The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, October 05, 1878, Image 1

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    IIUI311 Mii,imniWjjjjtiigii
Daturday INXorninffB,
UmU 1 j hi w V ' 1 4sai ,v
Aud other PRINTING, Indudiri
- 4 a r&i TTTTk
KELLY .fc WELLS. Publishers.
One yemr . .......-
Six month....... ...-... ...... ......
lima mouths. ...... ...... -. .......
.ti 60
. 1 60
.. 1 00
"Independent in all Things; Neutral in JVothing.9
Large and Heavy Pot ers and Shows
- JIand-Eil U,
ThM ar the term for thaw paying in advance.
. The IxoiFCHnm offen fin Inducements to advartisera;
terms reasonable.
YOL. 3.
NO. 24.
TV ATT li 1
W. B. Willis,
A. E. cnAMPASSE, Proprietor.
I The only Bret-clam hooae in Roeebunj. Kept on the
; European plan.
j ;"';,:.. ..- J,
Richard Thomas, Proprietor.
JL number of years, and has become rery popular
And the table supplied with the best the market adonis.
Hotel at the depot of the Railroad.
Pott Office add rem, LOOKING GLASS, OREGON.
The Company owing these milla would aay they are
prepared to furnish the
At the most reasonable rates.
Lumber always on hand, and all persons wishing to
purchase Lumber will do well to give us an opportunity
of filling their orders before going elsewhere.
. J. O. CALLIGHAN, President,
W. B.. CLARKE, Secretary and Treasurer.
Uetropolitan Hotel,
Button & Perkins, Proprietors,
"", THE ONLY '
. AND. ' '
Depot of the c. A o. ntaire Co.
T T the best of beds, and the mm attentive of
Housekeepers, and a table supplied with the best of
everything. '
Leave the house every day on the arrival of the cars
from Portland.
The traveling public, and all who favor us with their
natronage, can rest assured that they will be entertained
fn the best possible manner. O. L. BUTTON,
V. rs.KB.lAi0.
Sheridan Bros.,
....... f ,
Jackson Street, Roaeburg, Oregon, near the Post Office,
j ".. AND .
And Manufacture! of
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Wares,
Are prepared te
The Quickest, Safest and Easiest Route.
Every Day at 7-30 V. M.,
Making quick connection at Reading with the cars of
the C. O. K. R.
For full particulars and passage apply to
Xl concern that the undersigned has been awarded
tiie contract for keeping the Douglas county paupers for
a period of two years. All persons in need of assistance
from said county must first procure a certificate to that
effect from any member of the County Beard and pre
sent it to one of the following named persons, who are
authorised to and will care for thoee presenting such
certificate: Button & Perkins. Roeebunr: L. L. Kellomr.
Oakland; Mra Brown, Looking Glass. Dr. Woodruff is
authorised to furnish medical aid to all persons in need
-of the same and who have been declared paupers of
Douglas county. w. a. ixak&k.
J. II. PIKE & CO.,
Importers and Wholesale Dealers In
And sol J proprietors of the non-eiualled
Set, 101 and 103 California Street,
0vliU.ail.s-i eu VF. jl;v.
, Importers and Dealers in
Also Sole Agents for
;.'eT. XX, XJJavoiiioirt,
:.;.'v-- f. : y-y.v .MY-----r.
E. cor. Frosit and California IU,
Represented by Chas. Holm.
Thirteenth Day, Sept 25th.
- Bill for an act to provide short-hand
reporters for the courts; ordered en
grossed, and read third time to-morrow.
Bill to amend charter of city of
Albany; favorably..
, S. - B- 12 To promote medical Bcience;
favorably; amendments offered and
was adopted.
The act to incorporate town of NJack
sonville. The act to authorize Dalles
city to dispose of certain lands, and the
act to incorporate town of Lebonon;
were read first time. !
H. B. 10 To prevent the employ
ment of Chinese on public works; and
the bill to protect stock growing inter
ests; read second time, the latter ordered
to third reading to-morrow.
Seraie concurred in joint memorial
for the establishment of a harbor of
refuge at Port Orford. And with reso
lution to expel the saloon from Capitol
The House resolution requiring two
thirds vote for the introduction of bills
after 30th day of session; laid on table.
House memorial for an extension of
time to the N. P. R. R.; referred to
committee on railroads. r .
Memorial for the opening of the
Umatilla reservation; referred to com
mittee on Federal relations. ,
Senate concurred in House resolution
to procure copy of procedings had by
representatives of general government,
and the State, with the Umatilla Indians,
From citizens of Harrisburg for
amendment of charter;
From citizens of Benton county for
an appropriation to defray expenses of
survey of swamp land at Alsea. ,
From citizens of Yamhill county for
repeal of fence law.
of following import:
JSy Waldo To provide for clearing
streams of drift wood.
Lord To repeal law for appointment
of the State Librarian, and allowing
supreme court to appoint . . .
George To amend law relating to j
corporations. - y. -
Thompson To prevent spread of con
tagious diseases among domestic animals.
George To amend the school laws.
Myers For relief of W. W. Beck.
Apperson To amend laws for collec
tion of taxes.
Cochran For relief of :; certain pur
chasers at public sales. ; t
Davidson To amend laws for taxa
tion. .'':.".
Bilyeu To amend law relating to
elections of justices of the peace.
George For relief of W. S. Horn.
Haley To regulate the employment
of convicts.
Bradshaw To amend Sec 115, page
329, civil code. V ' , f
Burnett To permit foreign corpora
tions to do business in the State, on
same basis as domestic; find another to
regulate actions against such foreign
corporations and bill to punish tres
pass. Adjourned.
" House.
of following import:
By Lee To amend the law relating
to disturbances of religious meetings.
Kohler To fix fees o. jurors and
Bewley To fix boundaries between
Yamhill and Tillamook counties.
Broback To prevent bulls from run
ning at large.
Hughes To adopt a uniform series
of school books for the State.
Thompson To repeal the law estab
lishing a land office at La Grande.
Scott To provide for taxing of mort
Campbell To appropriate $30,000
for paymert of expenses of this legisla
ture. . : :.. .
The bill authorizing IL T. Hill to
build booms and exclusively use Luck
iamute; referred to committee on internal
improvements. Bills to provide for the
construction of a fish way at Oregon
city falls; to committee on commerce.
To legalize certain roads in Curry
county; ordejed to third reading to
morrow. ; Bill to regulate practice of
medicine; referred to special committee
of Hewitt, Green, Reed, Acton and
Rinehart To provide for additional
justices and .constables; to committee
on elections. To amend charter of town
of Gervais; read by title.
From Portland Board of Trade, for an
act authorizing N. P. R. R. to build
through the State.
From citizens of Warner valley in
Grant county, asking to be annexed to
Wrvs and means RDorted back the
bill for defraying expenses of centeninal
sxhibit with recommendation that it be
an . 1 i An wt.AlA
reterrw tt t a t
' xout recommendation.
evances; wibusr i
OI TJlo ucHve. rajt -
K .1 ! mBnminr. fit
action w rw)t ca
amendments, which were adopted.
HouBe in the committee of the whole
it. i.:n ilinor for the completion
of the capital building, consumed the
whole aiternoon iu iui"""- . .
After the committee read a resolution
to meet the Woman Suffrage Associa
tion, . and hear arguments; adopted.
Fourteenth Day, Sept 26th.
Senate bills To amend the act to
prevent swine from running at large; to
special committee. ; An act to redis
tiict the State; to judiciary committee.
To amend Sec. 313, of civil code; . to ju
diciary committee. Act to amend pri
vate incorporation law; to judiciary
committee. To amend Sec. 1,051 of
civil code; to judiciary committee. To
amend Sec. 575 civil code; to judiciary
committee. S. B. 77- To amend school
law; to committee on education. To
amend Sea 44, title 4, chapter 11, civil
code; to judiciary committee. -; . To
authorize sale of duplicates in State
library; to judiciary committee. To re
peal the act creating board of canal
commissioners; - to committee on com
merce. - BILLS PASSED.
S. B. 5 To leaglize election of jus
tices of the peace, in Yamhill county.
S. B. 82 -To repeal act authorizing
Jacob Fleischner to erect water works
in city of Albany.
On Lords bill for an act to secure
just division of debtor's estates occupied
the time of the Senate during the most
of the morning session. Adjourned till
10 A. M. 27th.
House. :
Action of yesterday on the bill to pro
vide for purchase of proceedings of
Umatilla council; recommended and bill
laid on table.
of following import:
By Stearns For an act to amend
school laws.
Galloway To regulate foreigh corpo
rations doing business in the State.
Starkweather To provide for fixed
salaries, for county clerks and sheriffs
in certain' counties.
Schroeder To repeal Sec. 946, title 1,
chapter 1 3, civil code. ,
Acton For purchase of the Quackin
bush patent shackles, for use of State
Campbell To provide for the pur
chase and distribution of 200 copies of
supreme court reports, volume 1, at cost
of $1,200.
Hughes To amend the act creating
board of canal commissioners.
Thompson To more clearly define
duties i if assessors, and provide for ap- .
pointment of deputies. , ? ;
By Starkweather Requiring state
ment of accounts of canal commission
ers, and to see if the ten per cent due
the State has been paid ; adopted.
Thompson Requiring State Treasu
rer to render his account for the last two
years; adopted.
Thompson Requiring school land
commissioners to make similar report;
adopted. , -
To repeal act authorizing Jacob
Fleischner to erect water works in the
city of Albany. ' .
Bill legalizing election of certain jus
tices of the peace in Yamhill county.
Of special committee on canal commis
sioners shows the following bill of ex
pense on that account : Allen Parker,
President, $1,804 32 ; James Tatem,
,180 82; B. Jennings, $951 82 ; W.
P. Conway, Secretary, $1,712 33; W.
lx White, Secretary, $625; total, $6,
274 29. '
Bill to provide for construction of por
tage railroad between Celilo and Dalles
City ; referred to committee on internal
IL B. 75 To amend school laws ; to
committee on education. I
To change the boundaries of Lake
county; to special committee.
IL B. To prevent the abuse of cor
porate powers ; to judiciary committee.
House adjourned till 7 o clock Jr. M.
Was devoted to discussion in the
committee of the whole, on the appro
priation for Capitol building fund. The
committee decided upon $20,000, as the
sum necessary, and reported an amend
ment to that effect to the original bilL
which was adopted. Adjourned.
Fifteenth Day, Sept 27th.
S. B. 9 To secure a just division
of estates of debtors. S. B. 12 For
an act4o promote medical science. S.
B. & To amend the city charter of
The morning session was taken up in
discussion on the Portland bridge bill,
and resulted in the adoption of an amend
ment or substitute offered by the com
mittee, to which the bill was referred.
S. Bs. 9, 12, 18, were read first time.
Most of the session was taken up
with reports of committees without im
portant action on any.
A resolution was introduced for the
appointment of a committee to wait on
Postmaster General Key on his arrival
in the State.
Sixteenth Day, Sept 30th.
Fulton To amend an act to re-district
the State; ordered engrossed and read
third time to-morrow.
Fulton S. B. 7, from committee on
commerce, with two amendments; was
aAnnkA and ordered engrossed.
Hiraoh To create the office of fish
mmmiasionwt! ordered engrossed.
Roos S. B 52, for the destruction of
noxious weeds; engrossed, ,
Colvig S. B. 47, relating to mining;
House bills 6, 8, 24, 31, 34, and 47
referred to committees.
Bill to restore Umpqua County; re
ferred to the judiciary committee. To
amend divorce laws; to judiciary com
mittee. Relating to courts charging
juries; to judiciary committee. Amend
ing the charter of the Dalles city; to
corporation committee. To provide for
contests for lands by State land commis
sioners; to judiciary committee. To
prevent employment of minors in saloons;
to committee on internal improvements.
Fixing rate of interest at 7 or 8 per
cent; to special committee of Bardley,
Ramsby. Rinehart, Carter and Town-
send. Appropriating $10,000 to build
school; to committee on education. To
regulate practice of dentistry; to special
committee of Reed, Dorris, Green Curtis
and Wintzingerode. H. B. 91, relating
to duties of assessors; to special com
mittee of Hughes, Rinehart and Scott
Use of streams for canals; ordered en
grossed. To encourage the building of
narrow track railroads; to committee on
internal, improvements. For improve
ment in breed of cattle and hogs; to
committee on counties. , For recovering
damage to personal property by private
corporations; to committee on corpora
tions. Providing for county teachers'
institute; to committee on education.
Appropriating $2,400 annually to State
University; to committee on education.
Providing for legal location of ditches
and dams. Providing for payment of
costs in actions against Indian Crimi
nals; to committee on Indian aflairs.
H. B. 100, relating to elections; to com
mittee on elections. H. B. 101, re
lating to railroad corporations; to com
mittee on corporations.
H. B. 102--Relating to duties of as
sessors. Bill for relief of Lake county
from payment of taxes collected by Jack
son county; to committee on counties.
H B. 104- Relating to taxation; to
special committee. Bill repealing law
creating office of Assistant Secretary of
State; considered engrossed. To provide
a fund for building a railroad around
the Cascades; to committee on railroads.
H. B. 121 Regulating foreign corpora
tions; to committee on corporations. The
bill requiring reports from county courts;
to committee on counties. Portland
bridge bill; ordered engrossed. Bill to
regulate water rates in cities; considered
engrossed. Bill fixing salary of assessor
of Multnomah county at $2,700; consid
ered engrossed.
Bill appropriating $20,000 for the
completion of the Capitol building,
Senate Bills No. 6 For the adjudi
cation of claims against the State; No.
To recover a just division of the es
tate of debtors; No. 12 To promote
medical science; No. 18 Amending
charter of Albany; No. 33 To prevent
sale of arms and liquors to Indians, and
JN o. 82 Kepeaung law giving J . t leish
ner right to erect water works in Albany
were read second time and referred to
appropriate committees. Adjourned.
" Seventeenth Day, Oct 1st
.- Senate. :.
Resolution to have Capitol building
and furniture insured; lost by vote of 16
nays to 13 yeas. S. B. 23, was amended
to read: "The property and pecuniary
rights of every married woman at the
time of her marriage, or afterward, ac
quired by gift, devise or inheritance,
shall not be subject to the debts or con
tracts of her husband." S. B. 44, To
repeal the act providing for traveling
expenses of justices of supreme court
came up and caused a lengthy discussion,
pending which the Senate adjourned.
Bill under consideration indefinitely
postponed. .
S. Bs.. to amend Sec. 766. title 7.
To amend See's. 166, 167, chapter 10,
title 1, of civil code; were ordered en
S. B. 39. to amend laws relating to
conveyances by executors and adminis
trators tor a. U. zs: and ordered en
grossed. S. B. 64, providing for laborer's
Hen substituted tor o. 5. 20; and or
dered engrossed.
Georee s bill for the establishment of
house of correction; ordered engrossed.
Burnett s, to amend Sec. 575, title 1,
chapter 7, of civil code, and Brown's
amending act resulatins times and ulaces
for holding courts. S. Bs. To amend
Sec. 57o, title 1, chapter 7, of civil code.
George s bill to amend Sec" - 313. of
civil code Bill to authorize sale of
duplicates in State library; 7 4, to amend
an act providing tor private corporations.
JJiil to amend Sec loo and 17o, of civil
code and bill 16, to amend civil code:
ordered engrossed.
S. B. 2 To amend Sec 4, title 2,
chapter 1, of civil code; laid on table.
' House. ..:
II. B. 3 Making five grand jurors
competent to find indictment, and three
fourths of jury to find verdict, was put
upon final passageandlost by three votes.
H. B. 4 To prevent conveyances to
others than citizens of the State to give
U. S. courts jurisdiction in contested
law cases ; read a third time and re
ferred to judiciary committee. '
IL B. 12 To punish persons pro
voking breaches of the peace ; indefinite
ly postponed. .
H. B. 14 Protecting earnings of
debtors for thirty days from execution of
IL B. 23 Repealing Umatilla and
w asco ience law.- , , i
II. B. 28 Incorporating town of In
H. B. 37 To protect public and pri
vate bridges.
H. B. 39 Amending law defining
mining claims to conform to U. S. laws
on same subject
II. B. 46 To prevent branding of
stock while running at large was lost,
and IL B. 48, to regulate rate of inter
est ; postponed.
; IL B. 49 To' regulate common car
riers; sent back to committee.
IL B. 50 Requiring license fee of
$150 from liquor dealers, and making it
necessary for the applicant for a license
to secure the signatures of a majority of
me legal votes according to poll books,
came np, and after a crood deal of dis
cussion, passed by a vote of 86 to 20,
four members absent "
The bill defining the boundary line
between Grant and Baker Counties, also
passed. Also bill 61, legalizing roads
in Curry County.
H. B. b4 Kesrardinsr hides of slaugh
tered animals to be exposed in a public
placofor ten days; was taken up dis
cussed and lost
H. B. 105 To repeal the act creatinff
Assistant Secretary of State, caused
lengthy discussion and some, filibuster-
ing. House adjourned without takinc
action on the bilL
A Ijtrjfe Claim. """"
New York, Sept. 25. The Worhr Wash
ington special says: It is said that Theophile
Landreau, of France, and John C. Landreau.
of New Orleans, will file a claim with Congress
at ics next session to collect a vast sum ot
money from the Peruvian Government
Nearly half a century ago the Government of
Peru made a law offering to any one who
should makfl new discoveries to add to the
wealth of the country one-third of such dis
coveries. Theophile : Landreau, a scientist
and explorer, discovered deposits of guano in
rem irom which the Uovernment derived
millions of dollars revenue. , Landreau's claim
of the discovery was recognized in 1863, but
the Government was unable to pay one-third
interest in the discoveries and a compromise
was agreed upon. : J ust as the claim was about
to be settled the 1'ardo revolution broke out
and the national treasury was exhausted in
trying to suppress it Since then the chronic
revolutions of the country have prevented the
aiscoverer irom settling nis ciarm. Jonn i.
Landreau is a brother ot Theophile. aud ad
vanced him money to prosecute his discovery,
receiving in return a half interest in the pros
pective rewards. As Landreau ot Tsew Or
leans is a naturalized citizen of the United
States, he claims the assistance of this Gov
ernment to aid him in the collection of his
money. The full amount of Landreau's claim
is said to be over 1100,000,000, but claimants
are willing to make a compromise with Peru
tor a portion of that sum.
I A Good Showing. ;
New York. Sept 23. The annual meeting
of the stockholders of the Northern Pacific
Railroad Company was held to-day. The
annual report of the directors was read,
showing that the business of the road was in
creasing satisfactorily. The following is a
lhe gross earning of the year were 51,19.1-
318, and the expenses were $631,302, leaving
a net balance of $562,079, or a net increase of
$169,381 over last year. The several divis
ions of the road have been operated with
out accident and maintained in good or
der, and the condition of the road is fully np
to the average of railroads in the country. On
account of wear and tear. 140 miles ot new
rails will soon have to be laid between Brai
nerd and Fargo. The operations of the land
department have been active, three-quarters
of a million of acres being disposed ot The
report says that in nine counties in Minnesota
and seven counties of Dakota intersected by
this road, the area under cultivation this year
was 250,000 acres, of which 185,000 acres were
in wheat; and the new breaking already ac
complished in tne same counties win add
133,000 acres for the next year's crop. Popu
lation has increased 40 per cent in nine
months, and the wheat product lias been most
bountiful. For sale of 749,633 acres of land
there were received 83,379,432, and timber
gales in the Minnesota and Pacific divisions
have realized $24,350.
' Disastrous Boiler Explosion.
Atxkxtown. ' Pa.. Sent. 25. Bv the ex
plosion of a boiler to-day at a school slate fac
tory, Frank Kennel, engineer, was instantly
killed, ex-Constable William Hunt badly
wounded, and several others injured. The
engine and wash houses were completely
An "Incident" From Wyoming;.
Fort Fktterman. Sept 26. The mail from
McKinney was jumped this afternoon about
22 miles north of here by 12 masked men.
They succeeded in surprising the two soldiers
who were acting aa escort, and getting the
drop on them before they had an opportunity
to draw their weapons. The horses and arms
of the cavalrymen were taken and the mail
thoroughly ransacked, lillotson & Snyder,
post traders here and at McKinney, were pas
sengers on the mail wagon, but caving been
robbed of upwards of $300 a few days before
while on their way irom old Aiciunney to
the new post on Clear Fork, the highwaymen
ecured very little booty from them. 1 ins
part of Wyoming is infested with - horse
thieves, robbers and scoundrels at the present
A Fortune on Paper, Sold Cheap.
New Yokk,: Sept 27. A claim for $260,000
against the Indianapolis, Bloom in gton and
Western Railway Company was sold at auction
yesterday for $13.
' An Exploring; Ship Returned. -
The U. S. steamer Enterprise, commander
Selfridge, arrived off the Brooklyn navy yard
yesterday afternoon after a voyage of five
months exploring the Amazon and its princi
pal tributaries, more particularly Madeira.
Capt Selfridge says that the exploration was
a perfect a iceess. The Madeira was found
navigable for 500 miles, and the captain adds:
"We found the volume of the Amazon to be
7,000,000 cubic feet a second, and if the Mis-
sissippi were nowing into it would not raise
it surface perceptibly."
Murdered by a Chinaman.
- Bradford, Sept 27. Harrison Edgar
threw an apple core at the window of a Chi
nese laundry to-day, and one of the Chinamen
fatally sUbbed him. The murderer was ar
rested. '
The Reffnlar Bobbery at Beadwood.
Deadwood, Sept 27. A treasure coach of
the Cheyenne and Black Hills stage line that
left here yesterday morning was stopped by
five armed men at 'Canyon Springs,' 45 miles
south of here at 2 o'clock P. M.- Two mes
sengers, Capt, Smith and Gale Hill were seri
ously wounded, and one passenger. B. O.
Campbell, a telegraph ; operator, was killed.
Capt Smith was slightly hurt by Jall graa
ins the ton of his head, rendering hint in
sensible. Scott Davis escaped unhurt Two
of the robbers were badly wounded, r One was
shot by Davis, the other by Gale HilL who
fired through a window after being hurt
The coach was run into the timber, and but
a short time was occupied in opening the
safe, which contained &,UUV in gold bullion,
some gold jewelry and a small amount of
currency, all ot which was secured by the
robbers.-. .
National Financial Hatters.
Washington, Sep. 29. The treasury now
holds $349,306,050 in U. S. bonds to secure
national bank circulation, and $12,858,400 in
U. S. bonds to secure public deposits; U. S.
bonds deposited to secure subscriptions to 4
per cent, bonds, $5,858,400; U. S. bonds de
posted for circulation for the week ending to
day, $750,000; U. a bonds held for bank cir
culation withdrawn during the week ending
to-day, $897,000. National bank circulation
outstanding: currency notes, $331,782,836;
gold notes, 11,452,920; internal revenue,
$352,402; customs, $537,031. National bank
notes received for redemption for the week
ending to-day compared with corresponding
period last year (1877) $3,861,000; 1878, $4,
215,000. ; Subscriptions to the 4 per cent,
loan, to-day were $537,000. ; The secretary of
the treasury has appointed a committee to exr
amine and take an account of the special pa
per lor the U. S. notes and all other securities
whether partially printed or complete, held
by the bureau of engraving and printing.
The result of the couut will be completed,
and to be correct the quantity must agree
with the accounts of the division of loans and
currency in the secretary's office. The count
will be commenced on Monday morning.
The appointment of a successor to Mr. Mc
Phcrson, chief of the bureau, has not yet been
t ire at East St. Leal. -
Twelve buildings were destroyed by fire at
East St Louis last night Also a large lot of
lumber, one locomotive and several freight,
cars. Loss estimated at $150,000.
The Posse Comitatns Clause.
Washington, Sept. 28. Among the em
barrassments growing out of the posm com
italu close in the army appropriation bill, dis
cussed in the cabinet yesterday in addition to
Pacific Railway matters, were the cases which
have recently occurred- one in Aikansas and
the other in Texas. In Arkansas the U. S.
marshal appealed to the commanding officer
at Fort Concho for a military escort to pro
tect him in the arrest of an alleged murderer
who had taken refuge in the Indian Territorj ."
The request was referred to Gen. Ord, who
declined to furnish the troops, and in turn
referred the request to Washington for specific
instructions. The other case was the applica
tion for the U. S. marshal of Texas to Colonel
Shafter for troopsto assist him in arresting
parties charged with the organization of an
expedition to invade Mexico. This request
was also declined and referred to Washington.
Cases were also mentioned in which the au
thorities might be unable to enforce the neu
trality laws. The subject was not finally dis
posed of, but it is probable that instructions
will be issued to military commanders author
izing them to act with previous authority!
from Washington, and upon their own re
sponsibility, when they may be in possession
of evidence that the neutrality laws are to be
violated. .. . ;
An Enlistment Labor Scheme. ' .
Washington, Sept. 28. A pew association
is forming here known as the enlisted labor
association. It is proposed to urge upon
Congress the passage of a law by which 100,
000 volunteers may be enlisted for five years;
for military and agricultural purposes, on a
reservation of ' the Government Twelve
skilled mechanics or artisans are to be in
each company, and one regiment of each
corps is to be of engineers exclusively. As
soon as 10,000 men shall be enlisted they
shall be sent to a reservation, and upon their
arrival shall lay out a city and begin the
erection of suitable quarters for permanent
settlement preparing ground for agricultural
purposes, and developing the mineral resour
ces of the country. Each corps is to be fur
nished by the Government with seeds, stock,
farming implements and tools. Volunteers
are to receive the same pay as regular sol
diers, and every, person so enlisting shall,
upon honorable discbarge, be entitled to a
patent for 160 acres of land, as now provided
for by the homestead act or to one lot within
the limits of the city, as he may elect. Every
alternate lot is to be reserved to the United
States. , '
An Advance In Ministerial Morals.
Columbus, Sept. 29. The Ohio M. E. Con
ference to-day adopted the report of the com
mittee dismissing Rev. F. A. Spencer from
the ministry for immoral conduct and Rev.
J. K. Davis for nnministerial conduct Notice
for appeal in Spencer's case was filed. : Reso
lutions were, adopted condemning the use of
tobacco, and requiring that all applicants for
orders in the conference shall be free from
this habit - : "
Bis; Walklnsr Match. ;
Nw -York, Sept 30. At 1 o'clock this
morning Daniel O'Leary and John Hughes
commenced their six days' tramp at Giliey's
farden. The contest is for the Sir John
1'Astley belt $1,000 and the championship
of the world. : Up to 10 A. M. Hughes,
within 8 hours, 25 minutes and 48 seconds
from the time of starting, had accomplished
50 miles, while O'Leary had just completed
us 4;tn mile; time, if hours, 7 minutes and
6 seconds. Hughes started off on a run while
O'Leary commenced with a steady, elastic
walk. At 4 r. M. O'Leary had walked 72
miles and Hughes 78. Both men will keep on
walking until 1 o'clock to-morrow morning.
Betting is three to one on O'Leary.
Congressman Aeblln in Trouble. j
New York, Sept. 30. The Times' New Or
leans special says: The death of Harry Smith
List evening brought Hon. J. H. Acklin again
into unpleasant prominence. About three
years ago scandal was rife on Bayou Teche in
which Acklin and a young woman connected
with the Palfrey family, one of the oldest in
the State, were implicated. It was publicly
stated that Acklin seduced her and then mar
ried her to his hostler to cover up the crime.
It is certain that the hostler married her and
brought her to this city and then deserted her.
Not long after a child was born. The affair
was generally discussed and Acklin severely
censured. He, however, produced certain
affidavits from the girl and her mother setting
forth that the alleged outrage was a fabrica
tion. The matter then dropped.: .About three
months ago Acklin and Smith bad some trou
ble about a publication bearing upon the
Washington scandal. Shortly afterwards
Smith heard of the presence in the town of
the girl above alluded to and sought ber out
She was in an impoverished condition and
Smith offered her shelter in his house. Shortly
after she contracted the fever and died. Be
fore she died, however, according to Smith's
statement she gave him an affidavit duly
sworn to before a justice of the peace to the
effect that Acklin bad drugged her ith wine
and seduced her. Last Sunday evening Smith
told a Times correspondent in the presence of
witnesses that be not only had that affidavit
but others, clearly, proving Acklin's guilt
These documents he said he would produce
before the Democratic State central committee
and make Acklin retire irom the ticket On
Tuesday Smith contracted the fever, but was
doing well up to Friday . morning. At that
time a member of the Democratic State, cen
tral committee called upon him bearing ath1-
davits that Acklin had obtained for his de
fence and asked Smith for proofs of his charge.
Smith became greatly excited, relapsed and
died within a few hours. Before his death,
however, a justice of the peace, at his own re
quest it is said, put all his effects under seal,
in which condition they will remain until ex.
amined by an administrator. Acklin averred
to your correspondent that the affair, was an
attempt at blackmail. ; There has been consid
erable talk in the city over the affair, and an
examination of Smith's effects is waited for
with intense interest. Smith churned that the
affidavits in AckhnV-poasession; were partly
forgeries and partly obtained, by hush money.
The affair is decidedly the sensation of the
city at present, An attempt was made hut
night to get the child of the dead girl away
from her colored nurse at Smith's house, but
it was frustrated, i
A Fight with Indiana.
Chicago, Oct 1. Gen. Sheridan has a dis
patch from Gen. Pope stating- that a 'detach
ment of the Fourth Cavalry, under command
of Capt Mauck, had an engagement with In
dians on the 28th in the canyons of Famished
Woman's Fork, near Fort Wallace, Kansas.
Lieut CoL W. H. Lewis, of the Eighteenth
Infantry, and three men were wounded. Only
one Indian was killed. CoL Lewis died of his
wounds on the 29th while en route to Fort
Wallace.', y :.;-".:..!
Heleased Fenians.
New York, Oct 1. The released Fenian
prisoners, Edward Condon and Patrick Mel
ody, arrived to-day on board the steamer
A sparge Meeting.
Richmond, Ind., Sept 30. Thirty thou
sand people attended divine Bervice at the
Indiana yearly meeting of the Orthodox So
ciety of Friends in this city to-day. Several
prominent English ministers were present
A Parricide Sentenced.
Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. I. In the su
perior court of Fairfield county this morning
Edwin Hoyt for the murder of his father in
Sherlan. June 23d, was sentenced to be hanged
on the 24th of October.
Memphis, Oct 1. To-day has been quiet;
32 deaths from yellow fever. 1 .
' National Bank Notes.
Washington, Oct 1. The amount of na
tional bank notes received at the treasury de
partment for redemption has increased con
siderably since the circular of the 24th inst,
which provides that from this date the
charges for transportation of these notes
must be paid by the parties making the re
mittances, instead of the banks issuing them.
A Picture to Move Kearney.
The Chinese minister and j his assitant
Yung Wing, have performed the usual diplo
matic courtesy of calling upon the several for.
eign ministers and leaving their cards, one in
Chinese and one in English. ; Sir Edward
Thornton was the first to return the visit of
the Chinese ministers. He received him in
his parlor aud the two drank tea together. - -
War Inevitable.!
London, Sept. 26. A dispatch from Cal
cutta says that when the British mission was
refused passage, the commandant at Alimusjed
told Major Carragnari that but for personal
friendship he would have shot him ou the
spot. War is believed to be inevitable. A
correspondent adds: "If it be true that the
commandant at Alimusjec, in the presence of
one of the ameer's most trusted servants,
threatened to shoot Major Carragnari, there
can be little doubt Sut that the threat was in
accordance with direct instructions from the
ameer." ,y . '
England will Make a Demand on Bassist.
The Telegraph says, Iord Augustus Loftus,
British ambassador at St Petersburg, left
Berlin for St Petersburg Tuesday. He
doubtless will demand an explanation and the
withdrawal of the Czar's agent from Calcutta
without delay. y
, BjrBossian Advice.
The Indian government has long had pos
session of 'documents and authentic copies of
letters advising Sbeere Ali in the name of the
Russians and by pen and voice of Russian
agents to adjust such dangerous policy as he
is now pursuing.
y-y TheMiMsion Broken np.
A Bombay dispatch says that no attempt
will be made to induce the ameer to receive a
British envoy. The mission is already broken
up, and Gen. Sir Neville Chamberlin has left
for Madrid.
y? Military Operation.
Another Bombay dispatch says that 8,000
men will start in a few days to strengthen the
force at Quetta.- It is considered certain that
a move will be made thence on Candahor.
which would cut off communications be twee j
Cabul and Herat Simultaneously with this
movement, 6,000 men will go to fcohat and
it is believed will enter Afghanistan by the
Koram valley, ; whilst a third column will
traverse Kbyber Pass. It is estimated that
there wilL be plenty of time for these opera
tions before snow falls.
Marine Disaster. ! . ..
The British ship Commerce, from Phila
delphia tor Antwerp, was sunk by a collision
off Hastings and two of the crew were
drowned. -' , j 1
The British steamer Yoxford, from New
York for Havre, was abandoned at sea. Her
crew arrived here safe. h
Austrian Occupation.
Vienna, Sept. 27. Owing to the difficulty
of transportation of the army, the occupation
of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be reduced to
a strictly necessary force. A considerable
share of local administration will be entrusted
to Mussulmen as a means of conciliating the
population, and an attempt will be made to
reach an understanding with the porte, which
will secure the latter's good offices. f ,
BuMla, England and the Afghans.
St. Petersburg, Sept 29. It is officially
denied that Russia had anything to do with
the ameer's rejection of the British mission.
It is stated in official quarters that the conjec
tures of the English . press to that effect are
merely the outcome of the antagonism exist
ing during the late war, when it was admitted,
in consequence of reports that England was
attempting to create difficulties in Bokhara
and elsewhere, that Russia took various
measures and contemplated several expedi
tions to reconnoitre neighboring territories,
which, however, were countermanded at the
first sign of the congress resulting in peace.
A Financial Commission Proposed. :
Steps are being taken to create a financial
commission in which there will be an Ottoman
President and two foreign Vice Presidents
one English and another French. 1
The Ketirlng British Fleet.
Constantinople, Sept .30. The British
fleet left Princess Island Saturday forenoon,
and after appearing for a short time at the
entrance of the Bosphorus to salute the Turk
ish flag, proceeded to Artaki Bay. ':.;;
Disregarding the Treaty Flat Money
n Turkey. . ; j.;'-
Constantinople, Oct 1. Prince Itondon
koff, Karsakoff, the Russian governor of Bul
garia, has refused to recognize the nineteenth
article of the treaty of Berlin, intrusting the
administration bt the finances of Eastern Bou
rn elia to an international commission ap
pointed for the organization of that province.
The alarmingly great depression of paper
money continues and causes the most serious
apprehension. , At the beirinnine of last week
it had. only about one-third of its nominal
value, and since that time has fallen nearly 7
per cent In all probability it will fall much
Jower, for it is no longer accepted in pay
ment of tithes, and is consequently flowing
into Constantinople from all sides. The Sultan
has given strict orders that energetic meas
ures at once be taken for that purpose, and
has " nominated a commission with little
probability, however, of aay practical result
Delenaea of India.
: London. Sept 80. A correspondent at
Calcutta telegraphs as follows: Unless Sheere
Ali gives us satisfaction, the present occas
ion, will be seized to secure ourselves the
passes piercing the mountain ranges along the
whole frontier, from the Khybar to the Bolan
and further strategic measures will be adopted
to dominate the Sulieman range and the Hin
doo Koosb, Mountains. - ,
The A&ban .War.
London, Oct L TelegraphUs dispatches
from India leave little room for hope that the
Afghan ai&cuiry wu be arranged peaceably.
The government is bastenkg military prepar
ations. Troops are being collected from all
sides aud sent to various pt inta on the north
west frontier of India. y ;
A Protest from Hungary.
' Pesth, Sept 30. Hnnga"ian radicals held
a mass meeting here to-day to protest against
occupation of Bosnia. Resolutions were unan
imdusly adopted declaring the occupation of
Bosnia by Austria fatal to t te Hungarian na
tion and demanding the Ydthdrawal of the
army of Bosnia.
Tbe last Stronghold Tahen. -
ViEjfSA, Oct 1. General Jovanovich telo.
graphg that on Saturday, th it after Jive days
of violent bombardment, I luback, the last
reiuge of the Uerzegovmtar insurgents, sur
rendered, havica! made a brave defense. The
destruction of the fortified rock was imme
diately commenced. The Austrian loss wag
trifling. -
: Troop Keeat ed. .
General Philloppovich, re jlvins to an in. :
quiry from the war department, state that
three divisions can be recalled from Bosnia by
the. end of October. The reserve force of the
con Mi of observation will u'.mn Ka fnrlnnV.o.l
and a number of horses (scut home.
Estate of the Dead Bonanza King.
Saw Francisco, Sept L Cornelius O'Con-
nor, C. McDelaney and IL W. Webb, who
were appointed to appraise t le estate of the
late W. S. O'Brien, to-day filad an inventory
in the probate court showing the value of the
estate to be a, boo, toy 7 y. The property
consists principally a follows: ileal estate,
$229,493 50; furniture and paintings, $26
353 85; books, $29,350;- cash balance in Ne
vada bank, $58,358 01; jeweW, $79,400; one
third interest in the .firm of Eing, Plum 4;
O'Brien, $20,000; interest in the firm of
Flood & O'Brien, $2,377,900; 2,375 shares in.
the Nevada Bank, valued at f 140 a share, $3,
325,000; 2,500,000 4fc per cent. U. a bonds,
valued at $102 50 a share, $2,202,250; 100
shares Gas Co. stock, $92,500; 1,500 shares cf
Pacitic Mill and Mining Co., $180,875; 250
shares Pacific Wood and Luuiler Co., $15,450;
937i shares Golden . City Chemical Works,
$87,500; 3,9S4f shares m tl e Virginia Gld
Hill Water Co., $99,609 35. The inventory .
also includes notes for $400, OCO, among which
are two notes on Maurice D we for 250,000
and $56,830 respectfully. The majority of
the remaining notes are marked of no value.
The Sutter street homestead property, which,
is valued in the inventory tt $160,000, was
purchased from Senator Share n for $232,000.
There is no account in the inventory of min
ing stock held by deceased, the will having
expressly directed the executors to sell them
as soon after his death as possible, and the en
try showing the $250,000,000 in U. S. bcrnd
is supposed to represent the aciouiit for wfikb.
the stocks were sold. i J
' ' ; Payment of Mexican Claims.
Under the convention betwaenthe United
States and the Mexican Re public 'July 4,
1866, claimants against Mexi-o are now be
ginning to receive out ef the t rat two install
ments of $300,000 cash already paid over to
our Government by Mexico, the pro Tata of
their respective awards. C. A. McNuIty,
attorney for Some of thechimants on tbs
coast received yesterday the iirst gold draft
from the secretary of state of the United
States in part payment of one uf these claims,
amounting to 14 percent of thseum awarded. .
. : . Better than Insaa tty.
San Fbasctsco, Sept 26.-Dr. O'Doanell. . -who
was arrested for bsfcruc ing the street
by the exhibition of lepers on two oecasior s,
was before the city criminal s urt tliia morn
ing on hearing of the first cl :ar?e. - l'e ap
peared, bringing with him five Chinese tajera
toshowthe court and jury. .The ecmiVi'a
mediately ordered the case con; inuetL and the
lepers were hustled out witbuut ceremony.
Subsequently, the ' second c larga Eaiast
the doctor was called and dismissed m-
stanter. ... v
A Forger's peratl hi.
Yesterday an expert forsrer. described as a
youbg man of about 22 years of age, oLtjiael
$9,000 from W. & Hopkins, broker, ou a
check which had been altered 1 1 that amount
from $19 75-100. The check was signed by
ronton, uonnes at Co., lumber dealers, l ie
signature was genuine, the triginal chock
Having Deen procured irom thi firm in the
way of business. Several othe r suudl swin
dles of the same nature and by the same
party have come to light '
' Mexican Bandits. . :
San Francisco, Sept' 30. A letter from
Tucson, Arizona, dated 21st last, to John
Sevenoaks, of San Jose, brings news that two
of the murderers of ex-Sheriff J. H. Adams
and ex-County Clerk Finlay, of that city,
had been shot As previously titated, the as
sassins were Mexicans who bad been engaged
in placer mining near the scene of the trag
edy. After the murder they started for the
Mexican border, and were traced to Santa
Cruz, just over the line in Socora. Officers
received assistance of the authorities at that
place, and after a sharp fight the two were
captured. After beicz taken before the gov
ernor of Sonora they confessed their crimo
and gave particulars and wheabt uts of others.
Gov. Don Marescal condemned them to be "
shot hen taken these men hid the pistols
of Messrs. Adams and Finlay on their per
sons, it is prooaoie tne remain) ng criminals
have been captured before this mid will share
the same fate. ;
: Ho Wenla to Bee for llimaelC.
Virginia, Sept 30. Capt John" Rally
made an attempt to visit the C phir mine to
day, having a legal permit made out under the
law authorizing holders of 1 per cent, of stock
to inspect mines on the 30th of each month.
Patton, acting under instructions, refused to
let him in. Kelly swore out a .warrant and
Patton has been arrested, v Tlere is much
excitement over the affair. Kally was in
dorsed to-day. Sierra Nevada will be in
spected by experts. ,
Ills Turs Next. A boy came np in -the
Picayune office to insert a death no
tice the other evening. He said to the
gentleman having charge of the' adver
tising department; "Another one gone; "
that makes eight" 'What do you
mean?" asked the gentleman.: The bey
answered : "I mean, thai is the eighth
one of my family that has died live
brothers and three sisters, v I wonder
who will come next!" "How many are
left?" -"Only me," ho replied, as Lo
went out .
The new iore. beinsr fond of avdet.
has ordered all the females to be re
moved from the Vatican.
"No dead fish are allowed to be soU
in Germany." " The Germanii buy their
salt mackelel alive, but it is a puzzle to
Know now tney keep Ear lines from
dying when so many are x kol La &
A Bergen county man j! sar4t!y pc t
down at breakfast, and hid oviruj irifi
said: "DarU.og, does yourbad Llei
He replied with suSieient dignity, '."No;
why should you ask?1; AM she said
back, "WelL dear, you cam! coma tt
three o'clock this morning. I m l as you
couldn't hang your hat on th i rack, yea
put the rack down oa tie Cocr, et:1
said you'd hang every Lat in tie ky,- s
on it, and I thought your fcU nr li
ache.' J