23 r The Independent The be t newspaper ever published la Douglas county. S sclcty Heelings. rJTUvIPQUA CHAPTER NO. 11, F ,'Jf, a. M., I10M regular -commamca ' WSj tioDM ever first and third Tuesday in each" month All members in good a i a - i ianaing wrm taae ana ana timeiy nouc : and govern themselves acoordingly., Visit .i iug companions are invited to tueet "will: the Chapter when convenient : li HERMANN, H. P. W. I. FRTKDtiAKnEn, Ser'y. . X A LAU fctELLuDi3E A. , F. and A. ft! holda regular meetings on or beforv each rail moon. A. JOSES, W. M. A.P Caubell, Secy. -v , PHILETAKIAN No. 8,1 O. O r.. meets on oaiuroay even.ng, mi eacu week at 7 o'clock, in their halt at R burg. Members of theorrffr in good stand ing are invited to attend. By order of the N ITEMS IN BRIEF. Travel ia inc'reaaing over the Coos Baj road. T. C Beta baa been appointed postmaster at Gardiner. . H6n. J. C HutcUnaon haa our thanks lor some very fine cherrh. "" VBakelees Squirrel Poison and Stryeh i mne cheap at S. Hamilton's. The voting population of Douglas county bas increased 264 in two years . , The Looking Glass club will play our boysa game of base bail on the 2lst. Annual meeting of trustees of Umpqua Academy will be held at the building June 20th. . : Jiw Otey; or W.Tbur. and Sheriff No We have new daughters--and both art: Johnson' Indian Bl.v Syrup Sauford'a CiiWru Cure, Uadc!ff Sevn S.ls."Col: iagVVtare lister an t many other ne parent medicines at is. Ha- iltou's. AnoVier Oregon bojr has distinguished himself abroad. 8. F. Floed. on ot J. C. Floe 1, of this city, has been awarded the gold medal far beet declatmer in Washing. Ion and Lee Universit), Lexington. Va. Th barn, fd and barneaa belonging to Peiei Burns. Looking Glase. were cetroyed by Pre on Wednesday. Burn h become quite poor, r-euuiarially apeak so through sickness in hia family. T e citixn ot Lookrnir -G'ase, propose aiding him; tht cit izensof Rowborg snould also reach out to ... him a helping hand. .' Stage Kolibvry. Thft stage of the .California and Oregon -Stair Con.panv was -roblied on Siskiyou mountain by two highwaymen, on the 10?h. From ri'liubleaWrceS i we learn tKe follow, y' jr rfiulars: vNrt. EtMinrs waa driving thett w-re six paenerB tn the 8'age,' anvi-g. th ra Jerry NtwUnd. rf'. Jackson." vi!n, cml Jtw Dryer, of '('amfs Valley, v ,T!.e lijjjhwavmfcn cal!il tj the driver r- ' 1ml :! -a shewed un i ncl'mMtion u d , n-y ra;sUI'ir!b,'ttio and threatened to ah'ft h'.m cfiT the -knx: thf-n'tbH s!f toptHl. - At'oncuAVella. Frgo & C-o.'s ex; cress i.x and the brass. lck roe' I , ,.-cncl were demanded, and paed oo, acd il;e sUge'ot-dered X proved on its way. N r. f thepa;iirs wore molested. Usui tUe liighwayuiH.T ent througl.'. their they t'ould ltave gut i.000 or $5,000 out cf Jerrv New'.an-i's vl pe. and J. Claugli I would have low U-nice little s i:u of $300. "It isnot known now u-.ucu treasure me uraai lock pouah cntahsed, but thow. was at tcast f500dlRri m tliex box, and , probably $700. V Valuable 3IincvI Spring. Mr. J. T. Cooper. 'f . W:ibui, has found a ' valuable mineral sprtng on hja farm, about ae mile from the railroad. The time will - riotn when it will rival Suowden Springs as a. place of resort lor the affl eted. A bottle - of the water was stsot to Ir Ro al. Oak land, who sdluiii it to chemical tests; and here is what thai gentleman says of it: The bottle of water you sent me I have tested for iron, sulpha: e of zinc and mag nesia. No farther tesis made 1 find that sulphate of iinc and magnesia largely make up the medical va'ue of the watefj and it will undoubtedly be a great medi cinal agent especially as a nerve tonic., ; I will give it' more attention aa aaa-a" have time, and will be glad to avail my 1 aelf of the opportunity of veiling the 1 J ation." A Pleasant Affair. There was a very pleasant gathering of ladles and gentlemen at Masonic Hall on Thursday evening last. There were music nd dancing and the customary pleading small-talk, and the hours sped away un-no-Iced uu til after midnight. The gather ing was really a complimentary party, given in honor of Mr. kndMrs. J. H. Price, of . Vi toTia, now on a visit to Mrs. N. A. Party, Mra Price's sUter, and was a decided sue-, cees, aince it was enjoyed by all who were prevent. Mr. Price ; and lady wili ' leave this city for Victoria. B. C. , Monday, morning, and will be ac companied by the best wishes of many friends gained during their short stay in Rosvbjrg. Indicted for Mnrtkr. Hon. Binger' Hermann is east of the riiounta ns. attending Court in Canyon City. He went, there on the proecatbn against Wallice for the killing of Dodge last fall in Grant, county. Dodged was formerly a resident of this county, and resided on thf North TJmpqua.near where Patterson's mi is now situated. From a letter we lea ri tual the grand, jury has found a-bill fo murder in the first degree against Walliee and the case is now on trial. . .-- ,v State Grange Officers. Fir the 'benefit of our Jr?tate exchangeb and members of tlieiJrderWe, n'iU stt that at the last, annoal meeng of the Sla Grange; A." E. Shipley; Clackamat county, was elect sd Master, aid D. 8. E ojlck.of Dosgltf cocaty, OrtrswFs fatim&f, v - .. . ,a. . . PERSONAL NOTES. Judge Willis is in Jacksonville, attend in to legal business. H a' will return in a few. days.- ' 'j :-'r. Tho; R. F heridan and T. J. Critezer have gone to Co Bay the former for pleasure. h latter on business connected with his grist mill on the Coquille. ' D. A Levins, Uncle Sam Marka and J S. Catching, of 'Canyon vi He, have been in town since Sunday last. All areata the tttjoymcnt. of good health. j E. F. Lewis, an old typo 'riend whom we worked with at the "case" fourteen years igo, passed thruugh town Wednesday, eu mote lor Portland. Wherever ia ramb ling feet may take him, we hop Ed. will find good luck. . W. I. Friedlander, Esq., of the firm of S Marka & Co., returned from Jacksonville Thursday morning. He rejiorts the road wuth of this city aa in excellent condition, ana the stage ride qui'e pleasant. Mr. W. J. Hannan, of Wilbur, called on us this wek and renewed his subscription ro the paper. He was one of i he first sub -cribers for the Independent, and has ever rtmained its patron. We appreciate auch true friendship: - George A. Beath and family went rural zing on Thursday, and will return borne to day to tell us he caught 990 trout inside ot t wo hoars, j George would call it an even 1,000. but he is a lineal descendant of tue father of his country. H. Kelly. Esq., prosecutinf attorney elect from Jackson county, wi-e in town n Tuesday, as natural in appearance aa eer. A party who came down with him related to us the history of hlr. Kelly's nomination and election. Theie was no nomination fer prosecuting attorney at first made by. the Independents, and Neil, the Democratic candidate, taunted the Inde pendents by saying he was lonesome, th t he wanted company, etc.; so sure Was he of election. Finally Mr. Kellv was select ed in opposition to Neil, but h-j would not leave his mining claims to mnke a canvass of the district. H di i not expect to Ih eti-cted, and Neil pr p a d to defeat him by 800 majority. Neil's feeling-, can be belter imagined when he found t tie returns trm the election counted h m out and Mr. Kelly in; but the latter Wis as much surprised as the former nt the result. Placed Under Bonds. On Saturday Mr. ZacVanOrman, charged with shooting Pat. ; iMurphy, had a prelimi nary examination before Justice Hose, and was bound over to j a vait the action of the next gmd jury. The bond were readily furnished, and the defendant discharged fnra custody. ;Mr.!VHn Ormrfu's statement regarding' the -'-'difficulty riidVw from the story heretofore published ' Pat. Murphy is a quarrelsome man; .id .e was the man who fr ed Mr. CtmrcLill to sell out the crop to Mr. Van Griiian tlir..uh his "rough treatment. Then Vac Oruian went to' cut the crop he had purchasef of Churchill; Murphy threatened to kill Vho Orman. she. sent word to him to the efF-ct that he wonld do stv Uearibtr thid fronj diff n ut source Van' Ormau '.-took h& rifle into the field with him.-, . Murphy 'came oat in the fieldi sd violent and insuliiug '.lanuagi.-, ;ui h;a hai.d in his pocketiart iutendiog to dxaw a pinto , aud thea Va'aiOrman shot h!t" to. cripple him -shot him Jurojfb the fingers of bi-ilj IsaWn. i'iae Girdea. '--)m of .th. b.t ke'pr and fiat at trarN'us ht i).v 5itatj . t'.at beioniriuy lo .Mr. Ti s Farqtlar- hC6ted on the wwt side of the rivt-r. ojips-tiite th; city.'- T.;e s-il 'b snn.h, aud o wniin that Vtgi-taiile mature there h x weeks or a uu-.ntlj e irlir t aan they cau be produ td elseWure in tiie county At th pre-ent lime the ownes. -iiaa about tw?utv acret. uud r cu'tivatKti. ku ;hv ve ttaLl-t vTowingare tbril'ty and v g.rus. Already this swson . Mr. Fitquar iaa shipped era! bundreti dollars wi rtu of tarty vegeta hies to the Ew bo, "akm and Portland markets, from which h teuliz-da hand soma profit, and it is. safe to say his nett income from the garden will have amount ed to $ 1,500 at the close of the present season. .' , ' Immigrants Arriving. Several immigrant wagons, containing families, arrived in this city from Southern California during the first of the pat week. Tweuty-five or thirty more wagons are reported on the road between this city and Jacksonville, and will arrive within the next four oi five days, I One of the wagons which passed through town was a curiosity in the shape of a traveling wagon. It was fitted up with a stove j inside, table, seats, bed, ate, and was in every way clean and comfortable. TheUmmigran. a complained of dry weather anh hard times in C&lifor ni t, but those, we conversed with appeared to be in comfottable circumstances finan cially. Several families will buy farms and settle in this county. ' " Coming to Oregon. The af3 cted wili be glad to learn thnt a corps of Surgeons from the National Sur gical Institute, fitttd out with an assort ment of apparatus f.r the treatment of !?very human deforr-ity, will again visit Portland, Oregon, at the St. Charles Hotel, rom June 2oth to July list, inclusive, 1878, This institution originally founded at In iianapolis, Indiana, haa'extendd its busi jesa throughout the linked Statea and has attained a reputation for the treatment of Spinal Curvature, Hip and Knee Joint Dis ease. Club foot Paralya, Piles and Fistu la, heretofore unknown; to the profession. References of the highest order can be given,. ;..;. - v - I- - "'- - . ' - - :j Fitting Monument, - This week the monument for the grave of Mrs James Dixon arrived from. Portland n "charge of Mr. Ballentyne, of Portland, ihe manufacturer, and placed in position U is a fine piece of workmanship, and cost nearly, ii not quite, f400. It is a fitting t.'jtoernial to the many virtues Of her who vas a falthfaVwife and loving mother for nearly fifty years. " Heavy Fall. A child of Mr. Geo. Jones was thrown ;rom a wa 'Cs the uL. -'day and sustained i heavy fall. The chili was nnconnjioua f jt aa hour cr two, but j final! J rallied, and ta so reeorrered. I '...' - '- . " s!U'U!JbJHHUUi "The Complete Washer." : Messrr. Smith & Wilson have been can vaasinr Douglas county the past few day a for " Tna Complete Washer," a machine in every way fi rat. class and certain td give satisfaction to all who may use it. The success that has attended their efforts lias been every way pleasing to them, and the number of sales effected by tht-m quite larjre. Personally we have inspected The Complete Washer' and after thorough examination, we : cam say it is the beat we have ever seen offered in the market. The truth is, two thirds of the washing machines sold are disposed of on the repa-. tation .thar has been acquired by " The Complete Washei f and many of the old ftyles hays been ditearded to giro the new and beat one place in tU;a city. To de scribe its many good quali ivs would require more space than we hare at ear. disposal; but to those who desire a god machine we would say, call cn Smith & Wilson, Metro politan Hotel, and learn why The Com plete Washer, is the best washing macLlne Ter invented, , JIammoth Tooth. ' ' A large tooth evidently 'that of a mas todon or tnamtno;bwa found about half a mil from the - North " Umpqua ferry, in the bed of a small , stream, by a party of emigrants The tooth measured $i inches in length. 9 inches in 'depth, 3 inches In length, and weighed a few ouacea over 9 pounds. It is though the remainder of the. remains of the mons'e. of past ages can he exhamed near the -pot where the tooth was fonad, and a party of g htlemen of this city propose to make a thorough search for them, and if successful intend sending - all- bones found to Professor Condon. r ' Again in Trouble. Peter Waldo, a negro but a shjrt time go discharged from the county jail, was up before Justice Rose again this week on a charge f lar -eny. Peter, it seems, went into a bouse belonging to Sampson Jones, dowu the river, and destroyed the contents 'hereof robably for no other reason than thtt he had nothing else to do. Though he was bound over in the sum of $200 far larceny, it appears to us Jiia offense comes una-r tue ueaatag or maiiutous mia chief, since Pete appropriated none of the goods contained in the house to his own use. ' , The Fourth at Oakland. There will be a grand celebration of the Fourth at Oakland this year, and the citizens of that place are making extensive preparations for it. L. B. Stearns, Esq . of Portland, wi 1 deliver the oration. There will ie a barltecue and basket dinner. Fireworks and a ball in the evening will close the dy's celebration. As only half- fire wilt b charged by the railroad com. pany. we hoje our-pe.ojilo will go over and give the citizens of Oakland a ben- Gi- -.; Who InvittHl Him? The t)Ttgonian o June 11th says that L, B Stfcfirns, Ltq .has bten invited and has accept, d an invitation to deliver a Fourth of Ju'y oraiion at this place ou the'ct mlng UHthnal ,an:tivetary. As n- steps have as yet leen taken to cel. brte the Fourth, here, and no one authorize to extend such invitation -o-Mr.'tearna or Hny.one elise, wp nre surpnJiea- a', the Portland .paper's au n.unc. meat. Who took the liWrty to ask Mr. Sieart s to come? Shot His Wife and Hiiaself. On the 9 h instant, at Msr3'svi11e, Cl. Dr. B. F: Holsclaw shut and killed his wife and then kiiiet himself The canse of this double murder w?.p je.n lousy iKhetltel jus-titi.-d or not, the iaj atches do not state. Dr. H Ihc aw was once Judge of Jom-phine county. .nd well known in this pan .f the State ;-'";. .. : -; K'. .." New Lumber v Yard. Puttern's saw mill on the Nonh Ump qua. is now in successful operation, and considerable 'sugar pine and other fine lumber is being snipped la o Uoseburg by teams. The owners of the mill have ea tablished a l imber yard in the city, near Matthews' blacksmith shop. ":" Playing at Astoria, The Wilton dramatic troupe j consisting of Frank and M.-s. Wilton, Charles Mark ham, James Coughliu, Henry Carroll, Ed Daily and Miss Esther Webber, is now giving performances -to good houses at Astoria. The troupe will sxm appear in this city : Going to John Day's. Mr F. Dillard, with G. L. McCoanell and Nat. Seaburn. started on Wednesday t for John Day's river with 800 head of sheep, which he proposes to sell or rent out on shaies. He, as well as others, was led to this step by flattering reports regardiig the bunch grass regions ot Eaatern Oregon. . Good Hay Crop. Reports from the country are to the ef fect that the hay crop will be urusuflly fair this year. Those of our farmers who got in lte crops or oats have converted -them into hay. and the yield of timothy and wild grase is all that was hoped for. - Double-headed Barley. ' We have at thU o.fice for the inspection of those who have interest in such mat ters, a small bundle of douale-headed bar ley. The barley was grown on the farm of Wm. McBee, Esq . and should be seen by our grain growera. j New Mail Route, t Service on the new mail route ; between Canyonville and Elk Creek will be com menced to-day, and will hereafter be con tiau id semi-woekly. The people living on Elk Creek justly feel elated. . Job-Printing. We have done some very neat printing in the way of cards, bill heads and posters this week. Our stock in the job-printing line ia complete, and ord rs will te filled promptly at low rates. ; Do Not Forget- ': Do not forget that there will be fine lot of birse8 aold t the Overland Hotel, Myr tle Creek, July 5tb, and a chance offereJ purchasers to secure rare bargains. Pomona Grange Meeting. ' "A calUd meeting of PumuBu Grange will be hvld to-day at Grange Hall in this city. .A general attendance of tuembera i reqors&sd. 1D0UGLAS COUNTY RETURNS. : -: f : f: ?: S -.. , Jm i " ' ' WUtaakar. 1 1 2Sg888SSS86$8.slH?ow' 8 y?j53888tpSSBeSStl ;' 3 S ' I i " 2. Browa.- - J? IUsgggt3g;ga8sli;8SPow'n- j jUsg&iigtsggglg g - ....... ., -T-- '. T I "gggssasgWssSs caBgwHlt 7 I. gssgssgi?8gjeg.s8s BwMay.. 1 , . a 1 sgasSasgrag'Sggs Mrivtp- ? Jf SgSggSSg33g5ggsBrowlw - r 5 8SgS8g5;iSg3gggSg ' I, Mi-. . ijgggSgftsgg"gggs 0to . ? 1 8g8Sggsg;88Sfe3ggCochnu- 3 ggggggg8"ggs5sggCook- i S 'gyggffttge7gggg55g Hogmn' I g ggsggisgggggSggs81"11- ' sliaggssSgggggsgggg s-ttng- gSgSiiggSSSggSggg80 r , ' , , . -i - . - S : ' - . Thiai. 9 s 1 aggagggggggggSg 1 si gggs8aas8ga'aSg gl 2Sag3a8tSg3gg8g8lWoodrug- ? The Fourth at Looking Glass. An adjourned meeting of the citiaena of Looking Glass and vicinage was held in the hall in Looking Glass on Saturday, June 1st, to complete arrangements for celebrating the coming Fourth of July. I Buell was chosen President. - The couimittf on selection of grounda re ported in favor, f., the .- grove near tha resi dence oftE, Morgan Sr 4 y ' Committees were appointed as follows : To Procure Orator, Reader and Chaplain j; Hi WaiiarnvHl Churchill and John If. Bower. - ' ' " ' ;, ' A V-'-. ''"vr ;;.?,.;,-;: On Fmarice-4james Dillard, Robt Wood ruff and W. RWella. On Music M. L. Waters, E. Morgan, W. H. Ollivant. -V.r . . On Preparation of Grounds R. Flournoy, Peter Buell and JE. Morgan, Sr. On Preparation of Tables Alonxo BuelL A. J. Warren,. Howard Iivingaton, Luther Du vail and A; O, (Cos ton. L. Buell waahoaen President of the Day and Wm. Irvin, Grand Marshal ' r - LV BcaXL, President O. H. FLOoxrSec. : vr, ; Base Bali at Looking Glass. Robert's Creek and Looking Glass clubs met at the latter place Saturday,' for A contest on the diamond iflekL - ..Both - clubs were in fine practice, and the game played was a good one. The Rohert's creek club came out victorious,' a will ne seen by the follow ing score: . . KOBERTS CRSZK. OfR Hedgepeth,' p. . ." 2 3 JWHedgpeth.c -2 3 McLongbJbn,b.s. 2; 3 Lin ville, lb.... SI '3 LOOKING GLASS. O. R Thornton, p., 2 4 3 3 Nalhanv'c. f . Frisley a. a. . . , Smith, 2 b .... Mathews. 2 b. . . 3" Churchill, 2 b. . 1 C. Hatfield, 3 b. -4 0 Todd; r. f 3 3 Singleton-a., a. ..A , 01 Arthur; hJL i. uatneict, c t. 21 T. Hatfield, r. f . 2' 2 Williama, a. s.. 5 Brown, 3b..... 3 D. HedgpethfLf., J 1 il.Churchm,c.f. 2 ' " 27 IS 27 8 Re-elected. It is with plea? fire we ao n9a5.cJfe?I-eJection of 8.;H. Hazard, q.,;dietrict attorney. During his present term of olSce Mr. Hazard, has wonthe respect und esteem ot the people of Dou glancoutitr irrespective of party. Mr Hazard's majority is ovierj sixv votes. . r . .1. j.t . ' -r-W aaafsjsssalBjassj A. " BUSHELMEIR, ' iitAOTiSro unsnrm Has Permanently located in Roseburg OPPOSITE' C"OS MO POLITAN HOTEL x irnxOAiutajrnEX ale. Kfavh Socio b;Oo as dcorj OFFICE-Iu Pag ft Smith's Drug Store OAKLAND, OREGON. :. . Glrea to all Diseases of Females. Dr. Page has had a larce exnerienee lb the treatment of the diseases peculiar to fo ssaies, aaa reels assured that be can give satisfaction in the management of these troaoies. Calla to any part of the country will re , aye prompt attenuoa. JOHN RAST, PROPRIETOR: i h STATU IS MANUFACTURED BY . JOHN . Rast, who has the article constantly on - ands, which he will sell in quantities to nrchasers. Give him a call. - 43. :at ' la the price of Patent Paints ! The Manafastnrers of the ftCSM MB IOPIR!S!!AELEi Having recently reduced the Driees of their paints; I am now enabled to sell. lot cash down, either paint tor 83 per gallon in g gallon cans $225- - -.-1 . " Proportionately "14 V- " 8. HAMILTON, C-8t Roseburg, Or AKa9 Feed Stable, This establishment is the Dent', in the Stale I and connected with It ia a large nmUt horses and wagon. Alwaya in full' supply at living prices And No Oue is Allowed to G Ayay Dissatisfied, Don't fail to give us a call, for we are Ot irmined to suit you in quantity, quality id prices. WRIGHT & CARBON. ; OREGON AND CALIFORNIA S TAG EX IN Ml TlinOUQHTO SAN FRANCISCO OUJEX BAYS The Quickest, Safest and Easiest Route! STAGES LEAVE ROSEBURG beery day at 6 A. x., making quick connee .. lion ..at .Reading with the cars of . ' . rt CJtO. R. R. For full particulars and passage apply BUTTON & PERKINS. Agents. m JOlTST iSXXMIIi CD On Iforth Urapqna. The owners of the above miirwill be ready in a short time to furnish the j BEST OF LTJIIBEBr, AT THB Is o we s t Mate s. We manufacture Sugar Pine and all other kinds of lumber; and having first-class sawyers, we are certain of giving satis. ac tion to ail tvao patronize na. ,- . GIVE US A CALL before purchasing elsewhere. TUASK k BLAKELT. G O SO I AN INDUCEMEN1TO INCRE A li the production of flax-seed, the an dersigned give notice that v AT TH - . HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, Will Contract for all that may be - - ; - Oe2red. Of next season's crop, tlirough their agaais, MESSRS. ALLEN 4 LEWIS. . of PorJtland, Fro m whom seed can be had on application JOHN G. KITTLE. Hanaro, . " Pacific Oil and Lead Wcrka. f ..mS Sax Fiuirasoo. . W.B KOYAL, M. Dn; Pbysic'.au, Surgeon k Acconcher Next door to ihe PostofSee, Oakland, W. R. WILLIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Tczzbirg9 Oregon mimsT, qAttlity - fftE Greatest Qnanti iy . - " AND ;" ':-':".! '' . -'r. - !' '.-'V ,': Tho BEST VARIETY OF ' Boots and Shoes Ever brought toRoeeburjat iffJU fill 6 5! BOOTS AND SHOES - 3Vtetc3.o to' Order AND REPAIRED. THIS FIRM HAS ON HAND THE FIN ' est Stock of Leather in t1i Vtat nt is' nrenared "to do all klnai tt w..v i . first-class manner, upon the most reasons 010 wrms. raries . needing anjthipg i thelrline. should call nnon ihm fltsi theyfullar , - xi GUARANTEE Auj WOR C Tamed out ot their .'shop to be 1 i an certain te wear wel. ' 1( Wheeler Bros., - PostofSee Building, Locnat street. Oak la n I .-...DEALEKS IN.. L. WOOL AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. ' " ; ' . ! . We will I Pay Atlio ffighest Prke v . FOR 001i. - , And store ALL WOOL FREE OF CHARGF. We are prepared to receive wool a l either ot the following places: RMeburg, Wilbur, Oakland Wnrs-I? Drain's and Scortsbi'ig' WHEELER tiROS. T.e. sstrra a go. DRUGGISTS CHEMIST A270 - 1 1 . I 13L '.GL 2? XXX 0 1 1 "ft , Patton's Block, State street. Salem. Ogn. ARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN 4o prescriptions, and alL orders bV f mail or express filled prraiptly and accur-' ateij. - , Phynlciahs and Country Dealers will save money by examining our stock, or pro curing our prices, before purchasing else where. 40-tf t, d; marks, REPRfi&EXTIXO X 1. PIKE & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco and Tea s. - ..." 1 . . Manufacturers of Cijars And sole proprietors of the non-f quailed: Pink of Perfection iL South -CIGARS, 1 Nos. 101 and 103 California street, ,..''" - i . . Ban Francisco. V Dental Notice. DR. S. BARNES, DBNTIST, HAS TAKEN ROOMS OVER THE NEW York Cash Store, where he will be found prepared to Fill, Clean aud Extract Teeth! Nerves destroyed, and sensitive t. eth filled without pain. He wilt insert full, or par tial setvs All work done in a workman like manner, and at reasonable rates. RR week in JonT own town. $5 0 VVU fit free. No risk. Reader, if . ut ou want a ousmessat which persons of either sex cu make gret pay all tl ei time .they work, wr te for particulars to H Hallett & Co, Portland, Maine. j I .... OTICE. j :- TO ALL' PERSONS HAVING uCSl ness with the County Judge, notice ie hereby given that the undersigned will I e at the Court houst. in Roseburg, the first Monday and Tuesday in every month anj all the week commencing with the firit Monday, in January, April, July and Sep tember, and the entire week commencing with the last Monday in August, 'and every Saturday etcept the third Saturday in Oct ber, from 10 o'clock A. m.. to 4 o'clock p. m., and at all other times that I ant wanted, if notified. THOS. SMITH. County Judg v Roseburg. August 19. 1376. L MUTEOPOUTAN IIOTi , ROSEBURG, OREGON BUTTON & PRKIXS, Props. .... THE ONLT. . . . 1 HRST-CUSS HOUSE IN THE CITT a aA-IVD '-' Depot of the C. & O. Stage Co. . f -' ' HMaeaeB j Well-furnished Sleeping Apartments, The Best of Beds, and the most atten - tive of Housekeepers, and a Table Supplied with the Best ot 5 Everything; STAGS FOR RiiDDING ';;"-.".'' r -V.: - -v;-'. :' ,- Leave the house every day on the arrival o the ears from Portland. ; The traveling- public, and all who favor ns with their patronage, can rest assured that they will be entertained in the best possible fuanner. n u BUTTON, C PERKINS. LAIMERG OO'S WILBUR, . KEt, .. . .. - . - f. - - -' MaaaaaMa . . ai ;. -.',".--- . v. . LTpholslery, SSlattJasie'stfr; - .. Constsnfly oh hand . , ; I have the Best Sttjck pf Furniture south of Portland, and all of my own , manufactdre-: , vNO TWO PRIfTES'TY) "i.'tTi fit' irtja Resident oMDouglss counfy are reqitested'' .' .'.'-to gite me. a call bef6j purchasing .,- '' elRewhere."- AU Work Warranted Notice. " , Notice ia hereby given to whom it may" concern that the -undersigned haa been" awarded the contract for keeping the Douglas county paupers for a period of two years. -AP persons in need of assistance" from Said county must first procure a cert! ncate to mat effect from -any member of the County Board, and present It to one of the fallowing named persons who are au thorised to, ar d will care for those present ing such certificate: .Button & rerkins Roseburg: L. L- Kellogg, Oakland; Mrs! Brown. : Lookinir OTaata - !:. rVVr : authorized t tnrniah mHi-il mA sons in need of the same and who nave been declared panperaf Douglas county. JISS6lATIQ2I. THE PARTNERSHIP OF 8AMUEL Marka San I a w - l -- 0.0, uouci juti&s, au V m. I. Friedland- Aninr, t.nc;n. a . . the firm nam At art a t, . Ai t - ed by the rement of Mr. Saul Marks AMI ' kiea of aai1 Am. i 1: . dateu and U debts due said firm to be col lecieo. oytne remaining members. The firm name remains the same as heretofore!' SAMUEL MARKS, SAUL MARKS, ' ASHER MARKS, -AVM.I. FRIEDLANDR.- loSEBPho, On.,' September 21 1877. . Tn5!SfPi'n8l,"i8i,''yon CRn engage in AJA-OJ X $5 or 20 per day made bv anr w, ker of either sex. right in their own low cali: ies Particulars and j samples worth 45 free. Improve your spare time at this usiness. Address Stinson; & Co. Portland, Meine. - ...... . . 41 the Railroad Depot,. JESSE DAVENPORT,- St PROPRIETOR: OOODSTO SOLT O IE3Il -A. IE IB jELt THAN BFEORE OXTXSED IN GREAT SLAUGHTER III PrIICES" - . i - .t, J. C. FLOED Has the largest and best selected stock r.f 4 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Ever brought to Roeeourg. which he pro poses to offer to the market at prices lower tian can any other bouse in the city. His stock embraces - the Latest Novelties fn Ladies' Fancy &ood . ANI All. STYLES . ' TiADTTO DRESS . OOGD3, Consisting in part of ' SKIRTS. UNDERWEAR, LACE CUFFS, COLLARS, EMBROIDERIES, TIES, LACES, PLAIN & FANCY HOSE, ETC., ETC.. ETC, ETC. He desires to inform the trade that ho haa a Complete stocx of-. - CL0THINQ AND GENTLEMEN'S FURN!S!H!iQ CUODS, Compiising Full" Suite, ties. Scarfs. Crav vats, wuite ana Jf'ancy Bhirts, White and Colored Underwear, etc.; also. Ladies' Gentlemen's and. Children's Shoes, p. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCEItlES In full supply and Cheaper than All. Ot all descriptions." I ani also agent for the celebrated Fish Brothers' "Vagonl Thankful for many past favors, I respf ctr fully invite all my old enstomers and the-' pubJic generally to examine the stock in thy store. All will find it in every way complete, and that I have uniformly rev duced the price of goods. J. C. FLOED. - NEW MEAT MARKET, CLARK o MCGREGOR, Props. LIVE AND LET LIVE. . HAVING. LOCATED PERMANENT-' ly in Roeeburc. and havia the building adjoining John Clark's saloon,- a sua r . 1 ... n0yicurreu 10 inrmsn tn;s market wth the choicest beef, mutton . and pork.' and anything else in our line of tiade, at he ver lowest nriwa Oiva n uui von ,ueD as d. We iy the Highest Price for Beef. W. W. PIPER; OJlw ; i onastes' Building; First street bet.- .'' rison and Y4mhill. Portland. T. I TAITLOTJL' OFFICE Railroad Depot, OAKLAND" : : : OREGON ,.,2m3-- . Ocrifiirpolitan Efctauraafr KCteEBURQ, OREGON. A. E., CHAMPAGNE,; Prcpne. The only first-class hoase in Rosshi; Kept on the European p!an)Nc.-