f ns IsiEPEHDENT The beet newspaper ever published ia Douglas county. J - Society Heetinss. r , TJMPQUA CHAPTER NO. 11, R. a. M., hold regular communica tea tions every first and third Tuesday each month AH members in (rood tanding will Uke due arid timely notice ad govern themselves acoordingly. Visit companions are invited. to meet with W. I. Fbiedlaxdes, See'y. . LAUREL LODGE A.; F. and A. M A holds regular meetings on or belore V each full mooa , ; : A. JONES, W. M. A.F Campbell, Seey. PUILETAUIAN Lodge, Va 8, I O. O. F. meets on Saturday evening, 01 eacn week at 7 o'ckck. in their hall at Rose l.nrfr. Members oftheorder in good stands ins are invited to attend. -.By. order, of the N (. , Sails Sunday. A'f-ispatch from Empire City announces that the Gussie Telfair will sail from that tort for San Francisco on or about Sunday The Grand Lecturer. Tbs Grand Lecturer of th5 Grand Chapter of li. A. M. D. P. Mason, Epq . ir tends to visit Umpqua Chapter, No. 11. on the 24th of Sept em I er next. He ward Increased. The Portland City Council has increased the reward offered for the robber- of O'Sln a and murderers of Louis Joseph from $250 ; to 1 1,000. 1 Going East of the Mountains. Carl Castle and Will Crane will start for Eastern Oregon next Monday; there to res main permanently. Good luck attend you boys. ' Got Back. Mr! James Hamilton has returned from ... - t Coos Bay, where lie has been reacting law fur the past thirteen months, preparatory to Applying for admission to the bar. . W ebid lim welcome to his home- Pleasant Affair. The dance given by Langenberg Bros in Dr. Hamilton's new brick, on Tuesday evening, id generally pronounced by those who were in attendance to have been & very pleasant affair enjoyed by all. Not So Heavy as Usual. Most of our farmers are now engaged in threshing. Reports lrom different parts o the county are to the effect that the yield ol wheat this year is not so large as usual, but the grain is plumper and of finer quality. A Long Siege. Depositions are yet being taken in the Dixon case, and the plaintiffs will continue to take tertimouy for -4 lie remainder of the week. Attor ttie plaintiffs are through, the defendants will -have forty-eight witnesses to bo examined. s An Old Offender. G.ant, the Indian, under arrest iu Port land for the murder of Denis Spellin, is known in tins county as the Indian arretted Stealing, and upon onviction, was sent to the Penitentiary for the period of one yiar . Already Sewing Grain. Several farmers in the neighborhood ol Looking Ulasd have already commenced sowing Fall wheat. The earth in that sec tion is easily pulverized, and those now en- paged in planting u.e a common cultivator to. upturn the soil, and then harrow the irrain in CailedT We acknowledge a fraternal call from L SamtMl, E-xi , f the Portland Went bhore Oregon's only illustrated newspaper, on Friday morning, lie proposes canvassing this county for his vxceileut paper, and as he deserves success in his endeavors, we wish him g k1 fortnue. JiKstice liose Dea:l. . Abram Rose, Esq., departed this life in lloseburg last Sunday inoruiug, at li e ad vauced age of seventy-eigiA years, and on Sunday evening his remains were buried in the Mas tnic cemetery. Mr. Rose was one tit our oldest citizens, and had many lrh-uds who sadly regret his d ath. lieligious Services. Rev. L. H. Wells wil hold divine per, vices at the Episcopal Church in; this city on Sunday morning, and Bis"op Morris wii preach at the sjine church .n Sunday eve ning, at the same hour. The Bishop will hold divine services at Oakland on Sunday morning, and then come on io Koseburg. Heavy Rain. On Thursday night this county was vis ited, by a heavy raiu, which continued with but few . interruptions through Friday. While the siorm will have the effect of purifying the atmosphere and- ims prove general health, it must necessarily prove a source, of injury ta those of our farmers engaged in harvesting j Private SehooL Miss Lucy Hay will commence teaching private school at Masonic Hall on the 9th of September. She has already thirty pupils promised, and her school will open under most favorable circumstances. Miss Hay has had much experience as a teachera and those who know her will readily testify as to her abilities with this regard. v New Mining Enterprise. S. W. Crane has shown us a specimen of gold and silver bearing quartz, taken from the Excelsior lode, in the Bohemia mining district, which will assay $ 3,000 to the ton r"uch specimens are very . rare in the Ex- celsior, but the ore, sixty fort from the eur-fnc-3, will average, he claims, $20 ir ton. 'In ' k few welc Mr. Crane will take o;it supplies a'ld workmen lo rnn in a tunnel on ;hi ':?U!ie, -WO 'f-5i below.. Vnn surface r-d ? i-. ) y a. suflici wit .' numro.' si.-urs . ( . q'HTiz irt k..'i'j? the. unll ruumag uut-i. toe va:i m rcacud. ' i aere at .etxzy a tec M i&nz mm or nr-ar tue uiiiie The Accident at Drains. The Salem Statesman i Tbe particulars of the accident near Drains station to Mrs. J, E. Pay too," on Saturday last, are s ibatan ti&lly as follows : The ladies were driving to 'Fnowden Springs, where Mr. Ben Belt atd family of this city are stopping; (Mrs Belt and Miss Payton are sisters). When "D a-uan miies irom Drams where the road runs on the top of a cut made tor the railroad, the horse became frigbteued by a hand car that came along and he commenced backing, precipitating occupant, buggy and horws over the bank on to the track, a distance of about fifteen feet. In failing, Mrs. Payton cleired the traek and missing the rails struck npon her had and shoulders clear of the horse and vehicle. 31 isa Payton, less fortunate, fell directly across the rails, the buggy falling upon her. Both ladies were picked up in- sensible, and conveyed to Drains upon the handcar. Dr. Payton .vas absent on a professional trip some twenty mi ies, from the town", and did not return until several hours after the 6ad occurrence. Dr. Payton, of this city, the father jf Miss Payton, Mr, .nlbert N. Kinney, the brother ( Mrs. Dr. Payton, wiih Dr. Sharpies, upon the receipt of the intelligence of the accident, chartered a train and left at 10:30 on Saturday night for Drains Ptatlon, where they arrived at 2 o'clock a.m. Mrs. Payton was found to be badly bruised and cut, but not dangerously injured. Miss Belle Payton was more fe riously hurt, and it is supposed that her spine is so injured as io render her almost helplew for li e, even ii she should re cover. ; Death of White Prince. A letter from W..C. Myer, dated Ashland, Aug. l?th, says : White Prince died this morning, A postmortem examination of his stomach showed near twosthirds of the inner c ating gone, plainly indicating that he had bean poisoned while in the val'ev by a slow and subtle poison. I had thought until the past day or two that he might reover. but the condition of his stomach upon examination showed that no course of - treatment ' could have saved him. He 'lid not rally from his last at tack at Salem, as he did from t'.e attacks ! in Albany and Corvallis in July and August. Notwithstanding his loss to the sto?k in terest of the State, it is now being deuioc. st rated that Ins stock or produce are the most uniform of any ever bred in Oregon as will be shown in the njxt several years whea Ids colts arrive at rhatnr ty and are set to work upon the farms of the William elte valley and Southern Oregon. I shal bury him with due honors, put a picket fence around his; resting place and er.-ct a suitable monument, recording his age, toi nether with his pedigreo and tha fact of his being the first princely representative oi his race ever in Oregon. A Ten ibfe Death. Mr. Edward C. Tenny arrived at Seattle with his family, a wife and two young children, from California about six months ago, and for a time was engaged in th foundry, of which his brother is one of the proprietors. He was obliged to quit work about two months ag on account of his health. Feeling much better on Saturday afternoon, he went to the foundry and said he thouirht b,'d go to work aguiu. Hu had not been to work but a.few iniputes when ds brother heard a sort of gurgling noise and on looking around saw a fearful stream of blood issuing frrn the poor fellow's niouvh. Medical aid was secured ae soon as possible, but before two minutes after the first noise was heard, Mr. Edward C. Teniy breathbd his last. The doctor stated that a turuor in the stomach, from which the de ceas.d had ben suffering for a long time, had burned, thus causing almost instant death. . v Fearful Tragedy. Three men entered the pawnbrokf r shop of Walter O'Shea, Portlaud, on Tuesday morning, about 9, o'clock, knocked the old man down with rev I vers, and robbed his safe of a lare sum of money and jewelry- he robbers were discovered in the act, and chasi was given by a constable. One of the robbers turned round and flred at the con stable, missing him1, but the bullet from the - pis ol struck a bry ' named Louis osepli, in the breast, killing him almost nstantly. The robbers then jump d into grocery wagon, forced the horse into a gallop by beating him witu their pistols, and succeeded in reach! ng the' mountains n the rear of the city. All Por'land nearly turned our. to help catch the nsbber , but u . to the present moment all efforts havi een unsuccessful. A reward of $250 is ffv-red for their arrest by the Portland City CounciL Special School Meeting. There wdLbe a special schooi-metiog held at the schuo'hous n this district August 27th, at 1 o'clock, P. M , for the pur ose of voting a! tax. in uddition to money on hand, to ca. ry on thr e montt.s school, and to take into consideration the building of a new room, in which to teacii 'he smaller pupils. Several of our leading citizen seem to be opposed to the levying of the tax, on the ground that a select school, from September on until February, at least, would answer ail demands, and thtn there would be sufficient school funds to prov de for six months' uninterrupted fiee schooling, which would be better tor pupils than three months' schooling, ' fol low d bv six mout s' vocation. Accident. As Wm. Ralston, Lonner Ralston, Mifs Rittenhouse and V U. Parker were re turning from the Yaquina Bay and passing through BlodgeU's va'ey. the hoises be came fiightened.ran op a grade and threw out all the passengers with the exception oi Miss R, The hon-es ran for toms, distance when two of the tugs came unff stenei, lei ting down the tongue, breaking it and turned the horses into the fence, which succeeded in stopping! them. During all this Miss R. was an unwilling passeager. but when they come !i contact wiih the fenc, she did not hesitate long to land on terra Jirma. ' The only damage was a broken touguf, which WHSsoon spliced up and the came on their way rejoicing, i " i one i .'.Tiier?.wilji be- a'.'.ra.-- mile t (a!thnd tt? I bttR'tea tlie Vinceuv 1 .'.1 Tiul'fl V. 1 man- and Crouch jjorse. OIPQUA FERRY. Thrashers are fast running through the grain at this Dlace. It is turning out more than it did last year. ; W. B Clarke has sold hia; interest in the saw mill on Hubbard Creek to Robert Stephens, and it . is thought that in the hands of this energetic young man it will be soon completed. ; j Everybody is getting to see that the In- bependent ; is the best paper in this sec tion of the State, and they say that if they did not take hem other thrashy things, they would take two copies of the Ijf DEPENDKNT. ANNOUNCEMENT. TO THE ToTERS OF TflK MUNICIPALITY OF KOSKBUKG. Gentlemen : At the earnesf solici'ation Of many of the taxpayers of Koseburg, I have consented, to become a candidate for the oli'ce ol , City Marshal at !' the ensuing October election. In soliciting yeursupoOrt, I will pledge you my word a8 gentleman that if elected. I fchall endeavor to fulfil the various duties of the - position with credit i to myself and satisfaction tp -all. Order loving and lawabidin citizens, with charity for all and malice toward none, I am, gentlemen, your obedient servant, J C. MITCHELL. Still Another. We bear it stated that at an early day E. M. Mo ire proposes to erect a fine trick building on the present site of Thos. Critezer's sal dou. Work will not be com menced until next season, when brick can be obtained witho-it difficulty When our leading business men thus sh w their faith in the future of the city, it s not worth while for outside prtrties t.i do otherwise than invest in property within the city limits. ! Simple Assault. Lura King, charg.-d with assault with intent to kill, was brought frojm Portland by Sheriff Hogan on last Monday. Young Sum. another heathen, was t)e victim of Lum King's wrath ; but Jusiice Hurs thought Sam was hurt only to the amount of ten dollars, and he fined King that amount, and taxed hiin for the costs. King is in jail for the reas m lie had not the wherewith j ustice. to satisfy the demands of 8 UmrKjua Academy. Attention is directed to the ad tertisement of the. Urapqua Acad my. published else where, under the able management of Kv . J. II. Skidmore. The Umpqua Academy is certain to become one of the popular i stituiion of learning in the Stat. Col. Stone. We had the pleasure of meetin g this gen tleman in Rosel-urg duriug the week. Tin Colonel was busy with affairs I connec'ed with the Stage Conipai; , but yet found time to make himself ayreeatle c mpuny to the many who know him. . ; - Probably 110311 Disea.sc Ilorsei, it seems, f r troubled vyith heart disease aa well as members of the human family. One of the horses of jthe O. O. Stage Company fell dead while a' ttached to the stage, on Yocnm's grade, on day evening. - Wedces Leg Broken. We are sorry to announce that one day during the week the team, belonging to VV. B. Singleton, ran away, throwing that gen tleman from the wagon, and breaking both bones, between the ankle and kni-e, of the left leg. Turned Poets. Two of onr leading members of the Bar have turned poe's. It is a long lane that ban no turniic. savs a tired camel, esoes cialiv when it turns upon you. Clq on w it Li M. W iht fun, geutlemen. Returned. . Mr. Sol. Abraham returned frord Apple- gate creek on Friday morning. He is highly pleased wit i the prosieCi of his company in their new mining enterprise on Main Applegate. Lee's Circus. Lee's circus, from California, wil put in It is Salem an appeerace here in a short time now .raveling this way, en route to to appear at the M tte Fair. Gone to Reno Mrs. J. C. VI -ed, accompanied byher two dauglfgtrs. has gon to Reno. We hope the trip may oe a leasam one to an wuj par ticipate in it. Funeral Sermon. Hi v J. It. N. Beil will preach the iuneral sermon of the late John Wood ard ;at th- M. E Church Sou;h, on Sunday, September 29ih. Protracted Meeting. There will be no camp meeting eld at W Creek as heretofore anuounced, but a protracted me.'ting instead. ;ot to be Recommended. The Indianapolis styl at ar- ranging religious news can liard y be recemmentied to youn iournulists. Here is a Ileraul ex-, the the cerpt: "Rev. J. S. Reager, Itero of the steamboat Idyl on Ohio; with a buxom widnvf as a party of the second part succeeded in scooping one ha? lUtl dred souls in church the first year ot bis pastirage in this city. R -ager is a rusher." Only 1,500. The Texas Deoiocratc (jon ventiou eontaineti 1,500 dtleajte, and the rll vas railed se yen . p. times in" one (lav. It took tliem ; -wt-ek to sret throush with the business and the onlv wonder is that it did not take JoDger- MEETING AT MARSIIFIELD. A meeting of the citizens of Coos Bay and vicinity was held at Watsou'a hall, Marshield Au gust 17ih, 1878, pursuant to a 2all issued in the Coos liiy Aeics, to take, into consideration the propriety of an organization f(r the purpose of getting a concert ot action for the impiovement ol the Cov9 Bay tar and other mat ters, ff local interest. The meeting was called to or der by S. S. Bailey and organized bj' electing Hon. A. G. Brown Chairman, and L. Hacker, Secre tarv. The chairman stated the pur pose of the meeting, alter which brief addresses were made by the follovring named gentlemen 'f J. M. Sigliij. U. Webster, S. II. H.iz- ard, T. G. Owens C Laiidredth and D. L. Watson. On motion a com mi tee was se Iccted to carry out the onjocts ot the meeting, consisting ot the tol- lowing nam-'d gentieiiieti: C. II. Merchant, S. II. Hazard, W. I. Simpson, G. Webster, D. L. .Walson, I. Hacker, S. S. Bailey, S. S. Mnn, J H Nosier, B. B. Jones, J. M. Sizhn, T. G. Owen and C. Landredth. On motion the f llowing reso lutions were adopted: 1st. -fesoivd'That the commit tee'selecied bv this meeting . are herebjT instructed to compile sta tistics ot the resources ot this re gioti, ot our commerce in past years uud at the present time, of the ext nt and vain of our ox ports, ot onr facilities for., s ip boiiditjg, (f the practicability. of cjring railroad communicuik)n with the interior, and upon, mich other ?uljects as wiil promote our eiibrt to secure an appropri.itioi tor the improvement ol thj har bor of Coos Bay. 2d. That said committee be iristruuted to open correspond ence with the Board of Trustees ot the tow:; t Roseburg, with the leading citizens of Son hern Ore- gon, an i wnn me various news papers ot the Stat-, i'ur tin jur pose of securing -the mutual co operation t all who ar interest ed. in making this harbor wliat nature designed it to be -the commercial- outlet ot Southern Oregon. ( 3d. Tha; committee be reques ted to furnish our Senators and Representative in Congres-y as well as our Representatives m the btate ljeojitJiutnre, such statistics as will show tbe necessity tr Congressional aid for the harbor, and the great benefit that may be derived, not on.y - by the people of Southern Orerou but the en tire State, from the expenditure of a coir paratively small s.um ot money for that purpose. 4th. That our Senators and Representatives in the State Leu islature be instructed to introduce md urge upon that bodv the pas sage of a joint memorial to Con- propriations as may be allowed by Congress at the next session, .for improvement of nvern anu har bors, a reastmable sum shall hi appropriated for the improvement ot the harbor of Coos Bay. On motion, vo'ed that the Sec retary furnish copies of the pro ceedings of this meeting; to the prejs ot Oregon, asking iheir publicati in. On motion the meeting adjourn id ti meet ngiiu at the call ot the committee. A. G. BRO WN, Chairman. 1. Hacker, Secretary. Stranj e, Wasn't It A gentlemaii who is Bunimyrino; at Li g Rriinch with ''hi wit- left the latter eutiilo tably seated.. in h'jr room, and went out for a stroll along the heaeh. It was be tween dny-light i ml dark, and the ahore v. as m arly deserted. After w .Iking slowly over the hard, cod aiid tor a short linie, he djcrivd a h indsiinio fema!e figure in the distance. lie waved his ha: dket ehiet, and the signal was unhesita tingly returnad. It was growing darker, and he was d early by the bide ot the lady bef re he sav that she was his wile. ,kIIow t-tta?ge that we fshoti id recognize each other at snch a distance!" botu said, in the ame "breath. Then they dropped the snbj ct. Gvorge Francis Train prediete I that the world would go up in smoke August 14th. It didn't go up. - To Be Imi cached. ' The Chicago 7'iwcsha inform-, ntion to the effect thar, at t o winter session of Congress, Haye- will be impeach d as a party to the bargain -winch gave Loul-iana ta. the Demoerars, in return for permitting the electoral Count go on; that the '.impeachment will be tried by the Senate,irt extraor- dinarv session, after Match 4 when it will be a Democratic Sen ate; that it will certaiulv eonviet; mat V ice Fresidem Wheeler will resign rather, than profit by the iranc: and. finally, that bv Hie removal of Hives by impeach- rnent, and of Wheeler bv resio-na-. ... tion, tbe president pro toi of the j senate, who w'ill bo a Democrat, win ue made acting l'r sident. further Trouble Anticipated. Gov. Cliudwick left Silem'tOr Eastern Oregon Thursday. H mtik.-8 the trip at thev request of citizens of Umatilla countv, a"d to'attend a council of the Indians, to be he'd on the reservation. Since the treachery of the Utn iv tilias was discovertid, the relations between the whites and I? dims have not heen i a most' satisfac tory nature, an i now 1h citizens ot Utnatilla county .' ijprehehtl trouble from the .Indiana if some thing is tiot fpeedily done to make all hands satisfied." New York Justice. A hot ot seveisteen , years wns sent to the state prison tor two years in New York, a few days ago, fnr breaking open "a box in which only a - nickel was found, which he stole. Before .the same court a sonndrel wlio had de frauded a widow out of her estate, about 27,000, while acting as her agent, was acquitted un;'e.' the instruction of;the judge. He was a church deacon and a member ot several religious societies Yet he was practically a thief. Reaiarkablo Birth. The m st reiwirkable birth ever kno u in the histtrv of ac couchments, occurred near Sales, Ohio. Mrs. McCormick - srave birth to five healthy children, tour of whom were boys, ind one girl. The medical ;. wo"ks give but ew iustance9 ot such wonderful births and when they do occur, the clnl dren have scarcely been known to live. In this cae the orotber and children are, iu common language on such occasions, "doing well." The First Flogging. The first man flowed "unltr Virginia's new flogging la"v was a white man, and a "nigger" con stable laid on the lash. Virginia is a stiong Democratic State, and a radical Legislature passed the act, which required a "nigger constable to Pnforcf. Texas to he Divided. Southern Democratic i.cwspa Der3 are reviving the ialk abou dividing Texas, so as to get avo more United States Senators Should the Democrats get the next Congress and admiuistra tion, this scl erne wTtTdoubtless be carried into effect. The Picnic. The following ia the programme for Sun day 8fchool.couvention and mass meeting to he held in Ganger's grove Saturday, Septem ber 14, 1878: 1, meeting called to order at 10J o'clock preciselyoy Rev. W. A. Smitk, President of the day; 2, singing, "Shall We Gather at the River," by congregation; 3, prayer by Rev. A. D. Manion; 4, singing, "Sailor, Pull for the Shore," by congregation; 5, oration by Hon. Binger Hermann, of Koseburg; 6, singing, "Sweet Bye and Bye;" 7, refresh merits and amusements. ' AFTERNOON EXERCISES. . . Addrpss by Rev. T. B. White, of Albany; short speeches by Revs. John Howard, Bell, White, Moore and others who may attend, all to be interspersed with "singing, &c. Committee of arrangements, K. L. Mc- Farland, charirman, P. Benedick, J. S. Cock elreaee, Mrs. D. S. K. Buick and J. T. Sin gleton; organist, Louetta Grubbe; marshal of the day, Leonard Howe, Esq.; assistant marshal, G. W. llenger,' Esq.; special com mittee for procuriug organ, the Misses Gen ger; Rev. J. R. N. Bell, fii aace committee. Every babbatn school in Donglas countv should be reoresented. One and all, old and young EVERYBODY is invite ik Bring your baskets well filled ; that we may have fragments left. Innocent amasementa ill be provided, and a good time for the little folks is anticipated. We solicit essays (short) by the ladies. Should yon write, notify the President of the same. All are requested ro bring their song books. Make no mistake we want everybody to come. Dental ITotico. DR. X. BARNES, DENTIST, HAS TAKEN ROOMS OVER THE NEW York Cash Store, wherj; he will be found prepared to Fill, Clean and Extract Teeth. Nerve destroyed, and sensitive t-etli filled without pain. He will insert full or par ial eei.s. All work done in a workman ke manner, and at reasonable rat s They all Take It. When the system is run down to tn extent that you jm sleepleg nights, are nervous and irritable, have gloomy fore IxMiin p. sour gM.m.ich, gick h adache and coated tongue, do not enroll yourself as a high private, in the rear ranks, under (Jencrat Debility, but cheer np and try to! Wste8 Prairie Flower, The Great Liver j i'airacea, now for sale ! in every city and I to'v" )U ixt Continent ! No medicine ever ! c ,,,'!"unbd it ha f its equal for the cure o! DLSPilPiSlA and LIVKii COMPLAINT, hat h Sj-ciiic power ovVr the liver, and by etmiiir toe uvi-r, dysjifpHia and all other u.Migfii-i wiiiwiy: ir m it, vaninh as i' by in-ijic vSiiia;;l b.ttled are told at the same j.r.co oi 25 cents that will convince you of its uit ritb. Larjre sizo bottle, 75 cents, for eal ever where. -. - A Card. P-ttronsol the Orauo, Business As8ocia tion h have jjraiu to igtdl, are resiect fuiy n nietj;ed to uieeti at Grants il all utu:da.v, August 2-4. at 1 r. M W.F.Owens; Aeut for Associa:ion. J n SiTKITJAM T. B 611 EK 1 1 'AN Sheridan roi. lacks street, Rosebarj.i Oregon, nea to Poet Office . . . DEAI.EKS IN.. rJ3? d W .AND. , A5D 11.4 NUFACTUREItS Tin, Cojper.md Sheet-irou Ware! Are prepared U Give Satisfaction to all AND MACHINE JHOP, B. F. DRAKE, rKOPRIETOR, SALEM, OREGON CTEAM FfJI2fE3,SAW MiLLS.GRTST Mills, iinpers, Punipe, nd all kinds and styles of Machim-ry made! to order. Ma chinery repaired at a phort notice. Pattern inuk in if done iu all its various forms, and ill kinds of brass nd iron 'castinjre fur nished at short notice. Also manufacturer f Enterprise I'Janer and Matcher and Stickers and Slmrpere. j A AN IXDUCEMEXTTO 1XCREAE- tbe production of flax-seed, the un djrsijned jrive Dotico that THEY WILL PURCHASE - . AT THK j . HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, i OR WILL j . .. i v Will Couruct for hll that mnybe . Uettred. j Of next season scrop, through their agents. MESSRS. ALLEN Sc LEWIS. of Portlaud, j From whom seed can be had on inpplication JOHN' O. KITTLE, Manager. Pacific Od and Lead Works, .niG San Fuancisco. EASTERN HARD W 1 I3DLUDING hubs, RIMS, sroKKs, AXLE?, ETS. ADDRESS E.J. 2OItTHiUP & CO. Portland, o::i:ao:;i A. -I USIJELMElif, PHACTIAL GUNSMITH ias Perumnently hx-attxi io U?eburg, ' - - i OPPOSITE COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, j I WILL OUAKUANTEE ALL " VTQekBan hit as Gaacf Superior fo any performed in Oregon Cosmopolitan Scatauraa KOSbBLiKir. UtttliO.i I A. E. CHAMPAGNE, Prcpne.ficate to that effect from any member of The only fireglass house in Rosebag v. tr. I Kept on the European pi an)Not. v. R.2 WILLIS, Attorney and Counselor at Y Ju&yr. I - Roseb ir, Orejjori TIIK Greatest Quanti ty Tho B2ST VABIrT OF Boots and Shoe Ever brought to KoeeDurg at LA1IBERG Mi ' BOOTS AKD S1IOES 3VLa,cLe to Order AND REPAIRED. THIS FIRM HAS ON IIASD THE FI. est stock of Leather in the Ptate. and ia prepared to do all kinds Ct w ,rl iu a nrst-clasB manner, upon the most, reaswus ble terms. Parties needing an) $vg h- their line, should call upon them fiiH as they fulljr GUARANTEE ALL WORtt Turned out ot their shop to be 1 1 ai d . certain to wear veil. 1( T. D. MARKS, :- ' " " " ' ItEPKESENTINa Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco and Teas, Manufacturers of Cigars, And sole proprietors of the non-f quailed Pink of Perfection l South. -CIGARS, Nos. 101 and 103 California street, Sajt Francisco. WILLAMETTE ST6S S3S ITS Richards & Rogers; Prop ra. ! TOTS EXTRAS, 07 IL K15D8, M - 10 CDia .of ti e 1) umous . Manufactur JBexter Ooolc Stoves PARLOR STCVE S.ECX STOVES, HOLLOW WARE, ETC., ETC., Front st, bet. Main and Maduou Portland, Oregon Beatii's Saloon, opposite Metrpolitan Hotel, Rosebur "GEO. BKATH, rroprietor THE FINEST OF WI N E S, L I Q U O R & C I G A R S Always on hand, and in con .ection. with tbe saloon .will be found & WELL-KEPT BILLIARD ROOM . . A2iD TJEN-PIN ALLET, Where 'Stil'.P"15 u,ia 'u HIE AT MARKET clark e McGregor, Props. LIVE AND LET LIVF. 'AVING LOCATED PERMANENT ly in Roseburff, and havinir secured the building adjoining John Clark's saloon, we are preprrea to turnluli this rasrkei wth the choicent beef, mutton and work: and anything else in our line of tiade, at : he ver lowest prices. Give ns a trial and voa w t uep' wis-d. We pay the Highest Price for Beef. J0HII PHASER. A WILBUR, OREGON. Upholslerj, Spring Mattia8ses,etc. Constantly on hand. I have the Best Stock of Furniture south of Portland, and all of my own -manufacture. Residents of Douglas county are requtstd to give me a call before prrcbasmg Risewnere. , All Work Warranted. Notice. ' " 1 -. a Notice is hereby given to whom it may concern that the undersigned has been awarded the contract for keepinir the jFSXJ&tti: from said conntv most firm procures, curti ?,un7 na P"55" " w one f t the r-llowing named persons who are au- tborized to, nud will care for those present ing each certificate: Button k r'erkins; Koseburg: L. L Kellogg, Oakland; Mrs. Brown. Looking Glass. Dr. Woodruff is auinonzea io inmisu meaicai am to an per snna In need of tb Rma and who oav I been declared paupers -f Douglas countv. W. B CLAEKEv 8