Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 29, 1908, Image 4

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2nd, 1909
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Come and see 10,000 Bed Tags sell $20,000.00 worth of Merchandise in 20 days.
Our Ads. and Posters Later
Nolan's Red Tag Sale.
Albany Gets New High School.
J. M. Nolan & Son are making
great preparations for their an
nual Ked Tag Sale,, which will
begin Saturday, January 2, and
continue for twenty days. These
annual stock cleaning events
have come to be a feature in the
business history of this well
known firm and the 1909 anni
versary will be an even bigger
bargain sensation than last year,
which was a record breaker. The
purchasing public will doubtless
take every advantage of the
coming sale, the red tags show
ing plainly the cut prices that
will prevail so that customers
will know exactly what they
have to pay and the bargains
they will get. Nolan & Son al
ways personally conduct their
own sales and make good every
promise presented to their many
See A. L. Miner for wall paper.
A new $70,000 high school
building in Albany next year is
assured by the 'action taken at
the annual school meeting held
Thursday evening. At the meet
ing sentiment was practically
unanimous for this improve
ment. . The schools are now so
crowded that one room is con
ducted in the Congregational
church building. The erection
of the high school building next
Spring will provide more public
school room and relieve the con
gestion now existing. A levy of
2 mills was made to provide
running expenses for the com
ing year and an additional levy
of 2 mills was made to buy a
site for the proposed new build
George Bryant who has been
very sick with pneumonia is
about well again.
Subscribe for the Gazette
Additional Locals.
You may think so, and with good reason, that this is
only an ordinary , ' .. .
But NOT SO ! It is the best money.saving chance ever given to
the people in Corvallis and Beaton county. ---"'
When you see it in our Ad
it is so
F. L. Miller
See Circular for Price.
Wanted. Carpet and rug
weaving. Am prepared to do
good work at reasonable prices.
Give-me a trial. Mrs. Lalal C.
Cooper, 363, Fourth , and - B.
streets, Corvallis. , tf
Miss Agnes Denman, sister of
Police Judge G. W. Denman,
died Friday, December 25th, at
Salem, from heart trouble, in
the fortieth year of her. age. The
remains were brought to this
city and interred ; Saturday in
Crystal Lake cemetery, Rev. J.
R. N. Bell officiating at the burial
service. . ...
Don't forget that it is the duty
of every reader of this paper to
write to some friend at a distance
and tell him of the. advantages
of Oregon both as to climate and
production, and of Corvallis for
residence and business.. Remem
ber that the people of the older
states, where the weather is cold,
are hovering around the fire and
have lots of time to read- get
busy. y
The meeting at the Methodist
church on Sunday morning was
largely devoted to the task of re
lieving the church of the debt
which has been hanging over it
ever since the new improve
ments were- made a year or two
ago. subscriptions were called,
for and continued until $2,614.09
had been raised thus wiping out
the entire debt and leaving a
comfortable little balance in the
treasury, . : These good people
are to be congratulated on this
happy solution of financial em
barrassment which is always a
source of great annoyance and a
serious handicap to church work.
They expect to have a grand ju
bilee on New Year's eve. and
usher in the new year with glad
hearts. Rev. Leech has devo
ted much time ' and attention to
this task and deserves "great
credit.; . ; t ' ; '
; w ' ' Nolan Wants Help "j,
" We want f orour Red Tag Sale
4 experienced sales ladies; 2 ex
perienced clothing salesmen; 2
expert wrappers. :. j k.
12-29-lt J. M. Nolan & Son.
Pretty Christmas Wedding at
At the home of Mr. Davis, at
Shedd, Oregon, on Christmas
day, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. Mr.
R. W. ' Skallarud was happily
married to Miss Dorothy Booth,
Rev. J. R. N. Bell officiating
and Mr. C. W. DcDavitt acting
as best man. , An elegant wed
ding breakfast was served after
which the happy couple took the
train for Portland to spend the
honeymoon, from which they
will return to Corvallis ' to make
their home.
This wedding and courtship
has an interesting tinge of ro
mance connected with, it the fire
of love being enkindled on the
Iowaprairies and, notwithstand
ing the bleak and chilly winds
that blew, the vital spot had been
reached and the flame continued
to burn until the happy culmi
nation on Christmas day. Many
a fair haired maiden has earestly
longed to divert his attention
but all in vain and nearly every
Saturday evening Skelly could
be seen going Shedward.
Mr. Skellerud has been clerk
ing at the store of F. L. Miller
for the past two years having
charge of the dry goods depart
ment and has proved himself
worthv of all confidence and
friendship. Bv his genial dis
position he has drawn around
him a host of friends who, will
be pleased to learn that hence
forth his footsteps will be care
fully guarded. The lady has
been teaching near Shedd and is
held in high esteem by "those
who have the pleasure of her ac
quaintance. We gladly welcome
them as citizens of Corvallis.
The Knights Templar Honor
Christmas Day.
t C. S. Butler, the wood dealer
of Corvallis has on hand oak,
ash, maple and fir wood, also
slab wood. Either 4-foot or16
inch lengths, as wanted. De
livered on short notice, r Send
in your orders. Office phone
No. 553; residence phone 436. r
"To our most Eminen t Grand
Master, Henry Warren Rugg,
with Christmas greetings; and
may the Prince of Peace send
down good will to men."
The foregoing sentiment was
proposed in each asylum of the
order of Knights Templar in
the country Christmas day at
precisely 12 q'clock, Washington
time. Allowing for the differ
ence between coasts, the cere
mony was -observed in Albany
by Temple Commandery, No. 3,
at 9 o'clock a. m. In the pres
ence of a large number of Fraters
and Masonic visitors, Past Grand
Commander D. P. Mason an
nounced the sentiment.
After the observance of this
custom, that has been a cere
mony conducted for many years
simultaneously all over the
Union, the following impressive
program was carried out:
"The Holy City," orchestral;
piano solo, Prof. William Boone,
OAC; hymn, "Hark.the'Herald,"
Knights of Malta Quartet, of
Corvallis, composed of Sir
Knights John Fulton, J. Fred
Yates, Charles Do belle and Roy
Raber; Scripture reading, Sir
Knight J. J. Evans; vocal solo,
"Lo! a Star, Ye Sages Hoary,"
Prof. John Fulton; doxology
Knights of Malta Quartet; lec
ture, Sir Knight D. P. Mason;
prayer, Sir Knight D. H. Leech,
DeMolaiCommandery ; memorial
services; hymn, "Nearer, My
God, to Thee," Knights of Malta
Quartet; benediction, Sir Knight
D. H. Leech; piano solo, Prof.
William Boone.
Following the program the
local Commandery served a
breakfast to the members and
guests, many of whom were
from Corvallis, a special train
having been chartered by, the
Masons, members of. the Order
Eastern Star and friends-.
Church Meeting.
Ihere will be a very import
ant meeting held at the Presby
terian church on this (Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at whicl
time the question of building
new church will be decided,
is the earnest desire that e
members of the church and con
gregation be present to give ex
pression to their thought in th
matter, as this church, if built!
must be their home for the nexi
50 years. Rev. Dr. Holt of Port
land, will be present to give val
uable information both in th
matter of building and the rais
ing of funds. Spend an hour ii
this noble work and help build j
churcu that will be a credit t
this young and growing town.
Artisans AttentionI
All members of Corvallis As
sembly No. 23 are hereby noti
fied that there will be a special
meeting neld Thursday, Decem
ber 31, at which there will be ad
interesting musical and literard
program and other attractive
and entertaining features for al
who may attend. Come. '
Boost for Benton County.
Subscribe for the Gazette.
1909 will be the travel year
for the Pacific H orthwest. The
most advantageous rates are in
this direction. All of the greau
railroads of the country are gcA
ing to bend their efforts toward
presenting the resources of this
portion of the United States
throughout the East, Canada and,
Europe. ' The Portland Rosd
Show and the Alaska-Yukon-
Pacific Exposition will be two
important features.
We are now taking orders fori
spring delivery. Special induce
ments on Peach Trees. Choici
stocks at low figures. Write fo:
nmjAci YvaAiaA nlamnrr fwAorti ffl-i
miiuic piwviwg, vivimr
where. Address
Lafayette Nura
Mention Gazette