARMER'S AND MECHNANIC'S-ST ONE ME. G. Announces that he has rriiw SEASON'S NOVELTIES 0 Also a full ASSORTED MERCHIlWniSE! Mr. Cohen announces that he and is prepared to receive his SEES!, the production of flax seed, the un deraigned give notice that THEY W ILL PURCHASE AT THh. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, OR WILL Will Coujract for hi! that may be Oeflred. Of next season's crop, through their agents, MESSRS. ALLEN & LEWIS of Portland. From whom seed can be had on application JOHN O. KITTLE. Manager. Pacific Oil and Lead Works, f ..m6 San Francisco. SIRS. J.O.JOHNSON, ILLUER I DRESS MAKER LOCUST STREET, OAKLAND, REOON. Having just returned from Portland with the largest and most elegant stock of MILLINER GOODS Which 1 intend to sell very low, I in vite the citizens of Oak 'and and vicinity to calt and examine tor themselves before purchasing els where my complete stock ol Bonnets. Hats, Ribbons. Lao bilk and Velvet Trimmings, &c Orders for dresses attended to with neats nest and dispatch. oct26-lm. EVER BKFORE IN THE C. FLO ED Has the largest an.', best selected ttock of aez piiffk, tfallafe IPLaltL and 3fatLC Jfii&e, inform the public that he has a complete stock ot Glasswa , and In full Supply and Cheap for all. ALL DESCRIPTION 01 HAND. - DAY. 0 GOHEN an immense stock of line of occupies S. W. Crane's store, customers at his new store. ROSEBURG- 211 uLS. ALWAY9 ON HAND THE VERY BEST OF FLOUR ORDERS FO Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour and Cornmeal Filled on short notice, and on most libera terms. JONES & GATES. " NEW MEAT MARKET CLARK eft McGREQOR, Props. 1 LIVE AND LET LIVE. TTAVINO located permanent- It in Roseburg, and having secured the building adjoining John Clark's saloon, we are prep, red to lurninii tn s orw with the choice beef, wuitoi' and pork, and anything else in our line of uade, at he ver lowest prices. Give us a trial and vouaillbep d. We iy the . lJghest Frice for Beef. "johii fraserT" tCome-titad Furniture WILBUR, OREGON. Opholsterj, Spring Mattiasse8,etc. Constantly on hand. I have the Best Stock of Furniture south of Portland, and all of my od manufacture. -- NO TWO PKICEa TO CUrTO ERS Residents ol Douglas county are requested to give me a call before purchasing . elsewhere. All Work Warranted. ALL PRICES! mLaldeneAy 3 lea. etc Groceries, tue FINEST QUALITY THE " Greatest Quantity ! . andJ . ... ! ; Tho BEST VAEIETY 4' '-' OF j ' " ' Boots and Shoes Ever brought to lioBeDurg at Mill' mm BOOTS AND 3VEo.de to SHOES Order AND REPAIRED. LYON'S PATENT METALLIC 3TIFFENERS, FOR LADII8 AffD HtSBC8 Boot and Shoe Heels. Prevents running over and I wearing off on the SIDES. THIS FIRM HAS OS HAND THE FIN est stock of Leatherj in the r-'tate. and is prrpared to do all kinds cf 'w.rk m fiif t-clasj manner, upon the most res son a ble terms. Parties needing anUhii'C if ! their line, should call upon them fiifi ag tliey tun GUARANTEE ALL WOR C l Turned out ot their shop to be 1 1 an'' ! m to wear rell. It r MARKS &C0 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN General Merchandise Have constantly n hand CL0THING.DHGO0D5.iPT$ SHOES. CROCKERY. i GRCtRIES AH1 PS31S1 s r WINES, LIQUORS (i ROSEBURG - OREGON Wool and Produce Of every description H2S QDTU Hr 3HX OT .AND. . 4 Highest Cash I'nce 'a'nl torthero 9-tf S. MARKS & CO. r l 1 UMPQUA ACAPEuTgV This institution of learning will eomroeiMMr ITS FALL TERM SEPT. 19. 1878, uner the jroldance of ITev. J. H. Skidmore, Principal. To the many friends withir tha- reach of this Academy, we would say: That each department, ot the Mhool wilt be uns der til' control of those who hare added to (rood ability, cult ration, patience and experience. Theiw will be three depart im main this Academy. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT, & MUSICAL' DEPARTMENT We shall V glad to msist friends in the selection sf homes for their children, and if oar sugsregiions re followed, we assure yon the children will b" shielded from the evil influences. B rd can he had at from ' $3 to $1 1 er week. Tuition, from $-5 'ofli per quar tet, in Academy Department; from $i to (6 in Commercial Depi tment, and from f 12 to f 15 in Muwcal l)ep tment. J H. SKIDMORE; Principal. . A. BUS HELM EIR, ' PRACTIAX. G UKSMITH Has Permanently located '.a Roseburg, OPPOSITE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL- . I WILL OUAUHANTRE ALL Superior any performed in Oregon San Francisco CIGAR STORE. S. OOLDSTlilM HAS OPENED A CIUAR AND VARIETY hioie next door to the barber shop and nearly oppieite to the P' stotfice, end has one of the largest stocks of IniHried and Domestic Cigars in ptock ever brought to Uotteburg. His stock also embraces all the favorite brands of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Meerschaum Pipes. Notions. Can-, dies and other articles found usually in a first-class establishment of -the kind. My prices will be low and my time cash, and a share of public patronage is respecttully Solicib. MAliONY'S SALOON, Nearest to the Railro ad LVj ot, O klan- JAS. MAHCNEY. Proprietor THE FiNKST OK WINESjZZIQROH 5 Or CIO A IS !' - In Douglas county, aiid the beat BILLIARD TABLE IN THE STAT Kept in proper repair. tSTTarties traveling on tlie railroad .vill find this place very handv to visit du in? the stopping of the train at the Oakl md depot. Give me a call. SMf JAS. MAIIONETc . J. 15 SIfUTII, Oaposite Abraham A Brown, Oakland, Off ....dealer nr.... Stoves and Tinware HARDWARES A ND FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Keeps always on hand a TJI-iIj stock. And is always ready te sell goods for cask at prices so that all will be satisfied. QUICK SALES AND READY RETURN Is my motto. Now is the time for your W in t c p T rdc. ....AMD.. . Peed Stable, Tbisestabliphmentia the Best in the Stale anJ connected with it is a large WAGON YARD WITH FINE bhCD ROOM Capable of accommodating an umlx oi horses at'd wagon BEST OP HAY AND URfS Alwuyg iu full supply at living prices And No One is Allowed to (ie Away Dissiitisficd. Don i fail to give a call, for we ari d termined to suit you" in qimntitr, quality and i.rices WRlHHT & CAliLCM. T. C. SMITH & CO; miiiSTs inmiisf iMMKn.u vaajLUiaiu A aAKO armaoist, Patton's Block, State street, Salem, Oga. T1ARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN to prescriptions, aud all orders by mail or express ailed prruiptly od accav ately. Physicians and Country "Dealers wil save nwney by examining our stock, or pro curing our prices, belore purchasing else, where. 40-tf R-eburg Brewey, JOUN EAST. PROPRIETOR: BEST EAGER BEER MADE IN STATE TS MANUFACTURED BY JOHN Kast, who has the article coustanth oa anda. wbich he will sell in quantities to nrchaaera. (Jive him a call. 48 TELLURIUM QUARTZ MINlKG CON PAN Y. "1TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT M the annua, fcl.ction of officers of the Tellurium Quartz Mining Company, will be held at Canyonville, Dungiaa county, Oregon, on the 6th day of November, A. D., 1878. commencing at 1 o'olock p. m.. for the purpose ot electing S or more Direc tors, one President of Board of Directors, one St-cretary, one Treasurer, ine Superin tendent and to transact ary other business the interest ot the compvov demands. E. : A4B, i eny.