The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, September 28, 1878, Image 2

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    .SEPT. 23, 1878
Salem, Sept. 26, 1878.
Oar law-makers are still at work,
and the clerks ox the various
-committees ave a little more
than p.eutj to do. Oue hundred
ai;d six bills have been introduscd
in the House up to the present
.lime, and there ate t..mre to
"follow. Sorely, i 'one half or
thesebecome laws Oregon will be
goyernea too mqcn.
' You have doubtless learned :
the provisions of the bill intro
duced by Representative Camp"
bell m relation to the propoid
division of Douglau couuly, and
tt is needier for me to speak tur
ther upon the subject than to re
mark that it will pass both lion
ot the Legislature, and become a
law, unless there is a strong re
monstrance against it from Dug
las. The tact that the people do
not show an objection to its pas
sage Will be taken a evidence
-j - -
v.icv iuvjt mo in iuywi 'i it, auu
air owk in . i trtn .
unaer tnese ; circumstances our
people should act a best suits
their wishes
The raorft important bill to tax
payers yet introduced is that ot
Senator George, oi Multnomah,
to "provide for equal end uniform
taxation, and lor the equalization
of State taxation among the sev
eral counties of the State." The
, bill provides for the appointment
by the Governor of a State Tax
Jymmissioner, who shall assess,
for State purposes, all property
not exempt by the law. The
Commissioner is to have a gecers
al supervision of rail assessments,
and instruct the assessors and
cordmg to the strict cash value
ot all property. After the time
-allowed for the hearing of com
plaints ot overvaluations, and the
Commissioner ; has notified the
people of the various counties of
the equalized aggregates of the
assessable property in each coun
ty, the' Secretary, of State is re
qu;red ' in the first one of the two
intervening years between the
regular sessions of the Lcgislatuje
-to apportion to uacn connty its
proportion thereof of the aggre
gate of all appropriations niade
Jor that year out of the general
fund during the ei tire session of
the proceeding Legislature, ac
; -cording to the proportion which
the equalizad assessment of each
; -county bears to equalized assess
men? of all the counties in the ag
' gregate, and to notify the County
Cl rfc ot each county of tho
amount apportioned, and the
amount apportioned to each coun
ty shall be deemed a tax levied on
'the real and personal property
.therein, which amount the county
vshall pay to the State of Oregon
as taxes are now paid, and the tax
, shall be applied mly on the sep
arate specific appropriations of the
session of the Legislature, and the
'I 1
next year 4io shall apportion the
uremstiiHtg appropriati -lis made ly
ithe Legislature out ot th9 geperal
ifund for the second year, accrd
l ing to tneamo provisions in ev
jery respect as with the appropna
J tio ot the first year by the Leg
islature;: and in c'se of any ap
propriations of the general fund auy called Beasion ot the
Legislature, in either of the two
years, tho same shall also" be ap
portioned at any time thereafter
according to tbe same provisions
and with like force and effect."
The purpose ot the bill is, as all
will see, to prevent the State from
adding to the indebtedness ot the
State, and for equal and just tax
ation. ' It can be 3aid iu eonnec
tion with this bill, that without
an increase of indebtedness there
can bt no increase of interest, an i
, that it will have the effect, in the
end, to forbid uncalled-for or ex
perimental . appropriations, since
every member, of the , State will
more directly, with this bll a part
I or te.Stitttte, feeltbatwhen he
votes to appropriate the puVHe
''.'onejrVhe'yqtcf. ;t increase bis
own taxes in proportion and' at
There are several propositions
under consideration for the future
care -of the insane of our State.
One is, that the preseut price of
keeping them shall be reduced
the matter ot 50 ceuts per per
son per week; another is to ap
propriate moneys for the erec
tion ot an asylum on the
Penitentiary grounds; a third,
effect a contract for their keeping
tor tour years more ; a fourth, to
compel each couuty to take care
ot its own insane. The State is
too deeply v debt to think' of
building an an asvlum at the
Penitentiary, or any other place.
In tour years from now, by set
ting aside the interest that will
accrue from proper funds set aside
tor the puiTJoae, there will be suf
ficient money to build anasylnni,
and the Stata can go on with the
work of . construction without
creating an interest bearing debt
in addition to the very large one
interest is now annually paid up
on. As for the proposition that
the counties sh. II enre respectively
lor the insane, I hopo it will te
abandoned. Each county, if it is
adopted, will be compelled to in
cur heavy expense in the erection
of proper asylums, and in the
treatment ot i- few patient each
county will pay more every year
propoi Monately thai, is now paid
tor the keeping up of the State
s7lum under the present systvm.
It extra cost tr the people is to
be made by the building of county
aylums more in the aggregate,
perhaps, than the cost of building
two State asylums and then the
cost ot keeping patients m the ag
gregate to be increased, I cannot
ste what there is in the propo&i
tion favorable to it. K.
Norway, Ogn. Sept. 20.
A light rain, the first of the
season, descends silently, sofilj
and slow, as it it feared it might
wake the Coquillers.
, Many people are leaving this
Valley in search ot "better times,
Even the ministers ot the gospel
appear to have given us over to
hardness of heart and reprobacy
of mind, and are going too.
Two drunks in Coquille City
yesterday, both talented tueu.
What a pity such Herculean
minds, too.
Mr. Dean, of Rolling Falls, on
the North Fork, has his saw mill
nearly ready to run. This will
help that section very much, as
he retotore lumber had to be
hauled a long distance over a
rough road. Obs.
Am editor of: a newspaper has
to provide matter tor many differ
ent tastes. S'-me wish - it, like
their beefsteak, well done; oth
ers rare. Some prefer it well
spiced Tastes differ. Some ar
ticles ot substantial food are rel
ished by ail; but they require
some light food in torm ot de
sert. Therefore he caters for all.
The fea6t prepared to please his
readers is not always relished by
The man who fainted at a camp
meeting was sadly disappoint.
He expected that a dozen tnVut
would rush up, pull whisky flacks
out of their pocket, and, give him
a drink to revive him. The tla.-ks
were forthcoming, but they didnt
contain enough liquor to moir-teu
his lips, lie fainted too late iu the
The Secretary of War ha- is
sued, through the keeper ol Con
fedeiate archives iu custody ot the
VVar Department, a tender of free
accesh thereto to the Sour hern
Historical Society, which, in ac
cepting, has tendered to the Gov
erninciit a like privilege to the
papers in it possession.
.Ibk leiter-boxes at Livepol
hav) a spring attached to the flap,
and when a letter is puelml in, a
plate moves and -hows the hour
of the last clearance. People can
thus tell it they are in time for a
cartain mail, and a check is bad
on the postman charged with
emptying the box.
The London Times nays Gener
iiutler has left the Republicans
with the hope of assuming com.
niand ot the "political bedouins,"
"the the black clcud of irregular
and undisciplined marauders that
hover on the outskirts ot war and
and threaten both parties at odcho
-A sale ot 0,00C Mands ot
Oregon woo! was effected in San
Francisco or tbe 14'.h in&tant -al
21 jcfinis jer pound.
On tho first Monday of next
month the election ot city' offi
cers will be held. The discus-
son ot the qualifications ot can.
rlid&teft Viaa alreudv been cotn-
nrei.ced. In theater ot Friday thi j
20th an article appeared over th;e
siguature of "Tax-Payer." The
writer indulge? in some pertinent
reflections abot fires, etc. Ilaa
the writer stopped here his views
would have been appreciated and
applauded; instead, however, he
proceeds to drag the office oi
City Marshal into prominence.
This office is no more important
than any other; it is just ,a
essential that the duties of one
office should be properly executed
as those of another. It foHows
naturally, that "Tax-payer" has a
candidate to pueh into promi
nence, and in order to do so,
makes a covert attack upon an
honorable and capable citizen,
whoe official record in this coun
ty is suet, that any citizen would
ne proud of. The attack is so
pointed that the purpose m view
cannot l e mistaken. We' do not
belUva that the article in ques
tion was inspired by any ot the
gentlemen wh se nam:s have
been announced an candidates for
Marshal. Thy are gentlemen ot
:oo much manhood, too much
sell-repect to engage ii the filthy
business of decrying ui honest
citizen s qualincations. I ne ar
ticle signed ''Tax-Payer," bears
the ear narks of the editor ot the
It mukes no difference to what
party the City Marshal belong
if he is capable and honest, and
not a tool in the hands of a political
trickster who wilt not scruple to use
official power to execute private ven
gence. The, candidates 'whose
names have announced are nun
who Wouid honor the city in auy
position and with u it is a mat
ter of some hestitatiou as to which
one shall receive our vote.
Sad News.
It is with feelings of sorrow we
anuounce the sudden death of
Mr. Tho.:;as H. Cox, of Salem.
By hs strict integrity, business
qualifications and gentlemanly
deportment, Mr. Cox had : estab
lished an enviable reputation that
reached far beyond the city and
county in which he lived. He
was a Mason of high standing and
by his brothers regarded as an
eminent and useful member of
that order, and organized the
Lodge in this city. Called away
to a higher and more exalted field
ol labor without a moment's
warning, we doubt if any man
was ever better prepared to meet
Ins Makr than was Thomas II.
; Let It Be Remembered. -
A man who will use his official
position to wreak private vengence
can not be safely entrusted with
that power. Men ot independ
ent principle and who .'"have the
welfare ot the city at heart will
make a note o" this" at the city
election. A hint now, but prob
ably a little more explicit iu our
The telemachon is the latest
invention. I is an instrument
tor thn coKveyance f motive
pt.wer from one place to another.
It is proposed to concentrate the
power of the Niaaria talis by
means of slus'ms; and shafting and
convey the same by electrity all
over the United States. The
wire is to bo taped at all the great
manufacturing establishment- and
jets ot power turned otf. In this
way tLe power id all the machin
ery in the United States is to-be
supplied by the Niagtria falls,
per Hps.
It VriVEK has-bren said and
never will be said that the Dou
glas Independent has feared to
express its views when the inter
ests ot the people are involved.
The coming city election will be
carefully watched and any "job"
will receive prcmpt attention.
Our citizens want honest and ef
ficient men for office. They will
have them. jggf-There is anoth
week before the election.
Kaiu cometh.
freight trains are making trips
The Western Star Minstrels
perform to-night.
Mr. Long, ot Com stocks, came
up Thursday .night, : He comes
to take pr ). edingf against a man
whom he baj reason to believe
se fire to his tarn recently. H i
A bill for an Act to amend Ti
tle 1, Chapter 50 of public roads
and private wavs. Poll roads Fer-
yries, Bridges, and travel on, pub
flic highways as compiled in Gens
era l iitw of Oregon by M. P.
Leady- and Lafayette Lane, by
striking out Sections 18, 19. 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30,
32, 33. 34, 35, 36, and insetting
the following : " i
Be it enacted by. the Legisla
tive Assembly of the State of
Oregon : !
Section 18. That the County
Assessor annually shall assess for
road pnposes in each county, tw
dollars for each one thousand dol
lars assessed tor State and County
purposes; and at the same time
the assessment is made there
shall be levied a poll-tax of three
dollars on every qualified voter
in the State (except persons who
are a public charge) under fifty
years ot age; which poll tax, and
the amount of assessment atore
sa'd, shall be collected in each
couny as other taxes are collect
ed, and when so c dlected , shall
constitute a road fund, to be man
aged and expended, by each
County court. Said fund , to be
exploded in making, lading out
aid working county roads, and
shall be apportioned to road dis
tricts where this fund is raised.
And it shall be the duty of each
County Assessor to keep sepa
rate statements ot assessments
and levy ot poll tax made in each
county. j
Sec. 19 It shall be t..e duty
ot the County Clerk, of i each
'Jountyjto furnish annually to the
Supervisor i of each, road" district
the amount of money expended
on the road or roads in each road
district And tne Supei visor shall
have the work done on the jroads
in his road district upon the--most
advantageous terms to the road
dis:rict, either by contract or by
the Supervisor hiring the ; work
done: and when paid work is done,
whether by contract or otherwise,
said Supervisor shall. give niis cer
tificate to tl e proper parties hav
ing done tne work, ihat it has
In-en done according to his plans
or orders, and that payment there-,
of should be made upon which
certificate the said county court
shall proceed to examine tho ao-count-,
and if found correcHshall
allow the amount and issue war,
rants on the County Treasurer for
i he payment of the same. Each
road district ehall own sufficient
implements for road work. 1
Sec. 20. That every election
precinct in each county shall be
divided into one or more road
districts by the Couuty Court ot
each county in : this Slate, i and
that there shall be elected at each
general election by the electors of
said road district a Supervisor for
said district, who shall hold his
office for tho term of two years,
and shall take an oath before en
tenng upon the discharge of his
duties to faithfully discharge; the
duties of bis office as Supervisor,
and shall lii all reepecte qualify as
other county officers. His term
of office shall commence and end
with that Of other county officers.
And if required by the County
Court, the Supervisor shall enter
into an Undertaking with suffi
cient sureties, to be approved by
ti e Court,, in such suni as the
Court may specify not exceeding
one thousand dollars, to the efbet
that he will faithfully account for
and pay over to his successor all
moneys, and deliver all property
to him that may be in his pos
session by virtue of his office.
The County Court may at any
tune remove from office any Su
pervisor who shall ret use or wil
fully neglect to perform his duty
as such. And all vacancies shall
be filed by petition of tlm leal
voters of said district to the
County Court tor' that purpose.
Sec. 21. Alt warrants issued
for work performed on tho roads
of this State shall be received tor
county taxes in the counties where
said warrants were issued. ,.r
Sec. 22. That 'he compensa
tion of the Supervisor of each
county shall not exceed two dol
lars per day for each dy
emii.oyed in the transaction ot
road business.
Sec. 23. It shall be the duty of
the Supervisor of lioadi to open,
or cause to be opened, all public
roads which may have beu, ; or
m-ty hereafter be laid out ad es
tablished according to law in any
part of bis d strict, and shall keej
me same in goa repairs. e o
the purpose ot making, repairing
or improving roads the several
vupervisors, or those 'Working
under them, shall have aatho Hy
to enter upon any land adjoining
or near the public road, and gath
er, dig and carry away any stone
or gravel or sand, and cut down
and carry oft any trees or wood
necessary tor the making and re
pairing any public road as afore
said. And said Supervisor may
purchase timber, plank or other
material necessary for making or
repairing roads in his district.
He may enter upoi lands adjoin
ing or lying near uny public road
in bis district,' and cut open or
construct such drains and ditches
as he "shall deem ceccssarj tor
making r preserving said roads,
doing as little wjary as may be
to such lauds. . And any person
stopping or obstructing the trains
or ditches ro made, shall forfeit
the sum of twenty dollars tur
each offence, to be recovered, and
appropriated tor'the improvement
of said road. The Supervisor is
authorized to suit for al I
forfeitures m his official name,
and the coats t all suits hereby
authorized to be brought by the
Supervisor, it decided adversely
to nim, shall be allowed him in
his yearly ettlement according
to tho amount paid.
Sec. 24. That no surveyor,
viewer, or reviewer, chain carrier
or marker shall receive any corns
pensation uutil the Supei visor
shall certifiy to the County Court
that, they were, necessarily em
pfoyed, the number of days tor
which they claim pay and that
they have complied with the re-i
quireraents ot t ds Chapter.
That section 29, ot the law now
in force, shall stand as section
25. and Section 30 as 26, and
Section 37 as 27, and Section 89
as 29.
AW nets or parts of Acts incon
sistent with this Act are hereby
JLi annual election of officers of the
Tellurium Quart a Mining CitiupaDy. will
be held at Canyonville, Dougiaa county,
Oretfon, on the 6ih day of November. A.
D., 1878. commencing at 1 o'olock r. M , for
the purpose ol electing 5 or more Direc
tors, oue rresiuent ot a ara or uirectoi-a,
one Secretary, one I tvasurer, one buperin
tendent and to trananci aoy other busiuews
tne interest ol tlm 1:0m puny demands.
E. A CHASE. Secretary.
Xi virtue of a certain writ of e ecution
issued out of the Circuit Court oi the
Mtato ot Oregon for tie C'ounty of D.iu las,
noon a judgment, rendered in the Said
Court, on the2ad day of May, 1878, In la-
vorofD. A Lievi a and against Koberi
SullinKer lor the mm of cm thousand and
tiiree dollars and 13-10Cth ( 1,003 IS) dol
lars, directed to me, coinmandint; me to
levy upon the pemnnal roertv ot nolert
ulaniter. as is not eieiupt from execution
anl if oulficieiit personal property cannot
be found, then out of the real property oe
longinjr to mm, on the 231 day of M.
1878,' r at any time sattsty said
judg ueni and interest, together with all
leiral accruinir costs thereou
N w TUtRKPORK, in pureuancj of the
said writ of execu'ion, I have levied upon
the foilowiug dacriled real property, be
lousrintr to aaid Robert Sullinirer. to wn
The S W quarter o the 8 W quarter of
section hlleeu (lo)aia tue Hi quarter ot
the N W quarter of itection twenty twolaa
township thirfy (30) South of fan ire four
(4) weal, containing eighty (80) acres. Also
the East half of the N E qu irter of sec
tion No, twenty-one ill) and the West
half of the S VV quarter or section INo
tweatystwo (23) in township No thirty (30)
South of range four (4) west, containing
one hundred an I sixty (loO)acres, situate
in Do a .las County. regon, and conlain
iog in all two hundred and forty (240)
acres and farther I will sell all the right,
title and interest of the said Robert pM
inger in and to the premises described as
aforesaid, together with all and singular.
the tenements, hereditaments and appur
tenances thereunto belonging at public
auction, to the highest bidder for gold
coin, at the Cour house door in the City
of Roeeburg, Douglas Connty, Oregon, on
Saturday, the ?6th day of October, 1878, at
two o'clock in the afternoon of said day to
satisfy said judgment, together with all
legal accruing costs thereon.
Dated this 20th day of Spt., 1878.
Sheriff of Douglas County. Ogn.
: Placer Mining.
U. S. Land ukkick, )
RosEBDtto. Ob. f
Jjl D. A. Levens, whose postuffice ad
dress Is Canyoaville. Douglas county,
State of Oregon, has made application for
patent for place'" claim, JNo, 37, in tne
Green Mounta Mining District, situated
in Douglas c "uhty, Oregon, on nnsun eyeo
lands described as follows : Beginning at
the junction of Brandy (iulctt with Ilogam
creek as the initial point; thence N. 2 de-
grtes, 30 minutes, 6.50 chains, to a yew
post 3 feet long ani A inches in diameter,
marked on lour sides, "M. 3.," also "C.''
and "37" set for N. E. orner claim as post
No, 1. thence S, 8.50 chains to poht No 2;
thence S. 20 degrees W 10.50 chains to
post No. 3; thence S. 19 00 chains to post
No. 4; thence S. 16 degrees E 10 00 chains
to post No. 5; thence S 30 degrees E 6 55
chains to post 6; thence W. 3.64 chains to
post No. 7; thence N. 30 degrees W 5.55
chains to post 8; thnOf N 16 degrees W
10.00 chains to post 9; thence N. 19 00
cha'na to post No. 10; thence N 20 decrees
E 1050 chains to post No. 11; thence N.
8.50 chains to post N. 12: thence E 3.74
chains to post No. 1; being the above, de-
sciribed yew potted, inuia point ot b
ginning and containing twenty acres ac
cording to plat f survey filed in the Reg
isterV office by Surveyor General ol the
State of Oregon.
The foi-egoing described claim of D. A,
Levensis of recoid; Mie Said applicant. D.
A Levena, having acquired the said claim
by purchase from John Stephens, who pur
has?d 1 he same from J mepli Ramsey, the
original locator: all of which is a matter
of rec-trd in the recorder's office of Donirlas
emnt.y, Oregon; and now known aa "D. A.
leven'a Placer Mining Claim," joined on
the east, south and west .y unsurveyed
Uovernment land, and on the north by
ground claip ed bj L D. Montgomery.
All adverse claims must l riled in the
Jnited Stales lnd Otiice at Roseburg,
Oregon, on or before the expiration of this
notice. It N hereby ordered that the above
notice be published for tixty days in the
DocotAS Indkpkndknt a wwkly news
-aper pub.ished at Rose urg, Oingnn.
Given under tar hand this 5ih of Au
just. 1878. " VV. F. BENJAMIN,
Ke later.
Of Sile in tLe matter of the estate of Loren
JLi , pursuant to an order heretofore made
by the County Court of Douglas County
L regon, 1 will on the fifth day ol October
A. D., 1878, at "ne oclock in th afternoon
at the Court house door, in Koaeburg
DouglaB County, Oregon, sell at public
auction, for cash in hand to the highest
bidder, subject to widow's dower, the fuls
lowing described rt al estate belonging to
th Eaiata ot Loren fa vis, deceased, to wit.
The Donation L md Claim of Robert Mc
kee. containing 149 and 22 100th acres; all
that part ol the Donation Land C airn of
Robert Fhippa, that Ilea nor'k ot the Would
Umpna liver, containing 120 acres more or
less the a c. quart' r ot fee zs, r rac .
quarter ot See 34, N VV . quarter, Frac S W
ouarter aad N half of S E quarter, N W
quarter of N E quarter of Sac 33. VV half of
E Imlfand N tiqa .rwof N E quarter of
Dec 7 ot TJ. ot K 0. tv ol wu;amelie
jueridian. oontaujitur- 32 and 18 100th
acres and eon ainmg in the - aggregate 1,-
201 and 40 ttOUi aciea m're or less. .All
ot said land b einjt iinated in Donglaa
ounty.Oig.n . -FHAKJt DAVIS.
Adminiauistor of .the estate ol laen
Davia, lereaed. . - .: .
K'iSKBqBO. Ogn.,ft.i.lN4
i8? i
lw iiyinii
lias just returned trom Sau Francisco, where he has purchased the
Finest Assortment ot
Latest Styles
JPkes. Mangin
Ladies' Dress GoodSj
Which will be eold at Prices to Buit all purchasers.
Also a
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods
Mora complete than that of any other establishment in the jsity, and t Fairest .Bates
- tw"Keirember I will occupy Dr. Hamilton's brick opposite tbe
the Metropsliuu hotel wheral ahall eU coods cheaper, tor cash Ibau
evur tefor ' IL JOdKPHSON,
and Paterns,
$i0 flQuuaM
Full Line of
This institntion of learning will mn ene
un-'eT the guidance of
Rev. J. H. Skidznore,
Principal. To th oiMf.y friends withl the
reach of this Aoademv, we would say: That
each depnrmeni ot will be uiys
der the control of tliom ho hsve added
t ability, cult vation, pstience and
ciih-ri.-nce. I here, wilt be three tiearti
mnta in this Acudemv .
We shall bt glad to :ssist frlenda la tha
selectitm af homes tor their children, and if
our suggestions xre followed, we assure
yon the children will be shielded fr.ita the
evil influences.
Board can he had at from $3 to (4 j er
week. Tuition, from $5 o 12 per quais
tei, in Academy Department; from $3 to
f 6 in Commercial iHma tment, and from
$12 to $15 in Musical Depa tment.
J H. ISKIDMORE; Principal.
Has Permanently located in Roseburg,
Work, Baa fey 51 a s Qq ad
Snjierior any K;rtormed in Oregon .
San Francisco
hioie next dor to the barber shop and
nearly opjmeue to the P .stoiBce, and his
one of the largest sleeks ol Imixirted and
Domestic Cigars in stock ever brought to
Roseburg. His aiork also embraces all the
tavorite brands of Chewing and fmokinj
Tobacco, Meerschaum Pipes. Notions. Can
dies and other articles found usually in a
flist-clasa establishment of the kind. My
prices will be tow and my time- cash, and
a share of public patronage is respectfully
Nearest to the Railroad Deot, O klaa
J AS. MAHCNEY, Proprietor
the nmvst or
In Douglas county, and the best
Kept in proper repair.
"Parties traveling on the railroad
find this place very handy to visit dn lag
the stopping of the train at the Oafcl ib4
depot, Give me a call.
9 tf JAS. MAH0NE1 .
Looking Glass, Ogn.,
General XXercliandiss !
Consisting of
- - Crockery and Glassware,
Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco
And Cigars.
Are prepared to give satisfaction to all.
Opposite Abraham Brown, Oaklaad, O g
Stoves and Tinwara
Keeps always on hand a
PTJILjX-, took.
And is always ready te sell (oods for eat h
at prices so that all will be satisfied.
Is toy motto. Now is the time for you
W in t c p T rdc.
AND. .
F eed Stable,
This estahlichment ia the
Best in the State
an ' connected with it is a large
Cajiable of accommodatlnsr an. unb g
iiontea ana wagon.
Always iu full supply at living priced
And No One is Allowed to 4jkj
i. a way iiqvs&trayjfl.
. ... -
Don t fail to ti ua a call, fnr
termined to suit yon in quautitr, quality
and trices WKKiHT & CARL
mil t'
- ... . . ...ASD ...
Patton's Block, State street. Salem, Og.
to prescriptions, aud all orders kr
mail or express filled praptly and aceu
At I W .
Phvsicians and Country Dealers wil
save money by examining onr stock, orpra
curing our prices, before pnrchaaing else,
where. 40.
SZST .-g made XX
, Kast. who has the article cobstaatl)
haoda, which he will m la omaoiiUea
jmrchawet, , 3w hia call. iJm
i in