Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 23, 1908, Image 3

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    Weekly Arrivals in All the .Latest Shapes
. Mrs. H. E-.Wetherla, Prop. ,
Trimmed "arid Untrimmed
Hats' .
Novelties in Pins, Feathers, Wings and Ribbons
also Select Gage and Fisk Hats
Your Hat we'll remodel in the latest styles. Great reduction
in Pattern Hats. Artistic Trimming. Iow Prices.
: The three children of Mr. and
Mrs. Beit Woods have been quite
ill the past few flays. V, -'j
Rev. E. E. McVicker. went to.
Portland yesterday on 'business
and will return today.; ' 5
2. MrsV Martha Burnett went to
Portla'Qd, Tuesday, as a delegat
. from - the local church to the
Congregational Association.. 1
1 Clarence Johnson of Mill City
pept Sunday, with his . father,
mother' and .."other people" in
ihis city.- ' - -
Jim Lewis has purchased a lot
of Geo.4 W. Smith, adjoining the
new residence of Alex Schick.
Blodgett School -District No.
12 at Blodgett has purchased a
-site on which to build a new
' school ,building to cost $1000.
-3 and ' 4 to 1, here in .the city
the prevailing odds have been 2
; to 1, with an occasional small
j bet of 3 to 1.
, The largest wager made so far
was a bet that was made by two
prominent business men as the
result of a political talk during
luncheon. While the talk was
; tropical the -Taft mart' -wagered
$3500 'against $1750, that Taft
would defeat Bryan, says a Port
land dispatch.
Cannot be Excelled. v
Hon. F. H. Scribner, Presi
dent of the Wisconson Butter
makers' Association, but more
' especially honored in the Pacific
, "' Northwest as the breeder, of
"Loretta D" (belonging to the
W. S. Ladd estate, Portland,
Oregon), the cow that won first
prize in the 120 day milking
test at the St. Louis Exposition
in 1904, has said:
"There is no spot in our great
United States that can excel
Oregon and Washington in-dairying.
-: This is" my conclusion af?
ter spending ' six weeks in the
former state and thoroughly in
vestigating several of her bea uti
ful valleys, and after an extend
ed trip through Washington.- I
Professors Return
Miss Ella Horning, daughter
-of L. F. Horning and niece of E.
"B. Horning of this city, was mar
ried at Yolo, Idaho, Wednesday.
tional church. Mr. Hughes de
livered the Association sermon
before the gathering, ' Wednes
day evening.
The Oregonian reports the es
tablishment of a shipyard ; at
A marriage license was issued Toledo. One 65-ton gasoline
fiom the county clerk's office on schooner for Chambers Brothers
"Wednesday to J. S. Brown and ( of Newport and another of over
Miss Elsie Johnson, both of this , 100 tons for Capt: Walker of
city. I Portland will be built this win-
. wii nr r, vV Iter- With its-splendid harbor
F. E. Miller of McCoy Oregon, and deep channel to the ocean
iwiuwwu iwmul; uu uutouu- yaauina Bavis caoable of an-
swering tne demands 01 any
Mrs. S. L. Kline is at home
again after a visit of some two
months in the east. She was
also a delegate to the tuberculo
sis convention in New York v
; Mr. T. Rariny has sold bis real
estate at Summit, and. will go to
the soldier's home at Roseburg
to spend the winter. Mr. Ranny
has been a resident of Oregon
for the past 44 years the greater
part of the time having, been
spent in , Corvallis. .-, He u and
Rmanufil Tf nio-Vir. urn t.ho nMnet
blacksmiths of ante-bellum days Tish to sa7 the d.airymen a.nd
around Corvallis. M ; iarmers or tnis section, relative
to its dairying possibilities, that
Rev. Evan P. Hughes-is to re- I fear.thev don't fullv annreftiate
turn today or tomorrow from the wonderful opportunity here
Portland, where he has . been in forv4he - raising of - feeds best
attendance at the annual State adapted to the dairy industry,
j Association of the Congregation- ! and the excellent climatic con
al churches fwhieh has been in ditions for the growth and de
session since Tuesday evening- velopinent of stock. You should
at the Hassalo Street Congrega- here reach the climax of nro-
Will Build Ships at Toledo.
ed the Rebekah Convention that
evening. He was greatly pleased
with the work.
We were shown an elegant
specimen of seedling peaches
raised byE. B. Horning on white
-doby land. They looked good
enough for anybody but we had
to take h is word for the taste.
Reports from Payette - Idaho,
eay the peach crop was very fine,
apples plentiful and selling at
$2 per box. Girls are making
$2 per day and it is impossible
to get enough- help take care
of the crop.
The Alcazar Stock Company
will .plaj' a return engagement at
the opera house next Friday
night, giving the famous South
ern play, "In Dixie Land."
Coming soon- the German
musical event. "Hans & Nix,"
the very latest in polite comedy,
with Dixon and Bernard and
the original all-star cast.
Rumor has it that several of
Corvallis' young people will be
passing through that trying or
deal of matrimony soon. We
Are quite well posted, but 'prefer'
publishing the news later.
Tom Wright of Union has
been spending the past few days
in Corvallis. He is president of
the First National Bank at Un
ion and is now on his way to
Seattle on important business
matters in connection with the
The old maids of Benton and
surrounding counties will hold
their 52nd annual convention at
the opera house some time dur
ing the first week in November.
Watch the old maids and get
ready for business..
Please return A box, con
taining a pair of shoes and ad
dressed to W. W. McDonald, was
left somewhere by the city de
livery through mistake. Please
return this package to Horning
& MacKenzie's store and receive
pay for trouble.
amount of commerce upon it.
7 Arthur L. Fortson of Sacra
mento, Cal., arrived in Corvallis
this week on a visit to his fam
ily who have been in the city
during the recent fatal illness of
Mrs. Fortson's mother, Mrs. S.
L. Shedd. Mr. Fortson is, an
up-to-date newspaper man, on
the nerve of the news market, so
to speak, and we hope he will
decide fo cast his lot with this
city. . -H
Now is the time for the farmer
to put the turkey gobler on full
feed if he wants to gobble up a
good price for him at the . holi
day season. . It pays to bring
tne best products to town if you
want the best price and a good
fat turkey not only shows up in
fine shape but when you put him
on the table, "properly prepared
by 'the good housewife, he is
pleasing to behold, elegant to the
taste and invigorating to the in
ner man.
Newport, Or,, Oct. 20 Ya
quina Bay is to have a perma-
i nent shipbuilding yard. It will
be located at. Toledo near the
' sawmill of the Yaquina Bay
i Lumber Company." The site for
the yard and plant was donated
by citizens of Toledo, along with
a bonus of $5 to George Walker,
of this city4 formerly of , Aber
deen, and a well-known and suc
cessful shipbuilder. The condi-
- . ' - v- - . , . i . . . .
Profs. : Cordley, Lewis aii tl
Kent came , home . from -Hood
River ' on Monday having at
tended' the Hood River Apple
Show, Prof. .Lewis being.the
Judge of .the display. " . They re
port .a fine showing,., fully sus
taining 'the reputation of that
section in the production, of
choice fruit. ' ,
i With the increase of acreage
from year to year set to apples
the display . naturally , increases
and choice varieties of fruit are
looked after by the live, active
producer thus keeping in touch
with the keen competition that
naturally follows. s i: , Sj',
. The Hood River people real
ize that to continue the growth
of this ; important industry it
must be carefully ' guarded
against worms, scale and ' other
pests lhat have played " havoc
with : some ' sections.' The OAC
Profs. made deep study of
these conditions and are always
accorded a royal welcome where
ever they go. ' " .
Second 1 Story Stor
Presents -.-the Opportunity
For Ladies Jo -dreWin . ttesr&tcsoffi tyJ'-vLA, V$GUX"
Our Belief is Clinched
By the number of "LA VOGUE" garments e are selling aidl
fied with their purchase.
We Guarantee
To make every "LA VOGUE garment fit to your individlhl
measure before it leaves the storatf Makirigjf next to imt
possible ipfypvL to be dissatisfied wit your purchase. if
Lost Pair glasses, betwee n.
Baptist church and 8th street..
Return to Gazette.. . ;.. , 88-9
Collego Students If looking .
for board and robins try the stu
dents favorite place,: the College
View Hotel. : : 84-92
"- ; A New Attraction,
.The callvfor sheetmusic has
become ,so great at Graham &
Wells' drug store that they have
secured the services of Mrs. Cros
no to sing and try any piece of
music Which may be selected by
prospective customers. You are
invited to call and hear these
Tenditions after I :ou every
ented pianist and has a beauti
ESTABLISHED 1864 '--v i
Notice of Sheriff's Sale on Execntloir
' Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
an execution duly issued out of theCir- ..
cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the
County of Lane, on the 34th day of Sep
tember, 1908, on a judgment rendered in
said Court on the 17th day of March, 1908,
in favor of H. C. Mahon, plaintiff, and :
against M. B. Rankin, defendant, for the
sum of $42470.60, and for the further sum
off 134.80 costs and disbursements, with
Mrs." CrosnO 1S a tal-Mtere?t on said judgment from the 17th
I uay 01 inarcn, 1900, ai me rate ot o per
cent per annum, which judgment was en-
i "Wanted Six' students - ; for
room and board ; first class, bath
included. . Five blocks' west of
; ($4) Four dollars per week.
0411. .. . . .. Iji X1ERSE. ,
ful voice. DrOp lU and hear the rolled and docketed in the office of the
sweet music. 83tf l ??0!!??, "id Coantj on the
Buy your coffees and teas at
D. D. Bkrman's. ,
"Don't forget I want your poul-try-an&
eggs, Dressed Veal and
Pork. J. A. Dawson, 255 Madi
sori street. 88-9
Miss M. Christensen
Artistic Millinery
Corner Third and Monroe, Corvallis, Oregon
Is Here to Stay
Contrary to the report circulated, I have neither moved or
bought but will remain in my present quarters Corner Third
and Monroe Steets. I cordially invite you to inspect mv stock
of Fine Millinery. ' MISS M. CHRISTENSEN.
Of His Experiences in Africa
This Ypju-:' '
Fresh - Yuquina bay oysters
every Saturday at
Thatcher & Johnson.
"This cow gives, sweet milk, I
tion under which the site for the
yard was given is fiat one ves
sel at least shall be built each
Ammy Cameron had two men
at work in the reception room
the other day when we dropped
in to see him. They are old
hands at the business and made
things mighty lively in a "iint"
discussion. One was tinctured
with . Bryanism and the other
was "ferninst."
Walker will begin work
in the morning getting his yard
in preparation for the construc
tion of a steam schooner for
George Walker and Frank Cof
fee, of Portland. The vessel will
be 120 feet long, 26-foot beam,
seven foot depth of hold and
seven foot, draft, 200-ton capa
city and a speed of nine knots ;
it can also carry 100 passengers.
auppua, suiu vub uiutur lariu- Hnes similar to the Rose of Sue
Helmore. She will engage in
coastwise trade. Another vessel
will also be built soon for deep
sea fishing. It will be an auxil
iary power schooner, with 45
foot keel, 14,-foot Deam and six
foot depth of hold, and will be
built for Chambers Bros., of this
place. . ' .
"Oh, certainly," . replied the
man who was -trying o make the
'But how about it when we
want buttermilk? Do we have
to have a different cow for that?"
"Oh, no, no. You see those
two brass knobs . on the end of
her horns?"
"Yes; what have they got to
do with it?"
"Oh, everything. You press
the one on the right when you
want sweet milk and the one on
the left for buttermilk." Ex. i
Election Betting Begins.
That portion of Portland's
sporting gentry who only wager
on elections is beginning to get
into action and during, the past
two weeks something like $4000
has been posted on the Presiden
tial election. In spite of the
fact that in the East the odds on
Taft have been hovering around
Dr. Qeorge Gilbert Bancroft.
Dr. Bancroft, the famous psy
chologist, has been secured by
the W. C. T. TJ. to come to our
city and give his famous lecture,
"Hoodoos," on Oct, 26th in the
Methodist church.
Dr. Bancroft will Jte ably as
sisted by the charming reader
and vocalist, Miss D: Lillian
The people of our city will
hear something of a startling
nature along the lines of mental
phenomena. Don't miss it. Ad
mission 35 cents. - - 1
Philomath, Ore., Sept. 23, '08
A Great Opportunity ! Wanted
five men with 15000 (five thous
and .dollars) eacn or one man
with $25,000 (twenty-five thous
and dollars) to float a big timber
and" milling enterprise. For
further particulars inquire of
Jas. G. Horning, Philomath, Or.
For sale Seasoned oak fence
posts. Inquire of D. S. Adams
or .W. E. Brim. Ind. phone
4535. . . 88-95
For rent Sewing machine
to rent at second hand store on
South Second street, No. 424. tf
College View Hotel, between
Depot and College Elmore Ho
tel, opposite Court House. . $1
per day; $5.50 per week; $20 per
month. .-. 84-92
Buy your Coffees and Teas at
. D. D. Berm an's.
a4th day of March, 1908, and said execu- J
; tion to me directed and' commanding me,
in the name of the State of Oreeon. in
order to satisfy said judgment, costs and
accruing costs sell following describ- j The Gazette will soon begin
edreal property. of the defendant, the . , . . 1, J
said real property havingon the 25th day publish "Roosevelf S Hunting
of September, 190S, been duly levied up- Stories," written by Theodore
cutio'n. towit: ' rwoBevewana. ompieiy mus-
South half and South half of North trated. . The publication of these
half of section eleven (n) and the north- stories will be according to the
Srs? custom heretofore of the Gazette
east half of southeast quarter, the north- to publish popular stories during
west quarter ofthe southeast quarter, and ' the long evenings of fall ajld
the northeast quarter of the southwest .- . 1 - j '
quarter of section fifteen (15). the north winter,, when readers enjoy in
half and southeast quarter of section four-, teresting reading matter during
teen (14), east half and the east half of nrnr Wnnintfia fitter the busv
the southwest quarter, the east half of the ttXe .l0?S evenings alter ine DUSy
northwest quarter, the northwest quarter " WOrk has become more
of northwest quarter of section twenty- is now time that' all persons Slib
three (23), all of section twenty-five-(2S), e r if l ' 1
north half and southeast ouarteVof sertion. the Gazette, who wish
twenty-six (26), south half and northeast to read these thrilling stories,as
quarter, and the north half of the north- they will SOOn appear in the pa
west quarter section twenty-eight (28V a- -i t t
southwest quartersection twentv-two (22); Per- '.similar writings Of rrel-
aii in township twelve (12) South, Range dent Eioosevelt are to be paid $2
seven (7) West, Willamette Meridian. np wnr(j for t hp writing W
Section twenty-six (26), township thir- Per. WOra lor tne wrings , p)
.'-v it wvuiu, ivauC &CVCU L J WCSt, w u.vnwuvm t
Willamette Meridian. All of the above .Subscribe now for the Gazette
described land being situated (in Benton ' a ' e ,1
County, Oreg n. 1 so you may not miss any of this
Now therefore, in the name of the state ' interesting reading matter. - -
of Oregon, by virtue of and in compliance I These stories ' are Complete
with said execution, I will on Monday.' ... ,, ., ... 1 r
the 21st day of November, 1908. between wim ine excitement ana aangers
the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock of the chas&.- - Thev breathe the
IJySr&SiSSS : 5 th o)ftam and the
I in Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, sell plain, and renect the glow Of the
ai puoiic aucuon suoject to reaemption, camp nre and express tne unique
to the highest bidder for cash in hand, ir t t, ,-,ui
all or the Hght, title and interest ofthe personality of the author. u ,,
above named defendant. M. B. Rankin, i During the fall and winter the
in and to the above described real prop- Gazette will also publish others
. Dated this 15th day of October. 1908. of tlie latest popular stories;
W. A. Gellatlv.
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon 86 96
Watch the Gazette.
For Fine Job Printing go to
the Corvallis Gazette.
In the matter of the estate of Precious
Sbedd, deceased.
, Notice is hereby given to all persons
concerned that the undersigned has been
Only appointed executor of the last w II
and Wetament of Precious Sbedd. de
ceased, by the county court of the State
of Oregon f"" Benton County. All per
sona having claims.against said estate of
Precious Sbedd, deceased, are hereby re
quired to present the same, with the
proper vouchers, duly verified, a by law
required, within six months from the
date hereof, to the undersigned st bis
residence four miles west of Monroe, Ore
ffoa, or at the law office of E. E. Wilson
in Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated this October 9th, I0O8."
" ' Jjtsss L. Caton,
Executor of the last wi! and testament
of Precious Shedd, deceased . 84-104
You Take Mo Chances
When You Buy Grocenea
At This Store
All our goods are guaranteed to
comply with the
Pure rood Law -
We have the best and nothing, but
the besf. "
Wo Want Your Business
Modes Grocery
Did you see YOUR Ad?