Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, September 18, 1908, Image 3

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Mr. IL W. Skallerud was a
Portland visitor Monday.
Mr. A. K. Russ came-' home
from Portland Monday evening.'.
Prof. C. E. Bridwell ' was a
passenger from Albany Monday 4
Sam Hartsock is taking a lit-,
tie rest and recreaticji , at Port
land. - ; '
Miss Opal Mcpevitt of Dallas
is visiting her brother C. T. Mc
Devitt. ; '
G. B. Standish,'. of Loraine,
Lane county, is visiting at the
Tharp home. .
W. P, Lafferty has bought the
Francisco residence in . Dixon's
2d addition: ; !
Miss Mary Danaman is again
behind the counter . at Graham
& Wells drug store.
Claude Starr came 'in from
The Dalles Monday to visit
relatives and. friends. .
'.. Mr. Wetherla went to Port
land Thursday to look after new
goods for her millinery store..
Mr. 'Lee McGinnis came up
from Portland Monday to take,
charge of the water . plant as
secretary. ? I
Workmen are busy installing
a new 8000 lb. boiler fox. the;
heating plant of the new Y. M.
C A. building. I
Mrs. Frank Irvine came up :
from Portland Monday to ar
range for removal !of theij house
hold effects to Portland. 1
! Attorney J. F. Yates wsnt
down to Portland yesterday to
round up some legal business; in
regard to land cases. . . '
David Whaley sold to Gene
Tortori the residence and three
lots on 7th and Adams Sts. The
consideration is not known.
Mr. C. S. Butler, a ' former
resident, came up from Portland
Tuesday and is looking around
with a view of coming back to
Corvallis to live. '
Adolph Fromherz made final
proof of his homestead claim
near Bellfouutain, Wednesday.
Witnesses were W. C. Graves
.and George Thompson.' ' ; -'
'Gene Tortori has sold to Jim
Lewis, for Mr. Lipton, of Falls
City, the residence on the corner
of Fifth and Harrison streets.
Consideration hot given.
. Jessie Irvine met with quite a
a painful accident Wednesday.
' While splitting wood he struck
the blade of the ax in the left
hand making a severe wound.
' Nye Scott,' of Philomath, is
very sick with appendicitis at
his home and is attended by
Dr. Newth of that city and Dr.
Johnson of Corvallis.. " ;' ,
Miss Lillian McVicker, who of about 4000 feet. It .will eer
has been visiting several weeks ain be a Srea convenience
in Portland anl, Oregon City, ? the numerous families living
returned to ner Home in
city the first of the week. ;
Sheriff W. Gel lath' has rented
Gene Tortori's property, com
monly known as the Seely place,
on 7th and Adams Sts., and
will move his family to town at
Willis ( Vidito, Fire Warden
for the S. P. railroad in the Al
sea country, has been visiting
the people at home for the past
week. He returned to his work
Mrs. Iona M. Courtney, of
Woodlawn, Multnomah county,
made final proof on her timber
claim in Alsea, Wednesday. Her i
witnesses were Sam Warheld
and W. P. Shough.
The ladies of the Woman's
Relief Corps had an interesting
meeting at the residence of Mrs.
Lee Henkle Wednesday after
noon. Tea and watermelon and
ceike were served.
R. F. Yates has rented the
"Ecker residence on 15th and
Harrison streets. Mrs. Yates
canie over from Albany yester
day and they will soon be com
fortably settled.
' A marriage license was issued
by Clerk Moses last Wednesday,
to W. Shupp, the C. & E. agent
at Philomath, and Miss Laura
Clark, daughter of F. P. Clark,
a merchant of that town. :."
""James E.'Dunh'ani,"-rwho' was
for fourteen years afamiliar fig
ure, and a local printer; in Cor
vallisdiSd in; Marshalltown, Io
wa about a week ago. He left
here about a year ago.
CaDt. McAlexander and wife
! came in from California Monr
day, .... xir, MCAiexauaer is cum
mandant at O AC and will SDehd
his time until school opening
in arranging his work. :
" Gene Branson, son of J. A.
Branson, is very sick at the fam
ily home on 5th, beween Madi
son and Monroe Sts. 'The phy
sicians attribute his trouble to
excessive playing in' the J Will
amette river. " ;
Lost On. Tuesday last Mrs. J
R. Smith lost her purse, on the
road between Corvallis and the
Porter, .place, south of town
Finder will please return to own
er or leave word at this office.
' - .78
Courtney Allen, who lives in
the Dechutes country in eastern
Oregon, is in the city making
arrangements for his wife and
daughter lor the winter. The
latter will be a student at OAC.
Mr Allen will look after interests
at home. ,
R. P. Tracy, of Eastern Ore
gon, is a new student at the OA
C this . year, and is located at
Mr. Holgate's. He is a bright
young man, with some business
experience and -hence realizes
what it means to have a good
education. .'
- Arnold King and wife, of Top
penish, Wash, are now in Port
land, en route to this city, where
they expect to reside. They
were former residents of Corval
lis, Mr. King being in . the em
ploy of the Willamette Valley
C. C. Hollenberg and wife,
who went to Long Beach, Cali
fornia, about a year ago, came
back Wednesday to make Cor
vallis their future home. That's
the proper thing to do, and we
extend them a hearty welcome,
for they, are good people. .;
Mr. F. L. Miller has sold. out
his grocery department and. is
having the partition in the rear
of the ropm taken out and en
larging the other branches of
his business, It will add ma
terially to the general appear
ance of the store.
Mr. Wills is erecting a new
seven room house on his lot in
the rear of Hielig Hall, to be oc:
cupied by himself and family
when completed. He is hust
ling matters as rapidly as possi
ble to get out of the way of the
new landlord at the Heilig.
A sidewalk is now being con
sidered from the Whiteside
place across Oak Creek and may
be continued out as far as Mil
lel's chicken ranch, a distance
season. - , ,
The thought has been sug
gested that a new hitch rack on
the north side of the court house
square of a neat and durable
pattern of iron would be very
wise as welll as convenient to
those doing business at the
county seat. The wooden ones
soon rot off at the bottom and
have to be replaced quite often.
Mr. G. A. Mason, was in from
J the Alsea country, Tuesday, look
ing after business interest. He
informs us that the new gravel
road being constructed under
the supervision of Mr. Malone,
is now almost completed and the
citizens are elated in the thought
of being able to get away , from
home during the rainy season
without having to walk. They
are highly pleased with the
work done by Mr. Malone.
A. E. Bell has sold his prop
erty, consisting of 2 acres on
College Hill, to James Emery, a
son of Prof. Emery who- was
connectad with the College some
20 years ago. Mr. Bell will move
to his farm in Linn county.: Mr.
Bell and family have ' lived in
Corvallis several years and have
gathered around them a host of
friends and acquaintances who
will be sorry to see them leave
us. We wish them, success' in
i their new home. -
- At thef home .ofJtfrs C. E.
PfitWrson.' on "Monday afternoon, j
a reception was tenderedto the
friends and -neighbors of Mrs.;
E. E. Burger, by tlie lames oi
the Congregational church. Ac
companied by her hushand and
little ' daughter, Mrs. Burger
left Tuesday morning for South
Dakota with the ' intention of
making their home there. They
have made many friends here
and Corvallis people are hoping
they will follow the example of
others who have done likewise-
return to "Eden."
.J. M. Nolan & Son now have
their dressmaking department,
on the second floor in the Fish
er building, finished and ready
for business. It :is .neatly ar
ranged and will be in charge - of
Madam Twombly, who arrived
in Corvallis Monday evening.
Mrs. Twombly comes to Corval
lis from Seattle and ' has . had
many years of experience. The
Nolans know how to cater to the
trade and in this department
the reputation of the home wilL
be tully sustained under the
management of this lady. "
We really had no idea of giv
ing offense, Mr. Moore. .Simply
ca'led attention to the fact that
the question of sex was, not
charged against the prisoner at
bar, hence it was irrelevant, im
material, redundant, and calcu
lated to prejudice the minds of
the people before he, she or it
had been called to triaL . The
people seem to "know nothing
about this phase of the case and
you seem to have been the only
one snooping around seeking in
formation along this line; so tell, I
Moore and tell us true did the
examination fall to you? If he, '
she or it, really is a woman it
would, make another splendid
sensational headline for the
Times and give Mpore news. '
For the latest in Pyrography
Gbaham & Wells. j-77-84
No Credit For School Books.
Postivelv no credit will be
given on books for the public
school at l;.. A. ijerhakd s.
Our new stock of 'Pvfography
wood and .leather, has just ar
rived. Graham & Wells.
Sudden Death.
Mrs. Ella Clark died sudden
ly at the Hammel Hop Yard on
Sunday morningof heart failure
and her remains were shipped
to" Dawson, Nebr'., "on Tuesday.
She leaves a b usband and two
children to mourn her loss.
They had only been here a
short time couiing from Nebr.,
and the father will take the two
children to Idaho.
Voters Attention.
The noil books for Benton
county will open on next Mon
day morning for registration for
the Nov. election. Persons who
registered for the June election
will not be required to register
again except those who have
changed their places of residence.
Give this matter your attention
now so as to avoid confusion at
the election.
To Exchange Upright piano,
nearly new, for team, cows, or
... 1 T7. "IT '
what nave you. see area ire-
land. 78-79
Churton Wolfer.. of Portland
was married to Miss Nina V.
Mayberry on Sept. 13, Rev. S:
A. Douglas officiating. Wolfer
is an express messenger running
out of Portland and the young
lady is a daughter of J. F. May-
berry, living near AlDany. "
For sale House and two lots.
342 Tenth street, corner Adam.s
Address GH. Carl, Fossil, Ore.
- .-"57tf
Needed Improvements. - :.
For some time the city coun
cil, have had under considera
tion a proposition of . the Will
amette Valley Co. to erect a new
pole line and replace the arc
lights now in use with the latest
patterns used in the cities. The
question was acted upon . Mon
day night and the company will
now proceed with the work as
i rapidly as possible. - - - -
; - "- rj--. fii? v ? " M :
AH persons, rega'fdless of party
affiliations, who are anxious J to
see Taft & Sherman elected are
requested to meet at the - court
room on Tuesday evening, Sept.
22d and participate in the organ
ization of a Taft and Sherman
cUb. 5 Signed by Chairmen , ;
Geo. E. Lilly,
C. V, Johnson,
, ; i . . Geo. AV-Desman.
; The Annual ' Conference of
the M.'E.! Church will be held
at Salem on Wednesday, Sep
tember 23rd. ? - ;
. Recall Rev. Leech.
As the Annual Conference of
the M. E. Church' is to be' held
at Salem next . week . and the
ministers are to be relocated at
this meeting we sincerely 1 hope
our Methodist brethern will look
to the recall of Rev. Leech. As
a minister he .seems to have
given universal satisfaction and
as a citizen he has won a host of
friends amongall classes of peo
ple. Nothing wolud please: us
better than to have him - stay
with us. ' m - ;
Good Fishing at Newport.
Advices have just been re
ceived that silversides and Chin
ook salmon are being caught on
trolls in Yaquina Bay. 77-9
: Lost A gold bracelet on the
streets .pf Corvallis. Name and
date inside . bracelet. Finder
please leave at residence of Cal
Thrasher. ' Lina Baty.
' 76-77.
Millinery at Home.
My new fall stock of Millinery
is now ready for inspection at
my store, between 10th and 11th
on Polk' street, Jobs addition.
Would be pleased to have you
call and see me.1 I pay no rent
hence I can sell very cheap.
Mrs. W. A. Buchanan..
'.- ; . 78-79.
And They All Came Back.
Thomas Keene and family
and Mr. Chapman and fahily
put in an appearance, Wednes-day-
after an, . absence .tof two
years. They were formerly from
the east, and lived across the
river in Linn County, but they
longed to see the . blizzards and
cyclones of Kansas once more.
For'two years they stood it but
like the prodical son they had
to come home.
Narrow Escape.
. Mr. Joseph Yates had '& nar
row escape at Albany on Mon
day evening. 1 He was a passen
ger on the East Side train from
Portland, and in stepping off
was thrown on the walk, strik
ing on his head and ' inflicting
several cuts on the back of his
head and on the forehead. The
shock was a severe oneto a man
of his advanced age, being-74
years old. -
He was placed on the C. & E.
by friends and met at the station
by his son J. F. His wounds
were dressed by Dr.- Farra and
although slightly disfigured "he
is still in the ring." : - ... ".
Plenty ot Tickets and Everybody
Welcome. ..
We are informed by the C. &
E. officials that tickets and ac
comodations will be provided;
for ail who desire to attend the
Fair at Salem. Friday. , They
have 1000 tickets on hand and
can take care of 7000 people if
necessary. Should it be neces
sary to accomodate its patrons
the train made up here will run
direct to Salem, so you need have
no fear of being disappointed.
The fare for the round trip- will
be $1.70 ; . ' : ;;:
OAC has taken . greats pains
to make Friday a .banner day at
the fair. r With the weather so
beautiful and everything so at
tractive about the . fair grounds
for this particular occasion, you
will miss a rare treat if you stay
at home. .
- Don't fail to see the ; premium
display at the Benton county
booth. We have the ribbon ana
you should show the boys how
much you appreciate it. ,
: Don't . forget the meeting at
the Circuit Court room Tuesday
night.. Taft Club
.JL I.JL Ju.- w
Are yonoin? what you can to populate your State ?
OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE -Settlor, honest Farmers, Mechnn-
ii-". Mer-hiinto, Glerkci, Pople vth brains, strong baods and a
f Jmilliiua heart capital or no apita.I.- $ i '; , "
The Southern Pacific Co,
- .. (Lines in Oregon) , -
Is sendirg tons of OMnn Hteratnfo to the East for distribution
through evry available agencv. Will yon not help the ftood work .
' of building Oregon bv sending tt the names and addresses of
yonr friends who are likely to be interested in this State? ' We .
will be ulad to boor the expensa of sendins them complete inform
ation abont OREGON and its opportunities. '
COLONIST TICKETS will be on sale during SEPTEMBER and
OCTOBER fr m the East to all points in Oregon. The area , ..
from a few principal cifes.
"" Omaha
u : Kansas City 30.00 . " Cleveland . 44.75
" - St. Louis , 35.50 New York 55.00-
" Chicago . 38.00 I
tickets Can be -Prepaid
If' yon wxnt to bHi? a triend or relative to Oregon, deposit the
proper amonnt. with any of oar agents. The,tioket wilt then be
furnished hv telegraph. .
R. C. LINVLLE, Local Agent, Corvallis, Oregon.
WW. McMURRAY, Gen. Pas-enger Anient, Portland, Or.
One of the most up-to-date stocks-of
Men's Suits and Overcoats can be seen
at our store, ranging in pricefrom $10
to $30. Ym will find the style you
want for Fall in the Newest and Latest
Weaves and Patterns.
F L. MILLER, 142 Second St.
Jersey Bull For Sale.
: Descended from Grand Coin and Gold
en Glow imported 10 testing 18 Ibf
oatter fat in 7 days with felf . Ad
dress, M, S. Woodcock, Ot-tv-ilis Ore
on. . ' ; .
"The Most Comf orUble Place
in the Honse."
"... :(: : WE HAVE
" When in Doubt
About where to go for '
Job printing that is
Artistic, --up-to-date,
and all right in price,
' ' . besides being always
deKvered on time . .
Try the Gazett
' From Louisville . $41.70
" Cincinnati 42.20
Bargain Sale
Dress Goods
Own YourHomo
First - National -. Bank
' ot Corvallis
. has some
Near the ' State Agricultural College-
which you can buy on tne waiAXtL?
MENT PLAN or for cash. :
Savo Ton on Twenty Dollar
per month and pay the same on a town
lot Thereafter BUILD YOUR HOMB
on the lot and continue to make thaec'
small monthly payments on the home
and you will soon hare it paid for and
nave no more rent to pay.
For information address
Oorvmlllm, 0r