Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 29, 1908, Image 3

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. . ,
C. C. Geer and J. F. Potter
kre over at Albany Thursday.
Miss Helen Crawford went to
lalsey Saturday on a brief visit.
Bert Dean, of Monroe, is ein-
lloyed at the Occidental Hotel
D. J. Mackenzie and wife spent
Christmas with relatives in Port-
The annual meeting of the
Christian church was held last
vening. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott, of Tan-
rent, visited Corvalhs friends
ist week.
Mrs. Forrest Davis has been
Hsiting friends in Silverton the
hast week.
J. P. Gregg, of Monroe, was a
business visitor to the countv
eat Saturday.
J. J. Thompson, of OAC, left
hursday for a holiday visit at
lis home near Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hughes were
In from Uak Kidge luesdav on
shopping expedition.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Henkle
liave returned irom a visit to
friends in Portland.
Prof. Bradley and family are
Ipending the holidaylseason with
Iriends in Portland.
Charles Allen has gone to
f Veils and expects to remain
here for a few months.
Charles Lunt arrived Thurs
day from Pittsburg, Pa., to spend
L'hristmas with his family here.
Sheriff W. A. Gellatly has ap-1
bointed W. P. Morris to be dep- j
uy sheriff for Monroe Precinct.
Mr. and Mrs, B. F. Grant,
If Harlan, were doing Christmas
hopping in Corvallis last Thurs-
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Murphey
t ent to Eugene to spend Christ
s the guests of friends in that
The farm of J. W. Scott is be
ing greatly improved by the ad-
Iition of new.. outbuildings and
Deputy Sheriff C. T. McDav-
Itt, went to Dallas to spend
Christinas with the folks at
Mrs. J. Mason and son, "Way-
man, went over to Newport on
Imsiness Saturday, returnine
F. B. Smith has been joined
Here dv ms wire and children.
Ihey arriving Monday from San
' rancisco.
Mrs. J. M. Grossly and Miss
feressa McDonald, of Philomath,
lire the guests of friends in Cor-
alhs this week.
Mrs. Reynolds, sister of Chas.
I-iunt, came over from Silverton
o be present at. the family re-
mion on Christmas day.
H. E. Wetherla arrived Thurs
day from Detroit to spend the
holidays here-
, Mrs. G. L.'Burkhead, of Mon
mouth, came up Friday to spend
the holidays with her daughter,
Mrs M. M. Long. ( ;
; D. Charles is down from Fair
banks, Alaska, enjoying the
pleasure of a few weeks' visit to
his family and home folks.
George and Collie Cathey are
at home from the Portland Med
ical College to spend the holiday
season with their parents.
J. J. Peddicord, editor of the
Barometer, left Wednesday for
Portland to spend the holiday
season with his parents.
The new bungalow built for
Prof. Heater on Twelfth street
has been completed and the
family are now occupying it.
Final summons7 was issued in
the esstate of Sarah C. Apple
white by the county clerk on the
23d and executrix discharged.
Prof. H.'Lew Mathre, instruc
tor in Stenography and Type
writing at OAC, has been spend
ing the past few days in Port
land. Miss May belle Kelson and
Miss Golda Rhodes spent Christ
mas at the home of the?latter's
parents, four miles west of Inde
pendence. Howard. Bush and wife, of
King's Valley, passed . through
Corvallis on Thursday, on their
way to Portland to spend Christ
mas with friends.
O. Wilson, who has' a fine
ranch south of the city,.is mak
ing some substantial improve
ments and getting in shape for
next season s crop.
Rev. Father Butler visited
Rev. Father Lane in Albany
Wednesday and made an address
to the children at the Christmas
tree entertainment.
OAC is to have a "Novice
Meet" with Multnomah, the en
tries being limited to contestants
who have never before been en
tered in any public contest.
,W. B. ,Chancer deputy- com
missioner of the state labor bu
reau and factory inspector, was
over from Albany yesterday on
official business.
Ole Paulson, who recently
came out here from North Da
kota on a visit, has decided to
remain, and is erecting a new
house three miles east of Cor
vallis. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Gray and
niece, Miss Brown, took an auto
trip to Albany to bid farewell
to J. S. Prime and family, who
have decided to locate at Sher
wood. . -
Prof. Otto F. L. Hershe, at
one time business manager of
the Gazette, and later connected
with OAC. spent Christmas with
his father' and mother in Cor
vallis. v
1908 will have many pleasant recollections in store' for the
many people who will be supplied with holiday '
selected from the magnificent stock of Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Cut Glass, Silverware, etc. now being displayed
at E. W. S. Pratt's Jewelry Store. It is my desire that
you feel perfectly
to call and examine the newest, nobbiest and most care
fully selected stock of Jewelry ever displayed in Benton
county. A $50 Diamond Ring given away absolutely FREE.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
Phone Your Orders To No, 7,
Where They Will be Promptly Filled.
ie Line of Crockerjy Glassware, Cut
lass, Havilaml and China ware.
Hot drinks and ham sandr
wiches at tha Palace of ' Sweets.
Mr; and Mrs. A. P. Johnson
left Sunday for Portland where
Mrs. Johnson will undergo an
operation for appendicitis?,:"
Mr. and Mrs. S. Herron and
; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Buckingham
' were in- the city Monday from
S. L. Kline has been invited
to attend a banquet to be given
by the Lebanon Business Men's
League on the evening of De
cember 30, and will leave tomor
row for that place.
Miss Mae Russell was a pleas
ing hostess Christmas night at
a party given at her home to
about 20 friends. A delightful
social time was enjoyed and
dSinty refreshments served.
For sale A $75 organ for
$50. Good as new. Phone Ind.
448. 12-15-tf
Prof. J. C. Bridwell - left-the
last of the week to visit during
the holidays withv the charming
maiden who has won his heart,
but was extremely timid when
questioned as to where the young
lady lives.
- For blank books, diaries, sten
cil pads etc., see .Graham &
Wells." . 12-29-4t
Invitations are out announc
ing the coming marriage of Miss
Eva Conquest and Frank Ben
nett, both prominent young 'peo
ple of Philomath, the. happy
event to take place at the home
of the bride's parents this week.
Arrangements are now being
perfected to organize a lodge -of
the Phthian Sisters here as an
auxiliary to the Knights 1 of
Pythias. The new lodge will be
instituted early in January and
will have a large charter mem
bership. ,
Jesse Taylor went to Sanga
mon, in Linn county to run the
engine at the planing mill for
the Booth Kelly Lumber Com
pany. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor
have mam'' warm friends who
will be sorry to have them leave
the county. . j - -;- -
Wayman Mason, who had been
visiting at the home of his moth
er, Mrs. J. Mason, in Corvallis,
for the past three weeks, left
Thursday for Salem to take the
management.of the pew Spanish
American restaurant located on
State street in that city.
Foil sale Three choice lots,
with six-room : house and barn,
on South Second street. Good
business property. Price $4200,
Baker & Musgrave, Office ,111
Second street, Corvallis " Hotel
Building. ' 12-18-tf
We are informed by the coun
ty clerk that v every school dis
trict in Benton county has voted
to increase the tax levy for
school purposes . thus , showing
that our people are. thoroughly
awake to the importance of giv
ing the children a good educa
tion. -
Letters of administration on
the estate of " Catharine Phile
were granted by the county court
on Dec. 24th to Phillip Phile
The appraisers appointed were
J. -R. Smith, G. W. Smith and
Henry "Gerheart. . The estate
was appraised at $9,000.00 and
the bond fixed at $18,500.
Charles Beckwith, who left
here about two years ago for
Ritzville, Wash., and was trans
ferred fromthere to Whitefish,
Mont., has been promoted to the
management of the Big Bend
Light & Power Company's plant
at bprague, Wash. He is com
ing to Corvallis soon to visit his
people here.
T. J. Flett, of the Five Rivers'
country, was looking around the
city Friday and Saturday. "He
seems perfectly happy with his
retired home. " When a man has
worked in a printing office for a
term of years he feels like a bird
in the springtime when able to
break away from the worry and
annoyance attached to it.
Rev. J. R. N. Bell returned
from Dallas Friday where he as
sisted in the installation of Rev:
S.; N Reeves as Pastor of ' the
Presbyterian church at 5 that
place. Rev.' Elliott, of Albany,
preached the sermon, Rev. War
dell, of Lebanon, charged the
people and Rev. J. R. N. Bell, of
Corvallis the pastor.
TO start the New Year right by doing
your buying at -The Store that Serves
you Best." 1
There is no other place in town where you
can get more' goods for the same money or
better goods for less money than right here.
We have everything that you want to
rwear, and can give equal satisfaction to the
Ladies, the Misses, the Men, the Boys and
the Little Folks.
; You cannot make a better resolution than
Where you can always find the best selected
stock and the most reasonable prices on
Ready to Wear and Made to Measure Suits,
Skirts, Coats, Clothing, Waists, Dress Goods,
Ladies' Furnishings, Shoes and all the latest
... ..... Jines. in'., up-to-date outfitting. .We want
1 ; your trade, and our motto is- -"To Please
the People."
i "1
Ail Goods Beduced During January
Z"OD AONl CM-Atomizers, Buckles,' Bon Bon Boxes Bon
rU tv V V J IVI E.I MBon Spoons, Bonnet Pins, Book Marks
Bracelets, .Brooches, Chatalains,-Cloth Brushes, Cologne Bottles Clocks.
Cut Glass, Combs, Cuff Buttons, Hair Pin Trays, Lockets, Lorgnettes,
Mirrors, Manicure Articles, Paper Cutters, Pencils, Photo Frames, Pin
Cushions, Pin .Trays,. Puff Boxes. Pocket Knives, Purses, Scarf Pins, .
Scissors, Seals, Tapes. Tea Balls, Strainers, Toilet Sets, Souvenir Trays
Umbrellas, Velvet Brushes Veil Pins, Watches.
TOE? M Ash Trays, Cloth Brushes, Combs, Cork Screws,
r Un IVI IN Cuff Buttons, Flasks, Hair and Hat Brushes, Hat
- 'Marks, Ink, Stands, Fountain Pens, "Key Chains and Rings, Lockets
, Match Boxes, Military Brushes, Mirrors, Paper Cutters, Pencils, Pen
Trays, Knives, Scarf Pins, Shaving Brushes and Cups, Souvenir Trayti
Toilet Articles, Watches, Chains, Seals, Fobs and Lockets.
P "T-1 I P R A DV Rattles, Bib Pins, Knives, Forks, Spoons,
r WR I FILL DM D I Bracelets, Rings, Drinking Cups, Pap
Spoons, Safety Pins.
Occidental Building, Corvallis, Oregon
Say Folks ! Do You Know
That Now is an Exceptionally Good Time to
We are making a specialty of concealed work. Our price
is reasonable and our work carries a guarantee.
341 South Second Street, Corvallis.
Phones Store No. 132, Residence No. 253-2,
Just What You Want
Popular Records to select from. TOYS IN ENDLESS
VARIETY. The kinds that will be sure to please the
- little folks. Guns, Anranition, Sporting Goods, and lots
of things suitable for Holiday Gifts. Call and see the Big
Line and note the reasonable prices.
M. M. LONG, Second Street,' Corvallis, Oregon.
Under New Management
The Vienna Steam Dyeing
And Cleaning Works
109 N. Second Sreet, Corvallis, Oregon
B. A. POWERS, Prop.
Clothing cleaned, pressed and repaired
French dry cleaning a specialty. Work
called, for and delivered. . Lady attend-
ant and ladies' work done with care. ALL
Now is the time
to visit ' '
When summer has passed
in these northern states,
the sun is only mild under
, the bright blue skies of
Southern California. .This
is one of nature's happy
provisions eternal sum
mer for those who cannot
endure a more severe cli
mate. California has been called
the "Mecca of the winter
tourist," -., Its hotels and
stopping places are as
... 'varied as those of all well
regulated cities. Visitors
can always find suitable
accommodations, congen
ial companions, and var
ied, pleasing recreations.
' ' Will be glad to supply some
f very attractive literature, de
scribing in detail the many de
lights of winter in California.
. Very low round trip excursion
, tickets are on sale to California.
The rate from Albany to Los
Angeles and return is
Limit six months, allowing
stopovers in either direction.
Similar excursion rates are in
effect to all California points.
For full information, sleeping car reservations
and tickets, call on telegraph or writ
R. O. LINVILLE, agknT,
: .. . OB. ,i
Wif. McMURRAY, GEN. pass. AGT.,
Portland, Oregon.