The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, September 14, 1878, Image 3

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;Tas ImiiiHrfSB i '-" -he b .-t newspaper
ver published in Douglas county. -
Society XIsotin s.
ty& A hold regular coniraumca-
tions every first and third Tuesday
n each raonih All members in pood ,
ti.uKwmMY9 dam ndjlj wll
nd trovern themeelvs acoordmgly. Visits
eet with I
i jr companions are invited to a
la Chapter wnen convenient.
W. L Friedlan deu, Sec'y. ,
v . . I
V ALAUUfcL LULMU A. .'. ana a. w
Y T h.
Ma reirular tueetings on or before
V ecl. fuum n. .a w w
-o.:"' T T - . - ;
A.JT UMr;-:ftC,;--.
a ; 1
" UMII.N ! A It1
& Lodge, N a 8. i U.. U.
k i. i
burir. Members of the order in good stand
Ing are inTited to attend. By order of the N
Hazay. ,
More deaths in the State.
Grain is still pouring in from abroad.
The Oregon Legia!ature h is as-embled.
Dr. WhiUemore has located at Phoenix.
Josephson moves to. Dr. Hamil on'a next
Hid. mines have been discover near the
town of Ashland.
D. Ilatik's new dray has appeared on
the etreeta this we- k.
Champagne has ebinglei hia house a -tashed
to the hotel.
Hon. Rufus Mallory.of Portland, waa in
the eity last Tuesday. '
' Thirty bushtls oi wheat to the acr is
common in Lane county,
M. Josejlion will remove next Mon
day to Dr. Hamilton's Brick.
. J. 'Braiidt, Jr.. Su, eiiutendent of tin
railroad, came up last Monday evening.
Partie irom abrrad express surpriurt a
the improvement gUig"on in Koseburg.
Yager, a1 farmer residiag Si-ven mil
from Salem, dropped d. ad laei 'I uesday . ;
Sheriff Dale, of Yamhill county, has be n
suied bv that county to ret-over $17,000.
A.Portland paper tell of a man who fei
down and run a knot-hole through i;is e-
A No. 9 2few - Wilaon sewing imc'iin.
can be had for $35,hy addressinir this olflo-.
lut er ab'-ut as Scarce hen's te-t I
in this market. A da'ry would thriv u
this vicinity.
Miss Lee, of Coi s cjunty, died on the 8n
inntant, of consumption. Post mortem ex
aminntion was had by Dr. Cozd. .
f f mm mm itnlaatkku fit Aunt V1 1 f - SnltJI T"U
sure and do a g h1 job of it rr you may
Do prubfCUVrU lor Hirieuiti.ii tuiuuiik. uiun
der. ..'.- ' ."
Wheat sacks have bren purchasMl at
Junction City to hold 200.000 bushel a ot
wheat. There are. already 20,000 bushels
stored there.
Work was suspended on Marka & Co'a
new brick", for the cast lew rays, the
workmen beinsr compelled to wait for the
ioice for the second floor.
. , -, ...
Tl rvvB1 last ThnnniT a in sm I
sick jaay a orueier ikv iu vt-js touu
' f , . . ,fl
.... t XT I . I
physician gives him little opportunity for.
, Tom Browns' team suddenly left the de
pot last Wednesday and appearad on the
atreeta with the wagon inverted. No harm j
done excepting injuring one of the horses
. .
U ...IT.
- rm ns rtauonai vioia aieuai was awaru
. in. .. . . , . r ... .
ed to Bradley & Rulofson for the best Phtf
. -
tographa in the United States, and the Vi
enna Medal for the best in the world.
439 . Montgomery Street, San Francisco.
Some bnrglars entered an editor's house
in Olympia, searched around for a time
and becoming disgusted left, leaving a
four bit piece on : the tabin and a note of j
apology io having; disturbed the poor
Insane Patient.
Sheriff By bee, of Jackson county, passed
through this city last Monday on his way
to East Portland. lie had in his charge an
inaane woman, whom he was taking to the
asylum. While here she attempted to es
cane, but was recaptured alter running a
short distance: r She appeared difficult to
manage. This is the tliird time this wo
man has been taken to the asylum.
Oregon Seed Wheat.
. Rncently' David Prettyman, of Polk
county, received an .order from PhiladeK
phia for 150 bushels of seed wheat of dif.
ferent varieties which' he intends to ship
in a short time. Tl;e reputation that Ores
flpur. htta rro i n iA at mart ia a wttpat irMwlno
State creates a desire for wheat growers in
In other States to obtain Oregon seed.
Trial o'fStenffth-
There will be a trial of Btrength between
the black span ot horses owned by Mr.
Champagne and a span owned by Qrsnt
Singleton. The trial will be made on t?;e
hill leading from Champagne's hotel, and
the wager is twenty-five dollars a side.
Trial takes jplaca one week from to dy and
will be quite exciting.
Barns Darned.
, Conductor Strouu reorts the burning of
two large barns near Junction Cilv one
owned by C. W Washburn and the other
owned Dy Geo. Buehnell. At this season
of the loi3S is severe, as doubtless both
barns contained considerable grnin. Thev
are supposed to have been' set on fire by
tramps. . . . :
Wasliiagton County Fair.
. Our thank are due the Washirpton Was compelled to decline the in
co.ntyAeanoi iet,r,va comply Station as he has so ,;:1iy other
. mentary ticket to the Fair in tha county , . - , . ,,
tobebe1dHepten:ber2rjdtothe57th Thi9,dut,ei Press, UP" ,,,m- "e
Fair is always a jrrund success and this promises to address the peple oi
jear will be up to former Beasoas. Salem at some other time.
A 2Iaa Boards the Stage at Grave
Creek anil Shoots Himself Acciden
tially or Intentionally.
Last Saturday morning the 7th. a man at
Grave Creek asked" the driver for a seat on
the stag to Koeeburj?, ttating that he
ij ' i t. .,1
city. He was informed that he moat pay
hia fare in advance or he could not pro on
tue srage. He paid the neceaarr com,
ftndgotiathe Btag9. Tht;re were two
. fe . : -
other passengers on the Btagone on the
outside and the other on the inside with I
the roan who suhseqnently shot kimaelf.
w ben the stage reached . JLevens stall n
ilia ima!) nauaan f.Oif tit- Alvif i I m 1. a I
-- --- --r ------ .
wouid ride on the outside as his etn ano I
,OD acte1 an ,n8ane m"- '1 be horses
navmg oeen cuangea ine a-ag proceeded
abont four mllea when th rrn irn .
- e j
-wuo uvaaiua uv iaioiViV7 f a-IV iLti
imMiiivnr wna H i i i. i. iiriiii tru l im nmrr . it
ally, The stagre rt turned .with the body to
1 -J.V.I. .. J . t . . :)."-
wtcu mu'ue uour was ounea
A TerribleCalamity Averted.
A terrible railr nd .if t ident was prevent-
ed one day lan we -k by a young lad of 1
Mar.vh5eld. a station below Oregon City.
Just before the north bound train arrived
hei tbe f,r ' l "'Kajled. the fast ap
proachlng cars in time to prevent the train
trom being hurried to destruction. In abort
time repairs wera mad and the train pas
sed on In safety. The passeugers np made
a purseof $15 for the brave b-.y, which he
reiusea 10 accept I tiey determined to
present lum : i. h a mala) as a token of
gratitude for his noble deed.
Robber Killed.
From the-drivers we learn the p rticuN :
lars of the atten pt to rob the etaye and
the fctuing'.ot one of the rebbers. Sep
tember 6th wheri the stage was about 17
miles m uh of Yreka. three men Meix
ped into the road and ordend the driver t
stop the stage and deliver up the mail
and express. As the driver was complying
John .Remolds. Wells,' Farg & 'Co'a mes
senger, wlio was sea UlMisid'- the driver.
quickly drew a bead out lie leading robber
anil sli-it him dead. The tiring frightened
the horses, but the only damage tLat the
ro.t s agint -urceeded in doing was the
killing of one of the horses, fhev th-ii
b'at a i.uaiv retreat tin brusl .
, Sad Accident.
We I--, -ii vid to learn of. the- irowu
ing f Mr. Perkins, telegraph operator at
D; uu'b etntinn, la: 5" unday. Uimsll a d
another man were standing on a lg fi-h-ing
when the log turned und both wi-re
prec pita d into the att r. II. r i imtans
ion was rescued, but Mr. P. rk;ns wasd-ad
before he coul J be got to the shore
He was w 11 respected all who knew
For City Marshal.
At the request of many citizens, I hereby
announce my Bell as a candidate for the of
6ce of City Marshal at the forthcoming
election. ir elected, u will De my aim to
8rv. tne citizens ot Kysebnrg taithfully
1 ...
ana to joor alter ana protect tne interests
ui every lai-uHycr,
- wnuoi . wjuunts.
R08EBURG, aUgUSt 31, 1878
Woolen Mills Burned.
The woolen mills locate-i at Jefferson
were entirely destroyed by fire last week.
The property was valued between five and
six thousand do. lars, and belonged to A. L.
Stinson, of Salem, Insurage. $3,000 Mr.
Stinson had traded this propt.ty to Mr.
Snowdea for his interest in the Snowden-
Springs in this county, and deed were soon
to be exchanged.
Candidate for City Marshal.
1 hereby announce myself as a candidate
for the office of City Marshal, at the re
quest of my friends. If electea i win bear
tily and to the best of ray ability, conduct
the affairs of the office as prescribed by the
law and endeavor to give satisfaction to al
business men and other good citizens.
Extensive Preparations.
The Oregon and California Railroad
Company is making extensive preparations
to move the present harvest. The entire
"e"g reaireu uu put iu uesi
possible condition. A larg numlier of cars j
have been distributed along the road to re
ceive grain for transput at inn.
Miss Hay's SchooL
A large number of pupils greeted Mira
Lucy Hay at the ooeaing or her school on
Monday, They could not be placed under
better or more accomplished hands. We
predict for Miss Uay a success: nl term iu
In llis New Quarters.
Dr. Hamilton ha now moved to his
new quarters. He has the finest driiir
store in Southern Oregon and doubtless
will receive a liberal share of paeronage.
BJCU aa tue ur. ueerve ior uis energy aua
. 1 . r .1 . r .. I . . . .11
Fare Reduced.
; The customary liberality of the t. & C.
It. li. has displayed Useir, t lie company
has reduced the fare let ween Hoseburg and
(8.,!e.i.)to (J23ror the
iHeT.ahlenoite a num.
the Fair Grounds,
round trip. Tnia wi
ber ot our people to atteiel the Fair wito
could not otlerwite do so
Invitation Exttndeh
An Invitation was extended to
Senator Mitchell to., address ihe
citizens of Salem on the political
issues ot the day. The Senator
t rank Sprague discovered that the bridge thing ;n the hardware line. Thos. P. Sher- and G. II. llulburt, Urey.r; "lo youu : coup! 8 pith ever cas: in plea-
No. 9 was on fire near the center of the idan, Proprietor. report at the' next regular term. jiut places, and never b a m wa oy a
structure and had destroyed the ties lav C, Cohen, recently established, hasj -aK : Trow. Caka. :&nd -e r-rt-md au l a, -
ingt. ila without support He extinv readr secured & thriving trade - Dealer in PORTLAND Jb IRE. r.Jiatei : . . - -
IVhUivjc wuh.the bu-iueiS m n of Uos.
htirjj is uffietnt to" convince ay one or
their honesty. Cio into any of the hout
und vou wir.-v receive ttie best treatment
t- ra proprietor and clerk. We will "arM"
i'Ci, that. people outside of the city itnny
now who thy are, commencing with :
. Marks & Co.- Thia i one of i tL
hieHi firms in the cHj. Denis largely in
t-em-ral merchandise. Treats even i on
.urteouttly. md wh-n tbt firm occupi
h new hrirk wilt hav one of thu ftnri-v
Bton:B in fc-nthern Oregon , ,
J. Flood deals in & laice assortment or
merchandise; well k .onu in the wheat
and -o! mtrket upright in every trans
Aitntt ;1uj tn w! ttnmn i rvrt t1 m kw
r - e. ,r-T
ant to rade with Has a in-av traue.!
M. J.ei.i,son. of the New York Caab
Store, sella cheac His cods are of the
. i ,
nrn qu tui y, ana a lare tuu m uw.ouierB
alMtwc that he has already established a
und tuines reputation. He will occu
py Dr HamUton'a curuer brick J
H. C. Stanton, at tiie . posioifice, doe a
fine business in genenJ niercl.andt e 'Ac
comruodating, pleasaut and foir to all his
numerous customera. rieVe. Tails to give
satisfaction. I .
Dr Wo nlr' ff hns a large assortment of
droS8. ; b"oks ud atationery, wh eh he
ell lp. j
" The Pioneer Ilard ware Store ia jaiumod
fuil from the floor to th.-ceilinir with ;eve J
assorted merchandise,
,- . . .-- )
Dr. Hamilton keeps a splendid stock ' f
druira. tie occupier is new brick. ;
The Sherid n Bros, alffiay have a splen
did stock of hardware which they sell at
reasonable prices. r -
Langenberg Broa. keeps a fine stock ot
boots and shoes at their shop,
J. S. Fitzhugh hasgeueral merchandise.
M. Apple has a large stock, of candies, to
hacc and ciyt.rj.
AV, G. Woodward, dealer in saddles and
harness. j
Parrou Bros, attend to repairing boots
an i shoes.
Button and Perkins, Pro, rietor Metro.
politan hittel
Jacob Bitzer dealer in "beefsteaks."
E. M. MiOre, agricultural and sewing
L. Belfils. watchmaker.
A, E. Champagne. Proprietor Cosmopoh
it an hotel.
A Buieln-in. gunamith.
I. C!ar, general merchamliae.
S, T. Warrhv'n, t rop. ii burg hott-L.
J u Lenherr, turn ute store. .
V right & Carlon. livery stable.
S. (joldstein. ciyur store and candies,
dark & McGr g r. Lu eher shop.
Hall Bros, cigars and Candies,
Geo. Mick le, bhickemith.
The ('oonty .met Satur-lay--
Gadd';:' County Ju. Apple
gate and Cook present. Bills ap
broved : Sheriff HogHn Sun
I Uric, $49,10; kepping prisoners,
5142 47.
.Monday,' Sept.9 Bills approy'
ed: Dr Hamilton $9, Toklas Ba-
den & Co $18,75, Dr Woodruff
$4,75, J J Comstock $152,56, J J
Comstock $41,48, Jos Palmer
17 45 J0m pearce $8 46 J G
Kichardrt $14.28, G H Ilolman
$5. H IV Stevenson $15,48, E G
Hursh $11,90, J VV Strange, A
Buseimeir, 1' de Sonzer, L Levy,
11 Fifcher, and T Farquar, jurors,
$1,00 each; L F La..e, P Kerns,
T Green, C A Cox, 8 :. Hamilton,
W G Woodward, J TFoodruft, II
Lambert, G W G Hoover, il
Eewcomb, $$1,70 each, witness
fees E G Hundi . $18.50, M Jo
ephon $3,50, P Benedict $20,
Tim. (reen $6, Bhetifl Begun $8,
Philetaran Lodge I O O F $5,
R Newcomf) $8,
Tuesday Bonds of Horace
Hurldert, Surveyor elect, ($5,000)
Bonds -of J. G Clark, Coroner
e eet, ($3,000) approved.
P Pa-5 Creek
Preciiici reiaued, and W A
Mulvuny was appointed in hi
J 11 Huddleson, J P Camas
Piec.nct, resigned and Ja-nes
Kirkendall apposed in his place.
Bills approved -Herman and
Ball $30, E P Uogan $8,20, Clerk
Sh ridau $5. h-
13l;ls of A A MattheW, $b!2
and lb8 aiproveJ, Clerk Sheri-
uhi lor S'alJonei V ltlSUhe
1 .. .
$28, tees $2,75, wart ant book $11
50, Shenit Hogan prisoners'
wathtuo $.C0
Taxes IStata purposes 7 m. 'I Is,
echtto; purposes 3 mills, cout.ty
Mirpoes 12 mills. Sheridan fees
15 H S ipplegate $34,75, P
Cook o-J,lo, Jas fhnght $8, Sher-
dan $o
Agreement with South Ump
qua urtdge Uo.'to collect tol. on
Voeum bridge across1 South
Urnpqua, company keeping the
brmge repaired;
Viewers appointed to locate a
road from Oakland to J F Suth-
ei tin's placv ordered il etition
ers pay 325 damages road would
be declared npeti.
Appropriation oi $300 made to
build a rridge ut (. aujouville, D
I 9 ' " -' I I " ' .'.;: I :i . . ... .- . .
A 'Levins fb'ctVpeA'e V 71 'tf oi k.
petition asking cha :fze i rat
leading from Coles .v.illt-y i
Looking Glass received and vtev
ers uppomteU.
A petition having been reciv -
ed, Hskmg tor the !oeaiti of ;
rftad from a noint east of Wti
iTinrcnni a uonxit'on cintrn xo
point across llubha'tl's crek.
Wm Love, W. G. B. Djxoji an ?
David Bushj wre :apiointel
viewers, and 11 G ilulburt Ror-
veyor ; to report at the next eg
alar term.
Vievyers.appor,ji 6 lq'nate ;
chaiige.orxjonny'rJHd through ti e"
premises of M-s. Thmv8,..neaf
Canyon vi!Ih, tnadu their teport.
It was ordered thut tTiv nmij
change bi mad'.
A petition asking far the Iocm
nn of a roal in Calajooia re
cinct. tfionvd byJfE. R ce at,
eixteun other?-, was received. !
F. Rice. U. tj. Marh am) G. C
Derlin wern ipp.iuted vi jwers
and Wn. Thie,rHurveyr; 4 re
prt at the next regular; term.
refill, ut received asknifjtor the
locatioti of a load from Peter
Burn-, in LooklJig: G l.ati. toUv
i-OaVj ferry' at$ thl-; pheoJ f Jpfu-?
AlkeiK John lshniiiei fitter Jnhies j
Shetii .-id were appoin'el viewers
Four Buildinss Consmed Chinese to
Blame. 1
Portland, Set.t. 11.
About 1 oclock.this afternoon
a fire broke .ut in a Chinese wash-i
hi ie on Nbnh Front street, near
Ash, which spread with amazing
rapidity. In a very few minutes
tne names uaa communicated in
the soda .works.on thenortlr and
the Central hotel on U,e south,
and betorc the enitis had arrive-1
on the i-cene the three building
were a maau of fire. The buil'!-
HUTS weie alPdiy and binned like
. j t u
tinder, the fierc2ness of the flames
by, a Strong J
breeze which was blowing directly
lrtm the uortheuat. The acids
ooiitnined in the sola .works-: alsn
, i . - .;' . .'. .... ; 1
aided to tnakt- the eonfl mtatioit
one vt wicked strength. "..The tire
biy were promptly on h nd N.
2s we believe, carried off the
honor of the first, water. In a
very lew minutes four .'streams
were playing, lollowed shortlv by
three more. Two eiigii's werelo-
t-ated on tlie wharf of the O. S. N.
Co. and did effective service in the
rear of the bmldimr, while No's 2
and 3 kept up a hvelv fiiiht in
. v W J
trout. Th-' hook and iad'icr b y
also did gillaut service in. 'tearing
down the frame Work I of the cor-
ner building. There : was neces
sanly eousiderable delay in the
beginning and the flume l-ad
Sa,.ne(l ucU headway that ifas
thought by many that the -.halt
of thet S: NT C JO. niu4r?go.; . I.ti t
once start '( .h Lo? did irt,.d
work and it wa- but a shoit tint-
till the re wa
d-r; cutitioi.
The tour buildings with theexcty
.-."' .:'.. : ."'...': .
tton of i-e soda woik, were al
luussi eiitneiv cotisjineo. ine
wal'3 of the latter et stand but
the daniuge is so great as to nc
ce&fitate the" rectin of a brick
building iu it etead. ;
- During the height of the fire'Mi
Win, Zimmer discovered an o!)
telow known as '-Sfeiirnl on
Dublin lying between the httel
-.' ;-. .' . !-.
a"u wasih onse tJ"J'iJg, so stif
1 . ''-...
fletl l,v th" smokc "'! wa,er
be unable tmxt rente-jnnielf, Mt.
Zimmer im t edia'eh prm,'nr"i u
axe and snmruonig ai.r.ancv re
cued t
e nmti Irorai u . riornn:
1 he t)d lellow had re -
ceived a severe cut on the f ;re
head. He w, conveyed to com
fortable quarters and-medical as-
sastanc3 -umntoned tr his relief
At present he is restino easily.
The bum -of. the tliresht rs has
q'lite died away.
Iliulina ot ;"ii n lias c(imfiioi,c
ed iu earnest. " ' ,
The fanners are, fonewlia
wrathy about having to p:ty m..
much storage,- and, .swe-tr . thev
will have a warehouse: of I heir oivt-
textye;tr. A good idea.
lliere ts 8on? taU ot bUii ;r'
a WMgon toa iro n this Valley b
Ilttbbii rdj creek d i rect to 0 tf
uay. hum an t nterpne umJit
be a great D-ess; tig. and the road
would have- to be ottly fivv
miles long. -.'.which .Nwould bo the
shortest route to Coos Bay.
A Gool Bargain.
Any person deiriy a-ifood br&.in lu
thjeitfwioitux chtiil i,i;iisi'An,,. -tiv
A Fpleodia New; s;il.on mac:ii ?e ct h.
fwr $ JG. No. m nichlue.
. l i
notlu-r Jfttrtkr.
Front the Salem Statesman,
Intelligence reached this city at
i early hour vesterdav moraine
Mn early hour vesterdnv morning
nr. ti.i:....- "
that Oliver Ilihert a Canadian
FmtchnVm ,- iivu near . Silver
creek lalls, had heen found dead
on ihi niaiti road between his res
idence and Siivertoii, about threes
fourths of a mile this side of MuU
kpy'a place. . t
He was found abnt six o'clock
y a j aa-sersby- on Monday eves
mng. witii. a bullet ht-le thr-U2h
!i iH-ck, the ball filtering ms
,it.vk on the lot side lack of tis
trsir and coming out on the right
i J . ' 1 l 1 It
:41.1m ot nif t'lun.. ttif na I flan art no
.... ... . . .B-p
upward,- indicating that he was
)i t b v a man on tt, he being
iy Imr-tf- b tck. . .. .
MX N BR DLEY -At the residence of
(hi bride's parents, .V pi 12. hv Kv. C
B. Maaters, in 'Halipoou. Mr. W, U. U
D:xon an I CyntUi-t J Brad ey
To oett:i-u-m i.l: a.-li vv:-s one o-
j o a Uapin -hS, au t ti e
Auests were regaled witii a Hi
xn-i'ms re-
oarvt repart-d by huly iiradlcys M.ny th
Fire Soaicwhere.
The hevv smoke which now
....".. . res our atmosphere is ihe
result of bnritiii liinlier Thi
'vim ton': destruction ot t:mbcr
should be stopped The ' Legis
lature should take some action t
p event the buruirg of yalutiblc
timber, making it a crime with, a
!. t 4 t..i iv ...
- - "
aftord to have our forests de-
at,jet'- I I
. Thev all Take It.
When the system is run down to tha
extent that you pass s eeph-sa nights, are
nervous and irritable, have gloomy fore
.n? , . Z. .a' 'a
cted tongue , do not auroll yourself as a
high private. In the rear ranks, ' undar
Mineral Debility, but cheer up ana try
White's Prairie Flower, The Ureat Uver
Panacea, now for sale in every city and
town on ta Continent. , o mi-uictne ever
eoiiipouhded isha'fits equal for the cure
has a specific power over the liver, and by
curing the liver, dyspepsia and all other
diaeust-a arising from it. vanish as i by
imgic. Sample bottles are old at the
;one pr ce o! S5 centH that will convince
vou t its ..m rita. Large 8 z bottle, o
cents: mr aaie evtr woere.-, . -
IT ri.n-i: !l'ia Tut n.t mor iof Wi.l'k will he
l.t..rij in fl,?- iiHlfii u'iLl;nnt ilm tnonev for
U''l V'
the sum'; i asl ;wheu the work jb done
Inqtiiriea from abrw;td concern ng our
price wiir nc ivu attention, but orders
without cash v, will receive no attention
The paper.iuk und all the material which
prirter ua, mut he paid . therefore
ail w.-rk heuceforta, must i pa mr
w being taken from d:v.fflo
SonV) farmer iu Polk Con ;ty
had h.'a . - seut to h m
Uee.mse it not cie;in. The
i i.ri - are protecting
Oreo-,, nro lt.c:ioUs in a wav that
I ...... ?T. ... t . "
ts coninteitditble.
Has Permanently locatel In Hoseburg,
VT x-" OV'T
i'j. - - a. . mm a
1 T!-i in;itni.ioM ot" leamini? will commence
I tth imii.ttpusppt iq t7
- tinker the guidance of
It e v. J. H. Skidmore,
Principal. Tothe many friends withit- the
reach of thia Academy, we would say : That
ach deparmeni. ot the school will Ue nu
let the control off'thoae ho have added
to irod ability, cultivation, pntienco and.
I csierteoe. '1 her- will be three ilCisart'
m nts in tuls ACHdemy.
We shall Ik jz'ad to a ssist friends in th
fe-jociion af homt-a for their children, andi'
our sujnrestiona . rrefollowed, we assure
ton the children wiii bt shielded frm the
' v'tl iuflaeticrs. , ' ...
B-ard e-tu t'ie hl at froui $3 Co $i je!
wt;ui4 . Tuition, trrnn $5 'o f VJi jn-r qnar
ter, .in" Awt'dihy Depirtmont; frm - to
ii in Commercial. Ui'pn tmeot. aot trom
$12 0 f 13 ii Mj-iu-ai iV-pa tmeot. t
. J II. SlvIlMOltE; Principal
Cracketl Wheat," Graham Flour
air. I I'.vuruea!
TT'iTTawl r 1 f. . . rs An X -.trt ttit. j ;1mi -
terras, ' ' iOJ!& tiATSA
General Hercliandise
Ilave constantly on hand
...A . " - V; .''U V.''""
nc r (n provisions
c" -:" - v"- .-. I - '' . ;- ':i
WINES, LICitlORsi &.
Won n lid Produce
H i-wrv ueicrivftinb
He, - tu cis :im. nr
il!gliest Cash I'nce Paid for then1
y-tt 'is. MaKKS &CO
J. It. SHEUnXilt
T. It. BHEKtl AU
Sheridan :J3ros..
I ackoa street, Rosebur Oregon, ne to
Post Office v
....DEALERS IX....
' '.. - ' ... ' ..v :.:,,.:''.";v:f; '- 1 "v ." - ;:' ' ,
Tin, Ctpper aud Sheet-Iron TTarc
Are prepared te
Give . tatifttction to all
3 O S3 B Hr ,
mm zimnun in
lias the largest and beet selected stuck of .
Ever brought to Hosejurp. which he pro
poses to offer to the 'nmrket at. prices -
lower than can any other house in
the city. His attvk embraces
the Latest Novelties in
i "
Etadicfs9 Fancy ggc1
'r,y-:',..: V -'.'' "'"''-"; 'H- '- ,' ' ,-
- - Consisting in part of J
lie desires to inform the trade that ho baa a
' Complete stoc'i of
CL0T!!l!;3 AUD CHaTLEtlEH w
fURtiicHina taoos,
Comuisingr Full Stitis. Tiea, Scarfs, Cra
vats, v hite and Fancy Siiirig, white
aud Colored Underwear, etc.; also, .
Ladles Gentlemen and Children's
, In full supply and Cheaper than All.
Ot all defcriptiona. f
I am a!s agent for the celebrated
Fisli Brothers' 7&c:
Thankful for many past favors, I resprct
fuUv tuvue all my olct . customers and the
s uitic generally to eXsmine the stock in
,-,sr tfttr. All will find it in evrv way
wjrnpleie, and that I hare uniformly re
ducwl tha prh vi gcia. J. Cv YWtlX
- ' ' the
Greatest Qt&ntifcy
AND if
.op -oats
and SbooD
Ever brought to Koscourg at
mm wm.
3VTa,clo to Order
est stock of leather in the h'tate, aarf
is prepared to do all kinds cf w.irk inn
first-class manner .upon "the 'meal' reasonaj
ble terms.' Paries needing anjthirg in
iheir line, should call upon 'them fiit ajf
they fulljr -
Turned out ot their shop to be i 1 ot1
certain to wear well. ; 'It
liErRESEKnjfd -
Importers and Wholesale Dealers in .
To bacco and ITezis
. . Manufacturers of Cigars,
And sole proprietors of the non-4tqaallai ,
Pink of Perfection 5 SontL
Ncs." 101 and 103 California street, '
i San Francisco. .
' . . .A FISE LOT 0"
in A D E D LIEEtl 0 DUCiC
I have a Sn '.ot 1 1 Graded M -rino bucks-
at my fnnn, six mi.ea in-nuvveet of Krse
durf, which breeders of sheep will find to
meet all requirements, which I will seu
reaeasonable for cash. H. COJN, Sr. '
. August 3, 1878 tf
cantile Business at C'anjonville . to
Messrs. Toklas B.tden L Co., of San Fraa
cifco, we woutct resMctfully call the atte t
tion of (hose indebted to us aud ask them.
to make immediate settlement, - v
Mahks, is i i) em an & Co.
1 1
San Francisco
Sioio next door to the barber shop and
nearly opposite to the Postoffica, and has
one of the largest stocks of Imported aud
Domestic Cigars in stock ever brought to
Roseburr. His stock also embraces all the
favorite brands of Chewing and Smoking
T bacco, Meerschaum Pipes. Notions. Ca
and other artiek-s ' found Usually in a
Urstclass establishment of the kind. My
prices will be low and my time- cash, and.
a share of public patronage ia respectfully
soliciteJ. ,
Marks, Saul Marks, Ashei Marks, an,
I. Frieuland- doinfir business undei, nam"- i S.Marks & On.--is dissrtlv
A bv t in .renient of Mr. Saul Mark
lit-- i if6 of teaid firsm will be liqnj
an i all debts due said firm to be col
:;.-J i)v he remaining members. Tha
r uatvu remains the same as heretofore.
- "uo. t 1.. Seotemtwr 21 1877.
easieiui nAimviir.
fcP)K' S,
FOUr' DA Ytlm
Tho Quid est, Satest and Easiest
. , Route !
every day at g a. M , making quick connec
tion at Rrtadin with the crs of
C. & U. R. R.
Far fall p?rri ;ula.t rd 1 pa.1-- r& ?rly
' DUTT iN & TEllINL-. A-ea.a
i n