Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, December 25, 1908, Image 1

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nr i rnTsmrrt
ur Lcumro
nun vuvwuuu
Will Be in Session Here Janu
ary Ninth.
County Superintendent H. L.
Mack has been instructed by the
executive committee of the
School Officers' Association of
Benton county to call a school
board convention to meet at the
court house in Corvallis Satur
day, January 9, at half-past ten
The chairman of each school
district is the accredited dele
gate to this convention, but if
he is unable to attend he must
appoint one of the other direct
ors, or the clerk, to be present as
a representative.
It is desired that there shall
be a good attendance as this is
the year the legislature meets
and as several changes are to be
recommended in the school laws,
a comprehensive discussion of
school conditions and require
ments should be had in advance.
State Superintendent Acker
man and other prominent edu
cators will be present to aid in
discussing the following sub
jects: "Compulsory Education
Law," "Union High School,"
"Methods of Apportioning School
Funds," "The Units of Admin
istration," "Supervision," "The
County Treasurer as ex-officio
School District Treasurer," "Dis
trict Board Meetings," "Publica
tion of School .Laws," "Creation
of a County High School Fund,"
"Elementary Agriculture in the
Schools," "Meetings for Voting
Special Taxes," "Condition of
School Building Light, Venti
We Wish You
jVlerry Christmas
A Happy and
Established 18G4
uvinnnnfinnnjiJuvrLnj nnnjtruinnnjuirinnnfuvwinaj
lation, Heating, etc.," "Superin
tendent's Report to School Board
After Visiting SehooL" "School
Libraries" and other topics..
School Children Will Display
Prof. Fulkerson, principal of
the Corwallis City Schools, is Ar
ranging for an extensive exhibit
some time in January, in the
High School building, of various
articles made by the scholars at
their homes, the purpose being
to create an interest in practical
manual training , that shall,
eventually, result in regular
elasses being formed for this im
portant study.
This exhibit will be open ,to
all public sehool children above
the fifth grade and all the schol
ars will be ' requested to bring
some article they, themselves,
have made, the character being
left to their own inclination and
Parents of the pupils and pa
trons of the public, school sys
tern will be cordiallv invited to
view this exhibit-; when in is
finally displayed and they may,
by practical suggestions, give
much aid to the scholars in the
character of the various articles
which will be made, so that the
handiwork of the children will
be as creditable as possible.
Prof. Fulkerson is a strong
advocate of the study of manual
training in the public schools
and hopes to be able to intro
duce it here at an early date.
Former Residents Win High
i'."i--c : - fleaors.
Over in Weaaaichee, Washing
ton, the famous apple orchard
of the evergreen state, there are
a couple of dorvallis men who
are an honor to the community
in which they Jive and a credit
to the ity
where .they spent!
many years. . - , f
These two prominent citizens
are David .N. and John Gellatly, J?b1 business, toe council provid
brothersof William A. GellatlyJ'iDS nat jn future all new side
sheriff Oif Benton countv. 'DavidJwalks constructed .east of the
is growing apples overlhere and I
bein? a eraduAte of JDAC his
knowledfoe of iortip.tili.n has
made nun a leader, . .men. in a
section where .there are a lot of
mighty good men,. At the re
cent .Spokane Apple Fair he
won the silver eup for ihe best
district display and a cash prize
of $200, tor the most attractive
exhibit, besides making a record
sale of three one-tier boxes of
apples at the rate of $20 a box,
which was just.iwiee the amount
paid I by. James J- Hill, of the
Great Northern Railway, for his
pick of the entire display. Mr.
.Gellatly received at the rate of
about 56 cents apiece for these
premium apples. As secretary
of the Wenatchee Commercial
Club Mr. Gellatly is doing ex
cellent work for his city and dis
trict, while John is' now Mayor
of that city, honored and respect
ed by all who know him.
The Benton Flouring Mills Co.
has purchased Fischer's Flouring
Mid- . . - r -J '
The Council Fixes Limit For
Cememt Walks.
The City CaMincil met in ad
ioucaed session Monday even
ing, Decembrr21, Mayor George
Lilly presiding and -councilmen
Fuller, Heckert, Irvine. Harper,
Jsbern and Jsimpson present.
j-b passage ! a .BduewaiK ana
rm c - j n I
ssireea; orainajaee was tne princi-
i j n i l
west -side of 9th. street shall be of
cement, on all streets 50 feet
wide the distance hall be 32
feetffrom curb to curb. On the
fitreets of less than SO feet the
distanoe between euros shall, be
24 feet.
The skating rink license was
placed at $75 per year, or $25.00
quarterly. It is expected that
too moving picture theatre li
cense will be placed -at the same
A petition for an arc light at
tth and Adams was presented
and referred for investigation.
M. S. "Woodcock asked permis
sion of, ihe council to place ah
ash box near the corner of sec
ond and Jefferson streets.
Chief Wells was instructed to
put up suitable signs designating
walks on which bvcicles may
not be ridden. . .
Councilman Heckert's resig
nation was tabled until the Jan
uary meeting. " -
Viraril E. Watters haa erone to
Cbico. CaJ-: to see an uncle who
is quite iiL-
Rival Candidates Are
Now at Work.
Bowermaa and Kay now Re
garded as Leaders With the
Former Five Votes Ahead.
A few days ago 18 of the 23
Republican members of the Sen
ate signed the call for a caucus
organization and since then the
rival aspirants for ; President
have been directing their efforts
towards ; developing their .can
didacy. There is no question
but that Bowerman and Kay are
the leaders and their relative
strength will remain substan
tially the same should the other
nvejRepubliean' Senators pile in
to the caucus band wagon before
the Legislature convenes. These
five Senators are as- follows:
Abraham, of Douglas; Kellaher,
Albee and Selling, of Multno
mah, and Sinnott, of Hood River
and Wasco.
With all of the Republican
Senators participating in caucus,
12 would land the 'nomination.
Of the 23 Senators, Bowerman,
it is said, could depend on nine
votes in addition to his own.
The line-up for the Eastern Ore
gon man, it is reported, would
be as follows: Bingham of Lane;
Chase, of Coos and Curry; Cof
fey, : of Multnomah; Cole, of
Umatilla, Hart, of Baker; Merry
man, of Crook, Klamath and
Lake; Parrish, of Grant, Harney
and Malheur; Scholfield, of Clat
sop, and Smith, of Marion. Bow
erman is said to be depending
on Miller, of Lane and Linn;
and Barrett, of Lincoln, Tilla
mook, Washington, and Yam
hill, to complete the - necessary
12 votes to land the nomination
in a full caucus. Miller and
Barrett at this stage of the game
are said to be supporting Kay,
of Marion.
y Bailey, of Columbia, Clacka
mas and Multnomah, at one time
tentative candidate for the Presi
dency apparently has gone in
with Kay, who is also counting
on the support of Albee, Kella
her and Selling, neither of whom
has signed the caucus call as
yet. But this support cannot be
depended on by Kay until Sell
ing is out or the race. this
would give Kay a following of
seven, including ins own vote.
Although he has been a candi
date for President from the" start,
Beach, of Multnomah, has not
been - devoting much time to
looking after his own candidacy.
At the same time, it has been
generally understood that Bow
erman and Beach agreed early
in the contest that each would
support the one assembling the
greater strength in a caucus. By
the terms of that compact when
applied to the situation as it now
appears, Beach probably will be
found in the Bowerman camp
when the Senate organizes. '
1 he strength of Bowerman
and Kay, according to the fore
going line-up, is 17; leaving six
Senators not placed, as follows:
Abraham, of Douglas; Beach," of
Multnomah; Johnson, of Benton;
Nottingham, of Multnomah; Sin
nott, of Hood River and Wasco,
and Wood,1 of Washington.
The College Talk CAnh met- loaf-
Saturday afternoon and listened
to an interesting address on "In
terior Decoration" hr V. R T.o
rence. r.hfl Tintprf
Portland. .
Special Studies, to
Given at OAC. ;
The Faculty Is arranging.: or
a General Plan of Extending
Agricultural Knowledge. v
Duringthe months of January,
February and tyarch, ' 190y, the
Oregon Agricultural College will
offer the following Winter Short
Courses: "- , s
1. Farmer's Week January
5 to 9. ' ;' '
2. Creamery Practice Janu
ary 5 to 15. 1
3. 1 Dairying- January 18 to
March 27.
4. Horticulture January 11
to February 20. ' , v ,
: 5. Mechanic Arts January
11 to February 20.
6. Household Science and
Art Jan.. 11 to Feb. 20.
Men and women, young and ,
old, interested in the farm, the
shop, or the home, are cordially
invited to attend. By writing
at once to the Agricultural Col
lege a circular will- be sent tell- ;
ing in detail what is proposed to '
be accomplished by these courses.
No entrance examination or
other educational test, wilrbe re
quired but no one will be re
ceived -who is less than sixteen
years of age. More than one'
hundred persons registered in
these courses in 1908, their ages..
fifty. .r-'y-
A pleasing and profitable fea
ture of these . courses will be a
series or lectures by some of the
most prominent men of the
State men who are especially
well qualified by successful ex
perience to speak upon some
particular phase of agriculture.
ii r- i ' " ' lx
Winter courses in agriculture
have become an important fact
or in the agricultural develop
ment of the nation. The attend
ance at these courses at the vari
ous agricultural" colleges of the
country probably exceeds in
number those students taking
regular courses of instruction,
and they are undoubtedly doing
more for the immediate develop
ment of agriculture than the reg
ular long courses. The farmers
taking these courses have reach
ed mature years; they own their
own farms, most of them, and
they are able to put into prac
tice' at once any new idea they
may get at the college. '
The winter course is a part of
a general scheme of agricultural
extension which the Agricultural
College faculty is working for.
Traveling agricultural and do
mestic science schools, farmers'
institutes, demonstration trains,
free circulating libraries, home
reading courses, winter courses,
and free bulletins are all features
of a comprehensive system of
extension work that the agricul
tural college faculty has recom
mended to President Roosevelt's
uplift commission.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to return our heart
felt thanks to our neighbors and
friends for their "kindly, assist-,
ance and expressions of sincere
synrpathy during the illness and
at the time of the death and
burial of our beloved wife and.
mother, Mrs.. Philip Phile.
; . Respectfully,
- Philip Phile, ' .
Mrs. Conrad "Myers. 4 -