Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, October 09, 1908, Image 1

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    VOL XLV.
NO. 84.
Fight in Court to Re
cover Title.
is acquainted - with his desires
and those of numerous other
workers and will no doubt carry
them put. He has " the earnest
good wishes of everyone in his
chosen field, and it is to be hoped
that the vast maioritvof thA 700
young men at OAC will join the
organization this coming year
and live iust RtiAh a lifo oa A
the new secretary, Darwin G.
Aiiayer. ,
Northern Yankee Democrat
Corvallis Printery is the Name of the New
- Corporation Recently Organized.
Timber Land Worth $1,500-
O00 is Inyolred -GoTern
meet Conld Recoyer Title.
S. A. D. Puter had a lonr
ierence today with Assistant At-
J. 'a -wm-r ,
lorney-tjrenerai woodruff, of the
Interior Department, with refer
ence to the C' A. Smith-KViVwa
land deal in Linn and Lane
counties, Oregon, and succeed Ad
v in impressing upon him the im
; i portance of making a determined
ngjii. in court to recover title to
9i,ow,vyv wortti of Umber land
which is involved.
Puter went into groat detail
explaining how Smith acquired
title to upwards of 100 quarter
sections and informed Woodruff
that if proper attention were giv
en to Ihe case the Government
could upset Smith's title and re
cover this land. The value of
this land alone, said Puter, would
more than compensate the gov
ernment for the monev it haa
-i j , . . J .
jureaay expenaed in prosecution
of land-fraud cases in Oregon.
When Secretary Garfield re-
turns next j riday, Mr. Woodruff lay the matter before him
- and before Attorney-General
' Bonaparte. He toll Puter that
he could send Assistant Attorney
A. B. Pugh, a specialist on land
cases, to assist District Attorney
-"i . i, . j
mcyourt in collecting and pre
paring evidence in this taaa
and if ""Garfield and Bonaparte
approved, wouia endeavor to in
duce Heney to handle the case
in court. it iieney's services
Cannot be secured. Wood ruff said
. that some other competent coun
sel wouia prooaoiy be employed
and that the case would not be
allowed to go by default.
Miss Bernice Amv. of RaIait.
was today appointed clerk in the
omce oitne united States Attor
ney at Portland. Oregon News
jiureau, Washington, D. C.
A M -
a inena 01 ours lntrodiippd ne .
iitoi, v eunesaay as an irishman
raised in Missouri and now liv
ing in Oreeon and running a ro.
publican paper. Mr. Williams
called us "a freak." No greater
freak than a noithern vankee
democrat running Around a trot
Oregon making speeches and
trying to mage nimself hAlivA
the people are foolish enough to
vote tor sryan. Fleasant gen
tleman, Mr. Williams, hut vnn
are waisting your sweetness on
the desert air.. Uven thn vmnAc
vuw ww VVViu
in "old Missouri" will be full of
"freaks" on election dav all linAd
p m - ' - ; -. .
up ior am.
And One of the Best Printing Offices and Repnblican News-
? Papers in Central g)regon Will Take the Place of the
? Present Plant and Paper.
Committee Appoint
ed to Draft One.
New Y. M. C. A. Secretary at
OAC.-Splendid Selection.
A new Y. M. C. A. secretary
has finally been selected to fill
the position at OAC, made va
cant by the resignation of Rev.
C. T. Hurd, and the choice has
met with general approval. He
is Darwin G. Thayer, a graduate
and valedictorian in the class of
'07, and president of thA V f
J. A. during his senior year. He
was also captain of Company G.
while a senior, rankd hia-h
student and debater and k in
every way well qualified to fill
me important position to which
ne nas Deen cnosen.
Slaving acted as president Mr
Thayer is thoroughly familiar
with the Y. M. C. A. work and
its great problems at OAC and
no doubt feels a deeper respon
sibility than would many others
in his place. He was also'a per
sonal friend of the late Clayborn
ouepara, wno planned the con
struction of the new Y. M. C. A.
building, and whose chief desire
was to see it completed, giving
his life in his untiring efforts for
that cause. Shepard Hall, the
new Y. M. C. A. building, is
a fitting memorial to the young
life SDent in service fn K; i
X ..w V UIO Iti"
lowstudents at OAC. Mr. Thayer j
With the ranid Qni
development along man v linoa council of Corvallis has
found itself seriously handi
capped by manv nrovisinna f
. - - x "u VI
the present charter. S
ed it wise to appoint a committee
of Corvallis citizens to look over
and report such changes as may
be necessary .jn the . preparation
of a new charter to be presented
for the approval nf th f.iti,Qn0
- J 1. - --.-w V1ZJVUO
at an election to be held soon.
The ciuestion of
ed indebtedness and many other
pruvisions oi the present charter
need revision.
The list of the
appointed by the Mavnr Unm.
mercial Club and the
of th various wards are here--with
appended and while'tho
committee will have the matter
in charge all citizens of tha
who are interested in its welfare
are requested to take an interest
in the matter under eonsirJArn-
tion so that the new charter may
meek an requirements : -
As will lie seen from the arti
cles of incorporation, a 5opy of
waxen win ioiiow tnis article, the
Corvallis . Gazette will soon
pass into new hands and under
ainerent management. -..
"' C. E. Bar hour ia'a tii man
coming from Albany and. isa
wu oi wiue experience... x xor.
E. R.-Lake and J - R:'Viun'M
well-known to nearly every pa
tron of the paper arid it is TiooA.
less for us to add they .are live,
active, energetic business men
who will take great naina tn
O - X T
make the Gazette worthy of
their patronage and support.
. For 45 years the Gazette
has Stood the test ' thrnmrVi
good and evil report. xhavi no- '
vuneu experience, under the
management of many: different
persons, thus drifting like a ship
at sea, wun tne captain setting
on the shore waiting for the ves
sel to be unloaded. '
1 1 Under the new management
ifr'witt. tjomc to yonzgtekuy im
proved in , appearance. 1 A, new
linotype machine has already
been ordered and . many other
improvements will be added
thus continuing the Gazette as
. p ii i i
one or tne leading papers of the
Willamette Valley. . v
Jinow all . men by- these jures
sents that in order to associate
ourselves, our successors and
assigns into a corporation for
Al . -
me purposes nereinalter named,
we the undersigned, C. E. Bar
bour, E. R. Lake and J. H. Wil
son, have hereunto subscribed
oir written articles of incorpora-
tio'n in ' trinlinntA nnrl havn Ion
khowledged the same as by law
Corvallis Printery is the name
assumed by this corporation and
"by which it shall be known, and
the.duration of the same shall
be perpetual. ..
"' The enterprise, hnsinpsa nnii
. . r
suit and occupation in which
this corporation proposes to en.
gage is""a general nrintinc and
publishing business: to print
ana puDiisn newspapers, books,
pamphlets, periodicals, mno-a-
. ' A '
zines ana pu plications of all
kinds: to do a general hooV and
job printing business and print
nnvrKiMH 1.1- . 1 1
auvuiiuK in Liie Drinun? une.
and run, operate and conduct a
priming omce.Hthographingand
book binderv: to buv. sell and
own any and all kinds of type,
presses and material used in the
rt of printing ; to take securities
i i i
upon real and personal property
and; security of An v other Jrind
to secure any debts due, or to
Decome aue, to said corporatiqn ;
to purchase, possess, own and
dispose of real and personal
property. .. j
The principal office or t1aca
Of business - of this corporation
is at "Corvallis, Oregon." The
amount of the capital stock of
this corporation shall be Five
Thousand Dollars, dividpd into
one hundred shares of Fiftv Dol
lars each.
Signed: C. E. Barbour,
E. R. Lake, ;
" J.H.Wilson.
west half of blk 5, Jobs addition
to Corvallis; $720. -
G H Carl to E McCooHa 9
lots in Corvallis; $1.
W D Barclay et al to Wm M
bunion, ijzu.acres south of I'hilo-
math; $1U. .
M M Long to L S Jones. 2 lots
in Brown's addition to Philo
math ; $450.
E E Farnsworth to M J Nor
ton,: SO acres near . Blodgett;
M C Tedrow to Julia Mnrsil.
liot, 2 lots in Avery and Beach's
addition to Corvallis; $3500.
A H Will et al to M n TVd
4 lots in blk 1, Corvallis; $1600.
John Nelson et al to S S Cole
et al, 160 acres near Blodgett; $1.
Geneva Porter to J T Patter
son and wife, lot 10 bl 13, Coun
ty addition to Corvallis; $10.
.James Law to E E OvArtnn 9
lots in TIk 38. Brown's addition
to Philomath; $600. ;
- James Groshong t Mary Mc
Keih 80 acres -in Kings Valley;
Enrollment : Greatjy
To Take Care of the Increase
Which Amounts to Over
200 Mure Than Last Year.
Hundreds of new novelties in
fancy, articles for the dress at
tne jMite. . .. .
Will Be Interesting
Talks Next Sunday.
N R Moore, W. E. Smith, .
J M Nolan, Z H Davis,
C E Small.
Chas Felton, Capt Robinson,
Pun Avery, AC White,
J H Harris, E Allen,
W B Cate, Dr Cathey,
Roy Hollenberg, Ad Leader,
W H McMahon, M Miller.
L Chambers, W R Hansell,
J F Yates, F Berchtold,
G V Skelton. A T, Mln
Robt Johnson, A L Stevenson,
FL Miller, V E Walters,
M H Bauer.
S L Kline, B W Johnson.
R H Huston, W P Lafferty.
C E Hout. A K Rnss
J R Smith, V P Moses.
M Hubler, J Montgomery,
David Whaley A J Johnson.
M S Woodcock, Inibler,
Sam Moore, O J Blackledge.
Tonight-Tie Play YonWant
to See.
Tonight and Saturday night
ai me opera nouse the Alcazar
Stock Company will present the
beautiful pastoral play, "Our
Minister." , This is the second
visit to Corvallis of the Alcazar
Stock Company, which scored
such a success last week. : Eva
where this company has appear
ed they have been generously
praisen, and it is said they are
the most evenly, balanced and
artistic stock company on the
Pacific Coast. Their motto is
'The Best for The Best" and
those wr.o come to see their
plays will not be disappointed.
uur Minister" is a delightful
production, replete with bright
comedy and dramatic situations.
Do not fail to see this beautiful
play which appeals to old and
young alike. The play that is
full of heart interest, given by
the company that belongs to you.
Popular prices. Seats now selling-
. . -
Follow the crowd TV,n,r ,:ii
" y niu
lead you to the Elito tvr
fall hat and furnishing goods.
The Elite is Corvallis' ot
for the Redfern corset, PURE
WHALE BONE, from ks t f
A fitter at your service, free of
c .large.
. - , i . -
,-' Card of Thanks.
We take this opportunity : to
thank our many kind friends
and neighbors who rendered
their assistance and sympathy
during our recent 'tron hl
Boy Breaks Leg While Play
ing With DnmmyY
A boy about 10 years old met
witn quite a serious accident on
Tuesday evening at the OAf!
football grounds in a very pecu
liar manner. It seems that he
'tackled one of the dummies used
by the big burley fellows in the
it -11
iooioaii practice, pulling it over,
and in falling it broke the bone
-Cxi 1-Pi.t 1-
oi me leit leg aoove the knee.
He was brought to town
Messrs. Angell and Wolf and the
A. 1
iracture reduced. Although it
is quue paimui tor the voung
man no serious consequences are
anticipated. It will wort nnib
1 it- ., . . j- x '
a narasnipon the widowed moth
er and we feel safe in savin a- our
good people will not permit any-
uue to suner in this -land of
While the manapempnt of thA
athletic field are in nomanner to
blame for the unfortunate acci
dent they will render th familv
all possible assistance.
Real Estate Transfers.
sorrow; 1 Also for the numerous
oeautnul floral tributes in mem
ory of our dear wifea'nd n. other.
V s S. j. . Siiedd,
Tda M. Fortjon,
J. L. Cton.
C-0 Bunnell to F G TWis
lots 7 and 8 blk "E." Averv'a
, F w M.V.
uiwuu wj vorvtiiiis; flu.
J M Curlier to S Burdon, 9i
acres southwest of Corv.f i2650.
P Moses to Andrew Smith,
30 acres near Wells; $10.
: F T Lent to Marv N" .TnrrKo
I '"ts in Dixon's addition to Cor
I vallis;""$l.
- S E Beal to J R Montgomery,
- Corner 9th and Harrison Sts
"The End of the World" will be
the theme of next Sunday's
morning sermon, and "The Re
bellious Man", in the evenincr.
All are welcome to listen to these
questions and attend the Sunday
School at 10 a. m K". L. C E
at 6:30 D.': I4i--iv PraVAr mAAtin'or
and Bible study each Wednesday
at :ou p. m.
Beulah Sunday School at 2- r.
m.; sermon at 3 p. m., subject,
"Uod Jtlonors JL hose who Honor
Him;" K. L. C. E. at 8 p. m.
Rev. E. H. Mowre, the pastor
of the First Methodist Enisconal
church, South, in Portland, will
preach next bunday morning
and evening in the Methodist
church, South, corner of Fifth
and Madison streets. All are
cordially invited to attend these
Preaching at the Presbyterian
church Sunday morning and
evening by the pastor, Rev. J. R.
N. Bell. Morning topic, "The
True Church:" evening tonic.
"Punctuality." Old and young
and strangers made welcome.
The German Lutheran church
will hold its first missionary fes
tival Sunday. Rev. G. Engel of
Salem will preach in the Ger
man language' at 10:30 a. m.,
and Professor Sylwester of the
Liutneran (Joncordia Co ecrfi of
Portland will preach in the Eng
lish language in the afternoon
at 2:30. . The collections will go
. .i . . . - : p-
to tne missionary lund of the
Oregon and Washington district
All are cordially invited.
"Pay Your Honest Debts" anrl
"The Dignity of Labor" are the
tneraes ior tne morning and eve
ning services respectively, at the
First Congregations! church, hv
Evan P. Hughes, minister, the
coming Sunday, Oct. 11. At 10
a. m. promptly the Bible School
convenes under the superinten-
aencv ot rrot. A. H. Corn" av
i ue devotional Hour of the C.
E. is at 6:30 p. m. This eh'urch
welcomes very .heartily to its
services everyone, especially
an angers. -
Owing to sictness in thA n.
tor's family, the gospel meetings
nave ueen maennitely postponed.
Regular services next Snnrlav
Oct. 1111 a. m., "The Ohurch"
and 7:30 p. m., "The Man With
tte Yoke About His Neck " Th
Pible School meets at 10 a. m.;
j. Hi. at b:oU p. m.
There are now 660 pupils en
rolled in the Corvallis public
schools, being over two hundred
more than at the
period of last year and the regis
tration still goes .merrily orf.
There are 68 in the high school
and 90 in" the 8th , grade, all of
whom should graduate this
At the present rate of increase
there will be from 150 to 200
high school students to be taken
care of next year and our people
might as well CommmiM think
ing about it right now as to
what they are going to do about
it. Every room will be crowded
to its full capacity and with the
Roosevelt policies still i
another school room is an abso
lute necessity. Our people have
met every obligation placed upon
them and we welcome all&e
bright, happy little chilrlrATirhn
care to come with us in search
of an education and a home.
The. parent, too, is particu
larly urged to study carefully
our educational advantages for
in this advanced ar nt nu.A
and refinement the child r;th
out an education is to be pitied
and the law to punish the par
ent should be rigidly, enforced.
Forrest C. Smithson, the old
OAC student and world's cham
pion hurdler, has been in Cor
vallis the past week, visiting his
old friends and attending mat
ters of business. Mr. Smithson
wears his same pleasant smile
and seemed glad to visit OAC
again, where he was a general
"The isle ol Spice" next Tues
day flight.
The gorgeous comic operar
"The Isle of Spice," the largest
ami uest musical production ever
given in Corvallis, will appear
at the opera house next Tues
day night. The performance
here will be exactly the same a
is given in all of the big city
theatres from Chicago to the
Coast. This play ran for four
solid months at the Majestic
Theatre in New YorV C,H.V
Manager Groves has to give a
large guarantee to get them to
stop in Corvallis and give the -local
public the opportunity to
occ uuc oi me uest; and it is ex
pected the opera house will be
"The Isle of Spice" is consid-
ereu one oi tne best singing or
ganizations on the road; there
are twenty song hits and among
them will be found the following:
"The Goo Goo Man," "Peggy
Brady," "The Witches," "You '
and I," "How Can You Tell till
You Try," "Uncle Sam's Ma
rines" and others. ThA
is a large one. includin
cast of .stage favorites and a
chorus that is noted as beintr thA
prettiest and most graceful sing
ing and dancing combination on
the stage today.
Reserved Rent raIa min
Monday morning. Prices 75c,
?1, 1.50; general admission 50c.