the $ni)tpribent SATURDAY. ."... CT. 26. 1878 BE CONSISTENT. The (hegonian and Portland Standard were the principal? in the organization of the State Pre9j .Association. The purpose of such organization, as an stated in .-. . i. 1 ... J 1...! . . ... "pigijify aud purity Oregon Journalism," and us "poor conn try cu-iii8" paid oar money to help a good cauce. Now the Oregonian man is cnlhug the Standard man a perjurer, tiie Standard man ia speaking of the Oreqonian man as a thier. We do nt like such talk attcr the promises made by the pub lisher of t-ach journal represent ed: it fchowg that the leading spirits are b..d ones, since good Bpms would not show fruch bad results; ami imw we ask in good faith if. the Urvs Association mut not prove a humb'ig when it-a prune ministers set Mich bad example? W had hoped for something better; wv thought the association woul'J tause men to arguw a dif. ference of opinion without de sceiidiog to the low depth of a Jirsy blackguard m the hereafter; we paid our initiation fees in '.. good faith, and we thought all whom we met in the parlor of the Chemeketa hotel were honorable men; but it seems a word given with some of them was bat as an idle bVeath spent, and the Asso cia'ion must bo degraded for such reasoa instead of becoming dig- mfied. . For oar part tre had faithfully promised, and intended to keep the promise we made. Wo shall do this much yet if the Standard and Oregmian do not compel us to believe that we were hasty in our resolye, and foolish ia pledging -good faith to those who did and do not noj know1 the value of an honest man's word. City of Glasgow Bank. The City of Glasgow Bank, which closed its doors recently, w:ia apparently a solvent concern. It held 050,000,000 on deposit, and circulated about 3,250,000 in bank notes. Its stock was at a premium, and its general credit was unimpaired almost dp to Tuesday evening, when, from lack of aid Irora other banks, it felt bound to suspend. In view of these circumstances, the failure must give a rnde shock to mer cantile credit in Scotland, where the banks pay interest on depos it, and nearly every man dends them his spare money. The cause ot the crush was the same old sto rylending money ou bad secu rity. There may have been an utter lack ot judgment and an ar dent hii3t for speculation on the part ot the manager)-, but it is more probable that they tried to htlp along merchants and niann iacturera in the hope ot better times, and thus became every day more deeply involved. The Superintendent. T" tlie surprise ot all Governor Tayor baa appointed A Bush, banker, Salem, to the office ot Superintendent .ot the Penitenti ary, and W. P. Miller warden. Thoso who thought they knew, and expected wueL from the Gov ernor on accouut of locality, are disappointed somewhat, and with out reasons tor the choice we are at a 1ois' to understand the Gov ernor's motive. It seem?, alter all, Douglas coun'y amounts to noth ing in the sight of those who j should give her wishes a respect ful coiim Jeration. V It 48, we think now definitely settled that the appointment of Bush U but tem porary, and that Miller in the end will become Superintendent. Notwitnstdndmg tho desola- tions of the tropical scourge at .New Orleans, she has received and marketed l,b89,483 bales of cotton or the year ending - Aug. 31st. This is nearly 300,000 mnrA , bales hen arm marketed in 1877. ' SUM"- """'Sl SUPREME COURT. The Supreme Court law, as passed by the Tat6 Legiclatare, provides tor the election ot three Justices ot the Court named, on the first Monday in June, 1880, whose terms ot office shall com mence on the first Monday of Ju ly following. One of the Justices shall be elected tor a term of six years, oue for four years, and one for two years, the allotment of terms to be made by the Justices themselves, who shall "pull straws" for the longest and next longest term ; and thereafter a Justice is to be elected at every general electiou held. The law also provide for the election ot fie Circuit Judges on the first Monday in Jane, 1880, and they shall hold offise for six years. I The salaries ot the Judges ot both courts, are fixed at $2,000 per annum for each, payable quar terly, and nothing more. Until the election occurs in 1880 Judges ot both Supreme and Circuit Courts are to hold office by virtue of appointment from Governor Thayer. The Governor has appointed Supreme Judges, Hons. James K. Kelly, P. P. Prim and R. P. Boise, and these gentlemen will hold office f r two years or ly. In a circular issued by the Post Office Department it is pro vided that where through inad vertance unmailahle matter -hall reach the office of destination, ,t sIih'.I be delivered to the party to whom addressed without any ad ditional charge for postage .be vond what would be due if the same were mailable matter of the third class; but postmasters ure requested to ascertain tr tn the addresses of such pickugeR the names and addresses ot the Benders and report the same to Third Assistant Postmaster Gen eral. The responsibility is thus fastened upon the postmaster who receives and forwards the unmailable matter. .The total receipts tor the three months ending September 30, which terminated the fiscal,quar ter, were 74.845,856, which is an increase of about $1,500,000, compared with the corresponding quarter of last yar. The custos mary receipts show an ncrease ot about $2,000,000 over the first qaarter of last year, and the re ceipts from internal revenue about $1,000,000. The miscellaneous receipts tell oft about $500,000. Les Mondes, of Pans, says there is a terre.stial globe in the Jesuite library of the Lvons Lvceum which is 170 year old. containing in great detail, the cn riona 6ystem of African lakes and rivers which the English and American travelers have lately rediscovered. : The globe h six teet in divmeter, and an inscips tion near the north pole states that it was made in 3801, by F. F. Bonoventure and Gregoire, Bros, ot the Third order ot St. F rancis. lev. Dr. Fowler is the man who is down on newspapers, ard nays they can never he relied on to aid in any moral leform. The doctor Bomehow seems to fail to rematuber the amount ot clerical Lwroiignesa which the newspapers have phowri up in the last tour year. Let the Itev. Fowler brush op. ' With nearly $100,000,000 in legal terde'8 in actual control -f of the Treasury, and with u coin reserve of over ;$17G,000,000, it must be plain to every candid rait'd that, without any .further preparation wiiatever, the Govern ment can fulfill its obligations and redeem its outstanding de mand note'on and after January 1 next. A man may be a riotous old patri 't on election 'day and swear that the country is goiug to the dogs unless his party wins; bu if he loses, he is more than apt to come up in the morning and say that the result was a matter of no importance, as no principle was involved. Barney Morau, who recently died in an Irish workhouse at the age ot nearly one hundred years, inst before his death confessed that he was the man who exe cuted Robert Emraett. Ilad this been known, , his lite for sixty vears would have been safe nos 0 where in Ireland. Gratitude never kills people. LET THERE BE RESPONSIBILITY. The New York Tribune has commenced the systematic expos ure of frauds on the Democratic side, "occurring in the last Presi dential election.' The efforts of that paper should redound to its credit, as it is engaged in a work ot national benefit and natioual interest. A thorough ventilation of the corrupt schemes, which were devised by the leaders of both parties in order to secure success, is demanded by the American people. Au exposure thorough and systematic, puch as the Tribune has commenced, ."-will have a wholesome effect upon the politics ol the nation. The want ot on r government to day is greater morality. When party leaders have no moral responsibil ity to Gd or man, they have then reached the lowest depth or moral depravity. When politicians are taught that there is a responsibil ity attached, to oir acts, which no' device cau avoid, however ingeniously covered up may ' be their crimes and dark deeds, there will bo ' less corrup tion the frauds that the Tribune is exposing were buried &o deep- by the perpetrators that they never dreamed of the possibility ot exposure, Out the ingenuity and the, untiring energy of the American pies have penetrated through thn surrounding d trkness aud thro'cri a flood ot light up-ri concealed transactions of 1876 It is no pleustint sight for the American people to look upon; th only satisfaction attached to this fearful expo-itiou is in the hnowieoije umt it may nave u good efteet in future Tresiaeiitial elections. This is what we want. When men l -am that their dark deeds are eure to be exposed and themselves punished to the .'ull extent ot their crimes, they Will hesitate about engaging in any nefarious business. -Now that the exposure of crime aud fraud has been commenced, we hope it will be thorough and penetrating. The brand ot guilt should be placed upon everyman in the nation who shail be found to nave engaged m matters in volving political enmee and dis honor. Such investigation should touch in its out-reach, every party- Republican and Democrat icand drag every guilty man from the position to which his crimes may have elevated him. The Potrer committee in its search for fraud aud crime in the Res publican party has fallen far short fits duty, when it refused to re view both sides ot the 'question, and now private enterprise has opened the investigatiot where the committee refused to act. There is vast corruption on both sides and anj attempt t conceal is bound to react upon that par y which does the whitewashing. The pec.plc will sustain every ef fort the press makes in the sys tematic. exposure ot crime. They will also be as swift in their con demnation of investigations not to .promote public purity, bat to manufacture political capital. Let the Tribune continue its noble work, and that paper will find support in all classes of citizens. Gram Possibilities. The possibilities ot the yield ot wheat have not yet been ascer tained. The reported production of 40 to 50 iusheh per acre looks like a pretty lare tstory to most of our farmers. W hat, then, will they say to a yie'd ot 84 bushels, as reported in England? The whent v. as cultivated like corn, with a hoe. The seed was plant ed in drills , one foot apart and tour inches apart in the rows. The ppaces between the drill rows were carefully cultivated until the plants had attained sufficient growth tojnteiteru with the work. The result was eighty four bush els per acre. Another experi ment with rows six inches apart and four inches apart in rows, resulted in a yield of sixty-nine bushels per acre. Those who think fanning is a kind of hum drum occupation with no chance for intellectual effort will do vell to try their intellects iu deviainsj means .to secure these results in wheat glowing. The wheelbarrow man is now rapidly neanng San Francisco, and is certain to win his wager of $2,000. Farmers' and Mechanics' Fair fc fetill in session at Portland and from the published account is an interesting exposition and will greatly benefit Oregon. V Be true to your friends though the heavens fall. ANOTHER MURDER. A correspondent writing trom PortTownsend under date of 20th gives the following account of the Scow Bay tragedy to the Tribune : This afternoon news reached here to the effect that a man and wife residing on a farm at Scow Bay, opposite this city, had been mur dered. The fact was made known to the coroner, who impanneled a jury and started for the scene of the horrible crime. The party re turned this evening at 9:15 o'clock with two small boats con taining the dead bodies. The man was found iu the stable near thi cow, which, it is supposed ho was preparing to milk, ; with a bul 'et hole in his head. The wo man was fouud lyit'jr on the ground just outsids the house ana as blood wa ton nd on the fir oi, it is conjectured that she was shot in the house and started to run to her hueband at the barn, when she was overtakeu by the assassin, who cut her throat from ear to ear. Two 6mall children were found in the house the eldest about two ar;d a half yeart of age and the other six months. They had bt-tn about-36 bouts jyithout food. Nothing seemed to be disturbed in or j.bout the the premises, and it cannot he imagined what promoted the mur der. Some venture the assemon that -a he v. as saving and always carrit-d a considerable a.nouut ot money about his person the man was murdered and robbed, and afterward, to prevent a clew, the a.-saesm murdered the woman. TIk- victim was an luofl'eu-iivf man, and it is hardly probable that the crime was perpetrated torough any malice or iltfeelmg. lie w&s aged about 40 and his wife to bout 25. The affectionate husbana al ways takes oft ins boots in the hall when be comes home late at night that the slumber of inno cence may cot be disturbed. Sankey has sailed tor England Moody is moody. A seasonable fashion Pepper salt s nits. When tall c mes fall leaves. NEW TOfDAY. MRS. J- O. JOHNSON, MILLINER DRESS MAKER LOCCST STREET, OAKLAND, KKGON. Having just returned from Portland with the largest and most elegant Uk of MILLINER GOODS Which I intend to sell very low, I in vite the citizens of Oak'and and vicinity to call and McaniinB lor themselves before pnrcliasiug els-where my complete stock ot Bonnets. lints, Ilibbona. Luc. g Silk and ' Velvet Trimmings, &c. Orders for dresses attended to with neals nees and disoatch. oci26-lm. NOTICE Of Final Settlement in the Matter of the Estate ol Lorn Davis Docearod. i Frank Dark, administrator of Estate of Iioren Davi deceased, liavinir fi el hm final accounts showing all his i roceeums in the premises. It is, literature, ordered that V mtnesday, Dtceniber tin. 18(8, be and is hereby ml apart tor the hearing of objec tions 'thereto, and the final settlement thereof, and that notice of. the same be published in the Douolal Independent tor tour consecutive weeks. Br ordet of Hon. C. Oaddis, County Judi.e. T. A. SHERIDAN, County Clerk. Kosebukg Or.. Oct. 12, 1878. Notice. H AVISO DISPOSED OF OUR MEli- cantile Buxiitera at C'anyonville to Messrs. Tkla8 Baden L Co., of Saa Fran cisco, we would respectfully call the at:e tion of those indebted to us aud ask them to make immediate settlement. Marks. Sideman & Co. FOR SALE. 160 Yewa, 31 25 per h ad. Apply to II. CONN, SR. A AN INDtTCEMENlTO IXCREAE the production of flax-seed, the un dersijiied (rive notice that THEY WIIX PURCHASE AT THK HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, OR WILL Will Coojract for hll that maybe Oettred. Of next season's cop, through their agents, MESSRS. ALLEN St LEWIS of Portland, From whom seed can be had on application JOHN O. KITTLE. Manager. Pacific Oil and Lead Works, Slmfr San Francisco. Goods to be Sold crxojjj xzr. GREAT SLAUGHTER IN - J. C. ELOED Haa the largest anv! best selected stock of Ever brought to Roseburg, which he proposes to offer -to the market at prices lower than can any other house in the city. His stock embraces the Very LATEST Novelties in Ladies' Fancy Goods And a s all Stvles of FINEST DilESS GOODS ! He desires to inform the public that he has a complete stock of Clothing f Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Comprising Full Suits, Ties, Scarfs,1 Oravats, White and Fancy Shirts, Colored un derwear, Ladies and Gen'. 1 men's Shoes, also Crockery, Glasswa , and Groceries, In full Supply and Ch-jap for all. OF Thankful fur past favors, I respectfully invite all my old customers and the public o-enernlly to examine the stock in my store. All will find it in every way complete, and that I have nnifmmly reduced the price of goods. J. U. FLO ED NEW 1SFARMER'S AND O 1ST "JED MR C. COHEN Announces that he has an immense stock of THE mm NOVELTIES MERIJDA11SE! Also a full Mr. Cohen announces that he occupies ;S. W. Crane's store, and is prepared to receive his customers at his new btore. SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY U1VEN THAT BY vinue of a certain writ of e edition issued out of the Circuit Court ot tlie fUate of Oregon tr tie County of D.u i ias, - a iiirlirmpni rendered in the Said Court, on the2od day of May, 1878, in ta- vorofD. A. ijevi s ana against. ww nr inr the ru in ot one tiiousand and three dollars and liMOCth (1,003 18) dol lars directed to me, commanuiiitf um vo ievy upon the pemonat property ot Koln-rt ullinjier. as is not exempt, from execution and if sufficient personal proerty cannot be found, ttieo out or tne rai pri-iy on the 2JM (IrtV of Ma". 187S,oratany time thereafu sitisly said judgment aud interest, togeuier wnu n lepal accruing cewts therein . vvw irnrnirmiHK in Ktirsuance of the said writ of execuMon, I have levied up-.n the following described real property. u louring to said Uoliert Sullinger. to wit: The S VV quarter or the S W quarter of section fifteen (15) atd the N E quarter ot the N W quarter of section twenty tw(22) townbhip thirty (30) So-nb of rarnre four (4) vpesx, containing eiirhty (80) acres Alt-o the East hall of the N K qu .rter of c tion No. twenty-one (21) and the West half of the N W quarter of section No twentytwo (22) in township No thirtMoO) South of rantfe four (4) west, cinaininr one hundred an I sixty (lOO)acres, situate in Dou las County, rejon, and contain ing in all two hundred and forty (240) mt fnnlir I will wll all the riuht. title and interest of the said Robert tull intrer in and to tho premises described as aforesaid, together with all and singular, the tenements, hereditaments and appur tenances thereunto belonging at public auction, to ibe highest bidder for gold coin, at the Omr houe door in the City of R.peburr. Douglas County. Oreiro-, on Saturday, the ?flth day of October. 178, at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day to satisfy said judgment, together with all etral ac'Tuion cits thereon. Dated this 20th day of spt.. 1878. F. P. II"GAN, Sheriff of Douglas Coui.y.Ogn. EVER B KFO R E IN THE if isi&m nous Consisting in part of ' PLairi and 3francjj. Jfa&e, ALL DESCKIPTION OJN HAND. TO - DAY. MECHNANIC'S-T line of ROSEBXTEa LiltiLS. ALWAYS ON HAND TIIE VERY BEST OF FLOUR O It D KKS KO Cracked Wheat, Graham B'lour and ('riiiiieal Filled on short notice, rnd on most, liliera terms. JUNES & UATE& NEW" ' ?IEAT MAItKET CLARK C McGiiEHOH, P.ops. LIVE AND LET LIVE. HAVING LOCATED PERMANENT ly in Roseburg, and having secured the building adjoining J hn Clark's salK)n, we are pre pi red to turnisli the tnsrkei with the choicest lieef, uiuitoi- and pork,; and anything else ic our line of iiade, at; he. ver lowest prices. Give us a trial and ' vou ill be p rt. v e py tue i.ighesr Price for IJeef. J0HII fraserT" Hatne-mad' Furtittur WILBUR, OREGON. Cpholslery, Spring Mattiasses,etc. Constantly on hand, I have the Best Stock of Furniture south of Portland, and all of my own manufacture. NO TWO PRICES TO CUrTO EES. Residents ot Douglas county are requested to give me a call before purchasing m . : elsewhere. . All Work Warranted. oj uses - ALL PRICES! etc. TIIE FiaTSST QUALITY THE Greatest Quantity ! AND Tho BEST VARIETY OF Boots and Shoes Ever brought to KoeeDurg at LAffilEliG BUG'S. BOOTS AND SHOES DVEcXd to Order AND REPAIRED. THIS FIRM IIAS ON HAND THE FIN est stock of leather in the rotate, am' is pre))ared to do all kinds (f w.irk in fi'Ht-class maimer, npon the most reasona ble terms. Parties needing anthirg it their line, should call upon them fiifi, ss they fully GUARANTEE AT.T. WOR C Turned out or their shop to be 1 1 an : certain to wear well. 1( MAEKS&C0 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEK8 IN General Merchandise Have constantly on hand iCLOTHINGMGOODS.fPTS - SHOES. CKOCKERY. QMimi P.U1S! s WINES, LIQUORS & , - XOSEBURG .-OREGON Wool and Produce Of every description EC SJ TIT CHr HIT. ID H:gheat Cash 1 nee Paid for then? 9-tf s. MARKS &co. IScalh's Saloon, opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Roscburg GEO. BEATII, Proprietor. THK FINEST OP WINES, LIQUORS & CIQAR3 Always on band, and in con section with the saloon will be found a ' WELL-KEPT BILLIARD ROOM . AJS D TEN-PIN ALLEY, . Where both . health these m parting game may oe inauigea ih. - UIJPQUA ACADSirr. This institution of learning will cimtaen8 ITS FALL TERM SEPT. 19, 1378, under the guidance of Rev. J. H. Skidmore, Princ;pl. To the many friends within the reach of this Acadeinv, we would aay i That each department of the school will b uni ' der ih cftntrol of those who have added to otd ability, cult vation, patience and experience- There will be three depart . mnta in this Academy. . ' t n ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, - COMMERCIAL DEPART3IENT, & MUSICAL DEPARTMENT We shall be-triad to eseist friends ia the selection af homes for their children, and if our BUsrjre8iot)s r followed, we assure yon the children will b shielded from the evil influences.' B ard can he had at from $3 to $1 1 er weeR; Tuition, from $5 o f 13 per qnar. -tei, in A!ademv Department; from $ 3 to ffl in Commercial Pep tment, and from $12 to $15 in Musical Dcpn t mit. J li. KUlUMUitb.,' fnncipai. A. BTJSflELMEIR, ' PRACTIAL GUNSMITH ;; "-manently locatwl 'it Koseburp, OPPC -OSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. I WH.L GOAItRAISTEE ALL Sojierior o any performed in Orejfon San Francisco CIGAR STOBE. S. GOLDSTKIN HAS OPENED A CM Ml AND VABIETT Sioie next dHr to the barber fthop md nearly ojiM)S)te to the P. stiflice, nd has oneottlie htrirest stocks ot Imported and D-mettic Cijrars In etfck ever brought to KoHeliurjr. His stock also emrces ail the favorite brands of Cuewinir and Smoking Tobweco. Meerschaum Pipes. Notions. Can dles and other articles found OMially in a flr-t-class esiablishment of the kind. My prices will be low anil my tiiun- canli, and a share of public patronage is respectfully S'tticitel. MAllONY'8 SALOON, Nearest to the Railro ad Dej ot, O klan JAS. MAHCNEY. Proprietor THE FINEST OP WINES.ZIQRJK3 4- CIOA IS - In Douglas county, aud the best j BILLIARD TABLE IN THE STAT Kept in proper repair. tParties travel in cr on the railroad viU find tiiis nlace verv lianr tn visit An inrr the stopping of tile train at the Oakl ind uepoi, viive me a can. tt JAM. MAHOMfil . J. IS S iff IT II, Opposite Abraham Brown, Oakland, Og ' DEAXiER 12 Stoves and Tinware HARDWARE, A ND FARriIfift ir.'PLEr.'EIITS. Keeps always on hand a :FlTJiL.:rj stock. And is always readyte sell foods for cash at prices so that ail will be satisfied. QUICK SALES AND READY RETURN 8 Is ray motto. Now is the time or your W in t c p T rd c. AJl D r Feed Stable, This eaiablifhment is the lUst in the Slate and connected with it is a larjre WAGON YARD WITH FINE ihCD ROOM Capable of accommodating an, umb no rues a m wagon BEST OF HAY AND URaUI Always in full supply at living prices And No One 19 Allowed to Away Dissatisfied. Don't fail tO PlVe Il M mil fur tx a a termined to suit you in quantity, quality aim prices. , MltHiUl & VAUULli. T.C. SJtUTO& 00. DRtilililSIS CDtMiST AKO - . Pliarmaciat, Patum's Block, Sut atreet. Salein, Oga. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN to nrettrrintinna a tA t) 1 - ' 1 aim an -IMUCiO UJ mail or express filled promptly and acear- Phicians and Countrv l ,t save .money by exatnimng our stock, or pro- curmjfour prices, ueiore purchasing ela- " " . R -el)urg Brewey, JOHN UAST, PUOPKIETOR; BEST LAOEH BEER MADE IN ..... STATE IS MANUFACTURED BY. JOHN RaBt. Wllrt lost tl.s n anfls, which he will sell in quaniitita to TELLJiilUM QUARTZ MINING - CON PAN Y.' . NOTICE IS IIERhBT GIVEN THAT the annua, th ction of 'HScer8 of the Tellurium Quart 2 Mining Company, will beh-M at Canyonville. Douz aa coonty, Orejr 'O, on the Cth day of November, A. D-, 1878, coramencinjrat 1 o'olock p. m , for the purpose ot electing 5 or, mor ' Direct tors, oius President' of Board - of I i rectors, one Secretary, one Treasurer, one Superin tendent and to transact ary other business the interest of the company demands. E. A. CHASE, Secraiary.