r . Tinii: ' id tv; niii net nntl t Xpveltles Pins, Feajhtjrs, Wipgs And gibbons 1 a S O 0 ( 'plsi) SilecJ ?Gag ajid -FiJk Hat I O B , I Your Hat we'll remodel in the latest styles, in Pattern Hats. Artistic Trimming. t I iUCAL AND PtkSONAl ' Born, Sunday, tb Mr. jfend Mrs, H. C. Schriber, a daughter." r , jvxarion liayden 01 Aisea .was & visitor in the city yesterday. i Miss JVI.phristensen, the ml ,linef, is sufferitig' front & spraih ed ankle. trf. Miss Edna rove's went o J jHood River ..on Thursday to at i lend .the ;fair. -: -'H , '- : ly S. N. and E. L. Shedd went to iy NewcportlTljursday,"tQH gperid' ai i little season of rest. Mrs. Daisy Po'rter and chil- .dren of Ashland ,are visiting in ine cjty. ivirs: rrner was- lor- merly Miss Kitridge and lived "We were favored with a Call by L. W. McAdams :of Portland, who is in the city in the interest ) of cranberry lands, in thp,Tilla ) mQo1c;DOgs! Her is a' very -pleas ant gentleman and knows hpw to talk business i-) iJ:) .Ji Dr. Jas. Harper, E. B-Horn-? ing, Z. II. Davis, M. S. Wood ! coclc and Norm,Ljlly ,were. visit . orft at the Ibany Chapter "VVecF ' nesday night. They were loaded into Rickard's autofriobile 'and landed in Albany in 40 minutes. Mr. Vm. Lane returned fr6rri .Silver . Lake, .in L&ne, county, "where he has' beeVlooking kfter property interests, ;IIe brought out a fine lot) oflfuijcli gr&sses and stopped overoneday in Cor vallis. lie took them to his ranch near Harrisburg. , , .it, Thp OAC Studio is now open, for business aiid f welcomes the students as Well as - citizens -to try our ware. Located just over Blackledge's, one-halfcbJopk south of Graham & Wells. Come one! j Come all! , . . " . . ' . V- t . 1 r t J 4 -m ; ., ,. , H. H. FRAZIE'S ! Tf.Ci.')T. 1 !...- - - - - - - - j . .. x ujuaub iuusicu luiAiure ; ISLE OF SPICE uB0oVand Lyrics by ' Allen feore' and Geo. E. Stoddard Elaborated, and Amplified by Fredrick Rankin; ; j Author of "Hippvland.'i ; "The Gingerbread Jdan3 Etc . " Music by Paul Schindler, and Ben Jerome The Peer of All Musical Comedies V THE ORIGINAL PRODUCTION Company'of ' : 60 PE0PLE--0 American Beauty Chorus Positively the Greatest, Preltiest, Singing, 'Acting and Danc- uig niver urganizea., ENTIRE PRODUCTION ;, Richly Staged Cleverly Acted Gorvallis Opera House! Tuesday, October 13 I Positively Guaranteed : Best Musical Show Ever Seen Heri Seats on Sale Monday at Pflgs lower Floor, J"irst i i jXMucqny, nrscrow, next , two, rows, 75c GENERAIi ADMISSION 50c. " - .- : t rt 'fifnl waists avlntrJiiiwr " K xuecs.aia-usairienaty vifflii es TTn f (VI nrtfkrl Great redaction, Low Prices. J ' - : the mnt.A. rial on the ground for another nice new. house, on his lot facine - im.Vanfeulen, between lith' arid', 12th. : The man young' displays e-ood taste in the. matter of cbri- structibn "and -certainly has the' Asa Alexander was celebrating his 58th anniversary on Wednes day by washing the window at the Benton . county National Bank, j He carries his age .re markably ' well yand ' seeini I as full of snap and vinegar asminy j'ddng'men of 40. This, perhaps ia uuc tu cany uiciy. We x are informed bv Sheriff Gellattly-that; there are perhaps $1,000 of taxable assessments! on which nothing hasJbeen ;paid: There" ip ls6 quite "a little of those who have" paid' oneljalf the -assessment and are certainly acting unwise by waiting for fur ther. penalties to be added. '. t i ' Captain L. B. Chambers catne mfrbm-Potlatch, Idaho, Wed-' nesday, arid was "'given a hearty reception by the OAC boys wljen,' he landed at the depot, thus iot only showing their appreciation qf .his services at th'ei cdllegeC but tieir pleasure at the honor con ferred upon him in the recent appointment. 3 John Curft," an old ' citizen of Benton county, is very sick J at tne home or Mr.'Jonn -iiiers. Hes suflfering from Astlima wita a complication of otherxdis- eases. His son and his wife came in ' f rorii JOakland California oh Monday and will look after lm.' The daughter-in-law is a prof bs sionalnurse. 4 . i?- , t 5 ' -Wanted To rent place toeep 50 chickens and a cow or some one to keep 50 purebred White and Buff Leghorns on shades.. Box 192 3t4 20 son HITS 1 ! 1 7m and m r UNIQUE DANCES ! i ll 'Handsomely Gowhed ' Perfectly Presented Graham & , Wortham's 6frpws.ll.5Q, balance $L00 ; teresting inet3ting of thestejnl ,.s wa3 highly ;gratifie4 , to. see .thefj the uienibts if'the A ' prosperoiia ,cKndiliiQn; ,o tb.&er-i':! church'. jahW a hartyp.' cfnu'r der. Kev. J. K.. JN, eil gaye joij'! w7i.xx3iA,g . v'x, .toncal ilines m flonnectipn min were serveu vy vu muicss f evening was pleasantly and pro fitably spent -j The kind of kid -gloves that satisfy are sold "by the Eliter .hi The servicesJatth'e Pr'esbyter-' lan church last Sunday morn 1 ing were exbeedipglyihje'r.esting. , x 4 waa uuuiiuuiixuu. uJr olla house, was well .tuled. Jbour ! nainds were-aifdW folhe church ' roll. Tiie evening . service was principally-devoted 't6 . sbrig! by the ,e'legant choir, interspersed with a few snap shots by the pastor to set the people thinking knows just how to do that part1 of it and is very popular .with all elapses of peoplt .' L I College r' View Hotel,' between Depot and CoflegeElmorj?. Heir tel, opposite Court House. j$l per dtiyji.0'per week; $20 per 5 Prof! and Mrs! ,. Jplkerson En tertained th e Jteac her s -of the piiDlic arid high schools Tuesday aftereoo'h ! .from 4 lot at thjeix home on -Ninth street. -Dainty refreshments''1 vreid served and. a social j louf. enjpyed: vniong ihe t! interesting features-? f the hour was the organization; of -a club by the . teachers . to be de voted 'to . educational- arid 1 social pursuits. "The forming of such 3 club .wllljbe of "great benefit; to the principal and teachers- and is a matter of congratulations.' g tit) Sl Ji Kline swentlfolPort'- land on Tuesday atid heard the speeehr 'delivered' by"- Senator fTBeveridge at 'the Armory.0 He presents' a globing pictureiqf the 1 enthusiastic. receptions given the Senator and' waslso' thoroughly impressed! with , the eloquent word painting as he tore the mak from the Bryan fal laciesthat he immediately wired the .Presid'enti that-'Oregon was safe. Being a thoroughly busi ness ma'n Mr.' Klinfe kn6ws 'what the election of Mr.Jiryan wodld, mean hence his enthusiasm. JHoh. John Barrett, " Director of the International' Bureau of American. Republics t Jas ington", D-C whfaWas ihf attend ance at the National Irrigation Congress5 last weekJih Albuquer- que, wm pe present at tne x rans MississippiCommercial Congress at San, Francisco, then, comes JTorth forja vvisiti tb points in uregon ana AVasmngton. Jiis addresses will be non-political land, will) deal with the -A creation and fostering of the trade of tie Patinc CWast with Sputhi Ameri ca, a subject upon, , which' h has bestowed special attention. . -;, --Mrs.- Pi O.'AVHsori is clearing up her business Jaffairs .and exr peats to leave CorvaUis 'in a shqrt timej goiilg from' here to- New' York to make her home -with a daughter. ..For. many years, Mjrs':1 Wilson has -'been a; r,esi,dent of Corvallis and, . has a. wide circle of v-friends and .acquaintances who will miss her ' motherly ad viceand kindly greeting. Hdrs has been a life of .usefulness, .and as the shadows ' of old age Tall across her pathway she canhave no remorse , of conscience but calmly await the "setting of the sun, looking forward to; the glori ious future, tliat awaits her on the other shore. . , u : The peoplV of t,he North westj but particularly those of Port land were riot entjely satisfied with the attendance, at thie show of the Portland Country Club and Livestock . Association, and iuilnediately-i upon the 1 close of that meeting a canvass was com-i menced for 1909 season tickets.1 The 'success, .of .this campaign has -beeijj phenomenal. The tickets are $5 jeach,jind it is prcW posed;' to pelt o.OOQ pf . them .and from the . present outlook ' this can be accomplished without any trouble.,'- !,It , isthey Inlteptidi of the committee to ' have special gUa,rdnteed ' trains".1 from' points! tnrougnoui yregon,, w asnington and Idaho to' bring an, ; attend ance, lncluding-Tnose from rort-lald,-of 150,000. AHceptiod wifetenderid Ev a - prsdnti "Short' talks Ve-e , maue Dy. ine presidents. 01 .tne. various .socieSies in the. churchi pieasurejaud .appreciation of tMe jfact tnat taerifaniily ' wilt remain' fjin LrOrvallisr and. were earnlestjy responaea to Dv;Kev L.eecn. lfe cream ana waters1 were served the guests and a very enjoyable evening, wa3 spent.' ! ., :'''. - f. ; .". - Have you seen the new line f hollars and belts at the Elite? 1 J -7 ,-.:.,. . : 'Ii you are a lovjer pf art - just step; in :ta Horning A McKenziels and- note the contrast '. betweefti the beautiful china" ; displayed ita the window and the hand painW ing'prc(duc,ed by, the fdrtile bram US XT' ' T TT J ' ii ' ' ' ' i ll - I of beauty ' j thia other ajthiog-r--Without any, beauty, but r wortbly thej, caus it represents. .' t'.;'r ' -1 Buy your 'Coffees and" Teas it ' Tiie Elite is' - h'eadquai ters Ifor hosieryf an3 underwear iti cotton brjall wool. '';:-'- V- rt so i i Tuesday evening the members of the Congregational . Christian Endeavor societymet with-their pastor;Rev? Hughes at'his hbhie 6ti:,'Flfth street - arid''beld; tteir; niottthl v business 1 meeting arid social hour;1. Sri. thdgaies, whicli followed',. P.roij C;.L: ICnopf. one of, the , new. and f popular, pt-ofes- sors at QAC, won first prize,, the guests being1 supplied, ;with gum. wnicn tney 1 we're . instructed ;to chewhndi with.'a card arid tpoth picks were1 to mold it into little animals. -'Prof. " Knopf's 'work' wds splendid and was igubject of general .comment. " Mr,: Hall, a senior ,at OAG, 'won the,secbnd prizej ' an,d '. several jothers ,wre w;orty pf mention,. .. Paintj'' re freshments; -were -served by Mrs Hughes and musio closed a pleas ant arid. profitable evening. , ' . If ybu got it at the, Elite : bis sure to please. , . , : i . , , 'The Elite has . the 'best hose loroc, tne, pair. , ; . ,.( . , 7.; ' '.;,,. -:l . ' ..! ". . v ''yur ( Minister" at tne opera house 'tonghtj .-.a, beautiful play by ,tne, company you Jsnow College, StudentsIf lopkipg ents favorite, place!; the College View Hotels,, f v. : . 84-92 . h.WATEp-Six students : for room and board ; first class, bath' included., r v FiW Mocks ,west of college, i Ihid. phone' 852. ". 1 v .($4) (Four" dollars per -week.1 - "I FOR RENT-400 ACRE DAIRY RANCH 15 acre poultry 'place. Box 113, Turner, Oregon. . ., Philomath, Ore., Sept! 23, '08, A Great Opportunity '--Wanted five men with $ 5000"( five, thou si arid dollar 1) 4 each or;1 brie man with $25,000 (twent-fivp thous and dollars) t0 float a big'timber and milling enterprise. 1 For further ' particulars inquire of Jas.G. Horning, Philomath, Or. :.V' ,: ' , - 80-88 ' ' - ' A New Attraction! ; i The eall for sheet music has become . so great 'at Grahaih & Wells'idrug store that they have secured the services of Mrs. Cros- nb to sing and try ariy pibce of music which may be selected by prospective customers. You are invited to call and ljear these renditions'&t 2 :30 o'clock every afternoon.; Mrs. Crpsno is a.tal ented pianist 'and has a beauti ful voice-, : Drop in and hear the sweet music.) ;,.,;f; . ; 8$tf Found A Warranty Deed, from S. E. y;oun & 'on) to Nancy R. Norton. Xeft at the Gazette office; ' " '! ' 7 ' Forfthe latesjj in Pyography see i Geham "Wi-ls.?. 5 A, . .. v - . 77-84 Buy your coffees and teas at 1 t D. D.jSEpMANj's., .-rl .1.1 tk i -.:pj,4i. I .V For eknt Sewing machine' to"' rent' at second hand ' store on South Second street, -No. 424. , tf Our new stock f '. 'yregrapny phv wood and leather nas lust ar- rived.. 1 i jGfe$H' JPrwm Correspondent New York StaU . fiMMM ? C ... J i : 1 i . J AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION. Th Necessity For Secondary Agricul . tural Schools Described. ' - Special Corrcspbndence., . . OC late there has been a marked In crease in the number of -agricultural colleges, and they re al ip'provins rapidly In their, efiuipmeqtaiid facili-. ties and are all engaging more Inyarl-ous-orrnsSJof university extension woiiC such- jfarmers institutes, cor respondeqee courses, reading courses and, experimental1 researches. They are. thus attracting a large and ever lsrmr --TOlftsa flMonta . Tint- all his developn)ent of agricultural col leges and their5' work has only brought out "the fact tfhat under the best condi tions and working to the fullest extent, of theirpossibillties they can meet-the educational requirements ;.of only . a. small fraction of the youth UDon our farms. r. s , . ' Tf'any 'donsiderable body .of the farm' boys and girls', are to receive, definite1 instruction In the principles of agri culture (hot to mention the class of city bred b'oysvn-ao aW intarested anrf want deftnU. 5atractlif,-.to ito -ftaxm life), there must be supplied, a system, of. schools of a lower grade than ' the college, or wnatjs known as- secondary; sccJolpfagriculture.There strong demand for and a disposition' njajbJfesitoplaco th tteaohtngs oif jag rl?ulnjrf in the, curriculum of ,onr-. pub lic1 and graded., schooisi but , pelthei1 : foHities A of1 their1 future 'deveidoment prdmiaie iany t iferyf definite'.' hope: of J great va,iue ip. ihis aireetioni t Without . doub( their courses of instrqcti,on ooujd ue mucn unprovea so as to-cuiuvate-a: Ipvel for arid' an.; 'interysf 1 inA natura study ' and impart' - many J facts; "that would f fee. i of ; listirifci beneat. . to i itne' .young people, who, shall , go out fttoin t these Schools -to, Ijve upon;, the fajrpisi t)Utttel9e)kloQM Will never be abi to. teach the ' sciences1 relating tb agriculf- . hire itself without interfering with the general scope,. of jthe- work.- W"ha,t al-' Vays , has must always , continue to constitute the .principal', wprk of,' the 'schools.' 1,1 To these general lines : of work! 1 may Well- be added a limited, amount of nature stud oB wood work ing, domestic science and the elements of agriculture, but not enough' instruct tlon regarding any. art can bj given to perfect th'Studeni In any of these, and especially is this true of agricul ture and the science of farm econonjiy. This mustte-taagbt $r taught lat alFln schools of higher grade and yet to jbe within the reach of all must still jb secondary to the college and of easy' access i to --ail , woo would avail them selves of the benefit. W. N. (JILEii IVfeAAMillMflK Rarriflin -Sale ; :;' ' !';.. '. ' ' jt . ' Chnae 1 T j , -i:.r.'.vi.;:!:iM7,:f I HENKLE S DAVIS' j -: J 'let '.V- ! ' "3 y ., : 7;.r: , 1 You Tske Jlo Chances 'a: '! Sin ' ' ? fj.w .1 ' ' ii -. -a; , . When You Buy Groceries 1 At -This All our goods" are guaranteed t j ; " comply with the " - U I f Pure i Food - Law I We have the best '.'! the best. ' ;;.:;...' - We , Want Your Business Hades Grocery 4- Post Cards dt ( 1 O " ( W " ' ' Ribbons, Laces, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Goods, Art Pillow Tops Embroideries, Silks, Stationery; No Velties,:Etc. : -1 uareesi assonmeni, r fmd'-yoii see M uA'f.wriHnh. lu- I CQiHeiits are Made to -Fit Living Women 66 . They are mad .de to fit living, breath - ing,(active women--and fit them well. Tkiey are the Brkln criildteii of maker siinds.in the World of fashion -Combination of the best of foreign creations yitft tbe euitable additions of original ideas; bf. tbiev"LA yOGUE", expert -designers.;) : ',. . ,Jhey "are' with -a. paipstaking care that's unusual. , These big'? little things .such as placing1 a button or the turning of a plait, shields skillfull 'fin ishing are 'what' make' IA. ' VOCJUE Suits and Coats the peerless garments women! say' they are ' ' We've .a won- dertiil collection ready for. your view ing apd at prices that will surprise Jou. KLINE'S , Established, ' , 1864 1 Neat ' job Printing at the Ga- pttte .Office, , j Thoe Boulden " "HEADQUARTERS- 1 V v FOR, : J Live and Dressed Poultry, ' ' Bone iirit and Oyster Shells, 1 Prussian Stodk and Poultry Tonic,'- Liee ..Killer, etc..'' .l.-'- Pay highept caph mgrVet price M for-Pool trv,; Eggs, VpsI BDd Hogs, 312 Second Street, WANTED" I'lN FORMATION BKQARIjma Farm or Business for sale.' Not particular about location, wish to bear irom owner only rbo wUl aell direct to buyer. Give price, description and state when possession can be bad. Address, : i LSAHTSHItiV Bax MM ' KeAerier! R.T. n i For Fine Job' Printing go to the CorvaUis Gazette. Store and nothing but The ostais in irie ciiy. .1 A i .. a . YOUR Ad?,... i