Tbtb InnKPKNDEXT TUeW t newspaper ever published in Douglas county. ! Society ZXeetings. f-fUMPQUA CHAPTER NO. 11, K t A..; M., bold regular communica tiona every first and third Tuesday in each month All members in (rood standing will take due and timely notice -in? companioua are invited to meet with the Chapter when convenient. B. HERMANN, H. P. VV. L Fkiedlandeb, Sec'y. - A LAUREL LODGE A. F. and A. M holds regular meetings on or before each full moon. ''' A. JONES, V. M. A.F Campbell, Secy, PHILETAMAN ..--s Lodge, No. 8, I O. O. F. tneets on Saturday evening, o( each week at 7 o'clock, in their hall at Kose burjf. Members of theorder in good stands injf are invited to attend. By order of the N- BRIEF HEMS- Conrt week. Frosty mornings. "Very lively this week. "He truly lives who lives in other's hearts. Apples ate quoted at 60 e -nts per bui-hel' Fare is $5 from Ctx8 Bay to Sac Fran cisco.,;;-.' J. H. Mahoney, Oakland, was In the city Tuesday. : ? Eb. Stephens, of Calapoola, was in the -ity Wednesday. Sheridan Brothers have just received an invoice of Rubber Paint - Hon. Richard Williams leaves for Waib :iogton city November 20th. To those who want ftpl nidid pasturage we say apply to J. C. Aiken. Jusephsou's elegant sizo again floats on the breeze. Long may it wave. Tlie new dray under Noble's charge is r securing a liberal share of public patron--age. ' J udge Kelsay, with his usual ousiness "look, has been in the city attending the Court. Hon. (leorge Riddle, from Canyonville, lias beeo in the city attending court this week.' - There will probably be an exodus of the thieves who iufested jSalenv during the State Fair The Work on Marks' building is going forward rapidly and in a few days -will be under root. We would not live always, we ask not to tav, where subscriber atter subscriber res fuses to pay. The Roseburg flouring mills are now turning out 8,000 pounds of flower every twenty.-four hours. The trains have been crowded with pss . eengers returning from the Fair and legis late all this week. X N. Steeves was elected State Libras nan. His fair competitor Miss JNora Binip son run him a close race. The gross value of taxable property of .Josephine county is $410,985, and the county is in debt $92,860. George Mendle, formerly milkman in the city, writes that he has located at Saratoga, tianta Clara county, California. , The gross valuation of the taxable prop erty of Umatilla county is $2,263,172, and the county is indebted $657,251. The city has been full of strangers, and ' it is safe to say tbat Koeeburg has never presented a more lively appearance. Tbe Coos Bay News says U, S. Marshal rrerted several citisens charged with trivs ia.1 infringements of the revenue laws. Preparations are progressing in Jackson county foitnore extensive mining opera tioiiS the coming season than ever before. Farmers throughout the county have been making large investments in improve , ed plows and other farming implements. We hat e received a copy of the Walla Wall Daily Statesman. Friend Newell, -we wish you , unbounded succwr in your new enterprise. Mr. Ellison, the postmaster at Yoncalla, wag in tlie city attending court the fore par of the week. He i a gentleman both pleasant and agreeable. All fixes window and picture glasses from 30x40 down for sare at Portland prices by box or pane at S. Hamilton's drug store. Jlas cutting done to order. We received a letter from George H. Shambrook, of UmpqaaF rry, saying that he inteuds leaving shortly to attend col lege. We wish you success, George. It is almost impossible to rent a house in this ci j. This is in the face of the fact that omething over fifty dwelling houses have been erected in the city this year. A correspondent of the Portland Bee says that the law making power ot the State was undressed by the Speaker. For tbe sake of decency it is hoped the correspon dent made a mistake. t37"The National Gold Medal was awa rd ed to Bradley & Rulofson for tbe best Ph tographs in the United States, and the Vi enna Medal for the best in the world. 423 .Montgtury Street, Saa Francisco, We call atte.unm t the advertisement of Mrs. J. O. Johnson, of Ookland. which appears io to-day's issue. She is n w pre pared to receive h r fu riner customers in Wter style tha e vr. Give heracali. The hotels bav b-en jammed full all week. U has been difficult for many of our visitors to find a nail to hang upon. Our hotel keepers did everything in their power to make their guests Comfortable. The Mechanic's and Farmer's exposition at Portland. Oregon, has been in session this week. . There were on exhibition a grea. variety of Oregon articles, and from the list published the exposition must have been very creditable. -'- The splendid improvements that hare been made and are being made in th ' city this year astonishes our numerous vis itor-. Improvements show that Hoseburg has business men who do not fear to invest .- their money in permanent improvements. We will say we had the authority of some of Oakland's best citizens when we penned the item in relation to incorporat' ing that town. We have since conversed with Oaklandera and they sa the item was correct. It is no matter of ours; the item was published as news. - Ha was just chancing his shirt when he heard footsteps on the stairs, and as there was not lime to Iocs, the door he crawled tinder the bed. The intruders were his jB ster and five girl friends, and during the - next hour be learned all about bow to cut fall wraps, and also to do his trading at J. C. Floed'a. ' : . - - ; The new saddle and harness shop just back of Marks' new brick is now eomplsw ed. Mr. G. W. Woodward has shown . himself to be a most enterprising citizen in the erection of this building. While In his shoo the other evening we were shown nnM work on a saddle, wkich in point of v finish and excellence, cannot be excelled, - Farmers appreciate Mr. Woodward's work And purchase it za last as ne puts n up. COURT PROCEEDINGS. The Circuit Court for this district con vened in this city Mondav, Judge Watson presiding. Besides the local we notice several prominent lawyers trom -abroad. Our county officers are doing their work well , Following are the proceedings : State of Oregon vs R Gibson; rape, con. tinued te the next regular term. Same vs R Gibson; seduction, continued to next regular term. Same vs Quock Warn; larceny, continued to next regular term. " Same vs G W - Vickars: larceny. The indictment having been an old one and no arrest having been made the action was dismissed. Isaac T Weekly vs Ed Weekly, et al; partition, report of referee confirmed. Joel Dixon et al vs W G Dixon et al; to set aside conveyance. Continued to the next regular term. S W Crane vs W E Jordan and T W Block; to recover money. Judgment for plaintiff for $429 50, cost and disburse ments. J F Gazley vs G Dimmick and J Wil liams . Dismissed at plaintiffs cost. J E Biker and Sons vs K H Taff; to re cover money. Continued for next regular term. H Weaver and Sons vs Solomon Ady; to p-cover money. Judgment for plaintiff in the sum of $475 75. W B Willis us J W Hurley et al; tores closure. Proceed u re confirmed by order of the court. Martha A Levins vs John Levins ; di vorce Dismissed. Cyrus Powers vs WB Williams and J E Dixon; to recover money. Continued to next regular term. Jas Clme vs Wm Watterson, appealed trom Justice Court. Judgment for $3 and costs. - Same vs Henry Hall; larceny. No true indictment found. Thomas i'rown-sT M Logan and E S Logan; equity to correct mistake. Decree in favor of plaintiff. Woodson Patterson vs Alcinda Patter son; divorce. Decree in favor of the plain- ;v Wm E weekly vs Richard and Sarah Jenkfns; equity to recover niottgage. Dis missed at plaintiff's cost. Same vs J C Engles; forgery. Found guilty as cu arged and October 26th fixed for seutence. " T R Hill vs Button & Perkins; to recov er wooer. Jury disagreed. Shooting Affray. The Salem Statesmen of Suniay, Oct. 20th says. The quiet little town of Leb anon was thrown into a fever ot excitement occasioned by a fatal shooting affray which occurred there about 3 o'clock in the after noon. The facts as near as we can learn are about as follows. Last summer two men named respectively Col ton and Long had a little difficulty during harvest. Long threatened to slap Cohen in the face the first opportunity which presented itself. Sunday Long met Col ton in the streets of Lebanon and struck him in the face with a levolver, whereupon Colton drew his pistol and shot his agressor, tbe ball entering the body just below the left nipple. The ball lodged in the body, producing,as every one. supposes, a fatal Wound. Long, the wound ed man, had a quarrelsome disposition and was a dangerous man when excited. CpJ ton gave himself up. U- to the time of the stages leaving, no examination had been made concerning the wounded man's condition. Further . particulars given at the earliest possible date. ;. Railroad Accident. -Last Friday a terrible railroad accident occurred near East Portland which resulted io the death of a man named George Tra cy. The engine had left the round house and movl g down the track at about nine miles an hour, when a man appeared walk ing towards tbe approaching train. He showed no intention of leaving the track although warned to do so. The engineer, noticing tliif, endeavored to stop the locos motive, but was unable to do so in time to prevent striking tbe man. The man was struck by the pilot and cruelly man gled being rolled and crowded twenty ties before the engine could be checked. He died about an hour after receiving the Ins juries. ...... Needles! Needles! Last Monday night this cry rang out startling the curiosity of our citizens. A crowd gathered around a speaker who was straining his voice with aphunny song. Af ter he had tortured his growing audience soineime he proceeded to business. He sold a package of needles for one dollar. He had a package of envelopes con, aining numbers which represented money. If a man purchased a package of needles and drew envtlope containing $5 he was paid this sum. It was observable, however, that mow 25 cent pieces were drawn than anything else. Of couee he did not lose; at anv rate he paid his city license and confo.-med to the law. Supposed to be Drowned. Last week Dr. J. C. Grubbs, a gradu ¬ ate of Willamette Un'veisity, and a forme; resident ot Dallas, but of late yaars resid ing in Corvallis, went up the Willamette river above his late home, for a duck hunt; not returning, search was made, and his boat fonnd upset against a snaz : it is thought tlat the boat must have capsized and that the Dr. ws drowned. The river has been dragged.but the body has not been found. Dr. Grubbs was well and favorably known throughout the State. Married. The Hon. George W. Riddle and Mrs. Helen Stewart, were married in this city by Rev, E. W. Dixon, October 20ih. W wish the happy couple a pleasant compan ionship through life, and we do not think that any couple deserve more of the joys of life than do Hon. G. W. Riddle and his wife. Mr. Riddle has made himself a ho3t of friends in Douglas county, all of whom will be giad to hear of his new happiness, Grand Jury. The following names comprise the Grand Jury: John Applegate, foreman; G. Hoover, E. H, Livingston, George Stearns, Wm Moon, David West and E. A Wood. Passed Through. Sheriff Aiken, of Coos county, passed through Roseburg Friday, having in his charge an insane woman hom he was taking to the asylum. MINING NEWS. The Jacksonville Sentinel of Oct 18th contains the following mining news: ' - The pipe put up at the Tolman mine, on Middle Creek, Las been taken up and on last Saturday it was removed to Willis & Abraham's mine on Applegate. We learn that ail the mining appaiatus. mcvable, will be taken from Middle Creek, wh'ch indicates that work has been permanently suspended at that place. About two weeks ago Billy Dorn, a well known miner, sunk a shaft abaut ten feet deep in the channel of Elliott creek, where he siruck the bedrock. He proceeded to prospect a pan of gravel and soft rock and got two dollars in heavy gold. Still further prospecting has established the fact that he has struck a rich lead which is likely to prove extensive. Other miners in tue sarre vicinity are encouraged to prospect for the the same streak in their claims, with good reason to expect success. Sheriff By bee came up from his quartz ledge on Galice creek last T uesday. One thousand pounds of ore from this ledge was recently crushed and twenty dollars in gold obtains 1. The sulphurets amounted to $268 per ton and the ledge shows a fine surface. Work will be commenced next spring to red ace the ore by the most aprov ed method, and the best judges of quartz mines are confident of rich returns, W. A. Owen and Charles Howard came over from Applegate last Monday, where they had bsea with a party of men survey ing the ditch to bring water into Mgru del, Owen, Ribinson nd Oo.'s mining ground. The rain rendered further opera tions at present anything but agreeable. Nine and a half miles have been surveyed and 160 feet fall obtained. The survey will be completed in a short ; time, now that the weather Las cleared up Fine Stock. Mr. Sam Dement, of Coos county, whom we mentioned sometime ago as having gone to the State Fair with the intention of purchasing some fine stock, returned last Saturday to this place on, his way to Coos county. He did not succeed in se curing all the stock he wanted, but he brought with him the fiuest two years old bull and heifer, short-horned Durham, that were On the fair ground. The bull is thorough-bred and poetesses the charac teristics which go to make up a splendid stock animal. Both of these animals took the first premium at the State Fair, and we do not hesitate to say Mr. Dement has the finest two years old buU in Coos. The same may be said of the heifer. She has that benevolent loos; and dish face which are c'aimud by stock men of experience as indications unmistakable of superior qual ities. Hr. Dement is enthusiastic iu his admiration of fine stock, and in his recent purchase we cannot do otherwise than eimmend his judgment and his enterprise in improving the stock of Coos county. Gone .to Rest. J. M. Sutton, the editor of the Ashland Tidings, died at his residence in th at place on Monday evening at eigh o'clock, after an illness of only forty -eight hours. Mr. Sutton was one of the earliest settlers in this valley, having arrived in '52, during which time he has been engaged in a num ber ofdiSVrent pursuits. He was formerly a merchant of this place and afterward Post master for a cumber of years. - Something over a year ago he began the pul lication of the Ashland "Tidings," hut his health fa'ling. he retired for a time and went to San Francisco. Taking charge again short ly afterward he held the posiion of editor of that paper up to the time of his death. He has been suffering for a number of years past with a severe attack of Rheumatism in one arm, disabling that member almost com pletely but otherwise he has apparrently. been in good health. By his death his family lose an, affectionate husband and father, and the community in which lie lived, one of her lest citizens. Jacksonville Sentinel. Passed Through. Mr. G. W.Allen, of the firm of D. M. Ousoum & Co., of Auburn, N. Y., accom panied by Mr. M. Ayers, Business Mana ger for the firm, for this coast were in this city last Saturday and Sunday, and spent the time in conversation with their repre sentative, Mr. J. W. Strange, as to the business prospects of this part of Oregon We understand they were highly pleased with Oregon, and also with the prospects of building up a good trade at this point Mr. Strange informs us that the machines now being constructea ior uregon, are a decided improvement on the old style, and especially adapted to this country. Appointments. Following are the appointments of the M. E. Church for the year 1878: First Sabbath, Ten Mile 11 a. m. Looking Glass 3 P. M-; the Second Sabbath, Canyon ville. 11 A. M.. alternate be'ween Day's creek and Cow creek 3 P. M.; Third Sab bath Roseburg 11 A. il., Pine Grove school house on Deer creek 3 P. M , Roseburg in the evening: Fourth Sabbath, Cleveland 11, alteraate between French Settlemeut and Cole's vail y 3 P. m. N. A. Stark. ' Pastor. One Price Cash Store. Mr. Cohen has moved his entire mer chiiniiiae to S. W. Crane s store room formerly occupied by M, Josephson.- Mr. Cohen, duriag Ms stay here, has shown himself to be a gentleman in every sense of the word. His goods are of the finest quaw ity and he Sells to his numerous custo mers at prices to suit the times. Highway Robbery. One day .last week at Salem.ae Mrs.Henry States was going to her home in North Salem she was attacked and knocked down by a ruffian, who attempted to rob her of her watch and chain, but her cries for help aroused the neighborhood and the scoundrel fled. Mill Renovated. The flour mill of Jones & Gates, which has been thoroughly renovated, is now running and turning out a superior quali fy of flour. A new roof has been placed on the building and the mill is otherwise improved. First Premium. . The improved New W ilson sewing ma uuuo wm awaruea tue nrst premium at the State Fair for a general laniily sew C . VI rit ' . it luwuiuo. aub awara was a correct one. . - . - CALAPOOI A ITEMS. JlfoJfnga fow items would be adinit table I sendyTJa the, following: Farmers are plowing for fall sowing. Rev. Swick preached at the school house last Sunday to a large congregation. Simon Starr puechaseu at the State Fair a pair of fine chickens. Simon cer tainly means business. Hail beauteous maid of grace d!vine. Why do you wear a bump behind. ; Mr. Wilcox closed bis school for the fall sn account of so much disagreeable weather. Our voung men who attended the State Fair have returned home thinking they have enough State Fair to satisfy them for years to come. The funeral sermon of Mr. Martin's lit tle daughter who died recently of con sumption, will be preached next Sunday the 26th, at the school house by Rev. J. C. Richardson. Charles McGee purchased the Rice farm for $1,600 and also the Black farm joining the Rice place.for $450 and sold his ranch down on the river to C. B. Wilcox for $2,500 Misses Maggie and Ada Mires have gone to Wilbur to attend school, and Ma lissa Davis have taken her departure for McMiuville, where she will attend t-chool this winter. We hope these young ladies will improve their time and return much benefitted. You are correct in your inference that your suggestions in regard to careful culti vation have impressed the tanner of the county favorably. A great number are intending to give he matter a fair test. UMPQUA FERRY. " Mornings are getting frosty. Some sunshine and shower. The farmers are busy gettiug in their winter apples and digging their potatoes. Mr. l.ovell made more from his "truck patch" this season than most of the far mers will from their farmers. Some liht fingered individual tried to break into the house of Joseph Brock Sun day night, but soon concluded, when he saw Mr. Nelson making for him, that the best thing he could do was to "put, and so he did. A. E. Clayton and sister. Mrs. Woodruff, arrived last week. Mr. Clayton has been to th-- fair and his sister came up on a visi' to her parents. A. L. Adams and E. A. Eirkpatrick both departed last week, nd we mourn our loss. Mr. Adams started on his way back to Mich'gan and Mr. Kirk pa trick started to the Willamette. He intends to start for the Palouse country in the spring. We wish you a pleasant and profitable journey. ' Justice Court. State of Oregon vs. Marlbonogh; on a charge of setting up and promoting lot teries. ' Examination commenced before Justice Hursh 1 o'clock, J. M., Thursday. The State appearing by A. F. Campbell, Deputy District Attorney, the defense by himself and his attorney, G. O. Hoi man. At the close of the examination of wit nesses on tbe part of the State defentant's counsel moved to disnii ss the proceedings and for discharge of defendant, for want of evidence to sustain the charge, which mo tion, atter argument by counsel was al lowed and prisoner discharged. The Appropriation. We take the following from the general appropriation bill passed by the Legisla ture : Executive fund ....$ 19.400 00 General Fund. 32.060 00 Fugitive Fund. 2.000 00 52,780 00 124.000 00 32,000 00 2.000 00 3,000 00 1,000 00 38,328 50 Incidental 1 und. . . . ....... Insane Fnnd. ...... . ..... Judicial Fund. . . ........ Indigent Fund... Common School Fund.... State Laud Fund. ....... Deficiencies Total........... $322,754 50 A Shipwreck. Last Friday the British ship City of Doublin attempted to cross the Columbia river bar without a pilot and became fast on the sand. Tug boats were sent to her relief but nothing could be done but save those on board, after which the ship went to pieces. The distster was the result of not procuring a pilot. The British Vice Counsul at Astoria lyis instituted a court of lnouiry as to why the commander tried to Cross the bar without a pilot. New House. Mr. Gates has just completed a new two story house for Mr. John Chapman. The house is 44 by 26 feet in size, and one of the most substantial and best finished houses In the country. "Uncle Jimmy" Cox has also a fine new house just completed by R. McCullocu. Married. Tuesday evening by Justice Hursh, at the Metropolitan hotel, Mr. 1. Graden and Mrs. Carolina Car. were married. We wish the couple a joyous campanionship. t ;" Appreciated. The citizens of this district appreciate Judge Watson's ability as a Judge and have circulated a petition asking Governor Thayer to appoint him for the term Dr. Browue, of tbe Academy, has gone to Portland on a flying trip. The prisoners in county jail at Salem attempted to escape last reek, but were foiled. W.: B. Clarke is sawing out shingles at the rate of 10.000 per day in Cole's valley. Some shin gle. ; The Governor vetoed the bil authorizing the constrcction ot a fish gate-way at the Willamette Falls. -, Immediately tollowirjg court week an effort will be made to reorganize the Phillallathian so ciety. We hope the members o of the society will take notice and attend. t8W t FALL AT 'Mis' M(mifu!i fl.W vim NEW GOODSl M;. JOSEPHSON, lias just returned trom Sati Francisco, where he has purchased the ' Fiuest Assortment ot Latest Styles A FULL Ladies' Dress Goods, LACES, TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES Fifteen varieties of Ladies Cloaks just received. ALSO LADIE'S AND MISSES' JACKETS LATEST STYLES & PATERNS Which will be sold at Prices to suit all purchasers. Also a Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods .AND. HATS, SHOES, Boots, ET8., GROCERIES, CROCKERY, More complete than that of any other establishment in the city, and at 'Fairest Rates jESTlleipember I will occupy Dr. Hamilton's brick opposiU tbe the Metropolitan hotel where I shall eell goods cheaper tor cash, than ever before. M. JOSEPHSON. i Hill I THE DUEt NEWPEIOESI 3 and Paterns, LINE OF Full line of WILLOW - WARE & CUTLERY. ESTABLISHED. : . . . Is5., PiOneer Establishment THOS. P. SB E HI D AIT. The first haidwate dealer la Umpqua Valley, in the Brick Building, TTAS RECEIVED. AND IS NOW REs I ceiving one of "the most complete stock of ' ' r 00l)K,PARL0R&(jFlll STOVES, Of the Most Improved Patterns ever re ceived in this city. And besides has the most complete stock of General Hardware, And manufactures everything in the line of TIN, SHEET-IRON & COPPERWARE In a wo.kkmanlike manner, and on most reosonable t-ms. , Iron, Steel and fta? Always on hand, and in qutntities to suit. Wheeler Bros Postotfice Building, Locut street. Oak and ... .dealers nr.... I XDZFLIT -GOODW WOQL'AND-COUNTR. PRODUCE. We will ! Pay th Hieftest Price fur woo u : And store ALL WOOL FREE OF CHARGF. We are prepared to receive .vool si either ot the following places Roseburg, Wilbur, Oakland, tone 11? Dram's and Scottsbi'ig 6tf VV HEELER bRliS. SALE!! FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP, ; B. F. DRAKE, PROPRIETOR, sAl-t-'M. OK EG ON ; CTEAM FVdlNES, SAW-MILLS GRIST Mills, Keapere. Pumps, and all kinds and styles of Machinery made to order. Ma chinery repaired at a short notice. Pattern making dne in all .its various, forms, and all kinds nf brass and iron casting fur nished at short notice. Also manufacturer of Enterprise Planar and Matcher and Stickers ani Sharper WILLAMETTE BT?E WO EES RICHARDS & ROGERS, Proprietors Manufactures oi tLe fcamous ' Dexter CooJe Stoves PARLOR STOVES.BOX STOVES, All D a HOLLOW WARE, ETC., ETC., Front st, bet. Main and Madison Portland. Oregon?, M. APPEL! . HK.HASSTHE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF Cigars and Tobaccos Candies land Notions EVER BROUGHT TO -ROSEBURG, AND HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. llSll ' f ' j--"'"!"" 1 1 JJ . '- r V-naM HHiiunmi' in Hst jwinisl Mreafgin ' " -'' ":,,lr ' "J Wlliul uiiiJiiiiJ.ii.ui n" ;. ' " --:'-'':.- "W"- """" , --- . ..." jw -i 'vA J Jf Invention Wl Tire mm In workmanship Is equal to a Chronometer Y7a':ch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano, it received the highest awards at the Vienna and Cen tennial Expositions. IT 8EWS ONE-FOURTH FAST ER than other machines. $ Its capacity Is unllml :ed. There are more WILSON MACHINES sold In tho United States than the combined sales of ail the others. THE WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT,, for doing all kinds of repairing, WITHOUT PATCH! :c, given FREE with each machine. A Certificate Is given with each Machine, guaranteeing to keep it In ref air, free of charge, for five years. It requires no spsci&I instructions to learn how to use it. Gatisfacrion guaranteed, or no pay. Machines delivered freo cf charge anywhere in the United States. Send for Illustrated Catalogue, and ask for sample of men ilng, and our circular No. 197 for further instructions for buying macf dnea upon terms stated In the Catalogue. 9 .f 17ILS013 SEWING UACIIKIE 00. 827 4b 829 Broadway, New York Hew Orleans, La.; Cor. State and Madison 8ts. Chicago, Ilia and San Francisco, C; For Sale by all First-Ctass Dealers. 1 n IU STMfllf deal ee irar Staple Dry Jpcc Jb Keeps constantly vn hand a jrein ral as sortment of EXTRA fliit C.ICCEKIL'3, Wood, Willow; and Glassware, also CROCKERY AND CORDAGE. A FULL STOCK OF scsool moms Such as required the Public County Scshoola LL KINDS STATIONERY! Toys and Faancy Articles. ' To Suit both the y Ming and old. eSole aarent for e celebrated - PACIFIC THRESHING MACHINE COMPANY. Including the well known PELTON SIXsFOLD HORSE-POWER I Buvs and sells Lesral Tt-nii. rs fnrhfnTiM Check! ok Portland and procur s drafts on San Francinco in sums to suit all requires menta - ROSEBURG ACDEZIY 1.1E AtTTCHS 8E8SIOK OF THIS INSTITUTION WILL commence: Monday, Sept 2d, 1878. Under the '.'pervisi.n '1 the undernijrned assisted by Miss Hat.ie tJiili'and and J.M. Bower The First seven weeks of the the term will be free. 'I he last five weeks weeks will be charged for according to tho following RATES OF TUITION : Orthography. Reading and Writing per month. $ 1 80 English Otammar or Orthography per month........ 2 00 Higher Autbinatic, Algebra or Gaotn- per month. ....... ...... 2 50 Latin, Greek or French per month. . . 8 00 Such pupils as desire to continue th study of Latin or enter upon a commercial course during the seven weeks free school can have their recital i na hard as was done last sprinir, ei'bvr befor or after di. trict school hours. J. BROWNE, L. L. D- SII0HED HEAT, FOR THE HOLIDAYS SMOKED HAMS.BAUOfl AJN1 3H5 3E2 333 TP 2 Freshly cured and of FINE QUALITT -r The undersigned would say to the dta sens of Roseburg that he has just cured the finest lot of Hams, Bacon and Beof evei offered to this market; and that no one. will fail to purchase the same when once they examine it. Prices lower than ever. JACOB BITZFR WOZlXaS-SUZlTOWlJiiD nn nnnnnmn 5. Li ft E.H 2I00EE, Agent.