The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, October 12, 1878, Image 1

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    the iNDEp;;Di:;;T
has t::3
ur docglas cojrxrr. .
And other PRISTISO, tadodin
XArg-e and Heavy Poaterw and Showy,
Arc zozii,xA.?rD phiceh i
rriT a.
On yr. -
Six months....
Hires roouthi...... ..........,.........
. 1 60
., 1 00
Independent in all Things; Neutral in -Nothing-."
' These are tha terms for those paying in advance.
"The iNoarcxDSTr oilers line Inducement to advertiser;
lrm reasonable.
VOL. 3.
" NO. 25.
'.-...: , IS ISSUED ' : : . ,
OatnrdLay lIornin&rs9
V v i i ' v: BY.. '
II EXITS' & WELLS. Publishers.
W. R. Willis,
tJUSJlUrUlillAi ItEifik 1 A L ii Aft 1
. . ' A. E. fllAHPAeXE, Proprietor.
The only first-class house in Roseburg. Kept on the
European plan.
Richard Thomas, Proprietor.
number of years, and has become very popular
With the traveling public Firat-Uass
And the table supplied with the best the market affords.
Hotel at the depot of the Railroad.
Post Office address, LOOKING GLASS, OREGON.
The Company owing these mills would say they are
prepared to furnish the
At the most reasonable rates.
Lumber always on band, and all persons wishing to
purchase Lumber will do well to give us an opportunity
of filling their orders before going elsewhere.
J. O. t'ALLIGHAN, President,
W. "B. CLARKE, Secretary and Treasurer.
metropolitan Hotel,
Button & Perkins, Proprietors,
S; ' AND
; Depei or me c. o. stare t o.
V the best of beds, and the moat attentive of
Housekeepers, and a table supplied with the beet of
Leave the house every day on the arrival of the cars
from Portland.
The traveling nubile, and all who favor us with their
patronage, can rent as'ired that they will be entertained
in the best possible manner. O. L. BUTTON.
Sheridan. Bros.,
Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon, near the Post Office,
V . " . . t DEALERS IN ' . . -
And Manufacturers of
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Wares, ;
Are prepared ts
The Quickest, Safest and Easiest Route.
Every Day at 7-30 P. 91.,
' Making quick connection at Reading with the can of
the C. 4 O. E. R.
For full particulars and passage apply to '
concern that the undersigned has been awarded
tbe contract for keeping the Douglas county paupers tor
a period of two years. . Ail personam need of assistance
from said county must ttrst procure a certificate to that
effect from any member of the County Beard and pre
sent it to one of the following named persons, who are
authorised to and will care for those presenting such
eertmcate: Button a Perkins, Roseburg; L- U Kellogg,
Oakland; Mrs. Brown, looking Glass- Dr. Woodruff is
autnonzed to furnish mtsdival aid to all persons in need
- of the same and who have been declared paupers of
pongias county. w. b. llakive..
Importers and Wholesale Dealers in j
' And sole proprietors of the non-equalled
: '. . ' - ;
So. 101 and 103 California Street,
- -r, " - ; '' f . " !
: Importer! nd Dealers In
Also Sole Agents for
T. 2X. Davenport,
8. E. cor. Front and California Sts.,
Represented by Chas. Hohn.
Eighteenthth Day, Oct 2nd.
j. Noat.
The Senate adopted as a substitute
for Bradshaw's S. B. i; a bill repoi-ted
from ways and means committee to re
peal Sees. 8, 9, and 25, of general law,
relating to tbe appointment of assistants
in the department of State; and to pro
vide for comparing books of State Treas
urer and Assistant, monthly.
Watt's bill 74, came back from com
mittee with seventeen amendments; and
were all adopted and further considera
tion of the bill postponed till to-morrow.
S. B. 48 Providing for the payment
of claims growing out of Indian war of
1878; was amended to include the war
of 1877; ordered engrossed. Also the
same order for the following bills: For
the relief of John Flannigan. To amend
corporation laws of Marshfield. To in
corporate town of Amity. . To regulate
the transportation of logs and lumber.
S. B. 58 To amend Sec. 700, chapter 8,
title 2, of criminal coda To license
selling jby sample. S. Bs. 14 and 77
To establish uniform course of public in
struction. H. B. 10 To prevent the
employment of Chinese on public works.
The committee on counties reported
against repeal of fence law. Committee
on public lands against an appropriation
for survey of swamp lands. .
IL J. M., 4 For extinguishing
Indian title to Umatilla reservation re
ported favorably and Senate concurred.
Memorials asking Congress for an ap
propriation for the improvement of Coos
bay, and for the establishment of a mili
tary post at Baker City; adopted. Also
another for the improvement of Coquille
of following import:
Bv Palmer J or the construction of
Willamette Valley and Coast Railroad;
read twice and referred to special com
mittee of Palmer, Bently ffnd Cochran.
Watts To repeal Sec. 21, chapter 60,
miscellaneous laws.
Myers To prohibit the importation
of Coolies.
Brown To re-locate the county seat
of Coos; read twice.
Haines To amend Sea 69, chapter
7, of general laws. Adjourned. j
." Hone, -."
The bill repealing law creating office
of Assistant Secretary of State; was dis
cussed further and referred to a select
committee of Galloway, Reed, Johnson,
Durham and Curtis for amendment. ;
:: i- j BILLS PASSED. .:. f-
II, B, 27 To prevent spread of con
tagious diseases, t
H. B. 89 To prevent spread of dis
eases aniong cattle.
H. B.1 130 To provide for a bridge
across the Willamette river at Portland.
IL B. 13 To regulate water rates
in cities; referred to Multnomah delega
tion. ,
II. B. 133 Fixing salary of assessor
of Multnomah county at $2,750 per
S. B. 5 Legalizing election of jus
tices of the peace in Yamhill county.
S. B. 12 To promote medical science.
8. B. 15 Incorporating town of
S. R 25 Ceding jurisdiction to U.
S. over certain lands at Cascades.
IL B. 134 Reported as a substitute
for luo, repealing law creating Assis
tant Secretary of State, discussed at
considerable length; and passed under
suspension of rules. .
The bill allowing $1,500 per annum for
clerical aid in Secretary's office. S. B.
53 Amending act incorporating town
Gervaia. .
House concurred in joint memorial
for the improvement of Coos bay, and
Coquille river, and for extinguishing
ndian title to Umatilla reserMatsota
Remonstrances were presented against
the bill amending charter of city of
Portland. Against granting H. T. Hill
exclusive control of Luckiamute river.
Petitions were presented for the in
corporation of Weston. For excluding
the farm of C. G. Taylor from the cor
porate bounds of McMinnville. For
the incorporation of Sheridan. For tbe
prohibition of twine from running at
large in iienton county; and for pre
vention of importation of diseased do
mestic animals.
Committee reported adversely to IL
13. ob, concerning sale of liquor to
minors. Adioiuned.
Nineteenth Day, Oct. 3d.
-:. Senat.
of following import:
By Burnett To amend the
tural college act.
Bradshaw To regulate the salary of
county judges.
Apperson To define and punish vag
Jmlton Lo protect purchasers o:
State lands.
- Johnson To amend act incorporating
town of Corvallis.
Palmer To maintain the Oregon in
stitute for deaf mutes.
Thompson To prevent spread of con
tagious diseases among sheep.
Green To amend chapter 50, title 1
miscellaneous laws. ,
Bilyeu To amend laws relating to
fees of clerks and sherins.
Thompson To amend the act creat
ing county of Laka
Smith To amend act incorporating
town of Hams burg.
Hirsch To amend Sea 65, chapte:
67, miscellaneous laws.
actions for recovery of real property.
Burch To amend road laws.
Burnett To amend laws for taxation
of unnaturalized citizens.
Thompson To provide for care of
deaf mutes.
Bsadshaw To regulate the salary of
county judges.
Bentley For relief of A. P. Denni
Green To regulate foreign corpora
tions. Hirsch To amend law for service of
Bilyeu To amend Sec. 547, title 5,
chapter 6, miscellaneous laws, and to re
peal Sec. 548.
: Bilyeu To amend Sea 494, title 7,
chapter 5, of miscellaneous laws.
Smith To aidthe Children's Aid So
ciety. ..
Bilyeu Authorizing Governor to
contract 'with Dr. Hawthorne for the
care of the insane.
Burnett To repeal 14 sections of the
school laws.
Was taken up in discussing Watt's
bill for the care of the insane. An ef
fort was made to strike out the clause
requiring each county o pay iti propor
tion of the expenses, but failed.
; ' House.
IL B. 4 To regulate fees of clerks
and sheriffs; discussed and laid on table.
Claims committee Against H. R 51,
and recommended H. B. 136 as a sub
stitute, allowing Baker and Umatilla
counties an extension of time for pay
ment of taxes; passed under suspension
of rules.
Judiciary committee Favorable to
H. B. 16, relating to timelor commence
ment of action for recovering real prop
erty; ordered engrossed. Also, favor
ably to H. B. 43, relating to redemption
of land sold for taxes; ordered engrossed;
also, against H. B. 55, for punishment
of tramps; referred to special committee;
also, favorably IL B. 57, relating to no
tice of action affecting real property;
ordered engrossed without recommenda
tion; also, H. R 58," limiting time for
commencement of action to recover real
property to ten years; ordered to be en
grossed; also, H. B. 59, relative to deeds
made by administrators; same order.
Same committee against H. Bs. 65,
and 69, granting private individuals
exclusive rights to build rafts and booms
in certain rivers, and in favor of passing
H. B. 68, granting right of way to per
sons engaged in logging, which was or
dered, engrossed, v.
Committee on commerce reports amend
ments to the pilotage bill, and pending
discussion the House ad!ourned.
Consideration of pilotage bill re
sumed. - It was finally amended so as to
permit coasting vessels to cross the Co-
umbia bar without pilot by paying half
rates; ordered engrossed.
From same committee, the bill appro
priating $2,000 for building fish way at
VV ulamette falls; passed under suspen
sion ot rules.
Also, the following bills were received
back from committees and ordered en
IL B. 121 To
foreign cor-
S. R 1 Repealing act prohibiting
steamboat owners from building railropds.
S. B. 33 Relating to sale of arms
andliquorstoIndians(with amendments.)
H. B. 100 Concerning elections.
IL B. 73 For apiiointment of jus
tices by county court in certain cases.
Committee on education reported H.
132 as a substitute for 12 and 30;
rules suspended and bill read second
time and ordered engrossed.
House concurred in joint resolution to
purchase 250 copies of Oregon Reports
of 1868. Adjourned.
After a discussion of five hours the
bill for the care of the insane, with
sundry amendments; was ordered en
grossed for a third reading.
Twentieth Day, Oct 4th.
To prevent spread of infectious dis
eases among domestic animals; referred
to select committee of Thompson, Jasper
end Pennington. To amend act to es
tablish a uniform course of instruction
committee on education. For relief of
W. W. Buck; committee on claims,
Relating to collection and return of
taxes; ordered engrossed, r or relief of
purchasers at judicial sales; to judiciary
committee. Relating to property and
taxation; committee.on ways and means.
To amend laws relating to election of
justices of peace and constables; ordered
engrossed. For relief of W. S. Ham;
committee on claims. Bill to provide
for the leasing of the penitentiary; rules
suspenaeaand bill read by title; referred
w committee oi wnola To amend Sea
1,110, page oy, of civil code; commit
tee on judiciary. To authorize foreign
corporations to do business and exercise
their corporate powers in the State; iu
diciary committee. To regulate foreign
corporations doing business in this State;
judiciary committee. For an act to pun-
lsn trespassers; judiciary committee.
Special committee reported S. B. 105,
to amend an act to provide for the con
struction of the Willamette Valley and
Uoast K. JK.
o. ix iu ror an act to re-organize
the administrative department and to
provide clerical : aid therein; after con
siderable discussion was referred to ju
diciary committee.'
. - Heusej,
Committee on enrolled bills reported
Ji. J. M. i, 11, J. M l, xL J. Jew i and
1 Hirsch To amend law relating
IL B. 18 properly engrossed, and they
were signed by the Speaker.
IL Bs. 78, 16 and .59 were reported
Stratton offered IL J. R 10, empower
ing joint committee on penitentiary to
call witnesses and employ counsel; after
discussion resolution adopted.
IL B. 17 Relating to location of
roads, was reported with an amendment,
which was rejected by the House, and
the bill ordered engrossed.
Internal improvements committee re
ported IL B. 137 as substitute for No.
45, and recommended the indefinite
postponement of No. 74 and 93; report
adopted, and the substitute read and
ordered engrossed.
IL B. 99--For payment of claims
growing out of late Indian war; reported
favorably and ordered engrossed.
H. B. 27 Granting right of way to
N. P. R R, was reported adversely
from committee on public lands, with
the explanation that a law is already in
existence granting right of way. House
refused to adopt report of committee,
and pending discussion adjourned.
H. J. R 10 -For the appointment of
a committee to investigate the peniten
tiary ; amended by striking out the
words "to employ counsel," and adopted.
b. Ji. o lo re-district the State; read
third time and referred to committee on
S. B. 7 To regulate salmon fisheries.
S. B. 11 Creating office of fish com
missioner and to encourage the estab-
ishment of hatching houses for the pro
pagation of salmon. .
House concuiTed in S. R. 17, for com
mittee to investigate Dalles and Sandy
wagon road business.
Resumed considerasion of IL B. 27,
to grant N. P. R R. right of way
ough the State. - A long discussion
ensued on a motion to re-commit the bill
to committee; motion lost and bill or
dered engrossed for third reading to
morrow, House concurred in Senate amend
ment to resolution for investigating pen-
tentiary, refusing committee privilege
of employing attorneys.
Considerable talk followed on a prop
osition to give committee investigating
the swamp land office power to bit after
the close of the session. It was finally
decided to have the committee report
progress three days prior to end of the
session, and then determine whether
more time is necessary or not ;
IL J. R 11 Reported with amend
ments and adopted.
Committee on claims reported ad
versely to the bill for relief ,of John
Parker '.'; y.S
Committee on counties favorably to
H. B. 109, requiring county courts to
make quarterly statements: considered
engrossed. Favorably to H. B, 94, to
protect the improvement in breeds of
cattle and hogs. Favorably on bill for
relief of Lake county; considered en
grossad. - ',,..- ';';'',
Multnomah county delegation reported
avorably on H. R 131, for an act to fix
water rates in cities; ordered engrossed.
Committee on corporations, favorably
on bill to amend incorporation of Dalles.
Select committee on bill to regulate
interest on money, with amendments,
making rates 7 and 14 per cent; minor
ity recommended 8 and 12 per cent;
pending consideration of the reports,
the House adjourned.
Twenty-First Day, Oct 5th.
S. B. 21 Directing the treasurer to
redeem certain outstanding bonds of
the State. S. B. 22 Amending sees.
166 and 167, chapter 10, title 1, civil
code. S. B. . 23 For an act denning
rights and liabilities of married women,
and business relations of man and wifa
S. B. 25 Amending sees. 1,041 and
1,042, title 8, chap. 14, civil code. S.
B. 28 To amend sec. 3, chap. 74, mis
cellaneous laws, granting to married wo
men the right to dispose of any real es
tate held in her own right subject to any
rights which her husband may have as a
tenant by courtesy, and by will dispose
of her separate personal property owned
by her at time of marriage or acquired
afterward by her own labor. S. B. 29
To amend sec. 386, chap. 5, civil code.
S. B. 32 To amend law relating to du
ties of sheriffs. S. B. 39 For an act to
amend sea 1,142, title 6, chap. 15, gen
eral laws.
S. B. 45; Jo amend sea 28, chap. 3,
title 3, general laws; read third time
and referred to ways and means com
S. B. 46 To amend stc. 866, title 7',
civil code. S. B 47 To amend sea 1,
chap. 38. miscellaneous laws, to define
boundaries of mining claims. S. B. 48-
To provide for payment of claims grow
ing out of Indian wars of 18 n 78.
Reading of minutes dispensed with.
Consideration of bill to regulate rates
of interest resumed. After discussion,
8 per cent interest, with 10 per cent on
contract was adopted and bill ordered
S. R 82 was reported back favorably;
ordered engrossed.
H, R 18, favorably; same order. IL
R 102, adversely. H. B. 91, favorably
and ordered engrossed. H. B. 76, fav
orably, same order. H. B. 104 was re
commended as a substitute for H. R 25;
adopted and ordered engrossed. H. R
138 reported as a substitute for . 132,
and ordered engrossed. H. R 131, sub
stitute for the water rights bill ordered
. t M . . . . ' - .
prmwa. .adjourned till 2 o'clock, 7th.
Twenty-Second Day, Oct. 7th.
"-,7 -Wv. ".. Senate. ;.V::V--y'rv-:'--V
S. B. 52 To amend Sea 1 and 4, chap
ter 51, miscellaneous laws, relating to
extermination of noxious weeds.
S. B. 61-To amend Sec. 155 and 278
of civil code to provide for the applica
tion upon judgment of property at
tached. S. B. 63 To provide for laborer's lien
upon personal property, bill also includes
common carriers.
S. B. 67 To regulate salmon fishing
on the Clackamas river.
S. B. 73 To amend the laws in re
lation to recovery of possession of real
S. B. 76 To amend Sec. 575, title 1,
chapter 7, civil code.
S. B. 80 Authorizing sale of dupli
cates in State Library.
S. B. 14 To permit women to vote
at school meetings.
';. House." .-.'
Committee on insane asylum reported;
recommending a half mill tax for four
years, to build an insane asylum, and
that immediate steps be taken for its
building. Also recommending a con
tract with some person for keeping in
ssne and idiotic at an expense not to
exceed $5 per week to each patient, for
the next four years.
of following import, and read first time;
By Gates To provide for transfer of
mint property at the Dalles to Wasco
County. I
Gates To provide for record of
deaths by county clerk, and require
physicians to report the same.
Gates For publication of acts of
legislature and decisions of supreme
court, in a newspaper.
Thompson-For the relief of Charles
Schroeder To define boaivk of .Coos
and Douglas counties; read second time.
Schroeder For a bounty for the de
struction of certain wild animals.
Green To provide for a free wagon
road from Alsea Valley to the mouth
of Alsea river; read second time under
suspenson of rules.
Green Appropriating $5,000 out of
public land fund to aid the construction
of the road from Alsea Valley to the
mouth of the Alsea river.
Durham To incorporate town of
Sheridan, read second tima
Durham To amend incorporation
law for McMinnville: read second tima
Galloway To further amend the laws
in regard to the State penitentiary.
Galloway To amend the law so that
the fiscal year shall commence and re
quire reports of officers to be in hand of
State printer within six days thereafter.
Cole To prevent swine from running
at large in Columbia county; amended
to include Benton and Lake counties.
Purdin To repeal Sec. 57, title 5,
chapter 57 miscellaneous laws.
Purdin To reduce the State tax
of three mills to pay off indebtedness
to one mill; referred to ways and means
Lee To fix time and places for hold-
sessions of supreme and circuit
courts. - if, ' .
Scott To make it the duty of clerk
of supreme court to superintend pub
lication of decisions.
Stearns To prohibit trapping and
snaring of quails, and taking or killing
'Uob-whites for hve years.
Stearns To amend section 986, title
5, chapter 13, civil code. '
V right To incorporate town of
Union; read second tima (
btarKweatner a or an act to require
reports of State officers to be ready
within ten days after commencement of
a session of the Legislature, v
Chenoweth To incorporate town of
Oakland; read second time.
Smith To provide for the education
of deaf mutes.
Twenty-second Day, Oct 8th,
An effort had been made at the close
of previous session to limit the time of
speakers to three minutes in each bill,
the discussion of which was resumed,
but the resolution was lost and the rules
were unchanged.
Senate bill 69 was taken tfp and re
ferred to committee for amendments.
H. J. R 1 1 Concerning the investi
gation of swamp land transactions called
up, and an effort made to amend it so as
to give the committee leave to report to
trie next Legislature; amendment lost
BILLS passed.
. S. B. 45 -To amend section 29, title
3, chapter 1, relating to duties of State
Ireasurer. - '
S. R 31 To regulate measurement
and survey of lumber in logs, and affix
compensation therefor.
S. R 34 1 To amend charter of
IL B. 163 Relating to Columbia
river and Blue Mountain wagon road;
ordered engrossed.
Of following import, and read first time:
By Hughes To enable" Bwamp land
purchasers to make payments and get
Kelly To change corporate limits of
East Portland.
Read To enlarge power and fix
bonds of county surveyors.
Grant To allow directors of school
districts to designate text books for their
respective districts.
Mathieu For the erection .of, a State
insane asylum, and levy a half mill r tax
for the purpose.
? Thompson To provide city of Port
land with water.
'Thompson rTo admit women to prac
tice law in the courts of this State.
White To incorporate town of Wes
ton. Read second tima
. Chandler To amend act amending
charter of Baker City,
Campbell To fix time for holding
courts. 0
Curtis- To amend the law,aa to notice
of sale under execution. ,
Curtis For relief of Tillamook
Evarts To prevent unjust discrimi
nation on railroads of less than 20 miles
hi length. ; ',. ';.:.
Stearns To allow district judges to
admit competent persons to practice in
the courts of the district
Stearns To prevent opium smug
gling. Read second tima
Reeves -Relating to discharge of per
sons acqiutted by jury.
Thompson To provide for uniform
taxation and creating office of tax com
missioner; ..:-:':.: '-.'''-.
S. B. 25 Amending laws in relation
to district attorneys' fees; 45 Regula
ting office of State Treasurer; 29 Re
lating to suits in equity; 32 In rela
tion to sherifiV deeds were read first
time in the House.
House adopted S. J. M. 3 for improve
ment of Coos bay; S. J. M. 4 for mili
tary post at Baker City; and S. J. M.
5 for improvement of Coquille river.
The London silver market is very stag
nant. Lord Chelmsford, formerly Lord Chan
cellor of England, is dead.
Consolidated VlrRinia and California
failed to declare a dividend this month.
Three girls and a boy were recently
killed by raiding Indians near Galveston,
Bosnia and Herzegovina have been sub
dued. The insurgents abandoned tents,
canon and auiuiunition. ; "
The Indians are still raiding in Kansas.
The report that Thoriiburg had captured a
lsirga number of CheyenneB lacks continua
tion. :.; ' . . ..
The Grand Orient, of France, of free
Maaons, nave sent to Minister Noyes 1,000
francs for the fever stricken sufferers of tbe
The failure of the Glasgow Bank carried
with it several other banks and colonial
merchants. Among tbe hitter is Potter,
VVinslow & Co., liabilities $3,000,000.
The walking match between O'Leary and
Hughes was brought to a close last Satur
day night. O'Lieary made 493 miles in the
six days' tramp; Hughes 311. The latter
was used up. :
Tbe Hervian ' government has received
the Porte's reply to the request for the re
storation of diplomatic relations. The reply
is most amicable, and desires a renewal ot
friendship. "
An imperial decree has been published at
Pesth, accepting the resignations of tbe
whole Hungarian ministry, nut ordering
them to continue tbe administration of
affairs until the appointment of their suc
cessors. . ;
A dispatch from Bombay says that troons
have been ordered to advance from Dera
Ghazikhan, thus threatening Afghanistan
from a new point. It is reported that Ui
sensions have broken out among the great
Atgnatustan chiefs, x ;
In negotiations with England respecting
reforms in Asia Minor, the Porte has mani
fested a desire to incorporate reforms in a
scheme which shall be applicable to tbe
wuole empire, jjayara, tiie lintisn am
bassador, nas opposeu tms course turougn-
out. , .
A disnatch from Bombay says: Four of
Ameer's infantry regiments and six guns
are stated to have arrived in front of Ali
Musjid, a short distance up tbo Klyber Pass
and have advanced within six utiles of Jam-
rud, at which place a detachment of British
troops have arrived.
A Constantinople disnatch savs: Tbe gov
ernment has received intelligence that Uaad
Gelden Pasha, on announcing that he had
received orders to surrender i'ougoritza to
Montenegrins, was killed bv Albanians.
and 150 otQcers and men under his com
mand massacred.
The Secretary of the Treasury has issued
a circular citing various sections of the re
vised statutes relating to deposits ot gold
coin and bullion and issue of certificates
therefor, the D8.vmnt of import duties in
gold and silver coin, and others as to the
amount to wnicn subsidiary sliver com
shall be legal tender ; also the act passed at
the last bcssion of Congress in regard to the
silver dollar.
The City of Glasgow Bank, which recently
failed, bad 133 branches. ,
Very rich discoveries of gold placers con
tinue to be made at Cassiar.
During tbe month of .September the pub
lic debt was reduced $3,196,534.
The Non-Partisans appear to be ruling
the California constitutional convention.
Yellow fever has broken out at Madrid,
having been brouzbt from Cuba by sol
diers. . i."
The total loss snffored by Austrian troops
in the Bosnia and Herzegovina war has
been about 4,000 men.
The hostile Cbevennes have crossed the
railroad and are moving north. They have
thus far killed 17 people.
Cyrllle Dion, the celebrated billiard
plaver, died of congestion of the lungs
while en route for the Courtney-Hanlon
race, Canada.
A dispatch from Bombay says the latent
news from Simla is that an opportunity has
been afforded the Ameer to make amends
for the aflront otfareK the British envoy.
Herr 'on Shell, Hungarian minister of
finance, nas declared in at ne cannot lane
tbe responsibility of contributing to the ex
penses of tbe occupation of Bosnia after the
1st of November.
Le Teiegranhe savs that a rumor is cur
rent in political circles that the French cab
inet, on tue reasgernoiing or cnamoers, win
bring in a bill proposing plebiscite for the
purpose of formally aflirming the legality
or tue republic. ;
The hark Lad v Head, loaded with salmon
bv Stahlschmith & Ward, r-as sailed from
Victoria to London. She has 18.000 cases of
Fraser river sainaon, valued at $126,321. The
bark Marion, from San Francisco, has ar
rived and gone on to JNanaimo. .. -Dumont,
of New York, supervising in
spector general of steamboats, has gone to
Norwalk to make a personal investigation
into tbe cause of the explosion of the Adcl-
pni. Meantime tue inspector at JMew
York, who examined the boilers, is sus
pended. .
Henry Whitchurst who for two years was
treasurer of St. Mary's Catholic Total Ab
stinence Benevolent Society of San Fran
cisco, was arrested and booked for forgery,
he having, it is alleged, drawn from the lli
bernia tank the sum of $1,585 belonging to
tne society. . ;,.
Tbe Emperor lias not yet accepted the
resignation pi . tne Hungarian ministry
Here, the crisis is considered to be more i
question of figures than of principle. Much
relies on the ministry whether the occupa
tion of Novi Bazar shall be effected this
year or uext. '.v?"
Safvet Pasha, grand vizier and minister
of foreign affairs, has sent a circular to tbe
powers calling atteutioo to the fact that the
Greek Government on the authority of re
ports from its consuls in Tliessaly and Epi
rus, charging the porta with stirring up tbe
fanaticism of Albanians against Greece and
providing them with arms. Safvet Pasha
declares these assertions calumnies.
Cfolnjr on Tbelr Own Hook.
Omaha, Neb. Oct 3. About three months
ago it was announced that the Indians at Red
Cloud agency would be moved to a new reser
vation, and orders for transfer have been con
stantly expected ever since, but have not yet
been received. The Indians are pleased with
tbe new location, though reports to tbe con
trary have been circulating, and have been
impatiently awaiting orders for removal, but
affairs have dragged tediously along until the
Indians have become thoroughly disgusted with
the slow way ef doing business, and last week,
after receiving their rations, they all gath
ered up their traps, and without the assistance
of agent or government authorities, struck
out across lots for the new reserve. There
was no violence. There are about 6,100 In
dians in the body, and they took with them a
cattle herd in which there are about 600 head.
; WhUby frauds, j
Lrrrtx Rock, Ark., Oct. 3. Deputy TJ. S.
Marshals Woodward and O'Donnell have just
returned from a successful raid on the illicit
whisky distillers of Sharp, Baxter and. Izard
counties. Ten prisoners were captured and
one large still, with mash and whisky, was
destroyed in Izard county and another in Bax
ter county. : .
Counterfeiters. ?
LocisvnxE, Oct. 3, The U. S.! authorities
here have received information that a large ;
gang of counterfeiters who have been operating
in the mountains have been captured. Four- i
teen are now under arrest.
Greenback Redemption Fnnd.
Washington, Oct 3. Receipt of bank
notes at the treasury to-day for redemption
are only 100,000, the smallest amount ever
received in one day. Under the law of July
28th, requiring national banks to keep with
the treasury a sum of greenbacks equal to 5
per cent, of their circulation for redemption
of their notes, nearly $15,000,000 in green
backs will be locked up in the vaults of the
treasury for the redemption of such notes, .
but should the amount presented for redemp
tion continue to be small, and it is estimated
that it will decrease daily, there will be no
demand on the greenback redemption fund
and it must remain idle in the treasury.
The Pote Comitntus Claase.
The adjutant general ot the army will in a
few days issue an order further explaining the
posse eomilatus clause in the army bilL It will
state that officers can detail troops under their
command to protect U. S. property whenever
itTs ia-jeoPArdy or there is any danger of its
destruction. Auot?ie'r'iEa8e- ift. .which troops
can be used that will be cited wifrbe torHli
purpose of putting . down an expedition
formed in the United, States for the pur
pose of visiting with hostile intent any for
eign country.
Triefcet Slateb.
Philadelphia, Oct 3. The cricket match
between the Australians and Philadelphia
began to-day. The Americans played a re
makably line game, scoring a total of 196.
I be Australians go to the bat to-morrow
A Railroad Ieelslon.
Washisgton, net 4. The cabinet in ses
sion to-day approved the letter of the attorney
general giving an opinion that the Utah and
Oregon Kail road. t., can pass through the
iiannock Indian reservation. I he treaty
with the Bannocks is not recognized as a law
of Congress, which is considered superior to it,
and gives the company the riht to follow the
prescribed line.
Tne Vanderbilt Will Cae.-CS
New York, Oct 4t-f After lengthy argu
ment between counsel in the Vanderbilt will
case to-day, as to tbe admissibility of the tes
timony of Mrs. Eleanor Fletcher Bishop,
tending to prove that the late commodore
was a firm believer in spiritualism, the surro
gate rendered a long decision on the point,
declaring the evidence admissible. The de
cision is regarded as a strong point in favor
of the contestants, who have dozens of wit
nesses to prove that the commodore, believed
in spiritualism, and counsel will argue that the
win was made under undue influence. Ad
journed to Tuesday.
Jlegro Hanged. r
Magnolia, Miss., Oct 4. Rodney Green,
colored, convicted of the murder of his
brother-in-law, Isaac Harris, and sentenced
to be banged October 4th, was executed here
to-day. ,, .'-: -v-::-',
Will Protect American Citiaens.
Portland, Me., Oct 4. TheV. S. steam
ship Plymouth sailed this afternoon for Santa
Cruz, having been ordered to protect Ameri
can citizens there.
More Definite.
Omaha, Oct 4. The scouting party sent
from Ogallala returned to that station at 2
o'clock and reported that tbe Cheyennes num
bering about 300. ihe scouting, party which
consisted of 12 men exchanged a few shots
with some stragglers and captured some aban
doned stock. The Indians have crossed the
North Platte river on the wty north. ; Thorn
burgh's command which left Sidney on a.
special train running 30 miles an hour, for
Ogallala, 72 miles distant, will now have to
give the a stern chase as soon as guides are
obtained. The Indians have got about 25
nulles the start and will probably scatter. V
; On the Trail.
Ogallala, Oct 4. Thornburgh started im
mediately in pursuit of the Cheyennes, on ar
riving here to-day, and to-night is camping on
the North Platte. . Major Maucke's command
which has been on tbe trail several days
reached here at 6 o'clock and camped on the
South Platte to-night nd will join Major
Thornburgh to-morrow. Lieut Davis who
has also been following the trail with a force
of 100 men, arrived here by train from Jules
burg and will march to-night and overtake
Major Thornburgh on the North Platte. The
Indians am travelling due north and it is an
ticipated that they will be overtaken by the
soldiers to-morrow sometime, -
Cheyennes Crossing; ihe Pintle. '
Omaha, Oct 4. The Cheyennes began
crossing the Platte river about live miles east
of Ogallala at about 11 o'clock this morning.
They were first seen by Union Pacific track
men, who brought the information to Ogal
lala, Scouts were sent out at once, and troops
got in readiness. Major Thornburgh's whole
command left Sidney at about noon to inter
cept the Indians. - The trackmen could not
estimate the number of Indians seen, but are
confident that they compose the main body
of the Cheyennes. Great excitement prevails
at Ogallala, and a conflict between the troops
and Indians seems unavoidable.
That Order.
Washington, Oct 5, A general order,
just issued from the war department calls at
tention of officers of the army to a section in
the army appropriation bill, passed at the last
session of Congress, prohibiting the use of
the army as a past eomttatus, except in such
cases as may be expressly authorized by the
constitution or acts of Congress. .
Bald on the Blaefc Hills Feared.
: St. Paul, Minn., Oct 5. Reports received
at military headquarters here state that both
Spotted Tail and Red Cloud, Sioux, have left
their reservations in Dakota and are moving
west ' directly towards the . Black Hula
The supposition is that they are about, to
join fugitive Cheyennes in a descent upon the
hiiis. Much solicitude is teit lor the safety
of the cities there, which are protected by
only four companies of soldiers at the new
post The Seventh Cavalry is under orders
to march.
Indiana Baidingr In Kansas. .
St. Locta, Oct 6. A special to the GloH
Democrat, from Topeka, Kansin, gives a sum
mary of outrages committed by Indiana who
Went north a day or two ago. After crossing
the Kansas Pacific, they started northwest to
Decatur county, and raided the settlements
there. Their depredations were on Sappa
creek, and every residence for twelve miles
was plundered and almost everything de
stroyed, all cattle stampeded, and what was .
left of the crops by the Indians has been catea
or destroyed by stock. The number of peo
ple killed not yet known.
t . Distress at Sea.
Lewes, Del., Oct 5. The Norwegian brig
Patriot, Capt Valdeon, from Wilmington. N.
C, Sept 4th, for Elainpre, Denmark, arrived
this morning with all hands, captain aDd four
men, down with swamp fever. ; One seaman
was buried at sea ou the 25th ult, one on
the 2Sth, and the first mate on tbe 30th.
The Yellow Sconr je. w--
New Orleans, Oct 5. Deaths 52, cases
reported 85, total deaths 3,112; cases 10,303.
Baton Rouge, Oct 5. Deatlis during the
past 24 hours 8, over 80 new cases daily for
the last four days. : The city is now an hospi
tal, almost every house contains some sick.
Memphis, Oct 5. Dr, R. W, MitcbelL
medical director of the Howards, to-day re
ceived the following telegram from German
town, Tenn. : " Send a doctor to us at once;
Dr. Thompson is prostrated; 10 new cases de
veloped in the past 24 hours and no physician
to help us; five from noon yesterday until
noon to-day; the the . undertakers report 39
interments, 27 of these reported this fore
noon. " '
Vicksbukg, Oct 5. Four deaths; fever
greatly abated. New cases in the city very
few, but increasing rapidly in the country.
Satlonal Bank Matters.
Washington, Oct 7. Three hundred and
twenty-eight national banks witli a capital of
$48,797,900, paid no dividends for the six
months ending March 1, 1878, and 357
banks, with a capital of $58,576,950, paid no
dividends for six months ending Sept. 1,'
1878. For the .first six months of the year
1876, 238 national banks, with a capital of
$34,290,000, and for the second six months of
the same year, 273 national banks, with a cap- -ital
of $44,000,000, paid no dividends. Re
ceipts of national bank notes for for redemp
tion to-day were over $300,000. Treasury
officials now consider it doubtful whether the
recent osder of Secretary Sherman requiring
the senders of such notes for redemption to
pay express Charges on them, will result in as
great decrease in redemption as was at first
predicted. The secret service division of the
trersury department to-day received informa
tion of the arrest of seven additional members
of the Crabtree gang of counterfeiters in Ken
tucky and Tennessee. V :
. Crooked Whisky In Tennessee.
Nashville, Oct 7. Deputy U. S. Revenue
Collector Phillips has returned from a raid in
OridSJsckson snd Putnam counties. Sev
eral iilirittfMirfaagawere destroyed, and
when a few miles fmTsSverc8ton the reve
nue force found about sixty 1el1 armed with
long range rifles waiting fr them. Firing
immediately began and cofhmecl until the
ammunition of the revenue orce was nearly
exhausted, compelling them rutreat It is
reported that four distillersk wers killed and
several wounded.
Connecticut Eleftlen-
Meridan. Conn.,50ct 7.Sit the towii elec
tion to-day there was a compRf to revolution,
The entire Republican ticket itgi j
300 majority. . Sjr
The Hostile Chesenaes.
Camp Robinson. Neb., 0&. 7. A courier
who arrived at 9 P. M. froij! Red Cloud's new
location on White Clay ck reports that a
band of Cheyennes crosaeckthere at noon yes
terday and are said to be! with Red Cloud's
Indians. Ihe same coarser state that every
thing is quiet so far, at both tbs Red Cloud
and Spotted Tail agencies. Nothing has been
beard from Carlton's command for just 36
hours. Couriers are expected hourly.
Heavy Failure.
LoNPON, Oct 4. The total liabilities of
Smith, Fleming & Co.. East India merchants.
whose failure was announced yesterday, is es
timated at over ten million dollars.
' . More Trouble.
Vienna, Oct 4. The political crisis is be
coming more serious. Members of the two
cabinets will only consent to retain their
portfolios on condition that Count Audratsy
retires from the Austrian cabinet His finan
cial demands are considered inadmissable.
The Anti-Soeialis Bill.
Berlin, Oct 4. The government will
probably pass the anti-socialist bill as was
passed through the convention, as confer
ences on Wednesday night showed that there
is a fair prospect of agreement in the reichstag
on amendments satisfactory to Bismarck con
cerning the duration of the law and the re
traction of the clause for the svppresion of
Piraey tn tbe Persian CnlC
Constantinople, Oct 4. - Lavard. the
British ambassador, is informed that pirates
brve made their appearance in tbe Persian
Gulf and Gulf of Volz, and he has aaked per
mission trom tne porte to send British men-ot.
war to operate against them.
The Insnrreetion Continue.
Kingston, Oct 5. The Jamaica insurgents
in Santa Cruz are burning estates. Frederick
Stadt s residence has been reduced to ashes
and several leading planters have been mur
dered. The governor bas arrived from St.
Thomas. - Only 50 soldiers are available. In '
engagements at the Anashope estate tbe ne- .
groes were routed and 200 killed. The town
of Bassen is threatened but is yet tafe. Eng
lish and French frigates are daily expected at
the island. ' y -. .. ; .. . ; '. ... '.
More Trouble Brewinu.
London, Oct 7. A telegram from Const an- -tinople
- says the Russian commissioner for
Roumelia has made the statement that Rus
sian authorities will administer that province
in accordance with the treaty of San Stefano
and not iu accordance with that of Berlin,
Other commissioners heve. conseque ntly asked
their ' governments for instructions. The
Porto's counter project for reforms in Asia
Minor contains some slight modifications of
the English scheme. It is expected England
will accept the modifications and tie schema .
will be published immediately.
' Mexican Relations.
Cut of Mexico, Oct. 7. No successor has
yet been appointed to Mat in the foreign
office. Avilla b acting minister of foreign re
lations. . Foster, U. S. minister, addressed
a communication to Avilla relative to the af
fair at Tedro Nacionaie, saying tht he never
considered the federal or mumcipt authori
ties in any way responsible for the incident,
and he could only regard it as an t n premedi
tated demonstration, likely to be made in
time of popular excitement In any country.
To this Avilla replied, stating that President
Diaz was highly gratified at Foster 'a commu
nication. The piesident never attached any
importance to the incident Avilla denies the
existence of popular excitement against the
United States, and says the gentral disap
proval of the affair by the press and society in
dicates the true state of feeling.
A Convention Impossible. -
Vienna, Oct 7. Political com spondenca
reports the final collapse of negotia; ions for a
convention. The Turkish government circles
continues to attach the greatest imj ortance to
the maintenance of undisturbed relations
with Austria.
Boureaal Babmlis.
BccHAREOT, Oct 7. At a secset sitting,
on Sunday the chambers resolved to close the
session With resolutions declaring ;hat Rou
tnania submits to the collective ill of the
powers as manifested by ths treaty of Berlia