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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1878)
Clje Thb IwnKPRSDENT Thebe t newspaper ever published in Douglas county. Society Meetings. f-UMPQCTA CHAPTER NO. 11. K. fv&,-i A. M., hftld Tejrular commnnica- tiona every first and third Tuesday n each month All members in pkm! tandlnjj will take dae and timely notice ad govern themselves acoordinjjly. Visit Ml? companions are invited to mrvt with 4e Chapter when convenient- : a p. W. L Friedlanoeb, Sec'y. 1 A LAUREL "LODGE A. P. and A. M y ' holds rejjnlar meetings on or before eaca rail mooa, A. JONES, W. M. JL.1F Cakfbkll, Secy. PHILETAUIAN Lodge, q. 8, I O. O. 7 -meets on Saturday evening, of each ;vreefc at 7 o'cloek. in their hall at Rose bars?. Members of I he order in good stand ing are invited to attend. By order of the N- BRIEF ITEMS. "Buard Marshal. AVeather Sunshine and rain. Fined Lots of new goods on hand. I. h. K. Brick, was in the city mntly, Fanner hare not sold all -their grain as Farmers are fall sowing.: commencing plowing for Button, of the Metropolitan, has gone to thf-State Fait. - , , An Indim Council is to be held at the Silita lifsvrvathm. .Jowphson's store presents a most at 'tractive appearance. The amomt of grain at the depot warehouse- issimply enormous. The are one hundred ad ten students , attending Ashland Academy. Th city treasure ww flooded with 25 $ent pieces last Monday ! The Yreke Fair, California, has been ilield, and had a larg- attendance. Jackum county has 4 295 horses, lf,D30 cattle, 41.790 slieep and 11,950 hogs. Mis Maria Solter.the Scandinavian leo .tareHS, was In the city last Thursday. Un'eos Cohen moves the ceiling of bis .store he cannot get any more new good n. V ,. King is making r good job an the stairs leading to the second floor of Marks & Co's, vnew brick. D, and H Irving, S. B .Crow, and M. Black wy, of Canyonville, were in the city 'WedneaJay. l.flVttiii .KAMI ta at.l t tt.tiA .MtoJ aAT a large proportion of the prizes at the Treka Fair. .. .; Work on ttm Canal and Locks at tlie ' Cascades, Columbia river, is soon to be eotuuienced. icveral rather severe thrusts from the . shoulder were in order during the week Xi harm done. ';:. Every one will ' Sullivan, the actor, In the city soon. remember Arthur C. lie is expected to be The German bondholders voted to ex tend the Went Side Railroad Gifty miles south of St. Joe. ; Wonder what Brother Byars intends to do, with the skelton of that coyote he dis- covered recently. ii. M. Nickerson lias been appointed In .dian Agent at the Klamath, agency in the place of J. H. Rooik. Mr. Tanies Wright returned this week - from Jacksonville where he had been with load oi Chinamen. Bishlp Wrightman, of the M. E. Church South, showed himself to be an able and sr. earnest worker, v General E. L. Applegate intends to be a .citizen of Albany, where he will edit a greeuback newspaper. I The brick work of the second story of Marks s Co's. new brick building is rap idly nearing completion. Abraham and Levens have let the con tract for digging three miles of the Apple glc ditch to Mr. Healey. Great Quantities of wheat are being roll eVaway to the markets. The freights are making regular trips ou the road. We regret to learn that Mrs. Judge Prim suHtained considerable injuries by being thrown from a horse recently. The "Valley Fountain" will be the name of a new temperance paper soon to be is- Saed at McMinnville by J. C. Cooper, tab Ashland Woolen Mills had a good .diiplav of fine fabric at the Treks Fair which attracted considerable attention. The panorama owned by Messrs. Kreps & Bell, passed through Myrtle creek and Canyonvile this week,. It is report ea to be .good. J. Brandt. Jr.. Supeiintendent ol the railroad, came up last Tuesday. He is . careful that the road is kept in good con dition. The city election passed off very quietly, . and those whom the people have honored wear their honors with becoming grace .and ease The Congress men chosen this fall num two hundre I an d twenty-elir! t and mav obange the political complexion of affairs -eonsiue rable. Disoaway, the editor of the Pen dletou Independent, died on Thursday of Jast weeK. tie is mentioned as an agree ble gentleman. t Prof. J". M. Heard, our estaemed County School uierintendent, enme up on th 'trainNVednesday and returned to Oakland the neit morning. , U. H. Hazar.I, our efficient prosecuting jattorney. is in the city. - He comes to at tend the Circuit Court in this city which .convenes on the Slsu Brother Byars while out surveying ri cently discovered the sheleton of . a eayote jind with, zoological sagacity pronounced it that a human being. It is reported that a combination of cin nabar mine owners has been,. formed in Cal iforoia an! iLat qu'cimllver will soon go up Ao one dollar per pound. Every body goes to Farquar's new res- tauram because 1 is neat and attractive, and beViUHe everything in the line of can dies, nut, etc., can be bad. The Texas Blackland Plows. Collin Csst Steel Rock Island"Clipper" and Black liawfc flows are the best la tue wona , For sale by Sheridan Bros. If you want any boot blacking or ladies' and children's jet tine call on the Lan gen- berg Brothers. Tbey Have everytbing in this line and of the best quality. Father Wilbur, of Yakima, has fully fettled his accounts with the government and will immediately resume his duties at tbe post lie lias occupied so long. The Browne Sulky Plow is ighter. ; Stronger, mote easily managed and does better work than uny other plow iu the market. The sale of this sulky has been IQprmous, Sheridan Bros, are agent. : The contract of the Oregon and Califor nia Siage Company has been extended to the 13th of this month, when .Williams it Is supposed, will take charge. Brother Moeher presents a rather gro tesque appearance as an advocate against personal journalism after publishing "Taxpayer's" aeurility. Consistency etc. Senator Colvlg, of this county, is recover ing from a severe attack of Tpnhold fever. Mr. Colvlg is an energetic man and it is hoped will soon be able to resume his du ties.' W. R. Wells, of Ten Mile, was in the city last Tuesday. He was on his way to lie State Fair, and to purchase supplies 'or his stores at Looking Glass and Ten Mile. The M . E. Clmrch South have been holding their Conference in the city during the week. The ministers present showtd themselves to be an int-lligenl nnd ener getic class. Married, at the residence of the bride's father, in Fair Oaks, October 6th, bv J. A. Hunt, J, A. Hunt. J P., Thomas M. Hum phreys to Miss Alice Smith, all of Don glas county. Two hundred dollars were contributed to liquidate tbe Indebtedness of the M. E. Church Souih last Sunday. Bishop Wright man preached a powerful sermon at tbe Court house that day. " The Chinamen of Portland making ore parations for a srrand funeral purchased a rtieep. immersed it in boiling water and stripped the wool from the body before the torture produced deatb. The charts and reports of surveys o.der- ed by act of June 18, 1878. at the follow ing places have been completed and for warded to Washington: P.irt Orford, Co qui He. river. Coos Bay, Alsea river and aq Font wet her. Bev. P. 8. Knight, of Salem, delivered his lecture on' the Future Northwest to a large audience at that place. The Salem paper say the lecture was a magnificent effort. As he expects to deliver his lecture in different portions of the .State we hope he will pay Jur city a visit. LIST OF LETTERS. Following is a list of the letters remain ing in the Reseburg Postoffice : , LADIES. Mr Barnes, M Chuchill J Cappel.Ella Davis, B Eaton. M J Edsol, L E Fates. B, M Jones, Mtsas Jeneie Marty, Sarah Roten 2, atharine VVillsee. GENTLEMEN: P B Prines, Frank Armstrong, Thomas Atteberry Franklin Barges, W. S Butter, James Barley. J W Cox, M D Clark, J Card w-11. Chas Cone, Edward Est as, tt W Doniy. H A Dun ton 3, John Treason John F Clelt, John freen Jas Gregg, W Jordan. Chas Lawrence, Johu A Miller. O Porter, S J Payne, R R Kockester, John H Rvan. R R . Rnmnnngton, John Stephenson, A Wright. City Election. It Monday the electors ef the city of Roseburg. chose for officers the following gentlemeu: Trustees, G. ofge Waynes. L. Langenberg, Thomas Farquar, Virgil Conn and George A Beath For Recorder, J. S. Fitshugh, and Trreasurer, George VV. Kimball. It will be seen that every mem ber of the former Board whom this paper endorsed were re-elected. The Board is composed of men who will guard well all city interests and who will see that im provements keep pace with the times. Tne Recorder and Treasurer are both gentle, men of experience and it is doubtfni if better eelec'ions could have been made We almost forgot to mention the marshal, to which office Mr. Beard was elected. This gentleman is full? competent and will perform the duities of this office in an ac ceptable manner. A Rich Treat. We take great pleasure in announcing that the old favorites Dunham and Nuteen, will soon visit nr city with, a brst-class dramatic and variety company. Johnny Nutsen already celebrated as a female per sonator, will appear in a round of favorite characters, and will personate the great character of Camille, something sever be fore attempted br any actor. To insure the complete success of the company, and to make it without doubt the strongest or ganization on the Road, Dunham and Nut sen have carefully selected tl.eir conip ny from the best talent in Portland, principal of whom s that sterling actor and geniai gentleman, Arthur C. Sutherland, already a great favorite here as he is everywhere he appears. The balance of the company are artists of the finest kind. Look out for their bills and when they come give them a rousing house. Wanted His Money. One day this week we were accosted by a rather old looking man, thus, "Do you know about the San Francisco banks t I have some rrioney in one of. them and am anxious to know about it." After an swering in the negative the old fellow was not satiefied. He said he had a thousand dollars in the Masonic bank of t-an Fran. Cisco, but he failed to shew a certificate ot deposit and we concluded be was attempt ing a famous dodge to obtain mon y. Un f rtunately U t him he had dropped on a "Moneyless Man." : Passed Through. Last Saturday W. C. Myers, arrived n this city with bis stock on his way to the State Fair. , Anion ir the fine stock lie had with him were (leu. Fluery, Hortense and foal, Arabia Boy and the SbetTands. The Arabia Boy fulfils the predictions made of him when a colt that he would make one of th finest horses in the country. The little Shetlan 's attracted considerable at tention. There will diub;less be a fine display of blooded stock of all kinds at the State Fait. Horses Ran Over. Last Monday norning as the northern bound train was approaching Lake LaBsih bridge, the engineer saw two horses on the track, but seeing it impossible te check the train in time to prevent sinking them, dashed on them at full speed in or der to keep the train from being thrown from tbe track. One ol the animals was kill outright and the other badly mangled. Fire at the Monumental Mines. : tue Monumental mines oca lea in easi- ern Oregon, recently suffered irom a con siderable fire. The tunnel house and other propety destroyed b :fore the flames could be subdued. - Faithful Officer. Peter Kearns, the retiring City Marshal, daring his term of office, has shown him self an efficient officer. While we regret the city loses his services we are confident Mr, Beard wilt give general satisfaction AN OLD SETTLER. An Agreeable And Enterprising Pio- io- neer uoe to me f jut iu xujt 7 Fine Stock. Last Tuesday we had the pleaure meet ing with Mr. Sam old pioneer of Coos county. This gentleman was the first settler on the waters of the Coquille, and has been engaged principally in the stock raising business, in v hich he has been very successful. He has gone to attend the State Fair, and while below intends to purchase a lot of fine blooded stock. - Mr. Dement is just tbe man to improve and enrich the country. The roads about his place are in excellent condition aud shows Mr. Dement a man of thrift and en terprise. He is familiar with the stiring scenes of early times, and in listening to his conver sation one becomes intensely interested. M. Dement is certainly a valuable citizen to Cons county. PASSED AWAY. Walter E. McClelland died at his home in Roseburg, October 9, 1878. Wallie, as he was familiarly known, had endeared himself to his large circle of friends, by his J leanant ways, noble principle aud strict integrity. No word has been spoken against our friend Wallie, and in his death he has left a ad vacancy that no one else can supply. In his social life he always displayed that genial spirit which loves to make others happy and cheerful. In his business relations, he s'ood high, and al though frequently entrusted with great. responsibility, he always acquitted him self with the highest honors.. His employ er frequently consulted him about impor tant business matters, and had great faith in Wal ie's judgment. No one can go into Josephson's store without missing his cheertul smile and pleasant word. The quotation, "Death Loves a Shining Mark," it forcibly illustrated in the death of Walter E. McClellan. He needs to sounding epitaph air polished matb'e to keep bright his memory all we can say can avail nothing only .perhaps, to brighten V. at c'.iain whic i still holds his memory to friends on earth. Marble will crumble and brass corrode, Wally will be remembered long alter time has smoothed down and oblitered tLe little mound beneath which he now rests. At 2 o'clock the sad, solemn funeral cere monies took . place, under the conduct of Itevs. Bell and Howard.; As; the proces sion passed through the streets in token of respect for the deceased business oum were closed and all who could followed the remains to their resting place in the Mason c burial ground. UMPQUA FERRY. H. W. Churchill and G. M. Armstrong took tneir departure to-day for Coos Bay on a tour to - look after the curiosities of art and nature. Nothing ot importance has happened to-day except there is good prospects of tbe rain stopping. Charles Baird and family have just ar rived from Tennessee, and intend to locate here if they find this country suitable to their taste. We welcome you most hearti ly to this "New Land of Ours," and wish you' all the success that can possibly at tend you. On Wednesday there was a quilting at the residence oi Mr. Lyfield. I also learn that one was given at Mr. Gemond's on Hubbard Creek. Both were largely at tended, ; Why not have more and be more like neighbors. - Mr. George Shambrook, one of he most prominent farmers of this place, came very near loseing a Bne lot of good clean wheat by fire. The grain was Still in the field where it was threshed, and during the rain straw was Bet on fLe, thinking there was no danger of the Basks being burned as they were quite i ways from the straw. The fire lingered along until the rain had ceased and the sun came out and it began to boom up, but was not noticed uptil it had caught on to the straw tbe sacks were covered with. Mr. Eastra Faroes- worth and Wni. Finely were just parsing by at.d noticed the fire had caught Ou the sacks and after running to tbe lire and throwing the sacks out frjra th. flamts they succeeded in saving most all of the train. There were about two hundred bushels of some of the choiest raised in the valley. Grain hauling ha recommenced as the roads have got in excellent condition, but most all are done hauling and swinging the plow around preparing for .he crop of 79, which will far exceed this year's as most all the eround will be plowed twice and put in better very way. Ye golden apple is being gathered and put in boxes for use in old winter which is fast approaching. The apple crop was about an average, but the peach plum and pear crop were very near a failure owing to those heavy frosts we had in the spring. Last Eriday Mr. A. E. Cay ton passed through on his way to the Willame'te. where he intends to visit his relations aud friends and the Fair also. -1 Harbor Stanley is moving on to the place owned by Mr. Williams' which he has rented this year. 1 understand he pays $850 cash rent, which is undoultedlya large sum for that place. Wm. Finley has rented Mr. Fames worth's f lace, and H. E. Te Witt has ren ted the Hum place. In my last items I made a mistake in re gard to Mr. Swick preaching at tbe school house by being wrongly informed. I unj demand that he had the weather being bad postponed his preaching until the third Sunday of this month. Fnneral of Vinnie Floed. . Friday evening, October 4th, the remains of Vinnie Floed were biooght to this cit7. The next day the body was taken to St. Stephens I hnrch, and after appropriate ceremonies, wag tak' en to the Catholic Cemetery. The solemn services were conducted by Rev. Father Ueiurich. New Goods- Marks St Co. have been receiving new goods all week. Their counters are; eon stsntlv lined with customers. DRAIN ITEMS. X" most 'rom Mr. James Sterling, one of Drains' euSZgetic citizens, we obtain the fol low items: J . v v. A new hotel has bern opened at Drain by William Boots. Mr. Boots is a man whom the r ublicwill patronize. w iiiam A. reruns is now manager W. TJ. ; Telegraph office, vice James A. Sterling resigned. The saw mill of Mr. C. L. Calvins, is in course of erection two miles beltw Drain. This mill has the finest water power in the State. - Business at Drain is quiet and prosper ous. People are satisfied to let well enough alone and are hopeful lor the future. This place gives evidence of increasing pros perity, and with such menasDiain. Puts man, Sterling and others, is sure to grow and improve. TOWN AND COUNTY. Peter Kearns has gone to : the State iur. vv atts bill to lease the insaue asylum has beep defeated. A number ot our citizen a have gone to attend the State Fuir. Miss Maria Solter, the Sc. u tlanavian, lectured last night. : The O-o'.Fino 1111. Portland, was consumed by tire iasc Tues day. A new turn-table is being con structttd for the railroad company, at the dejmt. Rev. Bell reports one hundred and -even ty-five conversions iu h'u d'btiict Irtit year. J. K. Dodge, of '(alxpooia, had mie of hi arm broken by the upsetting of his wagon. The re-app'tintmetit ot lie v. Bell to this distiict is received with'ratiticati 'ii by the people. lion. A. F. Campbell hm in troduced a bill L-oiiftitutiri Kose- btirj a roal district tar the in iiubitautH. J. .VI. Hower ha retired from the Piaixdeaier. Under him th;it paper watt better lh ui it had ever beei before. Fred Fioed, who ha boetr aT- tetitli ig the Wahitiioii and Lee Univer.-itt, Va., returned 'home Friday, October 4th. Wrwt is the dilloreiice between the earth aud Fin it & (Jrisdale? None whatever, ,A three being flattened tit the polls. Monday. Fink& Grisdale httve publish ed a statement in the Star. There are several important items they failed to give in their report, but of course they are not expected to give both sides. We do not think any of the candidates have a better right to growl than they have. lhe people answered the demands of Fink in a way that cannot be mistaken, and while we sincerely sympathize with him in h;s discoranture and misery, we believe tbe peoples' decision J is a ust one. THE CONFERENCE. The Columbia Anuual Confer ence ot the M. . Church South. which has been in session in this cry during the week, made the following appointments for the ett-uing year: WILLAMETTE DISTRICT. T. B. WHITE P. E. Albany, P A Moses. Tangent aud Lebanon, D Oregon City, E Cartel. McFa'land. Dallas, T B Whi.e. Junction, TB White. Coat Fork, B R B xter. Suntiam, to be si pphed. Ilarnabnrg, J B Perkins. Tillamook, M M Skinworth. Corvallis atd College, J Emery. Jacksonville district j e n " BELL. P E. Jacksonville, A llardison. Oakland, SV II Klyce. Table Rock, M tttahl. Coquille, to be Sopp'ied. Applegate, to be Supplied. Roseburg, J R N Bell. WALLA WALLA DIST R 0 OGLKSBY, P E. Weston, E P Warren. Pendleton, II F Burger. Dayton. S II Davis. Paiouse, to be Supplied. BLUE MOUNTAIN DIST J W COMP TON, P E. Wallowa, J W Shreve. Powder River, S Gascoigne. Boise City, F P Ilaynes. Grande lionde, J W. Comp- ton. IN PROBATE COURT Following is the business traus acted m the Propate Court last Tuesday: Iu tbe matter of tbe guardian. ship of the minor heirs of Robt. Cowah; Caroline Dowan, guar dian of the minor heirs of said estate, submitted, her annua statement which was approved and placed on file. In the matter of the estate o T TV S J . .1 I uoren xavia, ueceaxea: Bale O property confirmed. In the matter ot the estate o II. M. Holden, .deceased; J. W McCJure appointed guardian o taid heirs. map 'i ". '' i " t " AT t NEW GOODS! Yl M lias jat ratorned from Sao Francisco, where he has purchased the finest Assortment oi BOX'S AUD CLOTHING, Latest Styles IPicea. 0tann(Lna A FULL Ladies' Dress Goods, LACES, TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES ALSO LADIE'S AND MISSES' JACKETS LATEST STYLES & PATERNS. Which will be sold at Prices to suit all purchaser!. Also a Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods AND...... Gentlemen HATS, SHOES, Boots, ETS!,' GROCERIES, CROCKERY, More complete than that of any other establishment in the city, aad at Fairest Bates jC3Reirembcr I will occupy be Metropolitan hotel wbere L snail sell goods cneaper tor caan tbsn trerbeibre. M, J06EPHSON. KSMI I THE IB ft risa I NEW PRICES! Hi IK JOSEPHSON, YOUTH aud Paterns, $1.50 flLfiwatd LINE OF Full ULne of s . LQimmm 9 WILLOW - WARE & CUTLERY. Dr. Hamilton's brick opposite tbe ....1855 PiOneer Sstablishxaent THOS. P.SHERIDAIT. - The first hudwate dealer la Umpqaa Valley, in the Brick Building, HAS RECEIVED. AND Is'nOW RE ceiving one of the most complete stocks of 0i,r!I:R&0F,iiE STOVES. Of the Most Improved Patterns ever re ceiveJ in this city. And besides has the most complete stock of General Hardware, - Anl manufactures everything in the line of TIN, SHEET-IRON & COPPERWARE In a wo.kkmanllke manner, and on most reosonable terma. Ilron, Steel and &ai Always on hand, and in quantities to Wheeler Bros PostotBce Building, Locnut street. Oak'anrt .DKALEK8 UT. WOOL AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. - We will tV, Bitrhest Frico FOR WOOh. And store ALL WOOL FREE OF CHARGE. We are prepared to receive wool at either ot the following piares: Roseburg, Wilbur,'- Oakland, tonra!l Drain's and Scottsbiog 6tt WHEELLB uKOS. SALELI F0XJ2TDEY . Vi MACHIN J SHOP, B. F. DRAKE. PROPRIETOR, STEAM FVHINES. AW M1LLS.ORIS r Mills. laTB, Pomj. and all kinds and styl-a of Macliinerv made to order. chinry rHiairwl at a short notice. PUni making d-nf in all its various forms, and ail kinds of brass and iron rastinu fur nished at short notice.' Also manufacturer of Eatrprisw I'lanKr aud Matclitr aud Stickers ait STiarwrs WILLAMETTB S1?OYS WO RICHARDS A RtKJEUS, Proprietors " Manufactures oft e fcamoas JDexter CooTc Stoves PARLOR STOVES BOX STOVES. .. ..AND. ... HOLLOW WARE. sCTC, ETC.. Front 6t, bet. Main and Madison Portland, Oregon . CfTThe National flold Medal ru awr ed to Bradley & Rulofson for the best Pluto tographs in tbe United States, and the Vis enna Medal for the best in ih world. 429 Montuomrtry Stret, San Francisco. ESTABLISHED.... m. imp HEHASJTHE LARGEST AND BES'1 STOCK OF Cisrars and Tobaccos Candies and Notions EVjSR BROUGHT TO ROSEBURG, AND HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. N M Valuable ' USL SOU SEUKJQ QMJSi in workmanshlo Is eaual and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano, tt received the highest awards at the Vienna and Cen tennial Expositions. IT 8EVV3 ONC-FOURTII FAST ER than other machines. fts capacity is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACHINES sold In the United States than the combined sales of all tha others. THE WILSON HENDINC ATTACHMENT, for doing all kinds of repairing. WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. A Certificate Is given with each Machine, guaranteeing to keep It in repair, free of charge, for five years. It requires no epec&l Instructions to learn how to use it. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. Machines delivered free cf charge anywhere In the United States. Sand for Illustrated Catalogue, and ask for campla of mending;, and our Circular No. 197 for further Instructions for buying machines upon terms stated In the Catalogue. ) 5?S.H7ILS0tJ SEIVING MAeilKIS GO. 827 A 829 Broadway, New Yor New Orleans. La.; Cor. State and Madison Sts., Chicago, iiu and San Francisco, CcS For Sale by all First-Cf-ss Dealers, E.H.HOOSE, Agent D, 0,' STAuK; ' IN Staple Dry Gc f ft Keeps constantly on bBd a genci tl as aortment of extra kit cncsEnisj, Wood, Willow and Glass-ware, also CROCKERY AND CORDAGE." - A FULL-STOCK OF;. Such as required the Public County Schools ALL KINDS STATIONERY! Toys and Faancy Articles. To Suit itunh the yoacg and old. Sole agent for the celebrated PACIFIC THRESHING MACHINE COMPANY; Including the well known PELTON SIXsFOLD HOESE'.POWEB Clieckt on P nlA d and procures drafts on San FranciM ii ums "all reqaire mnta 3? u A A AN 1NDUCEMENTTO INCREAE the production of flax seed, the an dtrsignftd jrive notica that . THEY TOXXX PURCHASE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, OB WILL - Will Contract for all that maybe Oettred. Of next season's crop, tl.roucrh their agents, MESSRS. ALLEN tt LEWIS of Portland, From "thotn sed csn - plication JOHN O. KITTIJE, Mai.ager. PaeiGe Oil and Lead Wurk. ? .m8 Ban Francisc. SLIOHED HEAT. -t'OR THk HOLIDAYS SMOKED IIAMBACONAND Tfn tct nr tjt m i Freshly cured end of FINE QDa'lITT Tbe undersigned would ssy to th ciU rpns of Rcsebnrsr that he has just eurd the finest lot of Hams, Bacon and BeelCever offered to this market; and that no oneWill fail to purchase the same wnen once tj.ey examine it. - . Prices lowtr than ever. V,-. JAIXJB BITZER the wosiZaS-xunTOwn ud y La-' to a Chronometer Vatch.