The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, September 28, 1878, Image 1

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rjatnrday Mornings,
XIEX.Z.Y &. WELLS. Pabligbers.
has z::z
And other PRIXTI.N.J, J a Jturs.
Largo and Heavy Poste and Showy
pn year,......,.., 12 BO
x montr., . i M
iiiretmomh...... ... ... x 00
Th a ths term for those paying; In advane
' l-'Diti'SSiisvr offers fta Inducements to advertisers:
terms reasonable.
"Independent in all Things; TVeutro.1- in .Nothing. 99
VOL. 3.
NO. 23.
w. ii. Willis,
: A E. CHAMPAOJfE. Proprietor.
The only first-class bouse In Roeeburs;. Kept on the
European plan.
Richard Thomas, Proprietor.
rrnus hotel has been established for a
JL number of rears, and
has become
itU the traveling public.
rerr popular
And tbe table supplied with the beet the market affords.
Hotel at Mm depot of the Railroad.
Feet Offloe address, LOOKING feLiSS, OREGON.
The Company owinj theae mills would say they are
prepared to furnish the
At the most reasonable rate.
. " j', . . ' -
Lumber always on hand, and all persons wishing to
inirchibse Lumber will do well to give us an opportunity
ui uiuus; uieir oruers oeiore runf( eisewncre.
J. Q. CALLIGHAN, President,
W. B. CLARKE, Secretary and Treasurer.
otropolitan Hotel,
Button & Perkins, Proprietors,
' AND ...
Depot of the) C. fc O. Ataffe Co.
H tbe beat of beds, and the most attentive of
Housekeepers, and a table supplied with the best of
evervuung. . , . ,
Leave the house every day on
from Portland.
the arrival of the cars
. Tbe traveling public, and all who favor us with their
patronage, can rent assured that tuey will be entertained
la tne best possible manner. . u. u. bi-ito,
Sheridan Bros.,
Jackson Street, Roeebnnf, Oreson, near the Post Office,
. And Manufacturers of
Tin, Ccpper and Sheet Iron Wares,
Are prepared te
The Quickest, Safest and Easiest Route.
Every Day at 780 P. M.,
Making quick connection at Reading with the cars of
toe v. ft o. k. K.
For full particulars and passage apply to
Li concent that the under urn ed has been awarded
tbe contract tor keeping the Douglas county paupers for
a period of two years. All persons in need of assistance
from said county must first procure a certificate to that
effect from any member of the County Beard and pre
sent it to one of the following named persons, who are
muthnnxed to and will care for those presenting- such
certificate: Button k Perkins, Roeeburg; L. L. Kellogg,
Oakland: Mrs. Brown. Looking Glass- Dr. Woodruff is
authorized to furnish medical aid to all persons in need
of the same and wbo have been declared paupers of
Douglas county. W.B.CLARKE
Importers and Wholesale Dealers tn
And sole proprietors of the non-equalled
Boa. 101 and 103 California street,
j Importers and Dealers In
Also Sole Agents for
-r. XX. IXAvenport,
9. E. cor. Froat aad California St.,
Represented by Chas. llohn.
Eighth Dat, Sept 18th.
. Benato.
Bentley To provivde for laborer's
in. .
Brown To
time for holding
circuit courts.
Cochran To define duty, and
pensation of State Printer.
AppersonTo regulate fishing for
salmon on Clackamus river.
Hirsch To license se'ling goods by
Greorge To establish a house of cor
rection. ,
Bradshaw To regulate the manner
of selecting the justices of the peace.
:" Hsate. . '
Galloway from special committee on
bill for election of superintendent of the
penitentiary; reported a substitute which
was adopted in place of original bill.
Stearns- To provide for certain notice
of action to recover real property.
Webdell Giving validity to deeds
heretofore made in good faith.
Grant For relief of A. Wing.
Ke'ly Fixing compensation of asses
sor of Multnomah County at $3,000 per
Riley To amend law fixing time for
payment of taxes in Counties of Grant,
Umatilla, Wasco and Baker.
Reed To amend charter of city of
Kohler To regulate the exposure of
hides of slaughtered animals.
Dorris Concerning duties of directors
of school districts.
Johnson Granting Berry brothers
exclusive right to use Canyon creek,
Grant county, for floating wood and
Evarts Granting Umatilla Boom
Company exclusive right to use Umatil
la river above Pendleton.
Assembled at 12 o'clock M. . The clerks
of respective Houses read record of two
Houses for proceedings had for the elec
tion of U. S. Senator on previous day.
The president of joint convention
then said:
"Gentlemen. It appearing from the
records of the two Houses that Hon.
Jatres II. Slater has received a majority
of all the votes cast in each, I therefore
declare him elected U. S. Senator from
Oregon, for the term of six years, begin
ing on tbe 4th day of March, 1879.
And referred to committees Bill fixing
compensation of Canal commissioners;
to committee on commerce. Amending
the law relating to mill dams; to "judi
ciary committee. Jo repeal Umatilla
ard Wasco fenc6 law; , committee on
counties. Amending an act regulating
enclosures; to committee on counties.
Portland bridge; referred to judiciary
Bill to prevent employment of Chi
nese on public works; passed 56 to 6.
To protect stock growing interests;
( passed.
After some other unimportant busi
ness the House adjourned.
Ninth Day, Sept 19th.
To amend Sec. 4, 5," and 17, of civil
code; referred to judiciary committee.
To prescribe duties of county assessor
and repeal chapter 57, title 3, and amend
Sees. 38, 39 and 40, miscellaneous laws;
and for appointment of deputy assessors;
referred to committee on assessments.
To provide for laborer's lien; to judi
ciary committee. Act to empower the
State Treasurer to redeem certain bonds;
to committee on ways and means. To
repeal Sees. 166 and 167, chapter 16,
title 1, genenral laws; to judiciary com
mittee. To define rights and fix liabili
ties of married women; to judiciary
committee. lo amend tne common
cc'iool laws; to committee on education.
To amend civil code fixing compensation
of district attorney; to judiciary com
mittee. Married women to dispose of
property held her m own right, by will
to iudiciary committee. To provide for
election of sup-erne and circuit judges
in distinct classes; to judiciary com
mittee. An act relating to conveyances
by aclinmistPators: to judiciary commit
tee. An act relating to suits in equity;
to judiciary committee.
Bill incorporating town of Lafayette;
To cede jurisdiction to the United
States over certain lands for construc
tion of canal, at the Cascades of the
Leave of absence granted to committee
on commerce, and committee on fishing
interests for September 20th.
Senate concurred in II. II. appointing
committee for fixing boundaries of iudi
cial district; and Bradshaw and Ross
appointed on committee.
Waldo was appoioted on committee
to take into consideration the wants oi
the school for the blind., .
IL B. to prohibit employment of Chi
nese on public works, and H. R to pro
tect stockgrowing interests; read first
Senate bills, legalizing election of jus
tices of peace in lamhill county
(Lord's) bill relating to asignees and
creditors, and to appoint short-hand re
porters for the courts; reported from
judiciary committee with recommenda
tion that they pass, ,
The resolution for the construction of
a railroad to connect Portland with the
Central Pacific; referred to committee
on railroads.
-ByBently To amend an act to pre
vent swine running at large.
Bilyeu To re-district the state.
George Te amend laws relating to
real estate.
George To amend the corporation
Burnett To amend laws relating to
wills and testators.
Burnett To amend civil code in re
lation to writs.
George To amend school laws.
Burnett To amend litigation laws.
Memorial received from .citizens of
Baker county for relief of Henry
Griffin; read second time and referred to
committee on counties. '
Petitions received from citizens of
Polk county, asking privilege of using
waters of Luckiamute f or H. T. Hill,
and from citizens of Dallas for amend
ment of charter of that town; read first
time. .
Following bills reported back by com
mittees recommending their passage :
To amend the law regulating enclos
ures; to repeal Umatilla and Wasco
fence law; to incorporate town of Inde
pendence: authorizing Dalles City to
sell certain lands; Jl. B. 8,
swamp lands.
relating to
The Secretary of State was instructed
to procure insurance on building and
furniture of state house.
The committee on counties obtained
eave to withdraw their report on bill to
repeal Umatilla and Wasco fence law.
By Cole Providing right of way on
public roads or navigable streams to per
sons engaged in logging.
Grant Authorizing II. T. Hill to
construct booms on the Luckiamute.
Will To construct fish way at Ore
gon City f alia
Riley To utilize certain roads in
Curry county, v
-Hewitt To regulate the practice of
medicine in Oregon. ; - . i
Hewitt To provide for election of
additional justices of the peace and con
stables. White To provide for construction
of railroad from Dalles City to Celilo.
btratton To amend common school
Broback To amend act creating
county of Lake.
Starkweather To prevent the abuse
of corporate power by private corpora
tions." Evarts, Hewitt and Kahler appointed
on committee on boundaries of judicial
districts, and Lee and Wheeler on blind
school committee.
For incorporation of town of Lafay
ette and for ceding lands to the United
States for constructian of canal at Cas
cades, were read first time.
By Bewley Amending school laws.
Reeves Amending law regulating
collection of school taxes.
Stearns To regulate standard of
quality and price of gas in cities of not
ess than 10,000 inhabitants.
Campbell Re-creating Umpqua Co.
. Curtis Amending divorce laws.
Curtis Relating to charges by courts
to juries.
Lee Amending charter of Dalles.
Broback To regulate contests for
ands claimed by the State,
Hansard To amend law concerning
the employment of minors in saloons.
Bradley To wgujate rates of interest.
House Bills To prevent spread of
contagious diseases; granting right of
way to N. P. R. R. Incorporating
town of Independence. To hx water
rates in cities. To amend law regulat
ing distribution of school monies. To
amend charter of city of Salem.
Bill amending charter of city of Jack
Tenth Dat, Sept 20th.
Senate. : .
Senate called to order and yesterday's
lournal read and approved.
Memorial from Portland Uoard ot
Trade, for establishment of school of
science; referred to committee on educa
Committee on judiciary reported an
act to promote science, with recommend
ation that it pass.
S. Bs. 1 and 8 Teported correctly en
Senate adopted resolutions and ad
journed until Sept 23d, in respect to
memory or Jos. V. JSngle, late member
from Marion.
Beckley and Reeves granted leave of
Petition of citizens of Polk County
in relation to floating logs in Luckia
mute; referred to committee on internal
Petition of citizens of Dalles for
amendment to charter; referred to mem
bers from Polk County.
Committee on Counties reported ad
versely to the bill for relief of Henry
Griffin, of Baker.
Committee on constitutional amend
ments reported the matter back without
Judiciary committee reported bill re
lating to verdicts of juries, with amend
ments, which were adopted and bill
ordered engrossed for third reading.
By Smith To provide for regulation
and maintainance of institute kxor
blind. . :
Stearns To prevent Bp read of infec
tious diseases among domestic animais.
the practice of
Rinehart To amend law relating to
duties of assessors.
Wheeler Relating to artificial canals
and water supplies.
Wheeler To encourage the building
of narrow gauge railroads in Oregon.
Forbes To promote the improvement
in. breed of cattle and hogs.
IL B. 32 To provide for the pilot
age and towage on Willamette and Co
lumbia rivers.
IL R 33 To . amend the act regula
ting public tftid private roads ; referred
to committee on roads and highways.
Also the bill providing for the pay
ment of expanses of centennial com
mission, which was referred to. a special
committee, ' consisting of Hamilton,
Grant and Smith.
Campbell and Rinehart granted short
eave of absence.
Bill , regulating foreign corporations
doing business in this state; referred to
committee on foreign corporations.
Regulating travel over bridges ; to
committee on roads and highways.
Defending legal mining claims ; to
committee on mining. "
Providing for return of certain moneys
paid for swamp lands ; to committee on
public lands.
Regulating issuance of writ of habeas
corpus; to committee on judiciary.
or the relief of John Parker; to com
mittee on claims.
Relating to redemption of lands sold
or taxes.
Fixing compensation of county as
sessors; to members from Multnomah.
Bill incorporating town of Lebanon.
Authorizing Dalles city to sell cer
tain lands. '
Eleventh Day, Sept. 23d.
The Senate met at 2 P. M. The
journal was read and approved.
Burch To incorporate the town of
George Authorizing the disposal of
duplicates in the State library.
Brown Repealing the canal and
ocks commissioners.
Haley To repeal right to establish
water works at Albany.
lor the relief of Jason VV heeler.
Enabling judges of circuit courts to
exchange places.
Bennett To amend code relating to
sheriff's duties.
To regulate and define a homestead;
referred to judiciary committee. Regu
lating measurement of lumber in logs;
committee on' commerce. To amend
Sec 986 of the civil code; to committee
on judiciary. , Relating to sale of fire
arms; ordered engrossed. To amend
aw relating to common schools; commit
tee on education. Relating to clerical
aid in State department; committee on
ways and means. Relating to convey
ances of real property; committee on
judiciary. Relating to conveyances by
executors and administration; commit
tee on judiciary. Relating to posting
notices of election; ordered engrossed.
To repeal Sec. 776 civil code; committee,
on judiciary. To amend Sec. 218, of
criminal code; committee on judiciary.
Relating to assessments and collections
of taxes; committee on assessments. To
repeal act providing for i traveling
compensation of justices of the supreme
and circuit courts; committee on judici
ary. Relating to duties of State Treas
urer; committee on ways and means.
For a committee on swamp lands; com
mittee on public lands.
The president signed S. J. R. Nrxl.
House met at 2 P. M., speaker in the
chair and 55 members present
A petition was read from citizens of
Benton county asking for $5,000 to aid
in the construction of Alsea Bay wagon
H. J. M. 3 requesting Congress to
extend time of completion of N. P. R. R.;
and H. J, M. 4, asking that Umatilla
reservation be thrown open to settle
ment, were read first time. '
Stratton For recovery of damages
for injury to private property by corpo
Dorris To provide for holding teach
ers county institutes; also appropriating
$2,500 annually for support of State
Gilbert Establishing ditches, drains
and water courses.
Evarts Regulating costs of trials o:
Indians in Eastern Oregon; also, amend
ing election law. S
Stearns Relating to common carriers
Webdell Defining duties of county
assessors. :
Broback For relief of Lake county,
To provide for completion of State
Capitol; laid on table until Sept 25th
at 2 P. M. Regulating fees of sherifls
and clerks; referred to judiciary com
mittee. Aid for internal improvements;
to committee on internal improvements.
To prevent . brand of stock; committee
on counties. Amending estray laws:
same order. Regulating rates of inter
est; engrossed for third reading. To
regulate common carriers; committee on
commerce. Regulating sale of sprituous
liquors; engrossed for third reading. For
relief of Urant county; committee on
claims. Regulating apportionment
school funds; committee on education.
Fixing time of holding legislature;. com
. mittee on elections. Defining bound
Reed To
aries of Grant and Baker counties; re
ferred to members of said counties. For
punishment of vagrants and tramps;
committee on judiciary. Providing for
election of superintendent of peniten
tentiary; committee on elections. Ad
journed. Twelfth Day, Sept 24th.
. Senate. -..
Bill to amend article 776, title 7, of
civil code; to judiciary committee. Col
Tig's mining bill; mining committee,
Bilyeu's to provide for payment Indian
war claims; military committee. Bill
to provide for erection of insane asylum;
committee on public buildidings. To
provide for constitutional convention;
to committee of the whole. To regulate
the floating and rafting of logs; to com
mittee on commerce. Bill amending
law for destruction of noxious weeds; to
committee on roads and highways. To
authorize the State to recover warrants
drawn on swamp land fund in payment
for swamp lands; to committee on ways
and means. Bill creating office of clerk
of board of school land commissioners;
to committee on education. For relief
of J ohn Flannigan; committee on claims.
For an act to provide for uniform taxa
tion; committee on assessments. To
amend Sec 700, chapter 8, title 2, of
criminal code; committee on commerai
To provide for aid of internal improve
ments; committee on public lands. To
amend laws relating to duties of State
Treasurer; committee on ways and means.
Apperson's bill to amend law governing
levy and collection of taxes; committee
on assessments. Bill providing for la
borer's lien; to judiciary committee.
Watt's bill to provide for cure of insane;
committee on ways and means. Bill to
amend the law governing time and place
for holding circuit and county courts; to
judiciary committee. Cochran's bill re
lating to office of State Printer; to com
mittee on printing. To regulate Salmon
fishing on Clackamas river; .To commit
tee on commerce. To license the selling
of goods by sample; committee on com
merce. Bill to establish house of correc
tion; judiciary committee. Incorporate
town of Amity; committee on incorpora
tions. To repeal the act authorizing
Jacob Flushner to establish water-works
in city of Albany.
The bill for an act to provide for
payment of war claims 1878, was taken
from military committee and referred to
committee on claims.
. B. 1 To amend Sec 20, title 1,
chapter 4, miscellaneous laws.
S. B. 33 To amend law relating to
sale of liquors to Indians.
S. B. 53 To amend the act incorpo
rating town of Gervais.
Bill to legalize certain elections in
Yamhill county; ordered engrossed.
Georges bill regulating adjudication
and payment of claims; amended and
ordered engrossed.
Lord's bill for an act to secure a just
division of the estate of bankrupts;
pending consideration Senate adjourned.
.... . . House.
H. B. 57 and 58 relating to suits for
recovery of real , property; referred to
judiciary committee. No. 59, to cure
defects in deeds for real property here
tofore made in good faith; to judiciary
committee. Bill to appropriate money
for relief of A. Wing; to committee on
claims Bill relating to payment of
taxes to State Treasurer, by county
treasurer; to judiciary committee. Bill
relating to the exposure of hides of
slaughtered animals; to special commit
tee. I LB. 65, relating to duties of the
officers of school districts; to committee
on education. Bill granting the Berry
brothers right to use Canyon creek; to
judiciary committee. Granting Umatilla
Boom Company, same rights to Umatilla
river; judiciary committee. Bill to
grant right of way to loggers and lum
bermen to same committee. S. B. 1 3,
to incorporate town of Lafayette; com
mittee on incorporation! ! S. R 25,
ceding jurisdiction over certain lands
at the Cascades; to special committee.
Requesting Congress to extend the
time for completion of N. P. R.R. And
asking Congress to provide for opening
the Umatilla reservation for settlement;
From citizens of Benton county ask
ing an appropriation for construction of
wagon road, from Alsea bay along Alsea
river. ; .
From citizens of Lake county, asking
for a change m eastern boundary of the
From Portland Board of Trade, ask
ing for bill to allow the N. P. R. R. Co.
to build their road through the State,
Committee on Commerce ; house bill
to regulate common carriers recommend
ing its passage.
Committee on Military reported ad
versely on IL Bs. 3 and 13 for protec
tion of game.
Mining committee reported favorably
on house bill denning mining claims.
1 4 Committee on Roads and Highways
reported back the bill to protect public
and private bridges with an amendment
allowing 20 head of cattle instead of 10
to be driven across at once; amendment
adopted and bill ordered engrossed.
Hamilton of special committee on re
port of centennial commission, and the
bill for defraying expenses of exhibit
presenial majority report recommending
passage of the bill Grant presented an
adverse report from minority, Uoth
reports and the bill referred to ways and
means committee.
A resolution instructing sergeant-at-arms
to remove the saloon from capitol
building ; adopted ; also a resolution re
quiring a two-tliirds vote for the intro
duction of bills after the 30th day of the
session. .
By Schroeder A substitute for H.
B. 25, relating to prroperty to be ex
empt from taxation.
Galloway To repeal law providing
for Assistant secretary of State.
Kohler To amend the law for levy of
school taxes. .
Schroeder To require county courts
to publish quarterly statement of ex
penditures. Hughes To amend the school laws.
Wright To provide for construction
of railway around, the portages at The.
Dalles and Cascades.
Evarts For a general incorporation
law for cities.
Lee To prevent the spread of the
Canada thistle. . .
H. B. 8 Authorizing Dalles City to
sell certain lands.
H. B. 24 Regulating enclosures.
II. R 47 Amending law relating to
No. 1 To amend section 20, title 1,
chapter 4, miscellaneous laws ; 53 In
corporating town of Gervais, and 23, to
punish persons selling liquors to Indians;
read first time.
latestTews !
" Lynch Lsw.
Deadwooo, Sept 18. The dead bodies of
two men, named S. B. Davis and George W.
Keating, well known horse and cattle thieves,
were found hanging to a tree five miles north
of Spear Fish to-day, undoubtedly the work
of the vigilantes of Spear Fish, as tbe tracks
of a dozen men were found to and from the
spot. Keating and Davis were last sen in
Deadwood about noon yesterday.
More of Cohen's Madness.
Washington, Sept 19. Cohen, who was
arrested while trying to force his way into the
treasury, held a meeting last night at the
city hall which was largely attended. He in
tended holding a meeting at the east front of
tbe capitol, but ascertaining that objection
would be raised by tbe authorities there, be
gave notice late this afternoon that the city
hall had been selected. Colored and white
men made speeches, and then Cohen, who re
lated the circumstance of his arrest, an
nounced that to-morrow a strike in tbe city
would begin, and requested all present to as
semble at 2 P. M. at the headquarters of the
Workinemen's Relief . Association, and under
his leadership to march to every point where
laboring men are at work for less than $1 50
per day, and compel them to stop.
Protection tn Case of Blot.
The capitol police and citizens have lodged
information at police headquarters that the
language made use ot last night at a meeting
of Cohen's followers, en the east steps of the
capitol, was of the most incendiary character.
Some speakers advocated a raid on the U. S.
treasury and helping themselves to the funds
mere, i an aisinct commissioner w-aay maxie
requisition for forty set of cavalry equip
ments, pistols, ammunition, etc., for use of
the police department The commissioners
baye also made a requisition upon tbe cbiet of
ordnance for some canteens, carbines, slings,
and a quantity of carbine cartridges for the
use of the district militia? to be turned over
to Major Hanneman, commanding district ar
tillery. ine tinersi usa omet,
Tbe commissioner of the land office will
urge upon congress the importance of the re
organization of that office. The commissioner
says that clerks are needed, and that salaries
are not sufficient to command the services ot
competent men.
The life Savins; Service.
J. J. KimbalL general superintendent of the
life saving service, has addressed a circular to
the district superintendents telling them that
the season most prolific of marine disasters is
rapidly approaching, and promises to be se
vere, and adds, never baa there been a time
when the coast so needed tbe guard of abso
lute fidelity and services at wrecks.
A Bine Kateh
In the inter-State rifle match, held at Creed-
moor to-day, at 800 yards range, the Ama
teur Club of New York made 283 in a possi
ble 300 points. . Tha Massachusetts Rifle As
sociati w team made 280 and the District of
Columbia Rifle Club 260.
" . ; 'r A- Heavy Bobbery.
St. Louis, Sept. 22. An extensive bond
robbery was committed by unknown persons
at Kansas City on Friday evening. A man
drove to the office of the Jackson Horse Rail
road at 4 o'clock on Friday evening. Called
the casber out to the -sidewalk and bad hve
minutes conversation with him regarding the
bad conduct ot a conductor on the company s
car. Shortly after the cashier returned to
the office he discovered that his safe had been
robbed of f 1,000 in money and $21,000 in
county bonds and matured coupons, slso a life
insurance policy belonging to Thoa. Carrigna
tor $Zo,OUU, and other valuable papers.
Tne Washing-ton City Hob.
Washington, Sept 22. The various jour
nals of this city comment with sortie severity
upon the action of the authorities in allowing
Cohen to parade the streets of tbe city with a
mob. Some of the papers this morning inti
mate that nnless the proper authorities put an
end to these proceedings it will be necessary
for the citizens to take the matter in their
own hands. , Fred Douglass, marshal of the
district who has charge of the city hall build
ing, and wbo is responsible for the public
property there, last night announced to
Cohen's mob that they could hold meeting
then in progress, but no further assemblage
would be permitted, in front af tbe, building
where they have een meeting nightly for the
past week.
- national Bank looses.
Washington, Sept 23. The Comptroller
of the Treasury has compiled dividend re
ports of the National Banks for the six months
ending March 1, 1878, from which it appears
that the banks charged "off" losses during
that time amounting to 10,903,145. Of this
amount $1,914,757 consists of premiums on
t7. a. bonds held for circulation which depre
ciated in value below the cost price to tbe
banks. The losses cbarsed "off" by the Na
tional Banks during the year ending Septem
ber 1, 1878, were $197 19,028, and for the
year ending September 1, 1877, $19,933,587.
making a total of more than $50,500,000
losses charged "off" during the past two and
a half years. The rates of earning of Na
tional Banks to the capital and surplus for the
year of 1877 was 5 per cent, and it is es
mated that the ratio for the year 1878 will
not be greater than for tbe preceding year.
i Oersoaa Tobacco Cosnsnloatoau '
The commission appointed by tha German
government to inquire into our system of tax
ing tobacco, this morning had a long consult-
tion with Internal Revenue Commissioner
Raum and Dr. Kimball, chief of the tobacco
ii vision. Commissioner Raum furnished va
rious laws and forms pertaining to our system
which he explained.
Working Honrs Bedneed.
Washington, Sept 23. Department chiefs
are issuing orders that eight hours constitute
a day's work, to be paid for the same as now.
Those working 10 hours per day will be paid
extra therefor.
- Sugar Frands.
New York, Sept 23. An estimate of
losses to tbe revenue on sugars for tbe past
two years will be sent to Congressman Wood's
committee to-day. The figures, which are
said to have been prepared by a careful statis
tics shows the loss to the Government last
year to have been over $2,500,000. Special
agents have been ordered to prepare and sub
mit to the Treasury Department the result of
their investigations into alleged sugar frauds
It is reported that special agents have discov
ered a refinery in another city, where no
samples of exports have been kept as required
Dy law. :
woveraors rroeiamation.
Montgomery, Sept 23. Gov. Houston has
issued a proclamation making October 3d a
day of humiliation and prayer to God,- that
tne pestilence may abate in infected localities
and that other States and communities may
be spared.
a isaute wun inaians.
Leavenworth. Ks.. Sept. 23. A disoatch
from Dodge City, Ks., says that the Indians
who were being pursued by troops and cattle
men were found intrenched on Saud creek, 35
miles southwest of here. Fighting began Sat
urday, and at last accounts several Indians
had been killed, but nobody on our side was
hurt The Indians are said to have a ereat
number of stolen sheep in their possession.
An Interesting Case.
Buffalo, Sept 23. U. S. Commissioner
Hallet gave a decision to-day in the case of
Henry A. 1 arr, arrested some time ago on a
charge of being engaged with others in the
capture of the steamer Chesapeake in tbe
name of the confederate government The
commissioner ordered the discharge of Parr,
on the ground that his case was covered by
the general amnesty proclamation of Dec. 25,
Austrian Victories.
Vienna, Sept 19. The followine report is
official: The burning and bombardment of
Brezka from the river Save not having been
sufficient to silence insurgent guns there, Aus
trians on Tuesday attacked the town by land
on two sides and captured it after a desperate
resistance, which lasted until 8 o'clock in the
evening, lhe losses are not yet known. In
movements prior to the capture of Brezka the
Austrians captured Krespi and Dnbrava, to
tne westward ot iirezka, alter prolonged and
steady fighJng. .
: Relations rrieaaiy. -
Belgrade, Sept 19. Most friendly rela
tions exist between the Albanian . league and
the Servian frontier commanders.
More of dasnbetta's Speech.
Paris, Sept 20. Following is the text of a
portion of Gambetta's speech at Rouen on
Wednesday against ultramonists: ;
ihe clerical question, that is to say,tho
question of relations , between anarch . and
state, keeps all other questions in suspense
nere. it is that spirit of the church which
takes refuge and gathers strength that I de
nounce. An ever increasing danger to society
run from the ultramontane spirit the spirit
of the Vatician and of the syllabus which is
nothing but abuse of ignorance with the pur
pose of enslaving it I have spoken of the
relations between church and state. I am
perfectly aware that to be correct I should
have said the relations between the churches
and state; bat from the governmental and na
tional point of view it is only uitramontaine
ism which persists in opposition to the state.
The critical spirit endeavors to filtrate into
everything into the army, into magistracy
and there is this that is peculiar; it is a'wayr
when the fortune of the country- is falling
that Jesuitism rises. Far be it from me to
wish to put shackles on liberty. I am an ob
stinate partisan of the liberty of conscience;
but ministers of religion have duties to the
State, and what we exact is fulfillment of
these duties and to apply the laws, all the
laws, and then abolish indulgences. If law
is applied order will be restored in France 1
without persecution bv simnlv continuing tra
ditions which prevailed."
Good Advice.
Paris, Sept 22. The RepubUque Fran-
tame, in an article on the unsettled state of
Europe, advises France not to enter into any
engagements. It says that the perilous times
are not yet over, and still less the era of allur
ing offers. Tbe article is regarded as a reply
to a revived rumor that England recommended
France to take possession of Tunis.
Aastrlans Advancing;.
London, Sept 22. Tbe PtMher Lloyd an
nounces that tbe Austrians have occupied
Bjetina, 25 miles north of Woernik.
A Xallonal Anniversary.
Paris. Sept 22. This day being the anni
versary of the proclamation ot the republic ban
quets in celebration of tbe event were held in
Bordeaux, Marseilles, Cette, Montpelier,
Nantes, Lyons and other cities. Louis Blanc
and Alfred Nanquet, radical members of the
chamber of deputies, made speeches on the
occasion, the former here and the latter at
Marseilles. Both set forth as the programme
ot the radical party the suppression of tha
otnee of President of the republic, the aboli
tion ot tbe senate and discontinuance of the
budget for public worship. Blanc severely
criticised tne nau-nearted policy of Lrambetta.
newspapers announce that in conseauence
oi new attempts to bold a socialist congress..
..... ....
legal prosecutions are impending, and several
foreign internationalists will be polled from
r ranee.
AKnssian Proposition.-
Constantinople; Sept 23. Russia has
proposed to the powers to make a collective
demand upon tbe people for the immediate
surrender ot the territory ceded to Montene
gro by the Berlin treaty.
Russian occupation of San Stefano is com
pleted. '.
' Clratefnl for Russian Protection.
: St. Petersburg, Sept 23. Gen. Todleben
telegraphs the czar that he was received at
Adnanople by Musalman. Greek. .Bulgarian,
Armenian and Jewish clergy, who requested
him to express their gratitude for the protec
tion which the Russian authorities had
afforded them. They stated that such order
and justice had never before prevailed, as
during the occupation by Russian troops.
Adrianapolis was illuminated on the arrival
and departure of Gen. Tod el ben, and the
gates of tbe mosque bore tbe czar initials.
To he Created Cardinals.
Rome, Sept 23, At the consistory to be
held on the anniversary of the election of tbe
present pope the nuncios at Paris, Madrid and
Lisbon will be created cardinals. . .
The British in India.
London, Sept 23. A special from Cal
cutta says the main body of the mission to Ca
bul proceeded as far as Tararood. Its return
thence was telegraphically ordered by the
viceroy. The mission will be now withdrawn.
It is fully recognized that the ameer of
Afghanistan is merely the puppet of Russia.
The question will consequently cease to be
treated from aa Indian standpoint and be
comes a very serious problem of English
poiiBca. - - - - -.;-s..
The Aatt-Soclalist Bill,
Berlin, Sept 23. The North Qtma Ga
ixtit says the committee oa the anti-oocialiat
bill has already arrived at some conclusions
which the federal government will probablv
pronounce inadmissible, The ultimate pas
sage of the bill appears endangered, and it
will at least meet with great difficulties un
less in debate on the third reading members
who are really striving for an understanding
with the government obtain the upper hand.
Victoria's Mia ton Related Passage.
Calcutta, Sept 23. An officer of the
ameer of Afghanistan at Alimnjid refused to
allow the British mission to Cabul to go
through the Khyber pass, and crowned the
heights which commanded the pass with his
followers after a three hours' interview with
the officer, in which he warned him that his
act would be regarded as the act of the ameer
himself. Major Cavagnari, commanding ad
vanced escort of the mission, returned to Jam
rood and the mission has withdrawn to Pesha
waun. ;
Seme Bullion.
London, Sept 23. Amount of bullion gone
into the Bank of England to-day on balancee
148,000 . t , J ,
ML Vesuvius on a Bnst. - "
Naples, Sept 23. -There was an intermit
tent eruption of Mt Vesuvius last night
The activity is increasing."'
- Orangemen for Trial.
Montreal, Sept 3. The police magis
trates to-day committed six Orangemen, ar
raigned for belonging to an illegal society, for
trial at the court of the queen's beach.
Victoria, Sept 19. The news of the oppo
sition victories in Canada East has created
much interest here. Sir John MacDonald
having lost his seat for Kingston, Ontario has
been put forward as a candidate in Victoria
City, and will undoubted be elected.
The French Savings Bank,
San Francisco, Sept 18. The suicide of
the managing director of the French Savings
Bank has had the effect of creating a run on
that institution. To-day an eager and ex
cited crowd was collected," who, forming in on
line, streamed into the bank to leave their
names, calling for their deposits under the 30
days rule. All the business transacted by
these depositors, all payment being postponed
which virtually is temporary suspension of
the institution.
A Large Failure.
In the matter of the bankruptcy of the
Sierra Lumbering Co., of Shasta, Tehama and
Butte counties, adjudged bankrupt on its
own petition a warrant in bankruptcy has
ueen issueu out oi me u. is. uihwics cours:
against said bankrupt giving notice of a
meeting of creditors to be held at the court
of bankruptcy on the 30th inst, to choose one
or more assignees of the estate. The creditors
number over 2,000. 8 "
- Chinese Cne-Cutting. ;
San Fr4SCIsco, Sept 24. Four Chinese
have sued Sheriff Nunan for $10,000 damages -each
in the U. S. District court for the loss of
their cues in the county jail, and -fifteen
other suits of the same kind are in process of
preparation. Four suits of the same . kind
were instituted two roonins ago. in which on
demurrer Judge Saxyer bad no authority to
act as cue sbbreviator. Argument on plain
tiff's demurrer to defendant's answer comes .
up on the first Monday in October. Judge
VY heeler yesterday granted a temporary in
junction prohibiting any cue-cutting in the
jaiL which will be argued next Friday.
Aa taisrtsnstc ASaih '
Stocktok Sect 23. This morninzthe hv
was thrown into great excitement by the an
nouncement that George F. Smith, a wealthy
and highly respected farmer, had been shot
and mortally wounded by Janes Journey, a
farmer who has leased Smith's ranch on the
lower Sacramento road. Smith is tha wealth
iest man in this county, and is esteemed as an
exemplary citdsen. Journey is a hard working
farmer of good reputation. Tronble has been
brewing between these men for some months,
growing worse all the time. It appears that
Journey had got a lease from Smith for his
ranch two years ago for eight years, but
Smith, being dissatisfied witt the manage
ment of attain, proposed to buy Journey s
lease, which was refused by Journey. Smith
was shot while iu his buggy, and six buckahot
entered his right houlder and arm. Smith
and Journey were each provited with shot
guns, and anticipated trouble The aflair .
proved unfortunate, and is deeply .regrettsd
by the wnole community.
Convicted of Startler. ,
San Francisco, Sept 23. In the fourth
district court this afternoon Timothy Lynch,
on trial for killing his wife, was found guilty
of murder in the second degree. In the same
court John Spohr was convicted of murder in
the first degree with the penalty of imprison
ment for Uie annexed by the jury.
The Vatican baa decided ti instruct the)
French bishops to snare no i ffort to coun
teract tbe effects of Gambetta's speech
The bark Carlo has arrived at Philadel
phia with 153 officers and crew of tbe Span
ish frigate Pizarro, which foundered at
sea. :'.- -
Ten battalions of Turkish troorja will bs
dispatched to Adona, five to Crete, and 45
to Matrovitza and Koasova from Constanti
nople. ' f.--' .
Montenegrobas asked Servla to unite with,
her in resisting tbe Albanians. Tbe Russian
General Kamorotf strongly recommends the
Tbe Black Hills robbers are in a body 63
miles north of Hot creek, Wy. There'aro
fourteen men and two women dressed aa
men in tbe gang. r ?
Gambetta's programme is to dismiss anti
Republicans from office and exclude citi
zens from the priesthood until they hay a
pertormed military duty. "
A "Vienna dispatch says: Private advices
state that Gen. Slapary baa fought a serious
engagement near Tioala, which it is hoped
will result in the complete expulsion of the
insurgents from northeast Bosnia.
Cel. Green's command has returned from
Camas prairie and the Letnhi country.
Tber saw only a few scattered parties of
Indians, all of which 'escaped tbe troops.
' A Constantinople dispatch wiystbeenvoy
who recently arrived from tbe ameer of
Afghanistan la endeavoring to Induce tbe
porie vo conciuae su alliance wnu jtussia.
A young man named Boat ware, of Berk
ley, Texas, baa been arrest-)d for silling
eight children of Mr. Lynch, whom
lieafterwarda burned. Lynch was shot
The TJ. S. attorney has saed O. P. IT.
Archer, for many years transportation,
agent on tbe Erie railroad, to recover $iOS,
000 back income tax on his earnings asagent
from 1S62 to 1872.
Russian authorities have Instructed the
provisional government of Bo igaria to suai-.
mon all male inhabitants between tha a;oa
of 20 and 22, to form a territirial army of
50 battaliona of Infantry aud 70 squadrons
of cavalry.',- :-;-,.a - .
Captain General Marlones Campos has
gonfe to Cardenas with 600 laborers to di
vert the ooarse of waters dot. causing art
Inundation of the greater pa;t of the dis
tricts of Alancrez, Kecreco, Cardenas and
Colon, In Cuba.
Tbe general outlook in tbe yellow fever
district shows but little abatement. Re
ports show 13 deaths at Vickaturg. Amor-g
tbe deaths is Wm. A. Fairchikl, insurance
sotetit and Past Grand Cotauiaoaer of
Knights Templar. .
Sherman City, a small villa is of Isa1?lU
county, Mich, was anniniia d by a tor
nado. Every store, dwellinf house and
bed jn the village was swept clean, extern
one frainedwelling which ii partiaiiy de
stroyed. Tbe air was thick with timbers
boards, bricks and stone. Th inhabitant
took refuge in cellars.
The project for raising a lean for tfce re
tirement of Ppr currency t as been ataa
donedln Turkev.vXbe coiomtoion tr
priinted to consider the anbiett to- tbe 1U
means of overcoming the evil sf depreciated
paper currency finds great dixiieuUy iu.
framing a practicable Bcheojjfwr that iur