' ) - S'- , 4e Iniiepnienr TnS laoiESCSXT- The be t newspaper ever publlsh'jd ia Douglas cunfy. r Society ; Ileotlaas -fUMPQUA CIIA TEH NO 11, I r A.M., hold regular cosniuutnca i tiuns every first and third Tuesday a each month All members in good landing will take due and timely w'c id govern themselva 'acoordingty. Visit. ij companions are invited to meet with is Chapter when convenient.,-- . IIEUMANN.tl. P. W. t FbIEDLASDER, SSec'y. A LAUREL LODCSE A. F. and A. M ; ' bold regular meetings on or before " each full inotm. A. JONES, VV.'M. i i.F Cahtoeix, Skcy. piJI LET A T A V Lndgei a 8 I O. O, 7. meet on Satai'day ey-n ntf. ot e.c.i week st 7 o'cl- ck. in their hll n li"N fcnrg. Member of bonnier ia gooo tanU its ? lavfred to attend. By ordt-r of tin? N ... -. .-. .. ,'-,... . . . - k . . ff . ' '? BRIEF ITEMS Cool mornings, . .. But .very hot day. Dr. Hamilton' briek is &tup!etrd. The city lias been liv. ly this week. The West Shore tor August is a splendid number. Our Legislative delega ion havt- del :rriw: tor Ealem. ; The wool crop of Dug!us c unty is put at 1,500,000. A number of tourist are rurft'caiii s at Yaquina Bay, A Chinnmau by any other uarae wou d smell a sweet. ' A See new wnrebouse ia Wing c nstruo ted at Wilbur Miss-Lucy Hay commen es lor school next Monday. Tipton ii erecting a fin barn up ai Li farm108 iy 40 feet. Teachers' Institute wiil convene at Ea gene in a short time. Judge Watson has gone to hold a term of Court in Coos couuty. The workmen ar pushing the house i f 8.11 Lane, Deer creek, raj id y. Almost every one wll atttnd the u -ay convention next at unlay, j The north bound train was thrown fnu the track at JfforMn, TueHifay. A. O. Lantrd n - ccn'tmplatea ereeiiusr u dwelling Louko at Gardner. The team of Jack RelloW ran n ay lae Taesday, demolishing the wag n. , Last Satard iy the house of VI r. Whist 1. 1 took fire, but the flames were extingui.-ln ( . It is estimated tha; one hundred car leads of grain are at the depot ready to, shipment. We are informed that the ferrv on Nortl Umpqua, 'seven " miles- fro-n town, bus a new leasee. Mr. Frank Niday t.f Josephine count'-. Is purchasing a stock ot merchandise of S. Marks & Co. The citizens of Portland have contribus ted over $1,800 for tha distressed citizens f the Eastern Slates. During August there were fi'ed 'n the County clerk's office, 31 deeds, 8 real estate and 0 chattel mortgages. The Secretary of the State Agriculture society is constantly receiving application for space $t the Fair grounds. Last Sanday. while crossing the river, a young lady fell in. Tlie water being shallow she was easily rescued. Oaryoung friend, Frank Morrison. pai us afljfing visit Friday. Fra k. sncces: and happiness be thy ctu ni-jns. . G. A. Young fcft arrive! id Oregon with a number ol tine buck sheep. He ha 7kfn them to Wasco couuty, Eastern Ores .vVesee that A. T. Strange, son of J. W. ' IJtraujre. b& been nointnattnl on tl green' baek ticket, for representative from Mont gomery county, I'.lliois. A son of Frank Strickland, Looking Olas was thrown from a horm and severely in" inred. Examination -by Dr Woodrufl showed a fracture of both bones .ojf th 1 t arm, and a dislocation oftae shoulder and . wrist. Yaquina Bay Railroad. The fcalem Statesman, Sept. 5th, says: A gentleman who has just return d from the Yaquina E-y sa ys that the work on the railroad between tide water an J CorvaUifc, is being crowded forward as fust as p ssi hie. Grading tor te.i mih-s has been com pleted and the contract for ties has already been let. Col. T. Edgvrton IIgg, ivho';. a been in Europe for some time.os expe ed to arrive, and the rollyig stock tor the dis tance graded will folio A tt- r has been received intSaleu; by W 8. Ladd from Col. Hogg, which states that he had pur , chased 500 tons of iron whiclt would be K. shipped to th'.s place. 1 m , Economical. During the week, Mr. Colwell. a worthy citizen of Douglass county, came to the city to spend a lew days. It was suggested to him that he put up at the Metropolitan hotel, as grangers were only charged 25 ' cents a meal. To this he assen.ed. On the following morning one ol his fr'ends suifo gested that he black his boots. "Oh. no; if we black our bots, they : Won't take us for grng-iB and then they will charge us 50 cents a meaJ," naid-Air Colwell. Th' b!c!i ing brush was untouciH-d. Book n Oregon. ' Mr. William Uoyns, AsociatH Kditor f : . Pomerpy 'a Democrat, Chicago, ws lien last week, 'this gentli-man haw btren tiav eiing thrwugh Oregon, co lecting in?rniH tion of the country. He .'Intends writing a book on Oregon, ; Mr. Uoynes 's a ver. pleasant gentleman. " r Jolinoa& McCuIly.; This firm at Oakland are doinr consul crahle baeiness in the Mragon-m:tking ano carpentering business. Their .work speak for Itself. I Personal. -Uncle Jefse Applegata was in the ity do ring ihe week. Hon. John Kelly, C' lector f U. S. Cus tom, at Portland paid Hose burg a flying visit last Wednesday. D. S. K. Buick, of Myrtle creek, showed his pl asat face on our streets this week. W. B (lark, of Co!es Valley has oeen In attendance at the Commissi oners cmrt Mr, McCuliy, a wor hy citizen of Ten Mile, called on us last M nday. . . - Hon. John Burnett was in the city on business J. W. Strange, our Assessor elect, was In the city (or several days. lie is arranging to move with his family' to the farm he has purch sed, near. Wilbur. t . - As wiil 'ne seen by the M. E. Chu cli app ointments, Kev. Or ell, pnior at thin place, goes to Jacksonville, llev. Crowell has tnad many friends by his quiet ami consistent manner. ULPQUA FERRY. Crops are Turning out better thau expec fed. Mr. A. W Hart, the art st.gave us a cal. and tMik some of th'- jeople'it pictures. vfi ieli showed that he uu:ertod Lis buni uesa Prol Oiggi. jiccoiii)ijinid by Geo Uiker. started wi.h their show to 'tljw Fair, 'I hey have a fitrate show and -succets will surely attfud thetu Win. : oy field I-as a werv iare crop of beans litis ear. He has about two acrt. n a.d the yeul is estiuviied at one li iu drtd bushfls. Apointitients. Tii- following are lij' apoiiituit-iits the M. E. t'iturc i lr ihit dimmer: Eiivem.... . , . . A An fil iirowiihviile 1 )iiv-r C .-valiis ...U V 13 Is Mniiii.,.' ...T. ..J Holder:? ,-prii.g ld. S M Driwr Kmpirt C iv. . ....... .J c ornifC Wili.ur. .I .. .....C H Htx'e :;4Sfhurg ...N A Siarr Axlilanif. . . . V Ciiai.in iii JacivMiiivtlie ........... DA Crow el Drain.. ....Tobf uoolled eliz Mission. ...T K Uoa Kiituaih.... . ...S M NickTn Yaiiia ........... . G W Kunrk Linkville. To be suppl ed For City Marshal. At the request of many citizens, I hereby announce uijsell as a candidate for the of- fice of City Marshal at the f trlhciuinu election. If -elected, it will be my aim to servt the citizens of Kohorg faithfully and to look after and protect the inieres s of every tax -payer. . Gkorge W. Roberts. Robebukg. Angus'. 31, 1878. , Art icles of Incorporation. Wearn informed that articles of incor poration have been fi'ed with theSecretary of State, incorporating the Silver Mining Company. The incorporators ate 1. N. Muncy, J. L. Murphy, Wm. Ruble and David ftump. Thrt Company l-as purchas ed the gravol diggings on Cay te creek, in Jackwn county, whi -h are known to be very rich. Work is soon to be commenced at the diggings. New Goods. W. Josephson returned from San Fra cisco a few days ago. bringing with hiiu a large stock of general mercbandis". He will soon to remove his store to th" brick building now occupied by Dr. Hanuls ton as a drug store, where he will make a grand display, pleasing to all who belioM it. . - . Candidate for City Marshal I hereby announce myself ts a candidate for the office of. ty Murshal, i at the re quest of my friends. If elected 1 will hear tily and to the best of my ability, Conduct the affairs of the office as prescribed by the taw and endeavor to give satisfaction to all business men and other good citizens. H. BEARD. In the City. J, T. Grayson, represent! ig the firm of Kullman & Armer, Manufacturers of Hat vana and 1 ometitic Cigars, aud Dealers in L f Tol a?co, "r'a- Francisco, wa. in the city during the week. Mr. Grayson is a firstsclttss gentleman and the firm he epre sents one that can be relied on. Immigrants. A large immlgralioti by wagons over land K making its way to Idaho and Wash ington Territory. Au Idaho papr says that alxiut dfiy wagons 'passed through Boise City from Wisco sin. A number i f immigrant wagons arrived at tiosburg ouring the week. The immigrants are industrious looking peop-e. Imposing Edifice. The iron front to S. Marks' i new hr ck has beer rnisi-d aud net in position. The building will present an imposing appt-ar ancH when complete I a. fitting inmu meui to an upright course and honest bu- iuess SUCCefS No Loss. The Plttiadealer re; uses to eschaugH with this paper. Well, no m tier we et most of the uews that ia published in that paper in .he Portland Standard several days be fore the Plaindealer is issued. Land Jllice Business. The following is tlie business of the Roieburg Land Jffice during the tuouth of August 21 Preemption ; filing.''. Final Iiem-Slead entries, 1320 acres; Homestead entries, 2016 acr-s, Cash entries. Appointed Teacher. VV sue by the Willamette papers that Quiocey A Grubbe, formerly of : this place, Iih8 been appointe.t principal of the Beihei Academy tor the fall and winter terms. Has Gone. Mr. A. G. Uerdrff, of 0 tk laud, eon of W. Q. B. Deardiirfl, hit for Cineinmm last Friday morning. He goes to attend a Medical JoPege, bavin i prepared hi rnselt tor I he oiurMc unCer i he etiicunt charge of Dr. G. S. Co aid. Succeis attend yoa, Al. TWO NOTES FORGED. Two Notes Forced Attempt to De fraudThe Forger Arreseu by Sheriff Hogan, He Prepares For War. - Keadiiig tin1 mirmrous reports ot tnurd r, rapine, theft;- ftTene., etc , that are eonsti:itty occuring in this State, one is. lead t r he lieve that cime contageoas uml liable tt pp read aioni; thd dis I onest and lowor cla8es in BVITV 7 U eein- comnuiiiity. The press is itig with these tep rts. The com munity in which we live has uot ecapeil the itt'eehon. We aire called upon f t'lirotricle a cjise t the disease vz Rojjehurfir. A man know of Jaiftec Kntu-p called at the hardware store td1' the aheri . 1 ' I dan Bros, and hditghtja pist I and kiltie of this linn. Not hav'tnir, I . the tntniey with whicjrto py, he irav , hy way ot security, to Sheridan, n note of i about Mr. and sig (ed hy Samuel II I pair, thinking sd was right Mr. Siiiris (Ian arCN jiU'd the s;i ne. h:lhw wi'iit avviiy, httt. ism'bseqi iv heteiiirncd and Imbht J I The lent- the s unt; tirm a shot jiio, kirti-rin p.iynieti tr ?he satnt1 a ixiti nii i Mr. rvti e.Mt. Sn.Tidaii. think ii g tl.at -she note (Mt Ihii an, -a as e itiicH til security tor the guij, lei nil. i have the jiun, and did uot lake the Iivine note. He then wont to Mr. 'ritzT and there b'lUht of Mr. Oltzer a fhotpun ami giving tor the same a note on Geo. V. Fisher. A shtrt pme afterwanls the not Mr Sdhendur i had rtceived u a- con' paired iwith 'he one Mr. Critzer hud, ai d it was atonee disc vered that both notes were written in. the same hand. Concluding all was nut right, they ent Mr. Pro'zman af ter the fellow.' While returning he 8pranflr trom the buoird and ruarle his escape. 8 on a Protzman reached! the city Iloffan started out for! the festive Kramp, and." in the even ing, "krainped" huu into ounty jail. County Court. the The following business was transacted betoreHon. C. Gatldis. County Judge, this week": j IT. Brown vs. M. J. and II. A. Barr; action to recover nitny. Judgment by default for the sum t $267. S Minard vk Roland Fh urnoy; action to recover money. Judg ment by default tor the sum of 162.24. Wm. Kamp vs. Sugar PjneiMill Co. ; action to recover money. Continued. II. II. Griffin rs 'Sugar Pine Mill Ct.; action to recover Mum ey. Conimued. Serious Accident. A man named Van Buren fel1 from the platform of .be pile tlriv er last Monday, while wo; king on the trestle-work near town strik ing head first on "the groun dintttice of.l5 feet. lie e-en olnioot li'.racu'oiisly, "without injury, oilier th in h severe sh It ur contemporaries dun u pe 1 any ck. re a eorieet re, ort of the hatigir Lewis in U OH county, lhey will find It Hi the D iU ibis INDEPEND ENT, published one veek agJ to- day. Tt.. a... . a . i.t it.ii Vyf ! I j s I Maimiealer do not cms ilidute into one concer is- tiiat the ties ol consanguinity .bet e. ti.emj an io strong that the nttsprin. would be ualawtul. Mr. J A. F x, n experienced druifjst v.-luntcer his berv n i lees t. attend tlie lever stricken, pie of the South .f authoiiztd Go. and l.v the provideq with traiisporiatou the pe iple of Portland. The anuud . reunion of Grand United Order of Odd Fel Iowa of America, called lor ti ie first Tuesdav in October-. at Vhi eg, is p,-sp Mted, "ffi gt tii j yellow tever in the S nth, to the first Tuesday in December. ) A HORRIBLE DEAT1L E. A. Pomeroy, of Deer Island, Colum bia River, Meets With a - Horrible Death Near Columbia City. Portland Standard. Sept. 4th. For years past Mr. K. A. Pom eroyy who reside on Peer Island, a short distance below Columpia City, has had the reputation and gamed the marked esteem ot a kin ami indulgent father, an honest and straightforward- man A few days since he concluded to dig a well near the house ho as to have water more ' convenient lor barnyard stock. He set to work with his uual encgy and had soots gumed quite a depth. Ye terday while wurking in the well hi saw the sides begm to close around hiin and he threw up his bauds in perfect helpless-ies?. The dirt closed in around him nn- til nothing cou!(4 be seen but his nervously working ringers. The alarm as given at once and in a very short time ne'tghbers had ar rived in force and the work of -e-moving the earth began in the quickest possible time and in ear i est. Whilo the work was going on the voice til : Mr. Pomeny .could be pUmly heard imploring them tor GodVsake to hurry, as he was dying. A. the dirt was removed, his voice grew faiitortl while he convesed with the work ten. The trien'V worked with desperation and as ' rapidly as possible, but be fore he could be extricated the. spirit had fl vn.dnd the corpse was car ried ln:m the Well to the house amid the wildest net ot the fam ily and friends. A dispatch was immediately tent summoning the fatherless daughters from Forest (iroye to attend the funeral of tlu'ir fond parent. IIi memory will be cherished by tnose who have been left behind, loujr sitter the newly made rn;und has leen carpeied with reen and alseruite snows ot the decade to e- rue, as a gentle husband, a kind lathtrand a :eadt.ist friend. STATE NEWS. Thirty bushels ot wheat to the acre in Lane county. The Legislature convenes Sep tember 9th, at Salem. There will be a jgrrand r exhibi tion ot blooded stock . at the ..Fair this vear. The hop crop of Polk countv is very e irly this year and ol good qu lity also. . A mechanics' fa: r will held in Portland in October. .,- There are five new brcks being erected at Albanv. In framing laws let legislators remf ruber quack doctors. : ' Wheat is rurhinir aivhouses on the railroad'and Willamette. Numbers are crowding to Sal. m to uttend this session of Legisla ture. More ninrdets have been com- mitted tn Oregon than ever be fore. , Salem has raked quite a sum to aid tiie s uttering people ol the Hoith. Popland has seen and heard t! e phoiiogruh aud still urv;ves the shock. The Seventh Day Adves;its have been doing Eugene recently. Norton of the Sa'.etn Statesman wants Beec er to come up and give him a lift this State Fair Norton will likely neeu hts aid considiug the job he will have on hi-, hand-. The Emeline- The J.icksonville Sentinel gays : From " Wm. M. Turner, Super intenth'tit f t this ni'no, we learn thai the work of retorting the ore on hand wa-i completed on Friday !as rtnu the result pr ?ved highly satisfactory to the owners oi t'ie mine. For'y-etght tanks of quick nlver were retortd, .making the yield .bout the same as heretot.-r -The tiwners have a good, 8 eady pa ing mine, and with piper inuitHgiiieiit and a small outlay tor turjher tlevelojemeiit8, can be made t pay regniar dividends The California patties, to whom tlie mine was bonded a short time Hijo. have done both nor toward fulfilling their part of the contract and as the time will soon expire it is prob.tble that it will remain un de1 the present management. Man regrets ; inf after lite the fogies of early youth, and drinks at leas ure the cup ot bitterness, filled to the brim iu haste when VOUllg. ; They all Take If- . -When the system is tna down to tha extent that yot pass sleeph ss "nights, are nervous and irritable, hnve gloomy fore" bodia s, 4iur stomach, sick ' h adache and coated tongue, do not enroll yourself as a high private, in the rear ranks, undar General Debility, but cheer up and try White's Prairie Flower, The Great Liver Panacea, now f.r sale in every city and town on the Continent. No medicine ever compounded is half its equal for the cure of DYSPEPSIA and L1VEK COMPLAINT, has a specific power over the liver, and by curing the liver, dyspepsia and all other diseases arising from it. vanish as f by niHgic. Sample bottles are sold at the same price of 25 cents that wilt cqvince, you or Us merits. Large size bottle, 75 cents, for sale evert where. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. From this date no more lob-work will be done in this office without the money for the same is jMiid when the work is done Inquiries from abroad ; concern ng our prices will rect ive attention, but orders without cash will receive no attention The paper, ink and all the material which a prlrter ues. must be paid f jr, therefore all work henceforth, must be paid for be fore being taken from the office CSTThe National tiold Medal was a vari ed to Bradley & Rulofson for the best Pho tographs in the United States, and the Vi eana Medal for the best in the world. 43 J Vljatgi airy Strd'v., sJaa Fraiiciscn. The Willamette University ;tt Salern commenced :ts fail term Sept. 2d. j. n. snEur jan TB. PHEIOI AN Sheridan Bros., Jaskson street, R.3?bur, Oregon, net tu Post Olilce ....DEALERS IX.... 03? OJ W IS Aii-3 - m GEMHRAL HARDWARE AKD MiKUPACTCREUS F Tin, 'Opperand Shtet-iron Ware Are prepared tr Give Satisfaction to all u A AN 1NDUCF.MENTTO INCREAE the production of flaxseed, the un dersigned give notice that THEY WILL PURCHASE AT Tllta. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. on WILL Wdl Couiriict for hi! that m:y be Oeftretl. Of nex season's crop! tl.routrh their agents, MESSRS. ALLEN & LEWIS. oT'Portland, From whom seeil can be had on application JOHN G. KITTLE. Manager. Pacific Oil and Lead Works. . . .inft . . San Fkancisco. EASTiiRII HARD 17 ARE HUBS, RIMS, SPOKKS, AXLES, iTVS AODREiS E. J. IIOHTHXtUP iz. CO. PORTLAND, OH EG ON. ALWATS OX. HAND THE VERY BEST OF t LOUR OSDKRd VO Crackeil Wheat, Graham Flour and Corameal : . Filled vn short notice, and nn mosv libera terma. JONES & UATHS H cbnrg Brcwey, JOHN RAST, PROPRIETOR; BEST LAGBn BEER HADE IN j T8 MANUFACTURED BY JOHN Rnst. who has the article constantf- oa . hands, which he will sell in quantities to pn rchasers. Q i ve him a cal L " 48. 7 7a the price of Patent Paints f The Manufacturers of tha RUBBER AND ifPZRISHABLE . Elavintr recently reduced the prices of their prtims. I am now enabled to s-ll, for cah down, ei. her paint t -r $2 Ier gallon in 5 uraiion csns S225" ' - 1 J Proponionately;, ' l-4t " . s. Hamilton; 6-8t) . Rirseburg, Or Wlieeler Bros. : Postotfice Building, Locuht street. Oak nn . , '. .DF.At.EKS. IN . . ID-FCT GO 2)S ; WOOL AND COUHTRf PRLDlU. , We will 1 . Pay, the, Highest EtivQ FOR WOOL. - . And store ' ALL WOOL FREE OF CH AF.GF. We are prepared to n-ceivu .voo' n either ot the following places: . Roseburg, Wilbur, , Oakland,' on n I Drain's and Scottsb'-ig QlV ' VVHEELKR .'.!' s. METBiFllLITA HOI EL ROSEBURG. OREGON BC1TOJS k PRKLNS, Props. . ...TEE OXLT. . . . FIRST-CLASS HOUSE IN THE CITY Depot of the C. & O. Stage Co. Well-furnished Shaping Apartments. Hie Best of Beds, and tho nioft atten- -" live ot liousekeeiers, and a" Table Supplied with the Best ol Everything. ! MC-S I Cli. Li DLING Leave tlie house every dny on the arrival o the enrs from Portland. -The traveling public, an I all wlm favoj us with their patronage, can re t assured that they will be - r Met tained in the brbi possibic i anncr. L. I UTTOX, C. PERKINS. .1. 15 S.IISTSI, O polity Abraham & Brown, Oaklahd, 0g , .. .DEALKR IX Stoves and Tinware HARDWARE, AND FARfsllfM iraPLEf1EriTS. Keeps always on hand a And is always ready te sell foods for cast , at prices so that all will be satisfied. "T- T- . .V; .TT ' - T , j-:T'.- T ! : r " ' . T-V:' ' QUIt:E S?ALES AND READY RETURN . Is my motto. Now is the time for your W iu f c r T,r.dc. MAIIONY'S SALOON, Nearest to the Rail ro ad Dej.ot, Oiklsi ' JAS. MAIICNKY. Proprietor THE K1NKST tK IVINES,: i3 CI 3 A 1 3 . In Douglas county, an I the Im-si BILLIARD TA3LE IN THE STAT S Kept in proper repair. ; ESTP.rt-iies tra7e'ing on the railroad will fiiid this place very handy to visit On ing the stopping of the train at the Oakl .tad deiK.t, Jivj me a call. i . 9 if JAS. MAHONK . UMPQtTA ACADEMY. This institution of learning will omm not; ITS FALL TjERM SEPT. 19, 1878, uner the guidance of Rev.. J. H. Skidxnore, Pnncpal Totht ni;iny friends withi the reach of this Academy, t- would svy: 'I hat each depart men ot the tchod will bn un- der tiie control of tliose who Iihv aded ti go id ability, cult vation, pti-nce and cxtH-rii-nce. '1 heiv will be three. .ej an m nts in this Ac-tdt my. . i r. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT, & MUSICAL DEPARTMENT We shail b glad to ssit friends ic the selection af homes for their children, and if our suggr8tions f re tollmved. we arsiire yon tlie clii drt-n wiil b subsided fnm the rvii infiur-nces. ; Bmnt can.I bad at from $3 (0$)ei weelt. Tuiiion..fjm $J f 12 pr quar tl,in Aailniy Deptiriiiieiii; frm $'6 to $3 in Cintii-rciai IHjw tmei.t, tn.l from fl2 (o$15 in Musical IJ.-pa Itneil. J II. bKlDMORE; l'riccipal. " ' - - Dental Iloticc. DR. 2. BARNES, DENTIST, HASTAKE.N UOOM-- t)VEKTliE NEW York Cash S're, wh-r he will b- tou,d prepared u Fill, C-an ani Extract Teeth. Nerve destroyed, and seowtiv U eth filled without pain lie wilt insert full or ji8r tiat set.s All work done in a workman ke manner, snd at reasonable rat v i 2 t TIIE TfIE ! Greatest Quantiiy AND . ' :. . of Boots dnd'Sbocs Ever brought to Koecourg at IjAIENBEIIG BRO'S, j' BOOTS AND SII0KS' 3VExclo to OrcLer' AND REPAIRED. HIS FIRM HAS ON HAND THE FfN- . . est stock rf Iyeathr in ihe 'tate, and ' 1 is prepared . to do ail kinds t f w irt m fWt-claRH maimer, upon ihe moi reesona " Iile , terms. . Faries needing anjthirg their line, should call upou thein IIifl etJ they fullar ; - GUARAITTEE ALL WORiC Turnetl ont ot their shop to. b i 1 anil certain to wear well. , ' 1( REPKEBESTIXQ Importers and Wholesale Dealers in ' - ; t;- J ' . i -- '.-' - 'f..:-'-r;'' f."-''?f vr-" i.-,. '' Tobacco, and Teas?.. Manufacturers of ' Cigars t . And sole proprietors of the non-t quailed Pink of Perfection & ContH. 1 CIGARS, . Nos. 101 and 103 California street;-. : ! Sah-.Friscisco. ' ; , WILLAMETTE' SfMS WOE D . RICHARDS &ROUERS, Prop rs.-. TOTS E2TIAS, 01 AL KSDS, S Manufactur .o tie lmotts JDexter Coola Stoveo PARLOR STCVES,BOXSTOVE6, v U0LLOW WARE, ETC., ETC., Front stj bet Main and Madison Portland, Oregon B calh's Saloon opposite ; Metropolitan Hotel, Roseburg :. GEO. SEATH, Proprietor. Xnit PI5TE8T O? WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS; Always on band, and in con ectiota with the saloon will be found a WELL-KEPT BILLIARD HOC LI tJ.-.v r" .;i ;,:" : TEN-PIN ALLEYr Where .both health these mpatting gawa may be indulged Iu.- 4 NEW . n EAT MAUIiBT CLARK & McGUEOOR, Props.- LIVE AND LET LIVE. A VINO lX)fATED I'ERMANENT- ly in RiMeturg, and having secured the buitding adjoining J hn Clark ssahion, we are pr-p. red to turnisii th s msrkei' wih thw ehoice-t beef, muttoo and !ork. and any tiling elsn it our line of uade, at ! Ver lowtst prices. Give us a trial and vol t e D T. - d. We jy the L.:ghest Price for Reef. J0HII FRASEH. Home-cuact Frnlture WILBUR, OREGON. Upholstery, Spring Maitiasse3,etc. Constantly cn ltand. I have ihe Bi-st, StK-k of Furniture south of . ' Portland, and all of my on manufacture. NO . TWO P i. 1 VEa TO :Ui TO ER S. Reslenis ef Doughis county are requested to give me a call before purchasing . elsewhere. All Work Varrantsdi Ifotice. Notice is liereljy given to whom it may Ct'C-rn that the undersigned has been Hwanh-d the contract for keepirg the' Douglas county paupers for a period of two' years. Al : iersns in : need of assistance. frm said county must first procure a certi fietto that efirct from any member of th County B ard.'nd present it to one f '' tho f-Rowing nBtn- d perKons who sre aa thor;d at d wiil care for tbf pre? -.t ing SUCil CertiriCHle: Blittr;n & r-frVir.s- I RiHM-burg: L. L Kellogg, Oakland; Mrs. ; Brown, IKking Glai-s. Dr. WoodruJ ia authorized t furnish tnwlicat aid to ail rr sins in n-ed of the satne snd who tiaTa" hct-8 declared paupers o Donlea cocr.tr. - , - W, B CLARKU