A CHILDLESS FUTURE. "During the period from 1860 to 1000 the proportion of children to 100 women of "child-bearing age decreased in the United States by 152, or an average of about 30 to each decade. If we assume that the change will con tinue unchecked for a century in the direction which it has been during the last 40 years, there will be no children left." This startling statement came out in the lecture on birth and birthrate delivered by Professor Walter F. Wilcox in the course on sanitation in Godwin Smith' Hos pital in Ithica, N. Y. last week. "It is one of the main duties of statistics to point out the whirl pools in the stream along which society is going," said Professor Wilcox, "before the current be comes irresistible, and thus to arouse a desire to change the course. "The true reason for the fall in the birthrate is that in modern times, mainly within the last half century, birth3 and birthrate have come under the control of human will and choice in a sense and to a degree never before true. "Our leading American author ity, Dr. John Shaw Billings, put it as follows : "The most important factor in the past in the change is the de liberate and voluntary avoidance or prevention on the part of a steadily increasing number of married people who prefer to have but few children. Before this change began the birth of a child in the vast majority of cases was not an indication of a delib erate preference for that result on the part of both or either of the parents.' "There is not a single one among the experts who denies that this is the great underlying cause of the modern decline in the birthrate of all civilized com munities." Professor Wilcox also gave sta tistics to show that marriage is less common among college grad uates of both sexes than it is in the average of the entire popu lation. The figures regarding the birth rate among college graduates show that the highly educated part cf the American people not only does not increase the popu lation at all, but, on the contrary, fails to reproduce itself, Mountain View Items. Mrs. A. R. Locke has not been very well lately and Miss Ger trude Folks ' has been helping her with her housework. On account of bad roads a part of rural free delivery No 1 lias been discontinued until .good weather comes again. There are several good farms in this neighborhood that are being offered for sale at reason able prices. Mrs. Anna Hall gave a nice Christmas tree and dinner at her home on Friday. Mrs. Perry Totten has been -ailing for some time past. George Armstrong has the largest and best young apple orchard in the neighborhood and he is producing some very fine apples. On Tuesday December 22d, the last day of the Bryant school north of Corvallis the teacher gave the scholars a Christmas tree loaded with nice presents for all. The little folks enjoyed it very much. The Mountain View phone line has not been working very well lately on account of some of the poles falling down. The entire line needs to be improved soon. The other companies who are running their wires on the Mountain View company's poles for some years past nave agreed to help pay for repairing. the line But so far only one corrfpany has come up with the cash and that is the Pleasant Valley Company. Please let us hear from you other companies soon or the line is likely to be out of commission when you might need it badly! for a doctor. ' ' Bids For Wood. Notice is hereby -given that sealed proposals for. furnishing wood for the Oregon Agricultu ral College for the ensuing Coir lege year, 1909-10; -will be , re ceived by the undersigned untij Saturday, January 9th.. Speci fications will be furnished at ihe Business Office of the College. J. A. Bexell, ' 12-18-4t Financial Secretary. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice i9 hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by the County Court of Benton county, Oregon, admin istrator of the estate of Floyd Lane, de ceased ; All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same duly verified as by law required to me at Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, or at the office of J. F. Yates at Corvallis, Benton County, Ore gon, within six (6) months from this date. . - Dated December 7th, 1908. - W. G. LANE, Administrator of the Estate of Floyd Lane, deceased. Date of first Publication, Dec 7th, 1908. Date of last Publication, Jan. 5th, 1909 NOTICE TO BIDDERS. REDUCED HOLIDAY BATES j Oy 'r'S. P. Co. Lines and C & E. R. B. : For the holidays the S. P. Co. will make a round trip rate of one and one third fare to all points on S. P. lines. The C. & E. K. K. make a rate of one fare for the round tripl Sale dates are Dec. 23rd, 24th, 25thr Dec. 31st and January lst. Final re turn limit, January 4th, 1909. The O. R. & N. will make the same rate and same sale dates as the S. P. Ticket office open after 3 p. m. for purchase of tick ets for use the next day. R. C. Linville, Agent. Corvallis, Oregon. Delicious in Montana Notice is hereby given that the under signed constituting the Sewer Committee of the City of Corvallis, will receive bids at the office of Police Judge in said City until six o'clock p. m. of Thussday of the 31st day of December, 1908, for the con struction of a lateral sewer through Block No. 3 in the County Addition to the City of Corvallis in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor on file with the Police Judge of the City of Corvallis and the ordinance of said City providing for said sewer construction. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check equal to one fourth ('!) the amount of such bid payable to the order of the Police Judge of said City to secure the City and the property owners against loss or damage on account, of failure of such bidder to enter into contract with the city and give bond for the faithful performance thereof as required by the ordinance providing for the construction ot said sewer All bids will be reported to the Common ; Council of said City at its regular meet-( ing of January, 1909. . , The right is reserved to reject any and 1 all bids. I Dated December 17, 1908. j. A. Harper, I. BoDinb. Sewer Committee. First pub. Dec. 18, 1908 Last pub. Dec. 29, 1908. All the News All the Time in the Corvallis Gazette rL Tiffin .TvfllJfA Th School that BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON AN D TENTH T. PORTLAND. OREGON WRITE FOR CATALOG Piaca Yo it a Ooed Position f COPYRIOfMg A CHRISTMAS DISPLAY of jewels and precious stones that would dazzle the Shah of Persia we are showing for our . Xmas trade. Everything1 that could be designed for beautiful holiday gifts we have secured, and by choosing early you will avoid the Christmas rush. Our store should be a magnet to those who admire beautiful things, and everyone is welcome. B. L. VAN HOOSEN, Second Street, 3 doors south of Harris' Store, Corvallis, , - - Oregon r V. E. WATTERS The Benton County Real Estate Agent Corvallis, Oregon IT If you have anything to buy, sell or exchange, see ns. No padded prices, f As to our responsibility, and methods of doing business, we refer you to the business men of Corvallis. : H Some splendid bargains send for list. Patronize The Paint and Paper Store The Finest Varnishes, Celebrated New Era Paints, Pure Lead and Oil and the Newest Patterns in Wall Paper. We can supply you with just what you need in these lines. Second Street, Near Palace Theater Everybody Eats TO LIVE, and to live well everybody should have the best things to eat. Housekeepers will always find just what they need for the table here at this store, and that, too, of the best quality. We fill every order with care and make prompt delivery, while our prices are always satisfactory. Herman's is the Place for Groceries Canned Goods, Table Delicacies, Luncheon Dainties and all the appetizing foods needed to prepare a good meal. Our Specialties: Independence Creamery But ter, Folger's Crystal Coffee none better. Oil RPRfAM Corner Second and M . Um Li C Hi. 1 HI I vallis. Phone No. 10A. onroe. Cor- . VJhon - You j Buy Groceries At This Store All our goods are guaranteed tji comply with the Pure Food Law ; ; We have the best and nothing but the best. We Want Your Business Modes Grocery House Decorating FOB PAINTING AND PAPERING SEB W. K. Paul. Ind. 488. 4lt ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office op stairs in Zierolf Boiiding. Only set of abstracts in Bentot, County 8. R. BR Y SON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Poet Office Building, Coival ia, Oregon.. - .- .- JOSEPH H. WILSON, ATTORNEY- at-law. Office Burnett Bldg. Prac tice in all State and Federal courts. Notary Public. Abstracts. Land Titles PHYSICIANS Read this letter from Mr. R. A. Rollins, a prominent orchardist of the Flathead Valley "Delicious (Stark Delicious) has proven a success with me and have been booming it for three years. At the State Farmers Institute Meeting held at Rollins June 26, 1908, at which were present, Hon. Fred Whiteside, Prof. Linfield, Mgr. Experi ment Station, Prof. Wilcox and others, I exhibited Delicious apples as sound as when taken from the trees the previous fall. The flavor was still excellent.'. I have therefore, with good reason, given Delicious a reputation in this valley." Have you tasted this royal fruit? Scans and tasting it will open your eys make yon understand why you cannot afford not to have your orchard liberally planted with it. Send us 25 cents today to pay partial express chart es and we will sends box of 3 specimens. (No charge is made tor the fruit). The 25 cents we will refund on the first order of trees you send us. Write for our Stark Fruit Book which gives accurate information bout all varieties worthy of planting Apple, . Peach. Pear, Apricot, Cherry, Berry .Fruits, Grape, etc, etc Stark Bro's Nurseries & Orchards Company Louisiana, Missouri U. S. A. AMBEROL RECORD At 50 Cents Gives the same am ount ot . Entertain ment as two regular Edison Records at 35 Cents THE AMBEROL IS A NEW RECORD WITH A new record: Graham & Wells New Location Larger Stock Better Inducements These are the attractions we now have to offer our patrons, and we want everybody to know that our line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Grain, Feed t and Seeds Comprise the best that can be procured, and our prices are making us lots of new customers. We Have Everything That's Good to Eat M. TILLERY Whitehorn Bldg,. Second St, Next to Small's Bakery B. A. CATHEY. M. D., PHYSICIAN kuu ourgouu. noomi 14, .Bank iJnild iog. Office Honrs : 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4p.m. Residence: cor. 6th and Ad ams 8ta. Telephone at office and res idence. Oorvallis. Oregon. W. T. ROWLEY, M. D PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Special attention given to the Eye, Nose and Throa. Office in Johnson Blaar. Ind. 'phone at of fice and lesidence. UNDERTAKERS M. S. BOVEE. FUNERAL mUFf!T. or and Licensed Embalmer. Suc cessor to Bovee & Bauer Cnrvallia. Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. Bell Phone - 8otf HENKLE & BLACKLEDGE. UNDER lasers ana licensed embalmers. South Main St.. Corvallis, Or. HOMES FOR SALE WE HAVE SEVERAL PARTIES who are looking tor . homestad locations or relinquishments, also some good timber claims. If you know of any good homesteads or timber claims it will pay you to write 119. Address .53TNA REALTY COMPANY, 225 Failing Building, Portland, Oregon. DRESSMAKING! All kinds at the home of K. OT YATES .14th and Harrison Sts. Phone Ind. 575 Occidental Lumber Co. Successors to Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have ' not got exactly what you want we will get it for yon. G. O. BASSET r, Local Mtzr. no2o-im THIS COLD FOGGY WEATHER Calls for a good warm Overcoat. We have them direct from Corinth Woolen Mills $8.00 to $20X)0 A. K. RUSS ltealer in Men's Furnishings CORVALLIS, - - OREGON Benton County Lumber Co. - Manufacturers of all kinds of fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Oedar Shakes Dealers in Doors, Windows, Lime, Brick, Cement, Shingles, etc. Thos. Boulden HEADQUARTERS FOR Live and Dressed Poultry, Bone, Grit and Oyster Shells, Prussian Stock and Poultry Tonic, Lice Killer, etc. Pay highest cash market price .'. m Poultry, Eggs, Veal aod Hogs. ' 212 Second Street. - r - . hind I 'N A I IUNAL BANK OF CORVALLIS, OREGON Transacts a general conservative banking business. Loans money on approved security. Drafts bought and sold and money transferred to the principal cities of the United States Europe and other foreign countries. ' SPECIAL VALUES SUITS AND CLOAKS ADVERTISE IN THE GAZETTE The Best Selection The Latest Styles The Most Reasonable ; Prices Every Garment Sure to Please HENKLE DAVIS'