" - CILTTlUtY" KXTtTYR. 5 -- -r Embroidery "WaSillcs and All Needlework Supplies Here. ' : i i . . - . 1 We are headquarters for all kinds of Art Needle Work Sup plies and make a specialty of Fancy Goods- . New things all the time. F. L. MIIiZiESR 142 Second Street - : Hunting Forbidden. $50 reward is hereby offered for the arrest and conviction of the party or parties who tres passed upon my lands, situated 'west of Corvallis, on or about Sunday the 27th day of Septem ber,' 1908,. and while there shot andcrippled one of my registered ewes. The punishment of tres . passing upon enclosed lands of another, while hunting, accom panied with a gun and dog is a fine of from $15 to $100 or imprisonment from 7 days to 100 days or both fine and im prisonment. The penalties should be inflicted for each offense, because men raising stock cannot afford to have it killed by those directly violating the laws of the state. M. S. Woodcock, ..Corvallis, Oregon. Pacific National Fair and Stock Show. Live At Portland. Sept. 21st to 26th, inclusive. For this occasion the Southern Pacific Company will sell round trip tickets on Sept. 21st, 22nd and 23rd, with final limit for return Sept. 27th, 1908 at rate of $3.50.. Children be tween 5 and 12 years of age, $1.75. Parties may go or return via Albany or west side, as de sired. R. C. Linville, Agent. Trans - Mississippi Commercial Congress. Will be held at San Francisco October 6th to 10th, 1908. , For this occasion the Southern Paci fic Company will sell round trip tickets from Albany to San Francisco, on October 3rd and 4th only, at the low rate of $25. .These tickets are limited for return 29 days from date of sale. Tickets will be good for first class continuous passage in both directions. R. C. Linville, Agent. Reward tor Trespassers. $20 Reward is hereby offered for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons for tres passing at any time upon my lands, near Corvallis, Oregon, while hunting thereon or when found carrying a gun, pistol or other firearms, or accompanied with a dog or dogs, on or across said lands. . 1 his is . made nec essary because I have had valu able stock crippled several times through carelessness, of hunters. The : penalty . for trespassing upon the enclosed lands of an other, while hunting, accom panied with gun or dog is a fine from $15 to . $100, or imprison ment from 7 to 100 days or both fine and imprisonment. Post ing of notices to warn trespass ers is not necessary. The crime by statute is made a misdemean or. These penalties will be in flicted unless such parties absent themselves. M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis,. Oregon. BOOSEUELT'S STORIES Of His Experiences in Africa This Year. . . . ... The Gazette will soon begin to publish "Roosevelt's Hunting Stories," written by Theodore Roosevelt and completely illus trated. The publication of these stories will be. according ; to the custom heretofore of the Gazette to publish popular stories during the long evenings of fall and winter, when readers enjby in teresting reading matter during the long evenings after the busy work has become more quiet. It is now time that all persons sub scribe for the Gazette, who wish to read these thrilling stories, as they will soon appear in the pa per. Similar writings of Presi dent Roosevelt are to be paid $2 per word for the writings by eminent publishers. Subscribe now for the Gazette so you may not miss any of this interesting reading matter. These stories are complete with the excitement and dangers of the chase. They breathe the free air of the mountain and the plain, and reflect the glow of the camp fire and express the unique personality of the author. During the fall and winter the Gazette will also publish others of the latest popular stories. HTHli In 1779 the British built a fort commanding the bay of Castme and the little village "of Pentagoet and called it Fort George. It was constructed with four bastion. marking the four, points of the compass, and with an elaborate labyrinth of cells far underground, where the only light that ever u lmninated the moldy walls was that shed feebly by a sentry's lantern.' In the hollow square formed by the bastions the gibbet was erected on which Ball and Elliott were hanged a few vears later. . Soon after the fort was finished it was evacuated bv the British, who did not again set foot within its frowning walls until September, 1814, when Gen eral Gasselin, with 3,500 men, came sailing in from Halifax and again took the town after a half hearted defense. ' - The invaders were not altogether unwelcome to the thrifty inhab itants of the Castine country, as they scattered the king's gold with a lavish hand and kept open port for the. traders. But if they re warded generously they also pun ished severely, and when for the second time Fort XJeorge was evac uated the following April the un derground cells were full of prison ers. many of whom "were- redcoats awaiting sentence for breaches of military discipline. All the prison ers were released on the morning of the' evacuation except a drummer, whcT was confined in cell at the ex treme end of the subterranean pas sage,and in the excitement of a hurried departure he was forgotten. It must have been several hours before the silence, unbroken by the footfalls of the' jailer or the' songs and shouts of the other prisoners, made it plain to the doomed drum mer that the fort was deserted. His drum had been left with him, and, seizing the sticks, he began, to beat upon it' furiously in the hope that some loiterer above might hear and come to . his rescue. " How many hours .or how many days he drum med frantically away in the pitch darkness and gravelike silence of his living tomb can only be conjec tured, but villagers passing near heard the . muffled sound of ruffle and reveille, tattoo, assembly, charge and retreat and the regular beat for columns to march by. The superstitious country people ascrib ed "the drumming to supernatural cause and gave - the fort" a- wide berth. The strokes, becoming faint er and ' fainter, soon ceased ' alto gether, and it was not until years afterward that the underground cells were accidentally explored and the skeleton of the drummer, still dressed in faded scarlet, was discov ered lying by his moldering drum. ' Long after the bastion" walls crumbled and- the site of the fort was almost obliterated with weeds and bushes the beating of & ghostly drum was said to haunt the place with its sound on each recurring 15th of April, but as the surround ing wood was the home of hundreds of woodpeckers the mystery was easily explained. New .York Press. Wanted Old rags at the Ga zette office. s NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Precious Shedd, deceased. ' : : ' - Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that the undersigned has heen dnlv appointed executor . of the last w II and testament of Precious Shedd, da ceased, by the county coort of the Slate of Oregon for BeAton County. All per sons having claims against said estate of Piecjone. Shedd, deceased, are hereby re quired to present the 'same, with the proper vouchers, dnlv verified, as bv law required, witbin sx months trom the date hereof, to the undersiened at his residence four miles west of Monroe. Ore gon, or at the law office of .' E. WilBon in Corvallis, Oregon. Dated this October 9th,-108. -: ..., Jesse L. Catow, Executor of the last wi t and testament of Precious Sbedd, deceased . ' 84 .104 TILLAMOOK CRANBERRY LANDS I have secured for sale to investors of Corvallis and vicinity twenty acres of a tract' of 103 acres of as fine cranberry land as there is on the coast, and am selling this land, in tracts of one or more acres on such terms that a reasonable cash payment and MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $10 for a limited time, will secure acreage on this property, which will be brought to full bearing for purchasers by present owners. Other Pacific Coast cranberry lands are paying PROFITS OF $250 TO $800 AN ACRE which must increase with the population and wealth of the" United States as ther s afe, ; according to the United States census report of 1900, ; . f ; Only 25000 Acres of Cranberry Lands in U. S. of which less than 4000 acres remain to be improved; MR. CUSTER, salesmanager for this ; property, will be at my office for the next week. ; ; . VIRGItEI, WATTERS, .. ... . . -., Cleaning arid Pressing Parlor! . cusairran abyss anonrra: - Fifteen word or lees, 25 eta for three 4 eocceaalve insertions, or 60 eta pet month; for all ap!. to .and including tea additional words. cent a word for sect Insertion. . For all advertisements' over 25 words, I ct per word for the first insertion, and K et per word for each, additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for less than seats, ". . . Lodge, society sad church notices, her than strictly news matter, will br riarired tor. , .- ; : -.; House Decorating. FUR PAINTING AND PAPERING SEE W. E. Paul, Ind. 488 lu ATTORNEYS i. F. YATES, ATTOKNEx"-AT-L,AW Office ap DUUra in Zierolf Building Only set oi arm tracts in itentoi. Counts K. BRYfciON A ll'OKNEY ATL.AW Office in Poet Office Building, iku val ue, Oregon. JOSEPH H.: WILSON, ATTORNEY- at-law. Office Burnett Bldg Prac ' tice in ail State and. Federal courts Notary Public Abstracts. Land Titles. WANTED VAtf TEO 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO Ti " OizrrrE and Weekly , Oregonian a .,; US.60 per year. ' PHYSICIANS B. A.UATfaEX. M. D., PHYSICS nu v uivaon. Rooms 14, Bank Build- lag. Office Houra : 10 to 12 a. m., 2 tc :4 p.m. i Residence: cor. 6th and Ad , ama Wis. . Telephone at office and res - idence - Oor vaJ Us, Oregon W.T. ROWLEY, M. t... PHYSICIAN aud Surgeon. Special attention given to the Eye, Nose and Throat. Office in Johnson Biag. , Ind; 'phone at of tice and leaidencu. UNDERTAKERS M. S. B0VKE, FUNERAL DIRECT or and Licensed Embalmer. Suc cessor lo Bovee .Bauer Corvallis, Oregon. lud. Phone 45. Bell Phone 241. 09U HENKLE & BLACKLEDQE, UNDER takers and liceneea embaimets, South Main bt., Corvallis, Or. banking: THE FIR 1 NATIONAL BANK. OI Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative hanking bttsineas. Loant money on approved security. : Draiu bought and eoid and money tranaterred to the principal cities ot the United States, Europe and foreign countries. . HOMES FOR SALE WE HAVE SEVERAL PARTIES who are looking for homestad locations or relinquishments, . also some good . timber claims. If . you know of any . good homesteads or timber claims it will pay you to write us. Address .(ETNA REALTY COMPANY, 225 Failing Building, Portland, Oregon. WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLIS, ' Oregon, on instalment plan and as sist purchasers 10 build homes on thens U uesired.' Address First National Bank. Corvallis. Or. WILL SELL MY LOTS IN NEWPORT. Or., for spot cash, balance lnatal jaente, and help parties to build home thereou, ft desired. ' Address M. S. Woodcock, Ot;-vailie. (X. GOATS Adv person wanting to buy or take Co.ro of bolub fine goaU while they eat up their brush may 'phone or call uoon Wm. H. Savage, (Jorvallip - Oreeon. - 26ti Portland and Return, Only $3.50. The Southern PaciSc Company and Corvallis & Eastern Railway are aelline rouud trip tickets to Portland from Cor vallis for 3.50, good going on any train Saturday or Sunday either via Albany or est side and good returning either via Albany or .west side, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. ' , lbtf K. C Linville, Agent Own Your Home THE First - National - of Corvallis has some TO WN" LO.TS Near the State Agricultural which yon can Bank College INSTALL buy on the MENT PLAN or for cash. . Savo Ton on Twenty Dotlan per month and pay the same on a . town lot Thereafter BUILD YOUR HOME on the lot and continue to make these small monthly payments on the home and yon will soon have it paid for and have no more rent to pay. . for information address. " V Wm H. SAVAGE : - Oofvallht, Or ' " - . - Operated by ' J. S. RUSSELL &. WIFE Steam Cleaning. ; Chemical and reneh Dry Cleaning, Be ? - lining, Altering and Repairing Ladies Clothing a Specialty A11 gentlemen's garments dry cleaned if not soiled tod much. ' . ' ' ... ", I am connected with the Majestic Tailoriug House,.of Chif cago. If you contemplate placing an order for a new suit, it wil pay you to look over my samples. - JVe are here to stay. Your patronage is solicited. ., Phone 5501 up stairs 132 Second St. Whiteorn Bld Occidental Lumber Co. Snooessorsto Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have . not ' got. exactly what you want we will get it for you.- ',,--p' . G. O. BASSET T, Local Mar. 9m Benton County Lurpbcr Co. - Manufacturers of all kinds of . 11 Fir Lumber, Mouldings. Cedar Posts. Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes Dealers in Doors, Windows, Urns, Brick, Cement, Shingles, etc. M. TILLER Y At Bid well & Oaveu's old stand DEALER IN Feed, Seeds and Grain All Kiudsof Staple and Fancy Groceries I have come to stay and would be glad to have "you call and see me. OR.EGON BUILDERS Are you doing what you can to populate your State ? OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE Settlers, honest Farmers, Mechan ics, Merchants, Clerks, People with brains, strong hands and a willhng heart capital or no capital. The Southern Pacific Co,; (Lines in Oregon) Is sending tone of Oregon literature to the East for distribution through every available agency. Will you not help the good work of building Oregon by sending he the names and addresses of your friends who are likely to be interested in this Stare? We will be elad to bearthe expense of sending them complete inform ation about OREGON and its opportunities. COLONIST TICKETS will be on sale during SEPTEMBER and OCTOBER from the East to "all points in Oregon." The fares From Louisville , " Cincinnati " ' Cleveland , " New York . $41.70 42.20 44.75 55.00 from a few principal cites. From Denver . $30.00 " Omaha . 30.00 " - Kansas City 30.00 " St. Louis . 35.50 Chicago . 38.00 " V " : Tlckets'Cau be "Prepaid If you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregon, fdesoelt the proper amount with any of our agents. The ticket will then be furnished by telegraph. , R. C. LINVLLE, Local Agent, Corvallis, Oregon. . WM. McMUKRAY, Gen. Fsssenger Agent, Portland, Or. Cor valHs, Oregon.