u f ? 1.- See Art Needlework DISPLAY AT F. L. Miller ; cuumiu WTuriiittm: V Flfto Word or essj Stf eta for hr sorrr Ive- insertions, ' 'or 5Q is pe tonth; forall u.p to and1 including ter additional wor-is. j cent a word for earnl ' per word for the first insertion, am; H ct per word for' each additional iaaer oon Nothing inserted for leu than nta. ' i Lodge, society and cnurcsi notices, her than strictly news matter, will b -tmrued tor. : Dr. Bancroft, the famous psy chologist, will deliver his won derfuf discourse on alf (so-called ) Buper-natiiral phenomena, viz. spirit table ' tipping, lifting of ponderous Weights independent of 'physical ' contact, suspended j animation, 1 rTesenumenis, rre monitions; Hunches,- Telepathy inind reading,! Clairvoyance, Clairandance, Trance' medium ship, etc. ":i -','Y",:: - '" ' All of the physical phenomena of - spiritualism x acknowledged and explained within the pale of a known natural law. A most startling ' as well as most won derful entertainment ever pre sented to an audience. Some thing new, - original andl novel. ,i)r. Bancroft will be ably as sisted b Miss D. Lillian Lewis in 'a program of vocal and liter ary gems, ! impersonations, etc. , The press of the country speak in the highest terms of. Dr. Ban croft and .Miss Lewis and the advance seat sale for this attrac tion fat. .. exceeds . any . previous entertainment ever visiting our ; JOSEPH H.. wilson, attorney?..; ace in w state ana jfeaenu courts I B I I ' V 1 W UUstfOsi. IJ. EUSIKESS COLLEGE! .I waMtNreNANorsMrM sra. LJL JJ. WfcfTEPORCATAIJOa ; For aU advertisements ever 25 words. ' WANTED Uld rigs at the Ua- zette office. House Decorating FOB PAINTING AND PAPERING SEE i : W..J5. Paul, Ind. 48 ...... . itf i ATTORNEYS J F. VAXES, ATTORNE V-AT-LA W ' i - Office up staffs in . Zierolf Building' ' , Only set of abstracts tu Benton Count) . K. BR HON A i'OKNE 1' AT LAW . , Jtfiue in Poet tti.i . Building, Joi vai as, Oretcou. . wVwwww Thos. Boulden HEADQUARTERS 1 ' for ' -' Live and Dressed Poultry, Bone, Grit and Oyster .w Shells Prussian , Stock and Poultry Tonlc Lice r : Killer, etc. -r: r : Pay bi(hest cash market price . for PooltrT, Eggs Veal and Hos. 312 Second Street. , j Oargaln Sato' ' or Dress Goods AND AT Shoes HENKLE DAVIS' A -; r, t Republican Oraanlsation Testers All Policies Tending to Make the Country Great "and' Prosperous. ' The Republican is a party of action. It rests upon what it has done, and pot upon what It possibly may do In the future - It has fostered everything . that . has tended - to make the. country great and prosperous. It has mored with the people. It has kept abreast j vi tm umes. it nas ever srooa reaay to modify an old policy or to adopt a new' one when the business Interests of the country hare needed the modlflca. . . tlon . or the. change. It has protected American industries. It has protected Americanlabor' by stringent" Immigra tion laws. It protected the credit and business stability of the country by prompt declaring In favor of a- gold standard, and writing it in the stat utes. When the time came it prompt-' ly seized - upon- the time and the op portunity to begin the speedy construc tion of the great isthmian canal. It : has never , hesitated to assume a re sponsibility. When the: cruelties , in Cuba threatened the Interests of Amer ica the Republican party resolved to put an end to those cruelties. When trusts sprang up it enacted a- law to curb and control those trusts. When commerce was at the mercy of the railroads, It provided for a commission to regulate them, , When shippers were oppressed by transportation companies it promptly enacted a rate law. ' It has jnet every emergency In war or peace, met It la a wise, prudent and states manlike manner. , It is progressive when . progresslveness means upbuilding. It Is conservative when conservatism means the maintenance of peace, order and prosperity. - It has been prompt without undue haste..' Peace and pros perity at home honor and respect abroad has been, Is now,, and always will be its motto. Republican National Platform'. Come out Monday evening at? tne M,etnodist church and learn the sublime laws of your own inind. Admission '35 cents.' ' providing -. that officers, directors of stockholders participating in or; .con senting to the violation of theJ law should be guilty of a criminal offense. And I know of no more drastic stsstuts.i FOR RENT-400 AURB DAIRY RANCH in this country with regard to the pub licity ' ' of campaign contributions and for the prevention of corrupt practices than that passed In New York under Republican auspices. These were not promises of an opposition party seek ing power, tut enactments by a party In power securing : genuine reforms. Proper recognition must,- of course; he given to ' the patriotic Democrats rho supported these reforms, ,but; they were enacted by a Republican. administra tion. Congress has also -legislated against political -contributions by r poratlons. Purity of elections and fres opportunity for the uncorrupted expres sion of the popular . will lie at the foun dation of every reform and cannot be too carefully safeguarded.-. And there should be federal legislation securing proper publicity of and accounting for ' campaign contributions in ' connection with federal elections. But it must fairly be recognised that the skirts of neither party -have-been clean.; jit we search Mr. Bryan's following we shall find not a few who have sinned,'. and also those who, If we may judge from their local activities, are still unrepent ant The DenJocratlc party- cannot claim unsullied virtue either with re-" gard to the source of its revenues or Its readiness to receive, them. , 15 acre poultry Turner, Oregon. place, y Box. 113, . Notary Public Abstracts. Land Titles? WANTED VAWTEi ihA) bUb&UKliJbiKS lOTtti'1' (jAxmt and weekiy Oregonian ai . 2.6U per year. ' j- LABOR nf JDXMOCBATIO STATES. ' CAMPAIQH EXPENDITURES. Democratic Party Cannot Claim Un sullied Virtue as to Source of Its . Revenues. . (From Gov. Hughes Toungstown Speech.) . "Mr. Bryan, also has much to say with regard to corrupt practices and campaign expenditures. But he omits to give due credit to the Republican party for what it has ' accomplished with regard to these important reforms, an accomplishment the more notewor thy In the light of Mr. Bryan's reiter ated criticisms of contributions to Re publican campaign funds. In the State of New York a Republican Legislature In 190C passed a statute . prohibiting corporations from making any political contributions directly or indirectly, and Coal Miners in Alabama Subjugated Into Cringing Dependencies. That there's a "rift within the lute" of the Gompers proposition to deliver the labor vote of the country to Dem ocracy is ' becoming more - apparent While Mr. Bryan and Mr. Gompers are making special appeals to labor, neither refers to the deplorable condition of laber In the Democratic , South. Mr. John P. White, for six years president of the Iowa United Mine Workers, and now one of the national' officers of the United Mine Workers Asociatlon, who Investigated mining labor conditions in the South, is not so reticent In a re cent address to Local' Union No. 87 of Albia, Iowa, he told of persecutions of labor in Alabama where a coal miners' strike was in progress. He is reported ss saying: - '.The miners' of Alabama have been subjugated until a majority have become cringing dependencies. Al most daily some of the laboring men of that State were mercilessly, shot down for daring to assert their ' rights as American citizens. Ninety-one members of the Mine Workers' Association were thrown into Jail without Slaving com mitted any crime other than becoming members of the organization." Ala bama Is a State absolutely under cen tre! of Bryan Democracy. ; Hunting Forbidden. ; $50 reward is hereby offered for the arrest and conviction of the party or parties ' who. tres passed upon my lands, situated west ' of Corvallis, on or; about Sunday the 27th. day of Septem ber, 1908, and while there shot andcrippled one of my registered ewes. The punishment of tres passing upon enclosed lands of another, while hunting, accom panied with a gun and dog is a fine' of from $15 to $100 or imprisonment from 7 days to 100 days or both fine and- im prisonment. The : penalties should be inflicted, for each orxense, oecause men?, raising stock cannot artord - to have it killed by those directly violating the laws of the state. - M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Oregon; RHYSlolANS Occidental Lumber Co. Successors, to Corvallis, Lumber Co. ' 1 We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on j. B IRVING for information and prices. And .take : notice that iC we have . iot got exactly what you want we will. get it for you. . '' !.: ' ; .' 1. : f- : G.O. BA.SSETT, Local Msr. i '.. t' 'i j ': Jtfl'j K, B. A.. VTtxK. M. i., PHysiClAJb; 'll.i ru r. W . ... I A Man UniU. tag. uujw) nuun ; iv w u a. m., 2 vo 4 P. m . nesiueuce ; cor. out ana Ad . , mns Bt.. Xeleptione at x2hce andres luence. . viorvaiuat uregon W. T. ROWLEY, M. L.. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. . bpevial kt tent ion given to the Eye. Nose and Throat. Otface in Johnson Biag. Ind. 'phone at of: Hue and lesidenca. . UNDERTAKERS M. 8. BjVtiE, FUNERAL DIRECT . or and Licensed Em balmer.; Sue . cesser , to Bovee & Bauer CorvailiB, Oregon. lud. Pnone 45.. Bell Phone . 241. .' : . 89U Reward tor Trespassers. $20 Reward is hereby offered for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons for tres passing, at any time upon my lands, near Corvallis, Oregon, while hunting thereon or when found carrying a gun, pistol or other firearms, or accompanied with a dog or dogs, on or across said lands. This is made, nec essary because I have had valu able stock crippled several times through carelessness of hunters. The penalty' for trespassing upon the enclosed lands : of an other, while hunting,, accom panied with gun or dog is. a fine from $15 to $100, or imprison ment from 7 to 100 days or both fine and imprisonment. Post ing of notices to warn trespass ers is not necessary. The crime by statute 13 made a misdemean or.; , These penalties will be in flicted unless such parties absent themselves.- " : ,: " M. S. Woodcock; Corvallis, Oregon. ' ATTRACTION SPECIAL Monday Evening. Oct. 26--VIETH0DIST CHURCH Monday Evening., Oct, 26 BANCR O P T LEWI S Psychologist Platform Educator and 1 HENKLE & BLACKLEDGE, UNDER takers and ucenseu emoaimeis, boutn . .Main bt., Corvallis, Or. 1 , BANKING. THE Flh 1 NATIONAL BANK Ot Corvallis, vrenon, transacts a general juonservative tanking business. Loans money on approved security. JUratts bought and eoiUau'i money translerred to tne principal cities ot tbe United tttates, Europe and foreign countries. ' HOMES FOR SALE! WE HAVE SEVERAL PARTIES who are .- looking for hotnestad locations or relinquishments, also some good . timber claims.' If you .know of any: good homesteads or timber claims it will pay you to write us. Address ..TN A. . REALTY COMPANY, 225 Failing Building, Portland, Oregon. Benton County Lumber Co. , Manufacturers of all kinds of - Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar, Posts, Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes Dealers in Doors, Windows, Lime, , Brick, Cement, Shingles, etc. mm M. TILLER Y . At Bid well & Craven's old stand , DEALER IN Feed, Seeds and Grain All Kiudsof WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLIS,' Oregon, on instalment plan . and as sist purchasers to build homes on them u u em red. " Address First National Bank;- Corvallis, Or. ' 1 WILL SELL MY LOTS IN NE A PORT, Or., for spot cash, balance instal- jiente, and help parties to build homes ; thereon, ii deeired. Address M. b. Wood.ock, Cu'vailis, O- Staple and Fancy Groceries I have come to stay and would be glad to have you call and see m&, dC A Tfi A narann nrantinrr t.n buy or take pare of some fine goaU while they -eat up their brush may 'phone or call uoon Wm. II. Savsge, (Jorv.llie, Oregon. 2Qit Vocalist Impersonator MUSICAL EDUCATIONAL MIRTHFUL MORAL Psychological Lecture ii HOQ DOOS" A HAIR RAISER Brikg Your Rabbit Foot IMPERSONATIONS Character Sketches READINGS VOCAL DON'T MISS IT. SEATS ON SALE AT USUAL PLACE Admission Portland and Return, Only $3.50. The Southern Pacific Company and Corvallis & Eastern Railway are selling round trip tickets to Portland from Cor. vallis for 5.60, good going on any train Saturday or Sunday eitner via Albany or west side and good returning either via Albany or west side, Saturoay, Sunday or Monday. 16tf , . R. C. Linville, Agenw OwnYourHome THE First - National of Corvallis Bank ttOR.EGON BUILDERS has some TO WN L tr.TS Near tie . State , Agricultural College which you 'can buy on the INSTALL MENT PLAN or for cash. Save Ten' of Twenty Dollars per month and pay the same on a town lot. Thereafter BUILD YOUR HOME on the lot "and continue to make these small monthly . payments -on the home ' una- you wili soon nave it paia lor ana ' have no more rent to pay. i - For information address W. H. SAVAGE , r -Corvallis, Or Aro you doing what you can to populate your State ? OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE Settlers, honest Farmers, Mechan ics, Merchants, CJerks, People with brains, strong hands and a . williing heart capital or no capital. The Southern Pacific Co, (Lines in Oregon) Is eendirjg toDS of Oregon literature to the East for distribution -through every available agency. Will you not help tbe good work of building Oregon by sending nt the names and addresses ot your friends who are likely to be interested in this State? We will be ulad to bear the expense of sending them complete inform ation about OREGON and its opportunities. COLONIST TICKETS will be on sale during SEPTEMBER and OCTOBER from the East to all points in Oregon. The lares ; from a few principal cites. " From Louisville . " Cincinnati " Cleveland . " New York . $4i:70 42.20 44.75 55.00 From Denver $30.00 " Omaha . 30.00 -''." I Kansas City 30.00 " St. Louis . 35.50 I Chicago . 38.00 - ; . Tickets Can be Prepaid If you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregon,. deBOsit the proper amount with any of our agents. The ticket will then be furnished by telegraph. R. C. LINVLLE, Local Agent, Corvallis, ' Oregon. McMURRAY, Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. WM.