The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, October 05, 1878, Image 4

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    iixMt, i;:ii.nitooD sweet.
Wait not til! the little band are at rest
t re fm Ql them full of flowers; ,
Vf ait not Inr the crowning tuberose -
To make svtwst the last sad hours;
Put while In the busy household band,
aar darling U need your guiding hand,
Oh, fill their live with sweetness.
Wait not "till the little hearts are still
For the lovmg look and phrase; ,.
But while you gently chide a fault
: The good deed kindly praise. ,
The word you would speak beade the bier
Falls sweeter upon the living ear;
Oh, fill young Uvea with aweetnesa.
Ah, what are kiaaea on clay colli Upa . -
To the rosy mouth we preaa.
When oar wee one flies to her mother's arms,
For love'a tenderest caress t
Let never a wordly bauble keep . t
Vour heart from the joy each day should rco,
Clre fag your Uvea with sweetness.
Give thanks each mom for the sturdy boys,
Give thanks for the fairy girls;
With a dower of wealth like this at home, ,
Could vou rifle the earth tor pearls t
Wait not for death to gem love's crown.
But dailv shower life's blessings down,
And fill your hearts with sweetnt as.
Remember the homes where tbe light hag fled,
Where the rose has faded away;
And the love that glows in youthful hearts,
Oh, cherish it while you may !
And make your home a garden of flowers,
Where joy shall bloom through childhood's hours,
And fill your bea with sweetness.
Change Partners.
" Change partners ! "
We "were dancing a quadrille, and I,
smiling, held out my hands to John
Lorincr. who left Lilian to be eracefully
led to my clace bv Rudolph. But the
smile died awa upon my lips.
Why did Lilian crow bo deadly pale,
and Rudolph frown and compress his
linst I made some blunder, for John
' said, in his grave, sedate way
" You have made a mistake, Debby,
This way.".
Then my hand was clasped in Ru
dolph's again, and we waited for' the
side couples to dance. - But I could- not
help watching Lilian talking so fast to
John, her cheeks red again too red
her eyes feverish, and her animation too
marked for my sly little cousin, llu
dolph was pale now, and something had
disturbed his boyish brightness.
, I was glad when the dance was over,
and we wandered off to the" conserva
tory. Nobody minded, for Rudolph and
' ' I had been engaged for five years, and
this ball was one of the many given in
honor of his home comms. He had
' gone to California to seek a fortune,
leaving me plodding away at music
. teaching to support myself, Aunt Char-
. lotte and Lilian, who was then only
fourteen years old.
. We were poor enough those days.
I)Oth Rudolph and his betrothed, and for
four years there was but little variation
m the monotony of money gained for
both. Then fortune gave her wheel
Budden. most unexpected whirl in our
favor. Rudolph made a successful specu
lation that lifted him at once to wealth
and my grandmother died and left me
an heiress.
It was a little bewildering at first to
be mistress of a handsome country seet.
n Lniiun .... .1 inct . m r-f il (I n 1 l a
large bank account, but I had not al
ways been poor, and I soon became ac
customed to my splendor.
If I had kept my dear little crippled
aunt and Lilian with me when every
week's income had to be divided with
painful economy, it was scarcely prob
able we would separate when I was able
to give them luxuries. And John Lor-
ingwas still my friend, as he had been
.- when mamma was living and poor papa's
affairs were found to be so embarrassed
after his death.
1 here mystery about my en-
gagement, and when Rudolph came
Aome we were all making a Summer
sojourn at Wylde Glen, where my country,
,a seat was located. John was at the hotel
but he came over often, and . all the
- neighbors were very sociable. So we
had balls, "picnics, croquet parties and
every sort of festivity, to amuse Ru
dolph. while mv trosseau was made in
New York,
trip dis-
cussed. ;, :
This ball of Mrs. Maitland's was one
of the last, for Autumn leaves were
falling. I had thought when J was
dressing for it that the years of poverty
and toil had not left their traces upon
Rudolph's face as they had on mine. I
was always fair and blonde, but I looked
faded, washed out, and my blue dress
did not become me.
Or was it Lilian's face looking over
my shoulder that made me think so.
Lilian was fair, but her rippling hf ir
was a perfect bronze color, her eyes
brown and soft as a fawn's, and her lips
tinted like rose petals. In her low,
broad brow, her sensitive lips, you read
genius, for the child was an artist born
with wondrous musical gifts and rare
poetical fancies. She was tall and slen
der, the perfection of grace, and her
dress of fleecy white, with green leaves
in her hair and on her breast, suited her
And yet I was only twenty-five cer
tainly not old. Rudolph was five years
older, and still, despite his brown beard
and manly carriage Rudolph was boyish
in his frankness, his enjoyment of fun,
his energy and love of athletic sports. .
lie had been heavily burdened,
; though he had been rich. But I ah
! me ! I had nursed mother through two
years of helplessness, and father failed
in business and died soon after. ' I had
gone to Aunt Charlotte when she lell
down stairs, and her.busy usefulness left
her forever. I had remained with her,
taking her pupils with my own, and
helping Lilian to get an education.
It was a hand-to-hand struggle with
poverty and heartache, varied by weeks
-at " a time of nursing Aunt Charlotte
through agonizing suffering, and it had
left me aged beyond my years. Many
a time I would have desaired but for
John Loring, one of papa's business
friends, and our adviser in all matters of
But it was-all over. I was rich. Ru
dolph was at home, and as tenderly lov
ing as I could wish. . Only as we
walked to the conservatory, I wished
Lilian had not grown so pale when we
changed partners in the quadrille, and
Rudolph took her little white gloved
hands in his. He talked gently to me
as we Btood ' by the plashing fountain,
told me of some purchases he had made
for our house, and commented pityingly
vpon my weary eyes and cheeks.
" All this dissipation is too much for
you, Debby," he said, and I hated my
old-fashioned name as he spoke it. Lilian
! was -.softer, more musical. : Why was I
named for my grandmother 1 ,
"I will bring a carriage to-morrow,"
Rudolph said, " and take you to some
quiet place of rest for a few hours. Only
you and me, Debby, remember i
And I was contented, again,
assmg Ltiuan u aoor, long aiier we re
turned home, I heard herBobbing.
What ailed the child 1 For weeks she
had been growing pale and nervous or
fitfully gay, and ; never had her music
moved me to tears as it had done of late.
Aunt Charlotte seemed changed, too,
tender to me with an added gentleness,
and over scrupulous about leaving me
alone with Rudolph.
I wished sometimes that Rudolph was
not quite so careless and merry. He
!ested .about all things, and yet I have
heard him sigh over Lilian's sad song as
if he was broken-hearted. ' it made me
feel old that so often their: merriment
jarred upon me, for when Rudolph first
came he treated Lilian like the child he
had left hve years before. ; When we
rode they would race their horses, leav
ing me far behind, for I am not a brave
horsewoman, while Lilian, so sensitive
and : gentle at all times, is fearless on
horseback. '
They would sing gleeful duets to
gether, Kudolph s clear tenor well sup
porting Lilian's sweet, pure notes, while
I humiliating to confess, had become
so disgusted with leading childish fingers
through scales
never touched i
and exercises that
piano when it could be
I looked upon it all complacently
enough, often turning to smile at John
as these two jested or made merry at my
expense, but I did not like to see it all
change Of late Lilian had seldom come
into the drawing room during Rudolph's
visits, and Rudolph missed her. I was
sure of that: for while he was always
affectionate and kind, he was abstracted
often. ;
John, too, stayed away more than
usual, and John was my best friend, 1
was not even as confidential to Rudolph,
for he had been five years away, and was
not changed as I was.
"It was altogether strangely uncom
fortable when one considered that I was
to be married in October, and to go to
Europe with Rudolph, whose ancestors
were German, and who had a desire to
visit his grandfather's home in Munich.
Lilian had helped to plan out a most
tempting tour for us through England,
France, Spain, Italy and Germany, and
Rudolph complimented us both upon
our German, which was familiar to him,
his mother having taught him to speak
it at home.
The day after the ball was stormy,
and we slept late. At least I did not
sleep, but stayed ill my room. There
were some letters to be written, and I
was preparing a rough draft of a deed
of gift to Aunt Charlotte. I did not
want two town houses, and Rudolph
had bought a superb mansion that he was
fitting up for his bride. So my house I
resolved to give to Aunt Charlotte, with
a sufficient sum to maintain her in com
fort after I left her. Nobody knew but
John, and he was coming to take my
papers and make them out legally. Did
I say John was a successful lawyer 1 I
knew that he would come, even if it did
rain, though I scarcely expected Ru
dolph until evening, as the rain would
prevent our proposed excursion.
It was late in the forenoon when I
went down to the library, a small room
adjoining the long -drawing room, and
separated from it by a curtained arch.
Being a woman's home, the library had
never been very extensive more a cosy
reading room than stndy.
I was waiting there for John, nest
ling in an easy chair, and wondering if
it was the ball that made me bo languid,
"when I heard the drawing room door
open, and presently Lilian touched the
keys of the grand piano, her fingers
gliding into a dreamy nocturne that was
one of her late favorites. The curtains
were looped so that I could see her, in
her white dress, with no ornament but
soft lace, and I sighed to see how white
and wan she looked, what quivering pain
was on her sweet mouth, and in her
large eyes.
Some one else saw it, for, while she
played,1 Rudolph came in. All the mer
riment was gone now from his face, and
he leaned od the piano, listening, and
not noting how her fingers faltered as he
fixed his eyes upon Lilian's face.
When he spoke he said :
" I am going away, Lilian."
" You are wise," she said faintly.
" I can make some excuse to Debby,
and I will stay in town until you all
come tothe wedding ! I was a mis
erable coward last night, Lilian, tortur
ing you and myself ; but I will not
offend again."
41 No," she said gently, "I am sure of
that. We must both be brave, fo
Debby must never know. Neither
you nor I could be false to Debby, Ru
dolph.1 Think what she has been to
met", .. v; - '
" And to me My faithful love ! "
The "mist was gone from my eyes, and
I knew the whole secret of what had
puzzled me. -These two loved eack other.
Rudolph had found, the gentle, sympa
thetic love that suited his manly nature,
and Lilian the brave protector her tim
idity needed.
And I Debby what ailed me? For
f was glad ! Glad to see my lover faith
less in heart true in honor.
I had not heard John come in, but
when ! turned my head he was there,
with stern lips and drawn brow, until
he saw my smile. Then a glad light
leaped to his eyes, and he whispered :
" Oh, my darling, is it so 1 You are
not heart-broken? You do not love
him?"-";' - 3.i;:v- ;
" It must have been a girlish fancy,"
I said, astonished at myself.
" But the woman's heart ! Debby,
have you never guessed ; the torture it
was to me to know that you were not
free ? Do you not know I have loved
you always, my darling?"
"His darling !
" I did not know,'' I faltered; "I only
"What?" he asked, ss I hesitated.
" Happy beside you," I said softly ;
" lonely without you. John, I kno w
now why I have not been happy since
Rudolph came."
" You are mine," he said, oh, so ten
derly. 'And I put my hand in his, and
let him press, one kiss upon my lips.
Then 1 pushed back the curtains fully,
and went into the drawing room.
Lilian was still at the piano, but Ru
dolph was still standing by the window
watching the rain with gloomy brow. ; I
crossed the - room- quickly to his side,
while John stopped to speak to Lilian.
"Rudolph," L said quietly,, "you
must not go away."
He flushed, and said:
"Debby 1 You heard 1
"Yes. I I "
John came to my rescue as uauaL
Taking Lilian's hand he led her forward,
smiling as he said :
" Do you not understand, Rudolph 1
Change partners,"
And that told the whole story. There
were two weddings in October, and
Lilian went with Rudolph to Europe,
while J ohn and 1 settled down in my
old home, with Aunt Charlotte for our
guest until her own child returns to her.
Yellow Fever.
A letter from the South gives the fol
lowing description of the course of the
disease, from the time the first symptoms
are observed :
The fever usually begins suddenly (in
the most part during the night or early
morning), with a sens' of chilliness, fol
lowed by heat, . pain in the back, head
and limbs, the pain being sometimes
very severe. The stomach grows sensi-
tive : nausea is excited, and
comes on, either spontaneously or from
something that has been eaten. The
skin is dry and hot : thirst is excessive ;
the eyeballs are painful, 'suffused, and
the eyes have the expression seen in
drunkenness. The tongue is coated, and
its edges red; the face has a peculiar
flush about an inch above and be
low the eves. The upper part of the
abdomen is tender : there is burnic
with a feeling of weight and oppression
in the pit of the stomach. Anxiety and
restlessness are marked traits of the
disease ; terror is often expressed in the
face of the sufferer, and sometimes a
gloomy threatening : the expression be
mg so striking and ipeculiar that, once
seen, it is apt to be remembered. These
are the first symptoms which last from
four to seventy hours, the average being
thirty-six to forty-eight
The second stage is a diminution of
the unfavorable signs; the skin growing
moister, the pain less, the pulse calmer,
the countenance more natural. But the
yellowness of the skin, which begins on
the eyelid, extends over , the face and
deepens in hue. If, however, it has not
appeared before, it does not appear now,
This stage generally continues from
twelve to eighteen hours, though it may
be prolonged to double the time. Some
times it is not marked at all, and occa
sionally it is altogether absent
The third stage is characterized by
prostration; the pulse grows weaker;
the skin yellowish ; irritability of the
stomach and vomiting increase. This is
often incessant ; at first, perhaps a color
less, ropy, acid liquor ; but now, when
the fever is malignant, it begins to show
dark flakes, becoming darker vnd more
numerous, until the liquor resembles
soot or coffee grounds and water. This
is the black vomit, which is, in nearly
every case, the forerunner of death.
The quantity is frequently very great,
and ejected with little effort Sometimes
diarrhea now occurs ; the Weakness in
creases; the pulse gets very feeble; the
breathing labored and irregular; the
tongue black and tremulous ; the skin is
cold and clammy, and the patient mut
tering in delirium, passes away. The
body turns saffron or orange color, and
otten brown like mahogany or bronze.
presenting an unsightly appearance, and
needing to be speedily buried.
In mild cases the symptoms are very
different, the heat alid thirst being
trifling ; the vomiting slight, and the pa
tients trequently not keeping their beds.
Then, again' there are apparently mild
cases, the patients scarcely acknowledg
ing they are ilL refusing to lie down or
be prescribed for, and yet sinking sud
denly into death. Ihe lever vanes in
duration. Very bad cases terminate in
a few days, though commonly continu
ing from three to nine days, convales
cence being almost always slow. Path
ology has not done much, even to this
day, to increase our knowledge of the
disease, which still remains enigmatical
and so changeable at different times and
places, and under different conditions, as
to brave medical learning and practice.
One thing seems certain cold kills yei
low fever, which never survives the first
A Remarkable Woman. The old
est lecturer ot this, or, indeed, or any
other country, is, we venture to affirm
Sojourner Truth, the venerable negress,
who has been before the public more or
less for nearly two gonerationa She is
certainly more than a century old, bav-
ing been a Blave in this State and manu
mitted in 1817. She delivered a lecture
on the present time and the condition of
things in general a few evenings sin
at the village of Crawford's, Cayuga
county, before a considerable audience.
She is tall, rather slender, her head of
moderate size, hair streaked with gray,
eyes bright, hearing and voice good.
Though a trifle lame, she stood erect for
an hour, and delivered her opinions
marked by shrewd sense and much hu
mor. She is most earnest for temper
ance, and has a better opinion ot men
than of women, who, she thinks, are
often frivolous and too expensive lux
uries to be sustained by any ordinary
income. At the close she sang a song
m tolerable style, and retired with
certain inborn grace . and dignity. Her
two oldest children are dead ; but she
has three others one of her daughters
is 80 and upward living at Battle
Creek, Michigan. This daughter really
looks older than her mother, who might
readily pass for TO. N. Times..
lady living in Somersetshire, read a mat
rimonial advertisement in a London pa
per, and. after sax months correspon
dence married the advertiser, whd repre
sented himself to be at the head of
prominent firm of silversmiths, and in
vited all her relatives and friends to visit
him at his palatial residence. He got
the wedding presents, his wife s lug
gage and 100 given her by her father
for pocket money, took her to a wretched
furnished room, and said if she didn't
like to share his home she could go about
her business. r She arose and went unto
her father, and . he levanted .with his
"A Subject for Experiments. A
queer case is being tried in Edinburgh,
where a boy employed as page sues his
late' employer, a surgeon dentist, for
500 damages. The boy claims that
his master tried experiments : on him
with magnets and mesmerism until his
health was shattered and his intellect
J. P. Hoge was elected President of the
California Constitutional Convention now
la session at Sacramento,
Numbers of the inhabitants of Fez and
Mequinz, Morocco, are dying Irom starva
tion. The prosnects for stoppina fever at Galll-
polis, Ohio, are good, the indications favor
ing frost. .-.
The Ute Indians will be removed to a
new reservation at the headwaters of the
Kevajo and BlaDcbo rivers. ;
The Scorpion Mine is to be divided into
four other mines. The recent strike in the
Sierra. Nevada they think will help them.
Trains on the Mobile road arrive at New
Orleans with crowds from the gulf watering
maces, tbe fever bavine broken out an
along the 1 me.
A vounsr man who had worked on the
steamer Adelphl before the explosion, says
that the boiler was old aud patched and an
accident was expected.
Senor Zamacona. the Mexican minister,
says that the purpose of the Mexican Gov
ernment in sending 5,000 troops to' the bor
der was to suppress raiding and aid the U.
8. troops in putting down lawlessness.
Counsel in the Vanderbilt will case say
thev will prove that Wm. H. Vanderbilt
hired a clairvoyant to liereuade the commo
dore that he was in communication with
bis' deceased wife and that be should make
his will in favor of Wm. 11. Vanderbilt.
Governor Hamnton. havinir reauested
that the State authorities be allowed to col
lect the U. 8. internal revenue taxes in that
State on account of the great difficulties ex
perienced ov revenue omuers in tne per
formance of that dutv. Commissioner
Kauin, to whom the matter was referred,
replied that the proposition cannot be en
Silas Vinton Is the Greenback candidate
ror Congress in the 33d district of New
York. ....
The Republicans of New Hampshire have
nominated J. G. Hall for Congrcs in tbe
1st district.
Iliggins fc Conkling, stock brokers, doing
business in tbe San FraneBCO board, have
suspended. , .
There is a surplus of $10,000 in the bands
of the treasurer of the San Francisco relief
Tbe Republicans of the 3d Massachusetts
i i i iir.i.ii.i a i .":.. 1 1
uismiui. nave iiuujiuumu yy aiuriuje jv. c ieiu
ior congress.
A writ of attachment for contempt has
been issued from the supreme court at
Victoria against the olHces who sold the
gools of Chinese merchants eiezed for
bead tax. .
The Republicans of Connecticut have
nominated the following ticket: Governor,
Clias. B. Andrews, bv acclamation ; Lieut.
Governor, David Gallette : Secretary of
State, David Torrance.
The Democrats of Massachusetts don't
swallow any Butler in theirs'. They have
nominated the following ticket : For gov
ernor, j.ii. AODott: lieutenant governor,
William K. Plunkett; secietary of state,
tienry v. Dewing; treasurer ana receiver.
Gen. David N. Skillmg ; state auditor, John
K. Fitzgerald ; attorney general, Richard
Advices from San Domingo announce the
success of the revolutionists aud the capitu
lation of President Gonzales and his de
parture from the country on the 21st for
Curacoa, The revolutionists entered San
Domingo ou tbe same day the President de
parted, when a provisional government was
organized, Jacinto de Castro being its Pres-
luenu - -
Epidemics. "
In all ages of the world men have
been afflicted with three foes war, ies-
tilence and famine. Rapid methods of
transportation have checkmated famine.
Science has in a measure ameliorated
the horrors of war. Human charity is
endeavoring to mitigate the frightful
fever of pestilence, but thus far in the
history of the race, man has been , lees
successful in fighting epidemics 'than
anything else. Some few secrets he has
wrung from nature, but just as he has
begun to plume himself upon his tri
umphs . tne ; malady takes some new
form and renews its ravages.
it is now said that Asiatic cholera is
appearing in the East, cettmz readv to
march around the globe. It arises in
the crowded slums of the Old World
where filth and disease are protected by
a fanatical religion and are the heritage
oi ages, it nnds in the Hong caravans
that wind over the arid deserts to the
tomb of the prophet, at once its choicest
prey and its test -method of propaga
uon. r rom thence it works its way
along the I, Mediterrant an"to Italy,
ranee and then to the : sea coast from
whence eveiy ship brings it to the ntw
world. This has been the .history of
plagues from time whereof (in the sol-
elmnity of the legal phrase) the mem
ory of man runneth not to the contrary,
They have heretofore so ravaged the
civilized world as to have, in some in
stances, a marked influence on the his
tory of humanity. A plague at
one time almost exterminated the Ro
man people so terrible in fact, that
tbe correct pronunciation of the Latin
tongue was lost, and the language
changed. It was perhaps the same
cause that obliterated the mound build
ers in our own country, for had they
been conauered it is probable they would
have taught their victors some of their
own . arts and given to : the dominant
being now a Bynonym for pest houses,
There are those who deny that the
feyer is contasrious, but there is no
hypothesis that satisfies so many of the
conditions of the disease as the spas
modic theory. To this, doubtless, we
shall have to subscribe. The next great
question is how to find the germ and
how to kill it.
"Do you call that clothest" said a
sturdy British customs official to the
woman who had sworn that there was
nothing in her trunk but clothes for her
self and husbend, and as he spoke he
pointed to six bottles of brandy. "Yes,"
chimed in the bride, "those are his
.. True,
As a purely
vegetable family remedy
Pf under"s Oregon Blood Purifier cannot
be surpassed. It regulates the bowels,
liver and kidneys. Removing al.
scrofula and impurities from the blood.
Buy it, try it. -
Tbe Willamette Fever and Ague Mixture
Prepared expressly for. thL climate by
Messrs Pfunder & Co., Portland, has
been found to le the best Fever and
Ague medicine ever ofiered to the citi
zens of Oregon. All druggists have it
for sale.
The Willamette Stove Works, of
Portland, makes the best Stoves sold in
this market. Buyers ; should sustain
home manufacture by insisting on hav
ing goods of this make and buying no
other. .
The sales of Singer Sewing Machines
I are wonderfully large. Last year the.
Company sold 282,8 1 2 Machines. Such
enormous sales are the best recommend
the Machine could have.
- IW la naklns; any itarebase ar in
writing la i-espaaae ta any advertise
meat ia til paper you win please men
tion the name af tbe pa per.
Wholesale Candy Manufacturers,
145 First Street,
FACTORY SS AMer Stmt, adjoining Odd FHowf
Hall, ForUMd, Orpyjn.
rill be open to tbe public In the extensive warerooms
of Measra. NEWBURY, CHAPMAN ft CO., on
Monday, October 21, 1878,
And Continue One Week.
PETER TAYLOR, President.
GEO. H. HIMES, Secretary. .
Oregon Standard Soap Works,
IRVIXG fc WEBB, Proprietors,
The onlv steam f&ctorv north nf S&n fruiHim Roml
for circular and price list.
Manufacturer, Importer and Wholesale and Retail
Dealer In .
Portland, OregonT
RETAIL 162 First Street.
Dealers in
Grain and all Kinds of Produce,
Cor. Front and Alder Sts,, Portland, Or.
No. 167 and 169 First Street
Portland, Oregon.
Dealers In
Doors, Windows, Blinds and Glass
138 Front St bet. Waablngton Alder.
Window Glass, Oils,
v and
Nos. 92 and 94 Front Street
Han Franciaett Office lis Front Street,
. Sew York Office 86 Piatt Street.
at the above location, we are now better pre
pared than ever to meet the wants of our patrons.
Our facilities for business are not surpassed bv those
of any firm on the coast. Our store is new, built espe
cially for us, and with a view solely to the proper dis
play and handling of our goods. Our Stock is large and
complete in all Its branches. In .
Drugs and Tatent Medicines,"
We carry a complete assortment, adding all new rem
edies as fast as they appear.
We have opened
Druggists' Sundries Department
Complete In all its appointment. We have many Nov
elties in the way of
Toilet Articles,
That must be seen to be appreciated.
We would call particular attention to our stock of
Counter Balances and Druggists'
Prescription Scales, "
By far the finest ever brought to this maiket.
We also offer a new and fine line of SHELF WARE,
and can furnish a full outfit of
At short notice. To any one wishing to start a new
store, or to replace old ware with new, it is a great ad
vantage to have the bottles labeled at the Factory, thus
insuring the perfect St of each label.
In White Leads, Mixed Paints, Colors,
Brushes and Painters' Stock
Of all kinds, we have an assortment far surpassing any
thing ever shown in Portland.
We make a specialty of
And buyin our Stock at first hands can offer superior
inducements to all who deal in them.
We also carry a very large stock of
Embracing all the leading Brands, and we offer them at
prices which cannot be beaten. In
Window Glass,
We are prepared to fill orders for 16 and 2&ox or plate.
We have a Stock covering all sixes from 8x10 to
40x73, and shall be glad to furnish estimates, or any
information deared.
No 8. Hail to the Chief No. 8.
X Feed, Lock Stitch
Is pronounced by the people everywhere to be the Best
Family Machine in use.
t3t Machines sold on the note and Installment plan.
A Liberal Discount Tor Casta.
95 Third Street, Portland, Ogn.
No. 8. Manager. No. 8.
Corner Third and F Mtreeta,
Near the Steamship Landings and Railroad Depots,
open to tha traveling public on and after August
10, 187S,
Lewiston & Fretland, Proprietors
(Law of Hinncsots House.)
WM mure BO naina nor exnenas to saaka this hmmi ,
Front, First and Ash Strcota, Portland, Ore
This cut represents the BAIN THIMBLE-SKEIN WAGON, medium size, com
plete, with Top Box, Roller Broke and Spring Seat. Tbs Bain Wagon is so wel
known to the fanners and freighters of this coast that it seems needless for us to
say anything in its praise. We have sold them for the
warranted every one sola, and tne total claims tor aetecuve material or workman
ship during that time have not amounted to one eent on each wagon sold. This
fact speaks louder than anything we can say in their praise. The
Patent SUeln Tiahtener,
On the Bain Wagon is a valuable improvement, snd Is on
the coming season all farm wagons will have the new
Patent Oil Tube witta Brans Screw Caps,
Which avoid the necessity of taking off the wheels to oil
...;n . ii.. . u,ru r.wjwfn in
other wagon in the market that will compare with the Bain
1MM1I tlll9IB Will ,1441, C'MIViaW. T. V ...
m materia; ubeu, auu 111 cmupiuu new aiiu YAtasiiuiicv ui wuiuhiubuji;, uur
wagons are made to order, especially for our trade, and we pay extra to have all
the timber extka selkctkd out of thoroughly seasoned stock. All the wheels are
put through soaked in boiling linseed oil before setting oftires, making shrink
age im)osHible. Mr. Bain dues this in a more thorough manner than some others.
who simply make a pretense oi doing it, and make tne application, if at all, only in
"hrnntwuLtiiirrloMffi.'' The wood work, tires and rmninor urn ftYt.ra hniT. hut itl. t.ha
same time everything is well proportioned. We challenge
:neapet" wagon, as Jar as dollars and cents are concerned, we do claim to sell as good a wagon as can be made, and one that will prove the coeapest in tlte end.
far Send for Circular and Price lasts. . vl ?
The Oldest and Leading.llouse in the Trade and Trices always
The Celebrated La Belle Wagon.
Pride of the Pacific Coast; most durable; best made;
finest painted and lightest running wagon...
JfoSherry Improved Force Feed drain
Drill and Heeder, Warranted to sow all kinds of
Grain. -
The Following
T. B. Wait, Salem, Oregon.
A. M. Roop, Albany, Oregon.
M. V. Koovns, Halsey, Oregon. I
Babbk & Cocntiss, Harrisburg, Oregon.
T. G. Hendricks, Eugene, Oregon.
J. B. Smith, Oakland, Oregon.
Sheridan Bros., Roseburg, Oregon.
Rkambs Bros., Jacksonville, Oregon. : '
For Circulars and Price Lists write our agents or
And all kinds of Marble Work.
Send for illustrations. Designs and Price Lists before
you order from anybody else.
! Portland, Oregon.
Coker's , Employment Agency,
Furnishes HELP of aU Kinds FREE OF CHARGE.
Of Correspondence Solicited.
J. R. COKER, Portland, Oregon.
Or? iron and Washington 91 SO
Washington or Oregon, single 1 OO
These Maps are strongly and handsomely made, in
pocket form, and are made from Government surveys,
complete, to June 1st, 1878. Adilreas
J. K. GILL & CO., Portland.
OOO V.orea.
fine state of cultivation, fully fenced, excellent
buildings, steam power and all late improvements in
agricultural machinery. Everything to be sold .at a
bargain. It produced 10,0(0 bushels of wheat in 1877
ana 8,000 bushels in 1873. Is good for an average of
nine thousand bushels every year. -Price
K) per acre, terms to suit the buver.
Real Estate Agents, Portland, Oregon.
2S2e812 :M3iaNE: 8
Sold in 1877,
Being 20,496 mere than aold In any pre.
Tlou year.
. Save money and buy the EEST. - - A
t3T Try a cINGER b jfore tuyi.ig any tMutSu ,,
. , Ths Singer tifa gj
III '(fp ' jpgr ?
r- C ; ---w -"
I TtafcLEMENTS Machines.
t'-'f '
3 AIM FAHItl ' X7"AGOn.-
past thirteen years, and
no other wagon. For
the axles an arrangemen
vut ;u ...
.1 .1HK ...WW IV HW - l . MM n K ... ' .
as now made, in quality Vtf -$?f
the most critical comparison with any and every other
Cahoon Hand and Power Sower,
The chewiest Sower in the Market. :
. , ,,, ,
Racine Farm and Warehouse Fan Mills,
are Our Agents wlere Our Goods
SrEiDRL & Tract, Corvallis, Oregon.
A. S. Powkll, Monmouth, Oregon.
Harthan Bros , McMinnv-ille, Oregon.
W. J. McCoxsell, North Yamhill, Oregon.
Rilet Cavs, Hillsboro, Oregon.
8110RRY & Ti'LLis, Newaukum, Washington Territory.
L. L. Akdrbws, La Conner, Washington Territory.
sjigniju wi. m m mm w !Sw V
I I II 11 h. . ' 4 i
104 and 108 Front Street, Portland, Oregon;
Pacific Slope Agency
Mill Stones,
Mill Picks,
Portable Mills,
Bolting Cloth, Swatter, Separator, Farlflera, Bran Casters. Belling:, Backets,
and mil Farnlataloffs Generally. - -
Correspondence invited from those contemplating building or repairing. Send for Catalogue and Price List. - -
ALLIS & BLACK, Agents,
. - P. O. Box SS8. . So. 10 Front Street, Portland, Oregon.-..
3 iK&ffiiRi
braids of Cigars and Tobacco, Fruit and Candies,
at 6S North First street, L. Higgins" old stand, next to
Oregon Hotel, Portland, Oregon.
. Bole Agent far the North Pacific Coast, .
8 aud 8 North Front Street, Portland, Ogn.
Hilwaukie . Nurseries.
ESTABLISHED 1347. "i- '
F0R SEA 1878-79
Solid tor Onr Hew Vataloffao.
Seth Luelling & Son,
Kllwaakle, Oregon.
z CO.,
-1i ,
make ot wagon, and while we do not claim to sell th
Description "and Prices.
Siza No. !. Patent whet Is, three feet eight inelusav
and four feet tw inches high. Solid collar axles, one
and one-eighth inches; plain bed, with patent round
corners; two steps; top of body bound with iron;
leather dash; two cushioned seats, with laxy backs; with
pole and ratchet brake. Ca;city, 800 pounds, Price,
with patent wheels, fJOO.
Siu No. 3. Solid collar axles, one and one-fourth
Inches; same style and flush as size i. Capacity, 1,000
pounds. Price, ,210. -
Sub No. 4. One and three-eighths inch solid collar
axles; same fittings as other. Capacity, 1,500 pounds.
Price, with patent wheels, $2J0l , .
Same wagon with longer bed and three seats, fiSO.
at the lowest Lifing Rates.
M CO.,
La Dow's Jointed Patent Wheel Fairer
izinf Htrrow.
- Wrought Iron Frame, no wood work -excepting pols
and doubletrees; most durable and most simple pulrer-
izing Harrow in the market. We have all sixes from IS
to i6 inch wheels.
r The Browne Sulky Plow.
; This well known Bulky speaks for itself.
-Over three hundred, now in use in Oregon.
First Premium On gon State Fair, 1877. This
Plow ia all made of iron and steel; will scour
In any soil. Price, with Doubletrees, Neck
Yoke, Boiling Cutter aud Extra Share...
Black Dawk and Clipper Eocfc
Island Cast S:eel Watting Flow
Wood and Iron Beam. Our Black Bawk
Plows hare been found to scour in ail kinds
of soils. Even in the red soil ot Waldo Bills,
around Salem, where no Steel Plow was ever
known to work before.
Collins' Cast Cast Steel Plows.
ETC., ETC., . . , '
A Full and Complete Line of
At the Low est Uarket Prices.
can be Found:
O. O. Hallsr, Conpville, Washington Territory.
t r. sioodt, loe Aaiiea, uregon.
1. H. Kooktx, Umatilla, Oregon.
CnAS. floonsoroii, Inland City, Orrgon.
Fra.vh Bros, ft Co., Waiia M'i la, Washington Terr.
i. ai. mat, uajton, nasnington lemtory.
AcsTin & Joms, Colfax, Almota, Lewistou, W, T.
of Edw. P. Allis & Co.i
Gang Edgers,
Leg Rollers,
Lath Slaenises,
Saw Mandrels,
Shingle Machines,
Circular. Saw Mills,
The Finest and Largest Stock of Genuine
Meerschaum and Amber Goods:
Ever brought to this Market. Also,
At 1. 1C. Ci. felAIXXII'H,
Corner Front and Stark Street Portland, Oregon-
Shipper, Comraisfion Merchant,
' ' ' I- And Wholesale Dealer in --
visions, Hnfis, Hides, B tgSi Anrii-uliurnlj Seeds,
Staple Groceries. Consign met ts and oruers solicited.
Office and 'Warehouse, No. 6 ) irst street, Portland, Or.
San Francisco Office, 8t6 Da Is street
. , D. W. PRE.VJ1CEACO.,
Ma"Q Dea irrs, Portland, Oregon.
M. Frantlia Jlro. & Co.,
h , 123 1'lrst Utreet. .
Next door to First 5 itional Eank.,
' j . WHOLESALE A rtCTAtL- .
'-i!E?r S w f m - T . mv
Txvrrb EVEJif r-ty to c ill ?.uj ; avu ft.
I amine tbeu- st-x. v. .a d n i-1 r-3 te
cent on every duijar ia x: cn M oi. l
, for Wogue rlth pr., Ht, trn of tx-. ,
- 8pecial tnduesaaeat to Dry G Krt E .f e. '