lit ,-7;Y.; .JUNE 15, 1878 THE NEXT BONE OF CONTENTION. ITbvr that the State and countr elections are decided, the next bone oi contention will be who EUSlt BUCGCCU ! AX iUUUUCII III the United States Senate, i Of coarse Mitchell's successor must be a Democrat, since the majority in the nest Legislature will be Democratic and vote lor the elec tion of a Democrat to fill Mitch ell's shoes. Among the aspirants lor the fcigb and honorable position we name Dr. J. C. Hawthorne, Jas. H. Slater, 8. F. Chad wick, J. V. ITesmith, and Judge Primm They : are .the riost prominent cow, but we doubt whether eith r named will . be considered a suitable by ' the Legislature to assemble. Multnomah county already has secured the Governor, and it there is to be an equal di vision of the spoils, according to thS Jacksoniau idea, that county cannot consistently press Or Haw thorne's claims. Slater is a d. d., as interpreted by J. W. For ney's enemies, and generally re garded as an old, worn-out, bro kendown political hack, without wheeli, coupling pole or horses; ' mm.rn.rn -M u. a u tjrm. a w .am a a n w m. bibb a a bbt bbs b b lor putting him into the highest position within its gift when it has better men to reward. No one knows whether Gov. Chad wick is seeking the position, and as yet he has not developed the strength he may be possessed of. bauds and lay they are clean of the defeat of a) portion, of the Democratic State tbket,and Dem ocrats are, therefore, liable to ht shy ofhim. This brings us io' Judgo Primra. He was re sentlj elected Circuit Judge, and ,4t ia a question whethor the pais ty desire - to honor a man too mush. A good many are very liable to think he m already pro vided tor when it comes to the election of Senator: and if ' this is tfca esse, it is very likely he will &e compelled to content himself xttih the control of his judicia dh'rict and its consequent talarv cf 3,000 a year, . a J . a at nui it musi must not be fcr- gotten that in the selection of the candicates on the Democratic Congressionnl and State tickets ;this year Southern Oregon was altogether left out in the cold. .Eastern Oregon, Multnomah .county and the Willamette ralley ftrete all remembered, and repre a m m aemauves oi muse sections were tfarored with nominations. Un- der those circumstances it is very 'likely that there will beany nam ;Der oi ox men pernaps tne en itire Southern Oregon delegation to point to this fact, and argue 'that it is dje this part of the Btate that one of our citizens be preferred. It is also pmbable Abat this delegation will also ar gue that the wants of Southern Oregon, in the matter of national legH-'ticn. are many, and that as I"citcra Oregon and the Willam ettt? vaitey hare enjoyed the priv ilege . jointly heretofore of nam ing the Senator, it is now time that the people here should hare something to say with this regard, and name a man from Southern Oregon whom they know i will look after and advance the inter ests of Southern Oregon. If the Bo nth e rn Oregon delegation go united, and contend in this spirit for the election of a Southern Oregon man, there is no doubt thev will be successful. Withont the votes of our delegation- there can be no election ; and it would be a masterstroke if, by expressed determination to accept no one, Southern Oregon mem bers of the Legislature should compel the politicians of the par ty td" stand back, and give to our ebpleije 'Senatorwe 'so ranch. eed to" secure ; appropriations for thrimprerement of our har bors, the aurrty of our lands, and the development of our natural resources. It will be strange it our members elect do net go to the Legislature with the knowl edge that they are tent there to represent the people who elected them, and it will also be strange ljf they do not having the baN ance of power elect a man whose interests are with us and for us to the Senate. - Let him come in as a compromise man or otherwise,but the motto of ' our representatives should be: "Let him come, from Southern Oregon' THE STATE ELECTION. 1 .i-. ... : .. : - . - M The reports received up to the present writing go to show that W htteaker is' eI.ected to Congress by from 500 toOO majority. As to who is elected Governor ... re- mains in doubt, but Thayer's "chances seem to oe better than those of Beekman, and it is quite probable that Thayer is elected by a rery small majority. There is no doubt of the election of Earhart, Iiirech, Carter and Pow ell by handsome majorities. Herewith we, give a table of ma jorities received by the candi- didates for Goretnor the latest figures received up to the present "'. .writing! ' Beekman. Benton.....;. ...31 CUcktmat. . . . .233 CUiBop 10 Cxni4 25 Marion. .. .....1500 MaHnoma&. . . : .'446 Tillamook....... 54 Wisbinifton. . . .189 Tambsll... .:..if; 1532 Thayer. tsaker ..160 Columbia.... .. .22 Doalas.. ..60 Jackn;. 83 Jocepbise. . .....49 Lake.... . 150 Linn .....288 Polk. ....62 Union .........180 Waaco..... 249 Umatilla.... ....514 Curry......; 12 1526 In the event of the election of either Thayer or ' eekman (and we think the actual result will not be known until the official count of l he vote is announced) it is certain the Governor will ns a good man. AW will agree with us iu the assertion that two better men uever ran for the same office, in this or any other State. The people will be satisfied to hear of the election of either. : i - Exciting News. The dispatch received by Ash er Marks, Esq., from Gov. Chad wick acopyot which we publish elsewhere created considerable stir among our citizens. Ten miuutes after its receipt, an "ex tra," containing tb,3 dispatch and an answer was published from the Independent office and circa lated upon the streets free of charge; and : at once : nwuy brave men sigiJfied their willingness to go to Eastern . Oregon to help the snfieiing settlers it so authorized by the Government. It Govt rnor Chad wick will ask it ot our peo pie we will f Ornish a full compa ny of men. In ' times' like these Douglas county does not propose to stand in the rear ranks. Put us in the front ranks, Governor, and if we do not prove ourselves good soiuieri, men can . us cowarat but not till then. t nQ ii ii ; Grows Small. " y nen iionanz - u urien was alive the value of his earthly possession was set down at enor mous figures, but since his death it has very materially dwmd ed. Selby died and lett about $75,000; Kalston died and could not pay his debts, r What wonderful scenes can be seen in many pala tial mansions in San Francisco when death shall uplift the cur tain! Therv ure men there to day .dwelling in modern palaces, whose wives are bedecked with diamonds, whose stables are filled with expensive stock, whose d'uners are gorgeous and whose mistresses are extravagant who owe. more money than they can or ever expect to pay. As a gen erat lule, the ostentatious people of this coast are not the mhest. : More Alarming. -The Indian jwar in Idaho i daily increasing iu iinportance.and it is now certain there will be a general outbreak of the tribes in Idaho, Utah and Nevada. The departments at .Washington ap pear to recognize and appreciate the situation, and all troops avail.. able are being rabidly hurried to the front. It' is, now irenerally admitted that the war will last all summer,? if uot prolonged lor a year. . INDIAN Att IN VHtXiQm Settlers Deiaj Hamcred ia C&Ler Col A Dispatch teem Gover&cr Chadwk&l ;TbL following ..dispatch Lu beenr received, and'elair- in self ' . Salem, .Oreeon," June' 14 1878. To Asueb Marks Roseborr Oregon : i ; . . fl'. have . receved r-s dispatch statirg that the. Indiana aro mas eacreing settlers in the - Southern portion ot Baker, county. y. B. F. Chadwicx. In answer to the above dii patch ; . the following ; reply ,wa& sent Gov; Chadick: t .--' Rossu?o, June 14, 1878. : GoyCfiAnwicK Salem. Trail from here to JLake rcoun- tylspen. Wbeti orgahizod can get troops in eight days to scene of trohble. I . . i . I. F. Lane, . j. C. 'Hutchinsok, . ; NOTES AND NEWS. Two . convicts. Bargemen - and Wilson, escaped from the Peni tentiay recently.' -f A pamphlet, sketching 4liw. ard's Campaign against the. Nez Perce," has been received. It was written by Tho. A. Suther laud, and presents a well connec ted narrative, j V The first case of a wife asking tor alimony ' withotit"?oeinjsr di vorccd happened-;' in Sju Frati cisco.the other day under a sec. added to the Codes at the last Legislature; The strikers in Quebec, C,ana da, have causid every nanufc tory in that city to eease opera tion's by con pol'ing working men to knock; off work. Onr rages have been coin t-d. The Npi. bir...;VV -jkinijinen desire the bill punch ivr-ni in- trodoed in that city, believing it to be more jiHt tlian the rr!t method ot .'"taxing salowis. Why would not the system be a sjot d one to introduce in the State? . .The congress of the Enr.pean powers uill be opened by. Prince Biinarik, as president. It is be lieved that the origiiul unticipa tious that the lasers ot the . con gress will rV completed within a fortnight will likely to be realiz ed. The condition of.Nbeling, the, assassin of the Emperor ot Ger many, is impttvmg.a The empe ror is i eeov. rU.g with a t-juih- ing rapidity. Arrests for treason able utterances among . classes infected with socialism continue frequently. The commencement exercise of the Willamette University were held at Salem this ee!c. Also that of the medical department There" are several .'graduates m the literary depa-tment who will go forth" with their diplomas never to be heard from again. One or two are scholars. The medical department is to be mov ed to Portland. :. '' , Only 50 women took rooms' at the Stewart Woman's Ilote The women of New York thought the tning wag a private Bastile, and they did cot wish to be;imprison ed:' Stewart, during his lite, was hnrh to all the women he had anything to do with, and' now uf ter bis death attempts to make araeuds. . , .. . In February next the Pompeian theater will be re-opened in that ancient village recently ucearthed between the - Bay ot Naples; and the foot of the burning moan tain. This opening is to be he annivsrgary the eighteen .; hun dredth anniversary ot its clos ing on that ternnle night iu the long ago, when old v e-nviu. 'an gered, rained "dwn upon it fir; and ashes in such alui:da,c- hb to cover li so matiy tathouis deep that for cent lines' its site was un known. In thisTe-openiug ev- erytbiogyiil be. new new faced, new p!aw new : scenerv, new manairri". ne pr.'iupterx, nvw audience. Krtr. ' whose arm was ampatafd last ' reck by. Drs. HattilU4 asd Davkisoa - , doing . . CoQuttLs Cm,. Or., June 4 Ed. Idepsdent. - Inasmuch e yoa are occasionally in receipt of iiemsrom correspondents in the CoquiUe valley, you will be so kind as to indulge me for the first and perhaps the last time. I fear that an uncohflrenial iru- p re? si on has gone abroad in re gardlq the Coquille City school house. 'from r articles written bv some . opt our - wide-awake and . ...... . nclt meaning scribes. While we are far from impugning the mo ttves of your .Coquille oorrespons dents we feel it our duty to make a few' remarks by way of ex- plaratioh; :. ; W hile it js very true that we nave by no cacans a school house snGcrt eithW-in- cqraf rt, con veniepce .or ; Rapacity for the presenf demand ik is equal! r true that wwe, cannot at - the present juncture, erect such a building. The 'ptcseut bcUding was erected while C'oquille City was in its in c'pieccy, ,and inasmuch as we have not at our service at the present time, "Aladins I.amp,M not a salliciency of money and material - for building such a house, wc4dnt know what better can be done than to "wait for the .wagon," and we will all have a new school bnildwir. Ii is very true the public have used the school house t othr than' 8hooi purposes. Well, .in the first plaje, the public built it und it is their pr 'perty.and while it is not in: Ufe for school purpo sestt U ued as a church build ing, a justice court house, f.r electiou. caucuses shows, - sing ing, etc. : . v , Vhile we are far trom believ ing your.. correspondent; wrting from fjNor way' would allow an''uihto'come forth from his pen. or his cranium to ue int recepiHcie oi anyming oui what he uuderstauds to he 4o," yet we Hie of the impression that be, being situated in the'Ouvot Norway," onie , ten .nnlea from Coqmde City, has not the biinli tics lor knounjg that the whit tling-' o lvsk. &c, was dJne d u i ng v Ii i rcit.'f v i vici?", its i acli us Mnn: ot iis ti i' in jind about VoqujUv1 CiUi,, '.. . ' . If v rv iiuc 'in houe has b t n uti-;k$r.eiit Iel for" religi 4h purpiir,'irbHnsi'" lh only house avcvstb1e.:. - '1 1e -.different dejtoiimiutii'U have uaeil it and tneigotwi jidiiive'ut ot tne citizens lias dccio.if that it hall be so ' usedJ f he '(JnivtTalijt tnenas Usei it UMUl aiiej W r ilu.blfd id erect a - coimnouioiiii cnupei. Als4i the Campliciite or Chri-tian dettorninatioii is. making arrange ments .to erect a uhuich building this summer, and wd ipv e that tiie Mtcthooisl brethren will soon follow in the "'"wake." r So you see .the religion-, denonanatious wil .ftmcfbluig some easily tiicetPsed sensation spirit that ru diatea not a' thousand miles from Coouitle City;, ; We long to. see the tune come when we can boast of a building for a graded, school a) well as church buildings, and other im provements in our beautiful tow n. We rathei admire the course pur sued J)y the . directors, l. e., in withholutug the keys, pr conse quence a building spirit has in spired the lesstms of many. Electro? ff dto 3f oc roq a a ph 7. GRAVE CREEK. . Gbavb-Oresk, June 5. ' Murder in ho fire degree was comruitted on,, ray lat communi cation. Please correct to read A. Afell & Co., on the . head ot Wooifu;eek(iiaye a large giant iu operatiou. ' v That shft -was intended to strike ancient jd rsus..; f-jt'onj9 gver aqtf .lJJs kjniet at t'he.. bortojaif r" " Corrtvpi ndence of - the 26th so changed tor the. better that I de cline the honor. s:,- flnit grasshopper is in his' holy grave, like the one oilweet pota to notoriety.. V;ill you have the kindness to publish this and "Lee" will retire from, .active pen-, notoriety and crawl into that shalt. Lee. Leases. It is anuouncd by telegraph that .Manager Maguire, ol San Francisco, is to give Henry Ward Beecher $10,000 for ten lectures in Calilornia, and he will put the tickets at 2 e ch. I A acramen totuHn oftVred $10,000 to Belch er's agent tor twenty lectures and thin k he could have had twenty ut of him for 012,000. Tut' fl-t itf bst.cbjt nd Urtrvct u w staient ol i&diV geMi' and childrea't mm. aitn aad slippers Ter1m- .ic5 to tW-. eoosty nowf be een at U atooi igeabfrTjot. Brr .,.w- a. m THE VERY LATEST 1 Tote est Governor ! Thayer Certain of Election t The following dispatch was res ceived in this city at 1:S0 to-day (Friday.) , F. P-jIIooANIoseburg: I am about th'rty ahead ot Beekman outside of Grant county. Grant is reported to have gone twenty Republican. W. V Thatkb. CALAPOOLV. Ilay making 4 has commenced. Perry Cook is the . happy man -ri(s a boy. : David' Hurst and wife have gone to Salem. ' Benton Mires left ns last Mon day for bis home in Eastern Ores gon. , Our singing teacher talks -of administering a tew. Gizzle pills to some ot his students. ,v Our old friend J. T. Daniels received one vote for surveyor. The geueral supposition is be voted for hirnaell. Jesse Cook, a few days since, had the misfortune to lose a very fine horse ; the third one Mr. Cole hat lost in the past 12 mouths. Sundav School reoreaniz d and the filovmir oliioers eiecterl r Miss Matrgie MuGee, superi'i teiidtn t; T. Barnard, assistant J. A. Stephen, clerk;. J. U. Baker. treasurer; A. L., Daniel, librariau. M r T Bt rn a r d's fi r. e reid e n ct is neaF completion and the youn people are anxiously awaiting to have that chin chawin? that has been so long promised. Mr. A. Brutier, of One's vul- icj, is making extensive prenara- ti to build a fine dwelling houe on the larni he recently nnrchaftd ot the Marr hovs. "Tliat Flag." Our c 'temporary up street would growl because gentleme? were. kind enough to loan us the old Unim League flag tot cele biate ihe victory achieved In this county ni l the late ejection, and thinks that the flag was out of place. No more so, Mr. Plains dealer, than were your rooster. flag and cann m and train of cars flt tho hrnrl nf thp Wrld Qifius of the Ftar in glorification of a "Democratic victory." . Tendered His Services. That gallant old warrior, Gen. Joseph Lane, has tendered his services 4o Gov. Chad wick, - to commanu any forces that m-y be entrusted to his care, to fight the savages now murdering innocent settlers in Baker county. The Geueral i a brave man his rec ords shows it. It the red devils ever get the old veteran of Vera Cruz and Mexico after them, they will find that there is no tun in fighting. lurrah for the General! i Emiently Correct. BBmaMMBM ,u S The Pottland Stwdard gives Independents the credit for the result in the late election in the counties and L t "Tin? paper is correct in thh much, and awards honor where honor is due. ' . Harry Up. Persons who desire to settle their accounts with their creditors by paying SO Cents on the dollar mist hnrrr np for the law repeal ing the bankrupt law goes into effect on the first of September. That "Voice of God.' It is generally : conceded now that if God called upon Brother Hines to take the Republican nomination for Congress. He did so to show Hines how badly He could beat him. PUBCKIBK TOR THE INDEPENDENT. INCLUDING HUBS, RIMS, SPOKKS, AZXES, ETS. - - PORTLAND, 0tSQ05. P20PEIE " T7AI.TZ21 inon-Fimnn nounno, tmr stme nnapano.;--;;;::i Only soecesafolBioderyet iotodoeed la Oregon; iron Drire 7hfssl. - Farmers bay Binder that has ben thoroughly tested oa this coast and you knw will work a machine no longer an expesineafc teJlnq. 3h feslicf. $ngjze; Jci Jelle , fllagan, SPlL and tfomfdete J&Jte Bead two if the many testimonials rewired last tea ion: ""- - . Mokkoic, BentoaCo., DcembrStli,lS77. - Messrs. Frank Bros. & Co., Portland. Ortjron Oenilamea ; HaTinr cssd one o . f your Wood's Harrestfrs and Self Binders the past season, it afbrds me mneh pieasar to testify to its tueiits. 1 eat and b.and 250 acrraof wheat and o&ts witb oae team, do Snfir the wo'k without chunprinjr. and I can say that ia my . judgment ii is the best mas bhine which has been o ffe. ed to the farmers for harrestin- Ics pact f silly Tours, Fobkit Gbovb. Orrsron. January list, 1878. Mepsks. Frank Bros. & Ca, Portlrod. Orrjron-Gents : The Waler A. Wooa's Har iesur and Self Binder I parchase! of you jcres with and I consider the machine to be the most -TiJaable one for a farmer yet uinnufaetar. d. . ... : -,. . -. .. j Th cost oi the wirn per-, aero was only thirtytne cents, and - eanwd no trouble in -.ibmihtoir. . v . Yoars truly, HE'SItY BUXTON, j Uoods can be found at all the principal points in the 8ta:e of Oregon and Washinjr jon Trrifry. - ' . ..-'!; ;- I Send for descriptive catalogue and orice list to FRANK BUoS. & Co 104 and ICS Front Street, Por nd, Oregon. . DiiuiuiMiw tsuuxH jrenfs, Koseburj:. r 1 In workmanship (3 cqu&l end aa dcrrantlw 1nlhri i i .osiMiiramrTsRrwi received tho hlshest awards at tho Vienna and Cen tennial expositions. IT OZVJQ OriE-FC'JHTn FAST- 1 n XL. 1 . . . . ... mm ... a ii.14 uian winer macnincs $ lis capac;xy 13 unumisca iThero aro moro VJI LOOTJ t.l ACIi I H HQ cold In tho United Ctates than tho combined sales cf all tho others. THC WILCOH r.lCr:Dir:G ATrAQnL:zn7, for doing all kinds of repairing, WITHOUT PATCIIiriC, Given FnCO with each machine. A Cc rtls- to i3 Qh-cn with each f.lachlno, cuarantccir.a to iiccp 12 in repair, freo of charge, for iivo years. St requires no epesial Inctructlons to learn how to uso It. CrJc faction . rjuarantocd, pr no pay. Kachlnca delivered frco cf chanjo cnywhero In tho United Ctt:c I Cend far liSirxttsd CataleiMa and tsU, tor uantta c?zr.ltt end our Circular Ko. 107 far furrar instn.sfiIr f t?-v i - r - -'ass upon terms st&sd In the Csju3 t - - Sg.f l7ILG0n GG17U3Q LllGLn.-iiGD. ' oar a 020 Crcsdwsy, Kew Ycritj Ksw Orlzznt. Ls.s Cr. Ctxta end tisZlssn Cts Ctxlcz K3tcn3 Czs. Vrzr.zlszo, Czl, j For Sale by all Mrcf-Clasa Beatcrc. ' . X-M 1 iOEE, Agent, " EosoVurg -V .....!- . . '.01 Of Male and Female v A SPECIALTY. WILLAMETTE -I . RICHARDS & RCK3 E RS. Proprietors. - irmixr&iJ, cr it Kissa, ejudx to e&sn . ... t . Hanufactar of tie Famous .,: . ?-"., i . ., Baxter Gpotentoyco PARLOR STOVES.BOX STOVES, - j - .- i HOLLOW WARE, ETC, TC., . : 1 . . : Front st, bet. Mam and Madison j- .i Portland, Oregon liti TOEsW n 1 f 31 j : i'-t. si . -1 t. : ii U A. T7pcr5'0 "O f W tft last season 1 cat over two . hand red and forty . - Oregon. A ? rs t& a Chrc;icmctcr Vstch, nt n ir-if EJf-rrt. 1 Ti3 f CFTICF OT office or . 1 (tifuaTtBsTf Xattsua tnu Ctxrur. . S. IIAItES c; G0. : i, .- 1 ' ' HOLfeSALS AiD BETA II. DEALXK3 IX General llerchimdiED ' Unre a)tantlj on Land CLtnWIKG. D Y GOODS. BP1S SHOES. CROCKERY. . 4. 1 ... t - cizza. Wool QKd Proclnce Of e-ery description " .... , . AXP . . . . V . . Highest Cash rnce Paid for them . P- : S. MARHS & CO. YHTT 'aa IDf ko money faster at wot W U r up hpjx atanythia dse.Cap-. hal n'tr' aired; will r.rt yea. $12 rvr d y at 'm nude by tt itdsririsca. Men, women, beys ntd girls traatei every where to work tor us. I'oxr is tin t', Toatt aai teres, fr? TRUE Ce, Aogu:ita, utiz x