The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, September 07, 1878, Image 1

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    Independent in all tilings; Iculral in Jotliing."
"Vol 3.
- - - i
ROSE3BUH o-, oscoiSTr'sa?xJ.aD-3r, sEPtr. rz, is'za
Attorney amlounselor at Law.
Dental Ilotice.
sa. z. barnes, dentist,
York Cash Store, where he will be found
prepired to Fill, Cienn and Extract Teeth,
tiai tetta. All wort doDe in a workman-,
Ike manner, end at reasonable ra;
i.i i i , , m . .
r W wecnattea togetner a moment
PiOneer Establishment. jand) ilftcr asking how j wa3. pro
THOS. P. SHE HID AIT. greasing on my work on Toxicol.
" The first haidwaie dealer in Umpqua ! Ogy, he departed.
, vaiiey. m the Bnck uuiidin-, j
Blocks of
Of the Most Improved Patterns ever re
ceived in this city.
Uca 1... Om mnat cnmr.ttfl RtnrV nf 1
. wvumm Muunv, ,
And manufactures everything in the line of
In a wo.kkmanlike manner, and on most
reosonable terms. '
, -y '
Always on hand, and in qu ntities to suit.
; Holiday, S ept 2d, 1878.
Under the suiwrvision r, ihe undersijrned
assisted by Mis9 HaUie Oiililand and J. M.
Bower The First seven weeks; of the
the term will be free. The last five weeks
weeks will be charged for according to mo
Orthography, Reading and Writing
month. . .
yeruitmrti. ...... ............ 2.00 lessiou to regard all consultation?
Higher Aiithmatic, Algebra or Geooi- . a8 gtrictly confidential "
per month. .............. 2. ou -
Latin, Greek or French per month.... 3.00 I presume SO, but excuse me.
Such pupils as desire to continue the Jn wo wortls, doctor, VCU have
.'study of Latin or enter upon a comnierc:al . .
course, during the seven wet-ks free Bchojl the reputatlOU ot knowing more
can have tWir recitations heard as ; was about polg0nR than any other liv
done last spring, either before or after dis- r . . J
trict school hours. J. BKOWNE, L. L. D. ing physician.
Placer Mining.
U. S. LA.XD Officr, )
RosEBCiio, Ok.J
n,frrTnTi' Ta ticniTTiY H1VRN THAT
JLi D. A. Levens. whose postuffice ad-:
dress is Canyonville, Douglas county, !
State cr Oregon, has made application for .
patent for place- claim, .o. 37, in the
Green Mountai Mining District, situated 1
in Douglnsc jnty, Oregon, on unsurveyed 1
lands described as follows : Beginning at
the junction of Brandy Gulch with Hogam
,Jk initio Jnnf. tince N. 2
grces.30 minutes, 6.50 chains, to a yew
minutes, u.ou cnains, 10 a yew
long and 4 inches in diameter ;!
i lour sides, S.," also VC."
et for N. E. earner claim aspost.
pest 3 leet
marked on
nr "37" apt for N. K. eirner claim a nost
No, 1. thence S, 8.50 chains to pott No. 2; veil and draw C ft your glove, if
thence S. 20 degrees VV 10,50 chains to y0U nJease.
post No. 3: thence S. 19.00 chains to posti' rrui i.,., tu-.
No, 4; thence s. 16 degrees E 10 00 chains ! The lady, without reply, threw
to post No. 5; thence s 30 degrees E 655 back her heavy veil, and showed
chains to post 6; thence W 3.64 chains to xer a small .black-Silk mask COV
post No. 7; thence N. 80 degrees W 5.5o . rt ,,,1 ji , r . , 1 .
chains to ist 8; thenoe N 16 degrees w fnng the middle of her race, but
' 10.00 chains to post 9; thence N. 19.00 leaving exposed a charming chin,
chains to post No. 10; thence N 20 degrees and two lips that ail auchorite
E 10.50 chains to post . No. 11; thence N. .
n .l.-ina to TntTo. 12- rthr.m K 3.74 Would long tO klSS.
chains to post No. 1; being the above de-i
Bciribedyew pos;2d. initia. point ol b -
ginning and containiug twenty acres ac-
cording to plat of survey filed in the Kegs
Ister's office by Surveyor General of the
State of Orecon.
The foregoing described claim of D. A,
Levens is ot recoid; the said applicant, D
A Levens, having acquired the said claim
by purchase from John Stephens, who pur-
(hassd the same from Joseph itamsey, the
original locator: all of which is a matter
of record jn the recorder's office of Douglas
county, Oregon; and now known as "D. A.
Leven's Placer Mining Claim," joined on
the east, south and west by unsurveyed
Government land, and on the north by
ground claimed by L. D. Montgomery,
All adverse claims must be nled in the
United States Und Office at Roseburg, ui pi" uvmc, . mvan " v, " ,
Oregon, on or before the expiration of this and discovers that he is not trns ; onl7 me perfect when he backs
notice. It is hereby ordered that the above fed with the sight of his patienf, ; up against the sapling w here he
SS he isaD bonf ' he -WlHb .WWt .o.fiodritht the
paper published at Roseburg, Oiegon. draws at once from the case, con-Chlve3 have cha wed up both tails
Given nuder my hand this 5th of Au scious that he can do nothing,and ; and one sleeve thereof. That is
- gust, 1878, w. f. benjamin unwilling to risk his own reputa- what makes him, in bitterness of
; ' tion nnd the life of the unfortu- spirit, renounce the bouudless
XMfcTOTH) Lt V E R T.nate slave bJ the blind attempts charms thut nature to her votaries
; But I am not an ignorant slave, ; yielas, and go home in sad solilu-
... .AND.
Feed Stable,
This establishment is the
3 est in tbe State !
and connected with it is a large
a a a aii a v fn iinrii pi ii r a . f" a
WAuUN Tflriu wiin tint ontu houib
Capable of accommodating anj timbu s
horses and wagon.
Always in full supply at living prices
And No One is Allowed to tit
Away Dissatisfied.
Don't fail to give us a call, f6r we ar. ot
termined to suit yon in quantity, quality
and prices. W-KiUUT
: M,:
I - v. , 13 1 ill
and the ram had begun, to -tall., in
l heavy drops. ,
. o .
I was sitting in ray office writ-
trfk when gome one wrapped at
lny door, it was ten o'clock; wlip
" . , ' " , ; ; I
could be coming so late at night;
someone sick,! suppose. Not so; it (
was a young doctor Paul Edgar,
,Uan MrtQt;., oo nhr,;'tnn
" . 1. W
Iff 11UCU 1LI 1LUL1VU UU 1 . Ull T D1U1UU
T 7 5'.. !
He had been gone but a short
auuiuer vuiicr. . vjuiu- iu ujc
door I found a servant who said
that a lady wished to see me, and
a fcote, which read,
. .
i hnnnpfl mo
like this:
uear sir. v.ou win not retuse
. . '
ior nve miumes. a person
i.ww viuuu vi.i.i.
Hem! said I. lite and death are
not very utiU8ual occurrences ; 1
bring the lady in. j
' , , '
A moment later she appeared;a '
tall stately woman, richly and ;
completely veiled.
I handed her a chair, and then !
'seating mvself awaited her please
' i
Dr. -, 1 presume, speaking :
with foreign accent. 1
Yes, madam. l
I wish to consult you upon 1
a very serious matter Sir. It 18
. , . ,
entirelv confidential.
It is unnecessary to mention I
tbat tact, a physician is bound by j
the honor and dignity ot his proM
It is of poisons you wish to
Yes, I suspect th: t I have
.swallowed some deadly substance,
not at once, but in too minute
doses Must beginuing to make
themseiVes felt.
I have come to
you for information, aud for an
antl(ote which, I ttust you Will
. . 1 , J
Before we talk Of antidotes, we
must discover the poisons, if
w H . . , nnt. V.,
your sus nicions are correct. Ev-
ery poison has an antidote of its
cijr ui&iii hub an 'Miiiuuie ui iih
own as every Vice is counterpart
. 7 1 t
an especial virtue. Raise your
n appears, maaame, mat ai-
though vou thought fit to respect
s mv T'at-n ,u nnf :A
' J ' " . r
' to confide in it, said I U diplea3
Pardon me, sir; but it is very
possible that you and I may meet
j again, perhap8, in society. It IS
f . . fr0 f . t nnt ,xa
able tc recognize me better for
us both.
Madame, in the seraglios of the
East, when a Frankish physician
i a art n rrsn ol rt nnanriKa frw tViA
l :f l- ; ' i
'and it is I who take the responsis
bility in this casej said the wo-
man in a sweet and pathetic
voice. I will die rather thun re
veal myself; but 1 do not wish toouth three montl s ago
die, and 1 believe that you can
! How can I?
You mav ask what questions
yOU wieh,and
I will aujwertbem
cers on my
nnnofsnl ir TP1 h n axiCWl M II (T hPilT..
Wilt not these suffice? ;
I undertake the esse, but it is
on your own .responsiminy,
I will bear it. What first?
lour hand.
The masked woman drew offj
tly. You may see ray hand, , j -
; you may put your nus -
J J ri . .1 Reenerv bevond the Lakpq. YU
temmes. inroooiujr r j . r
7 i r i MS . j
word, and
little hand
extended to me a
I which I- carefully examined.
was white and smoothes marble.
T71 r n rhin Q ron l n r ntflla n n !
""u luiii) itiMuuit . IIIUIOj auu iu
penng fingers. In the center of
her hand was a spot about the
size of a five-dollar p ece, which
burned like living flrel The tips
ot, , 6 YnSers f ere, nnmid and
cold. Across the bikek of her
nanci exteuded a red stripe
Upon this I placed my fingers
anu briefly inquired, natural or
in either; it is
tiofe connected
With this case.
Further examination 3howed
her explanation to be correct. I
j then began a rigid catechism, de-
termiued that if she
would not
spare' no
show her face I wouki
MHw. ! : - i i
ancI refinement. Alter thus auos-
oning her I proceeded to the cab-
et and took out a vial ot gol-,
.1 i: : j i
uo" "iu'u; T 1 .
xviauaiue, says i, your suspw '
fiions arft
X ()U fiaVe"
"tulu"l"J 111 1111
in minute
narge quantity of a deadly eas-
rern ornor. nam v irnnwn nhv
fiicians in thia fionntrv;
Q w v" rv
My toxis
cological studies have
acquainted both with
and its onlv antidote
, s oniy anuaoie.
made me
the drug
That anti
his phial,
bul it is in itself a terrible pois.m
and is to be used against the
other. Here are fifty drops. You
V11 taIce cording to the direc-
it you are aliy,e, come t6 me. In
tnat event you w1j hav!e uo on.
ger a motive for conceairaent,and
and should be willing to eacriiice
ynr -incognito in the interest cf
t-'wi vv-a
You are somewhat brutal iu
your suggestions, rerr arked the
patient arising and putting on
her gloves.
A)a(,itme yoa misti
? professionally, said I, ringing the
bell. As the servant came I told
him to get the lady's carriage.
Madame, I wish you good even
Good evening, sir, and the lady
passed out, leaving in an envel
ope on the table a note f a buns
dred pouuds.
Weli, the elixir I presented to
her is cheap, even at this price.
With a sigh of relief j I turned
to the table and commenced writ
ing in my work, and in about au
hour I retired for ihe nis;ht. .
To be Concluded
Horrible Predicament.
A Bostoi; paper tells of a fasti
dious and biishtul old gentleman
at Boston arrayed himself in a
black suit of clothing vhich had
been hanging in a closet fo sev
eral weeks, on a'. recent Sunday,
and started out for a walk just as
the streets were crowded with
church-goers. V Before he had
gene tar his suspenders suddens
ly parted, and as he excitedly
clutched at his pants, and they
broke away like burued paper
and fell into fragments to the
ground. -With a shriek he flod
to homevva d, but, before he
reached the friendly shelter of
his house, he was almost naked,
his coat atid vest having! dropped
piecemeal to the sidewalk, and as
he passed through the j
shin caught upon a nail
was stripped to the skin.
and he
It is bad enough for the young
man at the picnic to sit (down on
the CUStard pie, but hlS agony IS
j ry state, an irreligious,
cpuutry-hating unbeliever.
A Disappointed lover vho went
with .a
ig appe-
blighted heart and a stro
jtite tor death aud oblivion, came
'x"1,1-? 1 T UUJe,,ut wu" a
I . .v. i i. i, .i ii. .
face uevv vlu ewa3R. P.ampnor
nonsense won t
j bunk together.
Even the Russian language has
not the power to describe the
feeling ot the maj with la mos
quito bite between his shoulder-.
her glove without a!
low lever auu
a 'lurimng incident in isapoieons
Retreat from Moscow.
.. .
The. horrors of war have been
detailed in almost infinite varie-
. . - " -
ty, affording themes ot inexhajs-.
tlMe abundance lor the moralist,
e he n:,toriau and the
103 p0etJ lie m3tomu aua.tne rc"
mincer. Abundant in Guclrde
tails cf suitering must have been
the disastrous campaign of Na
poleon in Russia, or rather, the
most disastrous portion of the
campaign, the retreat from Mos
cow. .
Tbeondinary disasters of a re-
treat through an enemy's country
. . ...
w'uc, iu iuis lUBiunue, iKitnuijy
ty ot the cold, and that, of the
multitudes who perished, there
Wgre thousands who sank beneath
(its nirors. for hundreds who s.Mik
, " , , ,
Yet the assaults of these
warnor3 of the deserts
were fearfully destructive, llovs
ering in small bands around the
divisions of the retreating French
and never tailing to strike when
ever a small party of the enemy
separated from the main body on
it3 march aud , such separations
were daily becoming mora '.fre
quent; through the relaxing of
discipline aud the increased want
of provisions there was no pos.
8ibility of either resisting; or es
caping their attacks. Well ntoun
ted on their fleeJ and hardy
coursers, such was the rapidity of
their movements that they seem
ed to spring up trom the (arth,
always appearing when least ex
pected, and, repulsed, scouring
awa with a celerity that' defied
pursuit, even it the worn aud bar
rassed Frenchmen had been able
to attempt it. From thern, in
deed, there was but one resoruce
To keep as closely together as
possible when attacked by the
Cossacks, to form in solid squares
and meet the shock; aud above,
all,-to pursue their march with
the least possible intermission, for
those who halted died.
Thus were the remains of i"a
great army toiling back across
the frightful waste of thatriuhosi
pitable region, but daily leaving
thousands of their number stif
fening on its snows; the :: troops ot
Cossacks bweeping around thern,
and briiiffin
up the
rear, reauv
to pick up every straggler whon
fatigue or ' the hope of greater
safety in isolated p-ogress had
separated from his fellows.
The main body had passed on;
and there was solitudeiu the ast
and naeed steppe which they had
traversed. The cold wa dread
ful, aud a driving storm of storm
of snow was whiteniug the ground
to which the intense frost had
given the rigidity of marble.
' '
Kill the AVeeds in Augast.
' There is no better month to kill
Canada thistle, as well as vvseds
generally, and the destruction of
bushes, than August. It is also
peculiarly a time when farmers are
not so viiiuch hurried, and when
the wecljs have fully developed
themselves. The farmer can see
ta a glance, indeed has seen all
the season, the necessity ot com
mencing the work of destruction.
The best thiag to be done with
weeds of all kinds dxtirpaftd from
the land is to use them in the
compost heap, or tv gather them
in large heaps to remain there uu
tildry, and then burnu p, "root
andbranch." The practice ot some
farmers who look only to their
ownseltish purposes, who live tor
themselves and rarely have a
neighbor with whom they are on
friendly terms, is to pull up and
throw into the public highway the
weeds from their fields. There
they are left to npen their seed,
and the first wind that comes tney
are carried away, sometimes for
miles, either into the land ot some
other farnu r or into a stream, to
be landed along the banks for a
great distance.. We have more
than once seen people calling
themselves farmers and christians
engaged in this mean business.
The poet who delights in ex
travagant flights, of pathos will
have to step up lively before he
overtakes a sadder subject fcr
dyspeptic rhyming than a man
struggling home from market with
both arms fall of house -plants.
Made of awl work shoes."
Phosphorus was discovered in
A popular steak-holdcr-iron.
. Hold fish were introduced into
England 1691.
A tooth pick isn't the woral
toilet these days.
A passee beauty has to make
up tor lost time, i ?
Ilo-.v to get a head Steal into
cabbage patch.
Truth is not drowned in water
nor burned in fire.
The man who is honest from
policy needs watching.
The new tints in note paper
are shell-rose and primrose.
The sea holds the. oil and wick
tor our final conflagration.
America takes the prize for pa
per at the paris exhibition.
In Noah's ark it took two of a
kind to beat a pair.
Keep clear of the man who does
not value his own reputatiou. .
A young lawyer jot Pittsburg
has inveuted a water velocipede.
Every boy has to let something
off tsudden near a cat ouce iu his
lite." -;
lie who
sm;le3 ct another's
mistake lorgets
his own ijrno"
rJ he Graphic has s en lad:e3 in
their shirred sleeve i. Owing to
the heat.
BeaeonnVld is ill; t o much
Turkey. Gortechakolt is ill; too
little Turkey.
Why is an idea like a pig? Be
caue voa must catch it before
) ou, can pen it. "
When a pickpocket pulls at
your pockets tell him you have
no time to wait.
In this fast age, he whose feet
are beautiful on the mountings is
the horse jockey. j
Dennis Kearney is in favor of
a community, of brains. lie gains
v division, if nobody oise does.
. - 'i
It is an ill -wind t at bloes ho-
bod.good. The vellow fever has
driven the hghtuiiig-rjod peddlers
out of Memphis.' J
The same backache that makes
a boy howl when he's diggu.g
potatoes ' wreathes "' his fact? with
smiles when he shps oft to a
Alexander ; II. Stephen? was
never marreu. lie uas always
had all he wanted to ! keep from
being blown away by an ordiua.
ry breeze.
It is debatable whether yellow
lever wis sent to scourge Bob
Ihgersoll or the Potter Investiga-i
Hon eomiuttee. Thus fai the
iMioeeni alone have sufiercd.
4 'Each heart knows it own sor
row best," thought a pioui father
as he sat down on an egg which
he had forgotteu tv remove from
his coat pocket before g;ing to
church. ' ;
Five years ago a woman in
Ste le county, Minnes)ta, was
struck dead by lightning. Noth
ing daunted, she married again,
and recenMy her second husoand
was killed in the same manner.
Ed3on's new electric coftee
mili not only griudthe coffee
quicker, but it indicates where
the servant girl lias; niauen a
pound and halt of sugar to take
home with her. j
The London Lancet says a blow
on the Tear often ruptured the
drum, and warns parents against
boxing childieu's ear?. You can
get more music out ot a child bj
applying the slipper a couple c.f
feet below the 'drum."
An old Irish soldier wno prided
himseltupon his braaery, said he
had fought in the battle of Bull
Run. When asked if he ha 1 re
treated and made good his eseape
as others had done on that la
mous occasion, he replied, "Be
jabbers, those that didn't ruu are
there yet.
It was not believed that the
Paris exhibition would boa finan
cial success, yet the governmeut
commissioners feel that they are
out of financial difficulty. The
cost of buildings and maintenance
is estimated at ab-ut $9,000,000,
and a revenue : ot nearly $7,000,
000 is already assured, j lhe at
tandance has exceeded all cvpec
tatious. . !
-H The Irish have a curious legend
respecting what they call Bhiad
na oge; in Oiher words "The blos
soms of- youth." The legend is
this: "An Inshmaa at one pe
riod went to Denmark,4 where he
-b hospitoblj- roceirodmocli to
his astonishment. lie was taken
into immediate,, favor by those
among whom he visited. He was
told that in a certain part ot the
country of Limerick, from Cvhtvh
it appears he came there was a
Cf ock f gold hidden under a thorn
bush in a garden which . was so
clearly.poihted outl to him that
thero oeuld bo no mistaking the
locality, lie was
i .
He was (further told
that among the
was a re
inarkable circular
i iece of coin
with which he should return to
Detirnark, but that jhe might be
come the possessor of all the gold
in the crock with the exception of
that particular circu)ar piece. The
Irishman was obedient to the lets
ter. He returned to Denmark
wiih the circular piece, and kept
for himself all but that. The
Danes were rejoiced
Dane having been
A very aged
rubbed with
the wo jdert'.i I circular piece" of
gold, at once became young again
fresh and vigorois as in the days
ol his bovbood. So with other
Danes, You have brought back
said they, the Blaiqd na oge, the
blossom ot jouth, land Ireland
shall be poor evermore.
He Would Tell.
She had invited ihim to top to
supper and he wi s trying .to" aps
pear at ease and, unconcerned,
white she was ou her prettiest be
havior. ' . :
Have you used the (sugar, John?
inquired the mother, in a win.
uing rianner. . j
John don't want aiiy 6Ugat, said.
the )oung h Dir. abruptly.
W by not: inquired the father.
curiously, "white John, in his sur
prise, swallowed a mt of toasted
crust, and nearly cut his throat
open. j
Cod he don't, I heard him tell
Mary his' night-r-
l u keep still, interrupted
Man', in a hurried maimer, while
the young man caught his breath
in dismay. j .
I heard him say, persisted the
heir, with feaatul eagerness, that
she was so sweet j he shouldn t
never use no U''ar aov more an
then he k:ssd her, an' I said
tell, an
The heir wai lifted
out ot the
room by the ear, ami (tne, supper
wat finished in moody silence.
mm i i i
........ ; . j ....... . .. ... ,. .
A recent visitor to Westmin
ster Abbey noticed two bouquets
of handsome flowers upon Dick
ens' grave, and beside them a
more affecting tribute to the dead
uoveli!?t a little bunch of daisies
and wild hyacinths,' slightly laded
as if it had been brought from a
distant country lane in a hot, un
Said an orator at the Womau's
Rights Congress at Pans: "We
were born naked, and yet society
makes us cover ourselves with
clothes, to earn which wenave to
work and labor. Such anomalies
as these will rapidly dTsappear
when our rights are coueoeded."
Every now aud then some chap
writes to newspaper for a receipt
to prevent hair from aiming out
It .men would go home from the
lodge before' midnight, with their
legs sober, their hair woulu not
come out so rapiily. We always
go homo early, and we have more
hair now than the day we were
The Piinee of Wde was lately
on a visit to Bristol. After his
departure .the following adver
tisement appeared in a local
newspaper: "The comb used by
his Aighues, the Prince of Wale?,
is for sale.
Ben Butler invited Dennis
Kearney to come to Massachu
setts and work tor him. And
then after Dennis bad been there
and worked tor him as only Den
nis can work, the ungratful Ben
invited him to -leave and swears
he never wanted him.
'Let me kick him for his mo
tor," is what the appointed stock
holders now say about Keely.
The Omaha Republican oia re
cent date says: Bernard Volk i,s
a welNto-do farmer, living in Ad
disco couuty, Iowa He u miaV
five of Germany and is twenty
five years ot age. He vis:ted 0-
maha on Tuesday a "single man,
with no intention- ot committing
matrimony, and before" night hd
was married to a young lady
whom he had never. before seen
It happ med in this-wise: lie ini'
bibed quite freely of liquor, dud
in this happy condition he made
up his mind to hunt up a wife. In
walking along ' Tenth street he
saw a!young girl washing in a
room between b'arnara street and
Jfo. 2 Engin Lqusc, and walking,
up to her as she was, he asked
her if she was married, and, if not,
would she marry him ? She saw
that he ment business, and calling
in the other Women ot the house,
they madean immediate investi
gation into his ability" to supporf
a wife. He showed them he hau
coneiuerable cash with him and u
MI farm in Iowa. She gave her
consent, and proceeding to the
o.fice of Hon. W. O. Bartholo
mew, County .lodge, license was
obtained, and Bernard Volk and
Annie Fisher were mee man
and wife. The bride is nineteen
years of ago, and was born in
8ioux City, Iowa.r
A Wonderni SprH; '
Silver Springs, Florida, is one
of tho greatest cu nositie3 of th o
South. It bubbles up iiy at basin5
nearly 100 feet deep aud about aii
acre in extent, sendit'g from it a
deed stream 60 to 100 feet wide,
and extending six to eight miles'
to the Oclwha river. Iu the spring :
itself sixty boats may he at anchor
quite a fleet . The spring thus
forms a natural inward port, to
which two steamers run regularly
from tho St. John's, making close
connection with the ocean steam
ers at Pilatka. The clearness of;
the water is truly wonderful. If
seem? even more transparent than
air. You see the bottom 80 feet
below the bottom of your boat,
the exact " form of the smallest
pebble, the outline 'and color of"
the leaf that has sunk, and ah the
prismitic colors of the rainbow
are reflected. Large fish swiming
it, every scale visible and eyery'
movement distinctly seen. It you
go over the fissures in the rock
from Which.-the water rushes tor
ward like an inverted cataract
American JJacb'ncry.
The London Times prints tWo
columns of description ol the me
chanical display of the United at the Paris jExposition. In
the editoral article commenting
thereon, the Times says:" "The4
pre-eminence of the mechanical
genius of the United . Slates may
be admitted and is illustrated noS
for the first time in the exh'bitiori
la Pans. The Times, without
pretending, to-exhaust the whole
secret of the phenomena of tho
i n ve n t i ve ge n i U3 across th e Atla n
tic, finds a reason therefor in the
greater efficiency ot labor there,
and the increased cost aud dif3
culty of hiring it. The condition
of a union is au. economic society
drives its inhabitants toward in
vention, and there, as elsewhere,
nccessity may be said to be the
mother of it,"
Green Tomato Soy- Slice twa
callous of orecn tom itnA nn4
twelve or fourteen good sued onV
ions; two quarts vinegar ; one
pouud sugar; two table-spoonfuls
salt; two of ground mustard; two
ot black pepper, ground; one ta
blepooutul all pico and one o
cloves. -".Mix "all -.and' still until
tender, stniug often jest they
should sh uUl scorch. Put up in
small glass jats. This "is very
nice tor most every kind ot meat
and fish. - .
Pickled Poaches Bub the?
down ail off with a coarse 4ow1;
steam in a steamer until ' they ca j
be pricked with a straw. - UaVa'
cloves, stick threo" or four in
each peach end drop iu the jar
To every quart of cider vinegi
put one pint of whi to sugar, ona
ounce of stick cinnamon; "boil all
together halt an hour then pour
on the hot peaches. If the. vine
gar is good these will keep aU